Tchoupi et Doudou en Francais 2014 compilation t'choupi et doudou Tchopi en Francais

  • 3 months ago


00:00You may have scored a goal, Doudou, but you haven't won the game yet.
00:18Yes, yes. Lalo and Pilou have arrived.
00:22Have fun without me, Doudou.
00:25It's very nice to come and play here.
00:27But why is Choupi inviting us today?
00:29Ah, that's his secret.
00:36Hello. I've got a great idea.
00:38We're going to give Doudou a nice surprise.
00:40Do you want to?
00:41Tell me, Mom, will you let us in the kitchen?
00:43Can we go right now, please?
00:45All right, but don't do anything stupid.
00:47I promise, I promise.
01:24Zom, bing, zom, bada, bada, vive la surprise!
01:52Olé, Torero!
01:56Wait for me!
02:07That's it, it's over.
02:09If the wind can blow, it won't fly away.
02:12Yeah, well done, Choupi.
02:14So, let's go into our cabin.
02:22Do you like it, Choupi?
02:24Oh, no, it's not like that at all.
02:26Why did you do that, Pilou?
02:28But it's not me, it's Lalo.
02:31It's true, don't you like it?
02:33It's my idea.
02:35Oh, really? Well, in fact, it's very nice, Lalo.
02:38Yes, it's perfect.
02:43That's it, it's ready.
02:44All that's missing is Doudou.
02:46Well, I'll go and get him.
02:55What's the matter, my Doudou?
02:58Oh, you're making a face.
03:00But I didn't do anything.
03:04Oh, yes, I know.
03:06I left you alone, but I didn't abandon you.
03:09I'm here, I came to get you.
03:11I'm sorry, Doudou.
03:13I don't want to see you cry anymore.
03:15It makes me sad.
03:16Come on, come with me.
03:18I love you, you know.
03:21You'll see, I have a nice surprise for you in the garden.
03:26Watch out, I'm coming.
03:30Hi, Doudou.
03:31You know how to make me wait, don't you?
03:33Like a star, you know.
03:35You're in the right place.
03:37It's the Place d'Honneur.
03:40Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
03:45Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
03:49Look, Doudou.
03:51Happy birthday, Doudou.
03:53Happy birthday to you.
03:57Well, give me more candy.
04:08Watch out, don't move.
04:21Doudou is my friend forever.
04:42Everywhere he goes, watch out for the tricks of Choupi and Doudou.
04:53Choupi's Aquarium
04:57The diver! The diver!
05:00He's going to drink a lot of water, the flying deer.
05:04Again, Dad! Again, again!
05:07No, later, Choupi.
05:09I'm going to swim a bit now.
05:12Come quickly, Choupi.
05:18We're going to meet the fish.
05:24We're not going to leave Doudou alone.
05:29Come on, you've had enough of swimming already.
05:42Give me the net quickly, Choupi.
05:44We're going to quickly fill our bucket with beautiful fish.
05:46Yes, but I want to catch crabs first and pick up shells.
05:50That way, we'll have a real sea aquarium.
06:02You'll see what I can do.
06:13Here's a little coriander, the finger clipper.
06:18Wait, you'll see if you want to play the smartest.
06:23Turn around, you're tied up.
06:25It's going to be a nice catch, Doudou.
06:34Ouch! Monster! Ouch! Ouch!
06:37Let go of me, you nasty crab!
06:43I don't want to hear about crabs anymore.
06:50We'd better look for shells because it doesn't pinch.
06:57Ah, what's that?
06:59It's a star falling from the sky.
07:02Ah, does it tickle you?
07:05Oh no, you thief!
07:07Give me my treasure!
07:11Lalo, look what I've got.
07:15Not bad.
07:16But I've found a real treasure for our aquarium.
07:19A star from the sky.
07:22But it fell back into the sea.
07:24Are you going to help me catch it?
07:27What's wrong, Tsoupi?
07:29Ah, poor Tsoupi.
07:31It's a bear that bit you.
07:34A bear?
07:35Yes, a bear bit you.
07:37A bear bit me.
07:38Yeah, and what's with the bear?
07:40What's with the bear?
07:41I don't know.
07:42It's still a little bit big.
07:44It's a bear.
07:46It's a bear.
07:47It's a bear.
07:48It's a bear!
07:49It's a bear!
07:50It's a bear!
07:51Come on!
07:52Come on!
07:53It's a bear!
07:54It's a bear!
07:55There's a bat that bit you, but it's nothing, you know.
08:00Wait, I'll help you.
08:04Don't worry, your mom will take that away from you.
08:14Hurry up, mom!
08:20There you go, there's no more candy.
08:25Come and see, Choupi
08:34Why are you doing this, dad?
08:36Because there are less and less starfish
08:38We have to leave them alone and we can't bring the starfish home
08:42They need salty water to live
08:44So we don't have any more aquariums
08:47I've got much better than that
08:50Listen, we can hear the sea
08:55It's blowing into my ear
08:59The shellfish are in the water
09:01By Bernard Vermeer
09:03What a funny name for a beast
09:15That's a shame
09:17He can't get away from the sea either
09:25To be continued...
09:55To be continued...
09:59Don't forget, drive on the side of the road, Choupi
10:01Yes, mum
10:04Oh, the pretty flower, I'll pick it for Fanny
10:12Look how cute this little dog is, mum
10:16He might be abandoned, what do you think?
10:19We'll take him with us, right mum?
10:21You know, Choupi, this dog probably belongs to the farmer
10:23And we already have a cat at home
10:25Oh mum, please!
10:31Wait, I'll go and get it
10:33No, Choupi, we're going home now
10:54He was so cute
10:56He must have been so sad, this little dog
10:58Just like a baby who doesn't have a mum
11:11You tidy up carefully all the toys in your room, ok Choupi?
11:15No, no!
11:16What do you mean no?
11:18Here are some ways to reply to your mum
11:20Here are some ways to reply to your mum
11:22Come on, hurry up and don't argue
11:27Phew! If mum sees the little dog, she'll want to take him back there
11:40Quick, we'll hide him in my room
11:45Maybe he's hungry
11:48I'll go and get something in the kitchen
11:52Don't follow me, Doudou
11:59Please mum, could I have some milk?
12:02Of course, my dear
12:14Oh no!
12:18If you give me a piece of your cake, I'll tell you a secret
12:27A toy
12:28Shhh! Fanny, it's not a toy, it's a dog
12:31A toy, a toy, a toy!
12:50Choupi, I asked you to tidy up all your toys earlier
12:53Come on, hurry up!
13:03I'll be right back, mum
13:09Zouzou! Zouzou!
13:12Are you calling our little cat Zouzou now?
13:35Come on, Choupi! What are you doing?'s Doudou, he wants to go and play outside
13:41No way! Come on, get in there with your toys right away!
13:46Right, ok
13:51What are you doing here?
13:57He's gone now, I'll never see him again
14:00Choupi, my dear, hurry up! Come and see what I've found in the garden
14:05He doesn't have a tattoo on his ear, we don't know, maybe he doesn't have a master
14:09If that's the case, we could adopt him
14:11Oh yes, Dad!
14:13I wonder what we'll call him
14:16Zouzou! That's a good idea! Zouzou!
14:34Choupi et Doudou, ils sont rigolos comme tout
14:39Partout où ils passent, attention on passe
14:45Choupi et Doudou
14:50Choupi's Cat
14:56It's beautiful!
14:58I got it for my birthday
14:59Can I pet it?
15:02Listen, Pilou, it's purring
15:06It's funny and cute
15:08What's its name?
15:11Hello César!
15:18Pilou, are you coming?
15:20Let's go, my dear
15:25Mum! I want a cat too, like Pilou
15:29You know, Choupi, it's not so easy to take care of a little animal
15:33But I can do it!
15:35Pilou showed me
15:39Say, do you want Malou?
15:43Come on, please!
15:45Come and see, Choupi!
15:47I've got something for you
15:49A surprise?
15:51Oh wow!
15:53What is it?
15:56Oh oh oh! A little cat!
15:59Is it mine?
16:03Thank you!
16:09It seems to like the music
16:11If you call it Mozart
16:13It needs to eat
16:14A little milk will do it good
16:16I'm giving it to it
16:18Are you sure you know?
16:20Say, I'm big now
16:23Good, but make sure it doesn't do anything stupid
16:32Hey! Easy, Moses!
16:34You can't eat too fast
16:36It's not good
16:42Oh no!
16:44Hey! Mozart!
16:50What's going on, Choupi?
16:52Oh nothing, Mum
16:53You wouldn't do anything stupid with Mozart, would you?
16:56Oh no, I wouldn't!
17:03But where is he?
17:04Is he playing hide and seek or what?
17:10Here, Moses!
17:18Oh no!
17:20Mozart's a pig!
17:33Come down!
17:48That's it! I've got you!
17:56Come down! You'll see!
17:59Oh no, Mozart!
18:01Come here!
18:05Come on, Doudou! Let's wash him
18:18It's time for the bib
18:21I know two who get along well enough to do stupid things
18:25But that's not true!
18:33Oh no!
18:40What's the idea of wanting to bathe a cat?
18:43Have you forgotten it doesn't like water?
18:48You see, it's not that easy to take care of a little animal
18:52I'm going to take care of it all by myself for the moment
18:56Come on, Choupi
18:58You're not going to stay all dressed up in your bath, are you?
19:01You know, Mum
19:03I didn't want to do anything stupid
19:04Oh yeah?
19:05It's Mozart
19:08But he's still a baby
19:10And you're already a big boy
19:12So it's up to you to be careful
19:14Yes, but it's his lesson to be big
19:44Choupi, the magician
20:14The hat's empty, isn't it?
20:25And here's Doudou!
20:27Bravo, Choupi!
20:29Bravo, Choupi!
20:30And now, Doudou, we're going to surprise our friends, Lalo and Pilou
20:36The show! The show! The show!
20:40Ladies and gentlemen, hello to you
20:43You have in front of you the great Choupini, the most famous magician
20:50Long live the great Choupini!
20:52For my first turn, I'll need one or two volunteers
20:55Me, Choupini, me!
20:57You choose a card, take any card you like
21:01Lalo, your card is...the ace of hearts!
21:06That's it! It's the ace of hearts! It's magic!
21:10It's magic! Ok, let me draw a card
21:13Oh no! Now I'm going to do another turn
21:17I knew it! There are only ace of hearts
21:20Choupi, you're not a magician, you're a cheater
21:23That was a nice turn of magic
21:26Yes, it was really wonderful, Choupi
21:28because it's a card game with lots of ace of hearts
21:34Now here's one of Choupini's most extraordinary turns
21:38I know your turn, Doudou is hiding in the box
21:42This turn is very difficult so you have to stay like this, Pilou
21:48Ok, Choupini, now go on, take something out of your hat
21:53Ok, you'll see, you'll see the next turn of the great Choupini
21:56because it's really amazing, really incredible
22:01What are you waiting for?
22:03Say, Choupi, can we see your extraordinary turn?
22:08Right away! But first, go and sit there
22:18Here's an apple! It's incredible!
22:21Hooray for the great magician Choupini!
22:24Oh, how did you do that?
22:26But it's magic, I tell you
22:28It wasn't magic at all, it was Doudou who helped him
22:31I'm sure of it, I'll find him
22:35He must have hidden here somewhere
22:47Say, Pilou, you wouldn't want to break the great magician's equipment, would you?
22:54Choupini's no good at all
22:57Pilou, stop looking for Doudou!
22:59The great Choupini will make him appear on your head
23:03It's impossible!
23:04You'll see
23:05Watch out! Close your eyes!
23:08Come on, zoom, zim, zam, ba-dum!
23:11Doudou, open your eyes!
23:13Ah, Doudou's here!
23:17Doudou, where are you?
23:21Disappear, Doudou!
23:24Disappear, Doudou!
23:26Quick, close your eyes!
23:42Look! Doudou didn't really disappear, did he?
23:46First, he flew away from Pilou's head and then appeared on mine
23:52With Moussa!
23:55Hooray! Choupini really is the greatest magician!
23:59It can't be! There must be an explanation
24:04Bravo, Doudou! Bravo!
24:08But there must be an explanation for Choupi's thing
24:11Yes, there is an explanation, Pilou
24:13And it's very simple, yes, it's magic
24:21To be continued...
24:52The Parroquet of Java
25:14Come on, finish your seat! Java's here!
25:17It's absolutely magnificent
25:19I thank you very much, Java
25:25Oh, I missed you, Choupi!
25:28Look at the vase Java brought back from her trip
25:31Isn't it beautiful?
25:33Oh, Java always makes beautiful gifts
25:36Beautiful gifts!
25:40Choupi, let me introduce you to my friend, Bali
25:43He's a new friend, this is Bali from the Parroquet
25:47Here's Choupi
25:49He's very handsome with his pretty coloured feathers
25:52He looks like a feather
25:54You know, Bali is very talkative
25:56He repeats everything we say, doesn't he, Bali?
25:59He's handsome, Bali! He's handsome, Bali!
26:04Java, your parroquet has saved itself!
26:07Come on, don't worry, Choupi
26:09Bali and I are like you and Doudou
26:11We're inseparable
26:13Bali often goes out on his own
26:16But he always comes back
26:18I'm going to have fun in the garden too
26:20Come, Doudou, let's play hide-and-seek
26:28Here's Choupi! Choupi!
26:30Here's Choupi! Choupi!
26:33Oh! You can't tell me where I am!
26:39Since that's the way it is, you're the one hiding now
26:47Where is this one hiding?
26:54Here's Doudou! Here's Doudou!
27:02He's handsome, Bali! He's handsome, Bali!
27:04He's handsome, Bali!
27:06No, you're a cheater! You saw the feather, you cheater!
27:10I know where we're going to hide
27:12Bali won't bother us anymore
27:25Not nice, the feather! Not nice!
27:27We got him, Doudou
27:29Good riddance!
27:32These drawings are beautiful
27:34But Mummy, she made even prettier ones
27:37The present is beautiful! The present is beautiful!
27:46Go away!
27:48Leave us alone! You hear me? Go away!
27:54But Choupi!
27:57What is this mess?
27:59Oh no!
28:01What happened?
28:05No, it's not my fault!
28:07I didn't break the vase!
28:10I'm going to get in trouble because of this feather!
28:18Here's Choupi!
28:20Oh, look! It's Bali!
28:22What's he saying?
28:24Here's Choupi!
28:26Here's Choupi!
28:28I think I know where Choupi is hiding
28:40You know, Grandpa, it's not me
28:43It's Bali who broke the vase
28:45It's nothing, my Choupi
28:48I'm going to fix this vase
28:51There we go!
28:53A little glue and it's like new
28:55So, you see, it's as if nothing happened
28:58By the way, Choupi, did you make peace with the nice Bali?
29:01Yes, even when we gave him his feather, me and Doudou
29:04Oh no!
29:06Oh no!
29:10I'm going to get you!
29:12You nasty cat!
29:20I'm going to get you!
29:50They're all so funny
29:53Everywhere they go
29:56Watch out for the claws
29:59Of Choupi and Doudou
30:03Choupi's picnic
30:20Choupi's picnic
30:27You want the flower, don't you?
30:34Oh it's nothing, it's my stomach
30:36It's because I'm really hungry
30:38It's picnic time!
30:40Come on, Choupi!
30:42Right away, Grandma!
30:51It's so good and I'm so hungry that I'm going to eat everything
30:55Choupi, your eyes are bigger than your stomach
30:59Would you like some more potato salad, please, Grandma Nanny?
31:03It's for Doudou, he loves it
31:06Come on, my sweet glutton, don't eat too fast
31:15My word! These are wild geese
31:20Where are they going, Grandpa?
31:22To the end of the world?
31:24They're taking advantage of the sun's rays to make their wings bigger
31:27They'll leave later, that is, in the fall
31:30Oh no! No! It's my turn!
31:32Go away, you little thief!
31:34Go and eat some grass!
31:36It's much better than lettuce for goats!
31:41Go on, go on, go on! We won't let you get away
31:50I'm eating everything because I know you don't like it
31:54What's all this?
32:03Oh no! Go away! Go away, ants!
32:11A big beast!
32:16At last!
32:19At last, Choupi! It's just a little grasshopper
32:22Look, it won't hurt a fly
32:25But there are too many beasts in the grass
32:27And they never leave me alone for a picnic
32:30Come on, Choupi
32:31You know, nature is full of all kinds of creatures
32:34We all have to learn to live together
32:38I've got an idea
32:40Why don't we eat the dessert now?
32:42I've got some strawberry pie here
32:44Oh yes! I love your pie, Grandma Nanny
32:51Choupi, would you like to share your pie with a hungry little grasshopper?
32:57Oh no! I'm only sharing it with Doudou because he's my friend
33:08Iris, my compliments. It's a real success
33:11Thank you, that's nice
33:14It's delicious
33:17No! Not that!
33:20No! Our picnic is going to fall
33:22Get up, Choupi
33:24Come on, get up. Leave me alone
33:30Come with us under the parasol, Choupi
33:32You wouldn't want to get wet, would you?
33:38So the picnic is over, is it?
33:43What are you talking about, Choupi?
33:45The picnic has only just begun, you know
33:48Come on, follow me
33:59It's not so bad here, is it?
34:02You know, it's my funniest picnic
34:10I'll eat some more, Grandma
34:13Here, I made this especially for you
34:19Oh no! Not you again!
34:21Come on, go away! We don't need you
34:26Wait for me!
34:43The End
