War Thunder Future Tech Tree Analysis - Planes that didn't make the cut! Ki-20, BV 222 and more!

  • 2 months ago
In this episode I look at some planes that didn't quite make the cut for the new priority tech tree, such as the Japanese 4 engine Ki-20, the Avro Lincoln, BV 222 etc. as well as giving some details and analysis on them.

WWII: The Directory of Weapons
Weapons of World War II

Photo sources/citations⬇️
Avro Lincoln

Ki 20


Polikarpov R-Z

B 26

BV 222

BV 138

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Game: War Thunder ⬅️

#warthunder #planes #aircraft #cutcontent #toreno
00:00Hello everybody and welcome to the conclusion of the future tech tree analysis series.
00:06We've gone through all the different nations, Britain, France, sorry Britain, America, Germany,
00:11Russia and Japan. Looked at all the aircraft in detail, looked at the significance of them being
00:20added hopefully. Hopefully got all the details right. The first thing I'll do is just talk about
00:26what I think could have been added for the nations, mainly the main five ones. I'll deal
00:32with Italy and France later. For Britain it would have to be the Lincoln bomber. Now the Avro Lincoln
00:39was the last piston-engined aircraft, well bomber, used by the RAF. It was sort of developed from the
00:49Lancaster, so you know better than Lancaster. Let's just try and get stats up. Had a maximum
00:56speed of 319 miles an hour at 5,000 meters or 5,700 meters and it had two 50 caliber machine
01:05guns in the nose and tail turrets and a dorsal turret with either two 50 caliber machine guns or
01:11two 20 millimeter cannons and it could carry up to 14,000 bombs or 6,400 kilograms bombs
01:18or in exceptional circumstances a 10,000 kilogram bomb. Now it's a bit disappointing Britain didn't
01:26get this in the tech tree. I mean we got some new Lancaster variants, we got some early variants,
01:35well we got some early bombers added in but we didn't get the Avro Lincoln which I think would
01:40have filled in the gap between the Lancaster and the Canberra quite well. I can kind of understand
01:45why they didn't add it, they didn't want to fill up the tech tree of too many bombers and they were
01:50focusing mainly on the fleet air arm which is a good thing. It just seems a bit,
01:58it seemed like a good aircraft that would probably get in. I was a bit surprised it didn't get in
02:03if I'm honest, not really a major complaint just a sort of you know a bit, not disappointed but
02:09just a shame it didn't get into the game. Another bomber that I think would have been quite a good
02:14addition to the game even if just as a premium aircraft or as a sort of as a giveaway gift like
02:22the TB3 is the Ki-20. Now this was a pretty big bomber and it was based on the Junkers G38 which
02:32was a civilian airliner but the Japanese wanted to use it to attack forts at Manila Bay or for
02:39deep penetration missions into Siberia. I actually didn't know this plane existed until looking
02:43online just for ideas and for this video because of you know looking for aircraft that could have
02:49been added and it was quite well armed. Two 7.7 millimeter machine guns in the nose, a 20 millimeter
02:56cannon in the dorsal position, two 7.7 millimeter machine guns in two upper wing turrets and a 7.7
03:05millimeter machine gun in each of the lower wing turrets so quite a lot of armament and it could
03:12carry up to 5,000 kilograms of bombs or 11,000 pounds internally. Only had a speed of 125 miles
03:19an hour so it kind of seems like a Japanese version of the TB3 if I'm honest. There was only six of
03:26them I think this would have been a pretty good premium air or gift aircraft or just for a bit of
03:32a laugh like you see lots of people online using them as a joke aircraft and yeah it would have
03:39been a good plane to have. I couldn't really think of any other aircraft. I'm not familiar with
03:43Japanese aircraft that much but I don't think there really is much in the way that Japan can
03:49really get other than that or actually there is one other aircraft the Kyushu Q1W you should
03:57see it pop up about now. It kind of looks like a Japanese Ju-88. I don't think it was based on the
04:03Ju-88 although like I said it looks similar. Had a top speed of 200 miles per hour was
04:10armed with two forward or one or two forward firing 20 millimeter cannons a rearward firing 7.7
04:16millimeter machine gun and it could be fitted with two 250 kilogram bombs or depth charges.
04:23Now like I said before I don't think we're getting depth charges because no submarines but
04:27I think this would have been a quite a good aircraft. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not
04:30disappointed with what we got. I'm not complaining or whining don't take it as disappointment or
04:35whining just sort of wanted to give guiding ideas and let you lot know about different aircraft that
04:41was used in the war and I think this would have been a good addition but I can kind of understand
04:46why it wasn't added. It kind of looks like a well it kind of looks like a Ju-88 and they've
04:52already got enough aircraft. People might think they're just sort of copy and pasting German
04:57aircraft. They wouldn't be but people might think that and yeah just thought I'd add it in there quickly.
05:05Now for the Soviet Union I was having a lot of trouble thinking of any aircraft
05:10that they'd need. I mean their tech tree is more or less filled and you can see it from the
05:14future tech tree there's only something like 13 that have got priority to be added.
05:18I also tried to find a fighter because obviously I've just used a ton of bombers and
05:23I sort of succeeded. I found a reconnaissance bomber aircraft which is a biplane the
05:31Polikarpov RZ. Now it was introduced in 1935. I don't know when it was retired and it's been
05:40replaced by the old two in 1941 so it must have been retired early 1940s. It had a top speed of 196
05:49miles an hour. It had a forward-firing machine gun and or one two chicas machine guns in the
05:56rear cockpit and could be armed with 400 kilograms or 882 pounds worth of bombs.
06:03Like I said the Soviet tech tree more or less is full. I just wanted to
06:08I wanted to add a plane in that they could have you know on the basis of fairness
06:15and all that. But yeah I think the Soviet tech tree is more or less filled and yeah I don't
06:20think there's really much else they could add to it. I mean it did take a while just to come up
06:26with this aircraft really. But yeah hopefully they'll consider it I mean no doubt they'll be
06:32watching this video but on the off chance they do I hope they do consider adding in this aircraft.
06:37The only American aircraft that really surprised me that it wasn't in game was the B-26 Marauder.
06:43I've mentioned it before and it gets mixed up with the A-26 Invader because
06:51designation was changed to B-26 as well when so there was a bit of complications between the two.
06:57But the B-26 Marauder was actually quite it was quite very well it was a very good aircraft.
07:04I've heard it had the lowest launch rate of any of the bombers. At least my book has it written
07:09down. And this gun has shot down something like 400 enemy fighters. I was quite surprised this
07:16wasn't added into the game but probably one of my only really like not probably one of the only ones
07:23I was a bit not really disappointed but you know I'd expect it to be in the game by default sort
07:30of thing. It was armed with 12 .50 caliber machine guns and could carry 4000 pounds or 1800 kilograms
07:37worth of bombs and could reach speeds of 287 miles an hour as well. So quite well not the fastest of
07:45bombers but quite fast and definitely well armed. I think I need B-25 one of the P.B.J.
07:55J has anything near that in machine gun wise and I don't think that I don't know if that
08:01counts as gunners or not. The stats I've got for the B-26G. So yeah quite it was a very important
08:09aircraft and I was kind of surprised it wasn't added into the game. But again I think this tech
08:14tree was just priority aircraft will probably be added in at a later date. So not too disappointed
08:21but you know I'd kind of expected it to be in the game if I'm honest. Now for the Germans they
08:26generally seem to have got all of the aircraft they need. The only place they didn't really get
08:30any aircraft was the float planes or maritime aircraft. One of the aircraft I think they could
08:36have got was the B.V. 222. Well I can totally understand why it wasn't added into the game
08:43because it was the largest I believe it was the largest aircraft of World War II. So obviously a
08:50very big aircraft. It was the largest flying boat to achieve operational status during the war
08:56and let's just find armament. Three 20 millimeter cannons. One each in the forward turret and two
09:02in wind turrets and five 13 millimeter machine guns. I'm not sure if it was meant to carry bombs
09:08but that would have made it quite a hard target to take out. I think I needed G5N or G8N that the
09:17Japanese have that are anywhere near that in bomb load. So I mean armament. So not sure how
09:26well it would have been quite hard to take down. Probably would have, like I said I can't
09:31really tell if it carried bombs. I don't think it did carry bombs so I suppose that could explain
09:37why it wasn't added into the game. But even something like the Flying Clog otherwise known
09:42as the B3-138 would have easily done. I mean one 20 millimeter cannon. One 13 millimeter machine gun
09:50in the after the central engine. A 7.92 millimeter gun in the hatch for the starboard side of the
09:57hull for 150 kilogram bombs. Max speed of 177 miles an hour. I mean it would have been nice
10:04for them to get a well some sort of um like float plane because at the moment they basically don't
10:12have any. Now you're probably wondering why I'm saying basically have no float planes and not
10:18they have no float planes. I mean if they don't have any then just saying they don't have any.
10:23Um well technically Germany does have um float planes. Um you're you're probably wondering why
10:29I'm on a custom mission. There's normal planes but if we come over here to our fighter escort
10:36or our other fighters.
10:41You can quite clearly see that we they have floats on them. Now this is the HE-51V
10:48Hydra plane. You can't actually use them yourself as far as I'm aware. You can only see these in
10:53the mission editor. I'll probably put a video up on a flight level guide on how to find them.
10:58So they are in the game. For some reason they haven't been made available. So when you get
11:03those floats events between America and Japan. Germany should really be able to take part in
11:10them but for whatever reason Gaijin haven't made them available. Uh that's me getting
11:16shot down by a Sabre. Um yeah I'll just quickly quit out of this.
11:21So that's it for the main five um nations. I'll probably add in the French and Italian nation
11:29like my own proposed tech tree as a separate episode because it may take a bit longer and
11:33I don't want it to drag on for too long. Um yeah thank you for watching. Leave your thoughts below
11:39on um what you think of my recommendations or my thoughts on the tech tree or your own thoughts on
11:44the tech tree. Um leave um likes um if you like what like the video, leave feedback, subscribe if
11:52you like these sort of videos. Uh thank you for watching I'll see you on the French and Italian
11:57tech tree um soon hopefully.
