Stargate Sg-1 (S1E17) - Solitudes

  • 3 months ago
Following a Stargate technical defect, O'Neill and Carter are stranded next to a Stargate in a cave on an icy wasteland. O'Neill is severely wounded and both are freezing. Will the SGC find and rescue them in time?


00:00There's no one scheduled to come back for 24 hours, who is it?
00:28Test G1's remote access code, sir.
00:31They just went through.
00:32Opening the iris, stand by.
00:41Sir, the gate is drawing twice the power as normal, and it's increasing.
00:56System overload.
00:58The wormhole is disengaged.
01:02Get our medical team in here now.
01:06Pimp, are you all right?
01:08I am.
01:09Where are Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter?
01:15They could have not been more than two meters behind.
01:18I do not know.
02:58Dr. Jackson is still unconscious, but Dr. Warner thinks he'll be all right.
03:19I need to know what went on back there, Teal'c.
03:21We were under fire.
03:25Energy weapons of some kind.
03:27Possibly Goa'uld technology.
03:28So it's possible Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter were struck by enemy fire?
03:32I do not believe so.
03:33They were but a few meters behind me as we passed through the Stargate.
03:37How many hostiles were there?
03:39They were some distance away, but we appeared to be surrounded.
03:42We were there only moments.
03:44Colonel O'Neill ordered us to lay down cover fire while Daniel Jackson dialed home.
03:48General Hammond, I believe they should have made it through the gate.
03:52I do not understand why they did not.
03:56Preliminary report on the Stargate repair, sir.
04:02There was some kind of overload during transit.
04:04We don't know why.
04:04They must return immediately.
04:06Not with an army waiting on the other side.
04:13General Hammond, I suggest a second probe be sent through.
04:16As soon as the Stargate is working again, we'll do just that.
04:30Oh, thank God.
04:34Yeah, try to stay put, sir.
04:35I think your leg's broken.
04:37No, my leg's definitely broken.
04:42This is bad news, because unless they redecorated the gate room,
04:47I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
04:49Daniel must have misdialed.
04:56You mean this place is a wrong number?
05:01For crying out loud.
05:03Where is he?
05:05He's not here, sir.
05:06Neither is Teal'c.
05:07No, he has to be.
05:09I tried that.
05:11He's been unconscious for nearly two hours.
05:15They came through the gate before we did.
05:17I know that.
05:19I also know that we're alone here, wherever here is.
05:28I think we're inside a deep crevasse of a glacier.
05:31If their Stargate's been overrun by ice,
05:33possibly on a planet in the middle of an ice age.
05:35Now, there is some light filtering through up there,
05:38and there are some fissures in the ice,
05:40but all of them are too narrow to follow very far.
05:45We're in trouble, sir.
05:46Oh, nonsense.
05:49We'll just dial home and we'll be fine.
05:54Straighten all this out.
06:00Where's the DHT?
06:02Can't find that either.
06:08So, uh, we're in trouble.
06:12We're in trouble.
06:24We've almost replaced all the superconductive interface elements, sir.
06:27They're almost all melted.
06:29It's going to take some time to load test them, though.
06:31Just tell me the minute we can send a probe through.
06:34That'll be 24 hours, general minimum.
06:36Captain Carter, Colonel O'Neill do not have that long.
06:38I'll give you half that.
06:40No, sir, it doesn't work that way.
06:4124 hours is the best I can do.
06:44Then you better get back to it.
06:45Yes, sir.
06:47Come on, let's go.
07:02Hey, I think it's set.
07:05You think it's set?
07:07I'm positive.
07:07All we have to do is put a splint on it and you'll be as good as new.
07:11Just take it easy, doctor.
07:12What kind of doctor, I'm afraid?
07:15You wouldn't think jagged bone digging into raw nerves would hurt, but it does.
07:19Sorry, sir, but I've never done this before in my life.
07:22Is this your first broken bone?
07:24Uh, no.
07:26This, this would be, uh, nine, if you count skull fractures.
07:35How'd you manage that?
07:36A little parachuting mishap over the borders of Iran and Iraq back in...
07:46Okay, this is gonna hurt, sir.
07:48Ah, I know, I know, I know, I know.
07:53So, what happened?
07:55I hit the ground.
07:57Go figure.
08:04My chute opened a little late and it hurt just like that.
08:11I'm sorry, Colonel, I'm doing the best I can.
08:13I know you are, Captain.
08:14Can you just be done?
08:16So you hit the ground and...
08:18And they all live happily ever after.
08:20Almost there, almost there.
08:21No, you're there, Captain.
08:22You're there.
08:22That's a great split.
08:28So, how long before you were rescued?
08:32No rescue.
08:35It wasn't exactly an official mission, if you know what I mean.
08:43So, I had to make it out on my own.
08:50Nine days.
08:55What got you through it?
09:00My wife?
09:02At the time.
09:06I had to see her again.
09:14Taliadar supplies you?
09:16Yes, sir.
09:17Supplies for three days, but we can stretch that.
09:20We've got a little drinking water, but...
09:25Nice smell.
09:27And we've got our field cooking gear to melt it.
09:29The flashlight batteries are going to be a problem.
09:32We've got thermal blankets.
09:34That's cool.
09:37By the way, Captain, we are going to get out of here.
09:42That's an order.
09:47How's the splint feel?
09:50You have to believe me.
09:56I want to, sir.
09:58I just don't see how.
10:00Then we better start looking for a way.
10:03Because I'll be damned if I'm going to die on some godforsaken block of ice
10:08a million light years from home.
10:09Is that clear?
10:10Yes, sir.
10:13Help me up.
10:15I don't think you should move.
10:16Probably not.
10:18But my butt's freezing to the ground.
10:20Come on.
10:37Add a little paint, a couple windows,
10:40maybe a fireplace in the corner.
10:43It'll be just like home.
10:48I love you.
11:00The stargate has malfunctioned.
11:02We came back through the gate at too great a velocity.
11:08Jack and Sam.
11:10They did not follow.
11:11Yes, they did.
11:14I know they did.
11:17They're right behind us.
11:18That doesn't make any sense.
11:20I concur.
11:25In a few hours, a probe will be sent back
11:28in an attempt to determine their fate.
11:35We might be able to climb out of here.
11:39You might, anyway.
11:43I said you might be able to climb out of here.
11:50I found it.
11:52Found what?
11:55A DHT.
11:59I figure the glacial flow must have separated the stargate
12:01from its dial home device.
12:03But it looks like it might be intact.
12:24Can we dig it out?
12:25Even if it doesn't work, we can use the chopped ice to melt drinking water.
12:35What's wrong with your chest?
12:38I think I cracked a rib, too.
12:39Why didn't you say something?
12:41I was afraid you'd try to put a split on it.
12:44I'll be fine.
12:48I've been thinking about where Daniel and Teal'c might be.
12:56So far, I count three possible explanations.
13:00Daniel misdialed, and they're here.
13:04We haven't found.
13:05I don't see them.
13:09Daniel didn't misdial.
13:10But for some reason, the stargate malfunctioned during transit.
13:14Don't ask me how.
13:15I haven't figured that part out yet.
13:18Anyway, they got sent back to Earth.
13:20But for some reason, we got sent here.
13:24What's three?
13:27The stargate malfunctioned.
13:29We got sent to this planet.
13:30Daniel and Teal'c got sent to another one.
13:33What's four?
13:34There is no four.
13:35It's after three.
13:36Not this time, Colonel.
13:39All right.
13:41We'll assume they made it back to Earth.
13:43They'll start sending search parties.
13:49To where?
13:51Here, I hope.
13:54Where would they begin?
13:55They have no idea where we are.
13:57With all the possible stargates, a random search could easily take ten years.
14:01Not if they look here first.
14:04Even if all SG teams started searching right now,
14:07the mathematical probability of them-
14:14I think too much.
14:24Charging circuit MX-43 at 20 percent.
14:3120 percent, sir.
14:32Checking transport status.
14:37Circuit is holding.
14:38Reset and stand by.
14:40She's all yours, General.
14:42Voila, Sergeant.
14:43You heard the man?
14:44Yes, sir.
14:54Chevron One, code it.
14:56SG-3 and I are ready and awaiting your orders, General.
14:59I won't authorize this rescue mission unless the probe sends back the right pictures to you.
15:03Chevron Two, encode it.
15:05All defense teams, stay alert.
15:07These hostiles may have both our addresses and our transmitter code.
15:11Chevron Three, encode it.
15:13You don't actually think they'd give up their transmitter codes to the enemy, do you?
15:15Not willingly, no.
15:17Chevron Four, encode it.
15:18I do not believe they would do so, even under the duress of torture.
15:22Chevron Five, encode it.
15:24Look, in the event we find no enemy activity on the other side,
15:26you will coordinate with Major Castleman on the rescue mission.
15:29Chevron Six, encode it.
15:30I understand.
15:37Chevron Seven is locked.
15:41The probe should reach the stargate of P4A-771 in five seconds.
15:53Four, three, two, now.
16:05No sign of Jack or Sam, but no evidence they got onto a firefight island.
16:12They were waiting for us.
16:13Move the iris.
16:13Disengage the stargate.
16:17SD-3, stand down.
16:20The rescue mission is scrubbed.
16:37Soup's on.
16:38Just a little more.
16:39I'm almost through.
16:40Come on, now.
16:42You don't want it to get cold.
16:55I didn't know you could cook.
16:58I can't, but my melted ice is to die for.
17:04Thank you.
17:04Sir, maybe I should have another look at you.
17:07No, I'm fine.
17:13I've been thinking about how the stargate might have malfunctioned.
17:18Well, we don't totally understand how it works,
17:22but the theory we have so far is that the gate creates an artificial wormhole
17:26that somehow transfers an energized matter stream in one direction
17:30and then moves it back in the other direction.
17:32It transfers an energized matter stream in one direction along an extradimensional conduit.
17:36I think the matter stream between stargates got redirected,
17:40kind of like a lightning bolt jumping from one point to another in mid-strike.
17:46I figure it had to have been the attack on P4A-771.
17:50The gate itself was probably struck by enough energy during the firefight
17:53to influence the direction of the matter stream before we reached the other side.
18:03I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.
18:07What I'm saying is,
18:09we must have emerged through a stargate relatively close to Earth in the gate network,
18:14somewhere between P4A-771 and Earth.
18:17Now, if the SG rescue teams reached the same conclusion,
18:20it could significantly narrow their search.
18:23That's good news.
18:30Okay, so if they are not there and they are not here...
18:38It is possible they may have perished within the wormhole.
18:43Yeah, in which case they're gone, I know. I thought of that.
18:50But if they are alive...
18:54If there's the least remote possibility that this malfunction sent them to a different stargate...
18:58Was it not Captain Carter
19:00who deduced the possible combination of stargate symbols numbered in the millions?
19:08Well, we have to narrow it down.
19:41Serpent Guard.
19:48I guess he didn't make it.
19:51You think?
19:54Okay, this is P4A-771. This is Earth.
19:58Now, the stargate shut itself down just after Teal'c and I came through.
20:02There was an energy surge.
20:04Right. But what would that have done to the wormhole itself?
20:08I have no idea.
20:09Could it just disappear?
20:10No, I don't think so, sir. It would have to discharge somewhere.
20:13Like another stargate?
20:16Yeah, maybe.
20:19Sir, it's all theoretical.
20:21But we think that stargates are basically giant superconductors.
20:24Charged matter streams along lines of force between them.
20:27Positive to negative, like electricity, right?
20:29Except for the fact that the whole trip happens outside our dimension.
20:32Yeah, more or less.
20:34Okay, what if it jumped?
20:38Redirected itself here? Or here?
20:41Or anywhere along here?
20:45You're suggesting we search all these worlds?
20:47Well, at least we've narrowed an entire galaxy of stargates
20:49down to a handful of possibilities.
20:51Well, assuming you're right,
20:52why haven't they used that stargate to come back on their own?
20:56Teal'c and I were flung out of this gate at this end so fast,
20:58I don't even remember hitting the ramp.
21:00Now, they could be badly hurt,
21:01in which case we will not have to search far from the stargates themselves.
21:05I think we owe it to them to try.
21:14You got a date this Saturday, sibling?
21:18This one has to be the point of origin.
21:20I've never seen it before.
21:29I guess it's now or never.
21:31I've always preferred now to never.
21:40Here goes.
22:14Damn it!
22:16Damn it!
22:20Did you dial the right address?
22:26It has to be something as simple as the control interface.
22:29If we can just dig down to the panel on the DHD, I can fix it.
22:35Sir, we gotta keep trying.
22:37Of course we do.
22:39But we've been awake...
22:43for a very long time.
22:46Hey, it'll be there in the morning.
22:52What about you?
22:54I told you we're gonna get out of here.
22:58This is gonna take longer than we thought.
23:02Yes, sir.
23:10Yes, sir.
23:26Dr. Jackson.
23:30We just received probe telemetry from P5C-11 and 12.
23:34Neither of them have a breathable atmosphere anymore.
23:36If they ever did.
23:38I have formally reported Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter as missing in action.
23:45Missing in action doesn't mean we stop looking, sir.
23:55I'm missing something.
24:22As much as I might otherwise think this is nice.
24:30Try to sleep.
24:32So what were we doing?
24:35You were exhausted. He passed out.
24:38I just thought we had to combine body heater.
24:40We wouldn't make it through the night.
24:42It's fine.
24:44It's just very hard to sleep with broken ribs when someone's lying on you.
25:01It's better.
25:05Sleep for a few hours and I'll fix the DHT.
25:23It's my sidearm, I swear.
25:29No giggling, please.
25:37If we don't make it, I won't have any regrets.
25:45A regret.
26:40God, why won't you work?
27:05I'm usually the first one up.
27:08You're bleeding internally.
27:09I don't know how badly.
27:11Your broken leg may already be frostbitten.
27:14I can't tell.
27:16I've been trying to warm it up with the last of our cooking sternum, but that's about had it.
27:22What's the bad news?
27:27Help me up.
27:28No, sir.
27:29You need to heal.
27:31That's an order.
27:32I give the orders around here.
27:35Not doctor's orders.
27:41I want you to drink as much of this as you can.
27:47Once that sternum dies, we won't be able to thaw anymore.
27:58I should have gotten you out of here by now.
28:00I'm sorry.
28:03You will.
28:04You will.
28:05I have been working on the control panel for the last 12 hours.
28:10It's just... I don't know why it won't work.
28:13It should work.
28:16I'm missing something.
28:24It's time to go to plan B.
28:29What plan B?
28:30It's time to go to plan B.
28:33What would plan B be?
28:39You take the rest of the supplies and climb out of here.
28:45Take your chances up on the planet.
28:49Head towards daylight.
28:52If I can't get that stargate to work, we will both go.
28:57All right.
28:59I'll race you.
29:01I can't...
29:03I can't work.
29:25Major Captain!
29:26Major Captain requires medical attention.
29:29Medical team to the embarkation room!
29:32Put the iris on safe.
29:37What happened?
29:39We were exploring a cave not far from the stargate.
29:41He fell several meters from a rock ledge.
29:45There was no sign of Captain Carter or Colonel O'Neil.
29:48Are you all right?
29:49I am ready to embark again.
29:54I'm calling the search off.
29:56This was the last of the planners to fit your theory, Doctor.
29:59It's been, what, a few days?
30:01I mean, what if we stopped just short of finding them?
30:03I'm sorry.
30:14Energy converters are intact.
30:19Oh, God, reset.
30:21Reset, why didn't I think?
30:23Hey, Colonel!
30:24I'm gonna interrupt the power.
30:26I'm gonna shut it all off and turn it on again.
30:32It's gonna work.
31:24Oh, God.
31:45Daniel Jackson.
31:50Did you see that?
31:58Why are you here?
32:00I couldn't sleep.
32:01I was thinking that I must be missing something, and now I just realized.
32:05We ruled out a world we shouldn't have.
32:15I guess it didn't work.
32:19I'm sorry.
32:24Not your fault.
32:27I don't understand why it won't work.
32:36Plan B.
32:41No, sir.
32:46I'm dying.
32:50Follow my order.
33:03Yes, sir.
33:45How many Earth-based cultures have we encountered from other worlds from periods both before and after we think the Stargate was buried?
33:51Several, I take it.
33:52Right, and we've probably only scratched the surface.
33:53Now, so far we've tried to account for these discrepancies with various theories of parallel or accelerated...
33:58What's your point, Doctor?
34:02What if there's a second Stargate here?
34:07What if this energy surge caused the wormhole to jump from one Stargate to another here?
34:13On Earth?
34:16Teal'c, would the ghoul have put more than one Stargate on a planet?
34:20If the first became lost to them, it is possible.
34:23But remember, the one that Ra put here might not have been the first.
34:26The ghoul didn't build the Stargate system.
34:28Well, then where is it?
34:40I can't see the surface yet.
34:41It looks like it just keeps going up.
34:47Yes, sir.
34:50It was an honor surfing with you.
35:00Yes, sir.
35:08It would have to be in a remote location, otherwise it would have been discovered by now.
35:11It could have even been buried until recently, otherwise the ghoul would have continued to use it.
35:15Let us hope it is not still buried.
35:17We're looking for radio transmissions on SG-1's emergency frequency.
35:21Coordinate with our military listening posts around the entire globe.
35:27When we first opened our Stargate, it used to shake a lot.
35:30I mean the ground, the whole facility, everything.
35:33Since then, we've installed frequency dampeners that limit that to only a slight vibration.
35:37Okay, but what if the second gate doesn't have those?
35:41Would it shake enough to indicate its location on a seismometer?
35:44Damn right it would.
35:45Run a search for all recent seismic activity worldwide.
35:49See if any coincide with the time of our Stargate malfunction.
35:52And check around 4 a.m. local time.
35:54I was here, I thought someone was trying an off-world activation,
35:56but nothing happened except for the chevrons glowed and there was a slight vibration.
36:01Captain Carter to Colonial.
36:03What happens when you dial your own phone number?
36:05Wrong person to ask.
36:06What happens when you dial your own phone number?
36:08You get a busy signal.
36:10What else could cause a vibration like that unless they were trying to dial home?
36:13They couldn't get through.
36:16I mean, even if their 7th symbol looked different,
36:17the coordinates of the two gates would still be exactly the same.
36:26Carl, I'm almost there.
36:30I'm gonna try to bring back help, sir.
36:32I want you to hold that thought.
36:45We got it!
37:14The timing of the event is to the 2nd,
37:16including the event that Dr. Jackson experienced a few hours ago.
37:18Latitude and longitude?
37:19Yes, sir.
37:20It's only about 50 miles out of McMurdo.
37:23General, order McMurdo Station to begin a search of those coordinates now.
37:49It's an ice planet.
37:51That's all there is, as far as the eye can see.
37:58No chance.
38:21Coming down.
39:25I'm here, Jack.
39:29Cold as gold.
39:33I know.
39:37It's all right.
39:41You can sleep now.
39:55It was an honor serving with you too, Colonel.
40:03McMurdo, this is Rescue Team Charlie.
40:20We found him.
40:28Come on.
40:30She's gonna be okay.
40:31You're gonna be okay.
40:32As is Colonel O'Neill.
40:33Let's get them in the choppers.
40:38Colonel, he's bleeding internally.
40:40We know, Captain.
40:41Don't worry.
40:41He's going to be all right.
40:44General, you came through the Stargate for us.
40:48Not exactly, Captain.
40:51A team from the SGC will be arriving within the hour to secure this area.
40:55In the meantime, let's get these people home.