• 2 days ago
The Adventures of Kit Carson BORDER CITY

Step back in time to the thrilling days of the Wild West with "The Adventures of Kit Carson," a classic Western television series that captured the hearts of viewers in the early 1950s. One of the standout episodes from this series is "Border City," which originally aired on October 18, 1952. This episode is a fantastic representation of the show's ability to blend action, adventure, and historical intrigue.

In "Border City," we follow the iconic duo of Kit Carson, played by the charismatic Bill Williams, and his trusty sidekick El Toro, portrayed by Don Diamond. The pair find themselves embroiled in a daring undercover mission to help secure a treaty with Mexico. The stakes are high as they work to return criminals back to the U.S., showcasing the series' knack for weaving political drama with Western flair.

The episode is a masterclass in suspense and storytelling, with Kit Carson "killed" by El Toro as part of their ruse to gain passage into Mexico. This twist not only adds depth to the characters but also highlights the risks and sacrifices inherent in the life of a frontier hero.

"The Adventures of Kit Carson" was more than just entertainment; it was a cultural phenomenon that brought the legend of the American frontier into living rooms across the country. The show's commitment to action-packed storytelling and its dedication to the Western genre helped to define a generation of television.

For those looking to relive the excitement or discover it for the first time, "Border City" stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of the Western and the timeless tales of Kit Carson and El Toro. So saddle up and get ready for a ride through history with "The Adventures of Kit Carson"!


00:30Well, this is where we separate.
00:51Remember everything I told you.
00:52Polish like an elephant, I would forget nothing.
00:56Forget that you ever knew me.
00:57It's already done.
00:58I never saw you before.
01:00And forget about the senoritas.
01:01Oh, kid, now you're asking the impossible.
01:05But I'll try.
01:06See that you do.
01:07When we meet, we'll, uh, how about down that canyon?
01:11That's all right with me, kid.
01:13For the signal, I'll make the sound of the bullfrog when he calls to his little sweetheart.
01:19Such a sad sound, don't you think?
01:21Yes, but not half as sad as hearing a sermon read over your grave.
01:24Now, keep your wits about you.
01:25It's liable to be your grave.
01:26This is a very dangerous assignment we're on, no?
01:29Yes, but absolutely necessary if the treaty with Mexico is to be ratified.
01:32Good luck, Toro.
03:24Uh, you must be Kid Carson.
03:27That's right.
03:28I heard you were on the way.
03:29I'm Detective Jason Briggs.
03:30Detective Jason Briggs.
03:31Well, you're just the man I wanted to see.
03:32I was told you might be able to help me.
03:34Well, I could.
03:35Let's talk about it in the cafe.
03:36I'd like to have you meet its owner, La Rana, one of the town's leading citizens.
03:49Hello, senor detective.
03:50Buenos dias, senorita.
03:52And who is this handsome man?
03:55This is the famous Kid Carson.
03:57Ah, who is not heard of him?
03:59How do you do, ma'am?
04:00Sit down, please.
04:01What brings you to Border City, senor Carson?
04:04Well, I...
04:05He's here to stop the business of smuggling outlaws from the United States and New Mexico.
04:09It's more or less goodwill.
04:11Oh, but that will be a good thing for both countries, senor.
04:14The gringo banditos who come here all the time have given this town a very bad name.
04:19Chiquita, take this gentleman's orders.
04:22Welcome, senor Carson.
04:25What'll you have?
04:27Dos cofes, por favor.
04:28Si, senor.
04:30I'll stay here to rescue Carson.
04:43Well, what do you think of her?
04:45Very attractive.
04:47But I don't think you should have told her what my business was here.
04:49I didn't tell her anything she already didn't know.
04:51She's been expected a couple of weeks.
04:53I'd like to know how.
04:54I've already been jumped on the road.
04:56Maybe somebody's been reading my mail.
04:58You know, Carson, you're up against a powerful organization
05:01that's selling sanctuary in Mexico to desperate outlaws.
05:04But how does that tie in with the fact that my being here is common knowledge?
05:07An organization of that kind would make it a point to check on an investigator like yourself,
05:10just as a matter of routine.
05:11Which makes it easier to murder the investigator if he finds out too much, huh?
05:14That's the idea.
05:15You know, Briggs, for a man who has a reputation for capturing more outlaws than any man in the Southwest,
05:20you seem pretty alive and happy.
05:23Well, you see, I make it a point never to turn my back on a door.
05:30For instance, take a look at that character that just came in.
05:33What about him?
05:34Well, from the way he acts, he's got all the earmarks of a wanted man.
05:37Just you and me, huh?
05:39Reward is worth my trouble.
05:40I'll make it a point to look through my collection of old reward notices.
05:52Is there something you want, senor?
05:57Is there something I want?
05:59Do the starving men want food, or do the thirsting men want a drink of water?
06:05As you were saying.
06:07Just give me one big...
06:11glass of goat's milk.
06:13Goat's milk?
06:15Si, senorita. I mean, love with the goat's milk is my one great passion.
06:22Oh, you'd be doing me a great favor if you'd make my home your headquarters while you're here.
06:28If you don't mind, should we go?
06:37You know, I'm willing to make you bet that that character's got a price on him.
06:41And if he has, Laron, you'll find out and let me know.
06:43You really have a system worked at, huh?
06:45And at a slight profit.
06:53Hey, I know this man. It's Jose Garcia.
06:55Let's question him.
06:56Let's take him over to my place where he won't be disturbed.
07:04All right, I'll be hard.
07:09Here, take care of this man.
07:10What has he done?
07:11He's one of the men that tried to kill my guest.
07:13He's got a gun.
07:14He's got a gun?
07:15He's got a gun.
07:16He's got a gun.
07:17He's got a gun.
07:18He's got a gun.
07:19He's got a gun.
07:20He's got a gun.
07:21He's one of the men that tried to kill my guest, Senior Carson.
07:23Who gave you orders to shoot me, Jose?
07:25I can put you in jail for a long time, so you better tell me the truth.
07:28No se nada, senor. Nada.
07:30Jose understands English as well as I do.
07:32Who do you work for? Come on, speak up.
07:34I cannot tell.
07:36I'm afraid.
07:38Afraid of who?
07:39The organization.
07:40Jose is playing it smart.
07:42He knows he wouldn't be worth crowbay once he talks.
07:44Si, senor Briggs.
07:46They would kill Jose.
07:48Who would?
07:51What has she got to do with it?
07:52I think she's got a lot to do with it.
07:54She may be the person I'm after.
07:56Carson, you're barking up the wrong tree.
07:58I know Laraña.
07:59She's worked on a few deals with me, but that's as far as it goes.
08:03What about Laraña? Tell me.
08:07We won't get anything out of him.
08:08He's too afraid to talk.
08:10You got a safe place where we can lock him up?
08:14put him in one of the back store rooms.
08:15We'll be sure there's no way for him to get out.
08:17Si, padrón.
08:21Can your servant be trusted?
08:24But he doesn't dare disobey me.
08:26I'd say that capturing criminals has paid you well, Briggs.
08:29Oh, this is just my hunting lodge.
08:31We'll start building the main house next year.
08:33Oh, I didn't know you hunted anything else but men.
08:35Oh, I hunt men for money.
08:37Wild animals for sport.
08:38Say, would you be interested in seeing my trophy room?
08:51Well, how do you like my trophy?
08:53Very nice.
08:54You like to hunt, don't you, Carson?
08:56It was part of my job with Captain Fremont.
08:58Oh, of course.
08:59And this would hardly hold any novelty for you.
09:01Say, I'd like to show you some more trophies.
09:05These ones belong to various famous outlaws
09:07who had rewards on their heads
09:08and were wanted by the authorities dead or alive.
09:11Of course, I always found it more practical to bring them in dead.
09:14The reward is always the same.
09:15Yes, but then there's absolutely no chance of an outlaw escaping
09:19once he's killed.
09:22There's one weapon I don't see in your collection, Briggs.
09:25The mate to this.
09:27The favorite weapon of a killer named Pierre Andre.
09:30A knife like that has taken the lives of half a dozen men
09:33from New Orleans to Border Town.
09:35They say Pierre Andre never misses a throw up to 20 yards.
09:39Do you, uh, think Pierre Andre's in Border City?
09:43If he is, it's my job to bring him in.
09:47Do you know what he looks like?
09:49No, I've never seen the man.
09:51Very few people have.
09:52The descriptions we do have are very inaccurate.
09:55I'm ashamed to say that I let him slip through my fingers.
09:57But Pierre Andre is safe from United States justice.
10:00He's hiding somewhere in Mexico.
10:03Believe me when I tell you,
10:04you'll never see or hear of Pierre Andre again.
10:07My sources of information have assured me of that.
10:09I'd like to have a talk with your sources, Briggs.
10:13Mr. Carson, maybe you would be interested in these.
10:17Circulars and posters of very famous outlaws I brought in.
10:20What are your contacts in Border City, Briggs?
10:23Mr. Carson, I'd be glad to help you in any way that I can,
10:26as long as it doesn't jeopardize my livelihood.
10:29But I'm afraid my contacts must remain that private property.
10:32Is that private property for sale by any chance?
10:35Everything is for sale, Mr. Carson, for a good price.
10:38What is La Rania's connection with the organization?
10:42On that score, I assure you, I don't know.
10:45Senor Briggs, Senor Briggs, a confronto.
10:48Something has happened to the prisoner.
10:50He's dead.
11:21Briggs, Briggs.
11:30Over here, Karl.
11:36Thank the goodness.
11:39So you think this Jose fellow was murdered on purpose?
11:42Any murder is on purpose.
11:43Then that Pablo do it probably because Briggs tell him to.
11:47I don't trust Briggs, but I can't prove anything against him.
11:50How'd you make out at the cafe with that sure death that calls herself La Rania?
11:53Sure death?
11:55How can you say such a thing, Kit?
11:57La Rania's a beautiful senorita.
11:59Beautiful or not, I'm sure she's tied in with Briggs.
12:01This cannot be.
12:03If ever I see an angel, she is it.
12:06The next time I see her, I think I propose to her a proposition of matrimony.
12:09The next time you see her, it's going to be with a price on your head.
12:12What do you mean?
12:13Briggs already has you spotted as an outlaw,
12:16I don't murder nobody.
12:18Not yet, you haven't.
12:19But tomorrow you're going to murder Kit Carson.
12:21You heard me.
12:22Tomorrow you're going to kill me.
12:23I'll never do such a dirty trick.
12:29Pablo, senor Carson's not in the house.
12:31Si, senor.
12:32He left early for town.
12:34Did he say why?
12:35His money's arriving today, and he wants to be sure nothing happens to it.
12:39It's coming in by express stage, and he must be there.
12:43Pablo, go saddle my horse.
13:04Hi, Briggs.
13:06What are you doing in town?
13:08Pablo told me about you.
13:10Aren't you being a little careless?
13:12You and Pablo are the only ones that know about this.
13:14To everyone else, it's just a collection of books.
13:18Yes, the collected works of Benjamin Franklin.
13:20But the money, they...
13:22Right here.
13:23Between poor Richard and advice to the young tradesman.
13:26Help me put them in the saddlebags.
13:34May I ask why you're taking the risk of bringing all this money here?
13:37You hinted that your information would cost money,
13:40so I came prepared with government funds.
13:42My information comes pretty high.
13:44There's enough here to buy several like you.
13:47Can I leave this in your safe until we've made a deal?
14:16Un momento, señores.
14:18You will both please raise your hands.
14:21I will take those saddlebags in your cushion.
14:26Thank you, boss, by letting you live.
17:49Never leave that till tomorrow, which you can do today.
17:56Benjamin Franklin wrote that.
17:58Caramba, he was a smart fellow.
18:02I hope you found out something.
18:04Each day waiting here in this camp is making me lose my ambition,
18:07and you ought to read what Benjamin Franklin has to say about that.
18:11Found this nail in a tree.
18:12They're probably all over the country.
18:14You're a famous outlaw, Taro.
18:16$5,000 reward for Kit Carson's killer.
18:20Wanted dead or alive.
18:22The on-cannon masked bandit who robbed and murdered Kit Carson.
18:27I'm worth a lot of money, too.
18:31For my school.
18:33Now, everything's working out fine.
18:34Tonight I want you to go to the cafe
18:36and make them think that you want to escape across the border into Mexico.
18:39I'll go there with the greatest of pleasure.
18:42But you're so wrong about the beautiful la araña.
18:59If it isn't my friend the bull.
19:01Where have you been keeping yourself for so long?
19:04Senorita, thus falling in love makes you hungry.
19:08Now, Taro, what shall we order for supper?
19:11Some tortillas, friolas?
19:13How about some huevos rancheros?
19:15Or some enchiladas?
19:17Some of everything.
19:34Some more, my brave boy?
19:37No, I think that...
20:04Do you have any idea who he is?
20:05He calls himself El Toro.
20:33Open up!
20:40It's a holdup.
20:45Where's El Toro?
20:47El Toro?
20:49Never heard of him.
20:50You're lying. Where's Briggs?
20:51I saw you come in here with him.
20:52Mister, you're seeing things.
21:21All right.
21:22Now, I'll give you three seconds to tell me where El Toro is.
21:26Detective Briggs took him to his house.
21:55Oh, Taro, go away.
21:59Where am I?
22:01You should recognize this room.
22:03You've been here before.
22:05Maybe I do.
22:09I remember now you tried to take my money.
22:12That money!
22:13We are your friends, Taro.
22:14We are only trying to help you escape.
22:16And this is just the price for your escape.
22:18You're paid in full.
22:20Well, then I can go now and escape, no?
22:24First, you sign this.
22:28What does this say?
22:29It's a confession for a murder.
22:31I myself saw you kill Kit Carson the day you stole his money.
22:34Maybe you did and maybe you didn't.
22:37Sign that paper, Taro.
22:38Then you will be safe from the law the rest of your life.
22:49How long will be the rest of my life?
22:52Not very long, my friend.
22:53This is all I need to collect the rewards that have been placed on your head by the law.
22:56Dead or alive.
22:58Kit was so right about you.
23:02Sure, we both fool you.
23:03Count your money.
23:08Why, it's mostly paper.
23:09Try and spend it sometime.
23:11We'll still collect the reward for him.
23:14$5,000 for killing Kit Carson.
23:18But what if Kit Carson is alive?
23:26Kit, am I glad to see you.
23:40I'm glad to see you too.
24:10I'm glad to see you too.
24:40I'm glad this job is all over, Kit.
24:48So am I.
24:49Hanging is too good for that Detective Briggs.
24:51Detective Briggs will never be hung, Taro, because Detective Briggs has been dead for over a year.
24:55Then who was it we catch and turn over to the law?
24:58The one man I wanted to catch more than anyone else in the world.
25:00Yeah, Andre.
25:20The End
