Stargate Sg-1 (S1E07) - The Knox

  • 3 months ago
O'Neill and the team are sent to a planet in search of mysterious beings that have the power to disappear


00:00Stargate in motion.
00:06Everett six, encoded.
00:12Better hang on to something, Mr. Secretary.
00:18This is how we open the front door around here.
00:25My God, General, it's...
00:31I thought you might be impressed.
00:33What exactly am I looking at?
00:35We think you're looking at the event horizon of an artificially created wormhole
00:39through our space-time to a point tens, even hundreds of light-years away.
00:4755, the mission is go for standard recon.
00:50And do we know where they're going?
00:52Our designation is P3C-117.
00:56Do you have any idea what's out there?
00:58No, sir.
01:00That would be why we're going.
01:02I'm not sure, Colonel.
01:03Is it?
01:05Because to be perfectly frank,
01:07this administration is not satisfied with the current progress of the Stargate program.
01:12Begging the Secretary's pardon, sir, but we've already visited 19 separate worlds.
01:17I believe he is referring specifically to the volume of technology
01:21being retrieved on our planetary missions.
01:24The President and Joint Chiefs were under the impression
01:26that the SG teams would be bringing back superior technologies.
01:30I'm sorry, I thought we were explorers.
01:32Oh, you are, Dr. Jackson.
01:34But even Marco Polo, when he came back from the Far East,
01:36brought more than just a few exotic spices.
01:39Mr. Secretary, it's been my observation
01:42that whether it's here on Earth or out there,
01:46cultures with advanced technology tend not to like to share it.
01:50So, we're wasting our time.
01:52Would you interpret what I just said as...
01:55Sir, with respect,
01:57this program is quite probably humanity's most important endeavor.
02:01I said the same thing about the Apollo program.
02:03They brought back moon rocks.
02:04You may have noticed we haven't been to the moon in 25 years.
02:07What kind of comparison is that?
02:09Colonel, if one of those ghouled ships were coming here right now,
02:12have you brought back one thing we can fight them off with?
02:16What technologies do you seek?
02:19You tell me what's out there.
02:25There are still technologies even the ghouled seek.
02:28There is a creature that lives on an unpopulated world.
02:31It possesses powers of invisibility.
02:34Invisibility? As in stealth?
02:37That is correct. It can appear or disappear at will.
02:41I was once commanded to retrieve the creature.
02:44To learn its secrets.
02:46Apophis took the lives of two of my men as punishment for failure to retrieve it.
02:52If we manage to capture one alive,
02:54it could provide us with a serious tactical advantage
02:57the next time we came up against the ghouled.
02:59Sounds like a mission to me.
03:24Here, sir.
03:29What do we got?
03:31I thought I saw something just as we came through, sir.
03:34I don't know what it was, but it looked like a ghouled ship.
03:37I don't know what it was, but it looked like a ghouled ship.
03:40I don't know what it was, but it looked like a ghouled ship.
03:43We came through, sir.
03:45Kale, did we score already?
03:48I saw movement as well. This way.
03:53I hope these things are as big as you say they are.
03:56There's enough tranquilizer in these darts to knock out a rhino.
03:59They're very large, but extremely maneuverable in the air.
04:02We'll find them most vulnerable when they hover.
04:04Hover? Like a hummingbird?
04:07With teeth.
04:14All right, well, there's nothing out here.
04:16Let's get back to the gear and...
04:22Where's the stargate?
04:43I don't know.
05:14I don't like this.
05:16Did anything like this ever happen to you before?
05:19It has not.
05:21If we became misdirected and needed to locate the stargate,
05:24we had a ghouled homing device to find it.
05:26Do we have a homing device?
05:28Of course we do. Let's go take a look.
05:31I don't know.
05:33I don't know.
05:35I don't know.
05:37I don't know.
05:39I don't know.
05:41Of course we do. Let's go to the gear,
05:43which is by the stargate.
05:46Yep. Captain, let's start a box search.
05:48You and Teal take off in that direction.
05:50Stay in radio contact. Yes, sir.
05:52Daniel, you're with me.
06:23I just hope it becomes visible once we tranq it,
06:25otherwise we won't be able to find it.
06:37Teal, what the hell are you doing?
06:39It did not come from me.
07:00You are certain it was Apophis?
07:02Oh, yeah.
07:04What are we going to do? We have to do something.
07:06That's not our mission.
07:08Forget our mission.
07:10Now, he's the only one who knows where Sharae and Scar are.
07:12We will not get another chance like this.
07:16What kind of entourage is he going to have with him?
07:18Two, perhaps three Jaffa personal guard.
07:22Are we seriously entertaining the idea of going after Apophis?
07:26Sir, we're not prepared for an attack.
07:28Half the ordnance we're carrying is tranquilizer guns.
07:30So we use one of them to knock him out.
07:32He will wake up in a holding cell without his guards,
07:34without his technology. He will have no choice
07:36but to tell us everything we want to know about Gould technology,
07:38about where Sharae is.
07:40Can I remind you that we don't know where the Stargate is?
07:43He will have the Goa'uld homing device I spoke of.
07:45There you are.
07:47All right, you know what we're up against better than anyone.
07:50Can we do what Daniel is talking about?
07:52We have the element of surprise.
07:54I have my staff weapon.
07:56If we eliminate his personal guard quickly,
07:58I believe so.
08:01Teal, this character used to be a god to you.
08:05You're sure you're okay with this?
08:09I am okay.
08:11Okay. Carter?
08:14If we're going to do this, we better plan the attack very carefully.
08:25Drop it!
08:35Drop it!
09:49Tal Shaka Mell.
09:53I die free.
10:19I die free.
10:50I die free.
11:04Hey, what are you looking at?
11:06I felt that blast kill me.
11:08I mean, I thought I...
11:10I thought we were dead. Weren't we dead?
11:14Well, I thought heaven would be a little more upscale.
11:17Oh, I don't think this is heaven.
11:32It's okay.
11:33How was that?
11:34It's okay.
11:41Wasn't I just...
11:44Killed as in...
11:46Yeah, we know.
11:47We saw it happen.
11:48Same thing happened to us.
11:53This is a surprise then.
11:55I don't know what happened to Teal'c.
11:57Colonel, my sidearm's gone.
12:00So's mine.
12:11Uh, hello.
12:18I'm Daniel.
12:20Uh, Jackson.
12:21This is Captain Carter, and this is, uh...
12:23Colonel Jack O'Neil, SG-1.
12:28Sorry to drop in on you like this, but we were...
12:36Do you know where our friend is?
12:38Another like us?
12:44Do you know where our friend is?
12:46Another like us?
13:05Is this your village?
13:11We need to find our friend, Teal'c.
13:28Nothing like coming back from the dead to build up an appetite.
13:34Oh, thank you.
13:35Thank you very much.
13:36Thank you very much.
13:45Did you do this?
13:49Did you heal us?
13:56I think they're a family.
13:58Of what?
14:00I have no idea.
14:04Well, we should ask them to give us back our weapons.
14:11Oh, hi.
14:15Uh, those things you found on us, those, um...
14:19Things you took from us...
14:22The big things.
14:24They're very dangerous, and I...
14:31Thank God.
14:35Please tell me you know what's going on around here.
14:38I cannot tell you that.
14:40What about Apophis? You got a line on him?
14:43I do not.
14:44Any idea how far away from the Stargate we might be?
14:47I believe it's...
14:51I'm afraid of you.
14:56I'm afraid of you.
15:05You can't keep him.
15:12Don't do it.
15:28I think you should ask them about the Stargate.
15:30I have.
15:31They don't understand.
15:32Actually, they don't really say much at all.
15:35At the moment, I'm trying to figure out if they're human.
15:38They're fairly human.
15:39I will take you to your doorway.
15:47You understand what I'm saying?
15:49It took time to learn your speech.
15:53Not much time.
15:57Your weapons are gone.
16:00Gone where?
16:04You know about our enemy.
16:06The bad guys?
16:07They'll be following us.
16:09You attacked them.
16:11You saw?
16:12We only meant to capture him.
16:14Look, um...
16:16We're not in the assassination business.
16:21He's just...
16:24He's very...
16:28We just wanted to take him back to our world and have a little chat with him about all the nasty, bad things he's been doing.
16:34We just didn't know about this little force field deal.
16:37I had never seen such a device.
16:39If I had...
16:40It's all right.
16:41We're alive.
16:43Thanks to you folks.
16:45We will take you to your doorway.
16:48You will go.
16:50As in Stargate?
16:52You will go?
16:53Well, it's not quite that simple.
16:56By rescuing us, you have placed yourselves in great danger.
16:59Apophis will try to locate us.
17:02Apophis will try to locate us.
17:03Rest now.
17:05He will leave soon.
17:07Take your ways with you.
17:08No, wait, wait, wait.
17:12You helped us.
17:14You saved us.
17:19Our ways.
17:22We're from a race of people that want to learn about your ways, your medicine.
17:30Is there anyone else we could talk to?
17:32Do you have a leader?
17:33They have no wish to see you.
17:35So there are others.
17:37You will go.
17:42We'll go.
17:44If you wish us to leave, should we not depart now?
17:49Your brother won't revive until later.
17:54Excuse me?
17:56Whose brother?
18:24He resisted our attempts to help him heal.
18:26He may yet survive.
18:27The gold he carries is healing him even now.
18:29That is good.
18:30How is that good?
18:32I mean, he's in the service of the Gould.
18:36He is like him?
18:38He's with us.
18:39Perhaps you can convince the injured one to join you as well?
18:43Oh, I don't think so.
18:45The Goulds are a parasitic race.
18:47They take life and use it for their own purposes.
18:50And their ways are not like your ways.
18:52Believe me.
18:53They do not know.
18:54The Nox?
18:56The ones you speak of come to hunt the Fenri.
19:00Well, that's probably that disappearing, invisible flying thing we were after.
19:04Yes, Fenri.
19:07All right, look.
19:09Do you have any elders I could speak with?
19:11I don't think you're understanding what...
19:13Ofer is one of the eldest of the Nox.
19:18You sure?
19:22If Shackle does not die, they will be in even greater danger than they are now.
19:29There will be no more death.
19:31I have no intention of killing him.
19:33However, if Shackle survives his injuries, he will tell the Gould where to find you.
19:37Look, obviously your medicine is very...
19:41Well, it's very effective.
19:43But how do you defend yourselves?
19:45We don't.
19:46Well, then at least let us help you in exchange for what you did for us.
19:49You must go.
19:55Well, for now, we'll just go over here.
20:09All right, do you know this Shackle?
20:11He served in my command when I was First Prime of Apophis.
20:14Well, we can't just walk away.
20:16I mean, if we hadn't attacked Apophis, he wouldn't even be here.
20:19And we can't kill him either.
20:24I wasn't considering it. I was just stating the fact.
20:28Okay, we'll take Shackle back.
20:30It's not quite as good as having Apophis, but he can't stay here.
20:33Apophis will not allow us to leave this world alive.
20:36You have challenged him, and I have betrayed him.
20:39Even if we were to locate the Stargate, leaving this world will be difficult.
20:42So we're back to square one.
20:44We can't leave Shackle here, and we'll never get him back to the gate without running into Apophis.
20:49Okay, we'll try and find out as much as we can about the Nox.
20:52It's part of why we came here, right?
20:54In the meantime, I think you'd better check on your friend.
20:57Whatever we end up doing, I don't think he's going to wake up in a very good mood.
21:01Know what I mean?
21:10Apophis. Kree.
21:12We shall talk.
21:14Tilk was standing before me, waiting to pay the price of his betrayal.
21:18I had him in my hand.
21:20We have searched.
21:22Where are the others?
21:24Where is Shackle?
21:26I saw them die. They could not just disappear.
21:31Unless they have learned the power of the beast.
21:39Must he be bound so tightly?
21:42If not, he will escape when he awakens.
21:45He deceives you. He's awake now.
21:56Were you waiting for me to turn my back, Shackle?
21:59As you taught me.
22:02Have you come to kill me?
22:06I offer you the chance to join me.
22:09The Goa'uld are not gods.
22:12These people are that of the First World. The Tari.
22:15You waste your breath.
22:17I shall rest, strengthened by the thought of the reward I shall get when I present your head to Apophis.
22:26The time of Apophis will soon end.
22:29And on that day, I will return to our world and offer freedom to all Jaffa.
22:34It is a shame you will not live to see it.
22:36But when you fail to kill me, it will be your head.
22:44I really don't get the point of this.
22:47Well, if we run into Apophis again, we'll be prepared.
22:50But what good are bows and arrows going to be against that kind of firepower?
22:53Exactly how I want him to think.
22:56Any weapon's better than no weapon when it comes to survival.
22:59You guys just don't want to give up, do you?
23:01That's what happens when you spend half your life in special forces.
23:03Well, somehow I don't think we make very good knocks.
23:06I think you're right.
23:09Is that a weapon?
23:13And you can't have it.
23:14You can't have it.
23:33If you wanted this tip, this would be good for knocking fruit from the highest branches.
23:37Yeah, I'll bet it would.
23:39Why do you want to fight them?
23:41I don't want to.
23:42Then don't.
23:45It's not that simple.
23:50Look, I believe in peace.
23:53Just like you, I do.
23:54Then why do you fight?
23:56Because our enemy gives us no option.
23:59Sometimes turning the other cheek just doesn't work.
24:02I'll learn to understand them better.
24:04No, I wouldn't do that if I were you.
24:09Come on, come on, come on.
24:15Come on.
24:32Oh, no, thank you.
24:34I'm trying to quit.
24:36Is that where you get your medicine?
24:38From the forest?
24:39We get life from the forest.
24:41From everything.
24:43But you must have medicine.
24:47Or you must have some knowledge that we don't have.
24:50I guess what I'm trying to say is that we could learn a lot from you.
24:52I really wish that we could be friends with the Nox.
24:56Friends share knowledge with each other.
25:03You have much to learn.
25:05Well, why don't you teach me now?
25:08For example, you seem to have an almost psychic ability.
25:11Are you born with it?
25:13Knowledge takes time.
25:16And over the years, we teach the young to be wise.
25:23How old am I?
25:27How do you mark time?
25:31A day is one revolution of our planet.
25:34A year is one revolution around our sun.
25:37There are 365 days in one year, so...
25:39Then I am 432 years old.
25:45Well, uh...
25:47You look great.
25:50Thank you.
25:52You will not teach Nefrayo your ways.
25:55How did you do that?
25:57It is not the Fenri that have the ability to hide.
26:00It is the Nox.
26:04So you hid the Stargate?
26:06The Fenri was near K'ly'v.
26:08I was there.
26:10I was there.
26:12I was there.
26:13I was there.
26:14I was there.
26:15I was there.
26:16I was there.
26:17I was there.
26:18I was there.
26:19I was there.
26:20The Fenri was nearby when you came through, attracted by your arrival.
26:24We concealed them from the hunters who come.
26:27We're not hunters.
26:29You tried to kill the Fenri just a moment ago.
26:31I was trying to protect the boy.
26:33You protect his body after poisoning his mind?
26:35Will you listen to me?
26:37The reason the ghoul hunt those flying things is because they want to know how it's able to disappear.
26:41If they find out it's you...
26:42Our ways have served us for as long as our people have lived.
26:46But they didn't know you existed before.
26:48Once they know, they'll enslave you.
26:50It's what they do.
26:51We are slaves to no one.
26:54How long have the ghoul been coming here to hunt?
26:59Oh, as long as I can remember.
27:04Why did you not bury the Stargate? Do you know that that would stop them?
27:09Then they would know someone had buried it.
27:12Right. Of course.
27:19Oprah is 432 years old.
27:21Well, guess what? You're not human.
27:25No. Humanoid, but definitely more advanced than anything that has evolved on Earth.
27:29That creature we came here for, it has no power at all. None. Zip.
27:34Well, then how does it become invisible?
27:37They do it. The Nox hide it from us.
27:41They make it invisible to protect it?
27:43Well, this makes things even worse.
27:45If Apophis finds out that it's them that has this power...
27:48He will try to possess it.
27:50If he finds he cannot, he will bombard this planet's surface from high above.
27:54What he cannot possess, he destroys.
27:57So we have to get Shackle out of here.
27:59We will not allow you.
28:02Will you stop doing that?
28:04You cannot be trusted with your enemy.
28:06Look, if we don't take him away from here, he'll tell the ghoul, the bad guys, all about you.
28:12We are not afraid.
28:13Well, get afraid.
28:18Look, this is our fault that this has happened. We know that, and we want to correct that.
28:23Shackle won't be hurt. You have our word.
28:25We will just take him away with us, back to our planet. Only then will you be safe.
28:29Only if that is his wish.
28:37I cannot find the Stargate.
28:41Then find me, Duke.
28:46I offer you this last chance to join me.
28:49Before you kill me?
28:51You're too much of a coward, or you've done it already.
28:54I have no wish to kill you.
28:56You may wish you had.
29:04What have you done to him?
29:29The Nox woman.
29:45Where'd the Nox go with Lya?
29:47Who knows where they ever go.
29:50I trained him well.
29:52You gonna be all right?
29:53Well, if it were you or me...
29:54My wound will heal. We must find Shackle.
29:57We will.
31:15You brought us back the same way.
31:21You become visible during the ceremony.
31:23When we are performing the ritual of life, we are unable to shield ourselves.
31:27A weakness.
31:31We are hidden again.
31:34Shackle has been this way.
31:39How long ago was he here?
31:44He's very skilled at evading capture.
31:47Did you teach him that, too?
31:57I am curious to see a gold. I've never seen one.
32:04We should go someplace where it's safe. Go where the other Nox are.
32:07They're far away.
32:08Nefreyu, please, go on. Scoot.
32:22Nistra! Nistra!
32:30Nistra! Nistra!
32:51He's telling him of the Nox.
32:55About their powers.
32:58Apophis will be pleased.
33:02Nothing has changed for us.
33:04No, everything has changed.
33:06We will take you to the doorway.
33:08Look, Antaeus, we can come back through that gate. We'll bring reinforcements.
33:15Where is Nefreyu?
33:46I told him to go home.
33:48I told you the same.
33:51The very young do not always do what they are told.
34:15I feel like a trap to you, Captain.
34:17Yes, sir.
34:36We must begin the ritual.
34:38No, wait.
34:39Jack, they can bring him back.
34:41Shackle has told Apophis of your ritual.
34:43That you cannot remain hidden when you perform it.
34:45But we must.
34:46The minute you start that ritual, they'll attack.
34:49Give us our weapons. We can defend you.
34:51There will be no killing.
34:53All right, fine.
34:55We'll find our own way back to the Stargate.
34:57We're certainly not going to sit around here and watch us slaughter.
35:01Let's go.
35:03It's an order.
35:05Please, we were just... we were trying to help.
35:07Goodbye, Daniel.
35:10Think they bought it?
35:11I almost believed it myself.
35:18We could take Nefreyu to the others.
35:20It would take too long.
35:40Where did that come from?
35:42Well, the wee folks missed one.
35:44So, Shackle thinks we're unarmed.
35:46Apophis thinks he's invulnerable.
35:48And they're right.
35:50I think I found the flaw in your plan.
35:52Their weapons aren't as effective in close.
35:54We'll be better off with hand-to-hand combat.
35:56I'm afraid so.
35:57I'm afraid so.
35:58I'm afraid so.
35:59I'm afraid so.
36:00I'm afraid so.
36:01I'm afraid so.
36:02I'm afraid so.
36:03I'm afraid so.
36:04I'm afraid so.
36:05I'm afraid so.
36:06I'm afraid so.
36:07I'm afraid so.
36:08We'll be better off with hand-to-hand.
36:09What of Apophis?
36:10He's protected by an energy field.
36:12We both fired our weapons directly at it.
36:14Did you see what happened when one of his guards
36:16tossed him a staff weapon?
36:18Passed right through.
36:21So, you're guessing that the shield's deflection capability
36:24is directly proportional to the amount of kinetic energy
36:26being directed at it.
36:29So, you're saying that an arrow or dart
36:31being much slower in velocity than, say, a bullet...
36:33Just might make it through.
36:35It's a big gamble, sir.
36:39You ready?
36:56They're coming.
37:08Come on.
37:38Come on.
38:02Fool, I will kill you.
38:14They'll be back!
38:17They won't spare you!
38:29This is where the Stargate should be.
38:32We sent your enemy through the doorway.
38:36They'll be back.
38:38When you are gone, we will bury it.
38:40They'll come in ships next time.
38:43We'll bring an army.
38:54He wanted to wish you farewell.
38:57He wanted to wish you farewell.
39:01I'm glad you're okay.
39:03And you.
39:04We sent your weapons back through the doorway.
39:09Yeah, speaking of the Stargate, it's here for us.
39:17It is our way that the strong defend the weak.
39:21We're afraid for you.
39:23Before you go, O'Neil, there is something we would have you see.
39:36Oh, my God.
39:46Fear not.
39:53Fear not.
40:03Maybe one day you will learn that your way is not the only way.
40:17Why didn't he tell us about this before?
40:19I think in their way they did.
40:23I think in their way they did.
40:29It appears they possess a form of technology far greater than that of the Goa'uld.
40:33They looked so helpless.
40:35And now they're going to bury the Stargate and we can never come back. We should have listened.
40:42Very young do not always do as they're told.
40:50It's a little something the Nox told me one time.
40:53Something worth taking home.
