Thomas tries his best

  • 2 months ago
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.
00:00Thomas tries his best.
00:06A fair was coming to the island of Sodor.
00:09All the engines were very excited.
00:14James took the merry-go-round.
00:19Edward and Henry took the giant wheel.
00:26And Percy took the bumper cars.
00:31But Thomas was the most excited of all.
00:36He couldn't wait for the fair to open that afternoon.
00:41He was looking forward to seeing the children's happy faces.
00:44He loved hearing their cries of laughter as they rode on the big wheel.
00:51But that afternoon the Fat Controller gave Thomas a new job.
00:55He was to collect some chickens from a country station
00:58and take them to the docks.
01:01I am relying on you to deliver the chickens safely, Thomas,
01:05said the Fat Controller.
01:07Yes, sir, puffed Thomas.
01:11Thomas was sure he could get the job done in time to go and see the fair.
01:19But he was surprised to find the station empty.
01:24Farmer McColl's truck has a flat tyre, said the station master.
01:29He'll be here as soon as he can.
01:34Thomas waited and waited,
01:37but Farmer McColl still did not arrive with the chickens.
01:44What's wrong, Thomas? asked James.
01:47You don't look at all happy.
01:50I'm going to miss the fair unless Farmer McColl comes soon, puffed Thomas.
01:56James thought Thomas was silly to wait.
01:59I've just come past the fair, he said excitedly.
02:03All the children are arriving.
02:05You could rush over there before Farmer McColl arrives.
02:10That's a good idea, tooted Thomas.
02:14He was sure he could steam to the fair and back again really quickly.
02:21But as he hurried to the fair, Thomas started to worry.
02:27What if Farmer McColl arrived at the station when he wasn't there?
02:34What if a signal held him up on the way back?
02:41The Fat Controller would be very cross if Thomas was late.
02:47I mustn't let the Fat Controller down, said Thomas to himself,
02:52and he hurried back to the station.
02:59Thomas knew that this job was going to take a long time.
03:04He might miss the fair after all.
03:08At long last, Farmer McColl arrived with the chickens,
03:13and Thomas was on his way.
03:25At the next station, Thomas told Gordon the whole story.
03:30You wouldn't have a problem if you were an express engine, puffed Gordon.
03:35You'd go really fast and get the job done in double quick time like me.
03:41I'll be in time to see the fair.
03:45At that moment, the signals turned to green, and Gordon raced off.
03:56I can go fast too, tooted Thomas, and he steamed off after Gordon.
04:03I will see the fair, I will see the fair,
04:07he huffed and he puffed as he sped down the track.
04:12Gordon's next signal was green.
04:14He dashed through it, but Thomas' signal turned red.
04:19Thomas screeched to a halt.
04:22The chickens in the vans flapped and squawked crossly.
04:33Thomas remembered that his job was to give them a safe and comfortable ride.
04:38Going fast was the wrong thing to do.
04:46So Thomas puffed along slowly and carefully.
04:52But he was sad.
04:54It was getting late and the fair was already well underway.
05:03At last Thomas reached the docks.
05:09The chickens were safe and sound, but it was very late.
05:14Now Thomas knew he wouldn't get to see the children at the fair.
05:19He couldn't have felt sadder.
05:22Then the dock manager told Thomas there was an emergency.
05:26The generator at the fair has broken down.
05:29The generator at the fair has broken down, he said.
05:33So there are no lights and all the rides have stopped working.
05:37The children will be very sad, tooted Thomas.
05:41Cranky has just unloaded a new generator, the manager told Thomas.
05:46You must take it to the fair.
05:51The generator was heavy,
05:53but Thomas was determined to get it to the fairground as quickly as possible.
05:59He wanted everyone to have fun again.
06:05As he pulled into the station, Thomas saw crowds of children on the platform.
06:11All the children cheered when they saw Thomas.
06:15Well done, Thomas, said the Fat Controller.
06:19You have been a very useful and reliable engine.
06:24Soon the new generator started and the fairground lit up again.
06:37Everything sprang back to life.
06:45Thomas felt so proud,
06:48and he gave a long toot as he watched the children having a wonderful time at the fair.