Ulysses - Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi - 08

  • 2 months ago


00:01France, my princess.
00:03Your first move was a fake.
00:05This is my true weapon.
00:09Acheute Ache.
00:11No, not that arrow!
00:13Love is love.
00:15Those who must die must die in the world of death.
00:18Die, Jeanne.
00:36His heart has been lost.
00:38The wound on his back won't heal.
00:41But his head hasn't been destroyed.
00:44If he's not dead yet, there must be a way to save him.
00:48Isn't that right, Astaroth?
00:53We'll retrieve the Escalibur.
00:56The Demon Sword, Escalibur.
00:58It's a sword that specializes in healing.
01:01Use it, or...
01:17The Demon Sword, Escalibur...
01:19It belongs to the legendary knight, Altur, right?
01:24In England, he's known as King Arthur.
01:27It's said that the king wanted to die,
01:29so he turned the Escalibur into a lake fairy.
01:34But why in France?
01:36And in a forest like this?
01:38What we're looking for isn't exactly a sword.
01:42It's a sheath.
01:44A sheath?
01:45It's too dangerous to put together a sword and a sheath,
01:48each with its own strength.
01:51That's why I brought the sheath to this forest.
01:53Wait a minute.
01:55Could the lake fairy be...
01:59You've been alive for 1,000 years?
02:02I've been waiting.
02:03I see.
02:04So you've seen the Great Flood of the 10th century with your own eyes.
02:08That's a pretty impressive momentum.
02:15You saw it?
02:16Then Noah's ark...
02:19Can you stop talking nonsense?
02:22I can't help it if you don't like it.
02:24It's not like I'm talking nonsense.
02:35God, please protect Orléans.
02:52The Great Flood of the 10th century
03:22The Great Flood of the 10th century
03:27The Great Flood of the 10th century
03:32The Great Flood of the 10th century
03:37The Great Flood of the 10th century
03:42The Great Flood of the 10th century
03:47The Great Flood of the 10th century
04:02I'll be waiting for you, Channel, and I'll bring you back to life soon.
04:21I'm afraid we'll have to lie down next to you, too.
04:27Let's go, guys!
04:37Get back up!
04:39If we let them pass, the fortress will fall!
04:50Escalibur and reinforcements aren't here yet?
04:57I didn't know it would take this long.
05:01This isn't what we agreed on.
05:05Don't tell me...
05:06It can't be helped. It happened 1,000 years ago.
05:10What do you mean, the queen of fairies?
05:12What's wrong with being human?
05:16Excuse me...
05:17May I?
05:18Get out of the way!
05:21Humans have big bodies, but small brains.
05:25How dare a fairy forget her magic sword!
05:30I knew it!
05:31Shut up!
05:33Isn't that rock in a different position?
05:36No, nothing's changed for me.
05:50What's going on?
05:52One of the traps I set up to track down the knights who came to find Saya.
05:58You forgot about this, too?
06:00Shut up!
06:02Araso, hold the sword's stone.
06:06Nuz, Aramada, come on!
06:11You fools! Can't you see the sword's stone?
06:16The Knight's Stone
06:21It stopped.
06:23What's going on?
06:25It's the sword's stone.
06:28But there's only half of it.
06:30What's going on?
06:32A fairy?
06:33The Korygans.
06:35I ordered them to protect this forest 1,000 years ago.
06:40Guards, lead us to Saya.
06:45It's a witch!
06:46It's a witch!
06:47A witch is here!
06:48Don't say such mean things!
06:50You didn't forget about me, did you?
06:53Who was it?
06:54I don't remember.
06:55We've been replaced.
06:58If it's important, take a note of it!
07:01Do you want to be kicked out?
07:03It's just like you said.
07:09The Korygans
07:13This way.
07:14This way.
07:15This way.
07:16This way.
07:17This way.
07:18This way.
07:19This way.
07:20This way.
07:23Something's wrong.
07:25What's wrong?
07:27It's gone.
07:30Look over there!
07:32Oh, you found it?
07:35You're pretty fast.
07:37Who are you?
07:39My name is Sir Thomas Mallory.
07:42I'm the captain of the Search Party of the Saints.
07:47You're from the England army?
07:49No, no, no.
07:50To be exact, I'm Wales' knight in shining armor.
07:53Do you know Wales?
07:55It's a small country on the edge of Britain.
07:58Well, it's been taken over by England now, but...
08:02I see.
08:05Wales is the home of King Arthur.
08:08The whereabouts of Saya...
08:10One or two of the scrolls that show this place...
08:13It wouldn't be strange if they were still there.
08:15That's right!
08:17So, Excalibur...
08:20Excalibur's Saya will be returned to where she should be, so don't worry.
08:29I have to tell the king!
08:33Did you know?
08:35Longbow was originally a weapon developed by the Wales army to kill the English cavalry.
08:42Stop fighting and come down!
08:45If I give you Saya, I'll let you go.
08:48You can't stay there forever!
08:52Your Majesty!
08:54The knights are coming this way!
08:57There are 100 of them!
08:59That's right!
09:01You have been eliminated from the search party.
09:05I'm going to get off this tree and bring Saya back.
09:09Oh, you can still run away now.
09:14What are you going to do?
09:16There's no way I can beat a hundred knights.
09:20If Saya is taken away, I won't be able to revive Jeanne.
09:24If that happens, Momoran will...
09:30Pull that tree.
09:38If you don't come down now, I'll set it on fire!
09:41You can't!
09:42Most of the forest will be on fire!
09:46That's right!
09:47The bad knight will be eliminated!
09:49Are you serious?
09:50I'm serious!
09:52Our search party will arrive before this tree burns down.
09:56I don't think you're stupid enough to understand that.
10:00But why are you trying to get my attention?
10:07Yordle, that's the answer!
10:19It's such a shame that you lost the information you had for a thousand years.
10:25I wanted to catch you and put you in an iron cage and take good care of you.
10:32What's so funny?
10:41The queen of fairies doesn't die.
10:44She doesn't die.
10:45The guardian of the sage's stone is destined to come back to life no matter how many times she is killed.
10:54Over there!
10:57I'm sorry to take a woman as a hostage, but I'll buy you some time.
11:03Please go.
11:05I can't do that!
11:07The revival of the maiden will explosively restore the morale of the soldiers.
11:12In that case, no matter how many sacrifices you make, you have to deliver them to Orlean.
11:22What should we do?
11:23What should we do?
11:25Let's go.
11:27Over there!
11:33Alanson died a noble death as a knight.
11:36If you're his friend, please tell him that.
11:42This is fine.
11:44This is fine.
11:48That swordplay.
11:49As expected of Richemont's brother.
11:52Richemont wouldn't have made such a mistake.
11:56Still, he's Alchuled Richemont's brother.
12:23I was born with a destiny.
12:26A destiny that I have to surpass my sister.
12:31I can finally surpass it.
12:33With this, everyone will acknowledge me.
13:03Escalibur was carried by Bataar to Orlean.
13:06All right.
13:08Where's Alanson?
13:11I don't know.
13:19Princess, there's an enemy attack ahead!
13:31I've gathered all my resources.
13:35Once Orlean is liberated, the princess will head to Lance.
13:39Then she'll be able to leave England forever.
13:44Don't be ridiculous, you loser.
13:46This is the royal army.
13:48You're just a pawn in their game.
13:53We don't have time to fight Latremieu right now.
13:56We have to go to Orlean as soon as possible.
13:58I won't let you become a hero of the old kingdom.
14:01I'm the one who will save France.
14:05I heard that fake savior called Jeanne is dead.
14:13Her heart has already been crushed.
14:19She's perfect for a witch like you.
14:22Don't be provoked.
14:25You bastard.
14:27Don't you dare say Jeanne's name.
14:31I'll kill you.
14:34That's it.
14:35That face.
14:37You're not a hero.
14:39That's your true face.
14:48You're safe.
14:51I'm not the only one.
15:05That's a lot of soldiers.
15:11They're my sisters' soldiers.
15:33I've received information that the English troops have infiltrated the capital.
15:38I didn't expect you to say that.
15:41I'm sorry.
15:46Everyone's laughing at me again.
15:49I was going to sacrifice myself and open the way for my friends.
15:54But in the end, my sister saved me.
16:05I'm not laughing.
16:07Well done, Alanson.
16:09You're my pride.
16:15I see.
16:17You didn't want to be recognized by everyone.
16:19I wanted my sister to recognize me.
16:24After the enemy's troops, it's the foreign troops.
16:28I don't even have time to be bored.
16:32Don't be led by such a fool and forget who you are.
16:36I won't let you do that.
16:38I, Altuld Richemont, will start the battle here with the help of Latour-Mouille.
16:45The enemy is Latour-Mouille.
16:47Ignore Montmorency's knights and go through.
16:50I'll repeat.
16:51This is just a war.
16:54Wait, Richemont.
16:55We're the French royal army.
16:57It doesn't matter if it's a war or not.
16:59If you do this, your position...
17:01Go, Montmorency.
17:03I won't let Jeanne die like this.
17:08Don't look at me like that.
17:10I'm just a little too strong to be a princess protected by a knight.
17:28You're going to be a true knight now.
17:33Hey, Astaroth.
17:35I was forgiven by Catherine and saved by Richemont.
17:39Will I ever be a man who can protect them?
17:44You won't be.
17:46You will.
18:10Where are you?
18:16Hey, Batal!
18:21You're safe!
18:22I'm so happy!
18:23We'll talk later.
18:24What's the situation?
18:26It's a big problem.
18:28I'm trying to solve it, but it's a matter of time.
18:34If Montmorency makes it to Jeanne's room, we'll be able to win.
18:40We have to cut through his path.
18:43I don't like girls, but if they're all male knights...
18:50Let's go!
19:01I'm scared.
19:02I'm lonely.
19:09I'm all alone.
19:42Montmorency is coming.
19:44Not to me, but to White Ulysses.
20:01What's going on?
20:03The elixir in my body is almost gone.
20:06Saya isn't responding.
20:10Hurry up and make him drink the elixir.
20:13The princess who was cursed will wake up at the prince's bedside.
20:22White Ulysses
20:30It worked!
20:46I'm a little late, but I came to wake you up.
21:00It smells like Montmorency.
21:03I didn't have time to bathe.
21:08Stay like this for a little longer.
21:14The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
21:16We're being taken back one by one!
21:21General Campbell, advance!
21:23The Black Alchemist has already arrived at the fortress!
21:33Your wound...
21:34It's fine.
21:36As long as there is a Holy Grail, I will never be able to obtain the blessing of death.
21:51The Black Alchemist has already arrived at the fortress!
21:56The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
21:59The Black Alchemist has already arrived at the fortress!
22:02The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:05The Black Alchemist has already arrived at the fortress!
22:08The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:11The Black Alchemist has already arrived at the fortress!
22:14The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:17The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:20The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:23The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:26The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:29The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:32The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:35The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:38The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:41The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:44The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:47The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:50The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:53The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:56The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
22:59The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
23:02The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
23:05The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
23:08The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
23:11The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
23:14The enemy's reinforcements are coming in!
