SASMOS | S03 | EPS. 150 HD | ΣΑΣΜΟΣ | Σ03 | ΕΠΣ. 150 HD

  • 3 ay önce
SASMOS | S03 | EPS. 150 HD | ΣΑΣΜΟΣ | Σ03 | ΕΠΣ. 150 HD

#sasmos #alphatv #sasmostrailer #sasmosalpha #sasmosalphatv #sasmoss3 #sasmosseason3
00:00:30🎵Που πριν ανοίξει ο σαλαβός🎵
00:00:40🎵Και πριν ο σκότως γονίσει🎵
00:00:50🎵Τη γρήγια γέρας και καπνός🎵
00:01:01🎵Και μαύρια νεμόζα🎵
00:02:01Τώρα που τελειώσαμε το φαγητό θέλεις να κάνουμε αυτή τη συζήτηση
00:02:05Δεν θέλω να σε πιέσω
00:02:07Ξέρω ότι έχεις στήσει εδώ όλη στη ζωή
00:02:13Θεωρείς σε καλύτερη πνευματικόλόγος της Κρήτης
00:02:16Και εγώ σου ζητάω με έναν τρόπο να τα αφήσεις όλα αυτά και να ξαναρχίσεις από την αρχή
00:02:20Δεν ζητάω όμως κάτι τέτοιο
00:02:22Απλά θα έφερα να το σκεφτείς
00:02:25Αγάπη μου
00:02:27Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που κάποιος μου προτείνει να πάω στην Αθήνα να δραστηριοποιηθώ εκεί
00:02:33Και η Εμιλία μόλις έφυγε όταν πήρε προογή μου ζήτησε να την ακολουθήσω
00:02:37Αλλά δεν την μπορώ την Αθήνα βρε αγάπη μου
00:02:40Είναι τεράστια, είναι απρόσωποι
00:02:44Και εδώ είναι όλοι δικοί μου άνθρωποι
00:02:46Όλοι όσοι νοιάζομαι, όσοι με νοιάζονται
00:02:49Η Κρήτη δεν είναι να τυχαίνει, εσύ το ξέρεις
00:02:52Καταλάβαινω, αλλά θέλω να καταλάβεις κι εσύ πως νιώθω μέσα μου αυτή τη στιγμή
00:02:57Γιατί, γιατί πρέπει να λογοδοτήσεις σαν ο τέρος σου για το μακελιό
00:03:00Λογοδοτώ μόνο στον εαυτό μου
00:03:02Και δεν στάθηκα στο ύψος των περιστάσεων
00:03:04Βρε αγάπη μου, τι είναι αυτά που λες
00:03:06Από την ημέρα που ήρθες
00:03:08Έχεις δημιουργήσει μια νέα τάξη στα πράγματα
00:03:12Έδωσες κίνητρο όρεξη
00:03:14Στον Αντώνη και στον Γιώργο να κάνουν ακόμη καλύτερα τη δουλειά τους
00:03:17Διαλέγκανες τόσες υποθέσεις
00:03:19Σκέψου, η αυτοκτονία του Φαρμάκη
00:03:21Η δολοφονία του Τουρσουνίδη
00:03:23Η αποκάλυψη της ταυτότητας της Εύας Φαρμάκη και η σύλληψή της
00:03:26Την οδήγησες στο θάνατο
00:03:28Δεν φτέσαι εσύ γι'αυτό, έκανες ό,τι μπορούσες για να την προστατεύσεις
00:03:31Και δεν τα κατάφερας, θέλω να πέτυχα
00:03:34Τι είναι αυτό βράχο μου τώρα
00:03:36Γιατί μένεις στις αποτυχίες σου και δεν βλέπεις τις επιτυχίες σου
00:03:39Δεν σου ταιριάζει η τοπάθεια
00:03:41Δεν μου ταιριάζουν ό,τι οι ψευδεστίσεις όμως
00:03:43Όλο αυτό συμβαίνει εξαιτίας του θανάτου του Βρουλάκη
00:03:46Και μακάρι να μείνουμε εκεί
00:03:48Εύχομαι να μην χάσουμε και το μάθιο
00:03:50Δεν θα συμβεί αυτό, ακούσε με, όλα θα πάνε καλά
00:03:54Είναι μια κακιά στιγμή, είμαστε μαζί, θα την περάσουμε παρέα
00:04:00Ποιος είναι
00:04:03Απ'το αστυνομικό του είμαι εμένα
00:04:05Σήκωσε το να δούμε τι θέλουμε τέτοια ώρα
00:04:13Κύριε Σανγκελέα
00:04:15Τι να
00:04:20Εδώ είμαι
00:04:22Τι συμβαίνει κορίτσέ μου γιατί κλάς
00:04:26Μόλις μας τηλεφώνησε ο κύριος Βραγκεδάκης
00:04:32Και μας ζήτησε να σας ενημερώσουμε
00:04:34Τι πράγμα
00:04:47Δυστυχώς ο μάθιός
00:04:57Τι σημαίνει
00:04:59Χρήστο τι σημαίνει
00:05:00Τι σημαίνει
00:05:02Ντίνα, τι έγινε
00:05:15Γεια σας, ο Μύρος είμαι
00:05:17Μύρο λέγε
00:05:19Ο μαθιός δεν τα κατάφερε
00:06:24Ο μαθιός, θεέ μου
00:06:26Βριμσέ να το πωround you, παρακαλώ
00:06:28Why are you doing this to your situation?
00:06:31Why is she doing this to her royal destiny?
00:06:34Why? Why is she hitting her so mercilessly? I don't understand.
00:06:38She lost her son, now she's losing her husband.
00:06:40Why is this happening, George? Why?
00:06:43Baby, baby, I asked you for a favor, to stay calm.
00:06:46Anything else, please. Don't do this to me.
00:06:48I asked you for a favor.
00:06:50How can I stay calm?
00:06:52It's beyond my power, George. This thing...
00:06:55My heart, listen to me.
00:06:57Baby, I know how hard it is, but you have proven to me
00:07:00that your power is enormous.
00:07:05And right now we have the strength to stand it.
00:07:08How can I do this?
00:07:12What am I going to do?
00:07:14I'm not going to Kiev.
00:07:16I'm not going to support Vasiliki.
00:07:18I'm not going to support Kalliopi.
00:07:20Baby, if you want to hit us again,
00:07:23calm down, please.
00:07:25If you want to hit Vasiliki again,
00:07:27remember what happened when we lost our child.
00:07:29How bitter she was when she went to Kiforou's funeral.
00:07:32They need me.
00:07:34They need me.
00:07:35No one needs you, my love.
00:07:38Look at me.
00:07:40No one needs you.
00:07:42It's a blessed family
00:07:44that will be encouraged by each other.
00:07:47So who's going to encourage me?
00:07:49Me, your family.
00:07:53You've been through so much.
00:07:55You've been through so much.
00:07:57You've been locked up for so many months.
00:07:59You've been in a coma for five months.
00:08:01Why do you want to destroy everything?
00:08:03Please, my heart.
00:08:05All of this depends on you.
00:08:09Come on, calm down.
00:08:11Calm down.
00:08:15Come on, my heart.
00:08:20Come on, my heart.
00:08:23Come on, my heart.
00:08:27I promise you that you'll be calm.
00:08:40Don't do this, my love.
00:08:42You'll go crazy in the end.
00:08:44I killed him, my love.
00:08:46I did.
00:08:47No, you didn't.
00:08:49It's your fault.
00:08:51It's your fault.
00:08:55Please, my love, don't do this.
00:08:58If I hadn't called the police,
00:09:00he would be alive now.
00:09:02Why did I have to take the blame?
00:09:05What blame, my love?
00:09:07You didn't take any blame.
00:09:09You didn't know what was waiting for him there.
00:09:11How could I not know?
00:09:13Vroulakis was waiting for him.
00:09:15Fonyas, the criminal, was waiting for him.
00:09:17What was I thinking?
00:09:19Why didn't you cut my hand so I wouldn't pick up the phone?
00:09:22Why didn't you cut my tongue so I wouldn't be able to speak?
00:09:25That's not what you said, my love.
00:09:27You went to save the Russian with the captain.
00:09:29What did I do, my love?
00:09:31I killed the woman.
00:09:33I left a mother to cry over her first daughter and daughter-in-law.
00:09:38A lady with an orphan in her arms.
00:09:43How could I face her?
00:09:46How could I go to the hospital?
00:09:48How could I live with this burden in my life?
00:09:53I told you, my love.
00:09:59Are you going there now?
00:10:07Okay, Dimitris, I'll come and let you know when you get there.
00:10:12Thank you.
00:10:18His fiancé is going to the office for a few days,
00:10:23and then he's going home to rest.
00:10:27I'm going too.
00:10:30I want to say goodbye to him.
00:10:33He doesn't believe me.
00:10:35When is the wedding?
00:10:38I don't know. Tomorrow, I suppose.
00:10:41How can you go better tomorrow than to stay with his family today?
00:10:45And I'm their family, Christos.
00:10:48How could I leave all this to you?
00:10:51You couldn't do anything.
00:10:53I could, and I didn't.
00:10:56Don't say that. It's not like that.
00:10:59It is, and you know it.
00:11:01It's the biggest mistake of my career.
00:11:04My love, whoever it was, the same thing would happen.
00:11:07Yes, but it wasn't. It was me.
00:11:10And I'll remember it for the rest of my life.
00:11:15Sometimes we can't do anything about things.
00:11:19They happen.
00:11:21No matter what, this is fate.
00:11:23No, Stella. There is no fate. There are people.
00:11:26And people decide fate.
00:11:28And it's my fault. I failed.
00:11:30Don't say that, please. Don't do it.
00:11:32I'm sorry.
00:11:34Do you want to go to the family of the people?
00:11:37That's how you feel, to go there.
00:11:40Will you be okay?
00:11:42No, Stella. I'll never be okay again.
00:11:45I can't be okay.
00:11:47Calm down, please.
00:11:48Do me a favor, please.
00:11:50Go there. Go to the people.
00:12:05And do me a favor.
00:12:08Think very seriously about what I told you about Athens.
00:12:36I'm so sorry.
00:12:38I'm really sorry.
00:12:40The baby?
00:12:42Are you going to take him? Aren't you going to Agrippina?
00:12:45We'll go. I want to see him.
00:12:48Come on, Asteri. Come on.
00:12:50Go to sleep.
00:13:01How are we going to carry this?
00:13:04Don't be afraid, my dear.
00:13:07Come on, you have to show your strength.
00:13:10Now he needs you more than ever.
00:13:13I know.
00:13:16I was hoping that the worst would pass and the worst would find us.
00:13:21Come on, my God.
00:13:23You gave us such a beating.
00:13:27I heard something in the hospital that made a big impression on me.
00:13:30What did he say?
00:13:32He said that the two of us will be together tomorrow.
00:13:35Yes, that's right.
00:13:37But how is that possible?
00:13:39In front of God, we are all the same.
00:13:46Only when we manage to forgive everyone,
00:13:49then you will be healed.
00:13:52Only then.
00:13:56Where is the baby?
00:13:59He's sleeping. Don't worry.
00:14:02My God, why haven't they brought him yet? When will they bring him?
00:14:06We have to make him. We have to dress him.
00:14:09There is no need to live through this.
00:14:12It's better for you to stay here with the baby.
00:14:15What are you saying, Katarina?
00:14:17Am I going to stay away from my God?
00:14:20You are a good girl. You are taking care of me.
00:14:24What are you saying, Katarina?
00:14:26My position is next to my God.
00:14:29And me and my daughter are next to my husband. Forever.
00:14:32Wherever he goes, I will go too, Katarina.
00:14:35Please, don't scare me.
00:14:37Think about your baby.
00:14:39His life depends on you.
00:14:41Is there life before our God?
00:14:43There isn't.
00:14:45There isn't!
00:14:48Hold on.
00:14:51Hold on.
00:14:53Hold on.
00:14:56He promised me.
00:15:00He will never leave me.
00:15:03I told him to leave with me.
00:15:06To take our baby and leave. I told him that.
00:15:08And he didn't want to.
00:15:10He didn't listen to me. He doesn't listen to me.
00:15:12He doesn't listen to me, Kalliopi.
00:15:14Please, don't talk to him. You can convince him.
00:15:17He has to listen to me, Kalliopi. You have to convince him.
00:15:19We have to leave. We have to leave.
00:15:21Don't. Don't.
00:15:26He left.
00:15:28He left.
00:15:30Our God left.
00:15:32Our God left.
00:15:33My baby left.
00:15:35He left me.
00:15:38He left me.
00:15:40My life is over.
00:15:44It's over.
00:15:49Look at me.
00:15:51When I lost Vasilis,
00:15:54I had two options.
00:15:56One was to swallow my sorrow,
00:15:58so that she wouldn't be able to swallow me.
00:16:00And I chose...
00:16:02my baby.
00:16:04I chose my baby.
00:16:06My baby.
00:16:08That's why I'm here.
00:16:10You will do the same.
00:16:12The same.
00:16:13No. There are no two options for me, Kalliopi.
00:16:15There is only one way.
00:16:16There is only one way for me.
00:16:18The end.
00:16:19We will be together.
00:16:20The end.
00:16:21We will be together.
00:16:22I can't take it anymore.
00:16:23I can't take it anymore.
00:16:24Look how I'm holding you.
00:16:25I can't take it anymore.
00:16:26That's how I'm holding you.
00:16:27I want my baby.
00:16:29I want my baby.
00:16:30My baby.
00:16:32You lied to me.
00:16:33You lied to me.
00:16:34You will never leave me.
00:16:36Kalliopi, hold her.
00:16:37Let's go.
00:16:38I want a baby.
00:16:40Look behind you.
00:16:41My baby.
00:16:42I love you.
00:16:43You will leave me.
00:16:44My baby.
00:16:45My child.
00:16:46My baby.
00:16:50My baby.
00:16:51My baby.
00:16:56My baby.
00:17:07Are you tired?
00:17:10Nothing else could have worked?
00:17:12It doesn't work anymore.
00:17:14Ah, ok. Let it rest.
00:17:16Let's keep its little ear next to it.
00:17:21No, put it in the box.
00:17:23Ah, put it in the box. You're right.
00:17:42Did you come to take your son, Mathios?
00:17:54Tell me that everything is fine.
00:18:01He left?
00:18:13A whole life.
00:18:17A journey,
00:18:19full of mistakes.
00:18:24A mistake that I didn't protect our love with Maria.
00:18:28A mistake that I left my son in foreign hands.
00:18:33And the worst of all,
00:18:36my return.
00:18:38That's what ended him.
00:18:41And he took Mathios with him.
00:18:45I brought destruction.
00:18:48I'm ruined, Michalis.
00:18:53It's not like that, Roso.
00:18:57Two girls left because of me.
00:19:01Two girls that had my blood.
00:19:04And it's my fault for everything.
00:19:08I threw my son into the madness of hatred and revenge.
00:19:12I killed him.
00:19:15Andreas wasn't just a little boy.
00:19:19He was a man.
00:19:21And he was responsible for his actions.
00:19:24It would have been better if they had killed me,
00:19:26if I hadn't seen this evil.
00:19:29They were two...
00:19:31Two young men, they had their lives ahead of them, and now...
00:19:36Forget about them.
00:19:38And go get ready, please.
00:19:40We're going to Xagripnia.
00:19:43I have no place there.
00:19:45They don't want me.
00:19:47And they have every right to their place.
00:19:53My son, since you came back,
00:19:57it's like the king has come back.
00:20:00You won't leave.
00:20:02It's not just Kalliopi.
00:20:04I'm not welcome here.
00:20:06Don't say that.
00:20:08My son, you are a part of Asterix and his master.
00:20:16You are their family.
00:20:19You have to stand by his side.
00:20:22And Andreas?
00:20:25He'll be left alone.
00:20:29No one will be by his side at night.
00:20:32No one will weep for him.
00:20:35No one will adorn him.
00:20:39Alone in life and in death.
00:20:43Even more alone.
00:20:51That was it.
00:20:55I'm done with this place.
00:20:59I'm done.
00:21:02This is it.
00:21:05It's enough.
00:21:20Manolis, I understand how you feel.
00:21:23I don't feel anymore, Jenny.
00:21:26They have frozen everything inside me.
00:21:35We broke up.
00:21:39Their cursed wedding.
00:21:44First I lost my friend.
00:21:48I promised to be by his father's side.
00:21:52Now I lose him too.
00:21:55I keep losing my own people.
00:22:01I can't take it anymore.
00:22:03I can't take it anymore.
00:22:07Let's go.
00:22:09Let's go.
00:22:11Let's go.
00:22:13Let's go.
00:22:14Let's go.
00:22:16Tomorrow we'll sign the papers for America and leave.
00:22:18I can't wait two months.
00:22:20We can't leave tomorrow.
00:22:21Don't you understand?
00:22:22Your mother is not well.
00:22:23Vasiliki needs us.
00:22:24She needs our support.
00:22:37I don't have the strength to support anyone, Jenny.
00:22:42I gave in.
00:22:48I gave in to so many people.
00:22:53How much more can I bear?
00:22:56How much more?
00:23:00I know, my love.
00:23:02I know.
00:23:03To be strong.
00:23:06To support, to keep secrets.
00:23:09To stand up for others.
00:23:13Where can I find the strength?
00:23:20I can't take it anymore, Jenny.
00:23:24I can't take it anymore.
00:23:27I can't take it anymore.
00:23:31There is nothing good in this place.
00:23:35Only loss, happiness, death.
00:23:39Let's go.
00:23:44Let's go.
00:23:48We'll go through this together, you'll see.
00:23:51We'll go through this together, you'll see.
00:24:01I didn't have time for you, my son.
00:24:06I didn't have time.
00:24:11I didn't have time, my son, to stop you.
00:24:21Get up and hug me, my son.
00:24:29Take me in your arms, my son.
00:24:36When I die, I will dress you.
00:24:43Take my life, my son.
00:24:47Get up, my son.
00:24:50I want to hear you breathe.
00:24:55I want to kneel before you, my son.
00:24:59I want you to kiss my feet, my son.
00:25:09Get up, my son.
00:25:11Get up.
00:25:14Get up.
00:25:17I want to hear you step, my son.
00:25:21I want to hear you step, my son.
00:25:24Be quiet and let me hear my son.
00:25:35He leaves lightly and loses my life.
00:25:42And you, bird, be quiet.
00:25:47Bird, don't laugh.
00:25:51Because no one will hear my son's words.
00:26:00And you, bird, be quiet.
00:26:04I don't want consolation.
00:26:07I don't want consolation.
00:26:10I just want my bird to get up on its feet.
00:26:20How can I bury you, my son?
00:26:25How can I bury you in the ground?
00:26:29And how can I put a crown on your head?
00:26:39I get up to dress you in your favorite clothes.
00:26:47Your dress that you left breathless and alive.
00:26:56I asked your eyes why they don't give me.
00:27:05And they complained that they are closed forever.
00:27:13And they complained that they are closed forever.
00:27:22You, bird, be quiet.
00:27:26Be quiet and let me hear my son.
00:27:35He leaves quietly and loses my life.
00:27:41Don't be afraid of sleep, don't laugh at its sweetness, and don't turn back.
00:27:55Wake up, my God, and hide my sweet lullaby.
00:28:06And open your little hands, so I can put my heart in.
00:28:18Good night, Thanos.
00:28:34Stop it, man! Stop this bullshit!
00:28:37Two young men were killed by each other.
00:28:40And you only blame one of them! Our blood!
00:28:43Shut up, man! And for the same reason, two young men died, do you understand?
00:28:48I don't want to hear more from Andreas, because he is serving a big crime against him.
00:28:52How are you going to face the Lord at this time of crisis?
00:28:55The Lord will take care of everything.
00:28:58He will make sure that Andreas' life is not in danger.
00:29:01He won't owe him anything.
00:29:03I wish, son, I wish you were in a good mood.
00:29:09The night is getting late.
00:29:12Sit down, dad, sit down.
00:29:14What do you mean, sit down? I can't sit down.
00:29:17I don't belong here.
00:29:19Everything that happened is like the world is shrinking.
00:29:26For me, the world is empty, dad.
00:29:29I lost my most precious person.
00:29:32They cut the thread that connected me to my mother's memory.
00:29:37And for the two families, son, things are tragic.
00:29:44The only thing that matters to us here is prayer, really.
00:29:49Dad, it's time for you to stop.
00:29:53It's dark, isn't it?
00:29:55It's dark, it's dark and I'm afraid to go out.
00:29:58A while ago, I brought Mathios home.
00:30:01The dark-haired one.
00:30:03She is dressing up my son for his last journey.
00:30:07The night is getting late, that's why I came to warn you.
00:30:12Are you going too, Pavlis?
00:30:14I have to, son, I have to go.
00:30:16The whole village will be there, son.
00:30:19While my brother is a monk in a funeral home.
00:30:23No one will dress him up.
00:30:25No one will wake up next to him.
00:30:29They condemned him to life and now they are condemning him to death.
00:30:33It's not like that, son, it's not like that.
00:30:36It is, father Michalis.
00:30:39Go, then.
00:30:42Go to the one who executed him.
00:30:45You don't need Andreas.
00:30:47What are we saying, son?
00:30:53Let's go, dad, let's go.
00:30:57Let's go, Pavlis, let's go.
00:30:59Let's go.
00:31:08Are you feeling better?
00:31:12Since I won't be going to the funeral home,
00:31:16I want you to go.
00:31:18You have to go.
00:31:19No, my love, I don't have to go.
00:31:22I won't go, I won't leave you alone.
00:31:24I will go to the same direction.
00:31:27Then I want to ask you something.
00:31:31I want to be loved.
00:31:38I don't want us to sleep tonight.
00:31:42I want us to pray.
00:31:46I want us to do our own vigil.
00:31:49For the dead.
00:31:52I want us to pray for Vasiliki,
00:31:55for the baby.
00:32:01Okay, my love, whatever you want.
00:32:03If that's what you like.
00:32:07Don't cry, don't be sad.
00:32:21You will come out
00:32:29when the sun rises and sets.
00:32:45I wasn't happy to leave.
00:32:51I'm sorry.
00:33:01You had to come here.
00:33:04My love.
00:33:05The lost love of a heart
00:33:25The lost love of a heart
00:33:34The lost love of a heart
00:33:54The lost love of a heart
00:34:00Where did you write
00:34:10that I love you
00:34:18like a stone?
00:34:48And I buried my sorrows
00:35:13in the place where you don't come out.
00:35:43The sun and cold water
00:36:10The sun and cold water
00:36:28The lost love of a heart
00:36:46Let it be, my love.
00:36:50Wake up, my love.
00:36:52We have to leave.
00:36:54We'll be late, my baby.
00:36:56We have to go
00:36:58and find our Santa Claus.
00:37:00He's waiting for us at the church.
00:37:01We have to get married.
00:37:04I'm leaving.
00:37:09I'm leaving, my baby.
00:37:15You are so beautiful.
00:37:20My love.
00:37:22Why are you wearing
00:37:23such a long dress?
00:37:29Why don't you listen to me?
00:37:32We'll be late.
00:37:34Why don't you wake up?
00:37:36We can't be late.
00:37:37We're getting married.
00:37:40My love.
00:37:44We've been waiting for this day
00:37:45for 20 years.
00:37:47What's going to happen now?
00:37:48Are we going to be late?
00:37:49Wake up, please.
00:37:50Wake up, please.
00:37:51You are so tired.
00:37:54Come, my baby.
00:38:00My baby.
00:38:04Wake up, my love.
00:38:05Wake up.
00:38:08We have to go.
00:38:11We have to go.
00:38:12We're getting married today.
00:38:21My love.
00:38:23My love.
00:38:31Why did you not kill him?
00:38:33Why did you hit the man
00:38:35who was supposed to be his girlfriend?
00:38:39this man was in pain
00:38:40while he was alive
00:38:42and he didn't remember
00:38:43that he was his son.
00:38:44It was his fault that my brother died.
00:38:45We've told you hundred times
00:38:48that a prisoner
00:38:49He doesn't have any responsibility for what happened.
00:38:53I didn't want him.
00:38:55I saw him and I lost my mind.
00:38:58You lost your mind because you kicked him in front of a dead body.
00:39:02I dragged him to the living room.
00:39:04Good. And then you went to the church to make up for your sins.
00:39:10I'm sorry, son.
00:39:12I understand how much pain your brother is in.
00:39:15Only me. No one else.
00:39:18It was a big mistake.
00:39:20Everyone is in pain and I'm not.
00:39:22And his father is in pain too.
00:39:25I wish he had them in his next life.
00:39:29That's the right thing to do.
00:39:31Never rest.
00:39:33Don't judge my son.
00:39:36Do you know what was your brother's big mistake?
00:39:39The big mistake he made.
00:39:41He didn't listen or his father wouldn't forgive him.
00:39:45He only had one thing on his mind.
00:39:47He wanted to kill him.
00:39:50And what did he do?
00:39:52Tell me, what did he do?
00:39:54He lost his life and he killed a man.
00:39:57Now we're both crying.
00:40:06Where are you going?
00:40:08To the bathroom.
00:40:15Thank you.
00:40:21Did you come to take him?
00:40:24No, my child.
00:40:26I have to do something before I take him.
00:40:32Do one thing.
00:40:35In order to become a priest, you must first baptize the orphan.
00:40:40My child, in the church.
00:40:42Pray for him and give him the name of his Lord.
00:40:46I will stay with my eyes closed.
00:40:54Can't we say it differently?
00:40:56No, my child.
00:40:58I don't want any girl from our family to have my name.
00:41:05I want her to have my luck.
00:41:08Ah, girl.
00:41:10Before you baptize the orphan, you must take his name.
00:41:15The tradition says so.
00:41:17And how do we say it?
00:41:22Do you like it?
00:41:29Listen, my child, we'll say it with our baby.
00:41:32We'll say Matthildi.
00:41:35Do you like it?
00:41:38My child, Asteri.
00:41:40I understand that it was an honor for you to baptize her.
00:41:45But now that things have come to this,
00:41:49you have to think about it.
00:41:52If he wants to become a priest, I know he will.
00:41:56In order for him to become the priest we want him to be,
00:42:00a priest must be from the opposite family.
00:42:05Well said, my child.
00:42:07That's why you have to share the child.
00:42:12With Pavel, I imagine.
00:42:14No, with the baby.
00:42:16Pavel wants to be born as a priest.
00:42:19We have to have the baby in order for him to be born.
00:42:25If you don't have my blessing,
00:42:28if you can't find the baby...
00:42:38My child, Vasiliki.
00:42:40Let's get ready to go to the church.
00:42:54My child.
00:42:56I won't be long, my love.
00:42:59I will come to you soon.
00:43:02I will come to you soon.
00:43:33You look better today, Mom.
00:43:43He was like a star, playing with our Miki.
00:43:49Pain in his eyes.
00:43:54A combination of the drama of Kalliopis and Vasiliki.
00:44:00We have been through this together.
00:44:03We know how these two women feel.
00:44:05Last night things were difficult.
00:44:07That's why I thought and said
00:44:10that I have to give up my passion for the band.
00:44:17And I have no strength left to go and get them together.
00:44:22They have the newborn baby.
00:44:25Many hits, Vasiliki.
00:44:28He wasn't in Agrippina yesterday.
00:44:32I will go to Siermi.
00:44:37Let's go and ask Marina,
00:44:40before I leave the grave,
00:44:42to join us.
00:44:44I imagine you will go to Andreas.
00:44:49Yes, I will go.
00:44:54I can't leave him alone.
00:44:59I can't leave him alone.
00:45:04I can't leave him alone.
00:45:07I can't leave him alone.
00:45:11What about you?
00:45:16When I feel like it, I will leave him a flower.
00:45:19Yes, my dear.
00:45:21What is it, my dear?
00:45:23Do you want to take the baby?
00:45:25No, I came to see him.
00:45:27Can you hold him a little longer?
00:45:29It's too late.
00:45:31Yes, but the baby's baptism must take place before that.
00:45:35Yes, that's right.
00:45:37It won't take place.
00:45:39The father will be born with the baby baptized.
00:45:43Will the telemachus go with the star in the church?
00:45:46The telemachus has nothing to do with it.
00:45:50What does the telemachus have to do with it?
00:45:52In order for the baptism to take place,
00:45:54the baby must be baptized with him.
00:45:56That's right.
00:45:58The double phonics could revive the Vendetta.
00:46:01And the telemachus, from what you tell me,
00:46:03is angry.
00:46:05I would say that he doesn't want the baptism anymore.
00:46:08His brother, Egia, has his mind in a mess.
00:46:11As I see it, the star manages it.
00:46:14Let's see.
00:46:20The Vendetta
00:46:26Are you serious, Christos?
00:46:28Are you leaving?
00:46:30I don't like this place.
00:46:32We're starting to get used to you, my child.
00:46:34Don't push us into a corner.
00:46:36This is all beyond me.
00:46:38I can't handle Antonis with anything.
00:46:41Beyond you?
00:46:42It's the second time I hear that.
00:46:44I'm sorry to say it, but I don't like what I'm going to tell you.
00:46:48That in the first difficulty, Christos, you put it on your feet.
00:46:51I don't put it on my feet, Antonis.
00:46:53I came here to put things in order,
00:46:55and in the end, in the days, I got the worst job.
00:46:58What can I tell you?
00:46:59Then you should be abandoned by everyone.
00:47:01Prosecutors, police officers, lawyers and judges.
00:47:04We'll close the shop and leave Crete.
00:47:06We'll get rid of Ambeli. Is that what you're saying?
00:47:08I'm not telling you that, Antonis.
00:47:09I just feel like I haven't accomplished anything.
00:47:12You're not right.
00:47:14We're very efficient.
00:47:16If I remind you how many successes we've had,
00:47:18it's like we're talking to each other.
00:47:20I know about our successes, Antonis.
00:47:22But that covers everything.
00:47:26You're very selfish, my boy.
00:47:31I don't understand why you're so strict and absolute with others,
00:47:35because you're even worse with yourself.
00:47:38You don't allow yourself to make mistakes, to be selfish.
00:47:41Why? Is that what you call selfishness?
00:47:44As far as I know, only God is unmistakable and omnipotent.
00:47:48We're humans. We're gods.
00:47:51We don't take everything from others.
00:47:53It doesn't depend on us.
00:47:55We do the best we can and that's it.
00:47:57But that's the best I can do.
00:48:00We're not gods, I repeat.
00:48:02And you're not a god.
00:48:04You're an angel.
00:48:05And you're one of the best.
00:48:06What are you going to do?
00:48:07Are you going to go crazy again?
00:48:09And tell me that you don't care about yourself.
00:48:12What do you want, my boy?
00:48:13Why are you looking at me like that?
00:48:20I'm going to Thodoris' house to talk to him and then I'm going to the hospital.
00:48:24There you go.
00:48:26What are we going to live now?
00:48:28Christos or Thardis?
00:48:32Of course.
00:48:34You know, Mathios...
00:48:38...was my favorite subordinate.
00:48:43I'm going to Thodoris' house.
00:48:46Thodoris' house
00:49:09I never expected to find a key in the house.
00:49:15Take care of my family.
00:49:18You're saying this for your own good, Roussos.
00:49:20No, no, the opposite.
00:49:25Mathios, what's happening to you at this hour?
00:49:30Mom, leave us alone for a while.
00:49:34I have to talk to my uncle.
00:49:36It's a secret and I don't want to hear it.
00:49:40It has nothing to do with you.
00:49:41Please, do me a favor.
00:49:46Calm down.
00:49:51I'm listening, Mathios.
00:49:55I can't leave tomorrow.
00:49:57If we don't clear things up between us first.
00:50:01I want to talk to you too, Mathios.
00:50:03Come on, sit down.
00:50:08I'm listening.
00:50:10Mathios, let me talk to you first.
00:50:15I owe you an apology.
00:50:18I said some harsh words.
00:50:22I'm sorry.
00:50:24Who am I to judge others?
00:50:27You may never have taken up arms to kill someone, but...
00:50:33...a man has been killed because of me.
00:50:36Because of my cowardice.
00:50:41I didn't want to judge you either.
00:50:44I said some harsh words, too.
00:50:46I shouldn't have.
00:50:48I didn't know...
00:50:50...what was in your soul.
00:50:53I didn't know either, Mathios.
00:50:55Who knows what...
00:50:57...poison... had in your soul to... commit a crime.
00:51:07The only thing I have left... time.
00:51:11Simple time.
00:51:13I want you to start seeing me...
00:51:15...and talking to me.
00:51:18Like I'm talking to my father.
00:51:23I'll come, Mathios.
00:51:25I'll come to listen to you... my brother will listen to you.
00:51:34...I want you to promise me that you'll take care of my mother...
00:51:37...and my family.
00:51:38I promise.
00:51:39That's why...
00:51:41...I'll be with them forever.
00:51:43And I thank you for...
00:51:46...being with me all these days.
00:51:51Let's continue like this.
00:51:54You look like your father.
00:52:00Be careful where you go.
00:52:09I love you.
00:52:27Good morning, Ryschos.
00:52:29Good morning.
00:52:35I came to tell you that I found you and Pounia.
00:52:38Did you find out?
00:52:39Of course I found out.
00:52:42That's why I came to apologize on behalf of Tilemachos.
00:52:46Tilemachos is a big boy...
00:52:48...and he can take care of himself.
00:52:51He's my cousin, Ryschos. What can I do?
00:52:54You have to understand him.
00:52:57That's why the little girl laughed at his mother.
00:53:00I cut him off from Vizitsis for six months.
00:53:02And it wasn't until...
00:53:05...he grew up that he lost his master.
00:53:08Now he's lost his brother.
00:53:11You see...
00:53:13...the little girl was devastated.
00:53:15You were in front of her and you broke her heart.
00:53:18That's why she forgave you.
00:53:20I've already forgiven him.
00:53:23I caused all this.
00:53:24No, you didn't.
00:53:25You didn't do anything.
00:53:26It's not like he...
00:53:29Anyway, it's my fault.
00:53:30I should have told him the truth from the beginning.
00:53:34He should have heard it from my mouth.
00:53:36That's right.
00:53:37That's why I was waiting for you to come back from Sweden... talk to you.
00:53:43Listen, Pavlos.
00:53:45I would like...
00:53:46I would like Tilemachos to... get to know him better.
00:53:51To get closer to him.
00:53:53I hope so.
00:53:56I hope he makes the right decision.
00:53:58Are you talking about me?
00:53:59No, no.
00:54:00No, no.
00:54:02I proposed to him and I hope he accepts it.
00:54:05It would be good for all of us.
00:54:27How are you, Tilemachos?
00:54:29Why did you call me?
00:54:37I have a proposal for you.
00:54:41I want... baptize...
00:54:45...the child of Matthew and the Virgin Mary together.
00:54:49What are you talking about?
00:54:51One killed my brother and the other killed my best friend.
00:54:55There was no proposal.
00:54:56There was no proposal.
00:54:58Two centuries ago, Tilemachos.
00:55:01One would shed the blood of the other for no reason...
00:55:03...without having to share anything.
00:55:06And in Zygos...
00:55:07...the Vroulakidas are always justified.
00:55:10Yes, but now we are both equal.
00:55:14We both lost our brothers.
00:55:17You lost your mother.
00:55:19I lost my father.
00:55:20You lost your best friend.
00:55:22I lost my best friend.
00:55:23I lost my brother.
00:55:26And now...
00:55:28And now I'm crying for my brother.
00:55:29Me too.
00:55:30You have children, Tilemachos.
00:55:33Yes, that's why I took them away from Andreas.
00:55:36And for that... have to secure a better tomorrow...
00:55:39...for your children and for mine...
00:55:41...and for my ambition.
00:55:45A tomorrow...
00:55:46...without pain, without losses...
00:55:49...without fear.
00:55:53It's up to you, Tilemachos.
00:55:55It's up to me and you.
00:55:58And you want it, I'm sure of it.
00:56:06I'll let you try.
00:56:08Let's go to the church.
00:56:17Okay, Asterix.
00:56:19I don't want to be...
00:56:21...the obstacle...
00:56:22...for the earthquake you're talking about.
00:56:25You're the one who's talking, Tilemachos.
00:56:29You'll understand...
00:56:30...when you go through hell.
00:56:45The blind man is dead.
00:56:46The blind man is dead.
00:56:49I can't believe it.
00:56:52No one can, dad.
00:56:55And when I told you yesterday...
00:56:56...not to look up at the corner... many times did I misjudge you?
00:57:01Dad, don't think about that now.
00:57:03It doesn't matter to me.
00:57:07I don't feel well, my dear.
00:57:10It's a shame, he's a young man.
00:57:13And a few days ago, his daughter was born there.
00:57:17It's a shame, it's a shame, it's a shame.
00:57:23I don't know, this family...
00:57:24...seems to have some kind of curse.
00:57:27Their father, then Nikiforos, now Mothios.
00:57:31I can't believe it.
00:57:33Because how did the Broulakites...
00:57:35...lose them too?
00:57:37And our brother Petris?
00:57:40Nothing, Stella, nothing.
00:57:42Vendetta, Vendetta.
00:57:43She's the curse.
00:57:47Christos is a curse.
00:57:50He came here to stop this Vendetta and...
00:57:53...she's the only one...
00:57:55...who's burning and burning.
00:57:57He feels cursed, that's why and...
00:58:03And he's thinking of asking for a transfer to Athens.
00:58:06To go and live there.
00:58:17Blessed and fortunate to be Matilda.
00:58:21To give us life.
00:58:23Thank you, Father Michael.
00:58:25What are you saying?
00:58:28The decision you made was very important.
00:58:31To give an answer... why our girls were lost.
00:58:36To stop making more blood.
00:58:39To have peace.
00:58:40Bravo, bravo.
00:58:42My father needed this to stop making blood.
00:58:44That's how it was supposed to be and that's how it was.
00:58:47Thank you, Lemachia.
00:58:48What you did is very important.
00:58:50You're welcome.
00:58:56Give her some water.
00:58:58Give her some water.
00:59:00I don't want water, Father.
00:59:02I want to go home.
00:59:03What are you going to do at home?
00:59:04I want to stay close to my son.
00:59:10Vasiliki, stay here, please.
00:59:12I want to find my son.
00:59:14We'll bring him in a bit.
00:59:16No, no, I'll walk home.
00:59:18I want to get some fresh air.
00:59:20Vasiliki, let Miki go.
00:59:22I'll take care of her.
00:59:24The girls.
00:59:25No, no, Miki will be with me.
00:59:27You can't let Miki live like this.
00:59:30The child will be with me.
00:59:32Vasiliki, please.
00:59:35I'll hold her for a bit and then...
00:59:38...I'll call Katerina...
00:59:40...and tell her to come and take her.
00:59:42Leave her, leave her.
00:59:44Don't worry.
00:59:46I'll tell Katerina to come and take her.
00:59:49Don't worry about me.
00:59:52I'm going to take care of my sister.
00:59:55Well done, my friend.
00:59:57Well done.
00:59:59And keep in mind that your actions...
01:00:02...are lightening up Andreas' soul.
01:00:12Let's go.
01:00:14Let's go inside.
01:00:16I'll come with you.
01:00:20I'll pray and I want to be alone.
01:00:24I'll wait for you here.
01:00:28Don't worry.
01:00:30Go, go.
01:00:41Let's not go inside.
01:00:43I'll get ready for the ceremony... you can rest.
01:00:48Yes, dad. You go.
01:00:50I'll get some fresh air...
01:00:52...and I'll come with you.
01:01:12Let's go inside, my dear.
01:01:51Are you sleeping, my dear?
01:01:58You won't rise from your bed in peace.
01:02:03Your husband and son...
01:02:08...will be waiting for you.
01:02:13Be brave, my dear.
01:02:19I wouldn't ask for this much pain...
01:02:23...if I were you.
01:02:26That's right.
01:02:29These wounds will never heal.
01:02:34I wish... were as strong... I am.
01:02:43You and your grandchildren...
01:02:47...Kouragi, Kalliopi.
01:02:50I was kept by Argyros.
01:02:53You'll do the same.
01:02:55You'll be kept by him.
01:02:57That's my duty, Marina.
01:03:00All these years.
01:03:03But the dead are not afraid of pain.
01:03:08Because I'm dead.
01:03:11Right here.
01:03:17You'll smile again, Kalliopi.
01:03:21Your grandchildren will make you smile...
01:03:24...just like they make me.
01:03:28Let time heal the wounds.
01:03:34How do you want them to find the wound?
01:03:36How do you want them to find the wound?
01:03:39To find it, so they can touch the little one.
01:03:42That's how you used to be.
01:03:45Just like that.
01:03:47I wish...
01:03:54...the wound softens...
01:03:57...because it's very angry.
01:04:00That's what the girl said.
01:04:03How is Vasiliki?
01:04:06Can she stand it?
01:04:10It's better if she doesn't come to Kydia.
01:04:16Come on, go to the grave of the little girl.
01:04:54Come on, Vasiliki. Have you left?
01:04:57Yes, I'm going to leave the little girl at home.
01:04:59Holy Mother of God! With such a fever?
01:05:03I want to be close to my son.
01:05:09Grigas, I'll tell Katerina to keep an eye on Matilda.
01:05:14Okay, son?
01:06:28I love you.
01:06:30I love you, too.
01:06:43We are coming, my son.
01:06:58Where are you, my child?
01:07:01Your father told me to find you here and I've been waiting for so long.
01:07:05Please, don't worry.
01:07:07Give me a call.
01:07:10We do it in the dark.
01:07:12And we don't take the girl out to get some fresh air.
01:07:15I'm leaving.
01:07:17There's no reason for me to stay.
01:07:20Matilda is dying.
01:07:22She told me something serious, Marina.
01:07:25For me to die.
01:07:27Stefani told me.
01:07:31Who killed him.
01:07:33You won't ask me who.
01:07:39Let me see you everywhere.
01:07:42Talk to me about him.
01:07:47You met him. You loved him. You loved him.
01:07:51Meet my son.
01:07:54What did you think, my child, that you would win by running away from here?
01:07:58My peace.
01:08:00Are you sure?
01:08:02Tassos, I came to Crete for one reason.
01:08:05I had a goal and I achieved it.
01:08:07And you put it on your feet.
01:08:08Tonight, Jenny and I will apply for a visa to go to America.
01:08:12It will be approved immediately and we will leave in a week.
01:08:18Are you asking me to bury the truth?
