Handed Over the Engagement Ring to a Poor Girl After a Failed Proposal. 10 Years Later…

  • 2 months ago
Handed Over the Engagement Ring to a Poor Girl After a Failed Proposal. 10 Years Later…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Let's break up.
00:04Just before the proposal, my girlfriend broke up with me.
00:08My name's Kota Yamada, and I'm 20 years old.
00:12I grew up in a poor but happy family.
00:15After graduating from high school, I started working at a major company's related factory.
00:21I was dating Tsuruyo Takano, a girl two years older I met at a mixer, and we were considering marriage.
00:28But, why are you breaking up with me?
00:32Even though you work at a major factory, you're being really stingy lately, aren't you?
00:38My family is poor, and I've been supporting them. You know that, right?
00:43And actually, this! I've been saving money to propose to you, Tsuruyo!
00:49Oh? Is that so?
00:56By the way, how much is that?
00:59Um, about $700.
01:02I thought today's restaurant would be more expensive than usual, but it's not good enough.
01:08If you're gonna propose to me, it has to be a three-star restaurant.
01:12I don't have that kind of money.
01:15Using a cheap ring and going to an average restaurant to show off.
01:19I can't believe you work for a big company.
01:22Besides, I already have a boyfriend who's really rich.
01:26Even our regular dates are at places way more expensive than this one.
01:34I've been saving up for our marriage. I'm only 20, so $7,000 was my limit.
01:41That's my boyfriend's salary.
01:45Anyway, we're done. So goodbye.
01:51And that's how Tsuruyo broke up with me.
01:54After dinner, feeling down, I couldn't bring myself to go home and ended up at the park.
02:00Being called poor now and even getting cheated on.
02:04Hey mister!
02:06Huh? What's up?
02:09It's about a case like this. But have you seen it anywhere?
02:13There's something really important inside, but I dropped it somewhere.
02:17The girl seemed to have forgotten the treasure box somewhere in the park.
02:21It had a keepsake from her late father, and she was desperate to find it.
02:25Upon hearing her story, I decided to help her search, but...
02:30It's not easy to find, huh?
02:33Yeah, um, thanks for helping me look.
02:37By the way, what were you doing?
02:40Oh, I actually got dumped by my girlfriend right before I could propose, you know?
02:45I had a ring, but...
02:47Even though you're going through a tough time, thanks for helping me find it.
02:52This girl lost something super important, and yet she's concerned about me.
02:57Hey, uh, I want to see the ring. I dream of becoming a bride one day.
03:03Here it is.
03:05Wow, it's so pretty. It's really nice. And still she rejected it?
03:13Yeah, it was expensive for me, but it's considered relatively cheap, you know?
03:19I see. If you don't want it, can I have it?
03:24I don't need it anymore. And if it can replace her lost treasure, sure.
03:30Really? Yay! Then I'm gonna be your fiancé, okay?
03:36As I'm getting the ring, I'll be the one to marry you, right?
03:40Well, she's just a kid, so for now, I'll just go along with it.
03:45Yeah, you're right. How about getting married in ten years?
03:51Despite being dumped by my girlfriend, I ended up getting engaged to the girl.
03:56Later, her mother came to pick her up, then she went back home.
04:01Thanks to that girl, I feel better. I should switch things up and give my work my all from tomorrow.
04:08Wait a sec. Isn't this the important thing that girl mentioned?
04:12I took it home temporarily and visited the park multiple times in the following days.
04:17However, I never saw that girl again.
04:20And ten years passed.
04:24I'm still working at the factory as usual.
04:27I've started living on my own, but I never have time to cook, so I usually have something from the convenience store.
04:34Good job with work!
04:36Thanks. You're a high school student, right?
04:39Yes, but I'm about to graduate and today is my last day working part-time.
04:45I see. I've known her since she started working part-time at the convenience store a few years ago.
04:52She's about to graduate from high school, and I'm already 30, still hung up on the past.
04:58The passage of time can be cruel. Well, though...
05:04Chief, I have something I'd like to ask.
05:07Oh, Otaku, what's up?
05:09It's not Otaku, it's Otakuda. I have a question about today's tasks.
05:15Over these ten years, I've become a chief, and I'm even slated for a promotion to manager.
05:21I've been cautious about romance, but I've poured myself into my work.
05:26One day after work...
05:29Huh? Oh, you're from the... what a coincidence.
05:34Well, actually, I've been waiting for you.
05:39Waiting for me? Wait, is that ring...
05:43Do you remember? I've grown up, so marry me, please!
05:48Huh? You're the girl from back then, right? But you're still in high school, aren't you?
05:54I'm gonna graduate soon! I knew you were gonna say that, so I kept it a secret.
05:59She's got her bases covered. But even if we talk about marriage, we don't know anything about each other.
06:06You're right. If we're gonna do this, you need to get to know me better, Koda.
06:11Huh? How do you know my name?
06:14It's a company secret. I forgot to mention, but I'm Mei Nakamura.
06:20Actually, I've liked you all this time and I've been watching you.
06:25It seems Mei had developed feelings for me ever since that day.
06:29Since then, she occasionally spotted me, but with the age difference, if adults and kids start dating, it can get complicated.
06:36She decided to complete her bridal training until she graduated from high school and kept her true identity hidden.
06:43By the way, I know about your workplace, too.
06:47I noticed that you used to visit the convenience store before work, so I decided to start working there once I became a high school student.
06:55Since I'm a store clerk and you're a customer, we couldn't do anything inappropriate.
07:00Of course, I meant that in a self-restraint way.
07:03I, uh, had no idea. But the fact that she's had feelings for me all this time, I'm honestly happy about that.
07:12I've always kept this ring. I usually wear it as a necklace. I've always had it.
07:18Because it's proof that I'm your fiancé.
07:21Fiancé, huh.
07:24You know, when we first met, I told you I got dumped, right?
07:29After that, I was scared of romance. Talking casually is one thing, but...
07:34So? What about the engagement?
07:38I appreciate your feeling. And back then, I thought it was just something a kid would say, and I couldn't imagine us dating or anything.
07:46Understood. Well, guess I only have one option left. I'll be right back.
07:52Huh? Okay.
07:55With unanswered questions in my mind, Mei left. What she had in mind became clear soon enough.
08:02Whaaaaat? Why are you joining our company?
08:07I did say I knew where you worked, right? It's the final step of my approach.
08:13Wow, she's one clever kid.
08:16Although we were in different departments, we coordinated with her department, so we had a lot of time to talk.
08:24Kouta, could you check this order quantity for me?
08:28Uh, yeah. Um, aren't you a little too close?
08:32Well, you see...
08:35The truth is, I have bad eyesight.
08:39She's definitely lying.
08:41How about we go for a drink after work today? Then we can stop by your place and...
08:47Nah, can't do that. Besides, Mei, you're still too young to drink, right?
08:52Not drinking. I just want to get you drunk.
08:57Ever since Mei joined the company, we've been spending more time together like this.
09:02Chief, you've been looking kinda soft lately, haven't you?
09:09When you talked to women before, your face was always tense. But now, you're more relaxed.
09:15Thanks to Mei, I've been able to make progress, I guess.
09:20No one had ever shown me this much affection before. As I spent time with Mei, I started to feel a change in my heart.
09:27Kouta, wanna grab lunch together?
09:31Sure, where are we going?
09:33Oh, yeah, right. Huh? What did you just-
09:37We're going for lunch, aren't we? We gotta hurry, our break time's almost up.
09:42G-got it!
09:44I'm still not completely open to romance, but I want to respond to Mei's feelings. Plus-
09:50Kouta, is something wrong?
09:53Nah, it's nothing. Oh, speaking of which, there's an izakaya nearby that I like. When you turn 20, I'll take you there.
10:01Huh? R-really? Can't wait!
10:05Spending time with Mei has brought me closer to my coworkers. As Otakuda mentioned, I can work more easily with everyone now than I could before.
10:15I can safely say it's all thanks to Mei. Then, one day-
10:19Chief, congratulations on your promotion to manager!
10:23Thanks, guys.
10:25So, we're here to celebrate. But Mei, you still can't drink, right?
10:30Yes, but it's Kouta's celebration today. Don't worry about me, just enjoy your drinks, everyone!
10:37Nah, I'm not drinking today.
10:39Huh? It's your day to shine, though.
10:43Exactly! I don't want you to feel left out, that's why.
10:47Kouta, seriously? Why are you trying to make me fall for you even more?
10:53Wait, what? I'm not trying to do that.
10:56In the end, on that day, none of the employees, including me, ended up drinking.
11:02But it was at that moment-
11:04Well, well, well. Isn't it Kouta, huh? Thought I heard some noise, so I came, but-
11:14It's been like a year since we last met, but you're still the same, huh?
11:19We both live in the same hometown, so our workplaces are close, too.
11:23Over these ten years, we've had a few encounters, and every time, she'd throw some shade my way.
11:29That's why I still carry those bitter memories from back then.
11:33What do you mean the same? Kouta has changed. He's even been promoted.
11:38I'm sorry, do I know you?
11:41Promoted, huh? But it's still in that factory, though.
11:45Don't underestimate the factory. Kouta is kind, reliable, and fantastic both as a senior and a man.
11:55Yeah, she's right.
11:57Don't talk down on him.
12:00Ugh, this is so annoying. I'm outta here.
12:03Unable to bear it any longer, Tsuruyo left.
12:07After that, we finished my celebration, and I was heading home with Mei, but-
12:12I've got some special snacks for us!
12:14Oh, they look delicious! But how did it come to this?
12:19On our way back, Mei said she wanted to make some snacks, and somehow, we ended up drinking at my place.
12:26Wait, is it okay for me to drink alone when you can't?
12:30It's different when it's just the two of us.
12:33Plus, it's like a practice run for when I'll be making meals for you someday.
12:38Besides, don't you want to forget about the bad stuff, too?
12:43Could it be she's looking out for me? What a great girl.
12:48Alright, I'll take you up on that offer.
12:51Mei's homemade snacks were so good, and I couldn't help but have a few more drinks.
12:56And before I knew it, the booze was kicking in.
12:59Ugh, how long am I gonna keep holding onto the past? I need to face forward.
13:05There, there. Just spill it all out.
13:10But Coda, you have been changing little by little.
13:14Do you think so?
13:16Because I believe your way of dealing with me and other female workers has changed since the beginning.
13:22You can talk to them like normal, you know?
13:24Well, I'd prefer you talk just to me. But with work and all, it's impossible, so...
13:31Thanks. I'm sorry for being so fragile, even though I'm older.
13:36It's okay. Even if you're a bit weak, I love the kind person you are.
13:42The next morning.
13:44Wait, what happened yesterday? I remember Mei came over, and I was drinking.
13:49What's this delicious smell?
13:52Oh, good morning, Coda.
13:55After that, I must have fallen asleep, and it seems Mei stayed over.
14:00She woke up early and went shopping, and she even made breakfast.
14:04This miso soup hits the spot. The snacks you made yesterday, too. You're quite the chef.
14:11Yup. I've been practicing all this time to cook for you in the future.
14:16I see. She mentioned something about bride training.
14:20With each day, we were getting closer.
14:23But then, on a certain day on our way back home...
14:27Hey, Coda. It's been a while.
14:31Surio, what are you doing here?
14:34I came to see you for something important.
14:37Hey, can you leave us alone for a bit and have a chat, just the two of us?
14:42How rude!
14:44What's your problem? This is our thing, and it's none of your business.
14:49Let's keep it brief, and I'll hear it right here.
14:53Huh, whatever.
14:55Anyway, you mentioned your promotion, and I hear you're making a decent salary, right?
15:01Well, I can't easily go to a three-star restaurant, but it's decent.
15:06In that case, I can marry you now.
15:10Excuse me?
15:12You were trying to propose to me back in the day, right? I might accept it now.
15:18That was, like, ten years ago. Why bring it up now?
15:22Exactly. Besides, Coda had his heart broken by you.
15:27We've been working on getting closer recently, so don't get in the way!
15:31You're the one causing trouble.
15:33Just because you're young doesn't mean you can get closer to Coda, who's become rich and successful.
15:40Don't you think I've gained more charm as an adult after hitting 30?
15:45If we dated, you'd probably like me more than you did back then.
15:49Huh? Are you serious?
15:53Is Mei just young?
15:55It's precisely because she's young that she works hard to keep up with someone older.
16:00And by the way, can you even do housework, Tsuruyo?
16:03We're not in an era where women should do housework just because they're women!
16:08True, but it's not right to look down on someone like her who's putting in effort, is it?
16:14Besides, Mei genuinely cares about me. I can trust her. That's what I think.
16:20So, you couldn't find a boyfriend and you're desperate, so you came to me?
16:25How did you...
16:26Huh, wait!
16:28Just kidding. You used to brag every time we met about having a rich boyfriend.
16:33But lately, you haven't mentioned it, right?
16:35Maybe it's not going so well after hitting 30, huh?
16:39Mei is essential to me. I won't start over with someone who's ready to betray people so easily.
16:45Ugh! Come on!
16:51Never knew you thought about me like that.
16:55Yeah, I do. I'm really grateful to you, and I think you're indispensable to me.
17:01I want to think seriously about what comes next, so can you wait a bit longer? I have a lot on my mind.
17:08Sure. Can't wait to hear your feelings.
17:12As time went by, I became even closer to Mei. During one of our dates...
17:18We don't have anyone with those conditions. You gotta leave!
17:22I want to marry a rich guy!
17:24Tsuruyo was being kicked out of the marriage agency. I wonder what kind of conditions she set.
17:30And then, one day, I had called Mei over to my place.
17:35What do you want to give me?
17:37I thought I forgot to return this.
17:39Is this... that I lost a long time ago?
17:43I found it afterward, but I couldn't meet you for a while.
17:47When we did meet, the timing wasn't right.
17:49It's been over ten years, so I gave up on it. Thank you.
17:54Huh? I didn't have this ring before.
17:58That's my feelings for you.
18:01The old ring that I gave you before was the one I bought for Tsuruyo.
18:05This time, I got one for you. So, please...
18:10I'll throw away the old one. So, can you give me...
18:14N-no, cuz...
18:16This ring holds not only the feelings you had for your ex, but my feelings for you over the past ten years.
18:24So both are treasures to me.
18:40Thank you for watching!
