Para esta lista veremos 20 caricaturas que no debimos haber visto de niños como Happy Tree Friends, Rem y Stimpy, Shin chan, Family Guy y otros que se nos atravesaban en la televisión o en internet.
00:00Eh? This one looks like you when you wake up.
00:04Ah, I don't think it's funny.
00:09They're cartoons, but are they really suitable for all audiences?
00:14The only way to cancel that is that you put your sausage butters in your mouth.
00:18Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español.
00:21I'm Jackie and today we present the top 20 cartoons that we shouldn't have seen as kids.
00:27For this list we will see all those cartoons that, whether or not directed to a children's audience,
00:33we saw when we were kids, and maybe they weren't the most educational we can say.
00:40Number 20, Wara Cartoon.
00:43Wara Cartoon, or also known by some as ¿Qué historia tan maravillosa?,
00:48was a Cartoon Network show where the network gave more freedom to its artists.
00:54Each episode had a completely original script and helped revive the animation of the 90s.
01:00Hey, chimp, you're not supposed to play with those jars, they have bad things,
01:05like this one that says Salmonella Fitzgerald.
01:10It was also the birthplace of cartoons like Dexter's Laboratory and Johnny Bravo.
01:16However, having more artistic freedoms with the script and animation,
01:20everything was valid, and being a channel for children,
01:23we didn't expect the scenes of tone ups, rancid jokes, or the violence that in those moments made us laugh.
01:31¿Qué cree que está haciendo?
01:33¡Piense en el pobrecito condimento sabroso!
01:36¡Piense en su nave ardiendo y la tripulación muriendo!
01:39¡Piense en lo fuerte que le voy a tirar las mandíbulas si nos suelta esa desgraciada buja del demonio!
01:45Number 19, Love Hena.
01:48In 2006, Cartoon Network decided to release the adaptation of the manga Love Hena,
01:53whose original production was of TV Tokyo.
01:56What surprised us all was not only that they decided to broadcast a Japanese anime,
02:01but that it was an anime of harem,
02:03which in case you don't know about this genre,
02:05is when the protagonist has several love interests at the same time,
02:10regardless of the age of the female protagonists,
02:13and there are usually many insinuations not suitable for the general public.
02:32Number 18, Ed, Edd y Eddy.
02:35As much as Ed, Edd y Eddy made us laugh,
02:38we have to admit that it is one of the series with the worst attitudes
02:42that we could see being small.
02:54They were probably our teachers in teaching us how to extort, lie
02:59and see certain violent acts as great sources of fun.
03:02It is clear that as a series it lacks moral messages,
03:05and we even confirm it because Danny Antonucci admitted it.
03:12Number 17, the cow and the chicken.
03:16There is nothing that fascinates us more than the bizarre,
03:18and there is nothing stranger than two brothers,
03:21an 11-year-old chicken and a 7-year-old cow,
03:25sons of two humans.
03:27Apart from having a relationship of quite human brothers,
03:31and that can resonate in one,
03:33the humor that is used in the series is sarcastic, absurd and even insinuating,
03:38even sometimes with a cannibalistic touch like the favorite dish of the brothers,
03:42which is the chicken.
03:44Number 19, the cow and the chicken.
03:47In the series, the cow and the chicken have a very similar relationship,
03:52even sometimes with a cannibalistic touch like the favorite dish of the brothers,
03:56which is pork and potatoes.
04:15Number 16, Johnny Bravo.
04:17The personification of roughness and selfishness,
04:21yes, it is different from egocentrism.
04:24We find them in Johnny, a muscular young man,
04:27buff and with very little brain.
04:41Through the series we see how this attempt by Casanova
04:44tries to flirt with women,
04:46thinking that by their physique and personality,
04:49he will be able to seduce them.
04:50However, it only remains to open his mouth to scare them.
04:54In addition to this, the program is full of machismo, harassment and content raised in tone.
05:10Things that we clearly don't want any man to learn thinking they are great attitudes.
05:17TV Line also expressed that it was not even remotely appropriate for children,
05:22and the New York Times noted that due to its mostly sexist humor,
05:26it was not an appropriate humor for the children's audience.
05:41Number 15, Ricky Marty.
05:43Although Ricky Marty is a series clearly for adults,
05:46there is nothing that prevents children from seeing her in secret or with their parents,
05:51if they are alcoholics.
06:02It is clear that Rick is not at all a good example as a grandfather or father in animation,
06:08nor for his audience.
06:09But it is clear that being a drunk genius and with a past humor,
06:13he entertains us too.
06:15Although we have to confess that some scenes have left us traumatized,
06:19and that we are already grown-ups.
06:34Number 14, The Simpsons.
06:36The least familiar family show of all time.
06:40How many times have we not sat down at night to watch The Simpsons
06:44before going to sleep even as children?
06:46I know I've done it countless times since I was 9 years old.
06:50Maybe my mother shouldn't have let me watch the series because it's no secret to anyone
07:06that the show covers many topics, from alcoholism, addiction, religious fanaticism,
07:12love affairs, corruption, and more.
07:20Mom, what's going on?
07:22Don't pretend to be surprised, Marge.
07:24You knew this day would come.
07:26Let's see what we have here.
07:29It's Moe with wings.
07:31Number 13, Shin-Chan.
07:33This endless series follows Shin-Chan in his day-to-day,
07:37who is a very restless and rebellious child who disconcerts adults
07:41with his occurrences and his shameless attitude.
07:44Unusual for his age.
07:46But be careful with the monster in the pool because it lives in the filter.
07:50But if it starts to suck you, Miss Dory will save you.
07:53If you're lucky, maybe she'll give you mouth-to-mouth breathing.
07:57This includes his unusual interest in women and his tendency to be the pump's boogie
08:03when his mother is not paying attention.
08:06The show is full of jokes and lascivious attitudes that still surprise us today.
08:17And this is the end.
08:21Number 12, Family Guy.
08:23This is another example of how the audience is entertained by dysfunctional families
08:27and doubtful characters.
08:29The behaviors of the main characters worry us,
08:33like Stewie's, who got rid of his mother for the first five seasons,
08:38or secondary characters like Glenn, who is too hot-tempered to say the same,
08:44or like Herbert, who has very questionable and particular tastes
08:48that we cannot mention in our channel without being censored.
08:52We all know what's going on here.
08:54It's implicit, but we all know what's going on in this little cloud.
08:57The kids don't know, but we do.
08:59It's clearly the perfect show not to think and laugh at the silly with its black and absurd humor,
09:06which, being forbidden by our parents, makes us want to see it more.
09:12Did it hurt?
09:13Did it hurt?
09:14What's wrong with you?
09:15Yeah, it's not nice, huh?
09:16No, huh?
09:19Yeah, that's what's wrong with you.
09:21Holy God!
09:22Yeah, that's what's wrong with you.
09:24Number 11, Billy Mandy's Shady Adventures.
09:28This show does take us back to childhood,
09:31and now that we're older, it makes us think it was more graphic than it should be.
09:36Starting with the fact that Billy and Mandy, at the age of 10,
09:39have invoked death and have forced him to be their best friend forever.
09:44I'm working in the Spanish Inquisition.
09:46We burn witches.
09:48How do I feel to have lent myself to do this?
09:50Apart from the unsuitable content for children like some jokes or graphic scenes,
09:55the characters sometimes said things like,
09:58mental control doesn't work on people who think,
10:01or hope is lost in despair.
10:04In addition to this, the show did a lot of parodies of other artistic works,
10:09like Harry Potter and Pokemon.
10:11Are you talking about Lord Baldomero?
10:13Lord Baldomero?
10:16Lord Baldomero.
10:18I'm busy, you still don't know what I'm capable of, Orquíto Pote.
10:23Number 10, Invasor Sim.
10:25Invasor Sim is the animated series by John N. Vasquez for Nickelodeon.
10:30Despite being a children's channel, Invasor Sim has quite dark and grotesque content,
10:36which includes different criticisms of society,
10:39showing human stupidity taken to the extreme.
10:42Among the most controversial episodes,
10:44there is the episode in which Sim gets sick and has to go to the nurse's office,
10:48and dedicates himself to steal the organs of all the children in his school,
10:52to pretend to be human.
10:54This episode was actually mentioned during the trial of Scott Dileski,
10:58the young man who murdered his neighbor Pamela Vitale.
11:01The prosecution stated, based on comments it had made after watching said episode,
11:06that the accused had a worrying fascination for the images of parts of the body.
11:12He will definitely never win an award for being exemplary,
11:16but how they made us laugh, the eccentric alien and his faithful robot.
11:29NUMBER 9
11:33Courage is an animated series that combines terror with comedy.
11:37It is definitely not a series that small children who are not yet aware of reality,
11:42must see due to the terrifying of the villains that appear in it.
11:53The series has a gloomy and grotesque touch,
11:56at least you see skeletons coming out of their bodies from fright,
12:00tongues with pistils and hairs, or mouths without teeth,
12:04and other images quite strong for a children's audience.
12:08Probably all the millennials still have nightmares with King Ramses.
12:27NUMBER 8
12:31In this case the position is occupied by an animation that evidently
12:36was not aimed at a small audience, but confess,
12:40who of those who have been children during that time,
12:43can say that he never turned on MTV to see Celebrity Deathmatch.
12:48And it is that his combination of the grotesque and humorous
12:52references to pop culture was simply unique.
12:55That does not mean that it was definitely not suitable for children,
12:59due to the violent, explicit and bloody of each confrontation.
13:11NUMBER 7
13:32ROCO'S MODERN LIFE is another of the great drawings of Nickelodeon
13:36to which we probably should not have access as children.
13:40It was plagued with somewhat explicit scenes,
13:43sexual references and quite questionable characters.
13:47How to forget the chapter in which Roco gets a job as ...
13:51telephone operator?
13:53Or maybe in which the big-headed lady, feeling neglected by her husband,
13:58decides to invite Roco to ...
14:00have fun?
14:01And what to say about the episode in which Heifer discovers a particular fascination
14:06for making homemade videos?
14:19NUMBER 6
14:21Another on the list that was definitely not intended to be seen by children.
14:27These two characters were dedicated to commit any kind of rebellious and rude acts
14:32without any kind of remorse.
14:34There was an episode called Comedians,
14:37in which his rebellion was expressed through pyromania,
14:41teaching all kinds of fun things that could be done with fire.
14:45This led a five-year-old American boy to set his home on fire with his sister inside.
14:51For this reason, the creators were asked not to show fire again within the series.
14:55However, they were so irreverent that the next episode to be released
14:59literally started with the protagonists repeating the word fire.
15:04Despite everything, we all saw it and had our time to enjoy their rudeness,
15:09although we had to stay awake until late to be able to tune it on MTV.
15:23NUMBER 5
15:25In this case, the appearance of the animation could be confused with inoffensive at first sight.
15:32However, it is enough to see just a few minutes to realize that it is all less inoffensive.
15:38Violence, highly sexual content, bad language, inappropriate behaviors,
15:44you name it and this series has it all.
15:48No, I know, look at this, I put his sausage in my mouth, see?
15:54But we cannot deny that what is controversial is fun.
15:58As children, we have imitated or quoted some of Cartman's phrases,
16:02or we have laughed at some of the many deaths of poor Kenny.
16:17NUMBER 4
16:18RANMA ½
16:28Ranma ½ is an anime series that revolves around Ranma Saotome,
16:33a 16-year-old teenager with a peculiar curse.
16:36Every time he comes into contact with cold water, he becomes a woman.
16:40As you can imagine, the series was quite controversial for the time for its only theme,
16:47but what brings it to this list is not that, but the constant appearance of nudity and its high sexual content,
16:54despite being usually broadcast on an open signal and on a children's schedule.
17:11NUMBER 3
17:13Ren and Stimpy
17:14As we have seen in this list, Nickelodeon has never been the most meticulous
17:19when filtering the content of its screen, and the best example of this is Ren and Stimpy.
17:25It caused controversy after controversy due to the dark and dirty style of its drawings,
17:29as well as the themes it addressed that referred to religion, politics, alcoholism and various addictions.
17:37In addition, far from teaching positive attitudes, it promoted attitudes of disillusionment and dirtiness.
17:56In the episode, the best friend of the man was the drop that overflowed the glass,
18:01and was archived by Nickelodeon for its extremely violent content.
18:05John Chris Faluzzi, the creator of this series, is considered as the father of irreverent animation,
18:12being this the first animated series of this category to be broadcast on the small screen.
18:27NUMBER 2
18:28Happy Tree Friends
18:29If we talk about misleading animations, Happy Tree Friends leads the list.
18:34We must not be fooled by the apparently innocent smiles of the characters,
18:39or the cute and colorful style of the drawing.
18:41There are few series less suitable for children than this one.
18:44Its black humor, violence, the promotion of dangerous attitudes and the explicitly bloody scenes
18:51are the ones that bring this caricature so high on this list.
18:55And yes, if at some point when we were children we thought it was for us,
19:00we realized very quickly that it was not.
19:03But that did not make us stop.
19:12Hey, we have not reached the end yet, but almost.
19:15Just make sure to subscribe to our channel for super appropriate content
19:19and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
19:24Very well, let's go to the end.
19:27NUMBER 1
19:28Dragon Ball
19:29It is true, this is perhaps not the most inappropriate of this list,
19:33but it is definitely the most popular and the one we saw with the greatest innocence,
19:38believing that everything we saw was suitable for us.
19:42What a delusion.
19:43NUMBER 2
19:54Like many animes, it is full of violence and very high content,
19:59also showing extremely inappropriate behaviors by some characters.
20:05Let's admit it, Master Roshi is a character that no woman would want to have close.
20:11There is no doubt that Piccolo came up with a very brilliant plan.
20:21And do you agree with our choices?
20:23Which of these traumatized, I mean, marked your childhood?
20:28Tell us in the comments and do not forget to see these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo.