Sueños de libertad - 98

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Sueños de libertad - 98
00:00I've come to look for Julia, and when I wanted her out, she put the guitar to herself.
00:11What's wrong with this? He's not an alcoholic or anything like that.
00:15He just wanted to seduce me to steal my liver.
00:18He's bad.
00:19Who's bad?
00:21He's bad.
00:23The worst thing is that Carmen has discovered a lot of money among her belongings.
00:28I'm a good host, and here your mother is my guest.
00:31But that doesn't mean that outside of these walls, things can get very ugly for her.
00:36No one is asking you to leave, Father.
00:38But my Lord hasn't forgiven me yet.
00:41Despite my repentance and my intention to do good, that's why he sent you here.
00:46Would you mind if I took all this to take a look at it?
00:50The money belongs to Don Damián.
00:52He stole it from the boss.
00:55A son.
00:57I told you I'm his father.
01:06Jaime, what's going on?
01:09It hurts a lot.
01:27I love you.
01:57I love you.
02:27I love you.
02:51Mercedes, Mercedes!
02:53It's 6.30 in the morning. Where are you going?
02:57It's time for a walk, like every day.
02:59The nurses let me go out.
03:01But it's very early, and now you're not there.
03:04You're at home with your daughter, with your family.
03:07You're not my family. I don't know you.
03:09I'm going to pick flowers for my daughter.
03:16You should go back to bed.
03:17Don't yell at me!
03:19I haven't yelled at you.
03:21I want to go out.
03:24I want to go out!
03:26It's okay.
03:27I want to go out!
03:28It's okay.
03:30I'll open it right now.
03:50Are you happy?
04:14Good morning.
04:15It's so early.
04:17You see, I have a lot to do.
04:19Are you coming from the garden?
04:21No, why do you ask?
04:23I just knocked on the door.
04:26Right now.
04:28I thought someone had come in.
04:30I didn't hear anything.
04:33I don't know. I thought so.
04:35Who would come out at this hour?
04:38I wouldn't have imagined it.
04:40Well, I have to go.
04:41No, wait.
04:42Before you go, I want us to review the profit forecast for next quarter.
04:46To see if we can invest in transport or not.
04:49Yes, we'll see you at the factory later.
04:51No, no. I have it here.
04:53We'll take care of it.
04:56Does it bother you so much to be alone with me?
04:59It won't be long.
05:01It's a topic I've been thinking about all night because I can't remember the numbers.
05:07Okay, let's close that.
05:09Come on.
05:27Have you been on guard all night?
05:29No, no, no.
05:31I fell asleep.
05:33I don't think you've been able to sleep much in this chair.
05:37Yes, it hurts.
05:39Even the soul.
05:40I couldn't get a position.
05:43In the end, it looks like I've given up.
05:46Gemma, are you really going to fix things like this?
05:49It's ridiculous, I know.
05:51What are you doing awake at this hour?
05:53Nothing, Andrés has woken up and he has unveiled me.
05:56Well, let me make you breakfast right away.
06:10He hasn't come.
06:11Tonight, that's for sure.
06:13But when will he do it?
06:16Well, he has the keys, so when he sees them, he won't do it.
06:21The truth is that I didn't even see how I picked them up from the floor.
06:24Yeah, but your bag fell.
06:26He helped you pick up the things and the keys weren't there.
06:29Gemma, I'm sorry, but...
06:30Yes, yes, I know, I know.
06:32What can I do?
06:33You can call the civil guard and get better.
06:36No, not that, María.
06:37I can't let Joaquín find out, that would be the end.
06:41I really deserve it for being an idiot and playing with fire.
06:45Look, I warned you.
06:48No, I'm not going to make fire from the fallen tree,
06:50because here we are both specialists in getting into trouble.
06:53Who told me to believe what I'm not?
06:57To think that someone like Ernesto could look at me.
07:01Gemma, you've been unlucky to run into that guy.
07:05A vulgar swindler who pretends to be what he's not.
07:09Like me, you can't imagine how ashamed I am.
07:15Just thinking that I have to tell someone.
07:20I'm dying.
07:23Look, woman.
07:25Are you sure he's not coming?
07:26Look, because of how little I know him, no.
07:28He doesn't have enough guts.
07:29María, he has the keys in his power.
07:31If he shows up here shamelessly, I'll end up in jail.
07:37I see I'm not the only one who hasn't slept a wink all night.
07:40I thought I'd be alone.
07:42And how comfortable it is, a stretch of stairs from work.
07:45Right, mother-in-law?
07:46I really want to go home.
07:49You can't even imagine how many.
07:53And you, María?
07:54Are you still in bed?
07:56Let's see if you're going to catch a cold here.
07:59Yes, it's just that with so much headache,
08:03I've lost the keys to the house.
08:05I've had Gemma looking for them all night.
08:10The keys to the whole house?
08:12The one at the main gate and the one at the service door.
08:15They were together.
08:16But that's a fatality.
08:18They thought they'd be there, but nothing.
08:22And where have you been able to lose them, María?
08:24Well, I don't know.
08:26Maybe in Toledo, the other day.
08:28In Toledo?
08:29Yes, I was already very dizzy when we went to get the fabrics,
08:32and my bag was torn.
08:34And I'm sure it was at that moment, of course.
08:36And I'm very angry because I didn't even realize it,
08:39but I was doing what I had to do, which was to attend to you.
08:42Of course.
08:43And did you have the keychain that the Queen's men carry,
08:46the one that has the house name?
08:48Yes, yes, yes.
08:50But that's dangerous.
08:53Anyone can find them.
08:55If someone is honest with them, they might even give them back.
08:58But since he's a careless person who wants to steal,
09:00he already knows where he can find Augusto.
09:03I know, Digna, I'm very worried.
09:05What can we do?
09:06Well, what are we going to do?
09:09Change the locks of the whole house.
09:14I'm a disaster.
09:15My father-in-law is going to get angry.
09:17I'm sure he won't with you.
09:19Well, whether he gets angry or not,
09:20that's what we have to do, change the locks.
09:22We can't be afraid all the time
09:24because a thief comes to steal this house, can we?
09:26That's exactly what I was telling you now.
09:28So let's call the locksmith.
09:30Well, I'll do it, leave it to him.
09:32And if he can come today, even better.
09:34Digna, thank you very much, really.
09:36I'll be back, I'm going to my room.
09:44But where did this girl get her head?
09:48And thank goodness it happened to her and not one of us.
09:52What a disaster.
09:53Change all the locks of the house.
09:56We're going to continue with breakfast and I'm going to have a coffee.
09:59Let's see if I wake up a little.
10:06I'm going to sleep.
10:40How are you?
10:47Much better.
10:52Thank you for taking care of this poor sick man.
10:57Today for you and tomorrow for me.
11:01I'm going to make coffee.
11:04Thank you.
11:14Has my wife still not come down?
11:20She slept better today.
11:23She hasn't had nightmares anymore.
11:25Every day she wakes up with nightmares.
11:29Every day I see her more recovered, more excited.
11:32Jesus, I'm not interested in hearing what you're telling me.
11:35She's sick because of this situation.
11:38What happens, you can't get over that Begoña and I are so good, little brother?
11:42No, obviously I can't stand it because I just don't understand it.
11:46Look, if you're done, why don't you go to the damn factory and let me have breakfast in peace?
11:51Good idea.
11:54Have any of you seen my mother?
11:56Well, I've been here for a while and I haven't seen her.
11:58She's not in her room, honey.
12:00No, no, not in her room or anywhere else. I've looked all over the house.
12:03And in the gallery?
12:04All over the house, Jesus.
12:05And Julia's room?
12:06No, no, neither. I don't know, I'm starting to worry a lot, a lot.
12:09Let's see, she has to be here, Begoña.
12:11Because she couldn't go out on the street, right?
12:14No, on the street, impossible.
12:15The doors close with a key at night and she has no keys and none of us have left the house yet.
12:20Well, your father did.
12:21He just left and we've been having breakfast together.
12:24Anyway, this house has a lot of gaps, Begoña.
12:26Andres, I've looked everywhere, please stop saying that.
12:30I'll help you look for her.
12:32Because she couldn't leave while I was looking for her, right?
12:35Come on, come on.
12:36I'll call my father.
12:50Come on.
13:11What are you doing here? What time is it?
13:12Good morning.
13:13I wanted to give you a surprise and not catch you with any patient.
13:16Well, you gave it to me right away.
13:18Well, Luz, it's been a long time since we talked in peace.
13:21And I thought we could have breakfast together.
13:25I brought churros with chocolate to put on our boots.
13:29If you don't like it, I can come a little later.
13:32Yes, please.
13:33It's just that right now I had to finish getting ready and cleaning the living room.
13:37Although, thinking about it, it's going to be a real shame because the churros are going to get cold.
13:41Let's do one thing, we'll have breakfast together and then I'll help you pick them up.
13:44No, better another day, please.
13:47Luz, you're going to take longer to convince me to leave than to have breakfast together.
13:52Luz, do you know where my shoes are?
13:55Leave it, I saw you.
14:07Hi, Jaime.
14:09Doctor, I've left you the list of patients who will come in today for the optometry.
14:16Yes, I'll check it later and let you know.
14:19Thank you.
14:20See you later.
14:32It's almost...
14:34It's going to be better than having breakfast alone.
14:36It's going to be better than having breakfast alone.
14:41No, Luz.
14:43Leave it.
15:05Well, don't panic, that woman has to be somewhere.
15:08Don't worry.
15:09Well, Andres, call me.
15:11Call me when you know something.
15:22Excuse me, Mr. Damián, your secretary wasn't here and...
15:25Come in, come in.
15:29The only thing I would ask you, a little briefly,
15:32because they just told me that my consortium has been lost and that has left me very worried.
15:36Ah, well, if you have to go, I'll come another time.
15:38No, no, no.
15:39We'll fix this quickly.
15:43I just came to...
15:47to return this to you.
15:50It's yours.
15:54You'll see that some bills are missing.
15:57But of course, at the end of the month, as soon as we collect it, we will return it to you.
16:01If you allow us, continue working...
16:04in the factory after what you've done, Tassio.
16:08Sit down, please.
16:17Did he tell you how he got this money?
16:22But you don't need to have studied in Salamanca.
16:25What did he tell you exactly?
16:29Well, look, after I asked him, I don't know how many times,
16:34the only thing he told me was that the money was his.
16:38Everything else is my business.
16:43What business?
16:46So I know where you're going.
16:52Tassio stole it.
16:55Who stole this money from me?
16:58I'm very sorry.
16:59Mr. Damián, very sorry.
17:00Really, I'm telling you.
17:02I don't know if he saw it with his own eyes or...
17:05or I don't know. I don't know because I can't tell you.
17:08Then he regretted it because, of course,
17:10with how well you've treated him,
17:13that's why he quit his job as a driver.
17:18Do you think he stole it from me?
17:21And you're here to tell me?
17:24What other explanation is there?
17:33Come on, take it.
17:34Take it.
17:36Oh, my God, look at the bad body I have.
17:37I swear I'm not going to make coffee again.
17:40Until next time, right?
17:42I'm telling you the truth.
17:44I felt bad for you and for Carmen.
17:46Above all, you made me very worried, man.
17:48I had never seen you like this.
17:51Half drunk and cooler than an 8, many times, but...
17:54never so nervous.
17:56Yeah, I know.
17:58And what about the money?
18:00But where did you get it from, man?
18:02What mess have you gotten yourself into?
18:03Don't ask me, Gaspar, because I'm not going to tell you anything.
18:05Okay, I won't insist.
18:08If you want to talk, you know where I am.
18:10Well, do you want some coffee?
18:12So you don't take the pill for the dry, man.
18:13It can hurt your stomach.
18:15Well, yes, a coffee.
18:16Put me another coffee, Gaspar.
18:17Man, look what we have here.
18:19The young Pater.
18:21Come on, I'll put it on you now.
18:25Can I sit here with you?
18:30The truth is that he is dead ashamed.
18:32Yesterday he took a beating.
18:34Come on, I assure you that right now he is not even able to look you in the face.
18:38Notice that he told me to go looking for a job out there, far away.
18:42That's what he's pretending to be, to leave.
18:46But come on, I've already told you that I don't even talk.
18:49Look, I really don't know what happened to that man's head.
18:52I don't know if he would be thinking about his son,
18:54to be able to give him all the whims of the world, or...
18:57I don't know, I can't explain it to you.
19:03You leave me speechless with what you're telling me.
19:07Imagine how I am, Mr. Damián.
19:10Look, I know that Tassio has always been a little clumsy,
19:14but I assure you that he is no longer like that, I swear.
19:19Mr. Damián, Tassio is my husband.
19:23And I guess you were aware of how hard it has been for me to come here to tell you this.
19:29At the risk of you taking the measures you consider, of course.
19:35But I also want to tell you that my husband is a very good man.
19:40And that if this whole thing of me coming here to beg you,
19:46can help in something, then...
19:52I also think that Tassio is a very good person.
19:55A very good person.
19:57Isn't he?
19:59And he is very sorry. Mr. Damián, I promise you that.
20:02By telling you that yesterday he was burning bills.
20:04Burning bills?
20:05Yes, that's just what you need, you can check it.
20:08Well, forget about that, please.
20:10No, no, no, how can I forget? I'm going to give you back until the last penny, Mr. Damián, that's for free.
20:15But please, I'm asking you.
20:19Don't fire him.
20:21And please, don't report him.
20:26I'm not going to fire him, much less report him.
20:37Thank you very much, Mr. Damián, thank you very much.
20:40You don't have to thank me.
20:43Excuse me, I'll leave you alone.
20:44María Carmen.
20:48Never doubt that Tassio is a good man.
20:52And he's lucky to have a great woman by his side.
20:56Don't ever tell her.
20:58And make her happy.
21:18Claudio told me.
21:20Don't tell her.
21:22I've had enough with Carmen's heartbreak, now I have to put up with Claudia's and her surroundings.
21:26Look, Mateo, I'm sorry, but no.
21:30Listen to me.
21:32Talk to me, you're going to feel much better.
21:34Besides, if it's not curable, you can talk to me as a friend.
21:38Well, look, I have nothing to tell you, neither as a priest nor as a friend.
21:41Wow, I don't know how I'm going to take that.
21:45But I'm going to keep insisting.
21:46Because what is not normal is that you are now dedicating yourself to light candles,
21:50well, with fat people's money, more than 100 pesetas.
21:52Mateo, when one is drunk, sometimes he does stupid things.
21:57Don't you realize how worried Carmen is?
21:59I know.
22:00And you don't know how much that hurts me.
22:03And Claudia?
22:04Do you think she can have a quiet pregnancy, suspecting that her son's father is a thief?
22:09And okay, that I didn't steal that money.
22:11Sure, well, nothing, the money must have fallen from the sky.
22:13The money.
22:16Please, Tassio.
22:18Trust me.
22:23I can't tell you anything.
22:25I'm not going to tell you anything else, if not for me, if not for someone else.
22:30You're protecting someone.
22:35The coffees.
22:40Is that it, Tassio?
22:43Who are you protecting?
22:45Come on.
22:49I'm not going to tell you anything else.
22:54Look, Tassio.
22:56I know that you, the church and the priests, well, you don't communicate much with them.
23:03But this has an advantage.
23:05You can tell me what's wrong with you.
23:08And everything would be sealed by the secret of confession.
23:13Look, Mateo, I don't communicate, but I know the rules.
23:18Tassio, there's something that torments you.
23:20And I know that telling me will relieve you a lot.
23:25And this would only remain between God, you and me.
23:29In addition to being a priest, I consider myself a great friend of yours.
23:35Do you want to confess, Tassio?
23:39But I can't go to church now.
23:43I can confess to you here.
23:45And would the secret remain the same?
23:48Of course.
24:02Hail Mary, full of grace, without sin conceived.
24:05The Lord will help you to repent and humbly confess your sins.
24:10But it's not my sin, Mateo.
24:13It's someone else's.
24:16Someone else who has asked me not to say a single word.
24:19But well, if I tell the Almighty, I suppose he will forgive me.
24:23Of course he will.
24:25Who is that person?
24:29My father.
24:32Your father?
24:34But your father was not dead.
24:37The real one?
24:40Have you found him?
24:48I found him, Mateo.
24:50Because he was always in the same place.
24:55He was always in the company's management office.
25:05My father is a Damian de la Reina.
25:07My God.
25:14I love you.
25:27Marta hasn't been here yet.
25:30I came to talk to you, Delfina.
25:33My father is still fine, right?
25:35There couldn't have been any complications, could there?
25:37Your father is doing great.
25:39And he's getting more and more excited, and that's good for his recovery.
25:43He even told me that he wants to be a driver again.
25:46Well, I'm afraid it's too soon for that, but it's a good sign.
25:50But I didn't come to talk about your father.
25:53Oh, the other one.
25:56Well, look, I'm alone at the store and I can't get distracted for a minute.
26:02I see that Marta hasn't talked to you.
26:05Talk about what?
26:07If we don't have anything to talk about.
26:09We both know that...
26:12it's over.
26:14And he hasn't told you about the agreement we reached for the video?
26:17He hasn't told me anything.
26:19Well, if you'll allow me, I'll do it, because I want you to know that you're involved.
26:23In what?
26:25What's going on?
26:27My marriage to Marta is not settled.
26:31can't they be separated?
26:33No, of course not.
26:35It's the laws of this country.
26:37That's why we've come to an agreement to stay by each other's side.
26:42And how do you do that?
26:44By keeping the forms facing the outside...
26:48and trying to be free in the inside.
26:54I don't think I understand him.
26:56You've understood me perfectly, Fina.
26:59And you've already talked about that with Marta?
27:01Yes, and she has accepted it.
27:03Well, that's strange, because she hasn't told me anything.
27:06Yes, I've seen that you're still distant.
27:09There's nothing between us, doctor.
27:11I promise you, and there won't be.
27:13Fina, I've seen how my wife looks at you.
27:17She's never looked at me like that.
27:21That's why, for my part, you have a free way to live your love.
27:25And I've told her that, Marta.
27:27I really don't understand him.
27:29Every time he walks by my side, he avoids me at all costs.
27:34He's afraid of making you suffer.
27:36But what I want most in this world is to be by his side.
27:40She thinks that a clandestine relationship, which is what you can have,
27:44wouldn't be enough for you.
27:46I'm not unconscious, doctor.
27:49I know perfectly well that our relationship will never be normal or natural,
27:54in the eyes of others.
27:56It's better to have something than to have nothing, right?
27:58For my part, of course.
28:00It seems that Marta hasn't just seen it that way.
28:01Look, she feels so bad for cutting you off when I was hurting,
28:05that now she's panicking for making you suffer again.
28:09But I can understand everything.
28:12I'm afraid you'll have to tell her that.
28:15She doesn't have the courage to do it.
28:18What if what happens is that she doesn't love me enough?
28:21She loves you, Fina.
28:23She loves you very much.
28:27That's why I'm here, talking to you.
28:28She's doing all this for her.
28:33No, I'm doing it for everyone.
28:38You're very generous.
28:40Life is very short, Fina.
28:43It slips through our fingers.
28:46I think we all deserve to enjoy it to the fullest.
28:52Even if it's with you.
28:53I was very wrong about you.
28:56You're a great person.
29:00What I don't understand
29:02is that my mother could have left the house with the doors closed.
29:05And she left with dignity.
29:07Maria lost her keys.
29:09Yes, and you think she took them and left with them?
29:11For thinking logically, darling.
29:13No, no. Besides, Maria lost them in Toledo.
29:15That's impossible.
29:18I don't know.
29:19Before, when I looked downstairs,
29:21there was an open window in the garden.
29:25But who left an open window?
29:27That's a fear.
29:29I don't know, darling.
29:31But we'll find your mother.
29:33Does your wound hurt?
29:35I have a lot of tension.
29:37You should rest a little, my dear.
29:39Sit down.
29:41When you calm down and make sure you're okay,
29:43I'll go look for her again on the farm.
29:45She shouldn't be far.
29:47What if something happened to her?
29:52I would never forgive myself.
29:54Don't worry about the worst.
29:56I'm sure she's so calm,
29:58walking around,
30:00looking at the birds and picking flowers.
30:02She'll be fine.
30:04What's clear is that this is all my fault.
30:06Because I shouldn't have taken my eyes off her,
30:08day and night.
30:10You're not to blame for anything.
30:12You hear me? You do enough.
30:14It's very difficult to be constantly taking care of a person.
30:16And here we don't have the resources
30:17in the sanatorium.
30:19What do you mean?
30:22Maybe this isn't a big deal, Begoña.
30:25Maybe we need your mother to...
30:30when we find her,
30:32we'll see.
30:34You're right. I'm sorry.
30:40We combed the farm and we didn't find her.
30:43My God.
30:44Isidro went out for a walk
30:46and saw that the farm in the south was open.
30:48No. No, no, no, no, please.
30:50We have to tell the Civil Guard.
30:52Begoña, you can't walk.
30:54You call them and Jesus and I will look for her.
30:56Yes, we'll bring her home.
30:58Yes, I'll call them now.
31:00And I'll call the police.
31:02I want her here so I can find my mother.
31:06Let's go.
31:10we'll find her.
31:12Have faith.
31:14Let's go.
31:37If I saw you, I'd think you were looking for me.
31:40I knew you'd show up sooner or later.
31:42Tell me what you found out about my offer.
31:44Come on, Gemma,
31:46we could get a real deal together.
31:48I'm not going to the subway with you.
31:50Give me my keys.
31:52What keys?
31:54Oh, the keys.
31:56Do you realize how bad it would be
31:59if I told your husband how I picked them up
32:02while we were kissing?
32:04You're a scoundrel.
32:06Look, I'll be very clear, Gemma.
32:08If you help me organize that robbery,
32:09I'll give you my word
32:11that you'll lose sight of me.
32:13If that's what you want, of course,
32:15because I'd love to keep seeing you.
32:17Don't say that.
32:19I'm not afraid of your threats.
32:21I know you're bluffing.
32:23I'm not bluffing.
32:25You don't know me.
32:27They've changed all the locks in the house.
32:29You see, the problems of the rich
32:31can be solved in a jiffy.
32:33But why are you protecting them, Gemma?
32:35You're their maid.
32:37Come on, gorgeous.
32:39Look, if you help me,
32:41those dresses you liked to borrow will be yours.
32:43Leave me alone.
32:45Very well, I have to talk to your husband.
32:47I'll go to the factory and ask for Joaquín Merino.
32:50Well, I'll talk to the Gomes of Mayoral
32:53and I'll give them back the watch you stole from them.
32:56Is that what you want? To end up in prison?
33:01If you talk to my husband,
33:03I'll report you to the Civil Guard
33:04for swindler and thief.
33:06And you have much more to lose than me.
33:08And yes, I like the air of grandeur,
33:10but it's not hard to get together with a thief
33:12like you.
33:14I'll get my money and my dresses with my work.
33:19You know this isn't going to end like this.
33:22Shame on you.
33:35What the hell are you doing?
33:37You have to be resting.
33:39I'm not a cripple.
33:41And I'm not going to sit idly by
33:43while that woman is lost.
33:45Come with me, come with me
33:47and let the young people look for her.
33:50Damien, I'm afraid that woman
33:53has left the farm.
33:55Ah, what a contradiction.
33:57Now, let's go.
33:59Let's go.
34:01Let's go.
34:04Everything was going back to its place.
34:06By the way, the locksmith has just left.
34:08Here is a new set of keys.
34:10Ah, thank you. Sit down.
34:12Thank you.
34:14And thank you for giving me the part about Mercedes.
34:16When I left home,
34:18I didn't know I had lost it.
34:21Andres had to call me
34:23to the factory
34:25and I came in a hurry.
34:27Yes, yes, I've already been told
34:29that you left at the first hour.
34:31Why did you leave so early?
34:32I didn't want
34:34to meet Dina.
34:38I talked to her
34:40and I told her about Tassio.
34:42She told her everything.
34:44And I told her
34:46that I had been unfaithful to Catalina
34:48and that the result of that infidelity
34:50was none other than that boy.
34:52Nothing else.
34:54Do you think it's not enough?
34:57What I think is that
34:59she is hiding a secret from another.
35:00She has covered up Dina's curiosity
35:02but she has not confessed
35:04what really bothers her.
35:07Isn't that what we agreed on?
35:10Why do you have to know me so well?
35:13I assure you that it has not been
35:15an easy escape
35:17and I have not done it out of cowardice.
35:22was able to tell her
35:24what I feel
35:26totally responsible for,
35:28what I can answer
35:30and the rest.
35:33How did she react?
35:38She could not say a word.
35:41I have earned her contempt,
35:43her rejection forever
35:45and what is worse,
35:47I have lost her respect
35:49and as you will understand,
35:51it hurts me deeply.
35:53Damián, Dina has the right
35:55to know the truth about her son,
35:57whoever he is.
35:58If I tell her
36:00the smallest detail
36:02that does not even concern her,
36:04imagine if I told her what you ask me,
36:06I would lose her forever.
36:08I would lose everything.
36:10I have to protect my family
36:12and I have to protect her.
36:14Yes, yes, I understand.
36:16This house would come down, Isidro.
36:18And what happened to Valentín,
36:22could not do anything.
36:24What happened?
36:26Let's leave things as they are,
36:32What I want is for you to understand me.
36:35I only told Dina my truth,
36:37my sin,
36:39which is going to cost me a lot,
36:41but do not ask me anything else.
36:44From what you tell me,
36:46you had no art in my part
36:48in what it could mean
36:50to have found
36:52Valentín's ring.
36:55I'm just guilty of covering it up,
36:57which is enough.
36:59And the reasons why I do it,
37:01you already know.
37:03The family.
37:05There are times when you have to keep things
37:07from the people you love.
37:09You understand, right?
37:11I understand,
37:13but I do not share it, obviously,
37:15even if you did nothing
37:17without covering it up.
37:22wouldn't you do it for your daughter,
37:24no matter how serious it was?
37:29What I want you to understand
37:31is that if you ever cheat on Dina,
37:33that secret will weigh on her all her life.
37:36Well, I'll have to learn to live with it.
37:40What matters to me now, Isidro,
37:42is that you,
37:44my friend,
37:45understand my motives minimally.
38:11hello, Jaime.
38:16Can you talk for a moment?
38:20What do you want to talk to me about?
38:23I would like to explain to you
38:25what happened this morning.
38:27I don't think there's anything to explain.
38:29I think it was quite obvious, Lu.
38:31Luis, please listen to me.
38:36How long have you been in a relationship
38:38with Mr. Doctor?
38:40I've been in a relationship
38:42with him for a long time.
38:43How long have you been in a relationship
38:45with Mr. Doctor?
38:47I don't like that tone.
38:49I just want you to respect me
38:51and let me speak.
38:53I didn't expect something like this from you.
38:55I thought you were mad.
38:57What do you mean?
38:59That I can't do whatever I want with my life?
39:01You said your life was too complicated
39:03to commit to anyone.
39:05That's true, yes.
39:07But you decided to complicate it
39:09with a married man.
39:11Look, you have no idea,
39:13between Jaime and me.
39:15Besides, I don't have to explain myself to you.
39:17Much less if you treat me like this.
39:19What did I do wrong?
39:21Tell me.
39:23What did I fail at?
39:25How could you forget me so easily
39:28and fall into his arms?
39:31Luis, I don't know what I failed at, but...
39:34But while you find out,
39:36you decided to spend time with my cousin's husband.
39:40Have a good day.
39:46one day you'll find out
39:48why you sabotage everything that makes you happy.
39:50Don't come back to my apartment.
39:53Don't ever get involved in my life again.
39:55Don't worry.
40:14Mario Barcés.
40:22My beloved Gervasio.
40:46Did you give Don Damián all the money?
40:50Did he tell you anything?
40:52That he won't report you and that he wasn't in danger.
40:54Of course, it was me who told him not to do it.
40:57I told him you were a good man, despite everything.
41:00Thank you for trusting me.
41:02Don't you think Don Damián's relationship is strange?
41:04I knew he valued you,
41:06but after stealing from him...
41:08It wasn't a robbery.
41:10Look, Tassio, for me it was a robbery.
41:11As long as you don't tell me anything else, it was a robbery.
41:14Did he tell you anything else?
41:18He didn't want to talk about the man,
41:20although he was reconciled, given the circumstances.
41:23He told me something very strange before he left.
41:28That he'd never leave you
41:30and that he'd make you happy because you're a good man.
41:33Did he tell you that?
41:37Tassio, what are you up to with Don Damián?
41:39I swear I don't understand anything.
41:41Do you think it's normal for him to have such kind words
41:44for someone who just stole from him?
41:46He has to be the most saint of saints.
41:49He's not that saint.
41:51No, he can't be. I'm going to have him from now on.
41:55So, did he keep the money?
41:58No, if you think so, he's going to give it to me.
42:00Of course.
42:02Tassio, you can't leave me like this.
42:04Yesterday, because you were fine,
42:06I couldn't help but comfort you.
42:08But today is another day.
42:09I have work, Carmen.
42:11I don't care if you have all the work you want.
42:13I need you to tell me what's going on, Tassio.
42:17I can't tell you anything. I'll tell you later.
42:21Do I have to be satisfied?
42:25It's nothing bad.
42:27Don't worry about it. Trust me.
42:29Long live Pepa. No, Tassio, I'm not going to shut up.
42:32You don't know me, son.
42:34I know what I'm asking is an act of faith, but please,
42:36if you talk to Mateo, he'll be right.
42:38Wait, what have you done now, Beato?
42:40I didn't find out.
42:42Look, Tassio, I'm not here for you to mess with me.
42:44Carmen, please. Let me.
42:46I can't believe you're doing this to me.
42:48I can't believe it.
43:08Let's continue without news of Mercedes.
43:10Poor woman.
43:12I'm sure they'll bring her soon.
43:14God willing.
43:16Don't you think we should talk?
43:20No, I don't think it's necessary.
43:22And I'd rather my sister didn't keep hearing you,
43:25wherever she is.
43:27I don't regret telling you,
43:29but I'm sorry you took it so badly.
43:31And how do you want me to take it?
43:33How did you think I was going to take it?
43:34You have no excuse, Damián.
43:37Being unfaithful is wrong,
43:39but it's something that happens,
43:41and all marriages go through difficult times.
43:46Don't keep apologizing to me like this.
43:49Take your excuses elsewhere.
43:51You yourself went through bad times with Gervasio.
43:54Yes, and that's not why I was unfaithful.
43:56Never in my life.
43:58And him to you?
44:00Do you hear yourself?
44:01Do you hear yourself?
44:03What do you want?
44:05To hurt me even more?
44:07Is that what you want?
44:09Dina, if I was unfaithful,
44:11it doesn't mean I wasn't madly in love with my wife,
44:14and that I didn't treat her like a queen until the end of her days.
44:17Let me doubt it.
44:19If you were so madly in love with her,
44:21you wouldn't have cheated on her with someone else.
44:33I asked Don Tomás and he said he didn't see anyone.
44:36Yes, I also found one in the area of the Fountain of El Haya
44:39and he didn't see anything either.
44:41Where did this woman go?
44:43It's all so strange.
44:45How can I get out if the door was closed?
44:47Didn't you find out that she went out through a window?
44:49It's just that it seems incredible to me.
44:51When I stopped having breakfast, I thought I heard the door.
44:53Besides, I told you.
44:55It must have been your imagination.
44:57The door was locked.
44:59And you were downstairs.
45:01How many times do you want me to tell you?
45:03No, no and no.
45:05If I had heard it, we wouldn't be here,
45:07in the middle of the forest, like two desperate people, don't you think?
45:09It was very early.
45:11How could she have left at night?
45:13What's the matter?
45:15I saw her, Jesus. I heard her.
45:17What's the matter? You saw her leave and you didn't say anything or what?
45:20Why are you getting like this? Are you nervous?
45:22I'm getting nervous because we're wasting precious time because of you.
45:25Let's keep looking separately.
45:27You for that area and I for this one.
45:29Let's go.
45:36There was a moment, when Andrés was born,
45:39when Catalina turned to the children.
45:42There was nothing else for her.
45:44There was no one else.
45:46And I felt, I don't know, I felt abandoned.
45:51What a sad excuse.
45:53You're embarrassing me.
45:56Is that why you did it?
45:58Because you felt alone.
45:59Alone and abandoned, yes.
46:01And you never stopped to think how my sister felt,
46:05raising her children alone.
46:07Why didn't you help her do it? Why?
46:10Women are different.
46:12And you may be right, but I...
46:16I was weak.
46:18I let myself be carried away by a girl who admired me and had me on a pedestal.
46:21The same story as always.
46:23Women who flatter you with compliments.
46:26How cute you are, how handsome you are, how smart.
46:27And you fall like flies.
46:29At least show a little respect for her.
46:33It's a fresh one.
46:35It is what it is.
46:37Ángela, Tasio's mother, was sincerely in love with me.
46:40And I was the one who got married, who approached her and committed the sin.
46:44You're right about that.
46:46But once the child was born, I kept my word with her.
46:49I bought her a house.
46:51I took care of all the expenses of the boy until she got married.
46:55How lucky you were.
46:57You took care of one, and she took care of the other.
47:00I was always in charge of the boy.
47:02That's why I got him to work at the factory.
47:05Another shame.
47:07I had to rub that boy in my sister's face.
47:10Even if it wasn't the boy's fault.
47:12Catalina knew.
47:15She knew?
47:17I confessed to her.
47:19And not only did she forgive me,
47:21but she asked me to never misunderstand her.
47:25That's what she did.
47:28I'm sure she did it for the children.
47:32So that they wouldn't live in a scandal.
47:35So that they would be calm and free from everything.
47:39But also because she loved me.
47:41And because she forgave me.
47:43Very well.
47:45I will also keep the secret.
47:48Thank you.
47:50But I'm not going to forgive you for this.
47:53You're like a stranger.
47:57That happened a long time ago.
48:00And I've never repeated anything like it.
48:05I don't care.
48:07You're not the person I thought you were, Damian.
48:12Besides, I completely disagree
48:15with what you did to that boy.
48:17Allowing him to grow up without knowing who his real father is,
48:21is shameful.
49:06No, no, no.
49:09Mercedes, Mercedes.
49:15No, please, please, please, please.
49:20She's alive, she's alive.
49:22Mercedes, Mercedes, I'm Jesus.
49:24Mercedes, I'm Jesus.
49:25I'm here.
49:29Andres, I've got her!
49:39He's a bastard.
49:41He stole her from the boss.
49:43Or worse, I don't even know.
49:45I feel so guilty.
49:47I should have stayed in his room
49:49from the moment he walked in.
49:51And I should have watched her so she wouldn't leave the house.
49:53I've been watching her for two days
49:55and I blame the woman I love for protecting you.
49:58And I don't even know why I do it.
49:59How long have you known?
50:01About what?
50:02About Tassio.
50:03He's Damián's son.
50:04No, no, don't get it wrong.
50:05I found out a long time ago.
50:06Oh, really?
50:08Why didn't you tell me you had a pact
50:09so everyone could live their lives?
50:11I don't know why Jaime had to tell you.
50:13Because he wants to help us.
50:14Help us?
50:15Of course.
50:16Marta is doing it for you.
50:17Do you think Jesus could open the door to Mercedes?
50:20He behaved in a very strange way.
50:21I love you more than anything, my love.
50:23I don't want to lose you, okay?
50:25I know you don't trust me.
50:26Tassio, stop.
50:27Who is Ernesto?
50:32I've always had you for a good, loyal and fulfilling husband.
50:35And knowing you were unfaithful to my sister
50:37has disillusioned me a lot.
50:39I know with all my heart.
50:41You can't fit two of those.