• 3 minutes ago
The Adventures of Kit Carson ENEMIES OF THE WEST

Saddle up, Western enthusiasts, because we're about to take a thrilling ride back in time with "The Adventures of Kit Carson - Enemies of the West"! This classic television series brings the legendary frontiersman Kit Carson to life, capturing the essence of the Wild West with its gripping storytelling and action-packed scenes.

Kit Carson, portrayed by the charismatic Bill Williams, is the quintessential American hero. Alongside his trusty sidekick El Toro, they navigate the dangers of the untamed West, securing justice and protecting the innocent. "Enemies of the West" is a standout episode that showcases the duo's bravery as they face off against formidable adversaries to deliver a condemned man's pardon.

The show's blend of adventure, drama, and historical authenticity has made it a beloved staple for fans of the genre. It's a testament to the enduring appeal of Westerns and their ability to transport us to a time of lawmen, outlaws, and epic showdowns.

For those who yearn for the days of cowboy hats and six-shooters, "The Adventures of Kit Carson" offers a nostalgic escape to the days when the West was truly wild. So, why not revisit this classic series and relive the adventures of one of America's most iconic figures? Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the series, Kit Carson's exploits are sure to captivate and entertain. Let's keep the spirit of the Wild West alive!


02:18Are you all right, Mr. Spence?
02:20Well, they made a few holes in the coach body, but none in mine.
02:23I'm sorry I couldn't help you, but you know I'm useless.
02:26What? You let them get away.
02:28I don't like to shoot a man in the back.
02:30I don't think they'd have such scruples.
02:32They're the most blundering, timid stage robbers I ever heard of.
02:35We could have killed all three of them.
02:37Like shooting blind water chickens on the ground with their wings broken.
02:40I'll admit they blundered in following the coach into this clearing.
02:43And you must admit they're timid, too.
02:45No. They turned around because they recognized you.
02:48And don't forget, you shot two guns out of their hands.
02:50Any idea who they might be?
02:52That's a cinch. They're not professionals.
02:54Remember, there are three miners down on their lock.
02:56I wish I could believe that.
02:58I think they're after just one thing.
03:00The pardon that's in my pocket for Al Daly.
03:02I'm afraid we'll hear from them again, Kit.
03:04I still couldn't shoot a man running away.
03:06Who would want to steal a pardon that would save an innocent man from being hanged?
03:10In the case of Daly, plenty of people.
03:12Why do you think the governor asked Kit to go to Auburn with me?
03:15Well, shall we get going, Mr. Spence?
03:17Are we staying overnight in San Carlos?
03:19Well, if you can stand another night on the road, I'd like to go straight through.
03:22That is, if we can get a fresh team and a new driver.
03:24I understand it. Daly will hang at midnight tomorrow if I don't get there.
03:27I don't want to run too close.
03:55There are no fresh horses.
03:57The San Bernardino stage took the last team a couple of hours ago.
04:00Can we go on without horses, Kit?
04:02We've been pressing them over mountain roads all day.
04:04They'd never get through.
04:05How far is it from here to Auburn?
04:07Twelve hours ought to get us there in plenty of time.
04:09If we get a five o'clock start, that'll give you a seven-hour leeway.
04:12All right. A good sleep in a bed won't hurt any of us.
04:14The way we push through day and night.
04:16Toro, have the driver put up the horses and please bring the bags to the hotel.
04:21What are you going to do with the pardon, Mr. Spence?
04:23Leave it in my room under my pillow, I guess.
04:25If you meant what you said, I guess I won't get any sleep tonight.
04:28I'll be sitting up in your room all night.
04:30Well, I certainly wouldn't leave it with the hotel management.
04:32Let's ask the express company to put it in their safe.
04:53Good night.
05:23Good night.
05:48Hello, Mr. Spence.
05:50Oh, how are you, Minari?
05:52It's an honor to meet you, sir.
05:55What brings you to San Carlos?
05:56We're just staying overnight.
05:58I'm on my way to Auburn with a pardon for one of my clients.
06:00Where are you staying?
06:01Here at the hotel. We've been on the road several days.
06:03We're going to have supper and turn in early.
06:05Then sit down a minute.
06:06I want to try and change your plans.
06:10I'm staying at my San Carlos ranch for a while.
06:12Well, Mr. Minari has wide interests in California.
06:15Ranching, mining.
06:17What else, Jay?
06:18I'm just a dabbler.
06:19A little bit of everything.
06:21I was going to suggest that you have supper and spend the night at my ranch.
06:24Well, I'm in Kit's hands.
06:26He's guaranteed the governor to deliver me in Auburn before midnight tomorrow.
06:29Then you have plenty of time.
06:31Oh, I'm afraid we haven't.
06:32The life of a man named Daly depends on my getting there.
06:35We're getting an early start.
06:36How early?
06:37Six in the morning.
06:38I promised to have you here at the hotel before then.
06:40What do you think, Kit?
06:41Oh, I'm afraid we'll have to decline.
06:43I'm going to keep him under my thumb until I get him safely in Auburn.
06:48At least let me play host to you here.
06:50You can at least have supper with me.
06:52Excuse me.
06:55Excuse me.
06:59The horses are watered and feeded and the bags are in our rooms.
07:03Did you look around the stables?
07:04See, and they told me the truth.
07:05There are no fresh horses.
07:07Do you suspect that someone is trying to prevent the pardon from arriving on time?
07:11I don't know.
07:12I didn't think much about that stagecoach holdup this morning.
07:15But I'll be in hell over here at the hotel.
07:17It has me kind of wondering.
07:19Then I shall sleep in this table tonight and see that nothing happens to the horses.
07:23All right.
07:24But keep out of trouble.
07:26But I have no friends in this place.
07:28Who is there for me to get in trouble with?
07:30I don't know.
07:31But if there is anyone, you will find her.
07:34I don't seem to recall the name Daly.
07:37What was the charge against him?
07:39He was found guilty of killing Judge Emmett in Auburn.
07:42Of course.
07:44Daly was sentenced to a year in prison by Judge Emmett.
07:46He threatened to kill the judge when he got out.
07:48Wasn't he seen leaving the judge's home after the murder?
07:51Yes, he was.
07:52He'd gone there to assure the judge that he meant nothing by the threat.
07:55The judge was found dead.
07:57I was in Auburn at the time of the trial.
07:59I don't remember that.
08:00You didn't.
08:01I was appointed by the court to defend Daly.
08:03Before the trial, he told me nothing that might have helped me.
08:06He's told me nothing since the trial.
08:08How did you manage to get him a pardon?
08:10With the information I obtained from his wife.
08:13See, Daly had a wife and two children starving in San Francisco.
08:18Suddenly, she was able to buy a small hotel and live in comfort.
08:22What does a wife coming into money have to do with the husband?
08:24He sent it to her.
08:25From jail?
08:26Well, Daly saw the judge being murdered.
08:29When he was arrested, he was visited by someone close to the killer...
08:32who agreed to give him $50,000 to keep silent.
08:35You mean to say that a man would let himself be hanged for money?
08:38Well, Daly had left his family destitute.
08:42He'd failed in mining.
08:44He saw a chance to do what he thought was the one decent act of his life.
08:48Most men would give up their lives to see that their families are provided for.
08:51With his record, Daly may have thought that his story wouldn't be believed.
08:55He'd hang anyway.
08:56Then he made out all right.
08:58He's got his pardon and he's got his money.
09:00You should get a good fee from him.
09:01Or his wife.
09:02No, I'll get nothing.
09:04This is just the first step in a hard job.
09:07That is, bringing the real murderer to justice.
09:10Do you have a lead on him?
09:11Not yet, but I have this much.
09:13The murderer is some rich, important man Judge Emmett caught in some crooked deal.
09:17You see, the judge's papers had been ransacked.
09:20You're going to spend a lot of time working on something as vague as that?
09:25But Judge Emmett was my best friend.
09:27And his widow is my sister.
09:29Well, supper's ready.
09:31Shall we go into the dining room?
09:44Tell me, my faithless little witch.
09:46Did you miss me while I was away?
09:48I beg your pardon, señor.
09:50Oh, perdone usted.
09:52I was talking to my horse.
09:57I was in San Carlos before, but unfortunately we didn't meet.
10:02I'm El Toro.
10:03El Toro.
10:04I am Juanita Mendoza.
10:06Mucho gusto en conocerle.
10:09El gusto es mio.
10:11Did you not get off the stage at the arrival a while ago?
10:15It was a funny stage.
10:16Only two passengers.
10:18Only one.
10:19I'm a guard along with the famous Kit Carson.
10:21Oh, then you are the El Toro.
10:23The comrade of Kit Carson I hear so much about.
10:26We never ride in stagecoaches.
10:28But this is an affair of importance.
10:30An affair of state.
10:32It must be wonderful to have a part in matters of such importance.
10:35Kit Carson's over at the hotel having his supper right now.
10:38But I refuse to join him.
10:40I'm tired of that roast beef we've had every day of the journey.
10:44It must be tiresome.
10:45Roast beef every day.
10:47Do you know where I could get a good meal of frijoles and tortillas?
10:51Nowhere better than at my home.
10:53At your home, Senorita Juanita?
10:57My mother would be honored if I bring home such a guest as El Toro.
11:11Never in my whole life have I tasted such food.
11:15If my mother had only been here, she is much better cooked than I.
11:22Drink your coffee while it is hot.
11:28I cannot understand why my mother was staying so late at my aunt's.
11:32Someday she will cook you a meal that you will never forget.
11:36Do you think that I will ever forget this meal?
11:41No, my brave one.
11:42I am sure you will never forget it.
12:01What have you done to me?
12:05Sit down, my brave one.
12:07And rest.
12:11The End
12:19Ted, it was good running into you again, Spence.
12:21Come up to the ranch with me and have a little time.
12:23I'll show you some good hunting when that arm swells.
12:25Thanks, Jahiel. I'll take you up on that, honey.
12:27It was a real privilege meeting you, Carson.
12:29You'll always be welcome at the ranch, too.
12:31Thanks, and thanks for fine dinner.
12:36How long have you known him, Mr. Spence?
12:38A few years.
12:39We're all more or less newcomers here, except you.
12:54What did he do, wherever he came from?
12:56We don't ask that question in California.
12:58Maybe we ought to start asking it.
13:00I guess I'll turn in.
13:02See you at five.
13:09See you at five.
13:27Everything all right?
13:28The boys came and put him on the couch.
13:30He will sleep for a week.
13:31Where are they?
13:32They will be back.
13:33You are not going to sit down?
13:37What is the matter?
13:38You look worried, Jay.
13:39There must be no slip-up with Carson.
13:41Do you understand?
13:42Juanita never sleeps.
13:44It is you men.
13:46I'm not in the mood to joke.
13:48This is a matter of life and death to me now.
13:50One way or another, Carson must be sidetracked.
13:53Do you have the money for me?
13:55You'll get it as soon as I have the pardon and expenses out of the way.
13:58I will need it promptly.
14:00It will be wise for me to disappear.
14:02You're right.
14:23Sir! Sir!
14:24Please, are you Mr. Carson?
14:26That's right.
14:27I've been to the hotel everywhere looking for you.
14:29Toro is in trouble.
14:30Where is he?
14:31At my house.
14:32The constable is there.
14:33He's going to take him to jail.
14:35Let's not be angry with him.
14:36It is not his fault.
14:38What's it this time?
14:39This time?
14:40Yes, what's he done?
14:41Why is the sheriff taking him to jail?
14:42Oh, it was all my fault.
14:44He asked me where he could get some frijoles and tortillas.
14:47Oh, he's asked a thousand señoritas that.
14:51I told him my mother was a wonderful cook
14:53and she would be glad to provide my fiancé Pedro Rodriguez
14:56come back unexpectedly from the mine we have been working.
14:59He is very jealous.
15:00There was a fight.
15:01And when Toro was victorious, Pedro drew a knife.
15:04He's taking the knife from Pedro and Toro caught him.
15:07It was not a serious cut.
15:08The doctor is there now.
15:09He say no more than ten stitches will be required.
15:12Just a little slip of the knife, huh?
15:14But the constable is going to arrest him.
15:16He does not believe that Toro has been working for you.
15:19Where's the jail?
15:20They are still at my home.
15:22And Toro asked me to bring you.
15:24Is it far?
15:34Let's go.
17:11Don't play with these guys.
17:12The first time they make a move, blast them.
17:16You hear me?
17:42Any trouble, Spence?
17:43I thought you'd been on the road for hours.
17:45It's 8 o'clock.
17:46Carson isn't here.
17:47He didn't sleep in his room and his helper disappeared, too.
17:50I had no chance of anything happening to Carson.
17:52He probably met some pals of his soldier in days and made a night of it.
17:55I can't believe that.
17:56Carson is absolutely reliable.
17:58Sure he's reliable.
17:59But you don't know these frontiersmen.
18:01What are you going to do?
18:02Pull out without him?
18:03I have to.
18:04My time is running short now.
18:05I can get you a good guard and Carson shows up.
18:07I'll tell him you went ahead.
18:08He can overtake you on horseback.
18:10I wish you'd do that.
18:17You're going on the stage, Dave.
18:18We'll overtake you at Red Gulch.
18:20Fire a couple shots in the air.
18:22Then tell the driver to pull up.
18:23What if he doesn't?
18:24Throw him off the stage.
18:27We're coming in shooting.
18:28Spence has to be killed.
18:29Do you understand?
18:31All right, come on.
18:34This is Dave Marling.
18:36Used to fight in the Apache country.
18:38Thanks, Dave.
18:39We'll show him right off.
19:03Good morning, Senor Carson.
19:26The stagecoach just left without you.
19:29El Toro.
19:30I have brought you some coffee.
19:34I had some of your coffee last night.
19:36Oh, but this coffee is different.
19:47Get the keys.
19:48He wanted to hold my coffee.
19:50I second thought maybe better not.
19:55Get over there, you pal.
19:58Come on, Toro.
19:59Hurry up.
20:03Come on.
20:15Put a pair on the beautiful Senorita.
20:16Oh, boy, it will be a pleasure.
20:26Get back there.
20:29Come on, Toro.
20:30Put the other pair on him.
20:33Come on.
20:38Now get down to the corral and saddle up the horses.
20:40I'll find our guns.
20:41Hurry up.
21:02We'll wait here.
21:32Come on.
21:33Let's go.
22:02Come on.
22:32Hold up.
22:33They got us.
22:47Stay here, Toro.
22:48I'll get the one that got away.
22:50All right, Senor.
22:51It's rich.
23:14You better shoot me now, Carson.
23:16Save the state of trial.
23:18I killed Judge Emmett.
23:19All right, get on your horse.
23:24You'll be all right now, Mr. Spence.
23:26We'll take Minnery and his men to jail, and we'll catch up with you later.
23:29Thanks, Kip.
23:39All right, on your horses.
23:49That's a good finish for Minnery and his gang.
23:52They'll be in jail a long time.
23:55Well, I feel a little sad for Juanita.
23:58I don't.
23:59Ah, but you never taste the frijoles.
24:01What a meal.
24:03I haven't eaten anything like that in months.
24:05What's your reason?
24:06I don't know.
24:07It's a shame.
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