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Solo les faltó reírse maniacamente. Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos los debuts más tontos de villanos en películas de superhéroes. Pueden aparecer algunos spoilers.


00:00That place kept me alive, gave me strength, power.
00:16I'm afraid that my condition has left me cold, to your pleas of mercy.
00:30Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith, sought to transform our universe back into one of eternal night.
01:00Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more, or so we were led to believe.
01:30I'm talking of flying spell casting, making shit disappear. Which?
01:35A sorceress from another dimension, another world.
01:39Archeologist Dr. June Moon.
01:43There's nothing more creepy than some extravagant credit titles and a monotonous voice.
01:48Seeing the archeologist know and be possessed by a powerful demon sounds great.
01:52The problem is that by burying it all in tedious amounts of Waller's narration, they tell much more than they show.
02:02Although later they turned her into the villain of the movie, both the huge amount of information from the beginning and the useless romance with Rick Flagg ended all expectations.
02:12Number 18. The Absorbent Man. Hulk.
02:15When he finds out that David, Bruce Banner's father, is the Absorbent Man in this movie, it's not very surprising.
02:31The scene in which he overloads in this new dangerous way and fights against his own son is great, but also chaotic.
02:38In terms of adaptation, it's not exactly what we expected.
02:42The Absorbent Man of the comics is not someone with a legion of passionate fans, but despite everything, the radical distancing of the original material is a surprising creative choice.
02:59The villain is great, but making this version be the psychotic father with electric wires of Hulk was something that cost us to assimilate.
03:07Number 17. Dormammu. Doctor Strange.
03:10Facing a gigantic transdimensional being should be more scary than this.
03:14Doctor Strange's fans were probably excited to see one of his most famous villains on the big screen.
03:27But what they got was a brief cameo that barely took advantage of the deity's potential.
03:32To save the Earth, Strange faces Dormammu in the Dark Dimension, using the Eye of Agamotto to trap both in a time loop.
03:40Then he repeats his attempts to negotiate and deaths, wearing out Dormammu's sanity.
03:46Stop! Make this stop! Set me free!
03:53No, I've come to bargain.
03:56In the original material, he is an ancient all-powerful force that exists beyond the comprehension of our universe, but here they apparently defeat him just by making him angry.
04:06Can we get lost in our own time loop, please?
04:10Number 16. Cletus Kasady. Venom.
04:13It is known that serial killers are eccentric, and Cletus Kasady is no exception.
04:18But his strange debut in the intermediate credits of Venom was a kind of comic train crash.
04:26Seriously, what is this?
04:28It's like a minute or two of Woody Harrelson trying to be meta about the theme of the sadistic killer, but he has such a horrible wig on that it distracts us a bit.
04:37The thing gets ridiculously ugly later when Kasady says a clumsy line that serves to prepare the sequel.
04:50We understand that it is difficult to be too critical with a brief scene in the middle of the credits, but this introduction seems almost a parody.
04:57Number 15. Murdock.
04:59Ant-Man and the Wasp. Quantumania.
05:01It is no secret that Murdock is a comic character, but beyond the silly design, there is a funny villain that fans have loved for a long time.
05:20So ignoring all his story to turn him into a deformed Darren Cross who was trapped in the quantum realm was clumsy.
05:27The fact that CGI is so bad doesn't help either.
05:31He's dead! There is only Murdock!
05:35Of course Murdock is a character that looks strange, but since when is the Mr. Electric pirate in the MCU?
05:42Taking into account how funny it was to be this genuinely funny super villain, it is not surprising that Quantumania is a disgust.
05:49Number 14. The fake Mandarin. Iron Man 3.
05:53When fans found out that the Mandarin would appear in the last Iron Man movie of the MCU, they were eager to see Ben Kingsley's interpretation.
06:10It was all they wanted. Stoic, threatening and frankly atrocious.
06:15But then it was discovered that whoever we thought was the Mandarin was actually a paid actor.
06:21Trevor Slattery's idiot wasn't a character that needed to be introduced.
06:26His only purpose was to deceive the public as a comic relief.
06:35Although you liked the twist, because some liked it, it deprived us of any interaction between Iron Man and the real Mandarin.
06:42Not being able to really explore the dynamic between Tony Stark and his greatest enemy of comics is criminal.
06:48Number 13. Parallax. Green Lantern.
06:51After several individuals stumble upon a planet that imprisons Parallax, the evil entity wakes up and after killing the aliens is set free.
07:08We give credit to the scene because it does establish Parallax as a threat, but any tension disappears as soon as you see the villain better.
07:15It's like a disproportionate head that transforms into a cloud during the rest of the movie.
07:20Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to use him as the main villain of this highly criticized production.
07:32Even if he were completely faithful to the comic, he would be adapted to a giant yellow space bug.
07:37Also, they could have used better designs instead of showing us a giant floating head.
07:43Number 12. Gore. Thor. Love and Thunder.
07:46Love and Thunder killed the character of Gore practically from the beginning.
07:52While he and his daughter go through a desert in search of food and water, she dies tragically.
07:57Thanks to Christian Bale's interpretive caliber, he is able to masterfully transmit the pain of Gore.
08:04However, he does not succeed shortly after when he finds an oasis and is treated as a punching bag by the god Rappu.
08:13Your empire has already ended. There is no one left to worship you.
08:18There will be more followers to replace you. There always are.
08:22During the rest of the movie, he barely kills other important gods and ends up being another disposable character.
08:28To be someone who massacres gods, Gore was ironically the most massacred villain in this movie.
08:34Number 11. Galactus. Fantastic Four. Rise of the Silver Surfer.
08:39Speaking of ominous clouds, Galactus turned out to be nothing more than a fiasco in Rise of the Silver Surfer.
08:58If you expected to see a monster 12 meters high devouring the planet Earth, we have news for you.
09:04Instead of something similar to the devourer of worlds, they gave us a gigantic cloud of smoke.
09:10The visually impressive Marvel character was reduced to nothing more than a dark and gloomy meteorological anomaly.
09:16At least Parallax had a face, because Galactus practically has no discernible features.
09:22This lack of significant presence made his presentation in live action a disappointment.
09:28Number 10. Emma Frost. X-Men First Class.
09:34Sebastian Shaw's associate.
09:35Emma Frost is a powerful mutant who can read minds, create illusions and turn into a diamond.
09:41Unfortunately, she lacks the power to be interested in anything.
09:45When she meets Colonel Henry at the Hellfire Club, she barely shows emotion and speaks monotonously.
09:51Even when Shaw and Henry talk about a possible nuclear war, she seems completely disinterested.
09:57And you're looking at war. Nuclear war.
10:00With Frost's incredible range of powers, she could easily dominate the room, but instead she is limited to receiving orders and seems bored.
10:08She is a glorified sequoia instead of her own independent character.
10:12And the interpretation of John R. Jones left us cold.
10:18Number 9. Black Heart. Ghost Rider.
10:20Angels only in there. Angels? Really?
10:24In Ghost Rider, a demon named Black Heart comes to Earth in search of a damn contract that would grant him supreme power.
10:31However, he appears to be the leader of an emo group of the 90s instead of a powerful being of the darkness.
10:37After murdering a bar full of people for no reason, his father Mephistopheles appears and tells him not to go after the contract.
10:44Black Heart responds trying to be the bad guy before crying.
10:47Your time will come. But not now.
10:51We both know you can't harm me here. I'm not like you. I've never fallen.
10:57He acts like a teenager going through a gothic phase of anger.
11:01And honestly, Nicolas Cage's transformation sequence in Ghost Rider is scarier than this damn cry.
11:07If you had given me what was rightfully mine...
11:09It's all mine. Until the end of days.
11:13Number 8. Bullseye. Daredevil.
11:16Well, the Irish piece of trash.
11:25They simply didn't hit the target.
11:28When the criminal boss, Wilson Fisk, needs to kill a businessman, he hires Bullseye.
11:33Then we see how the killer shows off his incredible precision by defeating any guy with the darts.
11:39After the boss himself insults Bullseye, the killer kills the unfortunate man with sharp clips.
11:46And we already said that he only communicates with grunts throughout the scene.
11:55Let's assume that Bullseye's interpretation of Colin Farrell was supposed to be crazy.
11:59But instead it's childish.
12:01His cartoonish actions are totally out of place with the darkest tone of the movie.
12:11Number 7. Joker. Suicide Squad.
12:18Listen, you are my guest to this handsome hunk of hunk of...
12:23The first time we see Joker is in the nightclub, where a gangster tries to praise him, but he ignores him.
12:30Then he praises the Joker's girlfriend, Harley Quinn.
12:33The criminal clown offers her as a gift.
12:36The criminal rejects that offer and the clown threatens him before killing him with a gunshot.
12:41That's your lady, Joker.
12:42That's right.
12:43Yo, Jake.
12:46We understand that the Joker is supposed to be a maniac, but his constant changes of humor confuse us.
12:51Leto tries to embody several versions of the clown, but he doesn't have a defined personality.
12:57As a result, it gives the feeling that there is no real method behind the madness we see on screen.
13:10Number 6. The Nuclear Man. Superman IV. The Quest for Peace.
13:16Superman IV. The Quest for Peace.
13:21If you are going to kill Superman, you need a powerful villain, and the Nuclear Man fits perfectly.
13:26Created when Luthor combined Superman's DNA with a nuclear explosion, this villain looked terrifying and seemed quite formidable.
13:34And then he spoke.
13:36For reasons that are never explained well, they present him with the voice of the former Luthor.
13:40You are nothing. I am the father now. You have my voice.
13:46To make matters worse, it is revealed that he is completely useless when he is not under the direct sunlight.
13:51In theory, Superman can defeat him in the shade.
13:55With features of such strange characters as these, it is strange that they did not use him again.
14:00Destroy Superman now.
14:02You sweet thing. But not quite you.
14:05Number 5. Rhino. The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
14:08Get out of my way!
14:13At the beginning of this movie, Spider-Man faces Paul Giamatti's exaggerated Russian accent.
14:18That is, Rhino, who kidnaps a truck of radioactive cans while Spidey and two criminals desperately try not to drop any.
14:26When he faces Spider-Man, it is clear in a matter of seconds that they have no chance.
14:31In fact, it is so threatening that Spidey has time to answer a phone call.
14:41Considering that he is in the movie less than 10 minutes, the villain could have stayed in the editing room.
14:47This is not the end, Spider-Man!
14:51Number 4. Mr. Freeze. Batman and Robin.
14:57The Iceman cometh.
14:59We could have chosen any presentation of a villain in Batman and Robin for this list.
15:04For example, the origin of the poisonous stone is very poorly explained and was vulgar.
15:08But as bad as it was, Mr. Freeze's entrance was the worst.
15:12He needs to steal a diamond to feed the cold suit that keeps him alive.
15:16And for some reason, he also feels the need to speak exclusively with word games about ice.
15:27Despite being quite intelligent enough to build a weapon and a cold suit, he fails to kill Batman.
15:33Not even when the hero is literally motionless.
15:35Freeze may seem great, but under his cold exterior, a good villain does not hide.
15:44Number 3. Venom. Spider-Man 3.
15:52The supervillains can have tragic stories that arouse the sympathy of the public.
15:56Or they can be like the photographer Eddie Brock.
15:59After Peter unmasks him for retouching a photo of Spider-Man, he loses his job and his girlfriend.
16:04Later, we see him in a church asking God to kill Parker.
16:08In an incredible coincidence, he meets an alien parasite made with Spider-Man's suit and becomes Venom.
16:18The CGI is quite decent, but when he returns to normal, Tuffer Grace's interpretation fails to intimidate us.
16:24In addition, Brock's reasons for revenge are extremely superficial and mostly his fault.
16:30Spider-Man 3 already had two convincing villains, and the disappointment with Venom shows that three are a multitude.
16:45Number 2. Lex Luthor. Batman v Superman. Dawn of Justice.
16:54My father named the company after himself. He was the Lex in front of the court. How are you doing?
16:58Oh, really great.
16:59Really great? Good.
17:00Lex Luthor is usually presented as a cold and imposing genius who dominates complex plans.
17:06But in this version he presents himself as a smart millennial who likes to play basketball.
17:11In his initial scene, he tries to manipulate government officials to give him access to alien materials.
17:17But his eccentric models and way of speaking distract a lot from his speech.
17:22Why would we want to weaponize this material?
17:24As a deterrent? A silver bullet to keep in reserve to use against the Kryptonians?
17:28So the day does not come, madame, when your children are waving daisies at a reviewing stand.
17:31When Luthor comes out with his own and wants to show his power, he uses a cheerful ranchero.
17:37JC Eisenberg's maniacal intelligence could have been used in a riddle or an interesting joker,
17:43but he feels too extravagant to be Lex Luthor.
17:46The devils don't come from hell beneath us, no.
17:50No, they come from the sky.
17:52Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
17:54Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our most recent videos.
18:01Surely you will like them more than these villains.
18:03Now, let's go to the end.
18:05Number 1. Doctor Doom. Fantastic Four.
18:09Victor, no!
18:13Wait, let's go! Come on!
18:15When a group of friends uses a teleporter to travel to an alternate dimension called Planet Zero,
18:21the intelligent and impulsive Victor Von Doom fails to return to Earth.
18:25A year later, the scientists find him alive.
18:28His new look is much more rough than that of his 2005 movie counterpart,
18:33and his motivations are also a disappointment,
18:36so he decides to destroy Earth to prevent the scientists from visiting Planet Zero.
18:40If this world must die so that mine may live, so be it.
18:46Ignoring the fact that he could simply destroy the teleporter,
18:50his plan is so generic that it comes packaged with a light-blue cliché in superhero movies.
18:56Doom's transformation ends up eliminating most of his personality,
19:00intelligence and any hope that he was a memorable villain.
19:05How good is it if you're alone?
19:07I have always been alone.
19:09Is there any horrible presentation of an antagonist that we have forgotten?
19:13What is happening?
19:16Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of WatchMojo Español.
