Smeshariks PIN code Best educational cartoons for kids and adults Top 10 series

  • 2 months ago


00:00This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
00:30Pinko, Pinko, Pinko, Pin-Pin-Pin
00:36Science is a tricky thing, you can't boil it
00:39Science is a strong thing, you'll cut off all the teeth
00:41Stop sitting in the dark and spinning the iron
00:43Your whole life will change as soon as you trust
00:46That very Pinko, Pinko, Pinko, Pinko
00:50That very Pinko, Pinko, Pin-Pin-Pin
00:55That very Pinko, Pinko, Pinko, Pinko
01:25No! This can't be!
01:44The most important thing in this situation is not to panic
01:48It's an unusual case, but it's not for nothing
01:52I'll tell you more, the situation is practically under control
01:57Ossiashev even has a version of what's going on
02:01Thank you, my one-color friends
02:05I'm inclined to assume that all of us have become victims of a virus
02:10that has damaged our gene of melanin
02:13What has damaged what?
02:15As I said earlier,
02:17each cell of our body contains a molecule of DNA
02:22in which all the features of the organism are recorded
02:25Eye size, character traits, or skin color
02:30Each of these features is distinguished by a certain gene
02:35One of these genes is the DNA molecule
02:40One of these genes is called the melanin gene
02:45It protects us from the sun, making our skin and hair darker
02:51And if it fails, the skin and hair become white
02:56which we observe in our case
02:59And what should we do now?
03:01White color is no longer fashionable!
03:04Moreover, white skin is harmful
03:07I strongly recommend that everyone avoid the sun
03:16Where are you going? I'm going too!
03:21Ossiashev forgot to say the most important thing
03:24He is going to conduct a research in his laboratory
03:27and find a remedy that will give us back our old look
03:38Yes, yes, it's just a matter of time
03:42And if you have assistants?
03:45Will you need less time?
03:47Of course!
03:48Then I'm a volunteer!
03:50Thank you! You are very initiative!
03:57Oh, I can't even walk because of this virus!
04:00When will Ossiash find his medicine?
04:05Hedgehog, maybe we should make a railway?
04:09There is something wrong with it
04:12What's wrong with the railway?
04:16I checked it
04:18Where did it come from?
04:23Everything should have its own reason
04:26What reasons?
04:28I didn't wash my hands the day before
04:31Well, I picked it up as usual
04:33Is it the first time?
04:35No, it's some new virus
04:37Otherwise, you would have been white for a long time
04:41I heard somewhere that rabbits should be white
04:45Listen, maybe I just got cured?
04:49What we are going to do now is called biotechnology
04:55This is a science that uses the achievements of genetics and molecular biology
05:01to treat various diseases
05:04So, everything living on our planet consists of proteins
05:11Actually, the genes in the DNA molecule are designed by these proteins
05:20Each gene is responsible for the production of its own unique protein
05:25out of tens of thousands of possible genes
05:29Now we are interested in the protein melanin
05:33which, for some reason, disappeared from our bodies and discolored us
05:40We will try to cure the gene responsible for the production of this protein
05:46And we will do it with the help of a virus
05:50A virus?
05:52But isn't a virus something harmful?
05:58Be careful, my friend
06:00We will make an artificial virus
06:02that will do only what we want it to do
06:06Let's do it, my assistants!
06:09And we will try not to make a mistake
06:13And we will try not to make a new incurable disease
06:25Oh my goodness, where are you going?
06:28The sun is shining!
06:30I want to know what's going on
06:32Are you coming with me?
06:34How can I let you go alone?
06:38Viruses have a unique ability
06:41They themselves are not able to move and reproduce in the body
06:49That's why they are called undead parasites
06:58But viruses can stick to a cell
07:03and penetrate inside
07:05Inside the cell, the virus integrates its genes into its DNA
07:10and changes it
07:12After that, the cell begins to produce virus proteins
07:16from which new viruses are born inside the cell
07:20These viruses stick to new cells
07:23This way, we can change the DNA of all the cells of the body
07:29And what did we achieve?
07:31We infected a poor organism with viruses!
07:34Don't forget that this is an artificial virus
07:37Biotechnology gives artificial viruses the ability to produce the necessary protein
07:43and then uses its natural properties
07:46to spread this protein through the cells of the body
07:50which it just does not have enough of
07:53As a result, sick cells become infected
07:57Sick cells become healthy
08:01It's a clever idea to make viruses work for the good of the body
08:10But it doesn't always work out the first time
08:15That's why we conduct preliminary experiments
08:21Where did this virus come from?
08:24I'm pretty sure it's all because of the wrong food
08:28What else could it be?
08:32All this fuss about the virus is nonsense
08:37It's just a seasonal flu
08:41I don't know where the virus came from
08:44I'm not a doctor
08:46But I know how to solve the problem
08:49Water-resistant paint
08:51But I only have black paint
09:16I knew that sooner or later someone would ask me about this
09:23Once upon a time I knew an elephant from the faraway island of Mahabat
09:35In addition to her other qualities, she had an amazing feature
09:40She was absolutely white
09:45For people like her, there is also a special scientific term
09:51From Latin albus
09:54But I didn't know that it could be contagious
09:57Why did this virus appear only now?
10:05Interesting question
10:07Probably, in those years my young and strong body was successfully fighting it
10:15But during those years the virus mutated
10:20And mutated to such a state that it blinded all of us at once
10:27Oh my God!
10:28If it mutated a little more, it would have covered the whole planet
10:34My friends!
10:36Our group managed to get the necessary medicine
10:41Let's not tell the undisclosed that this is an artificial virus
10:45But we have only tested its effect on experimental samples
10:52Oh my God!
10:54This is good!
10:56And now we need a volunteer who will agree to be the first to try the effect of the drug on himself
11:05Let me try
11:08Let me go, bee
11:21And I...
11:22And I...
11:23I'm the first!
11:24I'm the first!
11:26It's better to be a brown bear than me
11:31But let me...
11:32There is still one syringe left
11:35Who didn't do the injection, my friends?
11:38Where did the hedgehog go?
11:43Here you are!
11:44Hedgehog and his team have found the antidote!
11:47Antidote is, of course, good
11:50But I'm worried that something very strange has happened to us
11:55And there is no more virus
11:58Well, it's good that...
11:59Phew! Well, that's it!
12:00It seems that everyone had time to paint
12:02Ah, a little more, and for you, the series would not have time to be released on time
12:05Shouldn't you paint the characters?
12:08Actually, I'm a director, and you're an artist
12:11Come on!
12:12It's worse now
12:13It's good that the screenwriters helped to get out
12:16Yes, it's a good idea with the virus
12:18By the way, we need to warn the screenwriters to be more careful with the hedgehog
12:22He seems to be beginning to guess something
12:33Did you hear anything?
12:35No, why?
12:36It probably seemed
12:47The End
13:12The length of the creature is only a few micrometers
13:15And how many unusual shapes!
13:17How many amazing possibilities!
13:20Lysyash, you're kidding!
13:22You called me to look at the fantastic creatures that I have not yet seen!
13:27Why did I dress up like that?
13:30Well, who knew that you would understand so literally?
13:34But bacteria are really fantastic in their own way
13:37What's so amazing about them?
13:39One harm!
13:40If there were no bacteria, we would not have to wash our hands before eating
13:44If there were no bacteria, my friend,
13:47we would not be with you
13:54Bacteria can live anywhere on Earth
13:57Under the ground, in the air, in the water and in the hot sand
14:02Bacteria feel quite comfortable
14:05For example, in one gram of fresh water there are a million bacteria
14:10And in one gram of soil there are about 40 million
14:14And the total mass of bacteria on our planet
14:18is more than the mass of all plants and animals together
14:22Therefore, the main inhabitants of the Earth are bacteria, not us
14:28Let them be the masters of the universe!
14:30What's the use of them?
14:32Without bacteria, many things would be simply impossible
14:36For example, all dairy products, such as kefir, yoghurt and cheese,
14:41we get thanks to bacteria
14:44In addition, bacteria are used to purify the sources of water
14:48and remove oil stains
14:50as well as for the production of various medicines
14:53and much more
14:55We ourselves are mostly made up of bacteria
14:59In our body, there are ten times more of them than in our own cells
15:04There are especially many of them on the skin, in the stomach and in the intestines
15:09Damn it! Why do I need these things? Am I kefir or what?
15:13Bacteria live inside us for a reason
15:17They help our digestion and metabolism
15:21And only bacteria can produce chemical reactions with nitrogen of the atmosphere
15:27which are vital to all living things
15:30We just have to use the work of our little friends
15:36There are so many bacteria that most of them are not even studied
15:41But it can be said for sure that our existence is simply impossible without them
15:49If these things are so useful, why do I wash my hands then?
15:54What else can your bacteria do?
15:57A lot of things
15:59Perhaps they can do something that is hard for us to imagine
16:07And you need to wash your hands because...
16:15Cleanliness, my needles are clean
16:19Cleanliness, my needles are clean
16:27Hedgehog, I've found out something!
16:30Bacteria drink and feed us and they can do anything!
16:34Or what can they do instead of hands?
16:37They can do anything!
16:40Yes, bacteria!
16:42And they are not yet studied, can you imagine?
16:44Maybe there are bacteria that can wash dishes
16:48or let us breathe under water
16:51But it's better to fly!
16:56There must be bacteria that can turn anyone into a superhero
17:01And you know, I'll find such a bacteria, you'll see
17:22Where is it?
17:24Here it is!
17:30I decided not to wash my hands at all
17:32I need to accumulate more bacteria
17:36One of them will definitely turn out to be the super one
17:39You'll see
17:41I'm going to find out
17:43I'm going to find out
17:45I'm going to find out
17:47One of them will definitely turn out to be the super one
17:50You'll see
17:52Hedgehog, you're doing stupid things
17:56Maybe there is no super bacteria?
18:00There is, there is
18:05And when I find it, I'll share it with you
18:11Thank you, you're welcome
18:18Where do these spots come from?
18:21Even the cleaning system of the Hedgehog can't deal with them
18:27What's wrong with you, my friend?
18:31It's a long story
18:35Hedgehog is looking for bacteria to become a superhero
18:45Hedgehog is looking for bacteria to become a superhero
18:49Well, well, well
18:53I found it!
18:55Super bacteria!
18:57My friend, how are you feeling?
19:05By the way, I took the bacteria from your laboratory
19:08I picked them up in a jar
19:11These are cholera bacteria
19:13You're not in space
19:15Don't be greedy
19:17They will multiply in me
19:19And you will have even more of them
19:28I can feel the super bacteria growing in me
19:52It's just a big piece of metal
19:55It has no bacteria
19:57And it can't resist the super bacteria
20:39Superbacteria power!
20:42Needles! Needles!
20:44Needles! Needles!
20:46Needles! Needles!
20:56Power! Super power!
21:01Needles! Needles!
21:03Needles! Needles!
21:05What's going on?
21:07Go! Superbacteria!
21:12Yes, the temperature is rising
21:15I'm afraid our poor Krosh has hallucinations
21:21Needles! Needles!
21:23It's me in everything
21:25Go! Superbacteria!
21:27Who knew that a story about bacteria would be so impressive?
21:32Go! Superbacteria!
21:35Are they really so useful?
21:39Not all of them
21:40Most of them are generally useless, but harmless
21:43And some are very dangerous
21:45Deadly dangerous
21:51The danger of bacteria is due to the fact that they multiply very quickly
21:57Our immune system immediately begins to fight them
22:01And inflammation occurs
22:03Due to inflammation, all channels and tubes inside us become clogged
22:08For example, bronchus clogging causes inflammation of lungs
22:13Appendix clogging is appendicitis
22:18Stomach duct clogging is furunculi
22:29Can we really fight these bacteria?
22:32Fortunately, you can
22:34Mold helps to fight bacteria
22:43Yes, yes
22:44Scientists have found that the mold Penicillium notatum
22:48Is able to destroy the shell of harmful bacteria
22:51And successfully destroy them
22:54So the first medicine against bacteria was invented
22:59Antibiotic Penicillin
23:04But you should take antibiotics carefully
23:07After all, over time it hardens the bacteria
23:10And they become insensitive to its action
23:13You have to invent more powerful antibiotics
23:16From which more powerful bacteria appear
23:19So these superbacteria that Krosh was looking for appear
23:24But it is unlikely that they will turn us into superheroes
23:27And in general, it is best to fight bacteria
23:30Before they get into our body
23:33With ordinary soap
23:39Well, how are you?
23:41Our recovering friend
23:45These antibiotics of yours
23:47Turn out to be much cooler than bacteria
23:58I understand!
24:00Superbacteria have no future!
24:03Now I will grow mold
24:08The wonderful properties of penicillin
24:10Were discovered by accident in 1928 by Alexander Fleming
24:15When he checked the cups of Petri with the old colonies of bacteria
24:19He noticed that some of them were moldy
24:22And the bacteria retreated
24:24Fleming was helped by English scientists Florey and Chain
24:30In 1945 they received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of penicillin
24:37This is how the era of antibiotics began
24:54The End
25:04Oh, bite me, bee
25:07Yulka-needles, this is a world record!
25:10My sad friend, are you upset now?
25:14Your wonderful vegetable will enter the annals of world gardening
25:18But they will eat it!
25:22Caterpillars, their bees
25:25It's too early to tear off my beauty!
25:27It's green!
25:28And they don't care!
25:30They will eat and not choke!
25:32We'll see about that!
25:34We'll give these caterpillars a slap!
25:36The appetite will disappear at once!
25:38But violence is not our method!
25:40Any problem can be solved without resorting to extreme measures!
25:45Let everyone solve the problem the way he is allowed to be brave!
25:49Or smart!
25:56So, fighters, while these smarties are trying to solve the problem in a peaceful way
26:01That is, no way!
26:02We will do it with the most effective method!
26:05Namely, by force!
26:12My friends, our goal is not only to save the crop
26:16But also to prove that solving the problem by force is not the only method!
26:30Who's coming?
26:33Caterpillars and other insects will come from the forest
26:37That is, from here!
26:38We will hold the defense on the hill
26:41Which will give us some advantages!
26:43In the first position there will be a lamb!
26:49When the opponent breaks through the position of the lamb
26:52That is, how?
26:53Break through?
26:54I will have an advantage!
26:56Break through, break through!
26:58Forces are too unequal!
27:00Therefore, your task is just to hold out as long as possible
27:04And rip out the enemy!
27:07Your feat!
27:08We will not forget!
27:10Any such proposal will be regarded as treason!
27:14And punished according to the laws of wartime!
27:17And according to the laws of wartime, how?
27:20Strictly strictly!
27:22I will send to the headquarters of smart people!
27:25With a reduction in rank!
27:28And if you dig around the cattle and pour water there?
27:33If you dig around the cattle and pour water there?
27:39There is a danger of damaging the root system!
27:43In addition, for many insects, such an obstacle is not an obstacle at all!
27:48They will fly over!
27:49Or maybe a bomb?
27:51These insects!
27:53But this is violence!
27:55Why can't you use a bomb?
27:57You just said that you can't use force!
27:59And nothing about a bomb!
28:02Thus, the hedgehog has all the chances to turn a wounded enemy into a fugitive!
28:09If the hedgehog, by some misunderstanding, does not take advantage of this chance
28:13Crosh will finish the operation brilliantly on the last steps to the secret object!
28:31And now
28:41Oh, maybe I should hide it somehow?
28:44Put on the invisible hat?
28:46But this is an idea!
28:48If we make the pumpkin invisible, we will solve the problem!
28:52It will be a phenomenal military, I mean, peaceful trick!
28:57But this does not happen!
28:59These are fairy tales!
29:00Of course, my friend, the invisible material does not exist in nature!
29:05But what prevents us from creating it artificially?
29:09Using the self-assembly method, we can create almost any material!
29:15To create materials with an unusual structure, the self-assembly method is used
29:20Or, to put it simply, the adhesion method
29:22All objects in the universe are attracted to each other
29:25But this force is very small compared to the weight
29:29However, the smaller the size of the object, the greater the role of adhesion
29:34And if two small particles with a very small weight are in contact
29:39Then the adhesion force will fasten them more reliably than glue
29:42In everyday life, we can observe this process with the naked eye
29:46When small particles of dust settle on all surfaces
29:50However, it is not worth neglecting cleaning, even for the sake of scientific experiments
29:54Nanotechnology deals with particles a thousand times less dust
29:59The adhesion of such particles is much stronger
30:02Using this property of nanoparticles and controlling them, you can collect the most diverse materials
30:09These molecules will stick together with each other by the same method
30:13The self-assembly method
30:15Thus, you can collect materials with the most impossible structures
30:19Which nature would never be able to create itself
30:23For example, combine rubber and iron
30:26Magnet and plastic
30:28The properties of such materials will be the most incredible
30:32Emit multicolored light
30:34Or give current when stretched
30:36Materials that have properties that are not found in nature
30:41Are called metamaterials
30:46But what does the invisible hat have to do with it?
30:49It has a lot to do with it, my incomprehensible friend
31:05It has begun
31:19The Invisible Hat
31:30The Invisible Hat happens only in fairy tales
31:33You would also set up a self-assembly with a boat
31:35Don't say you are doubtful
31:38There is nothing impossible for science
31:43Light makes the world around us visible
31:47Rays fall to the surface, are reflected and caught by our eyes
31:51So we see the object
31:53Therefore, in the dark we do not see anything
31:55There is no color at all
31:57Which would convey visual information to us
32:00If you create a material that will not reflect rays
32:03And let them through
32:05Without changing the direction
32:07Then we just won't see it
32:09Materials with such properties are not found in nature
32:12But there is an opportunity to create such a metamaterial artificially
32:16It will be a material with a negative indicator of light reflection
32:20This is exactly what we need
32:23The Invisible Hat
32:53The Invisible Hat
32:56Well, damn needles!
33:12Can I try?
33:17I don't see anything under this thing
33:20Of course!
33:22After all, the light envelops you and passes by
33:25Well, in general!
33:27I also have an Invisible Hat!
33:29I don't play like that!
33:30Actually, we have not finished the game
33:32We need to have time to fence the pumpkin of the digger
33:34Until it is noticed by the insects
33:50The Invisible Hat
34:21The Invisible Hat
34:24The Invisible Hat
34:48Well, diggers!
34:50Let's dance!
35:23The Invisible Hat
35:38Why did you do it?
35:40A little more and I would show them all!
35:43And now nothing will stop them!
35:45Do you think so, my warlike friend?
35:48Look at this!
35:53The Invisible Hat
36:04Did you want something?
36:06If you eat what you live for,
36:09then you are late, dear!
36:22The Invisible Hat
36:26Well, what did you do with it?
36:28It's a secret!
36:30Or rather, a peaceful one!
36:32The Invisible Hat
36:53The Invisible Hat
37:08Good morning, dear!
37:10Or, to be exact, good afternoon!
37:13So, we are sleeping!
37:15And what is the conclusion?
37:17He was writing poems all night again
37:20And what source of light do we use?
37:32And the fact that we spend a week
37:35taking care of nature
37:37does not concern anyone, does it?
37:39Well, how so?
37:41You are so energy-consuming!
37:44It's the most primitive incandescent bulb!
37:48In the past, incandescent bulbs
37:50were considered the limit of perfection,
37:53especially compared to gas burners,
37:56kerosene lamps, or, forgive me, candles.
37:59But now we understand
38:01that these bulbs are not ideal at all.
38:03Incandescent bulbs consume
38:05too much electricity,
38:07while using only 10% for lighting.
38:10In addition, using such bulbs,
38:13we are forced to heat the air in our house.
38:16We take the bulb!
38:21And we recommend to use
38:24exclusively energy-saving bulbs in the future.
38:29Each of us can save a lot of electricity
38:32if we replace all incandescent bulbs
38:35at home with LED or luminescent ones.
38:38Luminescent bulbs consume
38:40several times less energy,
38:42while turning almost 40% into light.
38:45LED bulbs have even more light
38:48and are more resistant to mechanical effects.
38:54Thank you, my friend!
38:56Nature will not forget your contribution
38:59to the cause of its protection!
39:13Well, well, well, well, well, well, well...
39:16Did you know that one dripping tap
39:19is 8,000 liters of water per year?
39:31You are so water-consuming!
39:33Come on!
39:34It's so easy to save water!
39:38And one dripping drain...
39:44And what is this?
39:54Well, well, well, well, well...
39:58Let's go for a ride!
40:00Why not?
40:03And what is our fuel consumption?
40:0650 liters per 100 kilometers!
40:1150 liters per 100 kilometers?
40:14No, it's the other way around!
40:21Not cool, my dear!
40:24Not cool at all!
40:26Do you realize that your self-driving car
40:29is very dangerous for the environment?
40:32A car transporter
40:34does a lot of harm to nature.
40:36It's not just a car,
40:38it's a human being!
40:40It's not just a car,
40:42it's a human being!
40:44It's a human being!
40:46A car transporter
40:48consumes a lot of fuel,
40:50that is, energy.
40:53The most economical and safe car for nature
40:56is a car in a garage.
40:58Therefore, the development of public transport,
41:01metro, trolleybus and tram,
41:03as well as individual bicycle transport,
41:06is also the nature and energy-saving technology.
41:10We never even thought about the harm to nature,
41:13to be honest.
41:15Oh my God!
41:16We did it not to protect nature,
41:18but for fun!
41:21Nevertheless, I would strongly recommend
41:24to give up on trips.
41:27That's right!
41:28We've been collecting it for two months!
41:30And in general...
41:31Hedgehog, are you with me?
41:36Oh well!
41:40We have an ecological disaster!
42:08I'm not guilty of this,
42:10but it's all my fault!
42:12Who lives inside me?
42:17He lives inside me,
42:19he doesn't leave me alone.
42:22He's an amazing creature,
42:24he's jumbled and torn.
42:26He burns everything from the inside,
42:28his head is spinning.
42:30He's jumbled and torn,
42:32he's jumbled and torn.
42:37He lives inside me,
42:39he doesn't leave me alone.
42:41He's an amazing creature,
42:43he's jumbled and torn.
42:45He burns everything from the inside,
42:47his head is spinning.
42:49He's jumbled and torn,
42:52he's jumbled and torn.
42:57He burns everything from the inside,
42:59his head is spinning.
43:01He's jumbled and torn,
43:04he's jumbled and torn.
43:13I see, I see.
43:14I fully understand your indignation.
43:17But we have to take some measures.
43:20We won't take any measures.
43:24Taking care of the environment
43:27is everyone's personal business.
43:29And everyone has to take care of it on their own.
43:33And what now?
43:34Endure this indignity?
43:37Fortunately, this indignity won't last long.
43:40I guarantee you that.
43:56Hi, old man!
43:57Hi, old man!
43:58As usual, I have a full tank.
44:01No more gasoline.
44:03Our supplies are over.
44:07What do you mean, over?
44:09I mean, completely over.
44:11Only this last canister is left.
44:14But this is an emergency.
44:17Sorry, I can't give it to you.
44:28Krosh, let's go home.
44:43I just can't imagine what can be done in such a situation.
44:47But he's been sitting there for a week.
44:50I understand that Krosh needs help.
44:54I understand that Krosh needs help.
44:57But help is also needed by nature.
44:59Anyway, we still don't have any more fuel.
45:02Why don't we try to remake Krosh's car?
45:06Make it more environmentally friendly.
45:09It's easier to put Krosh on a bike.
45:12We can make an electric engine for the car.
45:15Then he won't need gasoline.
45:18Of course.
45:19And for the environment, such a car will be absolutely harmless.
45:23What about the noise?
45:25It's impossible to take out.
45:27I assure you, the noise will be much less.
45:31Very soon, electric cars will appear on the roads,
45:34working on electricity stored in battery batteries.
45:39The electricity of the battery, made using nanotechnology,
45:44will be quite enough for a 400-kilometer run.
45:48The use of such cars will significantly save fuel
45:52and make the air of our cities less dirty.
46:19Bravo, friends!
46:21We all did a great job.
46:23Let's go and please our car enthusiast.
46:28One moment.
46:30Where is the last can of gasoline?
46:39But this is an emergency.
46:42Sorry, I can't give it to you.
46:48Let's go.
46:56I love to ride.
46:58I love to ride.
47:00I love to ride.
47:02And I will!
47:10He couldn't have gone far.
47:13It's strange that we still don't hear the sounds of his engine.
47:19There he is!
47:35Don't crash!
47:43New Episode Coming Soon
48:04Ah! Like a new one!
48:09Well, can we start?
48:10Can we?
48:11Quietly wait.
48:13Drive for a long time.
48:19Don't you want to take a ride?
48:23You know, it's no fun to ride alone.
48:27Come on, you're already a car.
48:30How long can we wait?
48:32New Episode Coming Soon
48:38Wow, it's really almost silent.
49:03New Episode Coming Soon
49:28New Episode Coming Soon
49:58New Episode Coming Soon
50:28New Episode Coming Soon
50:35I wouldn't refuse some kind of a deal.
50:42Ah, it's really funny.
50:45What danger can threaten us when we have such a wonderful binocular?
50:58New Episode Coming Soon
51:20Damn needles!
51:22Hey, everyone's alive and well!
51:29I'm all right, I think.
51:38After all, a binocular is an amazing device.
51:42Such a colossal crash on any other aircraft...
51:47...wouldn't leave us a wet spot.
51:51I'm sure everything is fine with the binocular now.
51:54You'll see it soon.
51:56Soon it will come for us on its wonderful binocular.
52:00What is this thing?
52:13It's some kind of a very big thing.
52:17I have to admit that I don't know much about technology...
52:21...but it looks like the motor of our binocular.
52:26So, without this thing, the binocular won't come for us?
52:37Judging by the tracks, the binocular went that way.
52:42In theory, it couldn't have been thrown far away.
52:46I want to believe it!
53:02Maybe we should go around it?
53:04Come on, we'll stay longer.
53:06The plan is this.
53:08Come on, we'll stay longer.
53:10The plan is this.
53:11We'll pull it from above, and you'll push it from below.
53:14Excuse me, but we're not Neanderthals to use brute force.
53:20The basic laws of physics can help us.
53:24Unfortunately, we can't cancel out gravity...
53:27...but we can significantly facilitate our work.
53:31That's not what I meant!
53:35We have to pull this thing, and you're talking about physics!
53:38Believe me, you're impatient.
53:41Our desires and goals coincide at the moment.
53:45What I want to offer is very simple.
53:49Man has been using many ways to facilitate his work... his daily work for a long time.
53:58At the same time, we sometimes don't even realize...
54:01...that this is how we use the basic laws of mechanics in practice.
54:06Yes, yes, the laws of mechanics!
54:08For example, the advantages of the inclined plane were discovered...
54:12...when it was necessary to raise the load to a certain height.
54:15It was long ago established that this task would greatly facilitate the inclined plane.
54:21This, of course, lengthens the way, but allows you to use the minimum effort.
54:41Well, I told you, nothing complicated!
54:52Where are you going? Catch it!
54:54Catch it! Catch it!
55:08I suggest a dig!
55:10Let's dig a tunnel through which we will then get this piece of iron!
55:14Maybe it's easier to pull it out?
55:16The two of us minus the load...
55:19No, we won't be able to do it.
55:21We'll need another hundred hedgehogs.
55:23Or twenty...
55:25Let's not forget about physics, my friends!
55:28Are there any suitable laws for such cases?
55:31Physics has laws for everything!
55:34When we need to lift a heavy object, we can use the inclined plane.
55:39But in some cases this method, alas, is impossible to apply.
55:43And then another ancient way to lift loads comes to the rescue.
55:48The block.
55:50The block allows you to change the direction of the applied force and reduce the applied effort.
55:58But that's not all!
56:00Call right now and you'll get two blocks at once!
56:04A system of two blocks allows you to reduce the applied force by two times.
56:10If there are more blocks, then the effort to lift the load is spent even less.
56:15For example, when using five blocks, the effort is required five times less.
56:20Sounds good, of course!
56:22But where is here?
56:24We'll take the blocks!
56:30Have you picked up physics on our side?
56:41Come on, come on!
56:46It works!
56:53Are we lost?
56:57How can we get lost if we move in a straight line all the time?
57:04Well, you see, there's only a little bit left.
57:07Bin is probably already looking for us.
57:12That's it, we're here.
57:14Not everything is lost yet!
57:16Now we'll scatter these cobblestones in one, two...
57:27Losyash, is there a suitable law for such cases?
57:32I've been waiting for you to finally ask!
57:36An inclined plane and a block are the oldest methods of lifting loads,
57:41which have proven to be excellent for thousands of years of tireless work.
57:46However, sometimes these wonderful methods are not enough.
57:53For such cases, there is a rule of the lever.
57:58Give me a point of support, and I'll turn the ground over,
58:02said Archimedes to the lever.
58:04And it's really possible, although no one has tried it with the ground yet.
58:08The lever allows you to significantly reduce the force required to lift the load.
58:13The rule of the lever.
58:15The force produced by the shoulder at its value should be the same on both sides of the point of support.
58:22This means that the shorter the lever on the side of the load,
58:25and the longer it is on the side of the applied force, the easier it is to lift the load.
