• 2 months ago
00:00:30She can't speak, Mr. Dictator.
00:00:31How is that possible?
00:00:32Her weakness, her refusal,
00:00:35is not due to pathological reasons, but to psychological ones.
00:00:37It's not normal for Grigoris to leave the house.
00:00:39Especially now that he's a father.
00:00:41She's been missing for two days.
00:00:44Why didn't you tell me you went with her?
00:00:46You're a murderer!
00:00:49You're a murderer! Why?
00:00:54I don't know.
00:00:55I don't know where to start.
00:00:58You're on my case.
00:00:59Sit down and don't move, or you'll get mixed up.
00:01:01If anyone can get mixed up, it's Ioulia.
00:01:04I have to find her and talk to her, to see where the child is.
00:01:06There's another disappearance.
00:01:07A good time ago, from a nearby monastery.
00:01:10The monk Epifanios, if you heard.
00:01:13Who killed your husband?
00:01:18This widow, Mr. Dictator,
00:01:20was pregnant.
00:01:22Can we confirm that?
00:01:24Because your friend sent them to me.
00:01:26You admitted that your father was Georgikis Provios.
00:01:29I confess that I was.
00:01:31The knife was from the kitchen of the house.
00:01:34And guess what?
00:01:36You have the fingerprints of everyone who is mentioned.
00:01:38Ioulia's child and Provios' are mine.
00:01:46As soon as she gets out, I'll have to arrest her.
00:01:49As a suspect for her husband's death.
00:01:52You have to arrest me, Stasinopoulos.
00:01:55I was to blame for everything, from the start.
00:02:00Don't move.
00:02:25I was dreaming
00:02:27of a day like a celebration
00:02:30I was dreaming of having my love
00:02:35to come to my list
00:02:38But a lightning struck
00:02:40and my life was drowned in silence
00:02:49A soul was cremated
00:02:53My soul was cremated
00:02:56and its ashes
00:02:59were lost
00:03:05They scared me
00:03:07with so many secrets
00:03:11that I was afraid
00:03:23I love you
00:03:27Tell me she's alive.
00:03:28She's alive for now.
00:03:30But we have to go to the hospital.
00:03:31Help me.
00:03:33Hold her head.
00:03:51What happened, Vangelis?
00:03:52As the reporter said, I was at the hospital about Koutari's case.
00:03:56It was a recent development. It's not the same Alexandra.
00:04:00What do you want?
00:04:01There is a report about her.
00:04:04Where can we find her?
00:04:07You know what?
00:04:09I don't think we should panic.
00:04:11And not consider anything given.
00:04:14Except for the fact that Georgiki Provios has been murdered.
00:04:18But at this moment, your brother is not the only one missing.
00:04:21All the others should be at Provios' house.
00:04:24And they are missing.
00:04:27Why are you worrying me instead of reassuring me?
00:04:30Tell me.
00:04:32Excuse me.
00:04:35Adjalina, the lawyer's office, please.
00:04:39Yes, she's here.
00:04:41Yes, I'm coming right away.
00:04:50What's going on?
00:04:53Your mother.
00:04:54What happened?
00:04:55Let's go.
00:05:11Hurry up, let's go.
00:06:04What's going on? Tell me.
00:06:07Where is my mother?
00:06:08Calm down.
00:06:10But they haven't told me anything else.
00:06:32So, Anesthesia...
00:06:36Let's start from the beginning.
00:06:40Tell me what happened.
00:07:03Do you think he'll make it?
00:07:06Why not?
00:07:08He's done it before.
00:07:11Luckily you were with her.
00:07:13And Mr. Glavanis was there too.
00:07:18Gregory, is there any news from here?
00:07:23I don't think he'll come to see our mother.
00:07:25He'll find out soon enough.
00:07:31The important thing is that Mrs. Razini makes it.
00:07:34Yes, of course.
00:07:38How long has this been going on?
00:07:41Do you remember the first time it happened?
00:07:46Of course I do.
00:08:07Mrs. Razini?
00:08:09Can you hear me?
00:08:11Yes, I can hear you.
00:08:14How are you feeling?
00:08:17What happened?
00:08:19You fainted, mother.
00:08:21How are you feeling now?
00:08:23I'm fine.
00:08:25Don't rush.
00:08:26Help me get her up.
00:08:28No, no, no!
00:08:29Come, come.
00:08:37Are you still dizzy?
00:08:39No, I'm fine.
00:08:41Do you have nightmares?
00:08:44Not now.
00:08:46I used to have a good one.
00:08:54Have you ever felt in your life that you've done everything right?
00:09:00Although you had the best intentions, in the end you made a mistake.
00:09:03Because you got people into your neck.
00:09:07Because you got people into your neck.
00:09:10Just like me.
00:09:12If you're here, I'm not judging, but you are.
00:09:16It's not a judgment.
00:09:17It's a conversation.
00:09:19I surrendered on my own, you didn't take me in.
00:09:21It wasn't a capture.
00:09:23It wasn't anything.
00:09:25And now we're talking because I want to talk.
00:09:28If I didn't want to talk, I'd be like you.
00:09:32I'd keep on guessing.
00:09:33I'd keep on guessing.
00:09:51There was a murder.
00:09:53You came to his cell to surrender.
00:09:56Why are you getting everything mixed up in this conversation?
00:09:59Are you innocent or guilty?
00:10:03Do you know any of the police officers in this case?
00:10:06To be innocent.
00:10:08You were innocent.
00:10:10And I don't remember it.
00:10:24I don't know if we can offer you anything while we're here.
00:10:29I want to go through the newspaper.
00:10:33If I don't have to be here, I can leave, of course.
00:10:36Why do you say that?
00:10:38Because you mentioned the newspaper.
00:10:43I think I have to function as a journalist.
00:10:48I've always done that.
00:10:50In the most difficult moments.
00:10:53And this one seems to be the most difficult of all.
00:10:58I hope you're not right.
00:11:00What if I am?
00:11:04I'll go through the newspaper to see the article for tomorrow.
00:11:07Maybe I'll get some information.
00:11:09Maybe you'll give us something.
00:11:11Not a chance.
00:12:04What are you doing? Are you crazy?
00:12:07Not at all. It's him, Grigori. Did you see him?
00:12:09Did you see him too?
00:12:11What's going on?
00:12:13I don't know. As soon as he saw me, he left.
00:12:15They're looking for him in prison. What does he want in the hospital?
00:12:33I don't know.
00:12:55Things are very simple and you make them very difficult for me.
00:12:58Anestis, I don't have much time.
00:13:00The question is simple.
00:13:03Did you kill George Kiprovios? Yes or no?
00:13:17You're wrong, Christian.
00:13:19You're innocent.
00:13:30I'm sorry.
00:13:46She hasn't said a word yet.
00:13:53I'll go back to the hospital.
00:13:56It's pointless to stay here.
00:13:57I'll go see my daughter. Maybe she'll talk to me.
00:14:23Do you know where Julia is?
00:14:25Are you looking for her?
00:14:27Are you crazy?
00:14:29We have our mother in the hospital and you're talking to me about Julia.
00:14:32Our mother? Where?
00:14:34Here, in the hospital.
00:14:36She has a heart attack again.
00:14:46Doctor! Doctor!
00:15:18Grigori, call the ambulance. We lost her.
00:15:23Mr. Matarchin?
00:15:25What is it, Mr. Michalaki?
00:15:27Maybe she's with her, with the child. Maybe she's hiding him somewhere.
00:15:30Let's go.
00:15:36I think this time it's worse than ever.
00:15:38I don't know what happened to her.
00:15:39I saw her! I saw her! I talked to her!
00:15:42Where do they have her?
00:15:43This way.
00:15:47And now the two of us, Arrest.
00:15:50Open the papers.
00:15:58To come and surrender on your own,
00:16:04you recognize your guilt.
00:16:13I have nothing to accuse you of.
00:16:16Not even if I knew that you would appear like this in front of me after so many years.
00:16:27I have nothing to accuse you of.
00:16:49You killed George Kiprovios.
00:16:52Unfortunately, the truth is that I have killed many more than one.
00:16:59It's true what they say, your time doesn't make you a father.
00:17:05Every day we kill each other.
00:17:09And you know about the past, don't you?
00:17:13You know everything that has happened to George and Hada.
00:17:17Everything that has happened to George and Hada.
00:17:23What did you tell her? When did you see her?
00:17:25Is this why your mother is in the hospital?
00:17:27Tell me, Grigori. What did you tell her?
00:17:33You did it.
00:17:35Tell me.
00:17:36Where is my son? Is he alive?
00:17:39Where is he?
00:17:41Why did you kill my son?
00:17:43What happened?
00:17:45Are you a son of a bitch like your father?
00:17:47And you want my daughter to cover for you?
00:17:49Tell me!
00:17:57She's back.
00:17:58She's back.
00:18:05It's terrible that things happen at a certain point in their cycle.
00:18:11And for some mysterious reason that I say is...
00:18:19it doesn't mean anything at all.
00:18:22And that's where the concept of sin and repentance comes in.
00:18:29You sin and you leave the natural cycle until you come back.
00:18:36You suffer.
00:18:40You suffer a lot.
00:18:46So I sinned.
00:18:55Now if you ask me if I killed George Kiprovios...
00:19:00with my own hands...
00:19:02the truth is that I didn't.
00:19:04But on the other hand, the truth is that I would have liked to have done it.
00:19:08I would have liked it very much.
00:19:11To get my blood back for the death of Evgenia.
00:19:14It was a death...
00:19:16of the man who killed his wife.
00:19:18Your friend.
00:19:20I'm sure of what I'm telling you.
00:19:24I'm sure that you killed my wife too.
00:19:28So Hades is dead?
00:19:30Is that what you're telling me?
00:19:32I can only make assumptions.
00:19:34I can't tell you with certainty.
00:19:37I hit her this morning.
00:19:40We fell on top of each other.
00:20:03I love you.
00:20:22This is called tragic irony.
00:20:25A satan wearing a rasa.
00:20:29Here you are.
00:20:32Here I am.
00:20:34What, you weren't expecting me?
00:20:39You can't imagine how many times I've dreamed of this moment.
00:20:43I've been preparing for years...
00:20:46for this moment.
00:20:47I knew it would come, especially after that night...
00:20:51when I saw you...
00:20:52suddenly, in front of me...
00:20:54in my own house, and everyone thought I was crazy.
00:20:57In the end, you were still...
00:20:59a madman, Anestis.
00:21:02I'm sorry.
00:21:05You're not called Anestis anymore.
00:21:07Now you want to be called Epifanios.
00:21:12Really, how much longer...
00:21:14did you think you'd hide behind the rasa?
00:21:16What did you think? That I wouldn't find you?
00:21:19I'm so happy to see you, Hades.
00:21:30You can't imagine how happy I was when I saw that you were alive.
00:21:34That you didn't die.
00:21:37To have the pleasure of killing you with my own hands.
00:21:41To see your face...
00:21:43when you were about to die.
00:21:45You were lost.
00:21:48Why are you looking at me, Anestis?
00:21:51Don't make a fool of me.
00:21:53I'm not going to be sad for you, like you weren't sad for me.
00:21:56When you were jumping on that girl...
00:21:59and you were kicking me out of my own house.
00:22:02When you were throwing this shit at her.
00:22:05And you left me to suffer with grief.
00:22:09When you left me alone to run to the doctors, to become jealous.
00:22:13To pray to God and get a manzounia, while you took your eyes off her.
00:22:17Things didn't go that way, Hades.
00:22:19You're nothing more than an insensitive prisoner, Anestis.
00:22:24You killed me slowly, day by day.
00:22:26Regardless of how I felt.
00:22:28Regardless of the pain you caused me.
00:22:32Do you want me to tell you about my own pain?
00:22:34Shut up. Shut up.
00:22:36Now I'm talking. Finally, after all this time, I'm talking.
00:22:39And I don't want to hear a word from you.
00:22:41I don't want to hear a word.
00:22:45I hate you, you know that.
00:22:47I hate you with all the strength of my soul.
00:22:49It's your fault for everything.
00:22:51It's your fault for all the madness.
00:22:53It's your fault for everything.
00:22:56It's your fault for all the suffering of our family.
00:22:58Because you're a tyrant.
00:23:00You're a man full of anger.
00:23:03Full of hatred.
00:23:05Because of the poverty you grew up in.
00:23:07And I, the truth, believed you.
00:23:10I believed that you loved me.
00:23:13That you wanted me for what I am.
00:23:18I wanted you for what you were.
00:23:21I wanted you for what you were.
00:23:23Only my father understood what smoking was.
00:23:25Only he knew that the only thing that mattered to you
00:23:27was putting your hand on my money.
00:23:29That's not how it was, Hadou.
00:23:31To become someone on my back and then humiliate me.
00:23:35To throw me as low as possible
00:23:37so that you can feel equal to me afterwards.
00:23:41Hadou, that's not how it is.
00:23:43Stop it.
00:23:45Don't talk. Don't talk, you bastard. Stop it.
00:23:48I can't stand the time and the moment you got in my way.
00:23:54Don't feel sorry for me.
00:23:56Kill me.
00:23:59You're very right.
00:24:01I looked at myself. I had many desires.
00:24:04So, kill me.
00:24:08Does it impress you?
00:24:10Do you think I didn't want to kill myself?
00:24:12I didn't want to put an end to my life. Do you think so?
00:24:17Yes, I wanted to do that, Hadou.
00:24:19I wanted to do that, but now, with God's help, I have repented
00:24:23and I can't kill myself now.
00:24:26I betrayed you then. I betrayed you.
00:24:28I betrayed you, Hadou.
00:24:31But I want you to know that not a day has passed
00:24:34that I haven't regretted the time and the moment
00:24:37that I betrayed the love I had for you.
00:24:39I loved you.
00:24:41I loved you.
00:24:44And that's why you're right. Don't give up.
00:24:47Do it.
00:24:49Do what's right.
00:24:52And why didn't I pull the trigger?
00:24:54What did I do to stop it?
00:25:02If there's something I don't like about all this,
00:25:05I don't like the character of Hadou.
00:25:09The most logical thing would be the most certain thing
00:25:12about Hadou.
00:25:14To believe that you're lying.
00:25:16Hadou is a very tough, very difficult person.
00:25:21Not on her own.
00:25:23Let's not judge her.
00:25:26The sick environment that her father created
00:25:29was hard on Hadou.
00:25:31And not her nature.
00:25:33She couldn't look at the good parts of her,
00:25:36of her soul.
00:25:38Could she see me in the soul of others?
00:25:42That's the truth.
00:25:44She was tough and took her father's superiority
00:25:49after his death and my disbelief.
00:25:54Christos Provios was inhuman
00:25:57and despised everyone.
00:26:00And Giorgiki?
00:26:03Especially Giorgiki.
00:26:07He thought he was completely useless.
00:26:10Completely incompetent.
00:26:12Since he was a child he was nailed to the wood.
00:26:15He learned from Stephania
00:26:17that when he was a child
00:26:19he left him in the closet.
00:26:22Sleepy and thirsty for hours.
00:26:25To become a man.
00:26:27To get used to it.
00:26:29To get used to it.
00:26:32But the harshness of Hadou
00:26:35was first a punishment against herself.
00:26:40After her father's death
00:26:44and after my betrayal
00:26:47she probably couldn't forgive herself
00:26:50for being born a woman.
00:26:53As if she felt she deserved to be punished for that.
00:26:57That was the hatred of Hadou.
00:27:00Punishment for herself.
00:27:02Punishment for herself.
00:27:05In contrast to Giorgiki
00:27:07who did his hatred perfectly.
00:27:13That was Provios.
00:27:15He was a twisted man
00:27:17and at the same time unhappy.
00:27:21Who lived next to us.
00:27:25Among us.
00:27:27Like many others like him.
00:27:31Now that I saw him
00:27:36I don't know.
00:27:40He left.
00:27:42When he realized what I told him
00:27:46he couldn't
00:27:49pull the trigger.
00:27:53He went back.
00:28:01I'm going in. I need to take a break.
00:28:04Yes, sir.
00:28:24What did you tell her?
00:28:30What happened.
00:28:32The truth.
00:28:35Words, Anestis.
00:28:39Beautiful words.
00:28:41You always did that. You said beautiful words.
00:28:44Magic words.
00:28:47What I wanted to hear.
00:28:49But not now. Not anymore.
00:28:51I'm not going to make you sad.
00:28:53Because for me you're dead, Anestis.
00:28:56You're in the past.
00:28:58I know what pain I've caused you
00:29:00and I'm still ashamed. That's why I want you to know.
00:29:03But you have to understand that I was young too.
00:29:06And I felt betrayed.
00:29:08Betrayed? You?
00:29:10And we both betrayed the love we felt for each other.
00:29:13You were the one who left first.
00:29:17Your anger has limits.
00:29:19Why don't you want to hear it? Stop. Stop.
00:29:21This is the truth.
00:29:23You left first.
00:29:25You left me first when you changed.
00:29:28When you started treating me not as your husband, but as your superior.
00:29:32You said before that
00:29:34I humiliated you because I wanted to feel equal with you.
00:29:38Maybe you're right.
00:29:40I have a lot of regrets. I was the son of a worker and you were the daughter of a foreman.
00:29:44It was wrong.
00:29:46Yes, it was wrong.
00:29:48But the point is
00:29:50to accept at some point one's mistakes.
00:29:53But it takes strength.
00:29:55Why don't you do it too?
00:29:57Why don't you give this gift to yourself?
00:30:02You can't remember
00:30:04who you were.
00:30:06You were wonderful.
00:30:08You were beautiful.
00:30:10You dreamed of becoming a teacher.
00:30:13You wanted to be loved for who you are.
00:30:15And I loved you and I fell in love for that reason.
00:30:18For what you were.
00:30:21I lost one child after the other, Anestis.
00:30:25My dear, why did you take his place when your father died?
00:30:29Why did you become him?
00:30:31Don't mention my father.
00:30:33Don't mention him now.
00:30:36He doesn't look like him.
00:30:38But he did look like him, unfortunately.
00:30:43In disbelief.
00:30:46And I want you to know that with this
00:30:52we were connected because we looked alike.
00:30:56And because we were a part of a family that no one could accept.
00:31:01That was the reason
00:31:03we came close.
00:31:05And we paid for that.
00:31:07And we still pay for that, all of us.
00:31:10With our lives.
00:31:15I love you.
00:31:20Do you think Haddo has anything to do with Arfoutis' murder?
00:31:25I don't know.
00:31:27What do you think?
00:31:33Haddo had a very complicated relationship with Giorgiki.
00:31:37He pretended to be his mother
00:31:39to control him.
00:31:42Probably because he thought that this way he was protecting him.
00:31:48And he...
00:31:51the violence he had suffered as a child
00:31:53he finally took it out on the weak.
00:31:57In Stefania when he was a kid,
00:31:59in Evgenia later
00:32:02and now in Ioulia.
00:32:05And Haddo was running to
00:32:07beat up Giorgiki's men.
00:32:10But I don't think he did it out of love.
00:32:17He tried to be a man somehow.
00:32:22He wanted to have a manly voice.
00:32:29He wanted to be respected.
00:32:31Or to be feared.
00:32:33Like her father.
00:32:40I love you.
00:33:05Take this.
00:33:07Let's go.
00:33:10Let's go.
00:33:16He must be hunting, sir.
00:33:18At this time?
00:33:21I heard it from a distance.
00:33:24Keep looking.
00:33:26Here! Come here!
00:33:40Come here!
00:34:11And you say Haddo is dead?
00:34:16Only God knows that.
00:34:23I say, because I know Haddo better than anyone else,
00:34:29that if he doesn't live, I will kill Giorgiki with what he did to her.
00:34:34That if he doesn't live, I will kill Giorgiki with what he did to her.
00:34:40And you know, the only thing that could heal Haddo
00:34:46is her need to have a child.
00:34:51To raise him.
00:34:53To take care of him.
00:34:56And to correct the mistakes she made when she was growing up.
00:35:03To create a new Haddo, that is.
00:35:07Just like Giorgiki wanted to have a new Eugenia.
00:35:12And with Ioulia, he couldn't do it.
00:35:16And you know, Kostis, I think that's what killed him.
00:35:23And the two sisters
00:35:27went through the same mistake.
00:35:31A mistake.
00:35:34I don't know if it's a mistake.
00:35:46And what do you think Giorgiki did?
00:35:49And you say that after that Haddo must live.
00:35:54And you?
00:35:57What do you imagine?
00:36:00I don't know.
00:36:06You don't know what you're saying, Anesti.
00:36:09The only thing I wanted was a child.
00:36:12That's all. Nothing else.
00:36:15That's why I was pushing you to become a mother.
00:36:18I wanted to have a child with you.
00:36:20And you went and kidnapped her.
00:36:22Her. Do you understand?
00:36:25You killed me. You killed me.
00:36:27All that love and tenderness that I had inside of me
00:36:34The one who castrated with her child died, Haddo.
00:36:38The one who died with Eugenia, what did she do, Haddo?
00:36:43What did Christ do?
00:36:45He did good and she died.
00:36:47And Christ should never have been born.
00:36:49And the other child that managed to be born?
00:36:52Eugenia of Ioulia, Haddo?
00:36:54Haddo, the one who managed to be born, how did you love her?
00:36:58Because she reminds me of your betrayal.
00:37:01The only reason I haven't blown your mind so far
00:37:04is because I want you to tell me where you're hiding the child.
00:37:07That's why I came, Anesti.
00:37:09I came to take her. And I will take her, no matter what.
00:37:12So tell me, tell me, where are you hiding her?
00:37:14What are you saying?
00:37:15Tell me, where are you hiding my Eugenia? I came to take her, to leave.
00:37:17Haddo, what are you saying?
00:37:18Don't pretend I don't know.
00:37:20I'm sure you've taken her again, like the other time.
00:37:24Why? To give her back to this filth that her mother presents?
00:37:27Tell me where you have her.
00:37:28Haddo, the child...
00:37:29I came to take her, to leave.
00:37:30Haddo, the child...
00:37:31This child is mine, child.
00:37:33She's my daughter.
00:37:34She's a product.
00:37:35This child, this creature,
00:37:38made me feel what you and your loved ones had destroyed.
00:37:41This child made me a mother.
00:37:44Another woman made you a mother,
00:37:47who couldn't hold her child in her arms right now.
00:37:51Right now!
00:37:53She didn't even have the chance to kiss him dead,
00:37:55now that he's out of her life.
00:38:00What should I do?
00:38:02You don't know anything!
00:38:03You didn't see anything!
00:38:04What should I do? What did you say?
00:38:05What did you say? What should I know?
00:38:07You didn't see anything!
00:38:08What should I know? Tell me!
00:38:09What should I know? Tell me!
00:38:10What did you say?
00:38:11What did you say, Anathema? What did you say?
00:38:13Last night, I saw your follower coming out of the stable,
00:38:16holding his child in his arms,
00:38:18his cold body.
00:38:24What are you saying?
00:38:25What are you saying?
00:38:26What are you saying?
00:38:27God will burn you!
00:38:28What are you saying?
00:38:29God will burn you!
00:38:31I'm dying.
00:38:44Oh, my God.
00:38:47I'm dying.
00:38:52Why? Why?
00:38:55My brother!
00:39:01My brother!
00:39:03My brother did it! My brother!
00:39:10Is the child dead?
00:39:13Is the child dead?
00:39:16Is the child dead?
00:39:47Mr. Dikita!
00:39:51Mr. Dikita!
00:39:52What is it, Anathema?
00:40:02My daughter.
00:40:04Our day seems to be starting now.
00:40:06Our day seems to be starting now.
00:40:08Everything started from here.
00:40:10Everything started from here.
00:40:13This is where it all started.
00:40:17When that monster hit you with his car, do you remember?
00:40:23You look better than you remember.
00:40:29I remember the time and the moment he was in front of us.
00:40:35But it's not his fault.
00:40:38It's my fault for everything.
00:40:41It's my fault.
00:40:44And I know it.
00:40:48That all the apologies I ask for are not enough.
00:40:53But I did it for good, I didn't know.
00:40:58I wanted to save you.
00:41:02And your baby.
00:41:05Because I was lucky with your father.
00:41:11Of course, I wasn't pregnant like you, but...
00:41:17Can I say something?
00:41:21Even if I was pregnant, I'm sure your father would have kept that baby.
00:41:28He would have loved that baby and he would have raised it because he was human.
00:41:38Not a monster.
00:41:41Like Giorgiki.
00:41:44Unfortunately, my child, there are many monsters in the world.
00:41:50Many Giorgikis who curse, rape, beat,
00:41:57deprive the weak to show strength.
00:42:05Often, often.
00:42:49High that you walk,
00:42:54Three-legged, three-legged baby,
00:43:00And you speak low,
00:43:12And you speak low,
00:43:26This is my husband, Mr. Provios, and this is Grigoris.
00:43:31This is my husband, Mr. Provios, and this is my husband, Mr. Provios, and this is my husband, Mr. Grigoris.
00:43:33I wish you a happy marriage.
00:43:36I wish you a happy marriage.
00:43:40Thank you, my baby.
00:43:44I'm sick. I'm sick.
00:43:58You liar!
00:44:00Get up, Ioulia, get up and think what the hell you did!
00:44:05When did you get the idea
00:44:08to sell me Grigoris Rassini's baby for mine?
00:44:13Tell me, why did you do this to me?
00:44:25If you dare to touch me again, I will kill you, do you understand?
00:44:30I will kill you!
00:44:37I will kill you!
00:45:07I will kill you!
00:45:17Did you talk?
00:45:28Stassa, it's very difficult for me to tell you this.
00:45:32I have to take Ioulia for a diagnosis.
00:45:34What diagnosis? She's not talking.
00:45:37The doctors told me that there is nothing organic.
00:45:40There is no reason for them to keep her anymore.
00:45:43And I need their help to put an end to Georgiki's murder.
00:45:49Maybe in another murder.
00:45:54Which one?
00:46:39How are you, mother?
00:46:46Well done, Manoula.
00:46:50Grigoris is my son.
00:46:53It's better if you don't talk, mother.
00:46:56The doctor said that...
00:46:58He doesn't care what he says.
00:47:00He doesn't care what he says.
00:47:05The doctor said that you shouldn't get up and you shouldn't talk.
00:47:10And I haven't been talking all this time, Alexandra.
00:47:15Why don't you tell me?
00:47:19Is my son here?
00:47:21He passed by before.
00:47:23He probably came to see you.
00:47:26He came.
00:47:28He saw me.
00:47:31We talked.
00:47:35Not here, at home.
00:47:37Did you know?
00:47:41That Grigoris is the son of Ioulia.
00:47:52I see.
00:47:57Do you know what happened to this child?
00:48:26My brother, what did you do?
00:48:28Why? Why?
00:48:30Because she's a whore!
00:48:31Because she didn't deserve what she had and she wanted more.
00:48:34She didn't respect you when you went into a house and ate bread.
00:48:37But she dragged him even further and what did you do?
00:48:40What did you do?
00:48:42Tell me!
00:48:44My son!
00:48:46My son!
00:48:51The child?
00:48:54Tell me!
00:48:56What happened to the child?
00:49:01Tell me!
00:49:31He doesn't deserve it.
00:49:33I can't believe it.
00:49:35No, no, no.
00:49:39I don't know.
00:49:41Is my son alive?
00:49:44Did he take your body, Fonou?
00:49:48No, it's not true.
00:49:50This is bad.
00:49:52It's not true.
00:49:55Leave me a little longer.
00:49:58A second, please.
00:50:01A second, please.
00:50:07Maybe it's better for you to surrender.
00:50:11Do you hear me?
00:50:15Do it for me.
00:50:18For my uncle.
00:50:21You saw what kind of situation he's in.
00:50:23How far he can go.
00:50:25Don't make things worse.
00:50:27The more they make things worse,
00:50:30the worse they are.
00:50:33The more they make things worse,
00:50:36the more comfortable they are.
00:50:39The worse they can't go.
00:50:57I love you.
00:51:27I love you.
00:51:58Uncle, where is the child?
00:52:01I'm asking you again.
00:52:03Tell me.
00:52:09Is it better for us to go back?
00:52:13To surrender?
00:52:16I don't know.
00:52:18I don't know.
00:52:20I don't know.
00:52:22I don't know.
00:52:24I don't know.
00:52:25I don't know.
00:52:28It wasn't my fault that the child was lost.
00:52:31It's not that I didn't take care of her, but...
00:52:36The boss threw me out of his room.
00:52:39I know he'll blame me for losing her, but...
00:52:43How could I say no?
00:52:46I'll ask him to forgive me.
00:52:50The boss loves me.
00:52:53He'll forgive me.
00:52:54What forgiveness?
00:52:56How could I say no?
00:52:58You ask me where the child is.
00:53:01What happened to the child.
00:53:02Where is the child?
00:53:04The child...
00:53:10It's not just that the child died.
00:53:15When we left, it became a mess in the house.
00:53:19I don't remember why.
00:53:21I don't know why.
00:53:23But the boss...
00:53:26doesn't live anymore.
00:53:41And my child?
00:53:43What will happen to my child now?
00:53:45I told you to throw him out.
00:53:48And you didn't listen.
00:53:51What is my child's fault for all this?
00:53:56Why should I pay for this?
00:53:58Tell me.
00:54:15Do you have a cigarette?
00:54:19Give it to me.
00:54:21Give it to me.
00:54:51Give it to me.
00:55:21Give it to me.
00:55:39Come to me.
00:55:43I want to help you.
00:55:46I'm trying.
00:55:49But I can't do it alone.
00:55:52I don't want you to go to jail.
00:55:55But I'm forced to take you to the prosecutor.
00:55:59To the judge.
00:56:07Your doll will stay in Vienna.
00:56:12That's why you're holding her, right?
00:56:16Tell me, Ilias.
00:56:18Now it's just the two of us.
00:56:21I know that you killed him.
00:56:24But your daughter?
00:56:27You couldn't hurt your daughter.
00:56:29Isn't that right?
00:56:31Which mother would hurt her child?
00:56:36There is such a mother.
00:56:40In my mind, there isn't.
00:56:43Isn't that right?
00:56:51I love you.
00:57:22Good morning, Haido.
00:57:24How are you?
00:57:25I'm fine.
00:57:28I used to be married.
00:57:31But God didn't give me children.
00:57:33I can be your child if you want.
00:57:37Maybe one day I'll take you to the sea.
00:57:42One day, we'll go to the sea.
00:57:44I'll take you to the sea.
00:57:46I'll take you to the sea.
00:57:48I'll take you to the sea.
00:57:49One day, we'll go to the sea.
00:57:51You and I.
00:57:52Just the two of us.
00:58:05What a blessing.
00:58:07What a creature you are.
00:58:10I'm so happy to hold you in my arms.
00:58:16I'll be your mother from now on.
00:58:19My baby.
00:58:22I love you so much.
00:58:24My baby.
00:58:33You'll be the strongest.
00:58:37I'll make you an Amazon.
00:58:38The Amazon of the field.
00:58:49I love you.
00:58:50I love you.
00:58:51I love you.
00:58:52I love you.
00:58:53I love you.
00:58:54I love you.
00:58:55I love you.
00:58:56I love you.
00:58:57I love you.
00:58:58I love you.
00:58:59I love you.
00:59:00I love you.
00:59:01I love you.
00:59:02I love you.
00:59:03I love you.
00:59:04I love you.
00:59:05I love you.
00:59:06I love you.
00:59:07I love you.
00:59:08I love you.
00:59:09I love you.
00:59:10I love you.
00:59:11I love you.
00:59:12I love you.
00:59:13I love you.
00:59:14I love you.
00:59:15I love you.
00:59:16I love you.
00:59:17I love you.
00:59:18I love you.
00:59:19I love you.
00:59:20I love you.
00:59:34We shall walk together.
00:59:37The river leads to the sea.
00:59:40Remember, I made a promise to you?
00:59:43We are going there together.
01:00:18Respect yourself.
01:00:19From the first moment I stepped in here, I realized that.
01:00:23You think that with beauty and good manners, you're someone.
01:00:27What do you mean she's gone? What is she saying?
01:00:29She's obviously hiding somewhere and she's gone.
01:00:31Evgenia! Evgenia!
01:00:33Evgenia! Evgenia!
01:00:37Who isn't here? What do you mean?
01:00:38The maid. She's not in her room.
01:00:39Where did she go?
01:00:40I don't know.
01:00:41What's going on today? Is everyone disappearing?
01:00:43Speak before the devil takes you and raises you.
01:00:46I'll kill you, you scoundrel! I'll kill you!
01:00:49Where is the maid? Where is she?
01:00:51Who said bastard?
01:00:52Christos! Christos, don't!
01:00:55Christos, don't!
01:00:57You! You, because that's who you are.
01:01:00You're a bastard.
01:01:01They say that his wife wasn't feeling well, either.
01:01:07I'll keep it that his wife, too. I don't think it's a coincidence.
01:01:10You have to sign everything you told me.
01:01:14I don't know the letters, but yes.
