Keyshawn Davis vs Miguel Madueno (06-07-2024) Full Fight

  • 2 months ago



00:00Seconds out guys
00:04The mouthpiece mouthpiece
00:07Trump's good. Trump's good gentlemen. Go the rules earlier most important to protect yourself at all times
00:12Obey my commands at all times and give me a good clean break. Good luck to you both
00:17Touch him up Tim Bradley when we met with Miguel Madueño yesterday
00:20He confidently said I can beat Keyshawn if I set the tone early
00:25I believe he will you don't believe he will set the time
00:28I believe he would attempt to or they do not believe the first part of that statement when you listen me Madueño is gonna
00:33Do exactly what I do when I play Call of Duty. I just watch Call of Duty with my son
00:38I don't know how to play it. I just spray and pray. I pray I land something and it hurts my man
00:44Kills my man
00:47Round number one. Let's see if Miguel can keep up with that against the wildly skilled
00:52Keyshawn Davis
00:54Madueño has some heavy hands heavy hands now 28 knockouts
01:00Davis last time we saw him was that six-round TKO
01:04Against Jose Pedraza Jose Pedraza a two-division former two-division world champion
01:09You think about Pedraza and what Pedraza?
01:12Has on his tool belt and what he's accomplished is where I know the phrase of his career
01:17He's at yeah, but is is Madueño of that class?
01:21He's not of that class, but he he prescribes a different challenge, you know, because he's a big he's a big
01:29135 pounder
01:30He's even fought as high as 154 pounds and was able to produce knockouts and I get it
01:34It was against less competition, but that shows you that his power is real one that he's durable and plus he's mentally tough
01:41So he's gonna take some shots tonight from Keyshawn. He's gonna continue to keep on coming trying to land leather. Oh
01:49Good jab to the body from Davis have jab. That's nasty. You heard it from you
01:53Then he's able to duck under that right hand from Miguel. It's gonna be target practice
01:57It's gonna be how much Madueño is gonna be able to take
02:01Over the course of ten rounds drives down a right hand
02:03He does bring a lot of offense with him when he gets to the inside doesn't test
02:06He throws 90 punches on average 90 punches around
02:10Well, there's another side to that tip and that is when you throw a lot of punches
02:14You're opening yourself up and he's squared up a lot to absorb a lot of punches now last week. We were down there in Miami
02:21There's a right hand from Keyshawn and we're broadcasting that Tiafimo Lopez fight against Steve
02:28Look at this he's wasting energy. I mean it looks fancy, but he's wasting energy
02:36140 pound man off the ground exactly
02:40Anyways, what I'm saying is last week one of the central discussions we had on this crew was talking about Tiafimo Lopez's opponent
02:48Steve Claggett and we kept referencing the fact that Steve Claggett had record-setting
02:54Punch totals that he had a fight where he connected with over
02:59500 punches. Well, Miguel was the target
03:03The guy who Steve Claggett landed
03:05512 punches against 417 of them with power shots was the guy who's in the ring right now with Keyshawn Davis
03:11Oh break break clean break clean, and he's applying the same pressure that tail got or teal got
03:17Through the course of the fight. I would say Claggett is a little bit better at it
03:21He knows how to close the gap and cut off the ring
03:25Miguel bravely going right into the kitchen throwing that right hand against Davis
03:29However, Madueño hit a lot harder than Claggett
03:37Another jab to the body and look at the defensive prowess of Keyshawn Davis to get away from all of this offensive power
03:51Those new tiles are falling right into place until you run out of what are those called again?
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04:40That can't be right. Just confirm that that's the real price
04:46Look at this scene here at the Rock in Newark
04:49It's everybody's getting set for these two world title fights set to come your way
04:53Including pound-for-pound elite Shakur Stevenson round number two for Keyshawn Davis against Miguel Madueño in that first round
04:59He had a 16 to 5 connect advantage. Take us through what you saw Timmy in that first round from Keyshawn
05:05So what you're gonna see what you're gonna see this is subtle right here, but this is called
05:09Profiling you profile your your opposition
05:13You know exactly where his head is that short little shot on the inside by Keyshawn right there
05:18That was smart and then he gets real physical on the inside
05:20You know, these are veteran tactics in the stab jab
05:23You're going back to Floyd Mayweather Floyd Mayweather started this off with that stab jab that what that does is stops you
05:30Opponents momentum from coming forward and they buy you some time to be able to get out
05:34Reset and reap and regroup plus it weakens them as well test as you know going down to that body slowly drains your opponents
05:41He's there
05:42he had five of those in the first round and then we were listening in to bow Mac Brian McIntyre the
05:48Trainer of Keyshawn and he told him specifically said every chance you have. I want you to stab him to the body
05:57Keyshawn right now. He's gonna have to he's gonna have to stab to the body
06:00You know to keep that momentum from coming forward and you see Madrano reacting to the faints
06:06But however, he's not spooked. But that's the thing about Madrano. He's not gonna go anywhere
06:10Keyshawn is going to have to stand and choose and fight
06:13Or even try to even try to back him up at some point in the fight
06:18Most guys that like to come forward. They do not like to go backwards test
06:21So if you push him back take him out of his element, don't allow him to be strong
06:27and feel dominant test
06:39Late lightweight division very much in our focus tonight with Keyshawn with a double that Shakur Stevenson
06:46Will defend his WBC title come up a little later and at the end of this round we will be in the locker room
06:52With Shakur that's smart going down to their body
06:56Really really smart by Keyshawn
06:59Again, Madrano's not gonna go anywhere. Madrano with the right hand to the body against Keyshawn
07:03Keyshawn fires back with the right hand up top of his own
07:06Madrano where he's gonna try to have an advantage is he's trying to he's trying to punch with
07:12Keyshawn he's trying to punch with Davis. He's trying to catch him in between his punches
07:18That was a big punch behind the head
07:20Yeah, that was a clubbing right hand that partially went behind the head because he knows he's not gonna beat him in the speed department
07:26Or the skill department. He knows that he's gonna have to catch him in between his shots
07:47Yeah, I'm here with the champ
07:49Shakur we were a little bit surprised that your opponent arts him got a little chatty with you yesterday. I
07:56Mean he um, he's supposed to do that. That's what you're supposed to do. He believe in so-so. Let's see. I
08:03Know that you bought a whole section for the boys and girls club of Newark
08:08What do you want those kids to walk away tonight saying about you?
08:12That anything is possible. Um, just because of where you come from
08:16Don't let it deter where you going and uh, you know, just stay focused out here anything's possible
08:22It's and we're up on the set talking about how much pressure there is on you tonight to prove that last time was a fluke
08:27And all sorts of stuff
08:29You don't look that nervous
08:32like I told you
08:36I'm not focused on anything
08:39Doing displaying my talent. You think this goes the distance? I don't know
08:44We'll see on the dude is a good fighter. Let's see what he brings to the table. Thank you very much champ
08:51Shakur Stevenson the three-division world champion. Now, of course, he conquered the featherweight division
08:57130 pounds we're gonna see a title fighter 130 pounds coming up in a moment and now the WBC the famed green belt the WBC
09:04Lightweight champion when Mark Regal referenced the fact that Timmy that Hartoonian was getting a little chatty
09:10Hartoonian has not backed down with his confidence and telling everybody what he thinks about this opportunity saying all the pressures on Shakur
09:18And I am very confident that I can hurt
09:21Well, you got to be able to land on it. I mean that's big talk
09:24Of course Stevenson as you can see and as you know, one of the hardest fighters to lay a glove on
09:29As the best plus-minus in all boxing there is an uppercut
09:34From Keyshawn Davis here early on in round number three against Miguel Madueño and now the crowd
09:41Roaring with every shot. He lands. He has a 28 to 13 connect advantage. He's landed 12 power punches to this point
09:48The Keyshawn is starting to find his mark
09:52And he has been early. However, things are starting to slow down a bit
09:56He's starting to get comfortable with the pressure that Madueño was putting on him
10:00Now he's starting to set up shots on the inside landing this time
10:05Off platform right hand from Keyshawn Davis
10:15So stop brick clean break clean
10:19And if the knockout comes test is not gonna come there's a right hand now from Miguel as Keyshawn tries to turn away from
10:25It that's exactly what Madueño needs to do make it rough and tough
10:29for the young Keyshawn Davis
10:31Good defense right there against the ropes. I don't like Keyshawn standing up on the ropes like that with his chin exposed
10:36He needs to tuck and cover and walk Madueño's back to the center of the ring
10:40He's dangerous right there in his head. I mean, man, you better get off them ropes. Listen, it's a leap upper body
10:46Movement defensively, but you can also just use your legs and get out of that position
10:50Well, you can misjudge a punch coming test and get clipped on the temple on the eyes somewhere
10:56That can be harmful to you
10:58Son, let him go
11:05Range fighting with that jab that he goes to the body
11:08Four punches to the body and start with the jab then he swept with the combination just like bull max said to do he's slowly
11:14Weakening Madueño. That's what he's trying to do weaken him little by little to knock outside to come right away
11:19It's gonna come on the back end. He got ten rounds to do it or figure it out. He's gonna slowly beat on him
11:25That left hand hit the mark as well
11:32Telling you man terminator
11:35Come forward the entire fight and I hope he fights too. You don't have to worry about that
11:42The accuracy of Keyshawn Davis while he's swinging right hand from Miguel
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12:52Shakur Stevenson's third title fight from this huge crowd in Newark will be coming up a little later. I'm right here on ESPN
12:59pound-for-pound elite Shakur Stevenson on a night with two world title fights
13:02and now we get a chance to see Keyshawn Davis the
13:06Undefeated title contender and let's show you the CompuBox numbers when it comes to jabs
13:11I mean Davis is dominating 23 to 3 connect advantage, but it's also the fact that he's landing
13:1552% his effectiveness with the jab
13:19He's gonna have to
13:21You know, he's doing his best. Oh, he hurt him with that shot
13:24Oh the one two splits the guard right hand now. He goes to the body
13:29Look at this offensive assault from Keyshawn Davis
13:33Snapping back that head at round number four good stuff from Keyshawn
13:42He turned on the kill switch it looks that way test after that sequence step back break clean, thank you guys
13:52And yet there is Miguel sitting right in front of them time and again
13:58Another accurate right hand that time he loops it a bit
14:03But when you as tough as they come test he's taking some big shots in there on the key show the three-fight veteran
14:14Davis is picking his spots here in round number four
14:19Then Maduena was like a he's like a net you can't get rid of
14:22He just all along Keyshawn just coming forward taking shots
14:26Punch combination backs him up and he walks right back into the heat of it and then fires right hands of his own
14:34But frankly, he didn't mean that just where it came in
14:43I like what I like when Keyshawn. I like his physical his physical strength. He told us in a fight
14:48I mean, I've been working on my physical. I've been lifting a lot of weights
14:51You know to get strong he understood that he's gonna be facing a strong fighter like Maduena, which is good and it's helping them test
15:00The rolls in the inside
15:02This is sharp shooter right now
15:04This is sharp sharp stuff entertaining stuff right here in the varied offensive attack to the one twos up top
15:11The stab jabs to the body the body work and then going up stairs as well as the defensive stuff rolling
15:18So you see that Keyshawn's giving less room now you stand close enough to be able to hit and counter
15:27Gives an angle sends off the right hand Miguel right into the pocket going to the body comes upstairs with the right hand just a
15:33Glancing blow he's not trying to rest right there. He's trying to find a way to get off the roads
15:38Can't stay there Maduena. That's one spot. You want to end up in you make Maduena's job easy when you sit on the ropes with him
15:45That's what he wants you to do fight high totals for connects and punches thrown in round number four for Keyshawn
15:56Those new tiles are falling right into place until you run out of what are those called again?
16:07Oh, right
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16:31Hurry in to the Acura
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16:5534 out of 61 total
16:5834 out of 61 total
17:00The art of boxing, I mean it isn't careless. It's meticulous like this
17:05Meaningful shots. This is being a complete pro right here
17:09You know, he's doing a good job and navigating his way through this fight. Keyshawn is
17:14Throwing that mid-range when he needs to being inside the pocket pocket as well
17:19Dominating on the inside like that with short uppercuts on the inside and throwing combinations using his jab
17:26Setting up his combinations just like here as you see
17:29Just good work by Keyshawn Davis ready little by little. He's slowly weakened weakening
17:39And you know that 50% rate, you know, I always tell you
17:42He's at 55% of his power punch the stop it should be near
17:46You know who also believes in that his bow Mack is Brian McIntyre his trainer because we listened in after the last round
17:53And he gave him the combination he wants to see he said under with the right hand over with the left
17:57But he said he cannot take much more of this
18:01He's gonna keep comes that right hand to the body again
18:05But you're starting to see the inside work here by Keyshawn you got to be careful not to pull straight up
18:09Then left hook from a Dwayne. Yo is gonna come
18:12remember first of our first
18:14First of our two world title fights is coming up next Oh
18:17Shockey Foster against ropes and conces out the Olympic gold medalist WBC junior lightweight championship
18:24And then it's your core Stevenson and our Tim Hartoon Ian for the WBC lightweight world championship
18:30There is shock Oh Shockey Foster from Houston, Texas. The third defense of his title. He is coming off high drama
18:38I mean
18:39Sensational fan friendly fights that came down to the 12th round and shock having to pull it out
18:45What will happen in moments against conces out?
18:51Keyshawn against on his inside prowess the same thing coming from what Dwayne Oh just kind of trying to land something
18:59Spraying and praying that's it. Keyshawn has landed some vicious shots on him. He's taking them. Well, he's still in this fight
19:05Can't count him out. He still has heavy hands with Keyshawn right now in total control of the action
19:11And then there is Shakur Stevenson his really good friend who's glued to watch the action of Keyshawn Davis
19:19These two have a dynamic relationship. Yes, they do
19:22And they've already said that they will not fight each other
19:27Keyshawn is so I've spoken about his lofty ranking right now already in his career the fact
19:32He said I'd go up on fight T. If you have a Lopez at 140
19:35I'll take anybody put me on the tank Davis facility Lomachenko co-feature
19:38I'll fight the winner there. Give me bar and check the WBO champ, but the only guy I won't fight is of course
19:44They're very close friends. Yes
19:48Nice body shot from the plane
19:50Yeah came with the left hand
19:51across that beltline moments ago in the closing moments here of round number five scheduled for ten before
19:57Our two world championship fights from here in Newark, New Jersey
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20:57Hurry in to the Acura summer a performance event going on now
21:05Joins him with your ringside
21:07mark regal
21:10Bernardo soon a little under the weather this evening
21:14Good. Well soon our friend
21:19He's Shawn Davis with a 93 to 40 connected vantage
21:25And when you've got to have a type of leather
21:28He just eating shots after shots, especially the body work because then it opens up things like that the attack upstairs
21:3727 body connects to this point. You see the punches landed overall by Davis
21:51What a good right hand behind that Jeff then he goes to the body with a left
21:56And Miguel right in the kitchen throwing heat to the body himself
22:04Break stop stop break break clean break break
22:07Guys, you start hitting that you start hitting guys that often
22:11You worry about hand injuries, you know hit them high on the head
22:16But Dwayne has a strong chin as you can see I would pay attention more downstairs if I was Keyshawn
22:22That's why I will focus most of my attention downstairs and he has been but I think he could do a little bit more downstairs
22:30Keyshawn right here what he's doing. He's buying he's buying himself time. That's what he's doing
22:35Right uppercut on the inside the body work is what's going to continue to weaken with Dwayne. You want to slow him down?
22:43Then eventually Keyshawn to be able to land something up top. That's not really hurting
22:48This is right uppercut that was glancing from a Dwayne. You're quickly
22:52He is letting his hands go as he said he would he knows it's his only hope to come forward the entire fight
22:58But joining tries to wear you out. He pushes the pace on you. He lets his hands go. He's landing. Those are studying bunches
23:05He's landing
23:06Whether on the arms or to the body
23:09Anywhere he can
23:11Two left uppercuts and then a left to the body right hand and then Miguel just keeps firing to the head
23:16He's shot picking his spots countering between punches with the right hand now posting
23:21He'll get the warning from David Franciosi over that and boxing is about inches of serious centimeters
23:29It's young man's in tune with everything he's looking down this at the commentary he's looking at you right now and he's laughing
23:35He's saying this is a tough. This is the tub dude
23:39That's what he's saying
23:55Yeah, this this fight is definitely testing testing the conditioning
24:02Of Davis end of six
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25:02Hurry in to the Acura summer a performance event going on now
25:09What happened after the belt and the six rounds watch the referee?
25:17Watch this right-hand side of your screen. This is after the six round
25:23Miguel Magalhaes was punching back at Davis after they went head-to-head and he hits the referee David Franciosi
25:32Franciosi was out of it for a moment. He said who just hit me
25:40Oh my goodness
25:44He wants to get DQ Timmy, yes, he does he wants out he wants out
25:50Took a swipe at the end of the six and now he's trying to go WWE on Keyshawn
25:55Who just drove a right hand right into him?
26:02I don't know about you, but I'm entertained
26:14Listen you absorb a lot you're completely out class you get frustrated and funny things happen in fights. We've seen it before
26:24Sharp right hand. Yeah, he's looking for that counter right that lazy jab break for that mid-range jab coming from Adueño
26:31Keyshawn's looking to set him up for that right hand
26:38Stop a little bit get up both the eyes get up starting to get ugly
26:45I mean it is
26:47But between you have the incident after the sixth round we have the incident here in this round and now a three punch combination
26:55from Keyshawn
27:00It's ridiculous ridiculous
27:05Somebody got to step in and say this man, but going on too many shots being taken. This is exactly how blank brain bleed start
27:11I understand he's tough. He's gritty. Yes, he's coming back with offense
27:15But at the same time he's taking big shot after big shot after big shot, you know
27:20And prior to that near body slam by Madueño
27:23David Franciosi had warned him sternly admonishing him in the corner saying I will DQ you
27:29You pull something like you just did I'll DQ you
27:35Just frustration coming from Adueño
27:50Target practice
27:55Is target practice right now too easy and then Keyshawn places that left hand under the right elbow as well
28:01You know what, you know when there's somebody nods like that when a fighter just says yeah, come on. That means it hurts
28:05That's what that means. Oh, he's been hurt. He's been tagged three with 82 power punches
28:18All right, let's go back and show you the end of the sixth round
28:21This is all after the bell to end the sixth round
28:28Get out my face
28:31Right into the right eye of referee David Franciosi and then this is what happened in the seventh round. Oh
28:41The retaliation right there
28:46Hey, look at Keyshawn through the first blow he threw the first punch he started he started it
28:51And then read the retaliation. That's what everybody sees
29:02Mark Riegel you spoke to the Commission. What do they say?
29:06Larry Hazard told me it's inadvertent contact and David Franciosi
29:11Properly worn Medina you do it again. You're out of here
29:15So that is based on what happened after round number six. Here's round number eight scheduled for ten
29:21With Keyshawn Davis the undefeated top ten lightweight in control
29:27Holden start using the ring box
29:49Just low down he has one gear
30:00How many Davis's hit him with everything right the kitchen sink break clean step back
30:06Everything and he's still coming forward
30:09And here's a guy who wants to come forward at the target of the WBC junior lightweight championship that is Robson conceits out
30:16Will be a four-time world title challenger tonight. Of course, he fought Shakur Stevenson
30:22But I thought his best effort was his most recent world title challenge, but it was a well-earned
30:29Against Emanuel never that day where he made decisions and acted like a fighter down the stretch on that night
30:38Test to come back and
30:40Put a draw against the world champion against the world champion one of the hardest punchers in the division
30:46I says a lot about it. So now he gets shocked
30:50He gets O'Shaughnessy Foster and that is coming up in just a matter of moments
30:55We are minutes away from the WBC junior lightweight championship fight right uppercut well-timed by Davis
31:04It's just simple right just create space for yourself along the ropes and
31:08As Madueño is coming in and he's squared up and he's just caught with the uppercut, right?
31:15Madueño just depends on volume and he depends on power
31:18Forget the fundamentals the fundamentals are out the window. He's just in there just trying to land on you any way he can
31:29Break two steps back
31:36Stop two steps back
32:01Come on Keyshawn Keyshawn did that
32:04He's Keyshawn buying this time that pressure of Madueño starting to get the keys on he's gonna sell though
32:10Danny he's gonna yeah, he can't sell but he's gonna have to just stay mentally tough to his break
32:15I understand he has a man that can take a shot
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33:21Miguel Madueño has stayed on form of throwing
33:25389 punches, but Timmy he's also absorbed
33:27152 look at this. This kid is a cornerback with the IQ of Tom Brady. You see that uppercut he plays right there
33:33That's beautiful work creating space off the ropes seeing this man leaning forward nice
33:38But this is what I was talking about Keyshawn he dropped his legs right here nice veteran move
33:43To pull down Madueño to buy himself again more time
33:49And when I say more time that just be more time the referee needs to step up and do it and do a better job
33:58And tell
33:59He's a man inside the ropes. He's running his pay tonight, isn't he?
34:02Yeah, but he got to be more authority if he has to be more in control
34:06He has to let them know like hey, I'm gonna start taking points right now. This is getting out of hand
34:13Keep your tongue in your mouth
34:18There's Clarissa Shields in the locker room beast with Shakur there she is the champ champ in the house
34:24Hey stop now stop boxing. She's got Andre Ward, but Crawford Clarissa Shields
34:30all the locker room
34:33As he prepares to defend his WBC lightweight championship
34:40Exactly what
34:42Davis need to do continue just beat on him. You want to stand there and take punches keep keep beating on him. Keep beating on
34:50They stop stop Franklin let him go
34:57The punch combination again from Davis
35:03Davis just need to get more consistent with his offense
35:06Take a little bit of the steam off his punches and start placing the shots one after the other one after the other
35:12That's how he's gonna get to stop. It's a little by little
35:14He's looking pretty fine here at round nine
35:17body shots and then head work and
35:20He's making a pressure fighter now goes back. Go backwards. No, Dwayne. Oh, yes. It looks like he wants to he wants a
35:27Davison to come in. However, he's just
35:30He's bluffing test
35:32Look at those left hooks as Miguel has come off the gas pedal in terms of what he's putting forth here in round number nine
35:43Another tactic to weaken
35:52He doesn't have much left at all
35:57Good right hand catching him coming in
36:00How he trying to rape him right there
36:03It's starting to get it's just too ugly. It's dirty inside of that ring right now. Oh my goodness
36:08That's it
36:20Did you hear that shot to the head and Miguel stood up to it
36:25Are you crying? No
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37:20Hurry in to the Acura summer a performance event going on now
37:24Packed house at the Rock to world title fights coming up in moments
37:29But Keyshawn Davis is putting on a show and a ridiculously
37:35rugged and
37:36foul-filled fights against Miguel Magueno
37:43Tenth and final round
37:51More of the same target practice right here nice little jab from Keyshawn, but a shoulder roll boom bull
37:56To be able to land that shot the big shot right here. Here it again. Here it is again
38:00Nice pool counter right there from Keyshawn Davis
38:06He continues to land big shots like this sometimes
38:10Fighters that don't want to go it sometimes. It's so difficult to knock them out
38:14No matter how much you hit him with Maduena seems to have his mind made up. He's taking these shots very well in the past
38:21You've seen guys that faced Davis. They get hit with shots like this. They're knocked out not Maduena
38:27Well, Maduena is on the receiving side of one of the record-setting
38:31Offensive outposts in the history of the sport. He absorbed 417 power shots in his loss to claggett
38:37He has two losses framed against 31 wins. Both were decision losses. He's never been stopped
38:45The combination again from Davis, he got an iron chin break in an iron body stand up
39:08Let him go
39:14Tripling up the left hand coming back with the right uppercut going back to two left hooks
39:21But that's it, okay now stop boxing and separate quickly
39:26Keyshawn now you hear from the corner Bomex and keep going down to the body
39:29This thing has been so dirty and ugly and foul-filled I'm actually curious to see how they react to each other after this final bell
39:37Yeah, but what I like about the young Keyshawn is is that
39:41He didn't let the
39:43Break stop boxing stop punching stop there. You know, he's he's he's fouling. He's coming back
39:48I mean, he's he's doing what he needs to do, but he's still staying focused inside that ring
39:53He's not letting the effectus play out
39:55See sometimes fighters we'd like to have our way and we want fights to be clean not every fight is going to be clean fight
40:01So we get dirty like this and how you behave and how you respond to this. Oh Matador. Oh my goodness. Oh, we got Matador
40:11Don't know
40:15Don't know
40:19Don't know
40:21Oh, we got Matador going on this
40:27And it lands a clean right hand to close it out
40:33Well, they hug it out after all of that after all
40:40And they go to each other's respective corners
40:43It's Nathan meet a guy wanting to give a mental edge inside that ring. That's all
40:47It is
40:49Do you see the sportsmanship you see the sportsmanship afterwards? Yep
40:55Almost always look on everything happened, but the knockout tonight
41:00you know
41:02Davidson he did everything he was supposed to do tonight. He got the victory one
41:08No, he didn't get the knockout would have loved to see it
41:10But I love the flashy combinations the counter punching ability that he showed tonight
41:14Was brilliant stuff on the inside. He was able to even at times bag up the stronger
41:22Maduena who kept coming forward being aggressive who had heavy hands
41:28Even Davis took some shots tonight to be able to land some offense. So all in all I thought it was a fantastic performance
41:35By Keyshawn Davis. He thought this is the toughest opponent that he's ever faced. I think his defense was great tonight
41:42Defenses was great tonight. I think that his conditioning was great tonight
41:46his combinations was great tonight and the fact that he was able to deal with the type of
41:52Opponent that Maduena was a tough rugged
41:56Savvy veteran who just came to fight came to win and that had severe punching power
42:04CompuBox numbers are just superb for Keyshawn Davis landed over 50% of his power punch
42:12194 total 122 power and of course defense on point two as Miguel only landed
42:1914% of his total punches
42:23Ladies and gentlemen after ten rounds here inside the Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey
42:28We go to the judges scorecards for the official decision
42:33Mark Constantino, Ron McNair and Steve Weisfeld all have it
42:409991 for your winner by unanimous decision and
42:50Intercontinental Lightweight Champion the businessman
42:55Keyshawn Davis
