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Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy conoceremos las muertes de villanos y otros personajes antagonistas que nos parecieron más merecidas. Obviamente, la alerta spoiler está activada.


00:00What was it you said to me before?
00:04Hey, hola y bienvenidos a WatchMojo Español
00:07Yo soy G, y hoy conoceremos las muertes de villanos y otros personajes antagónicos que nos parecieron más merecidas
00:14Obviamente, la alerta de spoilers está encendida
00:17I'm so sorry
00:21Número 30
00:22Igor Karjanov, Air Force One
00:25Uno de los mayores males de los villanos de cine es la arrogancia
00:28Como Igor Karjanov, que secuestra el avión presidencial en este thriller
00:32Karjanov presume su huida en paracaídas
00:35I'm not proud of you
00:40Whatever happens
00:44You lose, and I win
00:46Sin embargo, su necesidad de dramatismo le roba tiempo valioso
00:50Lo que permite que el comandante en jefe pueda derribarlo y retenerlo
00:54Para luego desplegar su paracaídas antes de tiempo
00:57Entonces, dice una frase de despedida que solo Harrison Ford podría decir
01:01Get off my plane
01:03No fue la primera vez que un personaje tan repugnante de Gary Oldman
01:06Encontró una muerte memorable
01:08Ya que unos años antes, el corrupto Stansfield pasó a mejor vida por culpa de Granada Sorpresa en León
01:16Número 29
01:17Castor Troy, Face Up
01:19Este thriller de autor de acción de John Woo
01:21Saca el máximo partido de una premisa única
01:24Con John Travolta en el papel de Sean Archer
01:26Que intercambia cuerpo e identidad con el terrorista Castor Troy
01:30Interpretado por Nicolas Cage
01:32It's like looking in a mirror, only not
01:35Casi al final, Archer está recibiendo un ataque despiadado de Troy
01:39Cuando encuentra una ballesta
01:41Como no se rinde fácilmente, Troy intenta arrebatársela y quitarle el rostro prestado
01:45You're right, Sean
01:47I've misbehaved
01:49I need to be punished
01:51Esta es suficiente motivación para que Archer jale el gatillo
01:54Y calle a Troy de una vez por todas
01:56Esta escena, así como gran parte de la película
01:59No funcionaría igual sin la gran interpretación de ambas estrellas
02:03Número 28
02:04Brad Wesley, Roadhouse
02:06Hablando de ballestas
02:17En el clímax de este clásico de finales de los años 80
02:20Brad Wesley, interpretado por Ben Gazzara
02:22Intenta atacar sin éxito a James Dalton de Patrick Swayze
02:26Y luego trata de asesinarlo
02:28Aunque Dalton es más fuerte que él físicamente
02:30Esta escena también demuestra su fortaleza emocional
02:33Ya que no le da lo que seguramente sería un golpe final mortal
02:37Por un momento, cree que puede ganar
02:43Pero la gente del pueblo a la que ha atormentado durante años
02:46No es tan misericordiosa
02:48El sonido del cristal de la mesita haciéndose añicos
02:51Sigue siendo música para nuestros oídos
02:56Número 27
02:57Ratch, Guardianes de la Galaxia Vol. 2
03:00Ha habido tantos villanos memorables en el universo cinematográfico de Marvel
03:04Que es perfectamente comprensible que este nombre no te suene conocido
03:11Ratch, interpretado por Evan Jones
03:13No está ni cerca de ser el antagonista principal de la segunda película de Guardianes de la Galaxia
03:18Aunque unirse al motín de Tazerface contra Yondu fue sin duda algo de que hablar
03:23Lo que le aseguró nuestro odio fue como trata a Baby Groot
03:27Puede que sea adorable, pero no es ningún debilucho
03:30Cuando Ratch se da cuenta de lo que provocó
03:32Intenta escapar
03:37La palabra clave aquí es intenta
03:39Porque Groot lo atrapa y lo lanza al vacío
03:43Es una muerte rápida, brutal e increíblemente satisfactoria
03:50Número 26
03:51Coronel Tabbington, El Patriota
03:53Aunque está ambientada en la guerra de independencia de los Estados Unidos
03:56El épico drama de acción de Roland Emmerich
03:59No debe utilizarse como referencia histórica
04:02Una de las críticas más comunes que se le han hecho
04:05Es su descripción exagerada del ejército británico
04:13Just occasionally
04:15It's a real pleasure
04:17In exactitudes apart, el coronel William Tabbington de Jason Isaacs
04:21Es un villano desagradable
04:23Y esta muerte fue sin duda merecida
04:25Durante una batalla se enfrenta al coronel Benjamin Martin
04:28Que busca vengar la muerte de su hijo
04:30Kill me before the war is over, will you?
04:35It appears you are not the better man
04:40As it usually happens
04:41Just when it seems that all hope is lost
04:44Tabbington receives what he deserves
04:46You're right
04:52My sons were better men
04:53Of course it would not be so satisfactory
04:55If Isaacs was not so good
04:57Representing such a ruthless character
05:00Number 25
05:01Joseph Tarasov, John Wick
05:03So many bullets have been fired
05:05And so many corpses have fallen
05:07In the four films of John Wick
05:09It may be easy to forget that it all started
05:11Because the hired killer was looking for revenge
05:13For the death of his Beagle, Daisy
05:30And the responsible is Joseph Tarasov
05:33The impulsive and ruthless son of the head of the Russian mafia
05:36Played by Alfie Allen
05:38Wick leaves his retirement and does everything possible to locate him
05:41Even his own father knows that his fate is sealed
05:46Joseph tries to reduce the importance of his action
05:49But Wick literally does not let him keep the last word
05:54Number 24
05:55Felix and Zee, You're Next
05:57If you want to see a slasher that has something more than blood
06:00We recommend this movie
06:04A family is terrorized by a masked clan
06:07And then they reveal to us that two of the members
06:09Planned it to keep an inheritance
06:19They could have gotten away with it
06:21If it wasn't for Erin's determination
06:23Played by Sharni Vinson
06:25Who accompanied her boyfriend Crispian
06:27To this family reunion
06:29His brother Felix and his partner Zee
06:31Try to end her
06:33But he has the power of the kitchen utensils
06:37Specifically a knife and a blender
06:40We can't forget Crispian's punishment either
06:42When he finds out that he is also involved
06:57Number 23
06:58Bill, Kill Bill Vol. 2
07:00It's very simple
07:01If there are two movies called Kill Bill
07:03It's better to kill Bill at the end of the second
07:07Have you ever reacted?
07:09Is that your explanation?
07:10I didn't say I was going to explain myself
07:12Although David Carradine's seriousness
07:14And Quentin Tarantino's script
07:16Make Bill more pleasant than we thought
07:19We can't forget all the damage he did to Beatrix
07:22When they finally have their expected confrontation
07:25The action is quite scarce
07:27Since Bill accepts his fate
07:29With the same speed with which Beatrix gives it to him
07:37This can be disappointing
07:40For those who expect an ultra-violent death scene
07:43Like Tarantino's other antagonists
07:46But the more we analyze the ending
07:48The more we like it
07:50Number 22
07:51Captain Vidal
07:52The Fauna Labyrinth
07:54Although Guillermo del Toro's movies
07:56Are full of fantastic monsters
07:58It could be said that none is as terrifying
08:00As Captain Vidal
08:01The psychotic stepfather of young Ophelia
08:04I'm here because I want my son
08:06To live in a clean and new Spain
08:08Because these people
08:10Are part of a wrong idea
08:12Interpreted by Sergi López
08:14He is the perfect representation of someone
08:16Who doesn't stop at anything
08:18To eliminate the opponents
08:20Of the cause of phalanxism
08:22And just like anyone who is perceived as such
08:24Including a girl
08:26The rebels find him
08:28And he makes one last effort to have a noble death
08:31But Mercedes and her brother Pedro
08:33Refuse to give it to him
08:35My son
08:42Tell him when his father died
08:44Tell him that I
08:47Won't even know your name
08:49Although much of the Fauna Labyrinth
08:51Is gloomy and gloomy
08:53Moments like this remind us that evil
08:55Never triumphs
08:57Number 21
08:58Howard Payne
09:00The premise of this action thriller
09:02From the 90's
09:03About a bus out of control
09:05That can't go at less than 80 km per hour
09:07Is so good
09:09That it would be impossible to completely ruin it
09:11Although it wouldn't be the same
09:13Without the talent of Janice Hopper
09:15You're crazy
09:17You're f***ing crazy
09:19No, poor people are crazy, Jack
09:21I'm eccentric
09:23In the role of the artificer
09:25Turned into terrorist Howard Payne
09:27Hopper is full of fury and madness
09:29Even in the scene of his death
09:31While he fights with the agent Jack Traven
09:33From Keanu Reeves
09:35On top of a subway car at full speed
09:37He boasts of his superior intelligence
09:39I'm the guy with the plan
09:41Because I'm smarter than you
09:43I'm smarter than you
09:45But if he was really as smart as he says
09:47He would know when to bend
09:49Too bad he wasn't there
09:51To hear Traven's perfect answer
09:57But I'm taller
09:59Number 20
10:01Maul Aram, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
10:03Although we like the deaths with melted faces
10:05As much as anyone
10:07That iconic scene
10:09Was more terrifying than satisfying
10:11Maul Aram, on the other hand
10:13Is a despicable person
10:15Whose defeat we expected with pleasure
10:17From the moment he appeared
10:19He took the heart out of a person
10:21Black Maiden, give me strength
10:25I sacrifice myself before you
10:29I sacrifice myself
10:31In the climax of the movie
10:33Aram faces Indiana Jones
10:35On a rope bridge
10:37While he tries to keep the mystical
10:39Sankara stones, which he loves so much
10:41In a surprise move
10:43Indy cuts the bridge
10:45Maul Aram
10:47Prepare to meet Khaleed
10:49In hell
10:51No, not the blade
11:01Jones and Aram fight for the stones
11:03While they hang from the bridge
11:05But the last one's greed to take one
11:07Although he's on fire, is his doom
11:09He falls into the void
11:11And he finds himself face to face with the crocodiles
11:13Don't touch me
11:15Don't touch me
11:25Number 19
11:27Sebastian Shaw, X-Men
11:29First generation
11:31On one occasion, Klaus Schmidt
11:33Asked Eric to move a coin with his powers
11:35When he failed
11:37He ended his mother's life
11:39Which generated a rivalry between them
11:41Listen to me very carefully, my friend
11:45Killing Shaw will not bring you peace
11:49Peace was never an option
11:53After Schmidt changed his name
11:55For Sebastian Shaw's
11:57He finally faced Eric
11:59And during a moment of the battle
12:01Charles Xavier freezes him
12:03This is where we see an antagonist fall
12:05And a villain rise
12:07Eric uses a coin to finally
12:09Eliminate his enemy
12:19Although there are several villains more despicable than Shaw
12:21Few end in such an epic way
12:23From the thematic point of view
12:25Number 18
12:27Alma Coyne, The Hunger Games
12:29Mockingjay, Part 2
12:39This is...
12:43This deceitful leader of the second rebellion
12:45Made us appreciate the fearsome
12:47President Snow for his frankness
12:49Alma Coyne was the president
12:51Of district 13
12:53Apparently eradicated
12:55And promoted a propaganda campaign against the Capitol
12:57With Katniss Everdeen at the front
12:59Although her cause was fair
13:01In secret she elaborated
13:03Merciless plans to usurp the enemy
13:05And even let innocent people die
13:07Like Prim, Katniss sister
13:09Only to achieve her goals
13:11After realizing that Coyne
13:13Would only become another Snow
13:15After the war
13:17The protagonist points at her and ends her
13:29The massacre put an end to a cycle of tyranny
13:31And taught them all
13:33The price of messing with his sister
13:35Number 17
13:37Henry Rhodes, Day of the Dead
13:39When you are the leader of a clandestine military complex
13:41You better respect your subordinates
13:43Although one of them is a zombie
13:45With an intelligence above average
14:01Being in command, Captain Rhodes
14:03Begins to lose his mind little by little
14:05And gets rid of any dissident
14:07Without thinking twice
14:09When the base is invaded by zombies
14:11The captain foresees his survival
14:13To everything else
14:15But karma chases him with Bud
14:17A zombie of the domestication program
14:19After the living dead shoots Rhodes
14:21Prisoner of panic
14:23He makes a mistake
14:25The military greeting of Bud
14:27While the zombies eat the captain
14:29Is the cherry on the cake
14:31Number 16
14:33August Walker, John Lark
14:35Mission Impossible, Fallout
14:37Although Owen Devian
14:39From Mission Impossible 3
14:41Is the most despicable villain
14:43His ending is not as great
14:45As August Walker's
14:55This one
14:57With a horrible mustache
14:59Is Ethan's anti-hero ally
15:01With whom we fall in love
15:03But when it is revealed that he is the buyer of nuclear weapons
15:05John Lark
15:07And has intentions of generating a world catastrophe
15:09We realize how powerful and dangerous
15:11It really is
15:13The robots are in this room and we have them
15:17Do you?
15:23Ethan Hunt
15:25And the team follow him to India
15:27And after an exciting helicopter chase
15:29Faces Walker
15:31In a cliff
15:33With both hanging from the edge
15:35Ethan pulls the cable from which one of the helicopters hangs
15:37And sends it to Walker
15:49The villain mustache falls
15:51Just before the forces of Mission Impossible
15:53Avoid another disaster
15:55Number 15
15:57Colin Sullivan, The Departed
15:59We usually like Matt Damon's characters
16:01But this is another level
16:03What was his name?
16:05The Departed
16:07Here he plays Colin Sullivan
16:09An infiltrator of the state police of Massachusetts
16:11Who is disloyal
16:13Even with the criminals he is supposed to protect
16:15When he finds out that the head of the mafia
16:17Frank Costello
16:19Is a FBI informant
16:21Helps the police and kills him
16:23Billy Costigan, the infiltrator of the police
16:25In the mafia
16:27Almost stops Sullivan some time later
16:29But a stroke of luck makes it not happen
16:31It bothered us to think that Sullivan
16:33Could get away with it
16:35But the last scene shows Sean Dignam
16:37At the rescue
16:39And ends his life
16:49Number 14
16:51Stuntman Mike, Death Proof
16:53Quentin Tarantino has several despicable characters
16:55In his movies
16:57Fortunately he is a master at ending them happily
16:59Before they roll the credits
17:01For example
17:03A character whose death we were impatiently waiting
17:05Was Stuntman Mike
17:09Death Proof
17:11Only to get the benefit of it honey
17:13You really need to be
17:15Sitting in my seat
17:17At the wheel of a vehicle practically
17:21Whenever he is in the driver's seat
17:23Mike got used to using it as a weapon
17:25Against women on the roads
17:27When he sees a girl doing a risky maneuver
17:29On the hood of a car
17:31He can't contain himself
17:33And tortures her and her companions
17:35For hours
17:37Hopefully the girls manage to avoid an accident
17:39In the end things change
17:41And they give him a little taste of justice
17:49Maybe Mike wasn't Death Proof
17:51Number 13
17:53Mrs. Carmody, The Mist
17:55Mrs. Carmody used people's fear
17:57For a supernatural fog
17:59To create a violent sect
18:07Welcome to Sesame Street
18:09Today's word is expiation
18:11We already understood
18:13A fog that returns to the city
18:15And unleashes a horde of monsters from another world
18:17Is terrifying, but they should keep calm
18:19Even so, Mrs. Carmody
18:21Manages to accumulate followers
18:23Little by little, and preach that the only way
18:25To get out of that situation
18:27Is for certain people to give up their lives
18:37Kill his blood
18:39While our group of heroes
18:41Tries to escape from the supermarket
18:43Mrs. Carmody incites the crowd
18:45And directs her attention
18:47Towards a vulnerable survivor
18:49Without options
18:51The store manager, Ollie
18:53Decides to silence her definitively
18:59What a waste of milk
19:01Number 12
19:03Carlo Rizzi, The Godfather
19:07Hello Carlo
19:09The extensive initial sequence of The Godfather
19:11Details the events of a wedding
19:13In which Carlo Rizzi marries a member
19:15Of the Corleone family
19:17No matter how happy the occasion is
19:19The wedding itself is anything but happy
19:21Upset for being undervalued
19:23In the family, he mistreats his new wife
19:25Connie, and in retaliation
19:27Sonny and his brother beat him up
19:37Unable to give up
19:39Carlo allies himself with a rival family
19:41To plan the brutal murder of Sonny
19:43And Michael Corleone
19:45Has his suspicions
19:47About the death of his brother
19:49When he assumes the control of the family
19:51After the death of his father
19:53He deceives Carlo
19:55So that he basically admits his involvement
19:57Before killing him
19:59It was cold, but well deserved
20:01Number 11
20:03Dick Jones, Robocop
20:05In this classic by Paul Verhoeven
20:07There are many horrifying and exaggerated deaths
20:09But the most cathartic
20:11Is the one of the vice president of the OCP
20:13Dick Jones
20:15To fight the crime unbridled
20:17In Detroit
20:19He tries to use the droid ED-209
20:21For the police
20:23When the demonstration fails
20:25The police arrive
20:27When the demonstration fails
20:29Robocop takes action
20:31Without hesitating
20:33Jones continues with his plans
20:35To control both the police
20:37And the criminal empire of the city
20:39He even installs to Robocop
20:41A program that prevents him from shooting
20:43An OCP executive
20:57At first
20:59He prevents him from hurting Jones
21:01In the final scene
21:03But after the superior of Jones fires him
21:05Robocop is free to impart justice
21:11Number 10
21:13Margaret White, Carrie
21:15Before Mrs. Carmody
21:17There was no religious villain
21:19In the most detestable horror movies
21:21Than Margaret White
21:23Although it is not as extreme as the first
21:25For having her first rule
21:35Unfortunately for the girl
21:37Her growing telekinesis
21:39Does nothing but reinforce Margaret's belief
21:41That she is a witch and must be eliminated
21:43After the protagonist
21:45Returns from her horrible graduation dance
21:47Her mother attacks her
21:49While she pretends to console her
21:51Either consciously or by pure instinct
21:53Carrie uses her powers
21:55To end this kingdom of terror
22:05Number 9
22:07Cipher, The Matrix
22:09Because right now I'm thinking the same thing
22:13I've been thinking it ever since I got here
22:17Why oh why
22:19Didn't I take the blue pill?
22:21Although we understand that Cipher prefers
22:23The safe confines of the Matrix
22:25To the devastated and gloomy real world
22:27That does not justify what he did
22:29This member of the human resistance
22:31Makes a deal with the machines
22:33To return him to the Matrix in exchange for Morpheus
22:35Just in case it was not enough
22:37Cipher returns to the real world
22:39And murders several allies
22:41While they are essentially defenseless
22:51In addition to being able to do the same with Neo
22:53Tank reveals that he is still alive
22:55And in the end he takes revenge on Cipher
22:57In a glorious way
23:03In a story in which Neo
23:05Was similar to Christ
23:07Cipher was definitely Judas
23:09Number 8
23:11Annie Wilkes, Misery
23:17Like Mrs. Carmody or Margaret White
23:19Before her
23:21Annie Wilkes continues the legacy of Stephen King
23:23Of writing captivatingly horrendous villains
23:25The unbalanced Annie
23:27Keeps captive her favorite writer
23:29Paul Sheldon
23:31With the pretext of healing him
23:33Therefore he forces him to revive his main character
23:35If he does not
23:37He must face horrible consequences
23:53After several useless attempts to flee
23:55Paul is forced to fight Annie to survive
23:57Although at first he seems to have died
23:59After falling on a typewriter
24:01After writing
24:03Paul puts an end to the story
24:05With his own hands
24:17Number 7
24:19Emperor Palpatine
24:21Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi
24:23Is there any villain more classically evil
24:25Than Emperor Palpatine?
24:27He already deserved a terrible fate
24:29He tries to bring Anakin Skywalker to the dark side
24:31But not happy with ruining a Skywalker
24:33He tries to tempt Luke
24:35To end Darth Vader
24:37And he becomes evil
24:39Although there is an intense duel of lightsabers
24:41Luke refuses to end his father's life
24:43And Palpatine tries to get rid of him
24:53In a classic moment
24:55Vader's love for his family returns him to light
24:57And decides to challenge his master
24:59He sacrifices himself to end Palpatine
25:13Although the Rise of Skywalker would play later
25:15With the details of the end of the emperor
25:17His disappearance in Return of the Jedi
25:19It is still satisfactory
25:21Number 6
25:23Bellatrix Lestrange, Harry Potter
25:25And the relics of death
25:27Part 2
25:29Bellatrix became one of the most hated people
25:31In the magical world
25:33After ending the life of Sirius
25:35Harry Potter's godfather
25:39His deserved arrival finally
25:41During the culminating battle of Howards
25:43When he tries to end the life of Ginny Weasley
25:45In the big dining room
25:47This makes Molly Weasley intervene
25:49With an epic phrase
25:51And defends her daughter
25:55Although his quick duel
25:57It is also exciting
25:59Molly manages to stun Bellatrix
26:01Before completely annihilating her
26:13The really satisfactory thing about the villain's defeat
26:15Is that it is at the hands of Molly Weasley
26:17Who normally does not have the opportunity
26:19To show how fierce he is
26:21In the battlefield
26:23Number 5
26:25Immortan Joe, Mad Max, Fury Road
26:27Immortan Joe was the self-imposed leader
26:29Of the post-apocalyptic city
26:31Known as the Citadel
26:33And ruled with an iron fist
26:35Not only did he capture the only known water source
26:37But he ignored what
26:39Several of his wives really wanted
26:41He is so possessive that he goes crazy
26:43When Furiosa flees with them
26:53During most of the movie
26:55Joe's forces
26:57Chases them
26:59On the way back to the Citadel
27:01Furiosa finally faces him
27:03And makes sure he does not have the opportunity
27:05To mistreat one of his wives again
27:13Number 4
27:15The Armidash family, Get Out
27:17At first the Armidash seem
27:19The typical high-class family
27:21That tries too hard
27:23To show that they accept everyone
27:25But it is clear that there is something
27:27Much more sinister
27:43As Chris realizes, the Armidash
27:45Have dedicated themselves to kidnapping people
27:47And stealing their bodies
27:49He decides to take the best position
27:51But before this happens to him
27:53He manages to defend himself
28:05Dean Armidash, his wife Missy
28:07And his eldest son Jeremy
28:09Have a brutal but fair ending
28:11Once Chris kills the three
28:13He faces his girlfriend Rose
28:15But after temporarily releasing a gardener
28:17Who was brainwashed
28:19He is the one who puts an end to this horrendous family
28:35Number 3
28:37Hans Gruber, Die Hard
28:39We like to hate this villain so much
28:41That at one point we almost love him
28:43This is partly due to the fact that Hans Gruber
28:45Is a realist, a character we simply hated
29:05But the disappearance of this hateful man
29:07Is not the most glorious of the movie
29:09Gruber is a supposed extremist
29:11Who hurts people and does not feel regret
29:13But in reality
29:15He is just a brutal thief
29:17In the end he gets more than he expected
29:19When the cop John McClane
29:21Comes to save his wife Holly
29:27The conflict between the cop and the thief
29:29Comes to a critical point when Gruber
29:31Holds Holly's wrist
29:33To not fall into the void
29:35Fortunately, McClane unlocks his wife's watch
29:37And sends Gruber to his end
29:39Have a good trip Hans!
29:43Oh, I hope that's not a hostage
30:03I will go up to the six-fingered man and say
30:07My name is Inigo Montoya
30:09You killed my father
30:11You killed my father
30:13Prepare to die
30:33My name is Inigo Montoya
30:35You killed my father
30:37Prepare to die
30:39Don't say that
30:49Offer me everything I ask for
30:51Anything you want
30:57I want my father back you son of a bitch
31:09Only a famous death will do
31:13What could be more glorious
31:15Than to challenge the emperor himself
31:17In the great arena
31:39Father to a murdered son
31:41Husband to a murdered wife
31:43And I will have my vengeance
31:45In this life or the next
32:09Diplomatic community
32:31Diplomatic community
32:39Watch Mojo Español
32:41Watch Mojo Español
