00:00GetMovies. Channel for the whole family.
00:30Two-wheeled chronicles
00:45Welcome to Paravozovsk, where trains live.
00:48There are railroads, railways and trams everywhere.
00:51Tasty fuel is served in a cafe, and children play bowling in a train.
01:00Ancient times
01:06I wonder what is written there.
01:10Ancient tribes inhabited huge and wild territories.
01:31We haven't caught mammoths for a long time.
01:33Yes, a mammoth wouldn't hurt.
01:35With syrup.
01:36In those ancient times it was difficult to find a mammoth.
01:44Mammoths are over.
01:46Last week I couldn't help with anything.
01:49So we will hunt.
01:51It was difficult to hunt mammoths.
01:55Because they usually didn't notice that they were being hunted.
02:09We need to find some other way.
02:13There were other dangers.
02:15Enemy tribes
02:24They had to defend themselves.
02:55The weather was unpredictable.
03:13The mammoth is coming.
03:15To the rain.
03:18Hurry up.
03:22You should have made a weather forecast.
03:26The only thing that saved us from boredom was hunting mammoths.
03:40But sometimes everything changed.
03:52In general, it was very difficult to be primitive.
04:06And then primitive people invented schools.
04:11In schools they learned not to be primitive, but to be educated.
04:16And they could become real civilized people.
04:22It's good to be civilized.
04:46I'm hungry.
05:16I'm hungry.