1992 No Place To Hide FULL HOT MOVIE Drew Barrymore

  • 3 months ago
A tough L.A. cop and the teen sister of the ballerina whose murder he's investigating become targeted by a sinister cult that secretly runs the city
00:00:52It's me I need you to do something listen
00:01:00I want you to take it and hide it just do it
00:03:22Come to me come to me now
00:03:46How are you I'm here
00:03:51What do you want Oh
00:04:00Why did you do it Pamela I loved you more than the others
00:04:10Who owns you
00:04:40Don't think I know where to begin this there's a lot I want to remember but a whole lot more I want to forget I
00:04:49Thought if I wrote it and put it away for a while, I'd know the things that I'd want to keep as memories
00:04:55September 3rd dear diary. I know I haven't written in you for a while, but so much has happened
00:05:07I guess I should start with Joe Garvey
00:05:10But I can't think of what I'm supposed to say about him. He wasn't like anyone I ever knew
00:05:18His boss once told me that Garvey was the best copy ever worked with
00:05:22He said he was loyal to his friends and loyal to the job
00:05:27That's what the police call being a cop
00:05:29the job
00:05:31What are you doing here? I was ordered here. I hope the bureau commander got me to home
00:05:53I'm sorry. I should have told you he was here. Forget it. What do you got? Okay, let's see
00:06:00Female Caucasian age 24
00:06:03Pamela Hanley do a at rehearsal last night from severed arteries in the neck chest and pelvic area
00:06:11Multiple lacerations by knife eraser probably knife, but not confirmed yet
00:06:16No witness to the actual slashing the killer's probably male, how do they do some stagehand thought he saw a man backstage
00:06:25Look at this a tattoo on her ankle. It could be part of a phone number. Maybe somebody's birthday
00:06:30You want to know something really weird there aren't any defense marks on her arms
00:06:35She didn't try to stop the man from slashing her. Let's today with the presence of detective Joe Garver
00:06:44Come on in here Garvey and let everybody know who you are
00:06:47I'm a cop
00:06:49I'm a cop
00:06:51I'm a cop
00:06:53I'm a cop
00:06:55I'm a cop
00:06:57I'm a cop
00:06:59Let everybody get a good look at you
00:07:05What we have here is an officer who does not know what the word loyalty means
00:07:10Well, I'm gonna show you how it feels to be an outsider. You're gonna get all this shit work I can find
00:07:17Let me have those keys
00:07:21Start by checking out the girl's apartment and when you're finished or report back to me personally
00:07:26I'm gonna find more shit work for you
00:07:29Move it
00:07:40You had any guts you son of a bitch you'd eat your gun and do the world a favor
00:07:58Knocking some doors see what the neighbors
00:08:14Some cops say that over the years Joe Garvey had developed a dumb courage of the genuinely burnt-out I
00:08:22Don't think I ever really knew what that meant
00:09:33Remember the day I met him he had cold eyes and a cruel face Joe Garvey was one of those people who was scary with a look
00:09:50Cops do that sometimes
00:09:52They put that hard look on their face
00:09:54It's supposed to make you think that they've peered into the darkest secrets of your soul and it makes them act cold-hearted and mean
00:10:02But Garvey couldn't fool me. I
00:10:05Knew that looking mean was his normal expression
00:10:16Stay right where you are. Holy shit. Put your hands over your head
00:10:21Take a step forward and turn around. Look if you want my money, I'll just drop my bag and go take one step forward and
00:10:26turn around
00:10:31What's your name pencil pencil what pencil Hanley, what are you doing here? I live here
00:10:37You do
00:10:39Which rooms your bedroom and it's just gonna be like a rape or something. Which room?
00:10:44This one
00:10:45Who's Pamela Hanley to you?
00:10:50She's my sister got any ID I got a bus pass show me look could you like put the gun down show me
00:11:01Okay, put your hands down I'm a police officer
00:11:04Damn it, you're a freaking cop
00:11:07Coming here and scaring the hell out of me like that for sorry. I didn't know who you were
00:11:11Yeah, well just cuz you're a cop doesn't give you the right to come in here and shoving guns in people's faces
00:11:15I could have had a heart attack. I said I was sorry. Yeah. Well, what's that supposed to do for me?
00:11:20Do you know that some guy robbed me in the park of $11 a day?
00:11:23I didn't see you there sticking your gun in his face
00:11:26If I see him, I'll kill him
00:11:28Who else lives here?
00:11:30I don't have to answer any of your questions. You're in my apartment. You're supposed to be telling me what you're doing here
00:11:36Something happened to your sister
00:11:39Yeah, I know about Pammy
00:11:43Somebody sliced her up and killed her last night
00:11:46Was on the news all day
00:11:48It's a real bummer
00:11:50What a bummer, you know bad news
00:11:55Bad news
00:11:57What would you like me to do get all amped up over it? She's dead, isn't she?
00:12:00There's nothing I can do to bring her back to life
00:12:03Besides i'm enlightened anyway
00:12:06And there's no law that says I have to cry on the outside so people can see me. I cry on the inside where it's more personal
00:12:13I don't care where you cry
00:12:15I'll be calling your sister's murder a bummer stretches it even for me. Don't tell me how to feel about my sister
00:12:22She's dead and there's nothing I can do to bring her back to life
00:12:24About my sister
00:12:26She's dead. There's nothing I can do to change it
00:12:29I'm getting out of here stay right where you are. You can't tell me what to do. Let go of me. I said sit down
00:12:36Oh, was that what you cops like to do order people around? That's right. Yeah, well include me out
00:12:41I'm, not taking any orders from you fine who pays the rent here
00:12:45Pamela does
00:12:47Who bought the furs and paid for all this furniture?
00:12:50Pamela did
00:12:52I don't know dancer salary. She didn't where'd she get the money? Well, I don't know ask her
00:12:59You're just a little smart ass, aren't you
00:13:03How old are you smart ass
00:13:05It's none of your business
00:13:07This is a murder investigation. Everything's my business. How old are you?
00:13:12I'm 22. You're carrying a school bus pass. You're not 22. I'm not gonna ask you again
00:13:18I'm 19
00:13:21Get your stuff you're going to the station. Wait a minute. Wait a minute
00:13:25Don't get so violent
00:13:34I'm 14
00:13:39Where the hell are your parents?
00:13:42They're dead. Pammy's been taking care of me since I was nine
00:13:47You look like a 30 year old hooker
00:13:50Yeah, well, you're not exactly a date to beat yourself
00:13:56I've got a social worker to come pick you up
00:13:59You'll have to stay in a foster home. Don't bitch at me. I got nothing to do with it
00:14:04Here's my working home number. You think something I should know call me. Let me tell you something kid
00:14:10I've been a cop for a long time
00:14:12Let me tell you something kid
00:14:14I've been a cop for 19 years and i'm still waiting to meet my first normal person
00:14:19Guess what smart ass
00:14:21You ain't it
00:14:25I checked with the neighbors. Nobody knows much about her. What'd you find?
00:14:29She's got some expensive looking furs when the content breakdown comes in see if you can find out who paid for him
00:14:39You know what this is
00:14:42No, i've never seen it before
00:14:44All department of children's services have him pick up a juvenile. Hanley had a sister 14 year old fruitcake named tinsel
00:14:52She's enlightened
00:14:54She's gonna cry on the inside where it's more personal
00:15:05I know you think there's something wrong with me because I didn't cry for pamela
00:15:09I wanted to
00:15:11But I couldn't
00:15:13I never told this to anyone
00:15:15But I don't know how to cry
00:15:18I don't know where to go inside and find the tears
00:15:21So instead I just fake out that things don't really matter to me
00:15:26Does that make me bad
00:15:29Now this is the kind of public relations the city doesn't need and the department doesn't need
00:15:33Killing backstage in a theater. This is going to be news all over the country
00:15:37Now captain norris will continue to be your immediate superior dr. Rosen from the coroner's office will be temporarily assigned to this case
00:15:47Now listen
00:15:49Every half-ass politician in this city is going to try to make a reputation by walking on our bones
00:15:54Unless we wrap this up quickly
00:15:57So let's not make it easy on them
00:16:00Detective garvey i'd like to see you at the captain's office
00:16:03I'll log us in
00:16:09Close the door jose
00:16:13I'd like to cut to the chase frank ask him where he stands on the freedom army thing you son of a bitch
00:16:18One of our best men was gunned down in cold blood
00:16:22You don't know where you're standing on that. You're not fit to carry a badge you
00:16:26I want him out of my division. We'll talk about it. Now, if you don't mind, let me use your office. Come on
00:16:32I'm gonna have your ass
00:16:39He's a good bite of a cop
00:16:44But goodbye captain
00:16:50You you're either a fool or a fuckup, I don't know which
00:16:54I guess that was a little bit of both frank. I told the truth
00:16:58The truth
00:17:01The truth is one of our men was gunned down
00:17:04and i've got a problem which is ripping the department apart because two other officers say
00:17:09They were fired at first and you say you're not sure that's what happened
00:17:13They're cowboys frank. They went in there looking to whack someone. You don't know that
00:17:18You aren't backup. You didn't see what happened. I know them
00:17:23All right, let's say that's where you stand these are your brothers in arms
00:17:28There are men on the force who like to see you hurt if you take this position
00:17:30Some might even hurt you themselves if they get the chance
00:17:33I don't care about that. No, but I care about it
00:17:36Because I want to see where you come out on this
00:17:38Whether it's on the side of duty or the side of justice
00:17:42I thought our duty was justice frank
00:17:46And so it should be and maybe in a better world it will be
00:17:49Let's deal with what's right in front of us
00:17:52Don't you blow this away joseph
00:17:58Damn it. You were one of the rising stars of this department. You could have been anything you wanted
00:18:05My generation's getting ready to move on who the hell's gonna run the department
00:18:16I'm keeping you on the handling case
00:18:19But I deal with the other thing this is more important
00:18:22First thing I want you to do is check the comrades report. Make sure we haven't missed anything
00:18:28And joseph
00:18:31Let me tell you something
00:18:33Most cops would kiss my left cheek and massage my right
00:18:37Just to get half the regard the department and I have for you
00:18:43Now get the hell out of here
00:18:51You're off the case right? Sorry cap. It's not your day
00:19:16I'm not going to foster home
00:20:01Is anybody there
00:20:42Just like family
00:21:11Stop wait, wait stop
00:24:32Yeah, some guy broke into my apartment with a knife and he almost got me who is this
00:24:37A man broke into my apartment said he was gonna kill me just like pamela slow down a minute. Where are you?
00:24:43I'm at the laredo seat on ventura boulevard. Didn't anyone from children's services come get you? Yeah, they came but I hid from them
00:24:50I'm not gonna go off to some place with strangers. I don't know
00:24:53Okay, listen to me
00:24:55Find a police officer and tell him what happened
00:24:57I'm not gonna go walking around here looking for a cop
00:25:00That guy could have followed me here and put me in a car and do what he did to pamela
00:25:05What are you looking at geek face
00:25:09You know, you told me to call you if anything happened are you a man of your word or not
00:25:17You're not are you
00:25:24Okay do exactly what I tell you what do you see
00:25:28I see a rest area on top of the shopping mall. Don't talk to anyone go up there and wait for me
00:25:33Right now just drop the phone
00:25:36I'm a little scared, you know, I know just drop it. Okay. I'm doing it
00:26:19Karen someone tried to kill the handler kid. I don't know
00:26:23I'm picking her up at lorraine out of anvera boulevard. Back me up 20 minutes
00:26:47Come on
00:26:50You know
00:26:51You sure took your time getting here. Do you know how many people I saw looking at me?
00:26:56Move, where am I going?
00:26:59Juvenile hall isn't open till tomorrow
00:27:02Unless you want to spend the night at the station house. You'll stay with me
00:27:06With you, what are you kidding me? I'd rather have root canal work
00:27:10Besides I got 10 friends I could stay with better than you. No friends. Why not?
00:27:14Because this guy could know every friend you got he knew you're home alone, didn't he?
00:27:19Move so I have to just because you say so look either come with me or don't I don't care
00:27:25Once he's got to find you let him find you
00:27:28You know, you don't have to yell at me. I'm standing right in front of you, but listen to me. God damn it
00:27:35Get in
00:27:56What are you writing do you care not really and you think so
00:28:02I'm writing about a boy. I invented his name is bobby blue. What's he do? If there's anything I want him to do
00:28:12I write about that. We go to the museum. We talk about things
00:28:20There's a car behind us, I know it's a police officer she's seen no one follows
00:28:34Well, how would she know we were here I mean did you call her and tell her
00:28:43That's excellent
00:28:48Joe garvey thinks he hung the moon. I hate freaking cops and I hate joe garvey the most
00:28:54But to tell you the truth, I was kind of glad he was there keeping that guy with the knife away from me and everything
00:29:00It felt good having him protecting me
00:29:03It was like total drama
00:29:06Don't you have any normal clothes
00:29:09These are normal clothes
00:29:11For a prostitute that normal for a 14 year old girl, they're ridiculous get rid of that
00:29:19Pull your skirt down for christ's sake
00:29:22Forget what I said, I hate him first chance I get i'm gone
00:29:37You're gonna have to tell the police more about your sister
00:29:41There's nothing to tell
00:29:43People don't come after kids for no reason you can sleep in here
00:29:52You wear this
00:29:55I'll stay in what i'm wearing do whatever you want
00:29:59Bathrooms down the hall if you get hungry, there's food in the refrigerator. I'll be in the bedroom
00:30:05Don't try to run that door. It's got an alarm on it
00:30:12Hey, wait
00:30:17I don't have a family anymore
00:30:21What am I supposed to do, I don't know
00:30:28Well, isn't there someone I could talk to someone that could help me
00:30:38Talk to juvenile authorities they're trained for that
00:30:42Why is that man after me I don't know that either
00:30:48You know, you're a cop you must have some idea
00:30:54Why does he want to kill me because you know something
00:30:58Either about your sister or the man who killed her. I don't know but you know something
00:31:05And I don't want to hear about your other problems
00:31:09Find someone who cares about you and ask them I can't help you
00:31:38Know she's pamela's friend
00:31:42Garvey you're gonna love this those furs henley hat
00:31:45They were bought at page stanley paper and cash and the bill of sale was signed by a john doe
00:31:52What a prince find in the apartment
00:31:54Nothing on the windows
00:31:56But we're going to cross-check the rest of the apartment with the kids prince and her sisters
00:32:00I have a social worker that will take her to a shelter until we find a family for
00:32:04Do you want to come with me? We have a place for you to stay
00:32:14Is the kid all right, she's fine
00:32:17I'm glad I was worried. You know what this is
00:32:21Never sold before you know what the numbers eight one four one mean
00:32:26She was tattooed on her ankle
00:32:28And it could have been tattooed on her ass and I still wouldn't know what it means
00:32:37When are you people gonna stop with all these goddamn questions
00:32:46I'm going to my club have lunch with me. There's a couple of things. I'd like to talk to you. We'll take my
00:34:03Thought god was supposed to take care of people if they didn't mess up and do bad things
00:34:08I hadn't done anything really rotten in my life. So I didn't know why these men were trying to kill me
00:34:15I don't know what happened
00:34:19Maybe god changed his mind
00:34:37Will you bring me a member's official please
00:34:48Never been here before no
00:34:50It's expensive, but it's worth it when my wife died. I was lost
00:34:55And everything was unstable
00:34:58I didn't realize how much I'd come to rely on the daily routines. We built up over the years
00:35:03And then some friends brought me here. It's very pleasant
00:35:08As a matter of fact, it's the only place where I where I feel completely comfortable
00:35:17Good afternoon, mr. McKay good afternoon
00:35:28Thank you
00:35:31What do you want to talk about frankly you
00:35:37Pick another subject. I like what I heard the other day. You're an idealist
00:35:42You know what an idealist is
00:35:44An idealist is a dreamer who tries to keep his dreams alive while reality keeps trying to get in the way
00:35:50You're very much like me
00:35:52You and I have the same dream
00:35:55We're about justice
00:35:59Why are the sudden interest
00:36:01I've always been interested in you. I watched you climb through the ranks with great pride joseph
00:36:07Most of the graybeards at the top of the ladder
00:36:09From the chief on down used to speculate as to who would be the one to knock them off their perch
00:36:14They all thought it would be you
00:36:17That was then
00:36:19Yes, that was then
00:36:24Some eyes how you reacted when your wife and child were killed was considered aberrant behavior
00:36:31And they dropped you off the future delivery list. I know this is still painful for you, but hear me out
00:36:38My generation
00:36:40They're fighting just to stay in control. They don't even know what it feels like to be a police officer anymore
00:36:52It's the history of the club i'm not much of a joiner read it anyway take it with you. Yeah
00:37:06I'll be right there
00:37:10It was an attempt made on handy kid's life she got away but uh an officer and a woman from children's services were killed
00:37:19You better go
00:37:32Know what happened i'm gonna take my hand away. Don't make any noise. Okay
00:37:38They killed three people
00:37:42There's a car out there i've already called for backup let's get out of here, I don't know why they're
00:37:50Come on
00:37:53Where am I going the police station they followed you from there you go to my house till tomorrow night
00:38:00I don't want to stay with you. I don't like you. I just want to go home
00:38:04I'll sneak in I won't turn on the lights. No one will even know i'm there. Are you crazy?
00:38:09Get it through your head. You don't live there anymore. Then. Where do I live nowhere?
00:38:13Live nowhere
00:38:21You're always ordering me around in one word sentences throw your house keys on the table what for so you can't go back there
00:38:36Stop acting like such a brat
00:38:39Didn't even say thank you for saving your life. Thank you for saving my life. Now. What?
00:38:45Now you eat
00:38:46What if i'm not hungry you eat anyway?
00:38:49You've been on the run all day and you haven't got any money that I know of
00:38:53Sit down
00:38:54You know, you think you know everything just because you're a cop and you don't know shit
00:38:58It's nice talking for a 14 year old
00:39:09You're still gonna tell me your sister wasn't involved in something that got her killed
00:39:13That's right, you're 90 cents short of a dollar kid, you don't know what the hell you're talking about
00:39:23Someone just sent three professionals to kill you
00:39:27Do you understand that?
00:39:28Am I supposed to eat while you're talking about me dying?
00:39:31That's real brainy. Did she have any boyfriends? Of course. She had boyfriends a lot of just one one
00:39:38She had one boyfriend
00:39:41Look i'm not hungry eat pretend I told you not to don't I have any rights?
00:39:52What's his name
00:39:54I don't know his name and I don't know what he looks like either
00:39:57When pammy wanted to be alone, I'd go spend the night at a friend's house or something
00:40:01How often?
00:40:03I don't know how often a couple times a month
00:40:05So a couple times a month your sister got rid of you while her boyfriend slipped over what's that supposed to mean?
00:40:10She was a grown-up. She could do whatever she wanted to
00:40:15Yeah, but how come this boyfriend who sleeps with her doesn't even call after he finds out she's dead
00:40:24What's this
00:40:26How the hell do I know what it is? Pamela was a dancer that everybody liked nothing more. She wasn't doing anything else
00:40:33She wasn't doing anything else
00:40:38You're a hard case kid i'm trying to remind myself you're in trouble so I don't throw you out of here
00:40:43Throw me out. That's what I want
00:40:46What size are you?
00:40:48I'll go get you something normal to wear
00:40:51You're gonna go buy me clothes
00:40:53Just answer the question. Will you why do you always have to say something? What the hell size are you three? I'm size three
00:41:03What are you so angry about all the time i'm not angry bullshit
00:41:08You look like you want to rip somebody's head off
00:41:10This is all temporary. This will all be over in two minutes. I'll be out of here. I'm not listening to you
00:41:20Why didn't you cry for your sister you love so much
00:41:23I don't know
00:41:25My insides belong to me not to you. You're a piss-ass cop. You're not a doctor
00:41:34You're right i'm a piss-ass cop it's none of my business
00:41:42Don't try to run while i'm gone these men could be anywhere i'll be back in an hour clean that up
00:42:11Matthew mark luke and john the bed be blessed that I lie on
00:42:17one to watch
00:42:19And one to pray
00:42:21And two to bear my soul away
00:42:34Hello jolene, yes. Hi, it's tinsel hanley. Are you okay? Yeah, i'm, all right
00:42:40I just wanted to talk i was feeling kind of lonely
00:42:44No, i'm staying with that cop that you talked to at the precinct a real brat
00:42:55No, I can't he said I couldn't leave the house
00:43:06Scared me who's on the phone?
00:43:08It's jolene. It's pamela's friend. You don't talk to anyone. Where's your brain?
00:43:14What are you doing with those pictures I was just looking at them put them down
00:43:21Here's some clothes
00:43:31Who's the girl in the pictures
00:43:43I wasn't able to make any sense out of him
00:43:46One minute he was helping me and the next minute he was being a total creep
00:43:50And I was nervous
00:43:52I didn't know what role I was supposed to play
00:43:55Get hold of the morgue shots. I want to check on something
00:44:00You get homicide reports the next 24 hours pick me up in the morning
00:44:06What are you standing there for where was I supposed to go I wasn't ready for bed well go in there anyway
00:44:11What are you so angry about not angry? Yes, you are. You're practically yelling at me because you're a pain in the ass
00:44:17That's why what did I do? You were going through my desk. Damn it. You know, I said I wouldn't do it again
00:44:23When i'm being shitty, you don't say anything and when i'm not doing anything you're yelling at me
00:44:27You don't make any sense. You know that you're just a freaking retarded cop
00:44:54Hey, buddy, how's it going? I really can't complain things are going pretty good. I think somebody's watching us
00:45:13There's my friend alley wheeler
00:45:17He's gonna stay with you while i'm gone
00:45:23How do you do young lady
00:45:27I'm sure we're gonna have a real fine time together, right?
00:45:32Shouldn't be any trouble alley. Well, if there is some trouble i'll just bust a few skulls
00:45:39Stay away from the window no more calls
00:45:51When the hell are you coming back garvey
00:45:55Because you're leaving me here with some guy in a wheelchair holding a hammer. I don't even know who he is
00:46:00I told you he was a friend of mine. You're safer with him than anyone. I know I brought some clothes. I thought might fit her
00:46:07Why are you helping me it's not like i'm your favorite person or anything
00:46:11I don't have any favorite people left then neither do I?
00:46:18And there's no alarm on the door
00:46:27So I understand there's another coal miner's track in poland
00:46:32I'd laugh but i'm out of practice
00:46:35How come you're taking care of her this is a side of you I don't know
00:46:42Jesus christ, what are you getting me involved with?
00:46:45I'm already interfering with a murder investigation by not telling anyone that you've got the kid with you
00:46:51What is it with you garvey you just won't give anything will you
00:47:01If I slept with you
00:47:03Just once do you think that would make you a little friendlier?
00:47:08I mean, you know just to get it out of the way
00:47:12It's not in the way
00:47:16Thanks, I feel a whole lot better now, you know what you are garvey
00:47:23You're ice
00:47:25If ever I need a heart transplant I want yours because yours has never been used
00:47:44Isolate the wounds
00:47:52I'll put this on what are you getting it? Just do it
00:48:15Who else knows about this
00:48:18No one
00:48:21I gotta tell you something garvey. I've seen two other bodies in the last six months with marks similar to that
00:48:28I gotta tell you something else
00:48:30Hanley's body was released from the morgue last night. She was cremated who signed the release forms her sister
00:48:37Her sister's 14 years old. I know that
00:48:49I have to ask you something
00:48:56I have to ask you something about pamela
00:49:00I can't stand her being all alone
00:49:02I mean
00:49:03She's supposed to have a service with friends sending her flowers and being buried with the minister saying his prayers
00:49:12I don't know how to do that
00:49:18There's something I gotta tell you you're gonna tell me something bad, aren't you?
00:49:42Do you know how to dance what do you mean it's a simple question yes or no, you know how to dance or don't
00:49:50Of course, I know how to dance. Let's dance
00:49:53You're a kid for christ's sake. This is the best time of your life
00:49:57Show you why you got it. What are you crazy?
00:50:01You want me to go out there and dance by myself, you know how embarrassing that would be
00:50:11Come here dance with us what
00:50:16I want her to have a good time and you're going to show it to her dance with her
00:50:41You dance with that kid or i'm gonna kick your ass up around your shoulder blades. Yes, sir
00:50:51Who was that guy I don't know some crazy person
00:51:20I said you go you want me to stay
00:51:38For some reason it was important to him that I had fun that night
00:51:51Below all that scary face and all that meanness. It was actually a heart that could beat when he played it
00:52:08He tried to take care of me in the best way he knew how
00:52:21You can tell me what you're gonna tell me about pamela even if it's bad I still want to know
00:52:31What he told me what they did to pamela and I knew why he wanted me to have a good time
00:52:45It's crazy, I know but I think that's the night I started liking joe garvey you've got to tell me what you know
00:52:55She's gone you can't protect her anymore
00:52:58You gotta take care of yourself now
00:53:19Behind the painting by the table, there's a videotape that pamela told me to hide
00:53:24I know what's on it
00:53:25Please please don't tell anyone what you see pencil handling
00:53:35What are you expecting a war
00:53:38Where's the kid she's sleeping I won't be long take your time. We'll be fine
00:53:56I thought you was clean. I'm not where'd he go? She didn't tell me
00:54:23Hey, that's me in that picture
00:54:26Is that it is it
00:54:42Matter of fact, that's how this happened
00:54:46What do you mean
00:54:49I had intercepted this past. I was I made a great catch i'm boogieing down the sidelines and
00:54:54paralyzed? Can't feel anything from my waist down. Does it hurt? Nah, I almost don't feel nothing.
00:55:07Isn't it weird your name's Allie Wheeler and you're in that thing?
00:55:16I bet you 500 people have wanted to ask me that question.
00:55:19Yeah, I guess it's a little weird. Hey, it's damn weird. I mean, Allie, the Wheeler.
00:55:33Why don't you tell me about the bad things that have been happening to you?
00:55:38Do you really care? Believe it or not, I do.
00:55:42Honest. I mean, we both have had our share of problems, haven't we?
00:55:49Haven't we?
00:57:19You owe me.
00:57:49Who's the girl in the picture?
00:58:16That's his daughter. I thought so. Where is she?
00:58:22She's dead. She and her mom were killed in a car crash four years ago.
00:58:28I never saw a man love anyone the way he loved that kid.
00:58:32She owned his heart. I often thought it'd be better if he was the one killed.
00:58:36How old was she?
00:58:41About nine. So she'd be about my age now.
00:58:48Is that why he's helping me? Because I'm like a stand-in for his daughter?
00:58:53I don't know. Be quiet.
00:59:02Go in the kitchen. What's going on?
00:59:08Just get in there and close the door. Move. Oh, God, no.
00:59:11Get back!
01:00:41What the hell happened here?
01:01:13He took two shots. One of them severed his spinal column,
01:01:17and that's not even the one that stopped him.
01:01:29Is there a kid here?
01:01:30What kid are you talking about? Is it the Hanley kid?
01:01:39Were you keeping the Hanley kid here? Fuck you.
01:01:42Don't walk out of here! Garvey!
01:02:08There's nobody here. What do you want? Somebody tried to kill the kid.
01:02:12Nobody knew where she was but you. Who'd you tell?
01:02:15Don't be ridiculous. I didn't tell anyone.
01:02:21Some friends invited me away for the weekend. Why are you staring at me?
01:02:26Get your hands off me! Who did you tell?
01:02:43Pamela had men around her all the time, always coming on to her.
01:02:46That's how she fell in with that man. She needed someone to protect her.
01:02:51Who is he? She never told me his name.
01:02:53She was a child, you know? He owned her.
01:03:00You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?
01:03:06He gave her protection, an explanation for why we ballet dancers
01:03:10put up with all the shit we take. And she ate it up like a hungry child.
01:03:15She was perfect for him. She was owned.
01:03:18She was owned. How did he find her?
01:03:22I don't know. How does a shark smell blood in water?
01:03:25Describe him. I only saw him once.
01:03:30Where? Don't push this, okay?
01:03:35I'm so frightened I can't breathe. He's gonna kill the kid.
01:03:39And what about me? If I tell you, he'll kill me.
01:03:42He's gonna kill you anyway. You know too much.
01:03:44Look, this is the truth. Pamela took me someplace once.
01:03:50I was stoned real heavily, so I don't know where the hell it was.
01:03:53There were some very scary men there. And I let them do anything they wanted to do to me,
01:03:57sexually. That's how scared I was.
01:04:01I don't know anything else. I swear it.
01:04:05Now, will you please leave me alone? I want to get out of here.
01:04:15What are you writing? I'm writing about a boy I met.
01:04:29His name is Bobby Blue. What does he do?
01:04:33He does anything I want him to do. I write that we go to the museum and talk about things.
01:05:44I kept walking around here hoping you'd remember. I didn't think you were paying attention.
01:06:01Come on, you gotta go somewhere they won't find you. Come on.
01:06:44what? Could you listen a minute?
01:06:53I don't want to stay here. I want to stay with you. I don't feel safe anywhere else.
01:06:59You can't stay with me. Why not?
01:07:02Because you're 14 years old, for Christ's sake. Where's your brains?
01:07:06I know how old I am. What's that got to do with it? Those people know that I'm 14 years old,
01:07:10and they're trying to kill me anyway. And I'm trying to protect you.
01:07:13No, you're not. You're trying to get rid of me. You don't care about me, this me. I'm not
01:07:18a person to you. I'm just some case number. You don't give a damn about your own life.
01:07:22How can you care about mine? Well, we have a room for her.
01:07:31It's being prepared right now. You know, I wouldn't be doing this
01:07:41if it weren't an emergency. Can you tell me more than you have?
01:07:48I'd rather not, Mother. Trust me that it's as bad as I said.
01:08:11What is it? What?
01:08:12Who's going to take care of me? Someone will take care of you.
01:08:16Someone? Who's someone?
01:08:21I don't know. Is it because I was mean to you?
01:08:24Is that why I can't stay with you? It's got nothing to do with that.
01:08:28But I won't be mean anymore. I promise. Please let me stay with you. I'll be quiet.
01:08:35I'll never say anything. I don't know how to be nice.
01:08:39No one ever taught me. Don't punish me for it.
01:08:43I'm not punishing you. Then let me stay with you.
01:08:45I can't. Hold her.
01:08:54No. Chau, hold her.
01:09:16No. Listen to me.
01:09:21Listen, it's okay. I'll take care of you.
01:09:38I didn't want to.
01:09:48You're like my kid, you know? You're like my own little girl.
01:09:57And I want to take care of you more than anything in the world.
01:10:07I'm not like this, Dan, am I? I mean, you aren't me. This me.
01:10:14It's you. You're one of a kind, believe me.
01:10:21Come with me, Dan.
01:10:28You will come back for me, won't you? I'll come back.
01:10:38He's going to be my father.
01:11:02Give me that area there.
01:11:20Enhance it.
01:11:38It's mine. You're a good cop, Joseph. Don't do anything foolish.
01:11:50We could have killed you many times, but I don't want you dead.
01:11:53Don't judge me too quickly, Joseph.
01:11:57Come with me. Let me show you the truth the way I see it. Come.
01:12:46come on, Joseph, please sit.
01:12:54This wasn't supposed to happen for at least another year or so.
01:12:58We didn't think you were quite ready. So this is going to come at you a little too fast.
01:13:06All I ask is that you hear me out to the end.
01:13:13When I was your age, Joseph, being a cop was holy, sacred.
01:13:19I literally used to get down on my knees and thank God for giving me the chance to help others.
01:13:25You felt the same way, didn't you? Of course you did. But it's turned rancid, hasn't it?
01:13:32It's not the same holy experience anymore. Being a cop is a joke, Joseph,
01:13:38because society doesn't give a shit about decency anymore.
01:13:42Murder, drugs, violence are all increasing. You gave your life to nothing.
01:13:57I gave it to the law. The law? Yes, but not to justice. And the law's a big joke anyway.
01:14:07And we have laws that let murderers go free, that sentence child rapists to discuss their problems in therapy.
01:14:18The law's useless and everyone knows it. So a bunch of people,
01:14:27doctors, judges, senators, fellow officers, all decent, respectable people,
01:14:33have gotten together and decided to do something, to act, because the system isn't working anymore.
01:14:40We take the drug dealers, the killers, the corruptors who have slipped through the judicial system
01:14:51and we pass judgment on them.
01:14:55You kill them. We execute them.
01:14:59Who gives you the right? Who gives a thief the right to come into my house in the middle of the night and rob me at gunpoint?
01:15:10Now, at first hearing, this may sound extreme, but it's not, Joseph.
01:15:17It's not compared to what's going on out there.
01:15:25Why did you kill Pamela Handley?
01:15:43That was an unfortunate mistake.
01:15:45A what?
01:15:56A mistake. We had to correct.
01:16:03She was going to expose us to the news media. Sometimes, Joseph, innocent people have to die
01:16:12to keep an idea alive.
01:16:16Why are you after the kid?
01:16:20She was a loose end.
01:16:27I was afraid she might know something. As it turns out, I was right. She knew about the tape.
01:16:32We want you, Joseph, because you've been beaten down every day, because you've had dreams,
01:16:40because you're still being crushed for wanting to do right.
01:16:45We want the hatred in you, the anger and the rage that wants to come out.
01:16:53Let me give you that release, Joseph.
01:17:06Come with me.
01:17:12Come with me, Joseph.
01:17:18Come with me, Joseph.
01:17:20Come with me, Joseph.
01:17:50Come with me.
01:18:02You're home, Joseph.
01:18:06Every one of these people has been tracking you since you lost your family.
01:18:20My father was a cop.
01:18:22He was killed in a gunfight.
01:18:24His killer went free due to some technicality.
01:18:26I recruited Karen while she was still at the academy.
01:18:50Do you recognize him, Joseph?
01:19:04No one can give you this gift, Joseph.
01:19:06No one but us.
01:19:20This is a scum that killed your wife and child.
01:19:22He served a total of five months and 11 days.
01:19:24This is what our society has become.
01:19:26He's a scum.
01:19:28He's a scum.
01:19:30He's a scum.
01:19:32He's a scum.
01:19:34He's a scum.
01:19:36He's a scum.
01:19:38He's a scum.
01:19:40He's a scum.
01:19:42He's a scum.
01:19:44He's a scum.
01:19:46He's a scum.
01:19:49He's a scum.
01:19:51He's a scum.
01:19:56He's yours, Joseph.
01:19:58Kill him.
01:20:06You're ready now.
01:20:08It's just a small step to take.
01:20:10It's just a small step to take.
01:20:12Kill him.
01:20:18Hey. I didn't mean to kill anybody. Please.
01:20:35Do it, Joseph. Do it for your wife and child. You'll never feel better in your life. Do it.
01:20:56It's all talk, Frank. You kill innocent people.
01:21:00Pamela Hanley never hurt anyone.
01:21:03Don't throw this away. You're so close.
01:21:18Wait. Wait, please. Please, wait. Wait!
01:21:26Joseph, don't.
01:21:30You're making a terrible mistake.
01:21:36Joseph, it's not too late.
01:21:41Joseph, listen to me!
01:21:52Joseph, you can't get out of here. I'm your only way out.
01:21:58We'll give you everything.
01:22:01We want you, Joseph. Especially you.
01:22:06We can't let you walk away. Don't you see that?
01:22:11The department you joined doesn't exist anymore.
01:22:14You're almost there, Joseph. Take the step. Take this last step and be one of us.
01:22:20Joseph, we won't kill the girl if she means that much to you.
01:22:26I'll take care of her. We know where she is.
01:22:30Let me have her, Joseph! Let me own her!
01:23:13They're going after the kid.
01:23:42Get out of here!
01:24:07Get out of here!
01:24:22Get out of here!
01:24:51Get out of here!
01:25:14Get out of here!
01:25:35That was Joe Garvey. I was never more wrong about anyone in my life.
01:25:41He wasn't mean. He was just lonely.
01:25:45Like I was. Like I am.
01:25:49I think he was the best cop that ever lived.
01:25:54He loved the job and the people that did it right.
01:25:58He wore green on St. Patrick's Day, didn't take graph, and paid his dues to the league on time.
01:26:05I miss him so much.
01:26:10He was tall, good-looking, dressed well, and he knew who Mahler was.
01:26:17What else did he want?
01:26:35Where am I going?
01:27:38I knew you wouldn't die. I knew you wouldn't.
01:28:02You better get moving. I don't want some freak on the roof taking a shot at you.
01:28:08I'm going with him.
01:28:09Get in the car.
01:28:22I was wrong about you, Garvey. I owe you an apology.
01:28:29You're right.
01:28:31I want you to call me sometime. Let me know how you're doing.
01:28:45Where's he going?
01:28:47You don't want to know that.
01:28:49Those people are going to come looking for him and the kid.
01:28:53So if anybody asks you where Joe Garvey is, just tell them he's dead.
