• 3 months ago


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01:09All right, Shane, think yourself out of this one.
01:11Jasper, I'll have that door down in just another second.
01:13There'll be nothing between you and this sawed-off shotgun, but air.
01:16Think fast, Shane, because...
01:24The New Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective.
01:27This is your director, Bill Russo,
01:29inviting you to listen to Michael Shane,
01:31that reckless, red-headed Irishman,
01:33back at his old haunts and new haunts
01:35in another transcribed episode.
01:37We call it The Case of the Phantom Gun.
01:56Oh, Mr. Shane, come on in.
01:58I wasn't expecting anybody.
01:59I want to be a minute.
02:00I just dropped by to tell you I've finished your job.
02:04You phoned out?
02:06Well, is there...
02:08No, Mrs. Kinney, your husband isn't seeing another woman
02:10on the night she stays away from home.
02:12Oh, thank you, Mr. Shane, I just...
02:16What is he doing?
02:17I suggest you keep him home nights.
02:21What is he doing?
02:22I suggest you keep him home nights.
02:24Mr. Shane, what do you mean?
02:25Look, you hired me to find out
02:27if he's running around with another woman.
02:28Well, I found out he isn't.
02:30Now, Mrs. Kinney, if you don't mind...
02:31Well, the way you're evading it, I...
02:33Well, you just can't walk out on me.
02:35If Dick is in some sort of trouble, I...
02:36Oh, I should always follow my hunches.
02:39Look, I didn't want your case in the first place,
02:41but you looked like a good kid,
02:42and I didn't like the idea of some guy pushing you around.
02:44Well, I...
02:45I don't understand.
02:46I've only been on the case three days, Mrs. Kinney.
02:49From the very beginning,
02:50I've been getting phone calls from a character
02:51who's been warning me they'd find my head in a basket
02:53if I didn't lay off.
02:55Well, what could Dick be doing that would possibly...
02:57This morning.
02:58This morning, I couldn't get into my office
02:59with the stuff piled knee-high all over the place.
03:01Now, my furniture isn't exactly Chippendale,
03:03but it does have a sentimental value.
03:05As for my files,
03:06they look like the morning after Mardi Gras.
03:08Your office was ransacked?
03:10Yeah, it looked more like the Ringling Brothers
03:11had used it as a detention room for naughty elephants.
03:13Well, certainly Dick had nothing to do with that.
03:15I'm not on any other case, Mrs. Kinney,
03:17and the gal who cleans up doesn't know any elephants.
03:20But I...
03:21I just don't understand if Dick really is in trouble.
03:23Why didn't...
03:24Look, can you understand me?
03:25Keep Dicky at home.
03:27But why?
03:28Why, Mr. Shane?
03:30All right.
03:31I'll tell you.
03:32Then it's your problem.
03:34Your husband has picked up an unsavory playmate.
03:37He's up to his clavicle in some very hot blackmail.
03:39And if I'm any judge,
03:41his clavicle is about to be chopped off.
03:48In a moment,
03:49we'll return to the adventures of Michael Shane
03:52and the case of the Phantom Gun.
04:06Want a recipe for trouble?
04:08Take one part Shane,
04:10add a pretty young thing in trouble up to her ears
04:12through no fault of her own,
04:14mix well in a solution
04:16of tears,
04:17and you have a guy who let his emotions
04:18sway his good judgment.
04:20Something I do as often as a police commissioner
04:22treats me to a steak dinner.
04:24Now, Billis Kinney had hired me
04:26to find out if her husband was two-timing her.
04:28He wasn't,
04:29but he'd gotten himself mixed up
04:30with a character named Jasper.
04:32This Jasper was following his usual routine,
04:34getting close to his blackmail victim
04:36by working for him.
04:38In this case, he was the gardener
04:39at the Duval estate.
04:41And that's how Dick Kinney got mixed up with him.
04:43Dick was the Duval chauffeur.
04:45What made it pretty clear
04:47something was in the air
04:48was what happened after
04:49I'd stuck my nose in there just briefly.
04:51I got threatening phone calls
04:53and a cyclone hit my office.
04:55Typical Jasper stunts.
04:57Anyway, I agreed to try
04:58talking some horse sense
04:59into young Dick Kinney
05:00before I bowed out of the case.
05:02It was getting dark
05:03when I pulled up outside
05:04the ancestral grounds
05:05of the Duval estate.
05:07I walked up the gravel driveway
05:09toward the house.
05:10Couldn't see a car anywhere in front,
05:12but there were lights on in the house,
05:13so chances were
05:14Dick was around back.
05:16Hello there.
05:17Oh, hello.
05:19I haven't seen you before, have I?
05:22Hmm yourself.
05:23You'd remember if you had.
05:26Everything nice.
05:28Even the hair.
05:30Nice and red.
05:32You wouldn't be Mrs. Duval, would you?
05:34You read the society page.
05:36No, this was on the front page.
05:37Oh, that.
05:39Wasn't that nasty of you?
05:41Sixty-two marrying twenty-two,
05:42that kind of thing.
05:44I'm glad I'm twenty-two.
05:46Come here.
05:47Thank you.
05:50Kind of impulsive, aren't you?
05:52I don't believe in stifling inhibitions.
05:54It's unhealthy, Mr.
05:58Did you come here to see my husband?
06:00No, I just want to work
06:01with Dick Kinney, your chauffeur.
06:05He's pretty, too.
06:07He's around back somewhere.
06:09Probably in the garage.
06:12Got him to stick around a while?
06:16Too bad.
06:18I'll see you again, Mr. Shane.
06:22She ran off like the young animal she was.
06:25Disappeared into the house.
06:27When I got around to the back of the house,
06:29I saw a light burning in the four-car garage
06:31and walked in.
06:32Somebody in coveralls was working on a town and country.
06:35He must have heard me come in
06:36because he pulled his head out of the motor
06:38and looked up.
06:39The blonde, wavy hair,
06:40the blue eyes and weak mouth
06:42matched the picture on Phyllis Kinney's mantle.
06:44I started to say,
06:45you're Dick Kinney, aren't you?
06:46When I saw Kinney's eyes get wide,
06:48I wheeled around,
06:49caught a glimpse of an upraised arm,
06:50and then...
06:56The roof fell in,
06:57plowed me under.
07:00And then I smelled gasoline.
07:02It was one big ache all over.
07:05I opened my eyes just in time
07:06to see the heel of a shoe
07:07come down on my face.
07:09Then it was nothing for a while.
07:17The smell of dust and blood,
07:20leather and blood
07:21and gasoline and blood
07:22crept back into my nose.
07:25I opened my eyes again.
07:27It was pitch dark.
07:28The roaring in my head
07:29blended with the low hum of the motor.
07:33I was on the floor of a car.
07:35We were driving somewhere.
07:37I jounced around like I was on a mechanical horse
07:40and out of time with a bucking.
07:42Then the car stopped.
07:44The door was open.
07:45I was yanked out by my ankles
07:46and my head bounced as it hit the ground.
07:48I waited for something to happen.
07:50It did.
07:54I didn't feel any new pains.
07:57I was lying on the grass
07:58and it was cold with a little dew on it.
08:01Maybe the shots weren't for me.
08:04You were told, Shane.
08:06You were told and you didn't behave.
08:09Now you're in the soup but good.
08:14I recognize your voice anyway.
08:17Would you, Shane?
08:19Maybe there'll be bells in your ears tomorrow, Shane.
08:23Maybe you won't hear so good.
08:24You're making a mistake, Jasper.
08:26You're getting me interested.
08:27You'll see.
08:28Shut up.
08:30It felt like little taps
08:33till I tasted shoe leather in my mouth.
08:35Blood again.
08:37Then I didn't taste or smell or think anymore.
08:47The moon was gone and I was cold.
08:50My face felt stiff and every bone in my body hurt.
08:54I got to my feet and looked around.
08:56It was pretty dark.
08:58I thought about my nice warm apartment.
09:01The thought cheered me up a little.
09:03Then I saw him.
09:06It was the kid, Dick Kinney.
09:08He was lying on his stomach, face down.
09:10He wasn't breathing.
09:12I wondered briefly why I was still alive.
09:15Only it was too much of an effort.
09:17I wanted to lick my wounds and go to bed
09:19and sleep off the nightmare I'd just gone through.
09:22I kept telling myself as I started home,
09:24call headquarters, report the murder.
09:27But I don't think I did.
09:32Do a favor and get kicked in the teeth.
09:35I was so stiff the next morning
09:37it took me five minutes to ease myself out of bed.
09:40I hobbled into my car and drove downtown
09:42then hobbled up to my 10 by 14 office.
09:44I picked up a package the mailman had left
09:46with some circulars and bills and went inside.
09:48The cleaning woman had managed to make
09:50some sort of order out of the place.
09:52I eased myself into my chair,
09:54tossed the circulars and bills into the wastebasket
09:56and turned to the package.
09:58It bore a New Orleans postmark
10:00with no return address.
10:02I tore it open.
10:05It grinned up at me and seemed to say,
10:07boy, are you stupid, Shane.
10:09It was a Colt 38, nice and clean and just oiled.
10:13I reached for the lower left-hand drawer of my desk
10:15but I knew I was wasting my time.
10:16This was my gun.
10:20I hadn't checked it when I found my office torn apart.
10:22I thought, Shane, you're losing your grip.
10:23What's the angle?
10:24Not being knocked off last night.
10:25And then this.
10:26What's the buildup for?
10:28I didn't have to wait for an answer.
10:30Hi, Shane.
10:32Hello, Lieutenant.
10:33What happened to your face?
10:35I got a nervous barber.
10:37You want to take a little trip?
10:38No, I'm not up to it.
10:40Force yourself.
10:41And, uh, that gun.
10:42We'll take that along, too.
10:44What's up, Fletcher?
10:45A tip.
10:46On what?
10:47A kid was found shot to death this morning.
10:48Dick Kinney.
10:49Do you know him?
10:50Yeah, I heard of him.
10:51I had it in mind to call and report it.
10:53Let's have a gun.
10:58Dick Kinney was shot with a .38.
11:00Well, there were .38s and .38s.
11:04Well, let's go.
11:05This tip was pretty definite.
11:14This thing was going too fast for me.
11:16Maybe I was wrong all along.
11:17Jas was that kind of an operator.
11:19He hadn't messed with murder before, as far as I knew.
11:22Maybe I'd stepped into something at .38.
11:25Okay, Shane.
11:26Let's talk.
11:27Did you test the gun?
11:29Dick Kinney was killed with it.
11:30And I told you somebody swiped it from me.
11:33You told me.
11:34But you didn't report it when it was stolen.
11:35I didn't know it was stolen.
11:36You can do better than that, Shane.
11:37Look, Lieutenant, I got it in the mail this morning.
11:38You said you were going to report the murder.
11:40You were with Kinney last night about 9 o'clock.
11:42I told you how it was.
11:43There are marks on your face.
11:44Don't lie, Shane.
11:45Neither does ballistics.
11:46Two slugs and Kinney matched with slugs from your gun.
11:49And the gun was nice and clean and just oiled.
11:52But I tell you it was in the mail.
11:53It came in the first delivery.
11:55All right, Shane.
11:56Let's go back to your office and take a look at that wrapper.
11:59Yeah, sure.
12:00Now you're using your head, Lieutenant.
12:08Okay, Lieutenant.
12:09I threw the wrapper right near the wastebasket here.
12:11Oh, no.
12:13The cleaning woman must have emptied it out.
12:15Oh, no.
12:16Okay, Shane.
12:17I think we've reached the end of this little...
12:18Oh, wait.
12:20We can try outside.
12:21Maybe they haven't picked up the trash yet.
12:23You know that's against the law, littering the street like that.
12:27Yeah, yeah.
12:28Bend down and help me go through this stuff here.
12:29It's a brown wrapper.
12:31I don't know what this will prove anyway.
12:33All it can do is establish you're getting a package this morning.
12:36Yeah, yeah.
12:37I got it.
12:38Let's see.
12:39Okay, Lieutenant.
12:40Take a look at the postmark.
12:41Let's see it.
12:42Orleans, 3 p.m., April 12th.
12:44And that's yesterday afternoon, all right?
12:47The package with my gun in it was mailed yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
12:50And I got it this morning at a quarter to nine.
12:52You know, Shane, ballistics is like fingerprints.
12:54No two of them alike.
12:55Then you made a mistake.
12:56I didn't make a mistake.
12:57Maybe you did.
12:58It just doesn't add up.
12:59It couldn't have been my gun that killed Kenny.
13:00The gun was in the United States mail at the time he was shot.
13:02That's what you say.
13:03How do I know your gun was in that package?
13:04But I'm telling you...
13:05All I know is that in the history of the police department, ballistics has never been wrong.
13:08You admit being with him when he was killed, your gun killed him.
13:11There's only one answer, Shane, and you're it.
13:13You're it.
13:19In a moment, we'll return to the adventures of Michael Chang and the case of the phantom gun.
13:31I was in a spot and I talked fast.
13:33I'd taken a little case and then got away from it.
13:36Phyllis Kinney wondered whether her husband was spending his nights with other women
13:39after he got through with his chores as chauffeur for the Duval's.
13:42And because I could use the fee, I looked into it.
13:45I found out he'd gotten chummy with a character named Jasper
13:48who worked on the Duval estate as guard.
13:50But Jasper's real trade was blackmail.
13:53I went to warn young Kinney to lay off and wound up with a headache.
13:56The kid was knocked off in an open spot on the bank of the Mississippi
13:59and my gun apparently was a murder weapon.
14:01Only I didn't have the gun at the time.
14:03It was in the United States mails.
14:05Another item that kept my fat head in the fire was that I was along on the junket,
14:09albeit semi-conscious.
14:11Lieutenant Fletcher of the New Orleans Homicide Detail had a point.
14:14Look, Shane, the bullets that killed young Kinney came from your gun.
14:17You can't shake that.
14:18You say the gun came through the mail this morning
14:20and that it was in the mail since yesterday afternoon.
14:22I admit it doesn't add up, but I...
14:24Realistics don't lie.
14:26You gonna book me?
14:27I'm considering it.
14:28What'll that get you?
14:29Look, I've got an idea.
14:30You can tell me your idea.
14:32Well, it's speculation. That's all it is.
14:34We speculate fine downtown.
14:36Okay, Fletcher, if that's the way it is, I'm clamming up.
14:38We've been too easy on you guys.
14:39All we get is a swift...
14:40I don't know what you're complaining about.
14:42All I want to do is follow a trail to wrap the whole thing up for you.
14:46All right, Shane.
14:47This is against my better judgment, but you've got just eight hours to find something.
14:51Thanks, Lieutenant.
14:52Just don't try to leave town.
14:54I might as well tell you we're going right ahead fitting your neck for a noose.
15:02One thing I knew.
15:03One thing I was sure.
15:05That gun was in the mail when Kinney was shot.
15:08Like the Lieutenant said, ballistics don't lie.
15:10No two bores make the same marks on a bullet.
15:13It's one in a hundred billion. It just doesn't happen.
15:16Whoever figured this out was a smart cookie.
15:19The first thing I wanted to do was speak to old man Duval.
15:23Yes, Mr. Shane?
15:24Mr. Duval?
15:25That's right.
15:27What can I do for you?
15:28That's what I can do for you.
15:32Who's putting a bite on you?
15:33I beg your pardon?
15:35Did you know your chauffeur Dick Kinney was shot last night?
15:38The policeman here?
15:40I don't see what business that is of yours.
15:42I got my fingers sprained.
15:43I was taking along for the ride.
15:46And that reference to, uh, to, uh...
15:51You're a private detective.
15:52That's right.
15:54I don't understand your connection.
15:55I was checking up on Dick Kinney.
15:58For what?
15:59Something else.
16:00It, uh, doesn't fit in with your problem.
16:02Well, Mr. Shane, I'm rather busy.
16:04You're not too busy, Mr. Duval.
16:06Dick Kinney was blackmailing you, and Dick Kinney was killed last night.
16:09Go on, Mr. Shane.
16:11You want to tell me about it?
16:12Tell you?
16:13Tell you what?
16:14What the blackmail was about.
16:16It seems to me you've made a lot of suppositions.
16:19I don't know why you got your information,
16:21but it doesn't resemble anything I am aware of.
16:24Okay, Mr. Duval.
16:25You've got a right to your own mistakes.
16:27Good day, Mr. Shane.
16:28Oh, uh...
16:29Where's your wife?
16:30Good day, Mr. Shane!
16:31Shane, you're a whiz-bang, you are.
16:34And our man Duval is charming.
16:36And Judith, his sprightly wife, is ugly.
16:38And Lieutenant is full of milk and honey,
16:40and the character Jasper is sweetness and light.
16:43And you, Shane, are the brilliant,
16:45the distinguished man about town.
16:47Detective par excellence.
16:49I hear you've been scouting the set-up for four days.
16:51You had a seat on the 50-yard line,
16:53even had your own head used as a football,
16:55and you still don't know the score.
16:56Oh, yeah, you're a shame.
16:58Now, all you have to do is wait
16:59behind the potted petunias
17:00until the suspect plants his hoofprint in the loam.
17:03Well, as I left the Duval castle
17:05and started toward the back of the house
17:07to pay my respects to Jasper,
17:09Judith popped out from behind a weeping willow.
17:11You weren't leaving without seeing me, Michael, were you?
17:14Leaving wasn't my idea.
17:15Your husband...
17:16Oh, him.
17:18Come on, Michael.
17:19There's a bench behind this willow tree.
17:21I'd like you to sit on it,
17:23and I'd like you to sit on it.
17:25There's a bench behind this willow tree.
17:27I'd like you to...
17:29know me better.
17:30That sounds like a worthy project.
17:33What's happened to you?
17:34Your face looks like...
17:35It came out second best in a tussle
17:37with a toe of your gardener's size 11.
17:39Size 10 and a half, Shane.
17:42Behind me again, huh?
17:44That's right.
17:45Lift him.
17:46Jasper, what are you doing?
17:47Just checking, Mrs. Duval.
17:51No gun, Shane?
17:52No gun.
17:53All the odds are with you again, Jasper.
17:58I've been getting an idea, a swell idea.
18:00Yeah, you've had lots of them lately.
18:02Things are breaking my way for a change.
18:04Jasper, put that gun away.
18:05Nah, Mrs. Duval.
18:06This is the payoff.
18:08We're going to have an audience with the boss.
18:11Come on, both of you.
18:12Where'd you get that museum piece, Jasper?
18:15You like it?
18:17Just a shotgun.
18:18A little sawed off.
18:20There was lots more territory that way.
18:23Let's go.
18:30What is it, Jasper?
18:33A little idea, sir.
18:35Everything was going so smooth and nice,
18:37I thought it's a pity if anything should happen.
18:40Then I thought this idea, I thought.
18:42And it's a pit.
18:43You've got a gun.
18:46It's an armor, Mrs. Duval.
18:48I think you're making a mistake, Jasper.
18:50Mistake, mistake.
18:51I ain't made one yet and I've been in the business a long time.
18:54I said sit down.
18:55I refuse to have you.
18:57Jasper, you...
18:58Here we are, Shane.
18:59Hey, you're real brave with a gun.
19:04She's unconscious.
19:05Her jabbering is getting on my nerves.
19:07What do you intend to do?
19:09It's a perfect setup.
19:11Shane is going to take the rap.
19:13For what?
19:14For Kenny's murder, Shane.
19:15Just like you're going to take the rap for Duval.
19:17Sir, you're going to kill me.
19:20It paid off Kenny five grand yesterday.
19:22That's chicken feed.
19:24Now, Kenny was your go-between.
19:25That's why you bumped him.
19:26That's right, Shane.
19:28I don't like to think I got a split with anybody.
19:30Now, wait a minute, Jasper.
19:32We can come to terms, I'm sure.
19:33Ah, this is too perfect.
19:36No, don't.
19:38Are you out of your mind, Shane?
19:40This is an easy way for me to take care of you.
19:41You got careless just one second too long.
19:43Besides, you made a mistake.
19:45My gun is at headquarters.
19:47That's what I...
19:51I knocked the gun out of his hand in the wind, skittering across the floor.
19:54But he was a lot closer to it than I was, and on his way for it already.
19:57I thought he who fights and runs away, and I slammed the door behind me and started for the front.
20:01I got lost or something, wound up in the kitchen.
20:03I went through it and out onto the rear veranda.
20:05I knew if I started across the lawn, I wouldn't have time to get to cover.
20:08I went back into the house through French windows with Jasper panning along behind me.
20:11Through the library and a big double-width staircase that led up to the top floor.
20:14I took it three at a time.
20:15Jasper was just rounding the first bend behind me when I reached the top.
20:19It splendid the beautiful wall paneling, but I didn't stop to survey the damage.
20:22I turned right and disappeared into the master bedroom at the end of the hall, just as another shot screwed me on.
20:27The room was done up in purple and rose.
20:29I guess it was very pretty under different circumstances.
20:31There was a door at the far end, and I scooted into it and threw a shot behind me, and then I turned the lock.
20:37I didn't even have time to look for an aspirin tablet in the medicine chest when the hammering started.
20:41I said to myself, all right, Shane, keep your head.
20:44You got to think yourself out of this one.
20:46Because on the other side of that door, Jasper's waiting for you.
20:48And the way that door is splintering up now, it doesn't look as if the wood has established your craving to keep on living.
20:54Gotcha, Shane.
20:56It splintered out the middle panel.
20:58Now his hand filled the hole, and the gun filled his hand.
21:02Any second...
21:05I didn't feel anything.
21:07Maybe you never do.
21:09Maybe it was all over.
21:10Maybe it was all over.
21:12Then the fingers of Jasper's hand got limp, and the gun fell onto the tile floor.
21:19I opened the door.
21:22It was Judith DeVal.
21:24She stood in the center of the room, and a thin thread of dried blood was on her chin.
21:29And the gun in her hand was pointed at Jasper, curled up on the floor.
21:34In a moment, we'll be back with the thrilling climax of tonight's Michael Shane adventure.
21:53Well, the bullets and Armand DeVal came from your gun also, Shane.
21:57That's what I thought.
21:58Well, the bullets and Armand DeVal came from your gun also, Shane.
22:02That's what I thought, Lieutenant.
22:03But your gun's been in my desk all afternoon.
22:05Just like last night when Dick Kinney was shot. My gun was in the mail.
22:09You got a theory?
22:12I think you killed DeVal.
22:14No, you slay me, Shane.
22:16Did you inspect that sawed-off shotgun?
22:18Yeah, the boys are going over it now. Why?
22:20Well, I told you my officer was ransacked, and my gun was stolen.
22:23What was to prevent Jasper from firing a half a dozen bullets into some pillows,
22:27cleaning the gun, and sending it back to me?
22:29Nothing, if he wanted to.
22:31Sure he'd want to.
22:32If he figured on putting those bullets in a gadget that would fit into the chamber of the shotgun and hold the bullets...
22:38...then he could fire them through a much larger bore than my .38.
22:41Yeah, hey, that would work, wouldn't it?
22:42The bore of a shotgun is so large that it wouldn't mark up the bullet.
22:45Yeah, and would leave the original rifling marks from my gun.
22:49The only reason Jasper didn't finish me off last night was because he figured I'd take the rap for Dick Kinney's murder.
22:53Yeah, that makes sense, too.
22:55I wouldn't have had a close shave this afternoon if I'd ever learned to keep my big mouth shut.
22:59I told Jasper my gun was in police headquarters after he killed DeVal.
23:03Then he realized what I should have thought of it.
23:05I couldn't be framed for DeVal's killing through my gun.
23:07That's why he went after me.
23:09Now, where are you going?
23:10I got a little unfinished business. I'll be back.
23:14It was pretty simple when you knew the background.
23:17Jasper got a job as a gardener because he wanted to be close to his blackmail victim, DeVal.
23:23He got Dick Kinney to front for him and then killed the boy so he wouldn't have to split.
23:27It all tied together that way.
23:30All except one little item.
23:32I was going to find out about that.
23:35Judith was waiting for me in the DeVal library.
23:38Mike. Oh, Mike.
23:40Mike. Oh, Mike.
23:42Now, before we settle down and get comfortable, sweetheart, I got a little confession.
23:45Why do I care what you want to confess?
23:48Oh, Mike, it's going to be wonderful.
23:50Just you and me.
23:51Now, this confession's about you.
23:53All right. What is it?
23:55I thought for one solid three-minute period you were true blue on a yard wide.
23:59When you shot Jasper.
24:01Now, it wasn't so much to save my life, sweetheart, as it was to get rid of him.
24:05Tell me, did Jasper pick you or did you pick Jasper?
24:08Mike, what are you talking about?
24:10That gun trick.
24:11That's way over Jasper's head.
24:13He could never think of a thing like that.
24:14Oh, let's not talk about Jasper.
24:16And why would Jasper kill your husband if he's the one who was being blackmailed?
24:20Was he, Mike?
24:22No dice, baby.
24:25What are you thinking?
24:27It's pretty clear, Judith.
24:28You put Jasper up to getting money from your husband.
24:30And Jasper saw a wonderful opportunity.
24:32He didn't have to nibble at DeVal.
24:34He wanted half of the money all at once.
24:36As DeVal's widow, you get the money, don't you?
24:39Maybe he'd even bleed you to death for the other half, too.
24:41He was sitting pretty until everything fell into place for you.
24:45Mike, listen.
24:47There are wonderful things from now on.
24:48I've got money.
24:49We can have all the good things.
24:50We can enjoy them, darling, together.
24:53Let's go, baby.
24:55Where to, Mike?
24:56Police headquarters.
24:57This is where I came in.
24:58I always meet the right woman at the wrong time.
25:01I figured that tied everything up.
25:03But not quite.
25:05It turned out that the blackmail angle had to do with DeVal not having a final divorce from his first wife when he married Judith.
25:12Judith was the only one who knew it.
25:14She contacted Jasper and worked him in on the deal.
25:17Very cute.
25:19Because when that came out, Judith lost her right to DeVal's millions.
25:23But then...
25:25What could she spend money on?
25:28The New Adventures of Michael Shane is a Don W. Sharp production transcribed in Hollywood and distributed exclusively by the Broadcasters Guild.
25:36Next week, you'll hear Michael Shane in another thrilling adventure in mysterious and colorful New Orleans.
25:57Subtitling made possible by Acorn Media.
