When I Lent My Gym Clothes To The Transfer Student, All The Girls In My Class Went Mad…

  • 2 months ago
When I Lent My Gym Clothes To The Transfer Student, All The Girls In My Class Went Mad…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Uh, sorry, coming through.
00:02Huh? Yeah.
00:04Wait, no way!
00:12Same old, huh?
00:14Seriously impressive, though.
00:16I'm Luka Saito, a high school sophomore and the ultimate introvert.
00:22Eye contact gets dodged, and speaking up gets me screams.
00:26That's my daily grind.
00:28It's probably cuz of my face, but I try not to dwell on it too much, cuz it's kinda sad.
00:36However, there's always someone kind in every class.
00:41Luka, hand in the printout from earlier's class.
00:45We'll collect them for the whole class and give them to the teacher.
00:49Uh, thanks.
00:52Only Rin Tanaka, the class rep, and Ai Suzuki, the volleyball team captain, engage with me in conversation.
01:00But I don't really have any friends.
01:03I thought I'd be sitting alone at my desk like this until graduation, but I had no idea.
01:10The next morning.
01:12Gotta review for the first period quiz.
01:17It's kinda unusual to see someone here this early in the morning.
01:21Well, it's none of my business.
01:23Um, excuse me?
01:28Could you help me find the staff room?
01:31I got lost.
01:33Wait, this girl?
01:35Doesn't she hate me?
01:39Oh no, other students are around.
01:42If they see us like this, she'll get labeled as a nerd too.
01:45But I can't just leave someone in need.
01:48Want me to guide you there?
01:50Thank you.
01:52Oh, I'm sorry.
01:54I've been holding your hand all this time.
01:57How embarrassing.
02:00She's cute.
02:02She seems really nice.
02:04Maybe if we become friends, school life could actually be fun.
02:08But then again, that's a long shot.
02:12Afterward, I quickly led her to the staff room.
02:15However, a few minutes later.
02:18This is our new transfer student, Hana Sato.
02:21Be nice, everyone.
02:23Nice to meet you all.
02:26There's an empty seat next to Saito.
02:29Yeah, she can next to Luka.
02:31Oh, you're the person who helped me earlier.
02:37Thanks again for helping me earlier.
02:40You saved me.
02:44We're in the same class, huh?
02:46Hey, that girl.
02:48What's going on between them?
02:51If I keep talking to her, people will start to label her as a nerd too.
02:56I don't want that.
02:57It's probably better if I don't get too involved.
03:00That's what I thought, but something happened during lunch break.
03:04Next up is math.
03:06I did some prep on the addition theorem.
03:11It's freezing.
03:15Hana, are you okay?
03:17Why are you all wet like this?
03:21I was looking at the flowers in the courtyard.
03:24And suddenly, the sprinklers started up and this happened.
03:30They're on a timer, you know.
03:33Tough break.
03:35I know, right?
03:40Looks like she's freezing.
03:42I've got gym clothes, but should I offer them to her?
03:46Well, if she doesn't change, she'll catch a cold for sure.
03:50All right.
03:53If you want, you can wear this.
03:58I mean, you might not like it, but it's better than staying like that.
04:04Really? I'm so happy. Thanks.
04:08I'll go change right away.
04:11A few minutes later.
04:13Luka, you're a lifesaver.
04:16It's a bit big, but I'm not cold anymore. Thanks.
04:21Whoa, Hana's actually wearing my...
04:25Um, can I have a word with you?
04:30Hey, wearing our idol Luka's gym clothes is so unfair.
04:35I want to wear it too.
04:37Huh? Our idol Luka?
04:41Am I being teased or what?
04:43Come on, guys.
04:46No, it's not like that.
04:49Well, I borrowed it, but was that okay?
04:54Changing was the right call.
04:56You shouldn't catch a cold, so...
04:58But it's the school idol's gym clothes.
05:06Luka, an idol. I see.
05:11So, no way can we allow you to get closer to our Luka than the fan club.
05:18We'll be friends with you too.
05:21Man, so close.
05:23I mean, what's a fan club?
05:26I thought everyone hated me.
05:28Not fair, me too.
05:31Me too.
05:34Finally, the Luka fan club's rules have been broken.
05:39Rules? What rules?
05:43Hands off our Luka.
05:45It's a strict rule to watch over him as he studies.
05:49There were strict rules, huh?
05:52But if they're gone now...
05:55I want to join the fan club too.
05:58I'm not the one running it, okay?
06:01I, the president, will take care of your membership application.
06:06Thanks! People here are so kind, and it makes me happy.
06:12As the vice president, I'll teach you a lot, so don't worry.
06:16Guys, now that the rules have been broken, let's decide on a partner for Luka to have a peaceful school life.
06:24How do I appeal to him?
06:27In two weeks, there's a school trip.
06:30Let's compete during free time for our chance to confess.
06:33How about we have three candidates and use a lottery?
06:37We should ensure fairness. Let's use a drawing for it.
06:41And so, without my consent, a massive drawing competition was held.
06:46And the chosen ones were...
06:49I won.
06:51I'm up next. Let's give it our best.
06:54Oh, I got picked too.
06:58So, to make sure nobody tries to cheat,
07:01during the free time on the school trip, each of you will have a trial date and make your confession.
07:07You'll receive your answer back at school. Is that okay?
07:11Why is this happening?
07:13Since then, I was inexplicably roughed up during every break.
07:18A few days later, I never thought it would come to this.
07:23I totally get why you'd be popular, Luka.
07:27There's absolutely no way that's true.
07:30Why not?
07:32Well, I have an older sister.
07:35She's totally different and has always been super popular.
07:39So I kinda lost confidence, you know?
07:42That's why I turned into this shy introvert.
07:46You're not a loser at all.
07:49Luka, you're a kind and gentle person at heart.
07:53Some people are drawn to that.
07:55Even me.
07:57Hana, you're really kind.
08:01What's the scoop, guys?
08:03Mind if we join? No solo acts here, darling.
08:07Alright, alright.
08:10Guys, y'all too close. Give me some space.
08:16And so, the long-anticipated school trip finally kicked off.
08:21The first day went without a hitch, and it was time for some free time on the second day.
08:26We were allowed to keep our smartphones, so staying connected wasn't a problem.
08:31Alright, let's make it a date. I'm up first.
08:35Then it's my turn. Let me know when you're done, okay?
08:39I'm the last one. I'll be waiting.
08:43I've come to terms with the fact that I'm just going to roll with it and go on this date.
08:49So, we made our way to the first destination.
08:52Rin, you're into temples and stuff, huh? The class rep, after all.
08:57W-well, to tell the truth, my grades aren't that good.
09:02Especially when it comes to Japanese history.
09:06I'm pretty average in the grades.
09:09That's why I've always admired you, who's super serious about studying.
09:13You've been my inspiration all along, and you've given me the passion to keep trying.
09:19Wow, never knew she thought about me like that.
09:23Wonder if there's something I can...
09:25Oh, um...
09:27If it's Japanese history, it's not just about memorizing eras and terms.
09:32You should dig into why stuff happened.
09:35It'll help you remember better.
09:38Plus, since some of those Chinese characters are a real brain buster, writing them down can do wonders.
09:45But hey, this is my first time passing on study tips, so who knows if it'll actually work.
09:52Huh? First time?
09:56Her reaction... Did I overdo it?
09:59I'm like, totally... Wow! So you're saying I'm your first, huh?
10:08You're cool, cause you're always working hard to keep those grades up, and you're open about sharing your study secrets.
10:15It's like... I'm crushing on you even more now!
10:20Um, hold on...
10:23Luka, you're totally awesome. Please pick me?
10:28Next was...
10:30Oh my god! Such a cute cafe!
10:34I absolutely wanted to come here with you, Luka!
10:37That's surprising. I always thought of you as the cool captain of the volleyball team.
10:43Actually, I love this kind of super girly stuff.
10:47It doesn't suit me, does it?
10:49Not at all. You're cute, Ai.
10:52Ah! See? That part of ya.
10:57Never mind! Hey, I think I'm gonna order.
11:03In the end, I ordered quickly, and...
11:07This is so embarrassing!
11:12You know, there's this saying about leaving your pride behind on a trip.
11:17But seriously...
11:21This is making me blush.
11:23But you know what? It's become a sweet memory.
11:29You know, I didn't have much confidence that people would accept the real me.
11:34But now I've decided to be more open, all thanks to you saying I'm cute!
11:40So Luka, which side of me do you like more?
11:46Hold it right there!
11:48Give me your answer later! I'm looking forward to it!
11:51I guess I... might have actually helped Suzuki-san a bit.
11:57And last but not least...
11:59The view is absolutely stunning!
12:02I think I'm starting to like this kind of thing.
12:05I'm totally on the same page!
12:08Sharing interests makes hanging out way more fun, right?
12:13I had no idea, cause I didn't have any friends.
12:17When I first transferred here from the countryside, I was really freaked out.
12:22But then, right after that, I met you, Luka.
12:27And... I felt like I could fit in at school where such a kind person exists.
12:35And it wasn't just that.
12:37After that, you always discreetly looked out for me, so I could fit in.
12:43Well, I just did what anyone would do.
12:46That's what I like about you.
12:51I mean, you say that, but not many people can actually act on it, you know?
12:57I've made lots of friends, but you're different, Luka.
13:01I wanna be someone special to you, too.
13:07I totally said that out loud! Oh my god!
13:11Since I got to know Hana, it feels like my life has really started moving.
13:17Oh, look who we have here.
13:20Can I join?
13:22Hey, it's still my turn, okay?
13:26Wait, hold on. We're drawing way too much attention here.
13:30Don't say that, come on!
13:34Yeah, after all, it's our school trip, so...
13:38I wanna...
13:41Hey, wait, guys!
13:44The school trip, with all its ups and downs, finally came to an end.
13:49It went by so fast, didn't it?
13:52So, since we're back to school now, that means...
13:57My Luka...
13:59It's time.
14:02Finally, huh?
14:05I'm prepared... um, scared, but ready.
14:11Now then, please tell us your answer.
14:16Hey, Luka, I need to talk to you.
14:19Seriously, now?
14:21Could you make it quick?
14:23Someone told me that last night you were in the girls' room past lights-out time.
14:28Any idea about that?
14:30In the girls' room? No way, that never happened.
14:34Don't lie!
14:36This picture is the proof.
14:39This is...
14:41Look at this!
14:42The hairstyle, the glasses, even though it's a bit dark...
14:46That's definitely you, Luka.
14:48Wait a minute, I never went to the girls' room.
14:51Please, you gotta believe me.
14:54I have clear evidence, man.
14:57Who's gonna believe your words?
15:00He's right, even if I say anything.
15:03Sir, Luka would never pull such a low move, I guarantee it.
15:09Exactly, she's right.
15:11If he was coming, he'd be heading to my room, you know.
15:14Luka is a stand-up person.
15:17He's all about sticking to the rules.
15:20Guys, honestly, I can't imagine you doing something like that.
15:25But there's this photo, so I can't just ignore it.
15:29No way you can talk your way out of this.
15:32Look at it from any angle, it's definitely him.
15:36Wait a sec, maybe this part right here.
15:41Oh, I see what you mean.
15:45Wow, you guys are amazing for spotting this.
15:49What, what is it?
15:51Guys, explain to me, I don't understand what's going on.
15:55The person in that shot, he's got a lookalike doppelganger.
16:00Yeah right, like you got any proof.
16:03We do. Luka wears fake glasses.
16:07Fake glasses?
16:09In the pictures we took with him, the plastic lenses in his fake glasses strongly reflect.
16:14So, you can't see his eyes in the photo.
16:18The person in this photo is probably wearing glasses with glass lenses for vision correction.
16:23You can see their eyes a bit, right? It can't be fake glasses.
16:28That's true.
16:30Therefore, the person in this photo is genuinely someone with poor eyesight.
16:35We have a photo as evidence, so there's no way to weasel out of this, right?
16:41You piece of...
16:44Bingo sassy!
16:51Hey, stop it.
16:53You're all just after this guy's looks.
16:57Are you guys acting all flashy and shallow?
17:00Listen up, flashy peeps like you only got style on the surface.
17:04You're hollow inside, and that goes for all of ya.
17:08Cut it out already.
17:11These three aren't like that.
17:14What's the deal? They all just fell for your looks, right?
17:18These three really took the time to get to know the plain nerd that I am.
17:23What you're saying is wrong.
17:25All three of them are kind and wonderful people.
17:29I think you, Charao, you're the one who's hollow inside.
17:40Acting like you can do whatever you want.
17:44Wait a sec!
17:46We saw him taking that fake photo. They are other witnesses too.
17:51Didn't I tell you guys to keep your mouths shut?
17:54You said it was just for fun, but this is how you use it?
17:58This is seriously messed up.
18:01Jeez, y'all.
18:04Looks like I've gotta start with you.
18:07Wait, hold on a sec.
18:09I was just...
18:11Aw, man, come on.
18:15Thanks to you guys, I was able to clear things out.
18:19We just did what's right.
18:21We did it the way you always do.
18:23In other words, helping people in trouble.
18:27But what Charao's saying is weird, don't you think?
18:31You guys falling for my looks?
18:34Like, I've got a plain face, you know?
18:39You're the most handsome man on this planet, you know?
18:44Come on, guys, stop messing with me.
18:47We're not, but we're all drawn to your personality, you know?
18:53Luka, how about an answer?
18:57Uh, I...
19:00I always thought everyone hated me.
19:02Finding out that so many people actually liked me made me really happy.
19:08Thanks, guys.
19:12But it was Hana who changed my school life,
19:16treating me like a regular person from the beginning.
19:19I think I can be myself with you.
19:22Will you go out with me?
19:25Of course!
19:27Thank you!
19:29I'm so happy!
19:33It's Luka's decision, so I accept.
19:37No regrets!
19:39As long as Luka's happy, that's all that matters!
19:46Wish me all the happiness.
19:48Thanks, guys.
19:50Few days later.
19:52It seems that Charao had to be honest and write a ton of apology letters.
19:58The whole sequence got out to our classmates,
20:01so he's living with his head down now.
20:04On the other hand, I stopped wearing glasses,
20:07started talking to people during breaks,
20:09and made some friends.
20:11It's been a fun school life.
20:13It turns out that my looks are totally different from my sister's,
20:17and I was just misunderstanding things.
20:20Hana and I are taking it easy,
20:23and continuing our relationship.
20:26Um, excuse me.
20:30I like you, Luka!
20:33Well, I have a girlfriend.
20:38I just wanted to tell you how I feel.
20:40Thank you!
20:41I was thinking of having lunch together,
20:44but once again, a random girl's asking you out?
20:50You were watching?
20:52Even though you have me, you...
20:56No, this is...
21:00Luka's my boyfriend!
21:02I'm gonna kiss him right now.
21:07Our relationship might be deepening faster than I thought.
21:12Hi! It's me, Mel!
21:15Thanks for watching my channel!
21:18I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
