Tíbet, la cima del mundo. Documental

  • hace 3 meses
la vida en la meseta montañosa más alta de la Tierra. Este hermoso y otro lugar mundano es también uno de los más duros del planeta. Seguimos las vidas de algunas de las criaturas icónicas que lo llaman hogar. Desde lobos tibetanos que luchan por criar cachorros en los picos escarpados, y raros monos de nariz chata que enfrentan dramas familiares en las laderas del bosque hasta antílopes chiru que viajan cientos de millas para dar a luz mientras enfrentan la muerte, y pika resistentes que resisten los elementos todo el año, mientras está bajo constante ataque. Descubra cómo estos extraordinarios animales logran no solo sobrevivir, sino también prosperar en el techo del mundo.
00:00In the north of the Himalayas, there is a land few times seen by the outside world.
00:16The Tibet plateau.
00:21It covers 25% of China and is the highest and most extensive plateau in the world.
00:31Here, the animals are pushed to the limit of their possibilities.
00:38Some dedicated parents fight to bring their sheep to these steep peaks.
00:46A young monkey faces the family plots in the forests of the slopes.
00:51And brave Tibetan antelopes undertake an epic migration to produce life while they face death in the high plains.
01:10All the animals that inhabit this place fight daily to survive.
01:19But only the strongest survive in this land of extremes.
01:25Here, at the top of the world.
01:32Tibet, the top of the world.
01:35This story begins in the forest, on the edge of the plateau.
01:54Right now, it is under the iron rule of winter.
01:59A time when temperatures never rise above zero degrees.
02:04Enduring as best he can among the trees, he finds one of the rarest primates in the world.
02:17There could be less than 2,000 specimens left in freedom.
02:23It is the black langur with a flat nose.
02:27No other monkey on the planet lives at greater altitude.
02:34They are specially adapted to life at these altitudes.
02:40The absence of a nose allows the air, poor in oxygen, to have a direct entrance.
02:47And thus, it does not run the risk of losing it by freezing with extreme cold.
02:56The thick fur protects them to a certain extent.
03:00But what really helps them survive here is to have each other.
03:07This little one is in the safest place he could be.
03:13Cuddled in the arms of his abnegated mother.
03:23His father has spent the summer very busy protecting the sand.
03:27But now he contributes to heating the tight family core.
03:34This little prince has been the center of his mother's attention since he was born last year.
03:40But his world is about to take a total turn.
03:45At the top of the wooded slopes are the peaks of the mountains.
03:51At an altitude of about 5,000 meters, it is the highest and steepest part of the Tibet plateau.
03:57Up here, there is only half as much oxygen as at sea level.
04:07There is no other way to get to the top of the mountains.
04:13The only way to get to the top of the mountains is by boat.
04:19The only way to get to the top of the mountains is by boat.
04:28It is too cold for most mammals.
04:32Although not all.
04:47A Tibetan wolf.
04:50One of the rarest wolves in the world.
04:54His domain extends through this rugged terrain.
05:02But the territory means nothing if it does not produce food.
05:07And he is hungry.
05:10I have here what I was looking for.
05:18It is difficult to distinguish them in this immense space.
05:23It is difficult to distinguish them in this immense space.
05:31He can not do it alone.
05:41But he has help.
05:54The herd must work as a team.
06:11Its blood, adapted to transport more oxygen, gives it resistance.
06:16But there is a lot of ground to cover.
06:23They have detected the trail of the barrels.
06:27Their targets are already in sight.
06:35The hunt begins.
06:43The barrels run away to a more rugged terrain,
06:47where the wolves cannot follow them.
06:50A member of the herd passes them to keep them away from the rocks.
07:10Teamwork has paid off.
07:21A prey of this size will give them food for several days.
07:30But soon they will have to look for more prey.
07:35From the top of the food chain to the lowest.
07:43Pikes, cousins ​​close to rabbits.
07:46They are too focused on food.
07:50Even in winter, under the blanket of snow, it is still possible to find grass.
07:56If you are willing to dig.
08:03They outnumber all the other mammals.
08:06And they are on the menu of all the predators of the highlands.
08:11The entire ecosystem rests on these small and furry shoulders.
08:20Luckily, they have a safe space.
08:24They have a safe place to rest.
08:28They have a safe place to rest.
08:32Luckily, they have a safe place to rest.
08:38Each family has its own burrow,
08:41with separate rooms and multiple entrances.
08:47A shelter from danger and cold.
08:53Suddenly, an uproar.
09:02They are yaks.
09:04A relative of the cows with long hair.
09:13They are transhuming with their shepherds.
09:19They are able to live at more than 5,000 meters above sea level.
09:23Something that almost no other domestic animal can do.
09:31Now they are thirsty.
09:39But in winter, this is one of the driest places in the world.
09:47Practically all the water is trapped in the snow and ice, even in this river.
09:55But the yak has a special technique to free it.
10:02First, it must face the ice.
10:07A difficult challenge for an animal that weighs as much as half a small car.
10:32They are not exactly skaters.
10:35And this is their secret weapon.
10:39It melts the ice a little,
10:42and then it turns it into water.
10:47It is a secret weapon.
10:51It is a secret weapon.
10:55It melts the ice a little,
10:58and then it turns it into water.
11:01It melts the ice a little,
11:04and then it turns it into water.
11:11An ingenious survival strategy.
11:16They will not need to drink again in a couple of days.
11:21Their fur is thick enough to keep the body warm,
11:25even if it freezes on the surface.
11:28These impressive animals are made to thrive here.
11:43Finally, winter ceases to threaten the forest on the slopes,
11:47and spring begins to appear.
11:58For the little monkey, everything is a continuous change,
12:02and life cannot be better.
12:06He is old enough to experiment with total freedom.
12:16Life is a great adventure.
12:28And in each tree, there is a playmate.
12:32But spring brings another novelty.
13:02A little sister.
13:22Like all babies, her sister is a nuisance,
13:26and takes all the attention of her mother.
13:33After a day full of adventures,
13:36the little prince returns to his family.
13:48But his mother is busy.
13:56He is no longer the center of attention.
14:03His perfect childhood vanishes for a moment.
14:15It seems that he will have to take care of himself.
14:23The signs of spring are rising little by little.
14:28Until they finally reach the high peaks.
14:46But up here, the snow takes a long time to disappear.
14:51The wolves have managed to overcome winter.
14:55Even so, their life ahead will not be easier.
15:00Getting food is even more important now.
15:10The alpha female has been a mother.
15:15And she has four little mouths to feed.
15:30The future of this rare species of wolf rests in puppies.
15:35And it is time to give them a new life.
15:44Puppies like these, and right now,
15:47their mother's milk is the only thing that keeps them alive.
16:00With a full stomach,
16:02the most daring puppy begins to investigate his world.
16:09And he pushes his brothers to do the same.
16:15Even with certain abusive tactics.
16:20Through these tricks,
16:23the puppies gain strength and coordination,
16:26which are fundamental skills for hunting.
16:32Soon the peaks of the place will be in their sight.
16:39While the puppies continue to hunt,
16:42their father and the rest of the herd have a task ahead.
16:47With new mouths to feed,
16:50the territory is more important than ever.
16:55They work in groups to claim their areas,
16:58sending their competitors the unmistakable message
17:01that this territory belongs to them.
17:06Territory means food,
17:09and with the arrival of May,
17:12it begins to become more abundant.
17:16For the varal, it is breeding season.
17:25Varals depend entirely on the steep peaks
17:28to protect themselves from wolves.
17:40Puppies must learn very soon
17:43to move through these dangerous terrains.
17:53These animals are perfectly adapted to this vertical world.
18:00The varal has a lot in common with the goat.
18:04Like the goat,
18:06it has a split nipple to better grip the rocky surfaces.
18:11Its soft soles work like climbing shoes.
18:17They almost seem to challenge the force of gravity.
18:26Wolves could never reach them up there.
18:30But there is another enemy
18:35that also feels comfortable among the cliffs.
18:40The snow leopard.
18:44Its weapons are stealth and camouflage.
18:47It waits for its prey to get close enough
18:50to catch it by surprise.
18:54But the varals stay out of its reach.
18:58Today it will starve.
19:07Like the wolves, it needs to defend its territory.
19:14But unlike the snow leopards,
19:17the snow leopard is not afraid of danger.
19:23Unlike them, this female works alone.
19:29The odour glands around the moustache and the chin
19:33spread their scent
19:36and leave a clear message to other leopards.
19:39Get out of here!
19:46As the month of May advances on the plateau,
19:49the pikes' families grow rapidly.
20:00The father has already started to produce herds.
20:04From now until the end of the summer,
20:07he and his wife could have a litter every three weeks.
20:11Therefore, they would produce up to 18 young this season
20:15and all of them will have to eat.
20:20The territory of the father is not larger
20:23than a few parking spaces,
20:26but he defends it at the expense of everyone who approaches.
20:34Dad has detected an intruder.
20:39He comes in search of the food that produces this land.
20:45And dad is not going to let him.
20:50The warning does not work.
20:58And the fight begins.
21:08Although he is small, he fights like a brave man.
21:12Although he is small, he fights like a brave man.
21:33He has defended his little kingdom.
21:37However, close to there he faces a much greater danger.
21:42A royal eagle with the pikes in its sight.
22:04Warning call.
22:08Most catch the message.
22:13But one has been exposed in open terrain.
22:22Wrong place, wrong time.
22:34The father and his family have passed another difficult test.
22:43The highland extends between the high peaks.
22:51Here, with the arrival of spring,
22:54begins the most epic event of the Tibetan plateau.
23:06The migration of the Chirúes, the Tibetan antelopes.
23:12Thousands have traveled up to 300 kilometers in the last three weeks,
23:17from all corners of the plateau.
23:30They are females who have left the males behind
23:33and will not see them again in several months.
23:42This is their promised land.
23:47The coasts of the mystical lake Suonai.
24:02Nobody knows why they have chosen this particular place,
24:06but they are here for a very special reason.
24:09To continue the cycle of life.
24:17All the females of the pack stop in just three weeks of July.
24:30There is no time to stay without doing anything.
24:39They have to be able to walk for 15 minutes before being born.
25:03Incredibly, the young are already able to walk at the age of 15 minutes of birth,
25:08and luckily, such an abundance of possible prey
25:12inevitably attracts predators.
25:21Another group of Tibetan wolves, waiting for their opportunity.
25:26They will have to act soon.
25:32The Chirúes will definitely leave when the summer ends.
25:39But for now, their journeys are shorter.
25:43Every night, all the mothers and their young
25:46move to the nearby hills,
25:49fleeing the exposure in the plain.
26:02While the Chirúes are getting ready to go to bed,
26:06the darkness invades the entire plateau.
26:10At more than 4,000 meters above sea level,
26:13at night the temperatures plummet, even in summer.
26:20At these altitudes, the same sky seems like it can be touched.
26:37The Chirúes are already in their prime in the forest.
26:42The young male has stopped depending on his family
26:46since his sister arrived.
26:49But it is a good time of the year to make friends.
26:53The Chirúes are already in their prime in the forest.
26:57The young male has stopped depending on his family
27:01since his sister arrived.
27:04But it is a good time of the year to make friends.
27:13They seem to be having a good time.
27:16These young males left their families when they were their age.
27:21They have formed a gang,
27:23and are practicing skills they need to master.
27:35If he wants to follow in his father's footsteps
27:38and lead a gang one day,
27:40he will have to learn to fight.
27:49He can no longer resist the urge to join them.
27:54But the others practically double his size.
27:58But the others practically double his size.
28:02And soon he realizes his mistake.
28:24His mother has heard his cries.
28:36It turns out she was watching him.
28:46He has no serious injuries,
28:49except in his pride.
28:52He probably needs his family more than he thought.
28:56He probably needs his family more than he thought.
29:03At the top of the peaks, it is already summer.
29:12But the Tibet continues to test the wolves.
29:20The puppies are hungry,
29:22and their mother's milk is running out.
29:26Father has not yet returned with food,
29:29and mother can only hunt in the vicinity of the burrow.
29:35Time is running out.
29:37He needs to get food.
29:45Suddenly, they see something.
29:50A wolf!
30:04It is father,
30:06and he comes with a surprise.
30:10Food for his hungry family.
30:16They start eating meat very early,
30:19about three weeks old.
30:22Soon they will no longer need a drop of mother's milk.
30:40Now, without hunger, it is time to play,
30:44and practice more hunting skills.
30:48These game sessions at the end
30:51will decide the hierarchical order in the family.
31:10All the young people who live in the highlands
31:13enjoy the relatively warm days of summer to the fullest.
31:24There is plenty of fresh grass,
31:30and plenty of time to play,
31:33and, in passing, to become strong for the challenges that await them.
31:39There is always something to do.
31:45The sun shines,
31:48and the wind blows.
31:51The grass is green,
31:54and the wind is blowing.
31:57The wind is blowing,
32:00and the grass is green.
32:03The grass is green,
32:06But good times do not last forever.
32:31One of the largest meteorological phenomena on the planet is approaching.
32:37It barely rains on the arid plateau of Tibet until the end of July,
32:43when the winds and rains of the monsoon appear.
32:49The monsoon advances to the north from India and the south of Asia with such force
32:55that not even the mountain range of the Himalayas and its imposing Mount Everest can stop it.
33:05The storm covers the entire forest
33:11and closes on the shores of Lake Suonai.
33:22Here the situation gets even more complicated.
33:28At an altitude of 4,000 meters, the rain falls in the form of ice.
33:36In these open plains, the chiruas depend on their thick outer fur to repel the hail.
33:46The soft and warm fur they have underneath was at a time so coveted to make luxury coats,
33:54that this antelope was on the verge of extinction.
34:02Today it is a protected species, and its biggest problem is extreme meteorology.
34:17Finally, the storm ends, but it has left its mark.
34:27The monsoon has turned this river into a torrent.
34:35Even so, the herd must cross it every night to go to its refuge in the hills.
35:06It is not easy with such thin legs.
35:10Many of the young have only two weeks to live.
35:36The experienced mothers try to protect their young,
35:43but when the water runs so fast, crossing is still dangerous.
35:51Staying behind can have fatal consequences.
36:06The strength of the water is excessive for some.
36:23Others have difficulties.
36:30Exhausted from the effort, they still have to overcome the last obstacle, which is to get out.
36:43The little ones have passed their first big test.
36:52The instinct drives these mothers to seek refuge for the night,
36:59and their young cannot do anything but follow them.
37:07But the summer monsoon in Tibet has not yet ended here.
37:13The clouds, still full of moisture, advance towards the surrounding peaks.
37:32Here, the temperature in summer can drop 20 degrees in one day.
37:39And at these altitudes, the rain becomes blizzard.
37:46Adult wolves are used to these extreme weather events,
37:52but their young need protection.
37:55Their dedicated parents keep them safe in the burrow while the storm lasts.
38:04As soon as it appears, the snow melts again.
38:13The sun rises on the plateau, and the chirus return to their usual feeding grounds.
38:26The wolves stalk the herd.
38:32Soon there will cease to be this abundance of prey,
38:38when the chirus leave for their winter territories.
38:44The opportunities for the wolves are over.
38:50And they take action.
39:21The adults are very fast.
39:28They need to attack the younger ones.
39:41The chirus gather in search of safety.
39:48But the predators are not willing to give up.
39:54Now or never.
40:17The wolf manages to get between the mother and the calf.
40:47It is impossible for it to defend itself from a hungry wolf.
40:53Another pair of young are separated from their mothers.
40:59One of them has no escape.
41:05The other is trapped in the burrow.
41:11One of them has no escape.
41:17It is lost.
41:23The other has managed to return to the herd's safety.
41:29This time, the balance has tilted in favor of the wolves.
41:35But the chirus herd has not given up.
41:41It has not given up.
41:48But the chirus herd remains strong.
42:02In the forest, the change of season has already begun.
42:09Autumn brings new dangers for the monkeys.
42:25The little male survives alone.
42:31When something catches his attention.
42:37A great male, unknown, that rests in confidence.
42:43He is in the middle of a mission.
42:49He is in the middle of a mission.
42:55The little male feels curious and decides to follow in his footsteps.
43:18Suddenly, he sees his mother and her calf.
43:24He sees his mother and his sister.
43:30And he understands the intentions of the great male.
43:39It is breeding season, and he has the mission of looking for a mate.
43:45The father hears the commotion and rushes to defend his females.
44:15The intruder tries to escape.
44:20But he will not get away so easily.
44:25The mother runs to safety.
44:33This time, the intruder leaves.
44:40But he is injured. It will take a while to return.
44:46But he is injured. It will take a while to return.
44:52The father has protected what is his.
44:58He is not a monkey to be confronted with.
45:04But he has learned a great lesson.
45:10Not everyone who wanders around here is a friend.
45:20Bad times are coming.
45:34But for now, the efforts of the snow leopard to protect its territory have paid off.
45:40But for now, the efforts of the snow leopard to protect its territory have paid off.
45:46With the ram, he will be able to hold out for a few days.
45:52The efforts of the wolves have also been worth it.
45:58The alpha male has shown that he is a good head of family,
46:04and with this food, he has earned the respect of others.
46:10The alpha male has shown that he is a good head of family,
46:16and with this food, he has earned the respect of others.
46:30Adding to their strength, these wolves have raised four healthy puppies.
46:36Soon they will be fully developed hunters like their parents.
46:43But the tibetan is about to change again.
46:58In the woody slopes, the temperature is starting to drop.
47:05The little male is now literally abandoned in the middle of the cold.
47:11Without the warmth and care of his family, he will not survive.
47:17Without the warmth and care of his family, he will not survive.
47:23The sister sees that she is looking at them, and her reaction is surprising.
47:29The sister sees that she is looking at them, and her reaction is surprising.
47:35She approaches her older brother with caution.
47:41She approaches her older brother with caution.
47:47They share a moment.
47:52Her sister, who had made him feel rejected upon his arrival,
47:58is now ready to reunite with her family.
48:04And just in time, because in the tibet, the arrival of winter is almost instantaneous.
48:13Chirú's young are already stronger, and they should be.
48:19They have a long journey ahead to their winter territories.
48:25In a few days, they will all be gone.
48:31They arrived as a herd, but they leave as families.
48:40The pikes stay where they are, enduring the winter.
48:46The wolves also stay, and pick up everything that the tibet puts in their path.
48:55The monkeys prepare for the harsh winter, knowing that they have each other.
49:03These heroic creatures bring their families forward in the worst conditions,
49:09and they do it year after year.
49:14A new generation is now ready to face the future,
49:20and continue the endless cycle of life,
49:25here, at the top of the world.
