SASMOS | S03 | EPS. 151 HD | ΣΑΣΜΟΣ | Σ03 | ΕΠΣ. 151 HD

  • 3 months ago
SASMOS | S03 | EPS. 151 HD | ΣΑΣΜΟΣ | Σ03 | ΕΠΣ. 151 HD


00:00:30🎵Που πριν ανοίξει το σαλαβό🎵
00:00:40🎵Και πριν το σκότωσει🎵
00:00:50🎵Τη γρηγιαγέρας και το καπνός🎵
00:01:01🎵Και αύριο νεμοζάκι🎵
00:02:01Μωρό μου, γιατί ήρθες στο Παπαστικηδία?
00:02:10Δεν ξέρω, αγάπη μου, δεν ξέρω.
00:02:12Δεν ξέρω.
00:02:13Να μην τα πρέπει να πάω, αλλά δεν ξέρω.
00:02:17Δεν ξέρω. Να πρέπει να σε αφήσω εδώ μόνη σου.
00:02:19Δεν το θέλω καθόλου αυτό.
00:02:21Συγγνώμη που σου ζητάω να μην παραιορεθείς καθόλου.
00:02:23Ξέρω πόσο θέλω να σε κοί...
00:02:25Να... να χαιρετήσεις το μωθιό, αλλά...
00:02:28Μωρό μου, μια χαρά θα είμαι.
00:02:33Λυπάμαι όντως που... που δεν μπορώ να πάω.
00:02:37Αλλά τώρα...
00:02:39Αυτό το πλάσματάκι που έχω μέσα μου...
00:02:42Θέλω να είναι καλά.
00:02:44Δεν θέλω να το διακινδυνεύσω, όπως την προηγούμενη φορά.
00:02:48Της αγαπάω πολύ.
00:02:50Κι εγώ.
00:03:10Ξεκίνησε η λειτουργία?
00:03:12Η Βασιλική δεν έχει έρθει ακόμα.
00:03:17Έλα πάμε αγάπη μου, εμείς. Έλα.
00:03:19Δεν μπορώ αργηρό μου.
00:03:21Δεν αντέχω.
00:03:35Ξέρω πως είναι ακριβώς.
00:03:39Το έχω περάσει με τον Πέτρο ακριβώς τελείως.
00:03:43Πως άντεξες.
00:03:46Δεν ξέρω.
00:03:47Αλλά βρήκα τη δύναμη.
00:03:49Και θα τη βρεις κι εσύ αγάπη μου.
00:03:53Για μένα.
00:03:55Για το παιδί μας.
00:03:58Για τη μητέρα σου που σε έχει ανάγκη.
00:04:01Για την Βασιλική. Για την ανιψιά σου.
00:04:05Θα τη βλέπεις να μεγαλώνει.
00:04:08Και στα μάτια της θα βλέπεις το ματιό.
00:04:11Μαζί θα το περάσουμε αγάπη μου.
00:04:14Μαζί θα το περάσουμε αγάπη μου.
00:04:17Θα έχουμε ένας τον άλλον.
00:04:36Επά, είσαι?
00:04:37Δεν πήγες στην κηδεία του μαθημού.
00:04:39Όχι μωρέ.
00:04:40Δεν τις μπορώ αυτές τις τελετές.
00:04:42Είναι για μένα.
00:04:44Άσε δηλαδή που και στη συγκεκριμένη...
00:04:47θα παιχτεί τρελό δράμα.
00:04:50Και θα ήταν και υποκριτικό εκ μέρους μου τώρα να πάω στην κηδεία.
00:04:53Με το σταματάκι δες εγώ ήμουν στα μαχαίρια.
00:04:55Πα πού και σπου να πάω στην κηδεία τώρα.
00:04:56Για να τα είχες κόντρα με το ματιό.
00:04:59Το υφάκι του μου την έσπαγε.
00:05:03Όλη η οικογένεια μου την έσπαγε δηλαδή.
00:05:05Βέβαια στο τέλος...
00:05:09τα πράγματα τα είδα λίγο διαφορετικά.
00:05:11Εσύ θα πας.
00:05:14Να πάω πού.
00:05:15Στην κηδεία του μαθείου θα πας.
00:05:18Τι να λες μωρέ τροζάθηκες.
00:05:20Θα πάω στην κηδεία του φωνιά του αδερφού μου.
00:05:24Βαριά κουβέντα ξέρεις το να μισείς.
00:05:26Και είναι κρίμα με ρωτούνε.
00:05:28Από το χέρι του έφυγε ο αδερφός μου.
00:05:33Έχεις αδερφό κατέληξη τα λέω.
00:05:36Αν στον εσκότων είναι τα θα λέγεις εσύ.
00:05:38Τι λέω μαχαίο.
00:05:39Ο Λάζαρος γιατί σκότωσε τον Γηφόρο.
00:05:42Τι σχέση έχει το τόνο.
00:05:43Τεράστια γιατί.
00:05:46Ο Μικιός πήγε να σκοτώσει τον Πάμπλη.
00:05:50Κράτα το λοιπόν αυτή.
00:05:53Και ο Ανδρέας πήγε να σκοτώσει τον Ρούσο.
00:05:57Άρα λοιπόν...
00:05:59αν δεχθούμε...
00:06:02ότι ο μαθειός είναι φωνιάς...
00:06:04επειδή πήγε να προστατέψει έναν δικό του άνθρωπο...
00:06:09το ίδιο φωνιάς...
00:06:11είναι και ο Λάζαρος.
00:06:13Έτσι δεν είναι.
00:06:15Είναι ο Λάζαρος φωνιάς.
00:06:17Τι λέω μαχαίο.
00:06:18Εσύ ήσουν ακολουτός του κωλτίου δεν ήσταν.
00:06:20Ήταν φωνιάς.
00:06:23Δεν ήταν φωνιάς.
00:06:25Δεν ήταν φωνιάς.
00:06:31Σκέψου το λοιπόν.
00:06:33Και αν ήμουν στη θέση σου...
00:06:36εγώ θα πήγαινα και στις δύο κηδείες...
00:06:38και μάθαινα μη ζηγείς τους ανθρώπους με δύο μέτρα και δύο σταθμά.
00:06:41Είναι κρίμα.
00:06:43Δεν είναι δίκαιο.
00:06:46Άντε συγχνώ μου.
00:07:06Βασιλική μου.
00:07:08Πού είσαστε παιδί μου με το μωρό.
00:07:11Μου είπε ο παπάς θα σας βρω εδώ και περιμένω τόση ώρα.
00:07:15Σε παρακαλώ ανησυχώ.
00:07:18Πάρε με ένα τηλέφωνο.
00:07:35Ερχόμαστε μαθιό μου.
00:07:51Μαθιό μου.
00:07:54Ήρθες να μας πάρεις.
00:07:58Δεν έχει έρθει η ώρα σας ακόμα.
00:08:02Αφού είμαστε έτοιμες να φύγουμε μαζί σου.
00:08:06Δεν το θέλω.
00:08:07Ούτε εγώ.
00:08:09Ούτε ο Νικηφόρος.
00:08:11Και πώς θα ζήσουμε εδώ.
00:08:14Εδώ δεν υπάρχει ζωή για μας.
00:08:18Θα είμαι πάντα εδώ.
00:08:21Και εδώ.
00:08:24Μόνος εσύ μπορείς να με κρατήσεις ζωντανό.
00:08:27Αλλιώς όλα χάθηκαν.
00:08:31Και εμένα ποιος θα με κρατήσει.
00:08:35Την κόρη μας.
00:08:38Όπως κράτησα ζωντανή τη μάνα μου εγώ και ο Στέρης.
00:08:41Όταν έφυγε ο πατέρας μου.
00:08:43Σε παρακαλώ πάρε μας μαζί σου.
00:08:47Δεν είναι ζωή αυτή που ανοίγεται μπροστά μου.
00:08:50Σε παρακαλώ.
00:08:52Η ζωή βασιλεκή
00:08:56κάνει τις δικές της αποφάσεις.
00:08:59Αυτές πρέπει να ακούσεις και εσύ.
00:09:02Σκέψου τι αμαρτία θα πάρεις αν κόψεις αυτό το νήμα της ζωής.
00:09:08Κάποτε πήρα μια ζωή
00:09:11για να σώσω τη δική σου.
00:09:13Μην αφήσεις αυτή τη θυσία να πάει χαμένη.
00:09:15Σε παρακαλώ.
00:09:17Εγώ δεν...
00:09:18Ακούσέ με.
00:09:20Μην αφήσεις αυτή τη θυσία να πάει χαμένη.
00:09:25Πρέπει να ζήσεις.
00:09:26Δεν μπορώ.
00:09:27Δεν μπορώ.
00:09:30Δεν μπορώ. Δεν ζω πια.
00:09:34Δεν έχω ζωή να της δώσω.
00:09:35Πέθανα από τη στιγμή που άφησες την τελευταία σου πνοή εγώ.
00:09:39Έφυγα μαζί σου.
00:09:43Δεν υπάρχει πια τίποτα εδώ για μένα.
00:09:47Μόνο εσύ μπορείς να κρατήσεις αυτή την οικογένεια ζωντανή.
00:09:51Να κρατήσεις τη μνήμη μου ζωντανή.
00:09:54Όσο θα υπάρχεις εσύ θα υπάρχω κι εγώ.
00:09:57Έρχεται η ώρα.
00:10:00Θα μας τρώει μαζί.
00:10:02Πότε θα γίνει αυτό?
00:10:04Όταν το αποφασίσει η ζωή.
00:10:11Θέλω να σε πάω σπίτι τώρα.
00:10:16Τι έγινε τελείωσε η κηδεία.
00:10:18Όχι παπαδιά μου τώρα, τώρα τον κατεβάζουν στον χώμα.
00:10:20Δεν άντεξα να τον δω.
00:10:21Εξαιτίας μου έφυγε ο μαφιός.
00:10:23Μαύρη ώρα μου έκανε αυτό το τυλ!
00:10:25Άννα μου, Άννα μου!
00:10:26Σταμάτα βέβαια να κατηγορείς τον εαυτό σου.
00:10:28Και έχουμε άλλα θέματα.
00:10:30Τι έγινε τώρα, τι έγινε τώρα?
00:10:31Άννα μου, Άννα μου!
00:10:32Σταμάτα βέβαια να κατηγορείς τον εαυτό σου.
00:10:33Και έχουμε άλλα θέματα.
00:10:34Τι έγινε τώρα, τι έγινε τώρα?
00:10:35Η Βασιλική μου ρε πού είναι.
00:10:36Ήρθε στην κηδεία με τον μωρό.
00:10:37Όχι ο παπιά η Βασιλική δεν ήρθε στην κηδεία.
00:10:38Και πού είναι.
00:10:39Δεν ξέρουμε.
00:10:40Έπρεπε να ξεκινήσουμε εργυρό.
00:10:41Είπε ότι ένιωσε μια αδιαθεσία.
00:10:42Και θα γυρναγε στο σπίτι με τον μωρό.
00:10:44Άννα μου, Άννα μου!
00:10:45Σταμάτα βέβαια να κατηγορείς τον εαυτό σου.
00:10:46Και έχουμε άλλα θέματα.
00:10:47Τι έγινε τώρα, τι έγινε τώρα?
00:10:48Η Βασιλική μου ρε πού είναι.
00:10:49Ήρθε στην κηδεία με τον μωρό.
00:10:50Όχι ο παπιά η Βασιλική δεν ήρθε στην κηδεία.
00:10:51Και πού είναι.
00:10:52Δεν ξέρουμε.
00:10:53Έπρεπε να ξεκινήσουμε εργυρό.
00:10:54Είπε ότι ένιωσε μια αδιαθεσία.
00:10:55Και θα γυρναγε στο σπίτι με τον μωρό.
00:10:57Έλπες και εσύ νομίζαμε ότι θα είναι μαζί σου.
00:10:59Όχι Άννα μου.
00:11:00Πήγα στο σπίτι και την επερήμενα.
00:11:02Και την παίρνω στο τηλέφωνο και δεν απαντάει.
00:11:05Πάω να βρω τον Αντώνη.
00:11:06Σιγά σιγά να του.
00:11:07Να τη βρει.
00:11:08Ναι ναι τρέχα τρέχα τρέχα.
00:11:09Και πες να βάλει τα περιπολικά μου ρε να την ψάχνουνε.
00:11:12Πάω πάω πάω.
00:11:13Άννα πήγαινε.
00:11:26Βασίλη Πιτ.
00:11:27Βασίλη Πιτ.
00:11:28Βασίλη Πίτ επέλησε.
00:11:32Κύριε γυριστέ εμπρός λιπάνω.
00:11:33Ναι βοηθάμε.
00:11:42Βοήθησέ τον Θεό σου.
00:11:45Γιατί ούτε μιλής βρε.
00:11:46Βασίλη Πιτ.
00:11:47Παίρνω το σύρτιμο σου.
00:11:52Παίρνω το σύρτιμο σου, δεν πιστεύεις.
00:11:54Παίρνω το σύρτιμο.
00:11:55Vasiliki, where are you?
00:12:00What do you want?
00:12:04I was waiting for you to bring her the baby.
00:12:06You were late, she got scared and called us.
00:12:09I'm here.
00:12:11Now you're here, Vasiliki.
00:12:13Where were you?
00:12:15We saw that you weren't in the hospital.
00:12:17And we said that you don't feel well.
00:12:21Only the baby exists now.
00:12:23If it wasn't for the baby...
00:12:28Leave us alone.
00:12:30Vasiliki, I'm her neighbor.
00:12:32If you need anything, I'm here.
00:12:49A while ago...
00:12:51I said goodbye to a man who I was chasing for years.
00:12:58But I promise you that lately I wished...
00:13:04...that nothing would happen to him.
00:13:08You wished for him?
00:13:13When we closed Stefani's file...
00:13:16...I confessed that I was distraught by all the evidences.
00:13:22But before the judge let us go...
00:13:26...he said something that...
00:13:30...caused a great conflict between us, Vasiliki.
00:13:36Do you know what I'm talking about?
00:13:57Yes, Antonis.
00:13:59I know what God told you.
00:14:13Life for a reason.
00:14:17Thank you, father.
00:14:24I couldn't keep him alive.
00:14:28From the moment I brought him to the hospital, it was too late.
00:14:32And I swear to God...
00:14:34...that I did everything to keep him alive.
00:14:38Dimitris, we know that.
00:14:41Since you couldn't save him, no one could.
00:14:46It was the worst thing that could have happened to me as a doctor.
00:14:50And for me, it was impossible to handle it.
00:14:54Me too.
00:14:56But Dimitris, you will continue to be our doctor.
00:15:00Don't give up...
00:15:02...because something happened that you couldn't save.
00:15:05Father... was...
00:15:09I don't understand why you're saying this now.
00:15:12The truth is that what happened to Mathias shocked me.
00:15:16It showed me in the worst way how small and weak we all are... the face of death.
00:15:23At least you tried to do something.
00:15:26I couldn't do anything.
00:15:28Stop it both of you.
00:15:30Don't blame yourself. You did the best you could.
00:15:34Unfortunately, sometimes we can't avoid things.
00:15:38Our ancestors used to say that a desperate escape is impossible.
00:15:41We should accept what is coming...
00:15:44...and face it head-on.
00:15:47Escaping is for the brave.
00:15:49Father, that's enough.
00:15:51Do you want to say something, Tasso?
00:15:53Yes, Christos.
00:15:55But not now.
00:15:57When she leaves, we need to talk.
00:16:00They were running around, looking for her in the mountains, and Vasiliki was at her house.
00:16:04I'm not crazy, guys. I was waiting for her for an hour in the house.
00:16:08Maybe she left after I left.
00:16:11I'm sure you imagined it.
00:16:13Where was she for so long?
00:16:15Where was she? Come here.
00:16:17I'm surprised she didn't come to Agripnia.
00:16:21Dimitris made her a nightmare. She was sleeping.
00:16:24Why didn't she come to Kydia?
00:16:27Come here. I'm sure she would have wanted you to accompany her to Mathios.
00:16:32She shouldn't have come, Marina. She's a coward.
00:16:35I don't know what to do.
00:16:37The girl is in a tight spot right now.
00:16:42She lost her husband and her child in a year.
00:16:46You can never overcome that.
00:16:49You just have to learn to live for those who are left behind.
00:16:53Yes, until we bury them too.
00:16:55That's the only way.
00:16:58Where are you going, my boy?
00:17:01What happened to the child?
00:17:04What else could have happened, my dear Katerina?
00:17:07Manolis is not well, Anna.
00:17:12Tolis, I'm afraid for Manolis.
00:17:15He has taken him from below. I can see him.
00:17:19I'm afraid he won't come back. We have other options.
00:17:22We saw Pathos giving a warm hug to Kiforos.
00:17:26And look at him.
00:17:29He lost his last connection with him.
00:17:32How tragic is what is happening to us, Pantelis.
00:17:36How crazy it is for young people to lose their loved ones.
00:17:44As you said, Tolis.
00:17:48I've been trying for years to understand what's happening to him, my boy.
00:17:54Why do people take each other's lives?
00:17:58Why do they have to break up?
00:18:01Why do we all have to go through this?
00:18:07Oh, Pantelis.
00:18:09At times like this, we realize how temporary everything is.
00:18:14It's a matter of time.
00:18:17It's time for us to bury Pantelis in his last home.
00:18:21Oh, my God.
00:18:24This is difficult.
00:18:29Now they will bury the other one.
00:18:35God forgive them.
00:18:38Because we, with all the bad things he did to us...
00:18:42It's difficult.
00:18:46Who will go to him?
00:18:50He did it for me.
00:18:53He was torturing me with his money, that's why I wanted to confess to him.
00:18:58He wanted to save me.
00:19:01From that man's hands.
00:19:04So it's up to me to judge if it's for something or not.
00:19:07He only did good.
00:19:09He protected me.
00:19:12He protected me then and always.
00:19:15And now.
00:19:17And now?
00:19:18And now.
00:19:22Do you want something else, Antonis?
00:19:26Yes, I do.
00:19:29What about you?
00:19:33Do you have any idea that Mathios went to kill his brother?
00:19:39I had no idea.
00:19:41I found out last week.
00:19:44Last week?
00:19:45The one you asked for at the divorce, right?
00:19:48I didn't get it.
00:19:53Him, after me.
00:19:56That's why he went to Andreas?
00:19:59It was a complicated story, but...
00:20:02I was afraid to confess, to imagine the truth.
00:20:07Who else is involved?
00:20:09The whole family knows.
00:20:11So it's Galiopis now?
00:20:14Do you want to say it wasn't him from the start?
00:20:16No, she found out later.
00:20:23Now that you know, what are you going to do?
00:20:27Mathios is gone. He's not with us anymore. He can't pay.
00:20:31You'll keep his memory.
00:20:48She's not here.
00:20:50She's gone.
00:20:52She must have gone somewhere.
00:20:54She wasn't with us.
00:20:56Why is she looking for us?
00:20:58She went to the drugstore to ask Anna to give Antonis something.
00:21:01And then she left.
00:21:03I'm going upstairs.
00:21:05You don't have to.
00:21:07Vasiliki is upstairs.
00:21:09What are you doing here?
00:21:11We had a conversation.
00:21:13Shall we go?
00:21:15What conversation?
00:21:17We buried my daughter today.
00:21:20And you have a conversation with Vasiliki Antonis?
00:21:23You're right, Galiopis.
00:21:25Since it's not the right time to have this conversation,
00:21:28I'm going to spend the day with her.
00:21:34Take care.
00:21:41Vasiliki Antonis
00:21:46Well done, Dilemma.
00:21:48Who would have thought that you would come to the grave of Mathios
00:21:51and you would bury his daughter?
00:21:53When I was alive,
00:21:55I used to wonder how big a soul our daughter has.
00:21:59She used to cry,
00:22:01she used to catch fire, she used to get angry,
00:22:04she used to rebel,
00:22:06but in the end, she did the opposite.
00:22:08Do you remember what you did when you learned how to run and stop?
00:22:12Did you see how things have changed?
00:22:15Yes, Pavlis.
00:22:18I struggled a lot to understand who is right and to follow them.
00:22:22You always wanted someone to show you the way.
00:22:27If you don't speak out loud,
00:22:30who will tell you what to do?
00:22:32Just like you did today.
00:22:38He wants them, Pais.
00:22:40I'll keep him.
00:22:42He has every right to touch my daughter's child.
00:22:46Come, Roussos.
00:22:51It's time.
00:22:55Yes, Roussos.
00:22:57Unfortunately, it's time.
00:23:00Yes, Roussos.
00:23:01Yes, Roussos.
00:23:06We are ready to start.
00:23:29Antonis knows.
00:23:33That's why he wants to talk to us.
00:23:48What are we going to do?
00:24:01I don't know.
00:24:19I came to see how you are.
00:24:23Sit down, my son.
00:24:25I'll let you talk to him.
00:24:32I know there are no words to express your pain.
00:24:36But I couldn't not come to see how my beloved friend is.
00:24:40Thank you.
00:24:42You should know that you are not alone.
00:24:46Mathios was special for everyone.
00:24:51You can't imagine how much Mathios meant to me.
00:24:55He was your brother.
00:24:58And you loved him.
00:25:02But don't forget something.
00:25:06We met in prison.
00:25:11In the dark.
00:25:13And we made it. We came out in the light.
00:25:16And we will make it again.
00:25:20That's nice of you to say.
00:25:25I'm thinking about it to give me strength.
00:25:28We don't get lost, Asterix.
00:25:31We become stars.
00:25:33And we scatter in the universe.
00:25:37This loss disturbed me.
00:25:41And made me realize that nothing is destined.
00:25:47Everything is temporary.
00:25:49Everything can change in a moment.
00:25:54We hang from a rope.
00:25:57It made me decide not to live my life with resentment.
00:26:02I'm thinking about asking for a marriage.
00:26:05We won't get married now, because we are pregnant.
00:26:10But if I say yes, I will have something beautiful to wait for.
00:26:15What do you think?
00:26:17Should I do it?
00:26:21You should do it.
00:26:24You should, my friend.
00:26:26If it makes you happy.
00:26:28I won't be exactly happy.
00:26:31If you are not happy.
00:26:37Me too.
00:26:39I will be a bit late.
00:26:44But I will make it.
00:27:01Bring them
00:27:05For love to erase them
00:27:12And happiness to become a doctor
00:27:19To separate us
00:27:27We do it in the dark.
00:27:30And you don't take off your suitcase to get some fresh air.
00:27:33I'm leaving, Pavlis. I'm leaving.
00:27:36There is no reason for me to stay or go anywhere else.
00:27:39Mutakidis is in prison. The danger is over.
00:27:43But the need is not over.
00:27:46What need do you have, Pavlis?
00:27:49What need do you have, Pavlis?
00:27:56I need to have you by my side.
00:27:59Ever since I lost my son,
00:28:02loneliness has taken over me.
00:28:06A heavy shadow is crushing my soul.
00:28:11Time has frozen.
00:28:18I can't breathe.
00:28:26You don't feel anything, do you?
00:28:32I'm tired, Tlemachis.
00:28:35I'm tired.
00:28:38All my family members are leaving.
00:28:41My son, Emilia.
00:28:43Markos, my nephew.
00:28:45Eva, my niece.
00:28:46Andreas, my son.
00:28:48All of them are leaving.
00:28:51You don't care about Andreas, do you, Pavlis?
00:28:54You, or you?
00:28:56You've known me for so long.
00:28:58Did you love your brother or not?
00:29:01You loved him.
00:29:03Then why do you ask me if I care about him when he died?
00:29:06You wanted us to hand him over.
00:29:09I don't want you to be jealous.
00:29:12But if we hand him over, he will live now.
00:29:14Do you understand?
00:29:19please, stay.
00:29:21We need each other, Tlemachis.
00:29:25You're right, Pavlis.
00:29:28I need you, too.
00:29:36Ever since we were born,
00:29:39we said the words,
00:29:41but they never came true.
00:29:44Words don't exist anymore.
00:29:51What did Vasiliki tell you?
00:29:54He didn't tell me anything.
00:29:57He told me something that made me think.
00:30:01What was it?
00:30:03He told me that
00:30:05a drunkard says
00:30:07the right thing twice.
00:30:10Once in the past, and once now.
00:30:18He didn't ask me.
00:30:20As for the first time,
00:30:22you should know that
00:30:24I know when
00:30:27and how.
00:30:31What do you mean?
00:30:34The drunkard said
00:30:37something heavy, Marina,
00:30:40that put me in a big dilemma.
00:30:43He told me
00:30:46to die.
00:30:53told me.
00:30:55Who killed him?
00:30:59Don't ask me who.
00:31:06I don't know.
00:31:14Sit down, Marina.
00:31:16Sit down.
00:31:20Why don't you say something?
00:31:22Say something.
00:31:24I couldn't.
00:31:26When I found out,
00:31:29I relived Petri's death from the beginning.
00:31:32Because I knew it all started with the drunkard.
00:31:35That's why I told you to leave.
00:31:37Because I didn't want to step on the same soil as him.
00:31:42This was what you wanted to tell me
00:31:45at the party we went to, and you didn't tell me.
00:31:50And you left me to torture myself, Marina.
00:31:52You were doing so well that Christ was pressing me
00:31:55to find evidence, to give it to him.
00:31:57And you left me in the dark.
00:31:58In the dark.
00:32:01I was torturing myself to be with you, Anton.
00:32:05I even told you many times.
00:32:08But you didn't tell me.
00:32:10Yes, I couldn't.
00:32:15The drunkard had been drinking for a while.
00:32:17Until his daughter was born.
00:32:19Then he wanted to surrender himself.
00:32:21That's what he did. You know that.
00:32:23That's what I was going to tell you that day.
00:32:25But I couldn't.
00:32:28I couldn't.
00:32:36I'm afraid right now.
00:32:39Tell me how you understand me.
00:32:42I've been through a lot, Marina.
00:32:44My head is like a cauldron.
00:32:46I can't think or say a word.
00:32:49I'm going to get better.
00:32:53Marina, it's still tomorrow.
00:32:55Let it be dawn first, then God.
00:33:14So much pain around us.
00:33:19Can't you stand it?
00:33:21It's so hard.
00:33:23Words were coming out of my mouth.
00:33:28I couldn't believe it.
00:33:30I said it with my eyes.
00:33:35The pain has covered the whole village like a black veil.
00:33:45Happy mother.
00:33:48She was there.
00:33:50She was there until the end.
00:33:57I was afraid for the queen, my father.
00:34:00Don't hurt me.
00:34:03Where was she when she was gone?
00:34:07Wherever she was, she came back, Katerina.
00:34:10And it's important that she's fine and so is Mingitsa.
00:34:14Thank God.
00:34:15Thank God.
00:34:18And the dilemma came into view.
00:34:21And the dilemma.
00:34:23Everyone was there.
00:34:26The black man, Andreas.
00:34:28There were five or six of us.
00:34:32Oh, Panagia, to see the Russian.
00:34:35My soul was so sad.
00:34:40Oh, God.
00:34:42Do you know what was the last word Andreas said to the Russian?
00:34:54What did he mean?
00:34:59That's what the Russian was looking for.
00:35:05I couldn't see him like that and I told him lies.
00:35:09What lies did you tell him?
00:35:11I told him.
00:35:13I told him.
00:35:17That's what Andreas said.
00:35:19He didn't say it to him, but to himself.
00:35:24He didn't have the time to know the love of his Lord.
00:35:31I told him.
00:35:33I told him.
00:35:35What do you believe?
00:35:38My dear Katerina, I believe that the reason for his death was an apology.
00:35:47Because he left him alone for so many years.
00:35:53But I couldn't tell him.
00:35:58I was wrong to tell him.
00:36:01Don't feel bad, dad.
00:36:04This lie is not a sin.
00:36:07You did it to soften his soul.
00:36:10You did the right thing.
00:36:14Tell me, Katerina.
00:36:17Tell me now.
00:36:21Do you believe it or do you lie to soften my heart?
00:36:30I'm telling you the truth.
00:36:33You have love for everyone.
00:36:35I love you.
00:36:37And here the Russian needs the support and love of all of us to endure and forgive himself.
00:36:55How will I endure my life from now on?
00:36:59How will I fight such a life day and night?
00:37:03How will they get through?
00:37:06How will my Russian breathe?
00:37:09You are a strong woman, Kalliopi.
00:37:12You have proven it.
00:37:14That's why you sent me so many temptations.
00:37:19I wish they sent me back.
00:37:25I wish I let my last breath on my daughter's memory.
00:37:32Don't be ashamed.
00:37:36Cry, Russo.
00:37:38You are in pain for your daughter.
00:37:41I'm in pain for everyone.
00:37:45I will bring my daughter and my daughter-in-law.
00:37:50I don't want to leave them.
00:37:54In an empty house.
00:37:57Bring them.
00:37:59Bring them and I will leave you in peace.
00:38:05You will not go anywhere.
00:38:08I don't want to be in your feet.
00:38:15You are a coward again.
00:38:18Once again you didn't learn your lesson.
00:38:22I'm doing it for you.
00:38:24Then you should stay.
00:38:42Hello, Captain.
00:38:44What's up?
00:38:46What brings you here on a day like this?
00:38:50I want Russo.
00:38:52I want to talk to him.
00:38:54Leave Kalliopi.
00:38:56I want to talk to him too.
00:39:05What is it?
00:39:10You left flowers on my child's fresh memory.
00:39:14Thank you. Be well.
00:39:17Thank you, Captain.
00:39:25Leave us alone for a while.
00:39:34I don't have anything else to tell you.
00:39:37I have nothing at home. I have to go shopping tomorrow.
00:39:41I don't want anything.
00:39:43I just came to see you.
00:39:45Don't talk to me like that.
00:39:48You were talking to Nikos in the bathroom.
00:39:56I came to see how you are.
00:40:01My uncle asked us to be well, me and the baby.
00:40:06Vasiliki, I want to share a secret with you.
00:40:09What secret?
00:40:11When Nikiforos left, I saw him for the first time in a long time.
00:40:20Everyone thought I had played with him, but it wasn't like that.
00:40:23I used to call him.
00:40:25They listen to us, Vasiliki. They see us.
00:40:28And if we want it very much, we can hear them and see them too.
00:40:32I know it sounds crazy, but...
00:40:34No, no, no. It's not crazy at all.
00:40:37Exactly like that.
00:40:39I have something to tell you too.
00:40:43Today, the eye saved me.
00:40:45Me and our baby.
00:40:46Me and our baby.
00:40:48It pulled us back from the cliff.
00:40:51And it brought us back to this house.
00:40:54The eye did it.
00:40:58So, I'm not crazy?
00:41:03But only those who have gone through the pitfall of ignorance can understand that.
00:41:09Don't stay here, my child.
00:41:13Go far away.
00:41:14Go to America.
00:41:16Go today and everything.
00:41:19If I could, I would leave today too.
00:41:22I can't stand this place anymore, Vasiliki.
00:41:25I can't stand it anymore.
00:41:27That's right, my boy.
00:41:29Don't stay here even for a day.
00:41:31Go after your dream. You have your whole life ahead of you.
00:41:35Don't let sadness overwhelm you.
00:41:38Not even a day in your life will be enough for you not to be sad.
00:41:41Take your girl. Take your love.
00:41:44All your dreams.
00:41:46And go.
00:41:48Go there.
00:41:50Nothing will stop you.
00:41:54Have your memories with you.
00:41:57Keep them.
00:41:59Whatever you have most precious, don't let them hold you back.
00:42:05I came to be with you and you are with me.
00:42:10I'm not saying words of consolation.
00:42:11I'm talking to you like I would talk to my son.
00:42:16Like the eye would talk to you.
00:42:19Open your wings, my boy.
00:42:22And fly.
00:42:25And you.
00:42:27I don't need you here.
00:42:30What I need is for you to be happy.
00:42:38That's all.
00:42:55So, Christos.
00:42:57Did you really want to leave?
00:43:01Do you think this is the right time to do this?
00:43:04Don't we have a clear mind?
00:43:06No, no, Stella. I have a question for you, Christos.
00:43:08What did you think you would gain by leaving?
00:43:12My peace.
00:43:14Are you sure?
00:43:18I came to Crete for one reason.
00:43:20I had a goal and I achieved it.
00:43:22And you put it on your feet.
00:43:26You did it before.
00:43:28It's offensive to Christos.
00:43:30Christos is not a stranger.
00:43:32He is my son-in-law. He is my family.
00:43:34And what? Can't you talk to him?
00:43:38Come here.
00:43:40Do you hear me?
00:43:42Come here, please.
00:43:44Don't let anything get to you.
00:43:46I don't want to go down there.
00:43:48You two will find it.
00:43:54Christos, I understand how you feel.
00:43:59it doesn't suit you to put it on your feet after the first date.
00:44:03And do you really think that in Athens
00:44:05you will stop thinking about what has happened here?
00:44:09We can't escape ourselves, Christos.
00:44:12I know.
00:44:15Listen to what I want to tell you.
00:44:18I think that
00:44:20you have to stay and fight here, where you were taken.
00:44:23Only here you will be able to change
00:44:26what is oppressing you.
00:44:29And here, where you felt inferior,
00:44:32your every victory will be double and triple for everyone.
00:44:35But I am talking about you.
00:44:37The decision is yours.
00:44:40But I want you to think about it.
00:44:42I speak as a father who wants the best for his children.
00:44:45I respect and appreciate it very much and I thank you for that.
00:44:49It's not a decision that I will make alone.
00:44:52Stella has to
00:44:54say what she thinks.
00:44:56Which team are we?
00:45:05I want to apologize for hitting you.
00:45:11And I want you to understand
00:45:14that you hurt my brother deeply.
00:45:17He couldn't overcome the death of our mother.
00:45:21And Demetheus, who is your son, hates you even more.
00:45:28What are you talking about, Ephraim?
00:45:30I have no excuse for what I did.
00:45:35Nor will I ask you for forgiveness, because
00:45:39I can't forgive myself either.
00:45:44And when I close my eyes,
00:45:47his own sorrow
00:45:49will be my last image.
00:45:52His own voice
00:45:55will be heard asking me why.
00:45:57His own voice will be heard asking me why.
00:46:02All I want is to leave,
00:46:05to go and meet him and
00:46:08to answer him why he left me
00:46:12along with the last thing he breathed into my hands.
00:46:18So he asked you
00:46:26I will understand if you kill me.
00:46:30I have nothing to wait for.
00:46:34I was punished in the hardest way.
00:46:42I won't kill you, Russo.
00:46:46I don't want to get my hands dirty.
00:46:51I don't want to get my hands dirty.
00:46:55In order to be able to give birth,
00:46:58I became the father of his daughter, Stamataki.
00:47:05I don't want any more hatred.
00:47:08I want to live peacefully with my family.
00:47:11That's enough.
00:47:14I want to ask you for a favor.
00:47:17What favor?
00:47:19Let me see you everywhere.
00:47:24Let me talk about him.
00:47:29met him, you loved him, you loved him.
00:47:33Meet my son.
00:47:36Please, I beg you.
00:47:39I will owe you a great favor.
00:47:49Thank you.
00:47:50You're welcome.
00:47:53As you say, you wouldn't have slept today on the bus.
00:47:57Everyone was crying.
00:47:58You know, there were people by the village, I imagine.
00:48:03I was the only one crying.
00:48:06And you did very well, you cried a lot of love,
00:48:08because with what I saw, you couldn't stand it.
00:48:11I'm telling you the truth.
00:48:13Everyone was crying, like little kids.
00:48:15Everyone was crying, like little kids.
00:48:23Kalliopi was a tragic,
00:48:25stupid figure.
00:48:28No voice, no nothing.
00:48:30But I'm not saying anything about Asteris, because the man was alive, dead.
00:48:33Forget it.
00:48:35And Vasiliki?
00:48:37He wasn't there.
00:48:38What do you mean, he wasn't there? How is that possible?
00:48:42Something strange happened today.
00:48:44Katerina left her house to help her with the child.
00:48:47Vasiliki didn't show up.
00:48:50So Katerina notified Anna, Anna notified Antonis
00:48:53that Vasiliki had disappeared.
00:48:54So Antonis took Miro and went to look for her.
00:48:57And in the end?
00:48:59It was a house.
00:49:00And the child was sleeping.
00:49:02How is that possible?
00:49:03I don't know, my love.
00:49:05I don't know.
00:49:06But really, until we found her,
00:49:08we were alone in the bad, but fortunately everything was fine.
00:49:11What happened to Antonis?
00:49:12I don't know anything. He didn't tell me. Really.
00:49:19I'm really scared for Vasiliki.
00:49:23She lost her son, now she lost Mathios.
00:49:26Those two were her whole life.
00:49:29How is she going to handle it now?
00:49:30She can handle it, my love.
00:49:32She has to handle it and she has to do it because she has a child.
00:49:36And that child will help her continue her life.
00:49:39I hope so.
00:49:42Everything will be fine, my love. Come.
00:49:54I want to thank you.
00:49:58For what?
00:50:01For your attitude these days towards me.
00:50:05It's written in what you did.
00:50:08What did I do?
00:50:10You were here, you were by my side.
00:50:15Do you want me to tell you a secret?
00:50:18I will always be by your side.
00:50:24It was wild, wasn't it?
00:50:27About Kydia, I mean.
00:50:28Yes. A lot.
00:50:32We found out if anyone went to Andreas' Kydia.
00:50:35At least.
00:50:36But it was expected.
00:50:39I feel sorry for him.
00:50:41He must have felt deeply alone.
00:50:43He came to Mathios' Kydia.
00:50:47Everyone was frozen, they thought he was being harassed.
00:50:50But he came quietly, left a flower and left again.
00:50:59I can't find the words.
00:51:03What do you mean?
00:51:04What did you tell him?
00:51:05I told him everything.
00:51:08What did you tell him?
00:51:09Did you tell him to come to Kydia?
00:51:11I made him think.
00:51:14And it seems he did.
00:51:27Did we find out what happened at Andreas' Kydia?
00:51:31Only three names went there.
00:51:33Kyrarinos, Pavlis and Telemachus.
00:51:37I didn't find out.
00:51:38Roussos was there, too.
00:51:40How did you find out?
00:51:42Katerina told me.
00:51:43I told Michalis.
00:51:44Roussos is a great soul.
00:51:47Someone else was going to kill him.
00:51:49He was also responsible for Mathios' death.
00:51:51Yes, but he lost his own life.
00:51:54It's a shame.
00:51:55I'm starting to worry.
00:51:57About Mathios' death.
00:52:00God will forgive him.
00:52:03God will forgive him, if he wants to.
00:52:06Because I won't be able to.
00:52:09Manolis, my boy.
00:52:11What happened?
00:52:12How was it at the royal court?
00:52:15How do you want it to be?
00:52:20I want to tell you something.
00:52:22What is it, Manolis?
00:52:25Tonight, Jenny and I will apply for a visa to go to America.
00:52:29It will be approved within a week.
00:52:32Why so soon, my boy?
00:52:34You said you would wait until September.
00:52:38We didn't think about what happened then.
00:52:41I can't take it anymore, mom.
00:52:45I feel like I'm losing my mind.
00:52:48Whatever we achieved with psychotherapy,
00:52:50this pain is going to throw it in the trash.
00:52:53It's better for Manolis.
00:52:56The next few months will be much harder.
00:53:01Don't you feel the need, my boy,
00:53:03to stay a little longer, to support the king?
00:53:06Yes, I'm doing her a favor, mom.
00:53:09She will drown in my sorrow.
00:53:12No, my girl.
00:53:16Don't do this to yourself, Manolis.
00:53:20Open your wings, my son,
00:53:22and fly away to other places.
00:53:26Go away from pain and suffering.
00:53:31Life is in front of you, my boy.
00:53:33Do you hear me, Manolis?
00:53:35Go away.
00:53:37Thank you, dad.
00:53:40A few months later
00:53:53We did the right thing by keeping the dilemma by your side.
00:53:58You need it.
00:54:02you hurt my soul, my boy.
00:54:05Don't worry, dad, about your dilemma.
00:54:09But to go and say goodbye to Mathios,
00:54:12the man who killed his brother,
00:54:14is a great feat.
00:54:17And not only did it move me,
00:54:20but it also surprised me.
00:54:22I saw it.
00:54:24As long as the words are in the air.
00:54:26No, no.
00:54:27It's not because of the surprise,
00:54:29but because of the hope
00:54:31that started to grow inside me.
00:54:34What hope?
00:54:36Because of the shock, Paulus.
00:54:40The first move was made with Tsimiki's baton.
00:54:44There must be no more blood here.
00:54:47That's why the two of us
00:54:49have to get our hands up
00:54:51and start the negotiations.
00:54:54Do you think we'll find a resistance?
00:54:55Whatever resistance we find,
00:54:57we'll overcome it.
00:54:59We'll put Antonis on the spot too.
00:55:01We'll make it.
00:55:03Do you believe it?
00:55:04I believe it.
00:55:05Come on, I believe it.
00:55:06That's what I was saying.
00:55:08Come on, then.
00:55:10Let's drink a glass of sasmo.
00:55:21To sasmo.
00:55:34To sasmo.
00:55:49Hi, honey.
00:55:51Hi, Marina.
00:55:52I'm going to cut your hair, my girl.
00:55:54Come sit.
00:56:01How's the baby?
00:56:05I wanted to thank you
00:56:08for not betraying the secret of Mathios.
00:56:13I know how much you fought inside.
00:56:16I thank you for holding him.
00:56:23As you know, he didn't betray us either.
00:56:28Along with his soul came his innocence.
00:56:31Antonis told me everything.
00:56:35I know, honey.
00:56:41I hope Antonis doesn't betray Mathios either.
00:56:46I hope
00:56:48he keeps his secret poem.
00:56:52I hope he doesn't ruin the image
00:56:55the village has of my husband.
00:56:59I hope they know he died as proudly as he lived.
00:57:03I hope they know that.
00:57:06I don't know what Antonis is up to.
00:57:08I have no idea.
00:57:10But if you want my advice,
00:57:13talk to him.
00:57:14Antonis loves you and cares about you.
00:57:17Tell him what he told me.
00:57:28My dear, please, eat.
00:57:31Don't make me sad.
00:57:34You're acting like my mother.
00:57:36No, I'm not.
00:57:37Do you think you're going to do this to our kids?
00:57:39Do you think you're going to be a model?
00:57:41I don't want to leave.
00:57:43Come on, eat.
00:57:47Excuse me.
00:57:50It's from Bironia.
00:57:52Pick it up.
00:57:53Yes, it's for you.
00:57:56How are you?
00:57:57Good morning to you too.
00:57:59Yes, please, I'm listening.
00:58:00Tell me.
00:58:04What have you decided?
00:58:05What have we decided?
00:58:10Yes, of course we can come from there.
00:58:12Of course.
00:58:15Okay, thank you very much.
00:58:16Take care.
00:58:18Bye, good morning.
00:58:21What did they say?
00:58:26My dear,
00:58:28there are some judicial issues left.
00:58:30What is it?
00:58:31Listen to me.
00:58:33As I said, there are some judicial issues left
00:58:35that we have to solve up close.
00:58:37And they decided, they told me,
00:58:44in a week
00:58:45we will have a Tarzan in here
00:58:47that you will chase,
00:58:49left and right.
00:58:51You will chase him and I will chase him.
00:58:53Oh my God!
00:58:55Our baby!
00:58:56Our baby!
00:59:02Our first baby!
00:59:04Our first baby!
00:59:07Oh my God!
00:59:15I want to apologize to you.
00:59:18For what?
00:59:19Because you have your pain.
00:59:21You care and love these people
00:59:23and because I can't handle
00:59:25your pain,
00:59:26I burden you with my issues.
00:59:28Don't flatter yourself, Christos.
00:59:31It's completely logical.
00:59:32If you don't tell me,
00:59:33who else will you tell?
00:59:34We are together.
00:59:36So, you forgive me?
00:59:38There is nothing to forgive.
00:59:41You are my man
00:59:42and you are the best man in the world.
00:59:46I promised you
00:59:47that I will find a way
00:59:48and I will handle
00:59:49this pain.
00:59:50I will be proud of you.
00:59:52Did my dad help you in the end?
00:59:53A lot.
00:59:55I like it a lot
00:59:56that you have this relationship.
00:59:57Me too.
00:59:59And I will miss him
01:00:00when he leaves.
01:00:01Me too.
01:00:04I also talked to
01:00:05Mr. Avlachakis
01:00:06who is in charge
01:00:07of the royal court.
01:00:09My love,
01:00:10why are you doing this?
01:00:11It's dangerous.
01:00:12We have known each other for a long time
01:00:14and I have never
01:00:15talked to a person
01:00:16like this before.
01:00:18I shouldn't,
01:00:20but I have to.
01:00:24So, what did you say?
01:00:26I suggest
01:00:27to change the title
01:00:28of the royal court
01:00:29from a bad word
01:00:30to a curse.
01:00:34I call for an interrogation.
01:00:37That was the reason
01:00:38why you were trying
01:00:40to cheat on me.
01:00:42Yes, I believed that
01:00:43from the beginning
01:00:44and I still do.
01:00:46You cheated on me.
01:00:54You cheated on me.
01:01:09you called for me.
01:01:10I'm listening.
01:01:15I want to know
01:01:16what you are going to do, Antonis.
01:01:19Are you going to betray
01:01:20my son's secret?
01:01:22If you betray him,
01:01:23who are you going to punish?
01:01:26He doesn't live to pay.
01:01:29What exactly
01:01:30do you want me to do,
01:01:33To protect Mathios.
01:01:36To protect his memory.
01:01:38And this child
01:01:41who has come into this world.
01:01:44The only thing I have left.
01:01:47To help him.
01:01:49To be proud of his father.
01:01:50To know that
01:01:51his father was a hero.
01:01:54He left like a hero
01:01:57saving a human life.
01:02:05are you asking me
01:02:07to bury the truth?
01:02:10I'm asking you
01:02:11to heal it.
01:02:14To think about it.
01:02:20And then to make a decision.
01:02:23Whatever your conscience tells you.
01:02:31Who would have thought,
01:02:33that after so many years,
01:02:36our little star
01:02:38and our little star
01:02:40would become one.
01:02:42What happened, honey?
01:02:47What happened?
01:02:49I got dizzy.
01:02:51I don't want to bother you,
01:02:53but I don't feel very well.
01:02:55Will Lemoneti continue
01:02:57or should I replace her?
01:02:59She will continue, of course.
01:03:01She will stop until she's 40
01:03:03but then she will take it with her
01:03:05to grow up with the other kids.
01:03:07If that's what I think,
01:03:10it's very serious.
01:03:12What's wrong with me again,
01:03:14my child?
01:03:16Either we were saying
01:03:17or you were helping me.
01:03:19What are you talking about,
01:03:21things can happen.
01:03:23Shut up, dad.
01:03:25She's not a good girl.
01:03:27She goes to church
01:03:29and to the funerals.
01:03:31Who would have thought
01:03:33that after so many years
01:03:35we would be working together.
01:03:37If you had told me
01:03:39that we would be working
01:03:41with the police,
01:03:43I would have called him
01:03:44but she started it
01:03:46over 100 years ago
01:03:48and now the time has come.
01:03:50Do you believe me?
01:03:53I have prepared
01:03:55very nice surprises for you today.
01:03:57Tell me about the surprises.
01:03:59They are on their way.
01:04:01They are coming.
