¡Top 20 Formas MÁS TONTAS de Matar Personajes en TV!

  • hace 2 meses
¡Estos personajes merecían mejores despedidas! Para esta lista, veremos las formas más tontas, complicadas e insatisfactorias en las que los personajes de televisión encontraron su fin.


00:00Uh, what's happening here?
00:04Actually, it's kind of a long and very confusing story.
00:08Hey, hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español. I am G, and today we will show you our top 20 of the most silly, complicated and unsatisfactory ways in which television characters found their end.
00:21We will only focus on live-action programs, and as we will talk about different plots, we warn you. Spoiler alert.
00:28I would change everything if I could.
00:40Well, why don't you stop going there and go there and put on the album du jour?
00:44Okay, Mr. Big.
00:45And just like that, a sequel to Sex and the City, Mr. Big's exercise session caused a sudden heart attack in the first episode.
00:53And thank you for joining me for this 45-minute power ride. Let's go!
00:59His abrupt death disconcerted the fans, but Peloton, the brand of static bicycles, took the worst part.
01:07That such a well-known character was murdered in that way was not the product placement they expected and caused a fall in their actions.
01:19By controlling the damage, Peloton introduced the actor of Mr. Big, Chris Knopf, in an ad, but was soon withdrawn due to sexual assault allegations against him.
01:29Number 19. Robert Romano. Accident in a helicopter. ER.
01:34This death in the second half of the long domain of ER was one of the biggest signs that the show was losing its charm.
01:45A strange accident with a helicopter causes Dr. Robert Romano to be crushed, but the scene itself is comically terrible.
02:00Not only is Romano crushed, but a nurse is hit with a large piece of machine gun and an entire floor of the hospital explodes.
02:08All represented with a gloriously mediocre CGI. The moment is so exaggerated that it is impossible to take it seriously.
02:15We were supposed not to laugh when a character dies in ER.
02:20Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?
02:24Number 18. Butch and Tabitha. The Penguin. Gotham.
02:29Gotham was not a normal Batman prequel. When Butch, a low-level criminal, became the iconic villain Solomon Grandy, it was a real surprise.
02:38And not in the good sense, but it was a much more disappointing surprise when the Penguin killed him in front of his girlfriend Tabitha.
02:45You're you.
02:47Yeah, I'm me again.
02:50Butch received a shot in the end of season 4, almost immediately after being cured of his zombie-like condition.
02:57I consider you a friend.
03:01And that I am truly sorry.
03:09And when he tried to avenge him, Tabitha, an experienced killer, was stabbed in the premiere of season 5.
03:15Say hello to Butch.
03:20It all happened because Tabitha killed the Penguin's mother. It is a understandable reason, but both murders seemed to attract the attention of the fans.
03:29The decision to kill the two, who recovered from much worse things in such an anticlimactic way, was very boring.
03:40Number 17. Cat Bane. The Book of Boba Fett.
03:44The live debut of Cat Bane had been eagerly awaited for years.
03:48But when it finally appeared in the Book of Boba Fett, it got much less screen time than fans expected.
04:00The bounty hunter dominated a shootout in his first appearance. The next episode faced him face to face with Boba Fett himself.
04:18However, the epic encounter we expected was cut short when Cat Bane was impaled.
04:30It was a pretty sloppy way for such a popular character to come out.
04:37It is understandable that death bothers the fans who expected to see much more of Cat Bane in the real-life universe of Star Wars.
04:45Number 16. Derek Shepard. Car accident. Grey's Anatomy.
04:50Shonda Rhimes is known for the development of melodramatic plots, and nowhere does that show more than in Grey's Anatomy.
05:00Yes, listen to her.
05:01Too risky. He could bottom out in the scanner. We need to open him up, find the source of the bleeding.
05:04No, you don't. You have the time.
05:07When Dr. McDreamy, played by Patrick Jamsi, suffers a serious car accident,
05:12he is taken to a hospital that is not his, and at first he seems to be fine.
05:17He's a surgeon and he just saved everyone from the car accident that just came through.
05:21Don't you hear the seasons?
05:24Doctor, we're going to sedate you now so we can secure your airway. You're going to be fine.
05:28Until a doctor from this other hospital orders a wrong answer,
05:32and it quickly becomes clear that Shepard will not be in this world for long.
05:36His death felt like it came out of nowhere,
05:39and the fact that it could have been avoided felt like a slap in the face for many fans.
05:52Number 15. John Darby. This Battle. Fear the Walking Dead.
05:57Being a complementary series of The Walking Dead, Fear had some very doubtful moments.
06:02After escaping from a few dark destinations at all times,
06:06John Darby found a disturbing death when he was murdered by Dakota.
06:10We thought they were allies, but that feeling didn't last long.
06:14It was revealed that Dakota was the mysterious killer John had been looking for in Lawton.
06:26Moments after the truth was revealed, Dakota shoots him and they end up in the river.
06:36John's death seemed unnecessary,
06:38considering his offer to keep the truth about Dakota a secret.
06:42But Dakota was not going to take any risks.
06:57Number 14. Matthew Crawley. Car Accident. Downtown Abbey.
07:03When it became clear that actor Dan Stevens was ready to move on to more important roles,
07:07it was inevitable that Downtown Abbey would have to discard Matthew Crawley from the series.
07:16It's a shame that the way they did it was so disappointing.
07:19Just after the healthy birth of his son,
07:22Captain Crawley drives to the abbey to share the good news.
07:26Due to an accident without any real incident,
07:29Matthew's car turns over and he dies.
07:32That's all. Crawley's death seemed unnecessary,
07:35arising out of nowhere and without a narrative argument.
07:53Number 13. Villanelle. Sniper. Killing Eve.
07:57This suspense and spy series follows the intelligence researcher Eve Polastri
08:02while she chases the killer Villanelle.
08:10Although they are initially enemies, they end up obsessing over each other.
08:16And at the end of the series, they share an emotional kiss.
08:21After all the romantic tension, it is a great release.
08:24However, in the same episode, Villanelle receives a shot from an invisible sniper.
08:38The abrupt death of such an important character in the last moments of the show
08:42seemed unsatisfactory for many fans.
08:45This death traumatized Eve, and definitely traumatized the fans.
08:50Number 12. Ben and Vivian Harmon. Birth and ghosts.
08:54American Horror Story. Murder House.
08:57In the last two episodes of Murder House,
09:00Ben and Vivian's marriage faces dark fates.
09:07Vivian dies giving birth to her son Michael.
09:11Ben dies when the ghosts join him,
09:14including the ghost of a student with whom Ben had an adventure.
09:26At this stage, we had gotten so involved in the arcs of Ben and Vivian
09:29that it was clear to us that they were going to end up together.
09:32In the last episode of Murder House,
09:34Ben and Vivian's relationship with the ghost of a student
09:37We had gotten so involved in the arcs of Ben and Vivian
09:40that their fates seemed too hasty,
09:43almost as if the main characters had been murdered at the last moment.
09:50Number 11. Charlie Harper. Piano. Two and a Half Men.
09:54Although there was a reasoning to fire the then erratic Charlie Sheen,
09:58the execution of his character was definitely not excusable.
10:07So you can imagine my horror when the very next day
10:10he slipped on the metro platform and fell in front of an oncoming train.
10:16Never cross a crazy woman.
10:18When Sheen left the show in the period prior to the ninth season,
10:21Charlie Harper was prominently murdered
10:24in his honeymoon with his new wife Rose,
10:27but then it would be revealed that she only kidnapped him.
10:30At the end of the show, Charlie escapes
10:32and chases the rest of the characters of the show
10:35before his own piano falls on his head.
10:38The cameo was shown only from behind and was not played by Charlie Sheen,
10:42which raises the question, why resurrect him in the first place?
10:51Number 10. Rosalind Shays. L.A. Law.
10:56So you just open the script?
10:57You open the script and there it is.
10:58Oh, okay. We do that one.
11:00All right.
11:01This divisive character was key during seasons four and five.
11:05The audience had strong reactions to the abrasive personality of the lawyer
11:09and one would think that this is something good for an antagonist, right?
11:13Well, the writers killed her suddenly
11:16by making her fall through the gap of an elevator.
11:18I don't resent you, Leland. If anything, maybe I resent myself.
11:22For staying with a man who doesn't love you.
11:24I really don't want to talk about it.
11:27It was one of the strangest moments of the show,
11:30especially for a character with a recurring role for two seasons.
11:34Sure, it's a tragic accident,
11:36but it also seems like something more likely to happen in a cartoon.
11:39Were there many other people here?
11:41No. Her daughter, a few friends.
11:45She made me alive again.
11:47Number 9. Nashma. Sacrifice. Miss Marvel.
11:51As the leader of the clandestines who had been exiled from their own dimension,
11:55Nashma spent most of the show planning to open a portal to return home,
12:00although doing so would potentially destroy the world.
12:05We can go home.
12:08At one point she even abandoned her own son, Kamran.
12:12Let him go. He's not coming with us.
12:15However, in the penultimate episode, when Kamala reminds Nashma of Kamran,
12:19the villain suddenly decides to abandon her plan and sacrifice herself.
12:25You have Kamran!
12:28This attempt at redemption failed among the fans,
12:31who felt that they didn't deserve him or that he had character.
12:34There is only one way I can use it.
12:46And the real moment of his death,
12:48when he became a badly generated skeleton by computer,
12:51seemed even funny.
12:53Number 8. Thara Thornton. Murdered offscreen. True Blood.
12:58True Blood was never famous for satisfying the plot hooks or character development,
13:03but when Thara Thornton was murdered offscreen in the first moments of the seventh season,
13:08gave reasons to re-evaluate the show as a whole.
13:11Come on, we have to go. We have to get out of here.
13:14They're going to kill us.
13:15This completely frustrating development was taken calmly by the characters of the show,
13:20for the confusion of most of the audience.
13:23True Blood was seen with flaws until the last seasons,
13:26and Thara's death was the sign of the end.
13:29Thara continues to appear in visions during the rest of the season,
13:33which left viewers wondering why they killed her in the first place.
13:38They killed my Thara. They killed my baby girl.
13:42Number 7. Kaitlyn Snow. Alternative personality. The Flash.
13:47Kaitlyn Snow, a member of Team Flash for a long time,
13:50fulfilled her mission in the eighth season to revive Killer Frost.
13:54Originally an alternative personality, Frost eventually became her own person,
13:59and therefore Kaitlyn's sister.
14:02How did Kaitlyn's mission turn out?
14:04Who are you?
14:07At the beginning of the ninth season, Kaitlyn and Frost died offscreen
14:11with the appearance of a new personality called Kion.
14:22Kaitlyn's death was a disappointment,
14:24and it made her even worse the speed with which the rest of the Flash team beat her.
14:28Kaitlyn was revived by Kion's departure at the end of the show,
14:32but she didn't eliminate the bitter taste that remained in our mouths
14:35for the way her death was treated.
14:42When Kion ascended, she didn't need her physical body anymore,
14:45so she used her gifts to return Kaitlyn to her rightful place.
14:48With her family.
14:50Number 6. Lexa. Lost Bullet. The 100.
14:53The commander of the 12 Lexa clans was a favorite character of the fans.
14:58Her romantic relationship with the protagonist Clark seemed to have a lot of potential.
15:03Can we talk about something else?
15:07We don't have to talk at all.
15:12But the writers had apparently deepened Lexa's character and relationships
15:23just to make it shocking and painful when Titus suddenly killed her
15:28while trying to kill Clark.
15:31Everything seemed like a cheap trick designed to cause a strong reaction.
15:35And so it was.
15:43The fans criticized him as a continuation of the trope of killing gays in Hollywood,
15:47and the writer of the series Jason Rothenberg ended up apologizing.
16:01I want you.
16:05Number 5. Debra. Disconnected from the vital support. Dexter.
16:09We both start over.
16:12Is that even possible?
16:14It's hard to see one of the most prominent characters in a show end like this.
16:19Following the forensic technician and serial killer Dexter Morgan,
16:23this criminal drama ended with the death of Dexter's sister, Debra,
16:27and Dexter pretending his own death.
16:32I'll see you soon.
16:36In the penultimate episode, Debra, a police lieutenant,
16:39gets shot by another serial killer and ends up in a coma.
16:43At the end of the show, Dexter puts an end to his suffering by taking away the vital support.
16:48I can't leave you like this.
16:50The decision to kill Debra and the way they did it
16:54left a lasting impression on the fans' base.
16:56In a bad way.
16:58Number 4. Jamie and Cersei Lannister. Crushed under the rubble. Game of Thrones.
17:04Jamie Lannister has one of the most convincing arcs of redemption in the history of television.
17:09Her sister and lover is an equally complex character,
17:13of whom we expected to have an epic ending.
17:15After all, she is one of the main antagonists of the series.
17:19However, everything we had invested in her characters
17:23was wasted thanks to her deaths in the penultimate episode.
17:34Jamie had spent eight seasons growing as a character,
17:38just to throw it all away and come back with Cersei.
17:41Together, the brothers are crushed no more by the rubble they fall.
17:45Please don't let me die. I don't want to die.
17:50Seeing such important and powerful characters killed by the rubble was incredibly disappointing.
17:57Nothing else matters. Only us.
18:02Number 3. Dan Conner. Heart attack. Roseanne.
18:06Dan Conner was the beloved patriarch of the Conners family for most of a decade.
18:11Then, towards the end of the eighth season, he suddenly suffered a heart attack at his daughter's wedding.
18:20He survived, but at the end of the ninth season it was revealed that he actually died,
18:25and the whole season he had been in the imagination of his wife Roseanne while writing a book.
18:30From there, everything gets weird.
18:33And when the series was revived in 2018 for a tenth season, Dan was 100% alive.
18:39Well, his death was made up for that book.
18:46Let's see, let's see, let's see. Are they going to kill him or not?
18:53Number 2. Karl Grimes. Bitten off the screen.
18:57The Walking Dead. Karl became stronger during the zombie apocalypse.
19:01Son of the main character Rick Grimes, he seemed to offer hope in a dark and dangerous world.
19:07But if the fans expected him to reach the end, unfortunately they were wrong.
19:22His bite occurred after succumbing to an infection caused by a walker who bit him off the screen.
19:38However, given how much he had survived and his importance in the series,
19:43his death felt random and was more due to the impact than because it made sense.
19:48The fans were really surprised, but that's not always a good thing.
19:53Karl, I'm sorry.
19:59I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you.
20:20You're in front of the TV.
20:24You're in front of the TV.
20:28Almost from the beginning of This Is Us, the great mystery of the show was how Jack died.
20:33At the beginning of the second season, it is revealed that Jack died in a fire in a house.
20:39There is a house built out of stone.
20:47Wooden floors, walls and window sills.
21:08Since this was revealed, it has been a little more difficult to take This Is Us so seriously.
21:39This Is Us
21:43This Is Us
