• 2 months ago
00:00:00Hello, one and all, and welcome to the thrilling finale of Dimension 20, Dungeons and Drag Queens.
00:00:13I'm your humble Dungeon Master, Brennan Lee Mulligan.
00:00:15With me for the very last time are Questing Queens.
00:00:18Say hi, Questing Queens.
00:00:19Hi, Questing Queens.
00:00:20I don't want it to be our very last time.
00:00:24I know.
00:00:25Me neither.
00:00:26It's our last time this time.
00:00:27This time.
00:00:28I'm going to get out of the Underworld.
00:00:29That, I do want.
00:00:30It's so cute down here.
00:00:31I'm kind of comfortable.
00:00:32Well, you're a whole dark side of family hanging out down here with everyone else, you know?
00:00:39We see the throne room of Thanara, goddess of the Underworld.
00:01:09Here she is, seated in her throne, and by her side, Alacrinos, her scorpion champion.
00:01:33Honey, she got more legs than a bucket of chicken, and he literally does have more legs
00:01:37than a bucket of chicken.
00:01:38That's an arachnid.
00:01:39He literally has more legs than a bucket of chicken.
00:01:41You know, honey, that stinger is doing her right.
00:01:44I think she's the top.
00:01:45I'm not going to lie, the stinger looked bigger in picture.
00:01:47I think she's the top, yeah.
00:01:48I'm not going to lie, his stinger looked bigger in picture.
00:01:50Did it really?
00:01:51I'm not going to lie, it did look bigger in picture.
00:01:52Look at this weapon, girl.
00:01:53What is, it's like a, it's like a, it's like a spear, but then it has like little pieces
00:01:58on the side.
00:01:59That will hurt you.
00:02:00Thank you, Bob.
00:02:02Surrounding the throne, as well, are, I'm afraid to say it, your assembled enemies.
00:02:08Oh god.
00:02:09We see Zarya Hex, the Blood Queen.
00:02:13She's fierce.
00:02:15Very frightening.
00:02:16Oh my gosh, she's like, she's like the Scarlet Witch on crack.
00:02:18Let me see, can you put her close to my face?
00:02:20Kill her.
00:02:21Kill her now!
00:02:22Wow, that's so cool.
00:02:24Who emerges from behind the throne.
00:02:26Honestly, whoever's working in costume design here is eating.
00:02:29The art, the art department.
00:02:30Oh, the art department.
00:02:31We must once again shout out Rick Perry, the whole incredible art department.
00:02:34Addie, Katie, Raven, Shane, all the amazing artists we've had on this season.
00:02:39You would look good in that outfit, Alaska.
00:02:41Can I borrow that czar?
00:02:44Flying by her side, Morgan of the Glaring Sun.
00:02:48Oh wow.
00:02:49Oh my god.
00:02:51Look at the wings.
00:02:52She's flying.
00:02:53That looks great.
00:02:54She's flying, it's true.
00:02:56She's coming for me.
00:02:58She is coming for you indeed.
00:03:00We have Keena of Everdeen.
00:03:03Keena, exactly how I described her.
00:03:05Boom, there you go.
00:03:07Green skin, the black hair.
00:03:08And the hook.
00:03:09Yeah, and the chain hook.
00:03:10Can I get a look at, oh yeah, she.
00:03:12That hook, honey, this was a mess.
00:03:14That's cool.
00:03:15An absolute mess.
00:03:17Leaping down into the fray and then.
00:03:21Let's see, let's see your uncle.
00:03:24Uncle Kerwin.
00:03:25Oh shit.
00:03:27Now suited up for battle.
00:03:29Here he is, the Duke of the Foehammers.
00:03:32I pictured him as Patrick Swayze.
00:03:35I guess he had time to get dressed too, didn't he?
00:03:38Had to stop by and grab a little something shiny, honey.
00:03:42Shiny, kind of like that.
00:03:44But hey, you're not here to see these enemies.
00:03:49In fact, I think we're hoping that these enemies
00:03:51are all met with a swift defeat.
00:03:54It is with pride and joy
00:03:56that I would love to hand to you, Twyla.
00:04:01She's so little.
00:04:02Oh my God.
00:04:03Look at her little butterfly wing, she's so cute.
00:04:06Troy-Anne, look at her blue ass.
00:04:11Troy-Anne looks so cute.
00:04:13Oh, Troy-Anne.
00:04:14Oh, got some jugs, honey.
00:04:18So pretty.
00:04:20Twyla, Twyla better be like a flying bevel.
00:04:23You better work, girl.
00:04:24Passé, right?
00:04:25Tendu, tendu.
00:04:28Yes, that's for her.
00:04:29Oh, the Gertrude sweet.
00:04:31That is Gertrude-ious.
00:04:33Oh my gosh, look at your horns.
00:04:34Oh my God, and the hair,
00:04:35it actually looks like my hair today.
00:04:38Oh, that dress is a T-length.
00:04:40This is cool.
00:04:41Thank you.
00:04:42Look at her.
00:04:43She's fierce.
00:04:44Oh, look at her.
00:04:45Wait, what is this in your hand?
00:04:46This is your orb of magic?
00:04:47It's a spell.
00:04:48Yeah, it's magic.
00:04:49Oh my God, yeah, you look great.
00:04:50Hold on.
00:04:51She's hot.
00:04:52She wants to reproduce a whole bunch of these.
00:04:55And of course, princess.
00:05:02Why are you laughing at princess?
00:05:03Oh my God, Gertrude, you're so hot.
00:05:06You look so good, bitch.
00:05:08Okay, princess has been to Barry's a couple times, okay?
00:05:11She is Barry.
00:05:12She is Barry.
00:05:14Princess look fierce.
00:05:16She's so cute.
00:05:17I wanna be her.
00:05:18The scrunchie.
00:05:19Oh, honestly, princess is getting the scrunchie.
00:05:22Honestly, she's amazing.
00:05:23She's so cute.
00:05:24This is better.
00:05:25Oh, incredible.
00:05:26That's fierce.
00:05:27That's so good.
00:05:28I love her.
00:05:29Okay, I gotta take my jacket off for this.
00:05:31Hold on.
00:05:32I am getting, it is getting wild.
00:05:33It's getting wild.
00:05:34I wanna sit in here, honey.
00:05:36Oh, she got nice cheeks, too.
00:05:37Look at those cheeks.
00:05:39Monét had an idea for us.
00:05:41Oh, yes.
00:05:43So going into this final battle,
00:05:44we were gifted by the lovely people here at D20
00:05:48their own personalized dye.
00:05:51And we feel that we're gonna strike the ones
00:05:53that we brought in.
00:05:55And bring in the era, the dawning of the D20 dye.
00:05:58Oh, beautiful.
00:05:59We're christening these dyes.
00:06:01Here we go.
00:06:02So if we win, it's because I had a great idea to do this.
00:06:06And if we don't win.
00:06:07If we lose, it's because y'all cursed these motherfuckers bad.
00:06:10All right, now I need help finding out
00:06:12which ones go back on which fucks go.
00:06:14So let's go ahead and break them in.
00:06:15First of all, I would love all of you
00:06:17to place your minis on the board before we roll.
00:06:21So go ahead, this platform right here on the stone
00:06:25in the middle of that platform,
00:06:27go ahead and place your minis.
00:06:28This one?
00:06:29Yeah, that one right there
00:06:30in whatever order you'd be standing in.
00:06:32I'll be toward the front because I'm strong.
00:06:34Yeah, that's true.
00:06:35So there's Princess.
00:06:36Let's do it side by side.
00:06:37I'm trying to get some courage.
00:06:39I love it.
00:06:40Gertie's gonna get up there.
00:06:41She's done hiding in the shadows.
00:06:44Was that a bad idea?
00:06:45No, that's wonderful.
00:06:47And for you to know,
00:06:48every one of these little sort of mini squares here,
00:06:50if you notice these like one inch squares,
00:06:52that equates to about five feet.
00:06:54So when you think about it,
00:06:55so if you move, like for example,
00:06:57Princess moves 40 feet,
00:06:59that's the equivalent of eight squares.
00:07:02Okay, got it.
00:07:03And talk to me about the distance we can cover.
00:07:06Like what about the space in between?
00:07:07So those spaces are very deadly.
00:07:10Empty void opens underneath these platforms
00:07:14in front of the throne.
00:07:15Floating platforms.
00:07:16These are floating platforms
00:07:17that fall away into empty nothingness below you.
00:07:22So how do we know how much,
00:07:23how do we find out the range our spells and attacks have?
00:07:28Your spell cards will list a range on them.
00:07:30Got it.
00:07:31Some spells have shorter ranges than others.
00:07:33Your weaponry also has ranges.
00:07:35Your longbows, for example, have different lengths.
00:07:38There are some lengths that you can hit normally.
00:07:40There are other lengths that you can hit with disadvantage.
00:07:43But I believe some of you also have some abilities
00:07:45that change in different ways.
00:07:46We can cover that as you ask
00:07:48whether things are possible or not.
00:07:50This is, of course, the biggest battle of the adventure.
00:07:53So feel free to ask for clarifications
00:07:56and points of order.
00:07:57But let's christen these new dice,
00:07:59let's break in these new dice
00:08:00with rolling for initiative.
00:08:02So let's go ahead and roll for initiative for combat
00:08:04and let me know what you get.
00:08:05All right, initiative, let's do it.
00:08:08Initially, I was afraid to do this, but I'm happy.
00:08:10Here we go.
00:08:13Ooh, what is that?
00:08:18Right, 14.
00:08:19With initiative added in, right?
00:08:23My initiative is, wait, where's my initiative?
00:08:25It's up at the top of the page.
00:08:27I have 13.
00:08:29I have a nine, 13 for Troyann.
00:08:30And nine for Gertrude.
00:08:32No, I lied.
00:08:33I have a nine plus, I have 12, actually.
00:08:34That was a nine, not a six.
00:08:3612 for Gertrude, 13 for Troyann, 26 for Twyla,
00:08:40and Princess had a 12 as well, right?
00:08:43Okay, very, very cool.
00:08:45All right, we're gonna let it fall where it falls.
00:08:47Now, Brennan, it's not lost on me
00:08:48that I just kind of realized this.
00:08:52We're kind of fighting you.
00:08:57You are the enemy.
00:08:59The enemy and the friend.
00:09:00And the friend.
00:09:02Well, you know.
00:09:04Yeah, the Dungeon Master is a position
00:09:07of both collaborator and at times opponent.
00:09:10So master of manipulation.
00:09:14So we are going to break into combat.
00:09:20I will tell you right now,
00:09:21in the order that you had,
00:09:22your enemies have certain initiative orders as well,
00:09:25but the order that you will be acting in
00:09:27is Twyla first, then Troyann.
00:09:30Princess and Gertrude, you act on the same initiative,
00:09:33so you can decide between you who goes first.
00:09:36Do you wanna go first or do you want me to?
00:09:39I am going to go first.
00:09:43Very brave.
00:09:47You look and see assembled before you,
00:09:50before the throne of Thanara,
00:09:53all of these enemies stepping forward
00:09:55from the skulls and shadows,
00:09:57Zarya Hex.
00:10:00Oh, little fairy.
00:10:03You have flown too close to the shadows.
00:10:07Time has come to peel
00:10:09those pretty little wings off your back.
00:10:12Oh, hell nah.
00:10:13Okay, so can I do something right now?
00:10:15It is your turn.
00:10:16You are first to act.
00:10:17Here's my question.
00:10:19So here's the attack, right?
00:10:20I think it's that.
00:10:21It's longbow and short,
00:10:22I'm just dying.
00:10:23Do you want me to die?
00:10:25So there's longbow and short sword, right?
00:10:28It says on your first turn of combat,
00:10:30your movement increases by 10.
00:10:32You gain one extra attack,
00:10:33and that extra attack deals more damage.
00:10:35Is it longbow or short sword or either one?
00:10:37Either one.
00:10:38Why don't you use magic?
00:10:40You don't want to use magic?
00:10:42Should I use magic?
00:10:43What I will say is this.
00:10:45There are some very good spells that you have, right?
00:10:47You have a couple.
00:10:48Maybe I'll do the hunter's mark.
00:10:49Hunter's mark.
00:10:50Well, here's the cool thing too.
00:10:52So here's what I would say.
00:10:53This is where I will,
00:10:54I'm gonna take off my enemy hat for a second
00:10:56and put on my friend hat.
00:10:58So there's a bunch of great options.
00:11:00Summon beast is a great option.
00:11:02Hunter's mark is a great-
00:11:03I always want to summon the beast.
00:11:05Of course.
00:11:06My kitty.
00:11:07So what I will say is this.
00:11:09Summon beast is great,
00:11:11but you cannot cast two leveled spells,
00:11:15meaning two powerful spells on the same turn.
00:11:18Hunter's mark is actually not a full action to cast.
00:11:21If you look at your cheat sheet,
00:11:22you'll see it's a bonus action,
00:11:24which means that probably the most efficient turn,
00:11:27given that you have extra attacks
00:11:29only on your first turn of combat.
00:11:31I should do that first.
00:11:32You should probably do hunter's mark first,
00:11:34and then you could cast hunter's mark
00:11:36and get three attacks with all that extra damage.
00:11:39Well, let's do that.
00:11:41Hell yes.
00:11:42Wait, tell me what to say
00:11:43so the camera can get me saying it.
00:11:44What is it?
00:11:48So you're gonna probably want hunter's,
00:11:50you're probably gonna want to cast hunter's mark
00:11:52and then take your three attacks.
00:11:54All right, ladies, you ready for this?
00:11:56Twyla, me, I'm gonna cast my hunter's mark
00:11:59and then I'm gonna take the three attacks,
00:12:00which I think is a really genius move
00:12:02for somebody who's an amateur.
00:12:05Do you know what I'm saying?
00:12:07I mean, your tactics are on point, 100%.
00:12:09I hope you two are gonna edit out all the coaching.
00:12:11I really hope you do, editor.
00:12:16So the range on hunter's mark is pretty long.
00:12:19It's 90 feet,
00:12:20but you are still the full length of the battlefield away.
00:12:22So let's see.
00:12:23Well, first of all,
00:12:24who do you want to cast hunter's mark on?
00:12:25Because you have to pick one target for it.
00:12:26Zaria Hex killed all your people.
00:12:28Also, quick question,
00:12:29is he fighting just us
00:12:30or is he just going back and forth?
00:12:33Give me an insight check real quick.
00:12:34Okay, insight check.
00:12:36Because I looked up friend
00:12:38and it said it only works
00:12:39on people who aren't hostile against you.
00:12:41Yes, yes, yes, for sure.
00:12:42So I don't know if he's hostile against me or not.
00:12:43I got a two plus two.
00:12:46I got a four.
00:12:47So I think you try to take a moment
00:12:49and be like, what's this guy's angle?
00:12:51And as that happens, he goes,
00:12:53and all rational thought just.
00:12:58Now we know.
00:12:59Got it.
00:13:00Got it.
00:13:01Anything nearby?
00:13:02It's like asking Eureka a question.
00:13:03You know, it's kind of just.
00:13:04Oh my God.
00:13:08So if Zaria is the target,
00:13:13you would have to fly forward
00:13:17at least to like the edge of that platform there.
00:13:20Which is how many feet?
00:13:21How long is that whole thing?
00:13:23This whole thing is about,
00:13:24so this I'll give you 80 feet.
00:13:26That's 80 feet right there.
00:13:27Another 10.
00:13:28So about the, actually the middle over here
00:13:31is about 90 feet.
00:13:33And from the middle of that to Twyla
00:13:36is probably about 20 feet.
00:13:40Twyla, you would have to close a little bit of distance
00:13:42for your Hunter's Mark to reach Zaria.
00:13:44How do I get closer then?
00:13:46Can I do a dash?
00:13:48Then I lose the attack.
00:13:50You lose the attack.
00:13:51Your speed is actually 40 right now and you can fly.
00:13:53So you just have to, so you can move for free.
00:13:55You can move up to 40 feet for free
00:13:57and you only need to move 20 feet.
00:13:58You're totally good.
00:13:59You can just move and get closer.
00:14:00But what I need you to decide is
00:14:01where do you want to move to to get closer to her?
00:14:04You can go up a little bit.
00:14:05She's right here, right?
00:14:06Yeah, that's Zaria right there.
00:14:07That's Zaria.
00:14:08So if you go right here, you can do that.
00:14:11You can do that.
00:14:12Yeah, let's go there.
00:14:14Let's go right there.
00:14:15Also, because you have so much movement,
00:14:17because you actually have 40 feet,
00:14:18if you wanted to go there and elevate and go higher,
00:14:21you could do that as well because you can fly.
00:14:23You want me to fly you over?
00:14:24Yeah, I want to hover.
00:14:25I want to hover like a helicopter.
00:14:27How many feet up would you say you want to hover?
00:14:29Let's say 13 feet.
00:14:30Hell yeah.
00:14:32That's my lucky number.
00:14:33Should I go higher?
00:14:34Yes, 13, but that's one bob.
00:14:36Okay, let's, oh yeah, I'm as tall as you now.
00:14:39Let's say 33 and a half feet.
00:14:4233 and a half feet.
00:14:45Let's make it a nice round number.
00:14:4733.3334 feet.
00:14:48She's like five, five feet.
00:14:51Just a half inch off the ground.
00:14:52Don't be crazy.
00:14:53Oh my God.
00:14:56And Twyla is soaring over the battlefield.
00:14:59Oh, that is so-
00:15:00Actually, can you make her go up a little bit higher?
00:15:02Oh, sure.
00:15:04And that's the magic of this amazing-
00:15:07Oh, she looks amazing.
00:15:09I'm trying to give her the business credit.
00:15:11Okay, now if I play D&D with people,
00:15:14I'm not going to be this impressed.
00:15:16Nobody can do this.
00:15:18If we invite you over, we do expect you to bring this.
00:15:22Straight up, I constantly disappoint my friends.
00:15:25That's all I do all day.
00:15:26I roll up and they're like,
00:15:28Brennan's going to play D&D.
00:15:30And I'm like, I got a dry erase board and Mancala beads.
00:15:33And they go, what happened?
00:15:35And I was like, well, Rick Perry doesn't follow me around
00:15:38in my day-to-day life.
00:15:40What's up, Rick?
00:15:41Come on.
00:15:42Be cool, bro.
00:15:43Be cool, Rick.
00:15:44Rick is very cool.
00:15:45Okay, sorry.
00:15:47So you're going to go ahead and cast Hunter's Mark.
00:15:49So Hunter's Mark means that you have picked your target
00:15:52in the battle.
00:15:53Every time you hit her,
00:15:55you are going to deal an additional 1d6 damage.
00:15:59What does it look like magically
00:16:01as Twyla casts Hunter's Mark on Zarya?
00:16:04So Twyla right now is in such a space in her brain
00:16:09where she's just ready to protect her sisters
00:16:12and bring back the Fae people, right?
00:16:14So she centers herself in the sky.
00:16:16She has one leg up and she does one of these.
00:16:24Zarya as this sort of just pure scintillating,
00:16:27like angry red glitter.
00:16:30Fairy magic covers her face.
00:16:32And you now have Hunter's Mark cast on her.
00:16:36You're going to give me three attack rolls on Zarya Hess.
00:16:39Oh, three?
00:16:40Let's go for it.
00:16:41Here we go.
00:16:43Just kill her off the bat.
00:16:45Where's my attack, baby?
00:16:47She can get three nat 20s.
00:16:49So she gets to roll the d20 dice three times?
00:16:53Oh, I don't have anything.
00:16:54On your first turn of combat,
00:16:56you get an extra attack.
00:16:58As a ranger, she's like all about it.
00:17:00It's why she has a plus 14 to initiative.
00:17:02She's all about the ambush,
00:17:03like hiding in the woods, coming out with the ambush.
00:17:05Are they going to get an extra attack too?
00:17:06No, they will not get an extra attack.
00:17:08But for example,
00:17:09Troyann has an ability called Action Surge
00:17:11that can let her attack two extra times in a round.
00:17:14Sounds like a soda.
00:17:17You get an action surge.
00:17:18This is your first attack,
00:17:19and I believe you're adding plus 11 every time.
00:17:21Where's that?
00:17:22On your long roll.
00:17:23What is their XP?
00:17:24Can we find out what their hit points are?
00:17:27No, you don't know.
00:17:28I'll describe how injured they get.
00:17:30Oh, is it here?
00:17:31Yeah, yeah, yeah, plus 11.
00:17:32There you go.
00:17:33That's shady.
00:17:34Oh my gosh.
00:17:35Okay, ladies.
00:17:36One, two, three.
00:17:4013 plus 11, 24.
00:17:42As your first arrow flies,
00:17:44you see Zarya goes for a Counterspell
00:17:48just to defeat the mark.
00:17:50But Gertie, you know Counterspell
00:17:52only has a range of 60 feet.
00:17:54I know that.
00:17:55That's a fact.
00:17:56That's a fact.
00:17:57So in other words,
00:17:58Twyla is outside of the range of a Counterspell,
00:18:00so instead you see Zarya
00:18:02whips a shield around her body.
00:18:05She casts the shield spell.
00:18:08Your mark is so true
00:18:10that it flies through the Glimmering Rings
00:18:12of the shield spell,
00:18:13and even though she's raised her armor class by five,
00:18:16that roll still hits her.
00:18:18First attack hits.
00:18:19Go ahead and roll your second attack.
00:18:20Also, Counterspell's a big spell,
00:18:21so she can't do it too many more times.
00:18:24Zarya hex.
00:18:25Zarya hex.
00:18:26Hit her in her Zarya necks.
00:18:30Punch her in her Zarya pecs.
00:18:31All right, Zarya.
00:18:32Zarya about to get dex.
00:18:34You about to get pummeled.
00:18:37That's another.
00:18:39That's another hit.
00:18:40Oh, wait.
00:18:41Plus 11.
00:18:42That is another hit.
00:18:43Go ahead and roll your third.
00:18:47Saf, saf, saf, saf, saf,
00:18:48which means 20 in Laotian.
00:18:49Saf, saf, saf, saf, saf, saf, saf, saf, saf, saf, saf, saf.
00:18:52Seven plus 11 is 18.
00:18:54Not bad.
00:18:55Oh, that's not good.
00:18:5718 exactly hits her armor class.
00:18:59One less,
00:19:00and that third attack is the one
00:19:02that does the extra damage.
00:19:04We now know that Zarya hex is 18.
00:19:06I got a little intel.
00:19:07A little intel, a little intel.
00:19:09So you are going to roll
00:19:11a truly absurd amount of damage right now.
00:19:14Because you've hit all three times.
00:19:16So you are going to roll,
00:19:18and I can give you some extra dice
00:19:19if you want some extra dice to roll for this.
00:19:21Oh, give it to me, daddy.
00:19:22Here we go.
00:19:23Come here.
00:19:24That's dungeon daddy.
00:19:26Oh my gosh.
00:19:27Do you see how nervous I am?
00:19:28I'm like sweaty.
00:19:29It's incredible.
00:19:30This is an incredible first round of combat.
00:19:31Go ahead and grab your D8.
00:19:33Grab your D8,
00:19:34and then grab your D6.
00:19:37D6, D8.
00:19:38I don't think Twila can count that far.
00:19:40And you are going to take another two D6,
00:19:43that's from Hunter's Mark,
00:19:44and this is all the rest of your Zephyr Strait,
00:19:47of your Blue Starter.
00:19:48You're going to roll all of those,
00:19:51and then because you hit three times,
00:19:53and you add,
00:19:54and you got the magical bow,
00:19:55and you add your dexterity every time you hit,
00:19:57you're gonna roll all of those,
00:19:58and you're gonna add 18.
00:20:00Oh my god.
00:20:01Ruin her.
00:20:02Ruin her.
00:20:03Get her together.
00:20:04She is sorry she brought her ass down to the underworld.
00:20:06Oh, you're rolling one at a time?
00:20:09One at a time.
00:20:10How many queens get to do this?
00:20:12So I'm gonna,
00:20:13okay, so that's a four.
00:20:14Four, actually.
00:20:17Come on.
00:20:20So that's 15.
00:20:22Six, five.
00:20:3331 plus 18,
00:20:3549 points of damage.
00:20:40Zarya steps forward going,
00:20:43such pain and ruin.
00:20:45Will I?
00:20:46And just vomits about 10 gallons of blood.
00:20:51Stumbling backwards.
00:20:52She has gone from the height of her power
00:20:54to struggling to live in one round of combat.
00:20:58She is still.
00:20:59It's what she deserves.
00:21:16You have taken away
00:21:18well more than half of her hit points
00:21:20in your first turn of combat.
00:21:22Wait, all together, how many points did you take from her?
00:21:24You did 49.
00:21:25So she's got less than 50 points left.
00:21:27Okay, I'm good.
00:21:28How many points she has left?
00:21:30He won't tell us.
00:21:31I won't tell you exact numbers.
00:21:32But we know less than 49.
00:21:34Just fairy arrows.
00:21:36And you can feel that a pouch at your side
00:21:39filled with playing cards is glowing so brightly
00:21:42that the chamber fills with light.
00:21:45You still have your Hunter's Mark on her
00:21:47and she stumbles backward, badly injured.
00:21:50Incredible turn from Twyla.
00:21:52All the fairies are happy.
00:21:54I'm very proud of myself for that move.
00:21:56That was very great, Twyla.
00:21:58It was incredible.
00:21:59That's really good.
00:22:00I wanna know what she has to say to me after that hit.
00:22:03Does she have any words?
00:22:04You can tell that this woman has spent
00:22:06an entire necromantic life
00:22:08mostly pithily quipping at people
00:22:11that she then melts with magic.
00:22:13And all she can do right now is just vomit blood.
00:22:16Good for her.
00:22:17Just that sort of thing of the click, lock
00:22:20in the back of the throat of whatever magic.
00:22:23Just those fairy arrows piercing her chest.
00:22:26She's gagging, literally.
00:22:27Literally gagging.
00:22:28I make people gag all the time, baby.
00:22:31You don't and that's the good thing.
00:22:33I don't know why you're gagging
00:22:34because you're full of arrows.
00:22:35You see one of your enemies leaps into action.
00:22:38Oh God.
00:22:39You see Kerwin takes his sword aloft and goes.
00:22:43Fucking Kerwin.
00:22:44Sorry for the deception, my beautiful niece.
00:22:47Just needed you to come a little bit closer.
00:22:50Be so much easier to drag your soul here
00:22:53if you're already here to start with.
00:22:56He is going to leap forward here.
00:23:02He flies into a rage and leaps onto this platform here.
00:23:12The stone cracks underneath him as he lands
00:23:15and he surges forward to about here.
00:23:19Oh God, he's so close to her.
00:23:21To who, to me?
00:23:22Yes, bitch, he's right next to you.
00:23:24Maybe I should have gone higher.
00:23:27Actually, I need to sort of see his movements.
00:23:29Maybe you shouldn't.
00:23:32Actually, that's a great point.
00:23:36How high are you flying?
00:23:38You are a skyscraper.
00:23:40Let's just go back.
00:23:41She's got this shit.
00:23:42That first hit was great.
00:23:46I've somehow misplaced my little measuring guy.
00:23:49Honestly, I don't think we even need to go there.
00:23:51Let's just, why don't you roll perception right now?
00:23:53I'm just gonna see.
00:23:58Why don't you?
00:24:01Why don't you roll a perception?
00:24:02So from there to there is 50 feet
00:24:06and from him to you-
00:24:08Is 180 feet.
00:24:10Is about 35.
00:24:14Which means that you're about five feet past
00:24:16where he could jump to and hit you.
00:24:18Oh, word.
00:24:20He's not going to, is he?
00:24:21Because I'm cute.
00:24:23If you were five feet closer to him, he would-
00:24:25Oh, I misunderstood.
00:24:27Troy-Anne, that is going to be your turn.
00:24:31All right, Troy-Anne.
00:24:32Oh my God.
00:24:33So what Troy-Anne wants to do.
00:24:37Now, of course I'm going to attack Cousin Kiki.
00:24:42Sounds very personal.
00:24:44You're right, he is closer, but he's so-
00:24:46Very close.
00:24:47You know what?
00:24:48You're right.
00:24:49You know Uncle Kirk, he tried to fuck me up earlier
00:24:53and I got something for his ass.
00:24:54That's right.
00:24:55Yeah, yeah.
00:24:56You're right.
00:24:57Okay, so what I'm going to do first is I can do-
00:25:00Okay, so I have a question.
00:25:02I'm going to get this word before we leave here.
00:25:08I think it's prestidigitation.
00:25:10Yeah, that's right.
00:25:11But you know, those are all the syllables.
00:25:12It's prestidigitation.
00:25:15So minor magical tricks and illusions.
00:25:17Like what is that?
00:25:18Okay, like what are my minor magical tricks and illusions?
00:25:21Is this your card?
00:25:24It kind of is like magic tricks and things like that.
00:25:27It's like small little illusions and things like that.
00:25:29In the heat of this battle,
00:25:30that spell's probably not going to be too much use to you.
00:25:33It might help with some other kind of feat of athletics
00:25:37or something else like that.
00:25:38But for the most part,
00:25:39you have more potent abilities available to you.
00:25:44So what I want to do is-
00:25:46Is that the weapon you hit Monet with earlier?
00:25:48Yeah, it is.
00:25:50It's big, right?
00:25:52It's bigger than her whole little fairy body.
00:25:56You could probably shoot arrows and fucking take out Zarya.
00:26:00From this range?
00:26:01Yeah, she's almost-
00:26:02How far can I shoot?
00:26:04She's almost-
00:26:05It doesn't say-
00:26:06What is the range of my-
00:26:08I guess if we-
00:26:09I guess our mind says she's almost dead,
00:26:11but he's really close.
00:26:12Which feels like something-
00:26:13I'll take him.
00:26:14I think she wants to take him.
00:26:16That's the thing, right?
00:26:17I want to take him.
00:26:19But so do you, because he hurt you.
00:26:21So you-
00:26:22But you can shoot arrows earlier.
00:26:23How far can she shoot?
00:26:25Oh, your range on that is 150 feet.
00:26:27Oh, okay.
00:26:28So you can hit pretty much anyone on this board,
00:26:30provided they don't have-
00:26:32You can shoot back to the bazaar at this point.
00:26:35There are some people that would have cover from you.
00:26:38Like, if you think about a straight line from your character.
00:26:40So it depends on who you're trying to hit.
00:26:42Like, probably, so for example,
00:26:45your cousin, Kena, has a total cover from you right now.
00:26:48She's hidden behind all these columns and cages and stuff.
00:26:50But Kerwin, Morgan, Zaria,
00:26:54they are all open to you right now.
00:26:55But also you could move to get a line of sight on Kena.
00:26:58So if I move, I won't be able to do two attacks.
00:27:01I can only attack once.
00:27:02You have 30 feet of movement that you get for free.
00:27:06For free.
00:27:07So I'm going to move one.
00:27:09I want to be on this side.
00:27:10Is that 30?
00:27:11It's five, each one's five.
00:27:13Five or 10?
00:27:14I think it was five.
00:27:15Real quick.
00:27:16But the abyss counts, right?
00:27:17Your strength for real quick-
00:27:18Oh, the abyss counts.
00:27:19What does the abyss count for?
00:27:20I don't know.
00:27:21So, here's the thing.
00:27:22You can comfortably clear a gap of 15 feet
00:27:25with your long jump.
00:27:26That chasm is a little bit longer than 15 feet across.
00:27:30So it would require an athletics check.
00:27:32Now, you have a good athletics score,
00:27:34but there's always the potential for something to go wrong
00:27:37if you rolled really low.
00:27:38So it's a risky lead.
00:27:40I'll use my acrobats.
00:27:41What if you went up?
00:27:42Oh, use acrobatics?
00:27:43Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:27:44What if you go up?
00:27:45Oh, can I go up?
00:27:47So you-
00:27:48What is one of these columns?
00:27:49So that's a very difficult climb.
00:27:50So the choices that are available to you,
00:27:52you can try to jump the distance.
00:27:53You could climb straight up a column,
00:27:56which is less risky, but is very difficult.
00:27:58Just think about scaling to your column.
00:28:01There's also some collapsed architecture behind you,
00:28:03which might take you a little bit farther out of your way.
00:28:06So those are your options that are available to you.
00:28:08I want to get up here.
00:28:10So that was here.
00:28:11I want to get up here.
00:28:13We'll call this a DC 15 acrobatics
00:28:16to attempt to just truly scale up a sheer column
00:28:20straight up to jump up to the top.
00:28:23What's your acrobatics check?
00:28:24It's high, right?
00:28:25Oh, that's good.
00:28:31What is it, Monet?
00:28:33What is it?
00:28:35You slipped on the wall.
00:28:36You're not going to fall down the hole.
00:28:38It's just a little embarrassing.
00:28:39What did you roll?
00:28:40I rolled a two.
00:28:42So I have a 10.
00:28:43What does that do?
00:28:44I slip and I fell.
00:28:46As you attempt to go up the side of the column there,
00:28:49you get about halfway and feel the cold stone
00:28:53of the underworld sapping the strengths from your limbs
00:28:55as you attempt to scale up.
00:28:57You can either stay up that partial point
00:28:59where your range is still limited,
00:29:02or you can attempt to leap off
00:29:04and use your remaining movement to go up the back way.
00:29:07But those columns are not possible for you to scale.
00:29:09Okay, you know what?
00:29:10I'm going to stay here.
00:29:11Okay, cool.
00:29:12Thank God you didn't try to leap the fucking void.
00:29:13Now, from here to here, is this 150 feet?
00:29:16Yes, it is.
00:29:17And from this angle, I can see him.
00:29:19Yeah, absolutely.
00:29:20Oh, question.
00:29:21If I do my second, my spell of wind
00:29:24and I knock him down, does he get damage from that?
00:29:28Well, using your spell of wind to try and knock him down,
00:29:32he would take 1d6 damage for every 10 feet that he fell.
00:29:37So he'd probably take 2 or 3d6 damage
00:29:39if he hit the platform.
00:29:41I have knocked him off into the abyss.
00:29:45So I'm going to take a look at gust of wind real quick
00:29:47because that is the potential to do some really wild stuff.
00:29:51Gust of wind.
00:29:53Each creature that starts its turn in the line
00:29:55must succeed on a strength saving throw
00:29:57or be pushed 15 feet away from you
00:29:59in a direction following the line.
00:30:01So you have to pick the line the wind is blowing in.
00:30:04Now, Kerwin making a strength saving throw,
00:30:06he's very strong and he's raging right now.
00:30:08But it's a high risk, high reward.
00:30:11Like he'd be very good at resisting it,
00:30:13but if he failed, he would plummet into the inky void.
00:30:16Oh, my God.
00:30:17I love that.
00:30:18But I also want to give Princess a chance.
00:30:20I wanted to just hurt him a little bit.
00:30:22I want to give her the chance.
00:30:23You know what?
00:30:24How about can I send my wind to bring Sister Kiki down?
00:30:29Ooh, absolutely.
00:30:30You can 100% do that.
00:30:31I'm going to do that.
00:30:32I'm going to roll for...
00:30:34So Troyann is over there and she's summoning the power
00:30:37because she's kind of like Storm.
00:30:38She's like the Storm of Dungeons & Dragons.
00:30:41So I'm like getting the gust of wind,
00:30:43getting the gust of wind.
00:30:44I need to roll a what?
00:30:45Actually, this is just an automatic thing.
00:30:47You cast this spell and it works right away.
00:30:49Also, it's a 60 foot long line.
00:30:53So you can kind of put this doing whatever you want.
00:30:56You can put it on Kiki here
00:30:58or you can move it to try to get all three of them in a line
00:31:01if you want to put it a little bit of a diagonal.
00:31:03That's an idea you should do.
00:31:05Yeah, let's do a diagonal wind going that way.
00:31:07That was a not subtle clue.
00:31:08Okay, you want to have it go this way?
00:31:12Hell yeah.
00:31:13Okay, so we're going to roll some saves all in a row.
00:31:16These are strength saving throws.
00:31:18Let's see here.
00:31:19One by one.
00:31:20This is so cool.
00:31:21Okay, one by one.
00:31:23Your difficulty for this as well is going to be a 15
00:31:27and we're going to see their strength saving throws.
00:31:30I'm rolling well, guys.
00:31:31Oh no, spells, they roll.
00:31:33You just do the magic.
00:31:34Okay, so I am saying my incantation.
00:31:44You see Morgan of the glaring sun resists
00:31:48gazing right at you and saying,
00:31:50your witchcraft of the deep sea will do nothing here.
00:31:53We know a Scottish drag queen named Morgan,
00:31:55which is kind of hilarious.
00:31:56We actually do know a Scottish drag queen named Morgan.
00:31:59Oh, poor fucking Zarya.
00:32:01Vomiting blood, face plants,
00:32:03and just scrapes down the stairs about 15 feet
00:32:06and gets dangerously close to the bottom of the staircase.
00:32:09She had it coming.
00:32:10She had it coming.
00:32:12She had it coming all along.
00:32:16Oh, she's sideways.
00:32:18Yeah, oh, she's tumbling face down.
00:32:20Still vomiting.
00:32:21Still vomiting.
00:32:22She is doing Beyonce ringing the alarm, girl.
00:32:25Beyonce, hey, you are watching this.
00:32:28Is that me?
00:32:29That was my next jank.
00:32:30I had nothing to do with that,
00:32:31and I advised her not to do it.
00:32:32She's at home.
00:32:33She's like, y'all so crazy.
00:32:35Okay, come look at this.
00:32:36Okay, okay, okay.
00:32:38Okay, this is Kiki,
00:32:39and we're gonna roll this right now.
00:32:41This is gonna be a pretty huge one here.
00:32:46This is gonna be box of doom
00:32:48because the stakes are very high.
00:32:50Now, I won't.
00:32:51I love steak.
00:32:52Ooh, I love a good steak.
00:32:53I love pie.
00:32:54Now, I'm gonna warn you ahead of time
00:32:57because I want this to feel earned.
00:33:00So the first thing she's gotta do is resist the spell.
00:33:03If she doesn't resist the spell,
00:33:06which she's not very good at
00:33:08because it's a strength save,
00:33:09and she's all dexterity,
00:33:10but she has one other ability that may come up
00:33:12even if she fails,
00:33:13so she might have two chances here.
00:33:15We'll roll the first one first.
00:33:17This is her straight.
00:33:18This is her just trying to knuckle down,
00:33:19but she has got to get, yeah, a 15 on the die.
00:33:25Oh my gosh.
00:33:28So the wind takes her off her feet.
00:33:33She is going to use a special ability as a reaction
00:33:35to attempt to resist this with dexterity.
00:33:40She's gotta hit that.
00:33:41She's strong like me.
00:33:43She's gonna add a seven to this.
00:33:44What's her dexterity?
00:33:47She's more dexterity.
00:33:48So she needs an eight or higher here.
00:33:50She needs an eight or higher.
00:33:51Oh my gosh.
00:33:52An eight or higher?
00:33:53Eight or higher.
00:33:54It's gonna be a two.
00:33:55It's gonna be a one.
00:33:56It's gonna be a two.
00:33:59It might just get down.
00:34:01So you summon that wind.
00:34:03Kina looks at you and says,
00:34:05Troian, mother will ha ha ha!
00:34:08And the wind just picks her straight up into the air.
00:34:10She whips that chain hook and clatters against the stone.
00:34:13She tries to find purchase and sails off
00:34:16and begins to just fall into the open abyss.
00:34:20Into the abyss?
00:34:22Can we say bye to her?
00:34:24I don't know.
00:34:25She might come back.
00:34:28Bye, bitch!
00:34:29What is Dinara thinking right now?
00:34:31Is she loving this?
00:34:32Is she having fun?
00:34:33Are you not entertained?
00:34:37Actually, that's a great point.
00:34:39I think at the end of the round,
00:34:40we should make a group performance check
00:34:42to see if you are doing all these moves
00:34:43stylishly enough for Dinara to be like,
00:34:45I love it.
00:34:46Oh my God, what?
00:34:48So I've done my job, okay?
00:34:50I even did some work for you.
00:34:51You're welcome.
00:34:52So here's Kina just sailing into the darkness over here.
00:34:55Oh my gosh, she's sailing.
00:34:59So great.
00:35:00Good job.
00:35:01D20, thank you for these dimes.
00:35:03They're really-
00:35:04For real.
00:35:05Troyann, summoning the wind of the wide sea,
00:35:08you scatter Kina, your cousin.
00:35:10Cousin KK goes ass over tea kettle,
00:35:12falling into the abyss.
00:35:13You can hear her going, ha ha,
00:35:15as this rattling chain falls behind her.
00:35:17She was trying to talk shit right beforehand,
00:35:18so I love that for her.
00:35:21You see that she calls out.
00:35:22It goes, help, Morgan!
00:35:24And yells at Morgan over here in the corner.
00:35:27You have used your action.
00:35:28You've used your movement.
00:35:29If you have a bonus action you would like to use,
00:35:31you can do so now, but you do not have to.
00:35:33I'm gonna use it once per hour.
00:35:35You're gonna use it once per hour.
00:35:36I'm gonna save it.
00:35:37Cool, good call.
00:35:38Is each battle an hour, or is it literally an hour?
00:35:39Oh, these battles take place over seconds or minutes.
00:35:42So your powers are not gonna be able to refresh
00:35:44during the course of this combat.
00:35:45Got it.
00:35:46Oh my gosh.
00:35:47Next to act is going to be Gertrude.
00:35:51You know, I've noticed that Little Miss of the Sun
00:35:54has been unscathed.
00:35:57And I think it's time to scathe.
00:35:58I think you're right.
00:36:00Okay, so my moves have a lot of range.
00:36:04I'm talking 120 feet, 150 feet.
00:36:07You know, there's some real range on these puppies.
00:36:10So I feel like I want to start with an Eldritch Blast,
00:36:14which is 120 feet.
00:36:17And this is getting a boost because it's my first attack.
00:36:19Yes, yes, yes.
00:36:20My other idea might be, I think it's too early
00:36:23to start fireballing.
00:36:25It feels too early to start fireballing.
00:36:27I don't think it's too early.
00:36:28Well, also, fireball can cover a large area.
00:36:34Meaning if I can get them closer together,
00:36:35I can probably hit all of them.
00:36:37They're pretty spread out now.
00:36:38So I could possibly hit her and her,
00:36:42but I don't want to accidentally hit this guy.
00:36:45Why? Who cares?
00:36:46Because he's not necessarily against us.
00:36:48Yeah, we don't want to piss him off.
00:36:49I don't want to get him going against us.
00:36:51But wouldn't he be against us?
00:36:53Oh, he's with her.
00:36:54He's her boyfriend.
00:36:55No, she's not against us.
00:36:56She doesn't have a side.
00:36:57She's just watching.
00:36:59So he's just on the board wreaking havoc.
00:37:02He's kind of a chaotic neutral.
00:37:04He's a guest judge.
00:37:05Well, he looks evil.
00:37:06He does look evil.
00:37:07Yeah, a guest judge.
00:37:08Yeah, he's an extra special guest judge.
00:37:11When Leah Remedy showed up.
00:37:13By the way, literally for Gertrude's benefit,
00:37:17this is a fireball.
00:37:19That's how big a fireball is.
00:37:21Oh, we got to get a little closer.
00:37:25They should be closer together.
00:37:27No, we got.
00:37:29So I'm going to do an Eldridge blast.
00:37:31Hell yeah.
00:37:35That's like an old witch.
00:37:37You know Eldridge.
00:37:38Just Eldridge who lives by the shack.
00:37:41I'm going to do an Eldridge blast
00:37:44toward Little Miss of the Sun.
00:37:48Miss of the Sun.
00:37:51And I can do Eldridge blast.
00:37:53I can do that as many times as I want.
00:37:55You can do that as many times as you want.
00:37:57That doesn't even burn a spell slot for you.
00:37:59If you wanted a mid-range option as well,
00:38:01something that's like halfway between the Eldridge blast
00:38:03and everything else,
00:38:04you have some other spells.
00:38:05But as you've said before,
00:38:06the ranges might be different.
00:38:07So Scorching Ray has a range of 240 feet.
00:38:12But it's a second level spell.
00:38:14So it's not as expensive as your Fireball,
00:38:16but you can create three rays of fire
00:38:18and hurl them at as many targets as you want.
00:38:21You can hit three different people.
00:38:22You can hit all the same person with them.
00:38:25But I'm not using Detect Thoughts during this probably.
00:38:28I, Hellish Rebuke,
00:38:30I'm probably not going to use Darkness
00:38:31because if you can see in the dark
00:38:32and you can see in the dark,
00:38:34that means that he can see in the dark
00:38:35and she can see in the dark.
00:38:36She can see in the dark.
00:38:38So I'm not doing that.
00:38:39Well, I'm going to do Scorching Ray.
00:38:41Hell yeah.
00:38:42Which is a, that's a stripper name.
00:38:44Scorching Ray.
00:38:46Ladies, are you enjoying yourself tonight?
00:38:48Welcome to the show.
00:38:49Get your dollars out.
00:38:50Mr. Scorching Ray.
00:38:52Just dumping that guy.
00:38:54Just pouring cooling powder all over her body.
00:38:57It's so hot.
00:38:59All right.
00:39:00So Gertrude,
00:39:01you are going to summon three rays of fire
00:39:02that you can fling up to 240 feet,
00:39:04which is basically hitting anyone you want.
00:39:06Line of sight right now,
00:39:07you definitely have Morgan in your line of sight.
00:39:09Do you want to split up over multiple targets
00:39:11or concentrate all three on the same?
00:39:13I feel like she's hurt.
00:39:15She's hurt.
00:39:16She's dead in the abyss.
00:39:17She's gone.
00:39:18Oh no, she's falling.
00:39:19Kena is falling into the abyss,
00:39:21but called out to Morgan up here.
00:39:23Which is why I'm trying to hit Morgan
00:39:24so maybe she can't help her.
00:39:25Maybe I'll knock her off her feet
00:39:26and do something to her.
00:39:27That part.
00:39:28We're saving him for later.
00:39:32For dessert.
00:39:33So we're going to do all three on Morgan.
00:39:35Go ahead and give me three attack rolls.
00:39:38And you're actually going to add,
00:39:40let me see,
00:39:41because you now have that new staff.
00:39:42So you're going to add plus nine to these rolls.
00:39:45Plus nine.
00:39:47Plus nine.
00:39:48We have an 11.
00:39:5020 hits.
00:39:52We have a 12.
00:39:5521 hits.
00:39:57And we have a six.
00:40:03So the third one misses,
00:40:05but the first two hit.
00:40:06Go ahead and roll four six-sided dice.
00:40:09Okay, I want to point out,
00:40:10before she did it,
00:40:11she kind of like put her feet down
00:40:14and then she looked up at Thunar
00:40:15and was like,
00:40:16you'll love this.
00:40:18And she felt really confident.
00:40:19And then she looked back over at Princeton
00:40:21and goes,
00:40:22I did that.
00:40:23And then she balls up her head.
00:40:27She winds it up real Lasmonelli style
00:40:29and just throws these three fireballs
00:40:31over at her.
00:40:32So I just want to point out
00:40:33how it looked when it happened.
00:40:35Four times.
00:40:36Okay, this is a two.
00:40:41Don't make that noise.
00:40:42It's okay, it's okay.
00:40:43And then a three.
00:40:46All right.
00:40:47This was a six though.
00:40:48It is a six for sure.
00:40:49This was a six.
00:40:50It's a two.
00:40:52Go ahead and roll one last time.
00:40:53This was a six.
00:40:56A two.
00:40:58This bitch is lucky.
00:40:59You see as you step up, Gertrude,
00:41:02and summon that fire,
00:41:04streaking flame.
00:41:06It all looks like an oil slick
00:41:09lighting on fire
00:41:10but racing vertically up and away from you.
00:41:13As fast as you can see,
00:41:14it hits Morgan square in the chest.
00:41:17And you see she goes,
00:41:20as the flame licks her cheeks.
00:41:23She looks at you and goes,
00:41:25oh, you'll be seeing plenty of this in time.
00:41:30The fire waits for you, wicked soul.
00:41:34And I look back at Princess and go,
00:41:35I shouldn't have talked shit.
00:41:36Speaking of Princess,
00:41:40Princess, it is your turn to act.
00:41:42Okay, so what I would like to do
00:41:44is I would like Princess to-
00:41:46Did I do any damage at all to her?
00:41:47Yes, she took the damage,
00:41:48but she's a freak
00:41:49and was basically licking her lips as she burned.
00:41:51Any movement from Gertrude,
00:41:52or are you good where you are?
00:41:53I'm gonna stay where I am.
00:41:55I would like Princess to jump up onto this thing
00:41:57and fly into a rage
00:42:00and attack that guy if she can.
00:42:04Hell yes.
00:42:05So I'm gonna need an athletics check from you
00:42:08because you can jump very high in the air,
00:42:10but you're jumping effectively 20 feet straight up.
00:42:15So go ahead.
00:42:16And as you enter a rage,
00:42:17you now roll athletics with advantage.
00:42:19So I'm gonna need a DC 15,
00:42:22same as Troy and DC 15,
00:42:24to get up onto-
00:42:26Come on, Princess.
00:42:27All right, here we go.
00:42:29A nine.
00:42:31Well, a nine plus athletics is an eight.
00:42:36Oh, 17.
00:42:3717, okay.
00:42:41An eight plus an eight, 16.
00:42:44All of you watch Princess squat down
00:42:47and leap, bam,
00:42:49and hit the stone platform up above.
00:42:54The whole building too.
00:42:55That uses about 20 feet of your movement.
00:43:00You've used a bonus action.
00:43:01You're here with about 20 feet of movement left.
00:43:03Can I get closer?
00:43:04Yes, you can.
00:43:05So you can go five, 10, 15, 20,
00:43:08and get to the edge.
00:43:09You're right there.
00:43:10You are right there.
00:43:11But how do we-
00:43:12Face off.
00:43:13So you've moved.
00:43:14You used a bonus action.
00:43:15You have an action left.
00:43:19You can either choose to leap forward at him
00:43:23with that action,
00:43:24but you would be using movement essentially.
00:43:26But there are other options.
00:43:28You could also try to ready an action if you wanted.
00:43:31What does that mean?
00:43:32Readying an action means waiting to see what he does
00:43:36or holding a strike so that if he charges you,
00:43:39you hit him.
00:43:44What do I do?
00:43:45You should get ready because he's next.
00:43:48He's moving before you do.
00:43:51Haria is next.
00:43:53There's a couple.
00:43:54So there's-
00:43:55He's before she is.
00:43:57So Kerwin will act again before you.
00:43:58So I think it's truly whatever is in Princess's heart.
00:44:00Either you can move there.
00:44:03So I think you would also see in this moment
00:44:08that Kerwin has a readied action as well.
00:44:12He's holding.
00:44:13He's gonna swat at you if you charge him.
00:44:15But it's whatever is in Princess's heart.
00:44:17It's either are you gonna leap at him and attack
00:44:19or do you play it safe
00:44:23and hold back on an action for him to charge you?
00:44:26I'm thinking just stay at the ready.
00:44:29Hell yeah.
00:44:30Ready to strike him if he strikes me.
00:44:34You ready an action for if Kerwin charges,
00:44:37which is a very wise move.
00:44:39By doing that, he's effectively wasted his previous turn.
00:44:42He was set up for you to charge him.
00:44:45He was about to counter you, bro.
00:44:46He was about to counter you.
00:44:47And you've read him successfully that he is basically-
00:44:50Read him.
00:44:51Read him.
00:44:53You're ready.
00:44:54Wasn't that ready, honey?
00:44:59Princess, stride there.
00:45:00You see your uncle looking at you
00:45:02and his shoulders relax as he sees you
00:45:04standing across from him, blood in his eyes.
00:45:09Why did you run?
00:45:12I could have put you to rest with the rest of your family.
00:45:15I've hated living in this sickening clan,
00:45:21this house of sniveling little do-gooders.
00:45:25Do you know the power the Foe Hammers could wield?
00:45:31You have stood between me and true power for too long.
00:45:36I'm going to put you into your grave, little girl.
00:45:40What were the few words?
00:45:44Don't shrug.
00:45:45I mean, don't-
00:45:46Sticks his toe.
00:45:48God, so dismissive.
00:45:50You see-
00:45:51That sticks his toe.
00:45:53That is now going to be this dude up here, Alacrinos,
00:45:58who goes, and just charges.
00:46:02He's going to skitter all the way here,
00:46:04leap into this center platform,
00:46:07and is going to take some swings
00:46:10at Princess and at Kerwin.
00:46:15Just up in the mix, attacking everybody.
00:46:18Man, at Kerwin?
00:46:19I told you, he's chaotic neutral.
00:46:21He's just swinging everywhere.
00:46:22He's with her.
00:46:23She's not rooting for anyone.
00:46:25He's there just to make it more interesting for her.
00:46:27He sounds like he's on steroids.
00:46:29He's in a rage.
00:46:30For real, right?
00:46:31Go to the gym, baby.
00:46:32Go to the gym.
00:46:33Oh my gosh.
00:46:34Write in a journal.
00:46:39I thought her voice was the softest.
00:46:44Look at my real voice.
00:46:48So, as you are standing up there looking at Kerwin,
00:46:51this giant monster lands on the platform,
00:46:55partially climbs up the column,
00:46:57and you see a massive stinger come
00:46:59and thud into your arm.
00:47:02You are going to take, at first, six piercing,
00:47:07but your rage halves that to only three damage.
00:47:09But then you're going to take an additional
00:47:11eight poison damage.
00:47:13So, 11 damage total to Princess.
00:47:16Oh my god, Princess.
00:47:18As this giant monster attacks.
00:47:21That is Alacrinos' turn.
00:47:22Morgan, the Glaring Sun,
00:47:23you see that she takes her spear,
00:47:25and the tip alights a flaming spear in her hand,
00:47:29who is ready to unleash holy fury.
00:47:33Instead, must waste her entire turn.
00:47:37Oh, thank god,
00:47:38because she was probably going to aim at me.
00:47:39Flying after Kena into the abyss.
00:47:41Oh my god.
00:47:43You see her flying down as fast as possible
00:47:46to this area over here.
00:47:47At least I didn't get hit.
00:47:50This bitch is going to go save her.
00:47:52Zarya Hex stands.
00:47:55So you see,
00:47:56so you basically have effectively for this round
00:47:57taken two powerful enemies off the board
00:47:59as Morgan flies down into the darkness to retrieve her.
00:48:02Zarya, on death's door, stands here,
00:48:06just still bleeding from her mouth.
00:48:08You see the blood oozes down her chin
00:48:11into the collar of her gown
00:48:13and begins to weave itself into her own fabric,
00:48:15like some sickening loop of the dress
00:48:17being made of her own blood,
00:48:19constantly cycling back in and out of herself.
00:48:22She looks up at you.
00:48:24Who's you?
00:48:27Oh my god.
00:48:28Yeah, you did fuck her up.
00:48:29And she...
00:48:30Then Monet knocked her down.
00:48:32You see Zarya looks at you.
00:48:36And says...
00:48:41Say it.
00:48:43Don't spray it.
00:48:44You have it.
00:48:45Don't spray it.
00:48:46You have it with you.
00:48:47I can smell it.
00:48:49The seed.
00:48:50You have brought the seed to me.
00:48:54Let this be a lesson.
00:48:58The power I wield cannot be resisted!
00:49:01Her eyes crackle with lightning
00:49:03and she releases a bolt of lightning
00:49:05a hundred feet long.
00:49:08Oh, you're getting hit, girl.
00:49:10I'm going to need a dexterity saving throw.
00:49:14Oh my goodness.
00:49:15That's with the D20, right?
00:49:16That's with the D20.
00:49:17What's your dexterity plus?
00:49:19Dexterity, where is that?
00:49:20Plus eight.
00:49:21Okay, that's good.
00:49:22That's dexterity.
00:49:23Okay, and I only roll this one time.
00:49:25You are trying to beat,
00:49:26on a dexterity saving throw,
00:49:27you are trying to beat a 15.
00:49:30You will take half damage if you are successful.
00:49:32This spell is very powerful.
00:49:34But if you fail,
00:49:35you will take the full damage of the spell.
00:49:36And then I die?
00:49:37Not necessarily.
00:49:38It's going to deal a lot of damage.
00:49:39You may have the hit points needed to recover.
00:49:41Oh my goodness.
00:49:42You need seven or more.
00:49:43Okay, so I need a seven or more.
00:49:45You can do it.
00:49:46And I'm going to get a 13.
00:49:51What is it?
00:49:52A four.
00:49:53She's getting hit.
00:49:54No, not Twilina.
00:49:57Oh, that's a lot of dice.
00:49:58Can I roll again?
00:50:00I'm afraid not.
00:50:03Jujubee's just like,
00:50:04give me this acolytic.
00:50:06Why don't you turn yourself
00:50:08into a paper clip or something?
00:50:09A paper clip's not going to matter now.
00:50:13Oh my God.
00:50:16Twila, flying overhead.
00:50:18Zarya unleashes 28 points of lightning damage.
00:50:24Oh my God.
00:50:30I'm fine.
00:50:33She's about to flesh food.
00:50:35How many hit points do you have left?
00:50:37I have 44 hit points.
00:50:40Minus 28.
00:50:4316 hit points left.
00:50:44The radiance in your body,
00:50:47as you resist this blood queen's magic,
00:50:51the will-o'-wisps surround you with light.
00:50:55You have not succumbed to this terrible lightning spell.
00:50:58You see her lip quiver,
00:51:00seeing that you are still aloft,
00:51:02your flight unchanged.
00:51:05She screams and is going to attempt
00:51:09to retreat as injured as she is,
00:51:11only makes it a couple feet back,
00:51:13and she's going to go in this direction,
00:51:15up the staircase here,
00:51:17to try to get a better line of sight on you.
00:51:20With that, Zarya is at the end of the round.
00:51:24So we're going to go back.
00:51:25We're almost at the end of our life,
00:51:26if we have anything to do with it.
00:51:27And that goes, wow, the poetry.
00:51:29It goes back to the top of the order,
00:51:30which is of course, it's Twila.
00:51:32It's me, and guess what I'm going to fucking do.
00:51:36Guess what I'm going to do.
00:51:38Are you going to kill her?
00:51:39Oh, I don't think I'm going to kill her,
00:51:42but I think my buddy bear is going to show up
00:51:45and I'm going to say, you know what, buddy bear?
00:51:47I'm summoning your big cat tree ass,
00:51:50and I'm going to have you shove this bitch into the abyss.
00:51:57Oh my God!
00:51:59Wait, when did this happen?
00:52:02Can I see this?
00:52:03You absolutely can, dear cat tree.
00:52:05Oh my God.
00:52:07It's a cat tree.
00:52:09That you made up yesterday.
00:52:13The devil works hard, but D20 works harder.
00:52:18That is hilarious.
00:52:20The Nara works hard, but D20 works harder.
00:52:25That is great.
00:52:28This is fucking cool.
00:52:29That's great.
00:52:30I'm so glad you summoned it,
00:52:31otherwise they would have just had that sitting there.
00:52:35It would have been like, hey, it just seems like.
00:52:38They're all like arms crossed.
00:52:40All night they worked on it.
00:52:42What the hell else is over there?
00:52:44I think I summoned a butt naked hot man.
00:52:48I think I didn't summon like a cloud smoke or water.
00:52:52A water cat.
00:52:55Twilizaria steps to the edge, surrounded by blood magic.
00:52:59She says, I will have the seed.
00:53:02This will be my final victory.
00:53:05And behind her.
00:53:07Come on, buddy bear.
00:53:10Get her, buddy bear.
00:53:14So you are gonna go ahead.
00:53:16Wow, this is so cool.
00:53:18As you summon it,
00:53:19she's standing at the edge of the platform.
00:53:20It's an opposed athletics check.
00:53:22It's just simple.
00:53:23It's a shove attack.
00:53:24It is a shove attack.
00:53:25I looked it up.
00:53:26That's how I do it.
00:53:27She was Googling.
00:53:28I did.
00:53:29I was like, here it is.
00:53:30Zaria wields incredible magical power.
00:53:35But what she doesn't have a lot of
00:53:37is raw physical strength.
00:53:39Or friends.
00:53:43So we're gonna roll for her in the box of doom.
00:53:46And we're just gonna see what her strength check is.
00:53:49And this is gonna let you know
00:53:50what buddy bear has to be.
00:53:53And you're gonna roll for buddy bear here.
00:53:55Aw, thank you for calling him that.
00:53:57It's the pet name.
00:53:59Okay, she gets a 16.
00:54:00Oh, shit.
00:54:01But she doesn't add anything to it.
00:54:04Yeah, you have nothing.
00:54:05You have nothing to add.
00:54:06You have nothing.
00:54:07You have nothing.
00:54:08You have nothing.
00:54:09What I will say is this.
00:54:10You have your movement left.
00:54:12If you are willing to chance it,
00:54:14if you get a little bit closer,
00:54:16cat tree will have advantage on the roll
00:54:19because buddy bear has an ability called pack tactics
00:54:21where the closer it is to an ally,
00:54:23it has advantage.
00:54:24So if you're willing to be a little risky,
00:54:25you can get advantage on the athletics roll here.
00:54:28So I'm wondering if I should move,
00:54:32I should just fly forward 30 feet.
00:54:34Yeah, great.
00:54:35That's what I'm thinking.
00:54:36And I should still stay hovered, I believe.
00:54:37Yes, absolutely.
00:54:38So you move closer in range to help cat tree
00:54:42hovering over as you are.
00:54:44She angled down and pointed over.
00:54:48Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:54:49It does angle.
00:54:50Oh, it does angle.
00:54:51Yes, yes, yes.
00:54:57So sick!
00:54:58Make sure you're getting a headshot right there.
00:55:01There you go.
00:55:02Okay, so you have,
00:55:06you're going to roll twice here
00:55:08as you're rolling advantage.
00:55:10Buddy bear's got a plus four to strength,
00:55:12so he just needs a 12 or higher
00:55:14on one of these die rolls.
00:55:17And we see what happens to Zaria.
00:55:18This is the one, right?
00:55:19That's the one, yeah.
00:55:2012 or higher.
00:55:21Okay, okay.
00:55:23You get two.
00:55:24Buddy bear, buddy bear, buddy bear.
00:55:27That is a 16 on the die.
00:55:31Want to roll to see if you get that nat 20?
00:55:32What if?
00:55:33If you do, she's going to knock her fucking head off.
00:55:35Buddy bear, baby, you know I love you,
00:55:37and I got you.
00:55:38I got you.
00:55:39I got all these treats for you, baby.
00:55:4117, still better.
00:55:43Hey, look at that.
00:55:44How about it?
00:55:46Twyla, you see Zaria looking.
00:55:49She has been searching for years
00:55:51for the seed of the Allblossom
00:55:52and has come 20 feet away from it,
00:55:55and she looks up at you going,
00:55:57it is mine.
00:55:59And I'm going like this.
00:56:03Jujubee, please describe the final moments
00:56:06of Zaria Hex and what Katri does
00:56:09in the moment of being summoned.
00:56:11Okay, so I look at buddy bear,
00:56:13and I'm like, I love you so much, buddy bear.
00:56:17And then buddy bear goes, brr.
00:56:26But before the attack, buddy bear goes, meow.
00:56:31And then claws at the chomp.
00:56:34Huge wounds in her back.
00:56:35She falls.
00:56:36The one chance she had
00:56:38this not being the end of her life
00:56:40is over here saving another ally
00:56:42that also got their ass knocked off.
00:56:44Zaria falls.
00:56:49I fucking hate cats!
00:56:52And then I hand over a treat.
00:56:54Here you go, buddy.
00:56:57And now you've straight up got a cat
00:56:59that's just still here.
00:57:00You're still gonna catch her?
00:57:01One less enemy and a cat.
00:57:02And a cat.
00:57:04Yeah, Twyla!
00:57:06Wait, did I,
00:57:07is that my, was that my mission?
00:57:10Yeah, Zaria Hexed your mission.
00:57:11You can still bite.
00:57:13Actually, I'm a little tired.
00:57:15And with that in mind,
00:57:16and with that in mind,
00:57:17I think I've had a long day.
00:57:18I think I'm gonna turn myself into a bunk bed.
00:57:20No, I'm not.
00:57:21I'm kidding.
00:57:22So, incredible turn from Twyla.
00:57:24We're gonna continue an initiative
00:57:26down to Kerwin Foehammer.
00:57:30Oh, God.
00:57:31Kerwin is going to leap forward
00:57:32and use one of his three attacks
00:57:34to attempt to kick Princess backwards.
00:57:39Good luck.
00:57:40So, this is going to be
00:57:42an opposed athletics check.
00:57:45He's gonna roll, he's raging,
00:57:46so he rolls with advantage as well.
00:57:49He rolls two 19s.
00:57:53So, with his plus seven,
00:57:54that's a 26.
00:57:55Oh, shit.
00:57:56So, you need to get a 26 or higher
00:57:58on an athletics.
00:57:59If you fail the check by 10 or more,
00:58:04he will knock you off into the abyss.
00:58:07Oh, shit.
00:58:08And that won't happen.
00:58:13Here you go.
00:58:14Oh, in the box of doom.
00:58:15In the box of doom.
00:58:16Of course, it's a big deal.
00:58:19You might be able to.
00:58:20We'll see.
00:58:21Okay, so I need,
00:58:22what do I need now?
00:58:23Okay, I have a plus eight athletics.
00:58:24Plus eight.
00:58:25So, on an 18 or higher,
00:58:27you beat him.
00:58:28If you get,
00:58:29if both of these are seven and under,
00:58:32you fall into the void.
00:58:34Let's not talk about that.
00:58:3718, you succeed.
00:58:41Should I roll two or just the one?
00:58:43Oh, you want to roll to crit?
00:58:44If you hit him at 20,
00:58:46maybe you can knock him off.
00:58:50Okay, incredible.
00:58:51Incredible, incredible rolls.
00:58:53So, Kermit attempts to knock you back.
00:58:55Unable to do so,
00:58:56he instead flips over you,
00:58:59landing here.
00:59:01Both of you standing over.
00:59:02He goes,
00:59:03good stance.
00:59:04Let's try a little sword play.
00:59:06And it's going to swing twice
00:59:08with two sword blows in a row.
00:59:13Oh, I hope you don't fall, sis.
00:59:15Well, if she does,
00:59:16I do have lightning lure,
00:59:18which can,
00:59:19the whip of lightning,
00:59:20it does damage you,
00:59:21but it doesn't bring you closer.
00:59:23I don't know if that,
00:59:24oh, I just heard a deep breath over there.
00:59:27Kerwin deals 26 points of damage.
00:59:31Halved to 13,
00:59:32because you are in a rage.
00:59:33You are,
00:59:34you're halving all damage that comes to you.
00:59:37He only deals slashing damage,
00:59:38which is a type of damage
00:59:39that you cut in half when you get it.
00:59:41So, another 13 points of damage.
00:59:43How's Princess looking right now?
00:59:45I'm 36 hit points.
00:59:48So, Princess,
00:59:49you're still standing strong
00:59:50as Kerwin glares at you.
00:59:52That's his turn.
00:59:53That's all he can do.
00:59:54He's taking his swings.
00:59:55Troyanne, that's going to be you.
00:59:57So, if I want to cross over here,
01:00:01how many feet is that?
01:00:02That is about 20 feet.
01:00:06So, I want to use my free 30 feet to get there.
01:00:09So, with that,
01:00:10your jump can only take you 15 feet.
01:00:13So, you got to beat that 15 athletics
01:00:15or acrobatics to clear that distance.
01:00:17Wait, I'll call in.
01:00:18Like, it's not,
01:00:19can't you just shoot that guy?
01:00:21I don't want to shoot him.
01:00:22I want to help you out and shoot.
01:00:24Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear that.
01:00:26If you're injured,
01:00:27your back is to him.
01:00:28Yeah, so,
01:00:29because I can't shoot from here, right?
01:00:30I need to clear this.
01:00:31You need to clear that.
01:00:32I can't see him from there.
01:00:35Let me try to get over.
01:00:36Yeah, go for it.
01:00:37Okay, so, I'm rolling.
01:00:38I need to get a-
01:00:39You need to get a 15.
01:00:41But if she doesn't get,
01:00:42okay, no, you're going to get it.
01:00:44But if she doesn't,
01:00:45she can fall in the hole.
01:00:46Yes, that's correct.
01:00:48You got it.
01:00:49Maybe one of us has something that can help her.
01:00:50We'll find out.
01:00:51So, you just need a seven or higher.
01:00:52Water walk.
01:00:53I need a seven or higher.
01:00:54Seven or higher.
01:00:55I can get a seven or higher.
01:00:56Okay, yeah, of course.
01:00:57Can I enlarge them?
01:00:59Wait, we can grow and stuff.
01:01:01I can enlarge allies and enemies.
01:01:03That's true.
01:01:04That's true.
01:01:05But it's Froyan's turn right now.
01:01:07Oh, I can only do it on my turn.
01:01:09You can only do it on your turn.
01:01:11Monet, what is it?
01:01:13Someone tell me what it is.
01:01:15Say it out loud with your mouth.
01:01:18I got a five.
01:01:24Okay, we got to figure out how to save this bitch.
01:01:28What does that mean?
01:01:29Do you add anything to that?
01:01:30Well, I will say this.
01:01:32I will say this.
01:01:33Now might be a great time.
01:01:36To pray.
01:01:37Lord Jesus.
01:01:39Halloween on Hame.
01:01:40Sweet Lord Jesus.
01:01:41If you use your action surge,
01:01:44I won't actually make it cost your extra action.
01:01:48But if you use your action surge,
01:01:50I will allow you to re-roll that acrobatics
01:01:53as a part of your movement.
01:01:54That's called benevolence.
01:01:59Let's do a benevolence check.
01:02:00I think it was a nat 20.
01:02:05There we go.
01:02:06Troyann, sprinting into action.
01:02:08You leap the chasm.
01:02:11Not a flip.
01:02:12You can barely walk.
01:02:15Now you're Simone Biles.
01:02:17I heard the Simone Biles of Dungeons and Dragons.
01:02:19You were Mr. Bean three seconds ago.
01:02:21Now you're Simone Biles.
01:02:22Oh, okay.
01:02:24So I clear and I want to make, okay.
01:02:30Technically I can see both him.
01:02:33And I can see my little cousin through the little thing.
01:02:36Actually you could through the legs of this scorpion.
01:02:38You can see your cousin.
01:02:39Yes, absolutely.
01:02:40So now the question is,
01:02:41should I split the difference
01:02:42and give you a help out and also hit her?
01:02:46I think so.
01:02:47Cause you're, you're, you're weak up there.
01:02:49I think so.
01:02:50Cause you're, you're, you're weak up there.
01:02:52So I'm going to do, okay.
01:02:54My spear.
01:02:55Can I, can I throw my spear?
01:02:57Yeah, absolutely.
01:02:58You can throw your spear.
01:02:59You also have that lightning javelin too.
01:03:00Oh yes.
01:03:01The lightning javelin.
01:03:04The lightning javelin.
01:03:06The reach is only five feet though.
01:03:08Oh, but you can throw it in a line
01:03:10so you can hit like 60 feet in a line with it
01:03:13if you want to.
01:03:14How do you get back?
01:03:15But can I do,
01:03:16can like princess rip it out and throw it?
01:03:18You only use it one time anyway.
01:03:21It's a one-time thing.
01:03:22And you can try to find it
01:03:23and like recover it after the battle.
01:03:25But that big lightning effect is a one-time thing.
01:03:28So can I,
01:03:29I can't lightning javelin
01:03:30and also do a longbow.
01:03:32I can't, right?
01:03:34Two strikes.
01:03:35You can because you're action surging this.
01:03:37So you can do two things this round.
01:03:40So I'm going to do,
01:03:42I want to do an arcane shot
01:03:46to this thing up here.
01:03:49And I want to do,
01:03:50I want to lightning javelin cousin Kiki.
01:03:52Hell yes.
01:03:53Here's what we're going to do.
01:03:56Is that enough distance to get Kiki?
01:03:57Oh, that is,
01:03:58that is a really optimal thing for you to do
01:04:01because if you lightning javelin,
01:04:03you don't just hit Kiki,
01:04:04you hit Morgan too.
01:04:06Cause they're occupying the same square right now.
01:04:08Oh my gosh.
01:04:10120 feet.
01:04:11That's the range on lightning javelin.
01:04:12Absolutely can do it.
01:04:14So what you're going to do right now
01:04:15is you're actually going to make
01:04:16a ranged weapon attack plus 11.
01:04:18Do you think you're aiming more for Kiki
01:04:20or more for Morgan?
01:04:21More for Kiki.
01:04:23Go ahead and give me the attack roll on Kiki.
01:04:24Add 11 to it.
01:04:25Attack roll.
01:04:26Add 11 to this attack roll?
01:04:28With a D20?
01:04:30And also my lightning javelin says I get one D6 plus.
01:04:33So basically it's both.
01:04:34It's both a lightning spell and a javelin.
01:04:36So what you're trying to,
01:04:37they'll get hit with the lightning either way.
01:04:39This is seeing if you also can actually plunge.
01:04:42Yes, pierce.
01:04:43So I need to get an 11.
01:04:44I'm getting plus 11, whatever this is.
01:04:45Yes, and you need to beat her armor class.
01:04:48Ooh, you absolutely.
01:04:50So all of you watch.
01:04:51It's like the whole place is just a flash of white
01:04:55as Troyan lets loose this lightning bolt.
01:04:57So what happened is I take the javelin
01:04:59out of my little Batman belt holster thing.
01:05:02And I know he's a little more in the future,
01:05:04but you know, it's coming.
01:05:05And I go around.
01:05:07I mean, Mark Ronson is here.
01:05:08It's like, it's his time.
01:05:10And I spin around and then I get on one knee
01:05:12because I want to get the perfect shot between the legs.
01:05:14I take the javelin.
01:05:15I imbue it with the lightning
01:05:16and I throw it right through the rock's legs,
01:05:19through the column.
01:05:20And I strike Kiki right in her left breast.
01:05:24Right in the titty.
01:05:26Hell yeah.
01:05:27Are they silicone or is it?
01:05:28No, they're real.
01:05:29Oh, we're hitting DNA.
01:05:31But I just barely missed the areola.
01:05:36So what I'm gonna need you to do for me
01:05:38is to roll, you're gonna roll 4d6.
01:05:41That's just for the lightning damage.
01:05:43You need to roll 46 times.
01:05:45Oh, sorry.
01:05:46I'm joking.
01:05:47I apologize.
01:05:48I'm a liar.
01:05:50Okay, four.
01:05:51Witch and a troll.
01:05:52I had a red bull.
01:05:53I'm out of control.
01:05:55Okay, that's six.
01:05:56And troll.
01:05:5910, yep.
01:06:00And this one is at two.
01:06:03So they take 12 just from the lightning damage alone.
01:06:07And now I want you to roll 1d6 plus six
01:06:11for the piercing damage against Kena.
01:06:13Come on.
01:06:14Three, nine.
01:06:15Ooh, baby.
01:06:16All right.
01:06:17So you see just lightning tear across the battlefield.
01:06:24Morgan has now been burnt and electrocuted
01:06:26in the past 12 seconds of combat.
01:06:28And that's-
01:06:29Was it Morgan or Kiki?
01:06:30Well, the lightning hit both of them.
01:06:32That's right.
01:06:33Kiki gets the-
01:06:34Her kinky ass probably still liking this shit.
01:06:36She's probably over there just like-
01:06:38Lactating at this point.
01:06:39I'll also-
01:06:41That's how lactation works.
01:06:43I'll also say this.
01:06:44Technically, the way the lightning javelin works is
01:06:46you can affect Alacrinos with it too if you want.
01:06:50But I leave it up to you
01:06:51whether you want to have him get electrocuted.
01:06:53I do not want to do that.
01:06:54With all of us there, I don't know about that.
01:06:56And when he's right there with it.
01:06:57Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
01:06:58And he's gonna turn around and tear me up with that pincer.
01:07:00Although, that pincer's kind of sexy.
01:07:02It's giving.
01:07:03It's giving.
01:07:05And now I want-
01:07:06Yeah, that's just half your turn.
01:07:07So as I threw the javelin,
01:07:08I did like a little front,
01:07:09a Miss Cracker little front somersault roll thing.
01:07:12And I got back on my knee
01:07:13and then I take out my longbow
01:07:15and I'm pulling it to aim up at Kerwin.
01:07:18And can I do two grasping arrows?
01:07:20Can I get two arcane, right?
01:07:22You can only do one arcane shot per turn.
01:07:24So you have one left for next turn.
01:07:26But you can attack twice.
01:07:28Every time you attack with your bow,
01:07:29you actually attack twice.
01:07:30Only one of them can be a magical shot though.
01:07:32Okay, so I take the first one,
01:07:34just a regular bow throw
01:07:35and I throw the bow at him.
01:07:36Okay, cool.
01:07:37Give me the attack roll.
01:07:38Just throw the whole bow.
01:07:40The arrow?
01:07:41You throw the bow?
01:07:42I'm sorry.
01:07:43I'm pulling out the arrow.
01:07:44Take the bow and throw it at him.
01:07:45And I roll a seven.
01:07:47Plus 11 with the magic bow.
01:07:50That still hits.
01:07:51Go ahead and give me, yeah.
01:07:52Good child.
01:07:53He steps back.
01:07:54And then I do my grasping arrow.
01:07:56Yeah, go ahead and roll.
01:07:57Which is a dangerous magic arrow
01:07:59restraining and poisoning Kerwin.
01:08:02Does poisoning mean like it has residual damage
01:08:04or something like that?
01:08:05Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:08:06And it partially restrains him as well.
01:08:07Oh, she's hailed.
01:08:09Fuck, it was almost a fucking 20.
01:08:11But it's an eight.
01:08:12Eight plus 11 is still 19.
01:08:13That still hits.
01:08:14This one goes right to his knee.
01:08:16You're gonna roll two eight-sided die,
01:08:18two six-sided die,
01:08:20and then add 12.
01:08:22Two do eights and two do eights.
01:08:25Yeah, two d8 and two d6.
01:08:27And then you're gonna add 12.
01:08:28Two d8.
01:08:30Is that a one or a seven?
01:08:31You play D&D all day,
01:08:32you start scatting by the end of the day,
01:08:33every time.
01:08:35MC Scat Cat appears over on the screen.
01:08:37I can't tell if it's a one or a seven.
01:08:39That's a one.
01:08:42Wait, what was it again?
01:08:43A one.
01:08:44A one.
01:08:45Roll the second one.
01:08:47You got something.
01:08:48She rolls one nat 20.
01:08:49Now she's a bell of the die.
01:08:52The doll of the dies over there.
01:08:54Never forget it, honey.
01:08:55Princess die.
01:08:56Princess die.
01:08:59Okay, that's five.
01:09:00Now roll two six-sided die.
01:09:03Okay, there we go.
01:09:05So that's eight.
01:09:06And what did you roll on the d8s?
01:09:09So five and eight is 13 plus 12.
01:09:11That's 25 points of damage to Kerwin.
01:09:14Thank you.
01:09:16Princess, you look around,
01:09:17you see Kerwin says,
01:09:18there's nobody in the world
01:09:19who's got your back and he,
01:09:21and Troyann's arrows,
01:09:23bam, bam, the knee, the side.
01:09:25You see these venomous green poison vines,
01:09:28like sea kelp, wrap around him
01:09:30and drag him down to one knee.
01:09:32You can see like the Hulk,
01:09:33his muscles getting larger
01:09:35as he gets more angry
01:09:36as he's just trying to pull
01:09:37against these grasping vines.
01:09:39The barnacles are not growing on his knees.
01:09:41Remember the barnacles?
01:09:42You see a small little crustacean.
01:09:45That is Troyann's turn.
01:09:47Gertrude, that's you.
01:09:49Can she see him?
01:09:51If you, yeah, if you step back,
01:09:54you'd have to move back
01:09:55to get a line of sight.