01 The Moomin Valley in Spring (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00Have you ever heard of Moominvalley?
00:22In winter, deep white snow covers the whole valley, and everyone goes to sleep so that
00:29they keep warm.
00:32Look, there's Moominhouse.
00:42There's Moomin, our hero.
00:50Moominpapa and Moominmama.
00:59And this little bundle must be little Mai.
01:13And I think before our story starts, we'd better wake everyone up with some spring sunshine.
01:40At last, it's spring!
01:54Wake up everyone, it's springtime!
02:13Oh, little Mai, you're up.
02:16It's hard to stay asleep with you yelling.
02:19I can't help it if I'm happy.
02:22So you woke me.
02:24I was having a lovely dream about living in a watermelon.
02:27But it's beautiful outside.
02:29Oh gee, is it?
02:30Is it really, Moomin?
02:32Yes, it's all fresh.
02:33The flowers are out and the sun is shining.
02:38I like being asleep.
02:39But it's spring.
02:40You said you wanted me to wake you as soon as spring was here.
02:43Oh boy, did I?
02:45Yes, you did, little Mai.
02:47You said you wanted to be awoken as soon as spring was here.
02:51Yes, you did.
02:52Hmm, did I say something like that?
02:55You can go back to bed if you want to.
02:57Nobody's making you get up, little Mai.
03:00No, there's really no point, Moomin.
03:02I'm not sleepy anymore.
03:04Well, there you are then.
03:09Good spring, Moomin.
03:11Moomin Mama, I'm starving.
03:13Have you got any watermelon?
03:15No, but there's lots of other things.
03:18We'll all have a nice big breakfast.
03:26I can hear Snufkin.
03:35Wouldn't it be quicker to use the stairs?
03:39More fun this way.
03:41Are you going home now?
03:45Thanks very much for letting me spend the winter here.
03:48Don't think your sister will be back yet, though.
03:51I'll go anyway.
03:57Oh, hello, Moomin.
03:59It's really good to see you, Snufkin.
04:02And you, too.
04:03You're back early.
04:04Weren't you having a good time?
04:06Yes, I was.
04:08But I didn't want to miss springtime in Moomin Valley.
04:11What did you say?
04:12What did you say?
04:13What did you say?
04:14What did you say?
04:15What did you say?
04:16What did you say?
04:17What did you say?
04:18What did you say?
04:19What did you say?
04:20What did you say?
04:21I didn't want to miss springtime in Moomin Valley.
04:23What did you do?
04:25I'll tell you later.
04:27Let's go wake up Sniff and think of something exciting to do.
04:31I don't think he'll like it.
04:42He's still snoring, Moomin.
04:44I'll do it again.
04:47Well, that's done it.
04:52Come on, Sniff.
04:53It's spring.
04:54Snufkin's here.
04:55Please go away, you two.
04:57We're going to do something really exciting.
05:00Like what, Moomin?
05:02I can think of more exciting things to do than this.
05:05Well, let's imagine that we're the first ever to climb this mountain.
05:09It's such a clear day.
05:11We'll be able to see all of Moomin Valley when we get to the top.
05:15Good morning, Mr. Hemulen.
05:18Morning, Moomin.
05:19Are your father and mother up yet?
05:21Mama was when I came out.
05:25I'll never understand how you can sleep for months on end.
05:28We like it.
05:32I'll never understand how you can sleep for months on end.
05:35We like it.
05:46Why do they always have to do something exciting?
05:52What a gorgeous view.
05:54It really is.
05:56Hey, look.
05:57There's smoke coming from Moomin House.
06:00We should have stayed at home.
06:02I bet Moomin Mama's cooking something good.
06:06What is it?
06:07We're not the first here after all.
06:09Look over there.
06:12A top hat?
06:19A rather large one.
06:20I wonder whose hat it is.
06:23I don't know.
06:24But I know Papa would like it.
06:32It's much too big.
06:38Oh, dear.
06:39What's that?
06:41I can nearly get inside it.
06:45You see?
06:46I prefer my old one.
06:48I prefer my old one.
06:55I can't move it.
06:56It's stuck, Moomin.
07:03That's enough nonsense.
07:04I think I'll take it off now.
07:09What's the matter?
07:10I can't move it.
07:11It's stuck, Moomin.
07:16I'll give you a hand.
07:25That's better.
07:26Thank you.
07:27What's all this noise?
07:28Papa's head got stuck in the hat, Mama.
07:31Oh, yes?
07:32And where did that come from?
07:33Oh, Moomin Mama.
07:34The children found it when they were out
07:36and brought it back for me.
07:38It's very smart.
07:41What shall we do with it, Papa?
07:43There is something strange about it.
07:45Shall I throw it away, then?
07:47Oh, no.
07:48It's too good for that.
07:50Do we know anyone with a very big head?
07:52No, Moomin Papa.
07:55I know what we can do with it.
07:59It's a...
08:01a waste paper basket, Moomin Mama.
08:03That's right.
08:04Well done, Snufkin.
08:05That was easy.
08:07Come on, Snufkin.
08:08Come and have some breakfast with us.
08:48Sorry to disturb you, but I'm going to see Moomin.
08:52Do you want to come with me, Snork?
08:55Or would you rather stay here?
08:58Well, are you coming or not?
09:01You're not coming, then?
09:05Well, you know my flying ship is almost finished.
09:08It'll be ready this year, you'll see.
09:10This is an historic moment.
09:18Oh, dear.
09:19Perhaps it needs a little more work.
09:25I wonder if you really can make a flying ship.
09:28Don't be silly.
09:29Of course you can't.
09:30Oh, little my, Snork's always dreamed about doing it.
09:33Dreams are all right.
09:36Yes, as long as they're not impossible.
09:39I suppose so.
09:43Sniff, you're not still feeding your face, are you?
09:45Do you ever dream, Sniff?
09:48Only nightmares about having no food at all, little my.
09:57I wonder who dropped this.
09:59Now, where can I put it?
10:04There you are.
10:05Just the thing.
10:07There you are.
10:08Just the thing.
10:40Golly, what are they?
10:42They're clouds.
10:44Be careful.
10:45Don't touch it.
10:46It might be poisonous.
10:47It feels like cotton.
10:51This is great.
10:52I'm floating.
10:58Can I try?
11:00Are you ready, Snork Maiden?
11:02Here we go.
11:15One of you go too high.
11:17You might fall off.
11:20Wait for me.
11:23Wait for me.
11:32Wait for me.
11:33Let me get on.
11:38I'm falling.
11:45Moominpappa is in his study, trying to write his memoirs.
11:50A lot has happened to him over the years.
11:53An awful lot.
11:55And he's trying to remember it.
12:04What was that?
12:09Hiya, Pappa.
12:10What are you doing out there?
12:12We're flying.
12:13The clouds just came out of the house.
12:16Try and get nearer so I can reach you.
12:21No, I'm all right.
12:22Why don't you come for a ride?
12:25Wait a minute.
12:26It's great.
12:27You feel like a bird.
12:30Come on, Pappa.
12:31Jump or you'll fall.
12:33It's too late.
12:43What's the matter?
12:44Have you seen what the children are doing?
12:47Look at them.
12:48They're flying about on clouds.
12:50It can't be safe.
12:51Don't worry, Pappa.
12:53It's all right.
12:54I told them to be careful.
12:59Come on.
13:05I won.
13:06I won.
13:08Wait a minute, little cloud.
13:10Wait for me.
13:11Don't go away.
13:12Oh, no.
13:13I got you.
13:15This tree caught you.
13:16I'm going to climb right up here and I'm going to get you right down this branch.
13:19Come on.
13:20Come on, little cloud.
13:21I'm going to take you with me.
13:22Come on.
13:23You just keep coming down here.
13:26I got you now.
13:27You aren't going to get away from me.
13:28Here I go.
13:29Come on.
13:30Out of that branch.
13:31Come on.
13:32I want you out of that branch.
13:42Oh, boy.
13:43What's happening?
13:44My cloud's starting to go.
13:47That was fun.
13:48Yeah, it was.
13:49But I wasn't ready to stop.
13:52There's Moomin and Snorkmaiden.
13:55Why have they still got Cloud Snufkin?
13:57Theirs is starting to go as well.
13:59I think they'd better get off.
14:14I'll start counting.
14:22Do you want something, little guy?
14:25A place to hide.
14:37Boy, I don't think there's any place to hide in here, is there?
14:43It's too dirty in there.
14:45Nine and a half.
14:46I know.
14:47I'll hide in the hat.
16:00Moomin must be around here somewhere.
16:03Well, last time I saw him, he was hiding in the fireplace.
16:06Have you found him yet?
16:09Have you looked in the cellar?
16:10Yes, I have.
16:14Wait a minute.
16:15Did you hear someone laughing?
16:16Where'd it come from?
16:18Gee, I'd better go home.
16:20Is there anything wrong?
16:23I can't find Moomin anywhere.
16:24Well, he's too fat to be most places.
16:30He's coming from under the hat.
16:38Well, here I am, Sniff.
16:40Who on earth are you?
16:44I won them, didn't I?
16:46You looked everywhere in the house, and you couldn't find me, could you?
16:49So I won.
16:51Who'd want to find you anyway?
16:52Well, you were trying hard enough, weren't you?
16:54What is this, a new game?
16:56My name's Snorkmaiden.
16:58What's yours?
17:00I'm the king of Moominvalley, my pretty one.
17:03You're too ugly to be the king of anything.
17:06Well, now, that's not a very nice thing to say to your friend, is it, Papa?
17:11Now, you'd better tell me what you have done with Moomin.
17:15But I'm here.
17:18Right here.
17:19Who are you, and where is Moomin?
17:27I'm certainly not your Papa.
17:29Yes, you are.
17:31Come on, I'm Moomin.
17:33I don't know who you are, but you're not Moomin.
17:36He's nice and handsome and nothing like you.
17:38Have you looked at yourself in a mirror?
17:43But where's my nose gone?
17:45Oh, there's nothing there.
17:48Oh, no, my tail's all mushy.
18:00This is terrible!
18:08Who are you?
18:10What have you done with me?
18:12It must be a dream.
18:13What have you done with me?
18:15It must be a nightmare.
18:17I want to go back.
18:19Go away, you're horrible.
18:22Dear me, what's all this noise?
18:25What's happened?
18:31Oh, who on earth is this?
18:33He says he's Moomin, but just look at him.
18:36You don't look like my Moomin.
18:39I am, I am.
18:41Please believe me, Mama.
18:43I am Moomin.
18:45Well, I don't know, I'm sure.
18:48Something's happened to me.
18:50Why do I look so different?
18:52Now then, calm down.
18:54This won't help at all.
18:56We don't need all this noise.
18:58If you really are Moomin,
19:00then everything will be all right.
19:02Just give me a minute or two and I'll know.
19:04Mama, call me Moomin, please!
19:06I don't know what's happened, but I am me.
19:08Honestly, I am.
19:10Mama, please believe me.
19:11I am Moomin.
19:13Let me see.
19:15Oh, Mama, you do know it's me.
19:17You must.
19:19You can't forget your little Moomin.
19:21Please, Mama, please, Mama.
19:23Oh, hush now, hush now.
19:39Yes, you're my little Moomin.
19:41You're my little Moomin, all right.
19:44Oh, Mama!
20:02Oh, Moomin!
20:07Oh, Moomin, my boy.
20:09Where were you hiding?
20:13In the hat?
20:22Let's hope it's the last we'll see of it.
20:26Moominpapa decided that although it was a fine hat,
20:30it was too dangerous to keep.
20:32So Moomin threw it in the river,
20:34and it floated away.
20:36He wasn't too sure about it, though,
20:38because it was a rather special hat.
20:41Oh, Moomin.
