• 2 months ago
00:00:00and she's like a quarter mile away.
00:00:02She's like, you're getting close to the tower.
00:00:04Your plan is working, but you just hear this address.
00:00:07She says, my beautiful rotting minions,
00:00:12my soldiers of death, we have come to entreat
00:00:17Fenara, goddess of the underworld.
00:00:21We have come to entreat Fenara, goddess of the underworld.
00:00:27Fenara, goddess of the underworld.
00:00:30Her mission is so close at hand.
00:00:35You were so beautiful, so vile,
00:00:40so wondrous in your destruction of the fairy lands.
00:00:45But one seed of the old blossom yet lives.
00:00:50Which I have.
00:00:52And until that seed is destroyed,
00:00:58then the chance, however slim,
00:01:02that those disgusting fairies might come back yet lives.
00:01:08Heed my allies.
00:01:12Look for the signs.
00:01:14As you would listen to me, listen to them still.
00:01:18You see two figures join her on this platform
00:01:23of animated bone and skeletons.
00:01:25Oh shit, here comes your fucking cousin, probably.
00:01:27You see.
00:01:28Stop it.
00:01:29You see a merwoman.
00:01:31Her hair tied back.
00:01:32Your family's a mess.
00:01:34I'm so mad at your family.
00:01:36Your family is a mess.
00:01:38You see that she has a new weapon
00:01:40you haven't seen her use before.
00:01:41She has feet and feet of chain, thick chain,
00:01:44wrapped around her.
00:01:45And a massive fish hook at the end
00:01:50made of gleaming, almost like chrome steel.
00:01:54And you see it's a weapon just made to kill Murfel.
00:01:58I've heard of this weapon.
00:02:01I've never seen it before.
00:02:02The canal and hook of death.
00:02:03The canal and hook of death, exactly.
00:02:05You see.
00:02:06This is crazy.
00:02:07You see she stands there gazing, gazing to and fro.
00:02:10You just see her sweeping around the crowd.
00:02:13She remains silent.
00:02:14Kina, you can tell Kina's not about this public relationship.
00:02:18She's just looking at, being like,
00:02:20trying to eye the crowd.
00:02:22But on a 31 and a 34, you have nothing to worry about.
00:02:25You see.
00:02:26Kina's mother, she would not be pleased.
00:02:28This is not how.
00:02:29She probably got the hook.
00:02:30By this point in her life.
00:02:32You see a figure step up that you have not seen before.
00:02:37Shrouded in a dark gray, almost black,
00:02:41like a charcoal gray cloak,
00:02:43stands light issues from underneath the cloak
00:02:46such that you can't see a face.
00:02:51I take this moment now to address all of you.
00:02:55And I thank proud Zarya, the Blood Queen.
00:03:02Dark times make strange allies.
00:03:06And though I would not normally work with a queen of death,
00:03:10my service to the glorious god of the sun.
00:03:16And you see the hood falls back
00:03:18and you see a woman whose eyes have neither iris nor pupil.
00:03:24They are milky white pure, gleaming out,
00:03:27dull blonde hair and a huge pendant of the sun
00:03:32on her armor.
00:03:34Giant sword at her side.
00:03:36She says, there is a witch in these lands.
00:03:43I am Morgan of the Glaring Sun.
00:03:47Morgan McMichaels.
00:03:48And I tell you now that there is one who walks here
00:03:54who even more than any of you
00:03:58has cast her sinful ways
00:04:02upon the circle of life and death.
00:04:05And her eyes gleam.
00:04:06And she says, I have come here hunting this witch.
00:04:12I will find her.
00:04:13If you lay your bony hands upon her,
00:04:17I ask only this.
00:04:19Do not kill her.
00:04:20Do not destroy her.
00:04:22The sun gazes on us all in its time.
00:04:26This witch cannot die.
00:04:30And I have long dreamed of finding such a wicked soul
00:04:36so that she may burn forever.
00:04:39Oh, no.
00:04:42How did you do to this lady?
00:04:43I don't even know this bitch.
00:04:48Is she gonna be the one to remove your thing?
00:04:50So, okay, so I have to, no, I don't know if she's gonna,
00:04:52no, she doesn't wanna, she just wants to,
00:04:53you ever heard that quote,
00:04:54some people just want to watch the world burn?
00:04:56I think she's one of those types.
00:04:57I think she's one of those types.
00:04:58So I gotta, okay, if this person.
00:05:00Wait, is that the last person that was disreviewed?
00:05:02At this point, you actually see Kena
00:05:04touch a red amulet on her chest
00:05:07and sort of look around,
00:05:08and you see that she just walks down the staircase
00:05:10looking kind of suspiciously,
00:05:11and Kena just bolts and heads
00:05:13into the main entrance of the tower.
00:05:15So Kena has left, but you see that Morgan,
00:05:18this witch hunter, turns over and says,
00:05:22Glorious times are ahead.
00:05:24Zaria, the Blood Queen, says,
00:05:26we are so happy to work with you, Inquisitor.
00:05:30Morgan says, and I with you.
00:05:33And here you see a pair of ash and soot-covered wings
00:05:39spreads from her back, feathered wings,
00:05:42and she.
00:05:44No, from Morgan, from the Inquisitor.
00:05:45She has a pair of wings on her back,
00:05:47and she takes flight and begins to fly around the tower,
00:05:51and you see she casts some spell,
00:05:53and her eyes become like spotlights,
00:05:55like cones of light from her eyes,
00:05:57and she begins to.
00:05:58Avoid the light!
00:05:59Avoid it!
00:06:01You arrive at the base of the tower at that opening.
00:06:03That's the last thing.
00:06:04So that, you know, it took you a while to get there,
00:06:06but you saw all of that unfold.
00:06:07You are at the base of the tower now.
00:06:08What's she looking for?
00:06:11Does she?
00:06:12Oh, God.
00:06:13Because they can feel your energy in the land.
00:06:15She can feel your energy.
00:06:16But we're here, we have 30,
00:06:17so we're hidden really well.
00:06:18Yeah, we're hidden,
00:06:19but she can feel like your essence, I feel.
00:06:21She's got some kind of magic, you know.
00:06:22She knows you're here.
00:06:23I say we get rid of you.
00:06:25You are gonna bring this bitch over here.
00:06:27Your whole family's the reason we're here, man.
00:06:29Yeah, but they don't know I'm here.
00:06:30Oh, God.
00:06:31I'll tell them.
00:06:32She has echolocation on your ass.
00:06:33Oh, my God.
00:06:34Well, I think I have on my ring of invisibility right now,
00:06:38but I have a question for you.
00:06:40Because right here it says,
00:06:41you remain invisible until the ring is removed,
00:06:43and anything you are wearing or carrying is invisible with you.
00:06:46Can I carry my sisters?
00:06:48Unfortunately, I don't believe you can carry all of them,
00:06:50but you still have Pass Without Trace,
00:06:51which I will allow.
00:06:52So that got you here.
00:06:53So you have a lot of stealth to get through this place.
00:06:57So you are now,
00:06:58you have this opening into the Tower of Tombs.
00:07:02We can get in.
00:07:03We can get inside.
00:07:04I'm also trying to hide my seed.
00:07:07And you have, so as you, yeah, you have the seed.
00:07:11See that thing you just read me?
00:07:14They should know about this.
00:07:15Oh, can I ask about this?
00:07:16So it's Druidcraft, right?
00:07:19One of the things is,
00:07:20you instantly make a flower blossom,
00:07:22a seed pod open, or a leaf bud bloom.
00:07:24Since I have the seed of all blossom,
00:07:27isn't that something that I could cast a spell on to make happen?
00:07:32You want to open it down in the Underworld?
00:07:34No, I think it would get to a point where I have my souls or my people.
00:07:37I think that's something you actually do know that you could do.
00:07:41So I think it's about your timing, right?
00:07:43It's about choosing what you think is the right moment
00:07:45or the right circumstances in which to do that.
00:07:47They have a bunch of seeds.
00:07:49You have just one of the all blossom.
00:07:51But if it blossoms, you have an all blossom,
00:07:53which has theoretically more seeds.
00:07:56But if nothing blossoms down here,
00:07:58then we can't attempt to do it here.
00:08:00Not down here.
00:08:01Oh, I don't know.
00:08:02But you want it to bloom when you restore your people.
00:08:06Where you want your kingdom to regrow.
00:08:08Oh, maybe I want to be the queen of the Underworld one day.
00:08:11Oh, shit.
00:08:15So you enter the base of the Tower of Tombs.
00:08:18You find a strange feeling come over all of you.
00:08:24I'm going to need everyone here to make a constitution saving throw.
00:08:29I would go to a live D&D reading.
00:08:32This is very exciting.
00:08:34Constitution saving throw.
00:08:36What? What?
00:08:3824, incredible.
00:08:41You had to one up me, didn't you?
00:08:43I have a 21.
00:08:4816 plus two, 18.
00:08:50Incredible rolls across the board.
00:08:52You're doing so well with your rolls right now.
00:08:55This is where we're fighting the fucking demon.
00:08:58You all walk in here and feel.
00:09:01You all walk in and feel.
00:09:05Just the wind moving indoors.
00:09:09As the wind shifts directions, it's breath.
00:09:15The halls of this tower filled with the raspy breaths of the goddess that lives at its center.
00:09:25God, really?
00:09:27And you can feel that the breath wants to drink your life away.
00:09:34As all of you steel yourselves, you've come so far.
00:09:39You're able to resist.
00:09:41None of you take any damage, but you can feel this is what Shalila talked about.
00:09:47You have come to the center of the underworld,
00:09:49and even just the air itself here is corrosive to the life force of living beings.
00:09:57You will need to act quickly.
00:09:59The hallways here are at such strange, odd angles.
00:10:04It's not like hallways, a ceiling, and a floor.
00:10:07It's a floor, and then two angled points into a triangle,
00:10:11and they dip and tilt at an angle that you have to steady yourself walking through.
00:10:15These halls are not made for the living.
00:10:17They twist and move in strange staircases and inclines.
00:10:21Some chambers open up, and you look around and realize
00:10:24that the shape is unfamiliar until you realize
00:10:26that you're on the inside of a chamber carved like a screaming face.
00:10:34Everything about this place is sinister and morbid.
00:10:40As you move through this space,
00:10:42you find an area where you don't feel that wind anymore off to sort of one side.
00:10:47You hear movement throughout.
00:10:49Most of the undead are still outside with Zaria's army,
00:10:51but you've definitely heard some noises of movement
00:10:54or a scrape on stone or something like that,
00:10:56that there might be other figures within here.
00:10:59You know, Shalila works for the Goddess of Death.
00:11:02She may have other servants, but the tower certainly feels abandoned.
00:11:06You know, it's a lot more like a mausoleum here.
00:11:09It's not packed with people.
00:11:11As you get to this sort of little safe place hidden within the tower,
00:11:14sort of having found a place in the goddess's lair that you can hide for a moment,
00:11:18you see Kerwin kind of looks around at all of you and basically asks,
00:11:24all right, having made it all the way here,
00:11:27there's a throne room of the goddess somewhere in here,
00:11:31but I'm not sure how to get there exactly.
00:11:35Should we split up and search for it?
00:11:40Should we?
00:11:41Okay, you know what?
00:11:42I think this might be, this is a big, we're in a big, it's huge.
00:11:46There's a big, larger chamber outside,
00:11:48and you're in a smaller sort of antechamber off to the side.
00:11:51Got it. Okay.
00:11:52Split up.
00:11:53I mean, Dividing Cutter might be.
00:11:55I think so.
00:11:56The answer kind of, because we can.
00:11:58Use that crystal ball.
00:12:00Wait, oh, oh.
00:12:02Crystal ball.
00:12:03Does that help see where we're going?
00:12:05Yeah, absolutely.
00:12:07We didn't look at our powers enough.
00:12:08You're right.
00:12:09We have so many powers.
00:12:10Good suggestion, Alaska.
00:12:11What does scrying even mean?
00:12:13Those powers there,
00:12:14the main ability that the card kind of glosses over
00:12:17is that you have the ability to scry.
00:12:19So you can look into the ball and see distances,
00:12:21and especially here within the tower,
00:12:23you could potentially see multiple locations.
00:12:26You could like move your sight through the tower
00:12:30while just looking at the ball.
00:12:31Like a drone almost.
00:12:32Yeah, but without even having the ability to see a drone.
00:12:35It's just your vision moving,
00:12:37and there would be no trace of you.
00:12:40Yeah, I'm gonna use a crystal ball to look around.
00:12:43Because I feel like we should try to,
00:12:46if there is someone here that's not her,
00:12:49we should try to maybe take them out
00:12:51or immobilize them or something before we get to her.
00:12:54So you look into the crystal ball.
00:12:56All of you sort of gather around.
00:12:57You see the crystal ball.
00:13:01Gertrude, your eyes filled with arcane light.
00:13:05You first behold a sort of vision
00:13:08of yourself and your friends looking at a crystal ball.
00:13:11You can kind of see that like mirror is looking
00:13:13into mirrors of you looking at the crystal ball.
00:13:15But you see that you have the ability
00:13:17just through concentration to move the sight throughout.
00:13:21Where is Gertrude's first desire
00:13:23in terms of what you are looking for within the tower?
00:13:26I'm looking for people along the lines of Shalila.
00:13:30Like other people.
00:13:31I'm not looking for her,
00:13:32because I'm afraid to look at this lady
00:13:34because she can see me through the magic.
00:13:36So I'm trying to avoid her.
00:13:38And I'm trying to find other people
00:13:40that we can like take out, question,
00:13:42knock out, disable, stuff like that.
00:13:44You start looking for like where's someone
00:13:47that we can take out.
00:13:49And, hold on a second.
00:13:51Oh God, just one.
00:13:53What did you need to be high?
00:13:55Are you one of the enemy?
00:13:56You begin to look for,
00:13:57and you see, yeah, scattered throughout the tower,
00:14:00there are some servants.
00:14:01There are a couple of those very frightening
00:14:02like death knights.
00:14:03The sort of hollow armor
00:14:04just animated by their ancient spirits.
00:14:06But you see there are some other servants.
00:14:08There's like a library where there's sort of like
00:14:11a ghastly, pale, undead woman
00:14:14sort of moving through scrolls.
00:14:15There's another place that seems to have someone
00:14:17tending to these weird draconic,
00:14:19like they're like dragon skeletons
00:14:21that seem to be animated moving in a pit somewhere.
00:14:23And you're like, no,
00:14:24like someone that you could just like grab
00:14:26and beat the answer out of.
00:14:28And you look not very far from here
00:14:31with a sort of cast iron, spiked mop bucket
00:14:36and an ancient mop.
00:14:38You see there is a rotting servant
00:14:41with a familiar green jerkin.
00:14:43Wallace is here.
00:14:46Oh, Wallace.
00:14:47When you killed Wallace,
00:14:49where do people go when they die in the living world?
00:14:51Get back in the house.
00:14:52Back cracked.
00:14:53Yeah, back cracked by princess.
00:14:55So you see Wallace just here like shaking his head.
00:15:00Mopping up against this shit.
00:15:03If we can surround Wallace,
00:15:05I bet as soon as we reveal ourselves,
00:15:06he'll just tell us what we want to know.
00:15:07He's terrified of us.
00:15:09Or he might be happy to see us.
00:15:11We'll find out.
00:15:13We know where he is.
00:15:15Okay, so should we go?
00:15:16Let's go to Wallace.
00:15:17Okay, but we're still disguised
00:15:18so he wouldn't recognize us right away
00:15:19because we're pulling what he was trying to pull,
00:15:20but in reverse.
00:15:21So you guys roll up in your undead sort of things.
00:15:24As you walk up, you see Wallace again,
00:15:25who's like, he's got a hole in his cheek.
00:15:27You can see some of his teeth through
00:15:29sort of like weird pussing eye socket.
00:15:32You see he looks around,
00:15:33sort of like only half a head of hair
00:15:35and the rest is just like bone.
00:15:36Dragging it.
00:15:38Only half a head of hair, wow.
00:15:40That happens to the living too, I just want to say.
00:15:43You see, he looks at it and says,
00:15:45oh, no, no, come on, I just mopped this other hallway.
00:15:49Do you see the cones?
00:15:51Take another hallway around.
00:15:52Has no idea who you are with your wraith clasps on.
00:15:56So in this moment, Gertrude grabs her wraith clasp
00:16:01and looks at the other girl
00:16:02and is just kind of like, should we?
00:16:04And then she snatches it off.
00:16:06Don't break it, we might have to use it again.
00:16:08It's a clasp, it's a magnet clasp.
00:16:10Yeah, it's a magnet clasp.
00:16:12She pulls it off and then all of a sudden
00:16:15the arm grows back, the maggot crawls in,
00:16:18the skin goes up, her makeup just comes up,
00:16:22crawls on her face.
00:16:25When I take my amulet off,
00:16:27I kind of just spin around two times like Sailor Moon
00:16:30and I moon prism power, well, water prism power for me
00:16:33and a rainbow from the wraiths.
00:16:38Yeah, same.
00:16:42Wallace beholds all of this stunning, beautiful,
00:16:45almost like Sailor Moon transformations
00:16:48and just goes,
00:16:50and just turns and starts to run.
00:16:52He's like, why did you follow me?
00:16:54Our business was done.
00:16:56And then I'm going to use, can I use an action?
00:16:59Yeah, absolutely.
00:17:00So then Troyann, I take my net and I whirl it
00:17:03and I throw it at him because my net,
00:17:05this weapon deals no damage
00:17:06but restrains an opponent for a moment.
00:17:09Go ahead and give me an attack roll.
00:17:10So you're just going to roll that
00:17:11and add, I believe, plus 10.
00:17:15Nine plus 10, 19.
00:17:18You see Wallace, ah!
00:17:19And Troyann, you...
00:17:20So I roll it out and I wheel it,
00:17:22wheel it like a lasso and I throw it around him
00:17:25like Wonder Woman, it gets him
00:17:26and I bring him closer to us.
00:17:27Just truly like catch of the day.
00:17:29Wallace just scoots up in the net.
00:17:32Please, please, please, please, please.
00:17:36And then Gretcher goes, having a hard day.
00:17:38Why, you killed me and I thought,
00:17:41why, you entered the underworld
00:17:45and you went to the...
00:17:46Have you ever had a dream when you...
00:17:48When you, when you, have you ever had a dream
00:17:52when it turned into a nightmare
00:17:54and a bunch of women followed you
00:17:56to the depths of the underworld to kill you?
00:17:58We're not here to hurt you.
00:17:59Yeah, I actually am looking for some water, Wallace.
00:18:04I'm a little thirsty.
00:18:06Don't drink the water.
00:18:07Is it hard to find water down here?
00:18:09Don't drink the water down here.
00:18:11What do we want to know?
00:18:12What do we want to know from Wallace?
00:18:13We want to know, we want to know,
00:18:15we want to know where the queen is.
00:18:17Where she is, what kind of mood she's in,
00:18:21does she need anything?
00:18:23How do we sneak in there?
00:18:25Yeah, how do we...
00:18:26I wonder, would Wallace clean her quarters?
00:18:29I think Wallace can bring us there
00:18:31because Wallace knows the ins and outs of this place, right?
00:18:35Yeah, so we can tell, we won't rough him up
00:18:36if he just takes us there maybe.
00:18:38Are we ready to go straight there?
00:18:39Wallace has been working here for four hours.
00:18:42How does he know the lay of the land so well?
00:18:44I think when you die, I think you just know everything.
00:18:46Also, are we ready to go?
00:18:48I'm not ready to go see her yet
00:18:49because we still have Hex outside.
00:18:51We have the Inquisitor of the Light outside
00:18:53trying to come for me.
00:18:54But what information can we get from Wally?
00:18:56I don't know, I don't know.
00:18:59Did you want to figure this out before you come here, man?
00:19:02Did you want to circle up and get on the same page?
00:19:05I'm here mopping.
00:19:07My afterlife is doing chores.
00:19:09That's what I do.
00:19:11Listen, we're figuring it out all together, Wallace, okay?
00:19:15At least we didn't have Princess break your back this time.
00:19:19Please don't do it again.
00:19:23Look, I'll tell you what you want to know.
00:19:24What do you want to know?
00:19:25What do you want to know?
00:19:27We're going to have to take on Hex.
00:19:32Inquisitor and...
00:19:33Sun Lady.
00:19:34Yeah, Hex, Inquisitor.
00:19:35So I think, we don't even know that Thanara wants to hurt us.
00:19:38We know that Hex and the Inquisitor of the Sun are gunning for us.
00:19:42Me specifically.
00:19:43One for me, one for you.
00:19:44Well, one for the two of them.
00:19:45Because I think Hex wants to finish her job.
00:19:47Hex is coming for both of you two.
00:19:48The Inquisitor of the Sun is coming for me.
00:19:49You're fucking cousins outside.
00:19:51When that bitch owe me money.
00:19:52Is she the weakest of them all?
00:19:53Is she probably the weakest between Hex, the...
00:19:56The Kanala hook of death.
00:19:57That's for killing merfolk.
00:19:58We're good.
00:20:00It may not kill you, but it'll hurt you real bad.
00:20:02Remember when you decided who we were going to get rid of?
00:20:04And remember you don't have health insurance?
00:20:05You're going to gag.
00:20:08Where is Thanara?
00:20:09Just so we know.
00:20:11What's her void, if anything?
00:20:12Where is she?
00:20:13While she's in her throne room right now.
00:20:16She can rearrange the castle to look like whatever she wants it to look like.
00:20:21So she's made her throne room into sort of...
00:20:23She's awaiting an audience with Zarya.
00:20:26Zarya's an ancient necromancer.
00:20:28So she knows...
00:20:29Zarya's been here many, many times before.
00:20:31But now Zarya's come here with some other mortals for some business.
00:20:34And there's another person that's been working with Zarya.
00:20:38I've never seen them, but they had a deal,
00:20:43a longstanding deal with Thanara as well.
00:20:47The throne room is just down that hall all the way to the main chamber.
00:20:50You'll see the colonnade.
00:20:51At the end of the colonnade is the door to the throne room,
00:20:57which she has prepared for some entertainment for herself.
00:21:02Drag show.
00:21:03What's she into?
00:21:04Is she like the scary kind?
00:21:06Is she like fun?
00:21:08I think she'll take whatever she can get.
00:21:10Fun and scary is usually the order of the day.
00:21:13But there is a...
00:21:15You see she says,
00:21:16but that door can only...
00:21:19If you don't have audience with her,
00:21:20she's not going to just open a door to anyone who goes knocking.
00:21:22And there's three locks on the door.
00:21:25Three locks.
00:21:28But Shalila, who should be back but isn't back yet,
00:21:33you just remember that she's had other business
00:21:35to attend to in the desert.
00:21:36I can tell you, I need to let myself in sometimes
00:21:40because after it gets pretty bloody in there
00:21:43and everything like that.
00:21:44I think I know what kind of entertainment she's into.
00:21:47But I need to let myself in to clean up
00:21:49so I know where the keys are.
00:21:52Okay, I think we need to get the keys.
00:21:53Yeah, let's get the keys.
00:21:54You see he says,
00:21:55all right, well, you better move fast
00:21:57because her audience with Zarya is soon.
00:21:59One key is in the Pool of Morning Light.
00:22:02The other one is in the Pit of Suffering.
00:22:04And then the third one is in...
00:22:06It's getting split up.
00:22:07Is in the Hall of Fairy Tapestry.
00:22:10Oh, fairies.
00:22:11Well, Twily, you should go to the Fairy Tapestry
00:22:13and I should go with you because I protect you.
00:22:17And I'm going to the pool, obviously.
00:22:20Oh, yeah, that makes sense.
00:22:21Because you like to swim.
00:22:23So I'm going to the Pit of Suffering.
00:22:26Because I'm sad.
00:22:28Okay, well, can I?
00:22:29Okay, who's Kerwin going with?
00:22:33Kerwin looks at you and says,
00:22:35if there's two of you going to Fairy Tapestry,
00:22:38I should go with one of the ones that's going with one.
00:22:41And respectfully, Gertrude,
00:22:43I think the Pool of Morning Light
00:22:44is a little more my speed than the Pit of Suffering.
00:22:46So I'm going to let you,
00:22:48but you have, you know,
00:22:49you got a curse on you and you,
00:22:51you know, the goddess and such.
00:22:53So, Troy, I'll accompany you.
00:22:55All right, Kerwin, let's go.
00:22:57Okay, I'm going, but not me going.
00:22:58Okay, so I'm going by myself.
00:23:00This is what you love.
00:23:01You love, you love, you're a little loner.
00:23:02You love this.
00:23:03I'm, I'm, my heart is changing.
00:23:05You see, you see Wallace goes, you take me.
00:23:08Take me.
00:23:09Oh, you can take Wallace.
00:23:11All right, all right, Wallace.
00:23:13I'll, I'll take you.
00:23:14All right, let's, let's go.
00:23:15All right, can I be let out of the net?
00:23:17I'm not the one with you in the net.
00:23:22Don't try to run.
00:23:23Don't run.
00:23:24All right, I'm not going to run.
00:23:25I'm not going to run.
00:23:26And so, Wallace is gonna.
00:23:27That voice.
00:23:28Wallace, that voice.
00:23:30He's like, it's the last of joy.
00:23:35So, we'll go, we'll go one by one through here.
00:23:38So, you all split up.
00:23:39The crystal ball shows you where to go
00:23:41in each of these places.
00:23:42The first place we arrive at
00:23:45is going to be the pool of morning light.
00:23:48You got this.
00:23:50I'm rooting for you.
00:23:51Ooh, that's so aquatic in here.
00:23:52What a coincidence.
00:23:56You and Kerwin both arrive.
00:24:00And you see that you're in a chamber
00:24:02that actually fades from black stone to white.
00:24:06It's like a sort of bathhouse marble.
00:24:09There's like beautiful.
00:24:10I'm in my element.
00:24:11There you go.
00:24:13You see that there are these beautiful caritives,
00:24:17these columns carved as like robed women
00:24:20who hold the ceiling up with their hands
00:24:23and their feet touch the ground,
00:24:24sort of like carven statues that actually hold the room,
00:24:29like hold the ceiling aloft.
00:24:30Deep pools, and you come to a pool
00:24:33that ripples from a central point
00:24:35as the circles emanate out
00:24:37and hit the rim of the pool and emanate back in.
00:24:41And it creates this shimmer
00:24:42so that you can't see into the depths,
00:24:44but it just has this light emanating out from its source.
00:24:50As you look down, you can sense,
00:24:55or there's like a glimmer somewhere in the water.
00:24:57It's so distorted because of all the rippling,
00:24:59but you can see a glimmer as if something metallic,
00:25:01like a key at the bottom of this pool.
00:25:03But looking down there,
00:25:08you also sense that this will be very similar
00:25:11to the water of the River of Sorrow,
00:25:12that there may be confronting some things down there.
00:25:16Kerwin looks down into the water as well,
00:25:19and you see as he approaches, you see a voice says,
00:25:23You will not approach the sacred water
00:25:27of the pool of morning light,
00:25:31dressed as you are in garb
00:25:33that bears the dust of the outside world.
00:25:36See yourself purified if you dare to touch these waters.
00:25:40You see Kerwin kind of looks around
00:25:42and seems a little bit nervous
00:25:43and starts to take his shoes off
00:25:45and he's like, mm, some shrugs.
00:25:47Trian, what do you do looking down at that pool?
00:25:51I mean, I know I definitely want to change.
00:25:53I want to un-disrobe.
00:25:59So I'm going to get undressed
00:26:02into my natural birthday mermaid suit state.
00:26:06Hell yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:26:07Not the dungeon pants.
00:26:09We going to the dungeon tonight, okay?
00:26:12Dungeon at the dock.
00:26:14So I am now nude, but I am a freak.
00:26:17I don't have Gertie here to cast a spell
00:26:21to shield me from the dangers of this water.
00:26:24Can you use like an arrow or a net or a spear?
00:26:26But it's nothing to kill.
00:26:28To grab it out of the water?
00:26:30We can talk, but we can't do anything.
00:26:32Yeah, you can talk above the table.
00:26:33So can you, you can't,
00:26:35so where are some of the keys in the water?
00:26:37The keys in the water?
00:26:38It's at the bottom of the pool.
00:26:39You don't have a rope?
00:26:40I do have my net, so I mean, can I,
00:26:44and now I'm just naked because I want to be,
00:26:46because I may not have to go in the water,
00:26:47but I feel more comfortable this way.
00:26:50So can I put my net onto one of my,
00:26:55oh, my seeking arrow.
00:26:59I was going to find out afterwards,
00:27:00oh, I had a thing that says just grab the key.
00:27:02I had to grab the key spell.
00:27:04I had a key teleport to my hand spell.
00:27:06Oh God.
00:27:07Now if I can take my seeking arrow
00:27:09and I see the glimmering,
00:27:12so to take my seeking arrow and shoot it into the water
00:27:15so I know exactly where the key is.
00:27:18And then I can dive in and get it
00:27:20and come back up as soon as.
00:27:22Is that the plan?
00:27:23I love that plan.
00:27:25So you fire your arrow.
00:27:27Bam, hits the key at the center.
00:27:29You know exactly where it is.
00:27:30You can hear an echo locate it.
00:27:32You're gonna dive in.
00:27:33I'm gonna need a wisdom saving throw
00:27:34as you dive into the water.
00:27:35Wisdom saving throw, okay.
00:27:38I have an eight.
00:27:41You dive in.
00:27:43Okay, so I.
00:27:44If this is gonna die.
00:27:46So I go.
00:27:47So I climb up to this perch in the water.
00:27:49You dive in.
00:27:50I take my arrow, I see it
00:27:52and then I go and I do like get on top of this perch,
00:27:55stand up and do like a Lara Croft-esque dive into the water
00:27:58and I go, I'm swimming, swimming, swimming.
00:28:01And I only have eight, so I.
00:28:03As you go deep into the water,
00:28:05you just begin to see the faces
00:28:09of all the people you've hunted for your mother.
00:28:15Do you regret now?
00:28:16Do you regret?
00:28:17Do you regret now?
00:28:18Do you regret now?
00:28:19Swimming, swimming deeper, swimming deeper
00:28:21and you begin to become almost surrounded by them
00:28:24and you hear a tremendous splash
00:28:29as you are like being gripped by spirits on all sides.
00:28:32Kerwin leaps into the water.
00:28:35Grabs you and pulls you back like up to the water.
00:28:41You see he's disrobed now as well.
00:28:43He puts you back up on the lip of the water and goes,
00:28:45it's all right, it's all right.
00:28:48You found it with your arrow.
00:28:51Those faces.
00:28:54I do not know if you will make it out of this castle
00:28:56without reckoning with them.
00:28:58But for now, let me try and get the key.
00:29:01And he swims down.
00:29:03As Kerwin swims down,
00:29:05we're gonna move to another scene quickly.
00:29:07But as we're about to leave partway through,
00:29:09Troyann, I think on that eight,
00:29:12you feel like definitely you were not able
00:29:16to resist those spirits.
00:29:17How is Troyann feeling surrounded by those spirits?
00:29:19I'm feeling really down.
00:29:20I think I see why my father did what he did
00:29:23and now I had this urge to reconcile
00:29:26with these spirits as well now that I'm down here.
00:29:29So you're there.
00:29:30You're going to move now to the Pit of Suffering.
00:29:35That's not what I wanted you to say.
00:29:37Okay, we're in the Pit of Suffering.
00:29:38In the Pit of Suffering.
00:29:39Me and Wallace.
00:29:40Hey, Wallace.
00:29:41Gertrude, you enter a chamber
00:29:44with a circular chasm
00:29:49that drops forever.
00:29:52You see that there are stalactites,
00:29:54these sort of hanging cave spikes up ahead.
00:29:58Water falls from them and drops
00:30:00into the hole soundlessly.
00:30:04Never hear a spark.
00:30:05Okay, it goes on forever.
00:30:06It's an abyss.
00:30:07At the Pit of Sorrows, or Suffering.
00:30:13That's the Pit, oh, that's the Pit.
00:30:14Looking into it.
00:30:16How close do I get?
00:30:18As you don't have to go close if you want.
00:30:21You see Wallace looks at you and says,
00:30:23well, do you think the key's in there?
00:30:26Oh, God, it's in there?
00:30:32Oh, no.
00:30:33Light, no.
00:30:35Lightning lure, no.
00:30:38How about a flash of light
00:30:39and see if it reflects, you know?
00:30:41Maybe, because it could,
00:30:43I don't know if it's at the bottom
00:30:45or if it's attached to the wall,
00:30:46I don't know where it is in there.
00:30:47Can you just use your crystal ball to look for it?
00:30:49I could, yeah, maybe, okay,
00:30:51so I'm going to use my crystal ball
00:30:52and just kind of search down there.
00:30:54Go ahead and give me an investigation check.
00:30:57So my investigation is a plus four
00:30:59and I rolled a six, wait, yeah.
00:31:04Six plus four.
00:31:05Six plus four is 10.
00:31:06As the crystal ball goes to search,
00:31:08you wonder if the bottomlessness of this
00:31:11is itself a sort of magical effect.
00:31:14As you gaze into it,
00:31:16you know the key must be down there.
00:31:18I'm gonna ask for a charisma saving throw.
00:31:22Okay, my charisma is a plus eight.
00:31:26Plus eight.
00:31:27Oh, so charismatic.
00:31:29And I just rolled a 13.
00:31:33Hell yes.
00:31:34Looking down, you look into it
00:31:39and you hear a voice in your mind.
00:31:44What are you coming to wish for, Gertrude?
00:31:49You don't think I know who skulks around my lair?
00:31:55You hear the voice of Thanara speaking in your head.
00:32:00She, okay, she knows I'm here.
00:32:02She knows we're all here.
00:32:06You think I don't know who lurks around my lair?
00:32:08We're all lurking around.
00:32:09Oh, she's talking about you.
00:32:10I think magically.
00:32:11Yeah, she's talking about you.
00:32:12Okay, that's a bold assumption of y'all.
00:32:14Why are we in here?
00:32:15Why are we in it?
00:32:18I know for a fact that she knows I'm here.
00:32:21Okay, I'm going to communicate with her.
00:32:24I'm going to communicate with her.
00:32:26You know, I have a curse on me
00:32:29and I want to live a natural life.
00:32:32I want to be able to live my life.
00:32:34I'll come down here when it's my time,
00:32:36but I don't think it's my time right now.
00:32:40I want the curse lifted.
00:32:42Not so lightly are my gifts thrown aside.
00:32:49Did you never wonder
00:32:51who gave you that curse in the first place?
00:32:55I did.
00:32:56Was it you?
00:32:59And you have come to give it back.
00:33:02I think, and you feel a beating in your heart.
00:33:08However powerful this goddess is,
00:33:11she is either not so powerful
00:33:14or not so willing to strike you down dead where you are.
00:33:19And is there not some secret magic to life itself
00:33:22to be able to resist death?
00:33:24And feeling that heartbeat,
00:33:26you look in the crystal ball
00:33:27and see a beating light approaching.
00:33:32And rising up from the pit,
00:33:36as Thanara's voice leaves,
00:33:38having shared with you,
00:33:40you see the face of a man
00:33:42that you've seen before in memory,
00:33:45but now pale, translucent, and ghostly.
00:33:48A beautiful elven man rises out of the pit
00:33:54with a key in his hand
00:33:56as shadows pull at his legs to drag him back.
00:33:59And he says...
00:34:00I'm going to just dash over there,
00:34:03grab the key.
00:34:04She's very nervous.
00:34:05She grabs it.
00:34:06She falls back into the corner.
00:34:07And she's holding the key.
00:34:08She's freaking out.
00:34:09She's shaking and freaking out.
00:34:12He smiles and goes,
00:34:15take care of my girl.
00:34:17And disappears back into the pit.
00:34:20Oh my god.
00:34:22And we are going to cut from there.
00:34:25I knew I should have went to the pit.
00:34:26I knew I should have went to the pit.
00:34:29I feel like at that point,
00:34:30Grog looks over at Wallace and goes,
00:34:32are you fucking kidding me?
00:34:35We leave the pit of suffering
00:34:38where we see as Roy of Karkin vanishes once more
00:34:42having given you the key of this chamber.
00:34:45Twyla, princess, you move swiftly
00:34:49having followed the path pointed out to you
00:34:51from Gertrude's crystal ball.
00:34:53And you arrive at a chamber.
00:34:57You see that there's actually a pouring waterfall,
00:35:00a very thin sheen of water
00:35:02falling in front of an archway.
00:35:06The water is thin enough that you can see through
00:35:08and see, it's hard to believe,
00:35:11it's almost like you forget sunlight.
00:35:13You've been in the Underworld for so long at this point.
00:35:15You look through the chamber and see light
00:35:19and for the first time in a long time, green.
00:35:22The look of growing something vibrant and alive
00:35:28on the other side of this water.
00:35:30But you see that the waterfall is shimmering
00:35:33down in this place.
00:35:35It looks like you would have to either step through it
00:35:37to get to the chamber on the other side.
00:35:39It doesn't seem to be dangerous at all.
00:35:41It just seems to be a little sheet of water.
00:35:43But is there anything you do as you approach?
00:35:47It doesn't seem to be dangerous.
00:35:49Can't you turn into something?
00:35:51You're turning into objects all the time.
00:35:53Well, I can turn into anything I want,
00:35:55but I feel an umbrella.
00:35:57So you can hold it and walk through it.
00:35:59Okay, can we do that?
00:36:00That's cute, with the tutu and the scrunchie.
00:36:06You pop your umbrella over your shoulder
00:36:08and as you step through,
00:36:10go ahead and give me perception checks, both of you.
00:36:13Check your perception before you come for me.
00:36:17Check your perception before you come for me.
00:36:28I'm screaming.
00:36:30You're dead.
00:36:31It's just 12.
00:36:32You move through as the umbrella,
00:36:34as you step through,
00:36:36Princess, you hear voices
00:36:38as you step through the water
00:36:40going into this next chamber,
00:36:43Princess, princess, princess, princess, princess, princess,
00:36:47princess, princess, princess.
00:36:49I am so glad to see you.
00:36:53And the voices fade.
00:36:55You've stepped through the other side.
00:36:57You can't see anyone in this room,
00:37:01but looking throughout,
00:37:02you do indeed see
00:37:04massive green tapestries.
00:37:08Forests, fields, meadows, babbling streams.
00:37:12You see the embroidery of a unicorn
00:37:15sipping out of an ancient pool.
00:37:18You see rocks covered in stones.
00:37:20You see birds of many colors
00:37:22flying in breaks between the leaves
00:37:25in a cloud-filled sky.
00:37:27And in the center of the chamber,
00:37:29in front of a massive tapestry,
00:37:32you see that there is a simple
00:37:35polished wood table
00:37:37with a golden key on top.
00:37:40So I got the easy one?
00:37:42It seems too easy.
00:37:45And there's two of us, right?
00:37:49You're the strong one.
00:37:51I'm the magical one.
00:37:52Do you want me to do it?
00:37:53I feel like as soon as you grab it,
00:37:55you can give it to me,
00:37:56I can go invisible,
00:37:57and nobody will see we have the key.
00:37:58Right, because your invisible items
00:38:00can turn invisible.
00:38:01Right, if I'm carrying it.
00:38:03And if you'd like,
00:38:04I can give you a piggyback
00:38:05and you'll be invisible too, right?
00:38:07I'm gonna need a DC 20 strength check
00:38:13to see if you can lift Princess.
00:38:20You don't think Twila with all this baggage
00:38:22can lift Princess?
00:38:23Let's find out.
00:38:24We're gonna find out, baby.
00:38:26Now, what do I...
00:38:27Tell me what to do so I can...
00:38:28So you're gonna go ahead and roll
00:38:29and you're gonna add your strength modifier.
00:38:31Okay, so what I'm gonna do is
00:38:33I'm gonna go ahead and roll
00:38:34and I'm gonna add my strength modifier,
00:38:36which is plus one.
00:38:37Plus one, brr.
00:38:39Plus one?
00:38:40Plus one.
00:38:41Your strength is a plus one.
00:38:42Why would you do that?
00:38:43Well, you're a...
00:38:44As you famously said, you're a...
00:38:45You chose to be a four foot 11 fairy.
00:38:48You remember when we were choosing?
00:38:51And you wanted to be tiny and petite?
00:38:56You have a one in 10 chance.
00:38:58What did 11 say?
00:38:59You wanted to be all powerful and everything?
00:39:01That's a 10% chance.
00:39:03A one in 10.
00:39:04That's below.
00:39:06That's not nothing.
00:39:07We're just checking.
00:39:09Just so we can figure out a plan.
00:39:11We've never been in more intense situations than this.
00:39:14Can Twila pick up Princess?
00:39:17One, two, three.
00:39:25So you get under Princess and you...
00:39:29Get low.
00:39:32Oh my God!
00:39:37Put me down, put me down!
00:39:41I'm Princess!
00:39:42You hear a voice go,
00:39:49You look up.
00:39:51The tapestry above the table with the key,
00:39:56green vines
00:39:59move almost in the shape of a bell,
00:40:04and the tapestry begins to move,
00:40:05the threads re-weaving
00:40:08as the magic of the tapestry comes to life.
00:40:11And you see
00:40:13the bell shape is not a bell at all.
00:40:15It's the curves of a robe, of a cloak.
00:40:19And the cloak opens from deep forest green
00:40:22to a rich mint, a cream,
00:40:25and a face appears,
00:40:29rich, deep, brown earth with eyes like a golden fire.
00:40:34And you see
00:40:38Queen of the Fairies.
00:40:40Oh my God.
00:40:41Golden tears stream from her eyes.
00:40:44She is not here as you truly remember her.
00:40:47You realize that she is bound and captured
00:40:51within the threads of this tapestry.
00:40:54Golden tears, sad but rich.
00:40:57The huge sad but rich vibes are sort of,
00:41:00you know, she's still a queen.
00:41:05Yes, Titania?
00:41:08That's how I say your name, right?
00:41:09It could be Queen Titania, but no,
00:41:11I feel just Titania's fine.
00:41:13Okay, let's start over.
00:41:15No, it's fine.
00:41:16No, I kind of like it actually.
00:41:18Queen T.
00:41:21Cutie, cutie.
00:41:22I love cutie.
00:41:26I haven't seen you in such a long time.
00:41:28Do I now dream or do you yet live?
00:41:36Bitch, are you alive?
00:41:37Yes, I'm alive.
00:41:38Are you alive?
00:41:39Am I allowed to tell you whether or not I'm alive?
00:41:41Yeah, she's your queen.
00:41:42Oh yeah, you're my queen.
00:41:43I'm alive.
00:41:44I'm here to save our people.
00:41:47And there is still hope.
00:41:49What do I have to do?
00:41:50There is a charm upon the key in front of you
00:41:56that hopefully you can resist it.
00:42:00Lifting it will cause you to be charmed
00:42:04by the queen of the underworld,
00:42:06not able to lift a finger against her.
00:42:09But it is possible, I suppose,
00:42:11if I can try to help you resist that effect.
00:42:14But if you are looking indeed for the key here,
00:42:17Tarot Chambers,
00:42:18when Arcadia fell,
00:42:22when our realm and our people fell,
00:42:25Zaria brought me here as a gift
00:42:29to the queen of the underworld.
00:42:32I have been here,
00:42:34but thankfully
00:42:39there was time.
00:42:41A seed of the Allblossom escaped somewhere.
00:42:44If it can be found, or if there is any hope for it.
00:42:48But there is still a seed left alive
00:42:50of the Allblossom, a chance to restore our world.
00:42:53And what do we do with this seed when we find it?
00:42:58Beats me.
00:42:59I mean, you gotta, you know.
00:43:01You don't know?
00:43:02I would hope you plant it.
00:43:04That's my best guess.
00:43:05That's what you do with seeds.
00:43:06That makes sense.
00:43:07You plant seeds.
00:43:09That is the best and only hope for our world.
00:43:11But where do I plant it?
00:43:14Not here.
00:43:16Well, as long as Thanara reigns upon her throne,
00:43:20nothing living will grow in this underworld.
00:43:23But there's light down here.
00:43:25Well, there is light here,
00:43:26but only because of the spirits of the waterfall.
00:43:30You see she looks at you and says,
00:43:34Indeed, even my ability to help you with this challenge
00:43:37would not be so, but some very powerful spirits
00:43:42moved to this chamber long ago.
00:43:45They live within the waterfall
00:43:47and have guarded these tapestries.
00:43:49Can I summon a beast?
00:43:50Sure, yeah, absolutely.
00:43:51Because this is when I can do it.
00:43:52Yeah, absolutely.
00:43:53All right, Twyla gets into her snatchel,
00:43:57pulls out a piece of candy,
00:43:59puts it in her mouth because she's hungry,
00:44:01and then she summons a beast.
00:44:03You summon a beast,
00:44:04and you see that the vines move throughout the space,
00:44:08the vines of the tapestry,
00:44:09and even though they are made of thread,
00:44:11your pure fairy magic blossoms,
00:44:14flowing from your outstretched hand.
00:44:19Catree bursts.
00:44:20I'm back!
00:44:22My baby.
00:44:23Your baby.
00:44:24My buddy bear.
00:44:25Nuzzles up against you, moves through the space,
00:44:28and you see this being a spirit,
00:44:30being neither living nor dead,
00:44:32bypasses the test,
00:44:34walks up to the table,
00:44:36and like all cats always do,
00:44:39goes up and goes.
00:44:40Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:44:43Come here.
00:44:44Come here, baby.
00:44:45Come here.
00:44:47Good boy.
00:44:50And the key falls to the ground,
00:44:52clatters before you,
00:44:53and you see the spell breaks.
00:44:55Oh, word!
00:44:56I go to the key and I grab it.
00:44:58You pick it up.
00:44:59You found the clever workaround
00:45:01for getting around the spell,
00:45:03and you see Titania looks at you and says,
00:45:05you've done it.
00:45:07A key to seek audience with Thanara.
00:45:11I know that you have come here
00:45:14with companions of some kind, Twyla.
00:45:16I wish you all the luck and fortune you can.
00:45:18I am safe for the moment here.
00:45:22If you find some way to gather a boon
00:45:25from the goddess of the underworld,
00:45:28I may well be released from here,
00:45:30but you may also leave this place.
00:45:35I am safe here.
00:45:37You are a brave soldier.
00:45:40You have served so long by yourself.
00:45:45But I see now
00:45:49that the bravery of Faerie
00:45:52has never vanished from this world.
00:45:54It has lived within you.
00:45:57You see she smiles and says,
00:45:59it's a very good cat.
00:46:01Catry perks up.
00:46:04She looks and says,
00:46:05and she looks at you, princess, and goes,
00:46:08have you,
00:46:10are you one of the spirits of the waterfall?
00:46:13You look just like them.
00:46:17Is that your family?
00:46:23Wait a minute.
00:46:24So your family and my family
00:46:25were together this whole time?
00:46:30Wait, how do we, how do we?
00:46:34So what do we do now?
00:46:36I have the key.
00:46:37You have the key?
00:46:38I have the key.
00:46:39That's it, that's all you need.
00:46:40But we need, we need,
00:46:41yeah, what are we doing with her?
00:46:42Are we just now going back to open the door now?
00:46:44Yeah, I mean, you walk across the waterfall,
00:46:45which is the exit,
00:46:46and you see from this side,
00:46:48you see your reflections in the waterfall,
00:46:52and you see other shapes begin to emerge in the water.
00:46:56You see in fine clothes,
00:47:00black velvet and gold filigree
00:47:03with powerful axes and swords,
00:47:06massive tusks and beaming smiles
00:47:10as tears streak down their faces,
00:47:12your father, your mother,
00:47:15your brother and sister step forward.
00:47:19That's my little girl.
00:47:24I miss you.
00:47:26We are so very proud.
00:47:29Have you been all right?
00:47:31Have you been sleeping and getting rest and eating?
00:47:37Very good.
00:47:38And I hope that you haven't had to resort
00:47:40to anything menial like a job or anything, right?
00:47:45You haven't been working?
00:47:48You stayed a member of the nobility?
00:47:55Very, very good.
00:47:56Is that working the level you're doing?
00:47:59You see your mother and father looks and says,
00:48:02we have missed you so very, very much,
00:48:06and who's your friend here?
00:48:09It's lovely to meet you.
00:48:11I'm Twyla, I'm a fae.
00:48:13Thank you for helping our daughter.
00:48:15When we arrived here in the Underworld,
00:48:17we, with our pure might,
00:48:19battered into the Earth itself
00:48:21and found deep water running within the land
00:48:25that we would escape
00:48:26the ire of the goddess of the Underworld.
00:48:29We, knowing not how to escape to the world of the living,
00:48:34no member of our family
00:48:35has even gotten close to the world of the living,
00:48:38we chose to protect what good we could find.
00:48:43And this light,
00:48:45your queen in the room behind us,
00:48:48we chose to keep this place safe.
00:48:54Have you been journeying safe?
00:48:56Have you met any other companions along the way?
00:49:00Oh, who?
00:49:03Just Twyla?
00:49:04Yeah, we, uh,
00:49:06we know this woman named Troyanne.
00:49:10She's fine.
00:49:11She's fine.
00:49:12And then we know this really lonely woman
00:49:15who's now opened up,
00:49:16and she's really gorgeous and strong.
00:49:19Um, I forget her name.
00:49:21It's Gertrude.
00:49:23It's Gertrude, but I call her Ger.
00:49:27Um, princess, did you,
00:49:31why did you come to the Underworld?
00:49:34To bring you back to life.
00:49:38Did you ever discover
00:49:40who was responsible for our death?
00:49:44Zarya Hex.
00:49:47You see they,
00:49:50they look at each other,
00:49:52confused for a moment.
00:49:56You see your mother and father look at each other.
00:49:58Your father says,
00:50:00my darling, that's not possible.
00:50:04Zarya Hex was in the Fey Realms
00:50:08at the time that we were all massacred.
00:50:15Maybe the, the Inquisitor of the Morning Sun did it?
00:50:19Who told you that we were,
00:50:21who told you that we were killed by Zarya Hex?
00:50:24Yeah, who told us that?
00:50:25Just a guess.
00:50:26Kind of assumed.
00:50:27Yeah, we kind of just guessed.
00:50:28Well, no, your, your uncle Kermin told you that.
00:50:29That's right.
00:50:32Is he fake?
00:50:33I want Kermin.
00:50:34I want Kermin right now.
00:50:36Who told you?
00:50:37Uncle Kermin.
00:50:41Uncle Kermin, you've, you've met him.
00:50:44He, we knew that he survived.
00:50:46He did not die.
00:50:49Oh my gosh.
00:50:50We cut back to the pool.
00:50:52Is he wearing a, a fake thing?
00:50:55I don't know what, he's with her.
00:50:57Why'd Kermin gotta be like that?
00:50:59Princess, as you stand there,
00:51:00you begin to flash back in your mind,
00:51:03the different things that people told you.
00:51:04Someone said there was another,
00:51:05there was another they were working with
00:51:07that was giving them advice,
00:51:09moving through the Underworld.
00:51:10How did they, how did the two get here?
00:51:14Out of the pool, still naked, nude.
00:51:18With a scary stranger.
00:51:19You look over.
00:51:20He's also naked and nude.
00:51:21You look over and see
00:51:25Kerwin's clothes by the side of the pool.
00:51:29And you see a wraith clasp.
00:51:32On his clothing.
00:51:35And it's red, isn't it?
00:51:37Oh no.
00:51:38No, because he's alive, he's not.
00:51:39He's alive, it's white.
00:51:41It is milky white.
00:51:43And give me one more perception check with advantage.
00:51:47What the fuck?
00:51:48We can't help, we can't help,
00:51:49because we're not there.
00:51:50I get to roll twice.
00:51:53I won't say what the first one is.
00:51:55Shady-ass family members.
00:51:56It was, you saw it though.
00:51:57Because these two over here,
00:51:58they got shady-ass family members.
00:51:5915 and I got a nine,
00:52:00Okay, 15 plus two.
00:52:01And you have a perception to add?
00:52:06So you see that wraith clasp for a second,
00:52:08and then you see that there is something
00:52:09poking out of a pocket of his jacket.
00:52:12And you see it looks like a small little
00:52:14fine little paper thing,
00:52:17almost like a little book.
00:52:19So as he's over there drying himself off,
00:52:22I'm gonna take it.
00:52:24You take it,
00:52:26and you open it.
00:52:29It's not a book like writing.
00:52:31It's a book of matches.
00:52:35And you smell the powerful scent of cedar.
00:52:38Oh my gosh.
00:52:41He's gotta do all this?
00:52:42Get out of there, girl.
00:52:43Uncle Kerwin is still alive.
00:52:44He just didn't talk to the family no more.
00:52:46Oh girl, he wants to take over that kingdom, girl.
00:52:49I said I smelled insurance fraud
00:52:51when I told you in one day.
00:52:52What did you do?
00:52:53You know what, I think she was right.
00:52:54You should've listened to her.
00:52:55We should've came after him.
00:52:56What did you do?
00:52:57And you see behind you
00:52:58the funk of a chain hitting the ground.
00:53:03Well, well, well.
00:53:05If it isn't Cousin Troyann.
00:53:09Why are we so high?
00:53:10Can we get high?
00:53:11Is this Kena?
00:53:12This is Kena.
00:53:13Kiki found me, girl.
00:53:14How do we get to the parents?
00:53:16You know why?
00:53:17Because your uncle told that bitch.
00:53:19You see that Kena looks across at you and goes,
00:53:24it's so funny to find you here with your pants down,
00:53:28but it doesn't have to go much farther, cousin.
00:53:35It was really a stroke of good luck
00:53:39to be able to hear those very first plans of yours.
00:53:44She knows everything we're doing.
00:53:46You hear a splash as Kerwin gets up
00:53:49out of the other side of the pool
00:53:50holding the other key.
00:53:53And you see you are now in the room with Kerwin.
00:53:55So you know something's wrong with Kerwin
00:53:56because you have that book of matches.
00:53:58You see the clasp.
00:53:59He gets up and starts stretching,
00:54:00looks over at Kena and says,
00:54:02and now fully alive, goes,
00:54:04hello, Kena.
00:54:06The uncle is fucked.
00:54:08He's fucked.
00:54:10You're with two.
00:54:11You're with fucked uncle and your cousin.
00:54:14And you see Kena says,
00:54:16you're always so lucky
00:54:19to be made the assassin of Everdeep.
00:54:22Born with those legs of the land and of the sea.
00:54:26And me, I have this amulet,
00:54:28which I'm sure you know I have to be
00:54:31in a body of water every 12 hours.
00:54:34So it's a pretty good thing that you and your friends
00:54:36had that first strategy meeting
00:54:38right outside my well.
00:54:45Is this my fault because I was thirsty?
00:54:47Oh my gosh.
00:54:49I'm still shook.
00:54:52Y'all's family's fucked.
00:54:55You see Kerwin walk around,
00:54:58sort of cracks the muscles in his neck and says,
00:55:01Kena, got one of the keys here.
00:55:03Need the other two.
00:55:04And he begins to put his clothes back on again,
00:55:07smiles and says,
00:55:09sorry for the deception, Troian.
00:55:12You have to understand,
00:55:14when I made a deal
00:55:16to wield the power of death,
00:55:19if I put every last foe hammer but me
00:55:24in the underworld,
00:55:28I just didn't get my hands on Princess fast enough.
00:55:34My princess?
00:55:36Oh, she's all our princesses, Troian.
00:55:42there's two of us here and one of you.
00:55:45Nothing bad needs to happen now.
00:55:49Why don't you just surrender?
00:55:51Let us go and take care of Princess
00:55:54and all will be well.
00:55:56You can return to the world of the living.
00:55:58You need not risk your life on her behalf.
00:56:01And as he's saying this, I'm stepping back
00:56:03and walking back slowly to where my things are.
00:56:05I'm like,
00:56:07you might like that, Kerwin,
00:56:09but I would rather risk my life to save my friends.
00:56:13Let you take Princess.
00:56:15I'm reaching back to my longbow.
00:56:19I'm going to say,
00:56:20it's two on one right now,
00:56:21but go ahead and roll initiative.
00:56:23You want to fake surrender
00:56:24until you get around your friends?
00:56:25You don't want to try that strategy?
00:56:27I love it.
00:56:28I love it.
00:56:29Here we go.
00:56:30We was trying to telepathically message you over here.
00:56:31Okay, well, I hope you do something loud
00:56:32so we can hear it and rush to help you.
00:56:36Okay, Kerwin.
00:56:37Can I have help?
00:56:38We're not in the same room.
00:56:39Unfortunately, you can't have any help right now,
00:56:41but they both rolled very low for initiative.
00:56:44So it's possible you'll be able to beat them.
00:56:46We don't even know it's 10.
00:56:48Okay, plus?
00:56:49Plus initiative.
00:56:51Kerwin got the higher with 12.
00:56:53What did you get?
00:56:54Five, so I have 15.
00:56:56You are first to act.
00:56:57Okay, I'm first to act.
00:56:58First to act.
00:56:59Wait, wait, wait.
00:57:00Do you have-
00:57:01What are you going to do?
00:57:02Do you have a magic-
00:57:03Do you have one of these new items?
00:57:04There's something super strong.
00:57:05Oh yeah, you have new stuff.
00:57:06My javelin of lightning.
00:57:08I'll ask here too what Troian's plan is.
00:57:10So there are two of them in the room,
00:57:12and you have none of your allies with you.
00:57:14What is Troian trying to do in this moment?
00:57:17Troian is, I'm trying to at least stun them
00:57:20so I can escape and tell them what's going on.
00:57:23Because if they don't want-
00:57:25If I surrender to them,
00:57:26they're going to either unalive me
00:57:28or send me back, and they won't know what's going on.
00:57:31So I want to let them know.
00:57:32Okay, amazing.
00:57:33You're going to act first.
00:57:34To give you the lay of the land again,
00:57:37give me one last perception with advantage.
00:57:40Perception with advantage.
00:57:42The adrenaline's kicking in.
00:57:43She had that advantage.
00:57:48Roll again.
00:57:49Do we say it?
00:57:50Do we say it?
00:57:51One, two, three.
00:57:54And a 10.
00:57:55Okay, a 10.
00:57:56And I have seven.
00:57:59So 17, Kena's between you and the door.
00:58:01She's about 20 feet away from you,
00:58:03but she has this chain weapon
00:58:04that gives her extra reach, right?
00:58:06She's in between you and the door.
00:58:08Kirwin is very close to you,
00:58:09because you were by his clothes to begin with,
00:58:11and he's come back over to get his equipment.
00:58:13Looking at that,
00:58:15Kirwin also is holding the key in his hand.
00:58:18Now, that's all for free.
00:58:20You would get that on a 10.
00:58:21On a 17,
00:58:24there's only one doorway,
00:58:26but this room is filled with water,
00:58:29and that water is being pumped in here from all over.
00:58:33You see that there are pools,
00:58:35there are fountains,
00:58:36and I think that there's a possibility,
00:58:39as you're looking around,
00:58:40that some of these sort of like aqueducts
00:58:44bringing water in are pretty large.
00:58:47Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
00:58:48So it's a, yes.
00:58:50So I want to act,
00:58:51I want to use two spells.
00:58:54I want to use Prestidigitation
00:58:57to perform a magical trick or illusion.
00:59:00A magical trick or illusion.
00:59:01I was the last Airbender Katara.
00:59:03I'm going to take all of this water
00:59:05that's pumping in here,
00:59:06and I'm going to freeze it in the air
00:59:07to make icicles, right?
00:59:09And then I'm gonna enact my Gust of Wind
00:59:10and use that wind to pummel at Uncle Kirwin and Kiki
00:59:15and stun them.
00:59:16Okay, copy that.
00:59:18And the icicles can just stab the fuck out of them.
00:59:21So Prestidigitation's a great spell.
00:59:23Minor magical trick.
00:59:24So, yeah, minor magical trick.
00:59:26So this is not gonna do hit point damage to them,
00:59:28but it may stun and distract them momentarily
00:59:30for you to be able to grab the key
00:59:33and get out of here.
00:59:34And run out.
00:59:35So, I mean, it's gonna be like a leap of faith,
00:59:38just like diving into one of these pipes
00:59:39or diving into the water to try to like find some way out.
00:59:42What we're gonna do is we're gonna make it a roll.
00:59:45This is going to be,
00:59:47I'm gonna say that you're using the trickery,
00:59:49but it's still your kind of like finesse in doing so.
00:59:52So you may use either Athletics or Acrobatics,
00:59:56your choice.
00:59:57Athletics, or I'm gonna do Acrobatics.
00:59:59Okay, you'll do Acrobatics.
01:00:00And you're going to distract them.
01:00:03If you are able to beat,
01:00:06I'll say a 15 on your Acrobatics,
01:00:09you will be able to stun them both and get the key.
01:00:13If you go under a 15 but still beat a 10,
01:00:16you will maybe still be able to get the key,
01:00:19but Kerwin may be able to get an attack on you
01:00:22as you are doing so.
01:00:25So let's roll and determine.
01:00:26And I think actually this is important enough,
01:00:27we're gonna do this Box of Doom.
01:00:29No whammies, no whammies, no whammies.
01:00:30So 10, if we can't get a 10,
01:00:33the spell fails completely.
01:00:34Higher than 10, you succeed at maybe a grave injury.
01:00:39Higher than 15, the spell works completely and you escape.
01:00:41We're gonna get a 17.
01:00:42And what's your plus?
01:00:43Your plus eight?
01:00:44My plus is plus eight.
01:00:46One, two, three.
01:00:50Three, plus eight, still beats a 10.
01:00:53Okay, you get to 11.
01:00:55So I'm gonna keep it rolling right in the Box of Doom.
01:00:58You're about to get hit or something.
01:01:01Is this Uncle Kerwin's roll?
01:01:03This is Uncle Kerwin's roll.
01:01:04You get a slap vaseline on that face
01:01:06because you're about to get punched.
01:01:09We see how them orc punches be.
01:01:12Maybe breaking backs and shit.
01:01:14You remember the goblin?
01:01:16You want this very,
01:01:18this is Kerwin's attack roll.
01:01:20Kerwin does quite a bit of damage when he hits.
01:01:23You want this to be an eight or lower.
01:01:26It's gonna be a two, Amy.
01:01:31Oh my God.
01:01:32What'd he get?
01:01:33Oh my God.
01:01:36You're gonna get fucked.
01:01:37Oh my God.
01:01:38You're gonna get hit, bitch.
01:01:40It's okay, it's okay.
01:01:41Next time we see you,
01:01:42you're gonna be looking busted up.
01:01:44You're about to hit point.
01:01:45Oh my God.
01:01:46It's okay.
01:01:47I got a question.
01:01:48Since I can help heal and stuff,
01:01:50would that be helpful with-
01:01:52With what's about to happen?
01:01:53Yeah, for sure.
01:01:54With the injuries?
01:01:57Injured, call me.
01:01:58I'm Twyla.
01:01:59I also have a potion of healing, too, I can use.
01:02:01Oh, you do.
01:02:02That's true, that's true.
01:02:03You should've had two of them, remember?
01:02:05Okay, this is gonna be rough.
01:02:06You're getting beat up over here.
01:02:08Yeah, I'll give her your potions.
01:02:09Is there any one of yours when we see each other?
01:02:12You ice.
01:02:14Kena fully flies back,
01:02:16but you see Kerwin turns to look
01:02:19and the same thing you've seen in Princess's eyes.
01:02:23Oh God.
01:02:24He just lets ice shred the side of his face.
01:02:29You snatch the key out of his hand.
01:02:31He grabs his sword going.
01:02:35You take 28 points of damage.
01:02:39How many do you have to spare?
01:02:41You take-
01:02:42I have 21 points left.
01:02:43Are you dead?
01:02:44Oh, you have 21 left.
01:02:50So you have 32.
01:02:51So Gertrude would have four hit points left after that attack.
01:02:54I have 21 left.
01:02:55Okay, you've got 21, okay.
01:02:56How many points do you have altogether?
01:02:57I have 49.
01:02:58Did you just get hit?
01:03:00And then so that ice, it slashes his face
01:03:03and then he does that rage thing.
01:03:05I snatch the key and then he takes the sword
01:03:07to slash me right across my front here.
01:03:11The biggest slice I've ever been sliced.
01:03:13You feel two ribs fracture
01:03:16and as you do, you manage to dive into one of the fountains.
01:03:21As I'm doing, I pick up my clothes too
01:03:23because I need those.
01:03:24I'm totally naked.
01:03:28Modesty's important here at this moment.
01:03:34I'm gonna say, as you are hearing this,
01:03:36so in the Hall of Fairy Tapestry,
01:03:39you are both having this sudden realization.
01:03:42Gertrude and Wallace come from around the corner
01:03:44knowing to come meet you here in this more central location.
01:03:46We're just walking, we're just like.
01:03:47Wallace is like, I think that went really well.
01:03:49Yeah, that was really good.
01:03:50That was really good.
01:03:51And I think in this moment, the waterfall,
01:03:55you begin to see blood, red blood coming through the water.
01:04:00Oh no.
01:04:01The spirits of your family move back
01:04:03and in the pool that collects underneath,
01:04:05you see from up above one of these dragon-headed fountains
01:04:10a badly injured Trojan.
01:04:13It's an incident.
01:04:14I come to the fountain and I fall down like, ah!
01:04:17Girl, are you okay?
01:04:18I was attacked.
01:04:21I do a healing.
01:04:23I do a cure.
01:04:24I'm gonna cure your wounds and I do this.
01:04:31Did you get that?
01:04:32Are you healed?
01:04:33My ribs.
01:04:34Healed, bitch.
01:04:35I still have some pain.
01:04:36How much do I heal?
01:04:38Bitch, I healed the whole thing.
01:04:39I healed the whole thing, bitch.
01:04:40You got it back.
01:04:41Is that how it works?
01:04:44You're gonna do some rolls here.
01:04:46You can cast these up,
01:04:47but I actually recommend using your lower level spell slots.
01:04:50So it might take a couple castings.
01:04:52Go ahead and you're gonna take your D8
01:04:56and you're gonna add four each time.
01:04:58Wait, am I here too?
01:04:59You're here as well, yes.
01:05:01And you also do have those potions,
01:05:02but you might not wanna use them right now.
01:05:07So that heals six hit points.
01:05:09You could probably cast it another one or two times
01:05:12and heal most of the damage.
01:05:14Is there something that I could do
01:05:15to make that stronger or no?
01:05:16I don't know what to do.
01:05:17You can cast it with a higher level spell slot if you want,
01:05:20if you wanna use a more powerful magic.
01:05:22Yeah, yeah, use low, use low.
01:05:24Just give me some more, baby.
01:05:26So you healed six on the first one.
01:05:31Plus four is 11.
01:05:32So that second one heals 11 points.
01:05:34So I got six plus 11 is 17.
01:05:37And you could do another one if you want.
01:05:38Yeah, absolutely.
01:05:39How much do we need now to get perfect health?
01:05:40What's that?
01:05:41I got 28, so I need 10 more.
01:05:43I need 11 more.
01:05:4411 more.
01:05:45Well, I don't know if we're gonna get that, baby.
01:05:46That's okay.
01:05:47We're gonna get this one.
01:05:50Well, that didn't count because it fell out of the box.
01:05:52Okay, let's re-roll.
01:05:53Is that how that works?
01:05:54Let's re-roll.
01:05:55We can re-roll that.
01:05:56We'll be nice, we'll be nice.
01:05:57We don't need another.
01:06:00Watch this, seven.
01:06:03Three plus four, so another seven heals to you.
01:06:04Troian should have 45 hit points.
01:06:07Normally you have 49,
01:06:08so you're only four hit points down right now.
01:06:10She's taking more hit points than I do now.
01:06:12She's strong, she's a warrior.
01:06:13I'm an assassin.
01:06:14You're so proud of your illegal job.
01:06:17You're a damn criminal.
01:06:19So all of you are here by the side of the pool together.
01:06:23Powerful fairy magic heals Troian.
01:06:26The ringing of your family's voices
01:06:30of this incredible betrayal.
01:06:33I should tell you, your Uncle Corrin,
01:06:35he did this to me.
01:06:37Wait, what?
01:06:38Yes, I went to get the key at the bottom of the water,
01:06:43and as I came, and Uncle Corrin helped me.
01:06:45He went to go get it because I was not strong enough,
01:06:47and as he came back out, I turned around
01:06:49and Kiki was behind me, my cousin.
01:06:51Where'd she come from?
01:06:52She came from, I think she was outside.
01:06:55Kiki was just waiting for her.
01:06:56And she was waiting for me at the door
01:06:57while Corrin is in cahoots with her,
01:07:00and he would not give me the key,
01:07:02and he was gonna come and kill Princess,
01:07:04and I decided to respond.
01:07:05So he's still probably coming for her.
01:07:06He's on his way here now.
01:07:07So who has the key?
01:07:08I have a key.
01:07:09I had the key.
01:07:10I got it on the way out.
01:07:11Did you guys, did you all get the key?
01:07:15Okay, Wallace, we have to get to this chamber
01:07:21before they do.
01:07:22Now they're coming for you.
01:07:24I got the inquisitor coming for me.
01:07:28Give me the keys.
01:07:30Give me the keys.
01:07:32I'll hide them.
01:07:33I'll go.
01:07:34And I'll unlock the chamber.
01:07:36We're all going.
01:07:37Oh, okay.
01:07:39You wanna go to the chamber by yourself?
01:07:41I'm the invisible being.
01:07:42Wallace looks at you and says,
01:07:44all right, we're all in it together.
01:07:46We've come too far now to turn back.
01:07:51Wallace, you're gonna get an invite to game night.
01:07:55I'll tell you that right now.
01:07:56That's what's happening here.
01:07:58Do you guys mind if I get dressed?
01:08:00Yeah, please.
01:08:01You're still not dressed.
01:08:02By the way, the body is body.
01:08:04It's kind of wild.
01:08:05I've seen half of you naked.
01:08:07I've never been naked.
01:08:08That's how we roll.
01:08:09That's how we roll.
01:08:10No, that's not a good plot
01:08:11when you thought you were invisible
01:08:12and Wallace served you.
01:08:13Yeah, you were actually the most frequently naked.
01:08:15As a matter of fact.
01:08:16I was indelible.
01:08:20All of you surge out from this place, rushing.
01:08:23You arrive at the chamber outside of the throne room.
01:08:27You see three magical locks, one by one.
01:08:33Okay, Gertrude, she's sick of being squeamish and scared.
01:08:37She's down here.
01:08:38She's got a thing.
01:08:39She takes that lock.
01:08:40She doesn't even think about it.
01:08:41She puts it in the middle lock
01:08:43and then it starts to shake
01:08:45and light's coming out of it.
01:08:47Then her eyes get big and she looks back.
01:08:49She's like, ah!
01:08:52And I'm like, ooh, girl, we in danger.
01:08:54Well, bitch, help me.
01:08:55Come put your fucking keys in.
01:08:57I take my key and because I'm short,
01:09:01I fly up to the top and put it in there!
01:09:05And I'm shaking.
01:09:06My wings are sparkly.
01:09:08My eyes bulge.
01:09:10I smell the scent of something really nice,
01:09:12like something floral.
01:09:14I'm still too weak, princess.
01:09:16I'll take my key and you do it.
01:09:18It's time to get out of here.
01:09:22The door opens.
01:09:25Darkness and sudden light.
01:09:29A platform of stone floating over endless void.
01:09:36Crystal glowing with indigo light.
01:09:40You hear a voice from the emptiness beyond.
01:09:44A voice that Gertrude has heard before
01:09:46but now you hear it speak.
01:09:51You all feel the breath of the underworld once again.
01:09:55I just realized I never told you guys.
01:09:56By the way, real quick.
01:09:59I did talk to Thanar.
01:10:00She is really, this lady knows me intimately at this point
01:10:05and she wants my curse,
01:10:09but she's gonna ask for a lot.
01:10:11I forgot to tell you that back there.
01:10:12I just wanted to tell you really quick.
01:10:13All right, here we go.
01:10:16Seems important.
01:10:17You hear a voice say,
01:10:19disturbing the peace of me,
01:10:24an endless deity of unlimited power.
01:10:29This had better be good.
01:10:32Platform beneath you lights up.
01:10:36Well, well, you've made it all this way.
01:10:40Step forward.
01:10:45Okay, as she says step forward,
01:10:48Gertrude just kind of jumps and just runs there
01:10:51and she just goes, she goes,
01:10:55you know why I'm here.
01:10:58Ooh, getting loud.
01:11:00You were really far.
01:11:01I was wondering if she heard me.
01:11:02I don't know how your hearing is.
01:11:05The rest of you descend to the platform as well.
01:11:07Yes, I slowly saunter down with my wings flapping,
01:11:11looking very adorable.
01:11:13And I look at you and I say,
01:11:15hi, it's Twyla.
01:11:18Light surrounds a raised throne
01:11:23and a horned giantess,
01:11:2618 feet tall, gorgeous,
01:11:29a corroded bronze armored bikini,
01:11:34big huge bat wings, draconic wings,
01:11:36these glowing red eyes,
01:11:39demonic, almost succubus-like imposing figure,
01:11:43this queen of the underworld.
01:11:45Okay, now you're just literally describing RuPaul.
01:11:47This is just literally.
01:11:50What about Thenara?
01:11:54What about Thenara?
01:11:56She beholds all of you
01:11:59and she is petting,
01:12:01sort of very sensually petting the head of,
01:12:05you all know centaurs, right?
01:12:07Like half man, half horse,
01:12:09the upper part of a man, lower part of a horse.
01:12:11This is a scorpion-tor.
01:12:14It is a giant man's abs, shoulders, torso,
01:12:18got like a horned helmet, these huge weapons,
01:12:21but below the waist it becomes a scorpion's body.
01:12:24The rock.
01:12:25Yes, got huge claws.
01:12:26A stinger?
01:12:29And she sort of scratches under his chin
01:12:32as he, this monstrous sort of warrior.
01:12:36She looks out and says,
01:12:38you've come a long, long way, darlings,
01:12:41just to die.
01:12:43You could have gotten here much faster
01:12:45just by being a little more careless
01:12:47in the world above,
01:12:49and yet you chose to come here by foot.
01:12:54So tell me,
01:12:56what brings you to the heart of death?
01:12:59I come here to ask you
01:13:02to restore the dead to life,
01:13:06the dead of my fae people,
01:13:09to bring light back into our world.
01:13:16I come here because I am daughter of...
01:13:21Roy of Cardigan?
01:13:22Roy of Karkin.
01:13:23Yeah, Karkin.
01:13:24Karkin Cardigan.
01:13:25Yeah, he loved a button-up sweater.
01:13:26He did.
01:13:28Roy of Karkin.
01:13:31Who you took his soul
01:13:34to free him of the burden of all the souls that he took.
01:13:37I am daughter of...
01:13:41No, my mother.
01:13:44I'm daughter of my mother.
01:13:46You know what I'm saying?
01:13:47Of Ed Sheep.
01:13:49Of Ed Sheep.
01:13:51And I, for years,
01:13:54gave you seven souls a season
01:13:57to save my people,
01:13:59but apparently it was all a lie,
01:14:02and I'm here to know the truth.
01:14:05You see, she turns to you.
01:14:09I am here to have my curse released.
01:14:13I know it's you who put this curse on me,
01:14:16and I would like for it to be released.
01:14:18She says as her chest is puffed out,
01:14:20but her knees are literally shaking,
01:14:23but her face is, like, sturdy.
01:14:24She doesn't...
01:14:25If you look at her face, you wouldn't even know.
01:14:27Is her butt clenched?
01:14:30She could snap a coconut in half.
01:14:33And I want you to bring my family back to life.
01:14:42I have good news and bad news.
01:14:49The good news is
01:14:51I'm feeling generous today.
01:14:56Normally, I'm, like, the number three for boons,
01:15:02but today, I feel like granting four.
01:15:08Bad news is I see eight mortals.
01:15:14Kena, Kerwin, Zaria Hex, and Morgan of the Glaring Sun
01:15:21walk out from behind the Goddess of Death.
01:15:24They all have boons, too?
01:15:25She says, I haven't granted theirs,
01:15:29and I have no intention of granting yours,
01:15:33at least not before the show.
01:15:36She likes entertainment.
01:15:37We're gonna fight.
01:15:38We're gonna fight to the death.
01:15:39She likes entertainment.
01:15:41She, like, this is the entertainment she wants.
01:15:43Oh, my God.
01:15:44One-on-one, honey.
01:15:45Mortal Kombat!
01:15:48You see a fanara.
01:15:50It better be a dance competition,
01:15:53because Twyla!
01:15:55She's gonna do a two-step, a backflip,
01:15:57and a tour jeté.
01:15:59And you see she says,
01:16:00and Alacrinus, why don't you
01:16:03make it a little more interesting as well?
01:16:05She sort of pets the giant scorpion monster
01:16:07that she kind of, the vibe is she's kind of
01:16:09fucking the scorpion monster.
01:16:11That's what everyone's picking up.
01:16:12I mean, if he looks like The Rock,
01:16:13I don't blame her.
01:16:14You see that she, and I'm sorry to do it,
01:16:16she goes, the time has come.
01:16:21Ladies, let's get to work.
01:16:25Your enemies arrayed before you leap forward.
01:16:30I'm gonna need everybody here to roll initiative.
01:16:32Okay, here we go.
01:16:33Roll initiative.
01:16:34And that's all for this episode of Dimension 20.
01:16:39Tune in next week as we face terrible,
01:16:43terrifying combat in the heart of death itself.
01:16:47We'll see you then.
01:16:49But I'm busy next week.
01:16:54We see the throne of Thanara,
01:16:57goddess of the underworld.
01:16:59That's fierce.
01:17:00That's so good.
01:17:02This is fucking cool.
01:17:04Surrounding the throne are your assembled enemies.
01:17:08Here we go.
01:17:09Face off.
01:17:10You about to get pummeled.
01:17:12It's giving.
01:17:13Good work!
01:17:15Oh, shit.
01:17:17Oh, give it to me, daddy.
01:17:18That's Dungeons Daddy to you.
01:17:19She's gagging.
01:17:21Literally gagging.
01:17:22Fireball those hoes.
01:17:23Do you see how nervous I am?
01:17:24I'm, like, sweaty.
01:17:25Fuck, it was almost a fucking 20.
01:17:27Now might be a great time to pray.
01:17:30Glory to Jesus.
01:17:32Halloween on pain.
01:17:33The beat goes on with her.
01:17:34No matter how much we hit this hoe.
01:17:36Oh, come.
01:17:37Don't do that face.
01:17:39She's about to rage on us.
01:17:40Gonna do some magic shit.
01:17:41Stop it!
01:17:42Oh, my God.
01:17:43I'm gonna die.
01:17:44Wow, the poetry.
01:17:45Tell us what's going on.
01:17:46Tell us.
01:17:48So, what?
01:17:50Oh, God.
01:17:51All's not lost.
01:17:55I have sacrificed everything!
01:17:58Time has come to peel those pretty little wings off your back.
01:18:02Oh, hell no.
01:18:03Ruin her.
01:18:04End her.
01:18:05She is sorry she brought her ass down to the underworld.
01:18:09You have all the spirits of your family,
01:18:11and more than that, you have these, your friends.
01:18:14That's for you, bitch.
01:18:15Brennan, that's shady.
