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SASMOS | S03 | EPS. 150 HD | ΣΑΣΜΟΣ | Σ03 | ΕΠΣ. 150 HD
00:00:30🎵Που πριν ανοίξει ο σαλαβός🎵
00:00:40🎵Και πριν ο σκότως γονίσει🎵
00:00:50🎵Τη γρήγια γέρας και καπνός🎵
00:01:01🎵Και μαύρια νεμόζα🎵
00:02:01Τώρα που τελειώσαμε το φαγητό θέλεις να κάνουμε αυτή τη συζήτηση
00:02:05Δεν θέλω να σε πιέσω
00:02:07Ξέρω ότι έχεις στήσει εδώ όλη στη ζωή
00:02:13Θεωρείς σε καλύτερη πνευματικόλόγος της Κρήτης
00:02:16Και εγώ σου ζητάω με έναν τρόπο να τα αφήσεις όλα αυτά και να ξαναρχίσεις από την αρχή
00:02:20Δεν ζητάω όμως κάτι τέτοιο
00:02:22Απλά θα έφερα να το σκεφτείς
00:02:25Αγάπη μου
00:02:27Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που κάποιος μου προτείνει να πάω στην Αθήνα να δραστηριοποιηθώ εκεί
00:02:33Και η Εμιλία μόλις έφυγε όταν πήρε προογή μου ζήτησε να την ακολουθήσω
00:02:37Αλλά δεν την μπορώ την Αθήνα βρε αγάπη μου
00:02:40Είναι τεράστια, είναι απρόσωποι
00:02:44Και εδώ είναι όλοι δικοί μου άνθρωποι
00:02:46Όλοι όσοι νοιάζομαι, όσοι με νοιάζονται
00:02:49Η Κρήτη δεν είναι να τυχαίνει, εσύ το ξέρεις
00:02:52Καταλάβαινω, αλλά θέλω να καταλάβεις κι εσύ πως νιώθω μέσα μου αυτή τη στιγμή
00:02:57Γιατί, γιατί πρέπει να λογοδοτήσεις σαν ο τέρος σου για το μακελιό
00:03:00Λογοδοτώ μόνο στον εαυτό μου
00:03:02Και δεν στάθηκα στο ύψος των περιστάσεων
00:03:04Βρε αγάπη μου, τι είναι αυτά που λες
00:03:06Από την ημέρα που ήρθες
00:03:08Έχεις δημιουργήσει μια νέα τάξη στα πράγματα
00:03:12Έδωσες κίνητρο όρεξη
00:03:14Στον Αντώνη και στον Γιώργο να κάνουν ακόμη καλύτερα τη δουλειά τους
00:03:17Διαλέγκανες τόσες υποθέσεις
00:03:19Σκέψου, η αυτοκτονία του Φαρμάκη
00:03:21Η δολοφονία του Τουρσουνίδη
00:03:23Η αποκάλυψη της ταυτότητας της Εύας Φαρμάκη και η σύλληψή της
00:03:26Την οδήγησες στο θάνατο
00:03:28Δεν φτέσαι εσύ γι'αυτό, έκανες ό,τι μπορούσες για να την προστατεύσεις
00:03:31Και δεν τα κατάφερας, θέλω να πέτυχα
00:03:34Τι είναι αυτό βράχο μου τώρα
00:03:36Γιατί μένεις στις αποτυχίες σου και δεν βλέπεις τις επιτυχίες σου
00:03:39Δεν σου ταιριάζει η τοπάθεια
00:03:41Δεν μου ταιριάζουν ό,τι οι ψευδεστίσεις όμως
00:03:43Όλο αυτό συμβαίνει εξαιτίας του θανάτου του Βρουλάκη
00:03:46Και μακάρι να μείνουμε εκεί
00:03:48Εύχομαι να μην χάσουμε και το μάθιο
00:03:50Δεν θα συμβεί αυτό, ακούσε με, όλα θα πάνε καλά
00:03:54Είναι μια κακιά στιγμή, είμαστε μαζί, θα την περάσουμε παρέα
00:04:00Ποιος είναι
00:04:03Απ'το αστυνομικό του είμαι εμένα
00:04:05Σήκωσε το να δούμε τι θέλουμε τέτοια ώρα
00:04:13Κύριε Σανγκελέα
00:04:15Τι να
00:04:20Εδώ είμαι
00:04:22Τι συμβαίνει κορίτσέ μου γιατί κλάς
00:04:26Μόλις μας τηλεφώνησε ο κύριος Βραγκεδάκης
00:04:32Και μας ζήτησε να σας ενημερώσουμε
00:04:34Τι πράγμα
00:04:47Δυστυχώς ο μάθιός
00:04:57Τι σημαίνει
00:04:59Χρήστο τι σημαίνει
00:05:00Τι σημαίνει
00:05:02Ντίνα, τι έγινε
00:05:15Γεια σας, ο Μύρος είμαι
00:05:17Μύρο λέγε
00:05:19Ο μαθιός δεν τα κατάφερε
00:06:57Μόνο μου ξέρω πόσο δύσκολο είναι
00:06:59αλλά μου έχεις αποδείξει ότι οι δύναμεις που έχεις είναι τεράστιες
00:07:05Και αυτή τη στιγμή έχουμε και το κίνητρο για να αντέξουμε
00:07:08Πώς θα το κάνω αυτό
00:07:12Τι θα κάνω
00:07:14Δεν θα πάω στην Κυδία
00:07:16Δεν θα συμπαρασταθώ στη Βασιλική
00:07:18Στην Καλλιόπη
00:07:20Αργιά μου θες να δώσεις κι άλλο χτύπημα στην
00:07:23Ηρέμησε σε παρακαλώ
00:07:25Θες να δώσεις κι άλλο χτύπημα στη Βασιλική
00:07:27Θυμάσαι τι είχε πάθει όταν χάσαμε το παιδί μας
00:07:29Τι πίκρα πήρε όταν πήγε στην Κυδία του Νικηφόρου
00:07:32Με χρειάζονται
00:07:34Με χρειάζονται
00:07:35Δεν σε χρειάζεται κανείς αγάπη μου
00:07:38Κοίτα με
00:07:40Δεν σε χρειάζεται κανείς
00:07:42Είναι μια θεμένη οικογένεια
00:07:44που θα πάρει κουράγιο ο ένας από τον άλλον
00:07:47Και άρα ποιος θα μου δώσει κουράγιο
00:07:49Εγώ, η δική σου οικογένεια
00:07:52Έχουμε κάνει τόσο δρόμο
00:07:54Τόσο αγώνα
00:07:55Έχεις αντέξει τόσα πολλά
00:07:57Είσαι κλεισμένη τόσος μήνες εδώ μέσα
00:07:59Σε νευροπαίνεις το μέμιτο μήνα
00:08:00Γιατί θες να καταστρέψεις όλα
00:08:03Σε παράκαλω καρδιά μου
00:08:04Όλα αυτά εξαρτώνται από σένα
00:08:09Έλα ήρεμα
00:08:15Έλα καρδιά μου
00:08:20Έλα καρδιά μου
00:08:22Έλα σου
00:08:27Το υπόσχεσαι ότι θα κάτσεις ήρεμη
00:08:29Σε παρακαλώ
00:08:31Σε παρακαλώ
00:08:40Μη κάνεις έτσι ρε μάθια μου
00:08:42Θα πάθεις πράγματα και θα τραλαθώ στο τέλος
00:08:44Εγώ, εγώ τον σκότωσα
00:08:46Τον μάθιο, εγώ
00:08:47Όχι παιδί μου δεν φταίσαι τίποτα
00:08:49Συμμείνει επιμένη σου λέω
00:08:50Εγώ φταίω, εγώ η κακούργα, η άμμια λίγο
00:08:55Σας παρακαλώ κυρία να μην κάνετε έτσι
00:08:58Αν δεν τον είχα πάρει εγώ τηλέφωνο να πάει στ' αρχοντικό
00:09:00Ο μάθιος τώρα θα ζούσε
00:09:02Γιατί θέλουν να πάρω αυτό το κρίμα πάνω
00:09:05Ποιο κρίμα ρε κορίζη μου
00:09:06Δεν πήρες κανένα κρίμα
00:09:07Το καλό πήγες να κάνεις εσύ
00:09:09Εσείς δεν ξέρατε ότι τον περιμένει εκεί
00:09:10Πώς δεν ήξερα
00:09:11Ο Βρουλάκης τον περίμενε
00:09:12Αυτός τον περίμενε
00:09:13Ο Φωνιάς, ο εγκληματίας
00:09:16Τι σκέφτηκα η τρελή
00:09:17Γιατί Παναγιά μου δεν μου κόβεις το χέρι να μην πάρω τηλέφωνο
00:09:21Γιατί δεν μου κόβεις τη γλώσσα να μην μπορώ να μιλήσω
00:09:24Ρε κορίζη μου δεν ήταν αυτά που λες
00:09:26Εσύ πήγες να σώσεις το ρούσο με την καπετάνισσα
00:09:29Τι κατάφερα μωρέ Πανελή
00:09:30Την ξεκλήρησα τη γυναίκα
00:09:33Άφησα μια μάνα να κλαίει τον πρωτότοκό της και τη βαθυνική
00:09:38Χείρα, με ένα θεογέννητο ορφανό στην αγκαλιά της
00:09:43Πώς θα τη σαντικρίσω
00:09:46Πώς θα πάω στην αγρύπνια
00:09:48Πώς θα ζήσω εγώ με αυτό το βάρος τη ζωή μου
00:09:59Πάτε τώρα εκεί δηλαδή
00:10:02Σε πόση ώρα
00:10:07Εντάξει Δημητρή μου θα έρθω κι εγώ
00:10:09Ανημερώσαμε μόλις φτάστε ναι
00:10:12Σε ευχαριστώ
00:10:18Πάνε το μωθείο στου
00:10:22Στο γραφείο τελετώ
00:10:23Και μετά θα πάνε στο σπίτι για την αγρύπνια
00:10:27Θα πάω κι εγώ
00:10:29Θέλω να τον συμπερασταθώ να τον αποχαιρετήσω κι εγώ
00:10:33Με τον Πιστέ
00:10:35Πότε νίκη Δία
00:10:38Ξέρω εγώ υποθέτω αύριο
00:10:40Πώς να πας καλύτερα αύριο να μείνει με την οικογένειά του σήμερα
00:10:45Κι εγώ σαν οικογένειά μου τι σου βλέπω Χρήστο
00:10:48Πώς τα άφησα όλα αυτά να συμβούν
00:10:51Δεν πόρουσες να κάνεις τίποτα
00:10:54Και δεν το κάνα
00:10:56Μην το λες αυτό δεν είναι έτσι
00:10:59Έτσι είναι και το ξέρεις
00:11:01Και αυτή είναι η μεγαλύτερη τάποχα στην καριέρα μου
00:11:04Αγαπούμε όποιος και να ήτανε
00:11:06Το ίδιο θα συνέβαινε
00:11:07Ναι αλλά δεν ήταν
00:11:08Άλλος ήμουν εγώ
00:11:09Και θα έχω να τον θυμάμαι για μια ζωή
00:11:15Μερικές φορές δεν μπορούμε να κάνουμε τίποτα για τα πράγματα
00:11:19Θα συμβούνε
00:11:21Όπως και να έχει αυτήν η μοίρα
00:11:23Όχι Στέλλα μου δεν υπάρχει μοίρα
00:11:25Υπάρχουν άνθρωποι
00:11:26Και οι άνθρωποι ορίζουν τη μοίρα
00:11:28Και εγώ σε αυτό φταίω
00:11:30Μην το λες αυτό
00:11:31Σε παρακαλώ μην το κάνεις
00:11:35Θες να πας στην οικογένεια των ανθρώπων
00:11:37Έτσι το νιώθεις να πας εκεί
00:11:40Θα είσαι εντάξει μόνο
00:11:42Όχι Στέλλα δεν θα είμαι ξανά ποτέ εντάξει
00:11:44Δεν μπορώ να είμαι εντάξει
00:11:46Αγαπούμε ηρέμησε σε παρακαλώ
00:11:48Κάνε μου μια χάρη σε παρακαλώ
00:11:49Πήγαινε εκεί
00:11:50Πήγαινε στους ανθρώπους
00:12:05Και κάνε μου μια χάρη
00:12:08Σκέψου πολύ σοβαρά αυτό που σου είπα για την Αθήνα
00:12:36Λύπα μου
00:12:38Πραγματικά λύπα μου
00:12:40Ο μικρός
00:12:42Τι θα τον παρατέλετε θα πάτε στην αγρύπνια
00:12:45Θα πάμε ήθελα να τον δω λίγο
00:12:47Ανέβα Στέλλη ανέβα να δεις τον γιος σου
00:13:01Πως θα το σηκώσουμε αυτό
00:13:04Κουράγια Αργυρούλα μου κουράγια
00:13:07Έλα πρέπει να δείξεις δύναμη για ούλος
00:13:10Τώρα σε χρειάζεται πιο πολύ από ποτέ
00:13:13Το ξέρω
00:13:16Δε θα έρωνα πως τα χειρότερα είχανε περάσει
00:13:18Και δεν μας ευρήγε το μεγαλύτερο κάκο
00:13:21Γιάντα θεέ μου γιάντα
00:13:23Μας έδωκες τέτοιο χτύπημα γιάντα
00:13:27Άκουσα κάτι στο νοσικό μου που μου κάνει πάρα πολύ μεγάλη εντύπωση
00:13:30Τι πρέπει
00:13:33Θα γίνουν λέει και οι δύο και οι δύο μαζί αύριο
00:13:36Ναι ναι έτσι είναι
00:13:38Μα πως είναι δυνατό
00:13:40Μπροστά στον Θεό
00:13:42Είμαστε όλοι ίδιοι
00:13:46Μονάχα όταν καταφέρουμε να τις συγχωρέσουμε όλους
00:13:50Τότε σας μονάχα θα κλεισή πληγή
00:13:53Μονάχα τότε σας
00:13:59Το παιδί που είναι
00:14:01Κοιμάται μην ανησυχείς
00:14:04Αλλά ο θεόμου γιατί δεν τον έχουν φέρει ακόμα πότε θα τον φέρουν
00:14:08Πρέπει να τον φτιάξουμε πρέπει να τον στολίσουμε
00:14:11Δεν είναι ανάγκη να το ζήσεις αυτό
00:14:14Καλύτερα να μένεις εδώ εσύ με το παιδί
00:14:16Τι είπες Κατερίνα
00:14:18Θα μείνω εγώ μακριά από το ματιό μου αυτό μου λες
00:14:21Είσαι λεχόνα κορίτσι μου φυλάζεις δεν κάνει να ταράζεσαι
00:14:25Τι είναι αυτό που λες Κατερίνα
00:14:27Η θέση μου εμένα είναι δίπλα στο ματιό μου
00:14:29Και εμένα και τις κόρεις μου είναι δίπλα στον άντρα μου
00:14:32Για πάντα όπου πάει εκείνος θα πάω και εγώ Κατερίνα
00:14:36Σε παρακαλώ μην με τρομάσεις
00:14:38Σκέψε το παιδάκι σου
00:14:40Η ζωή του εξαρτάται από σένα
00:14:41Δεν υπάρχει ζωή μόλις στο ματιό μας
00:14:43Δεν υπάρχει
00:14:45Δεν υπάρχει
00:14:48Πάμε κύριε
00:14:53Περίμενε κύριε
00:14:56Μου είχε υποσχεθεί
00:15:00Ότι δεν θα με αφήσει ποτέ
00:15:03Του είπα να φύγουμε μαζί
00:15:06Να πάρουμε το παιδί μας και να φύγουμε του τόπα
00:15:08Και εκείνος δεν ήθελε
00:15:10Δεν με ακούει
00:15:12Δεν με ακούει
00:15:14Σε παρακαλώ μην λάτω εσύ
00:15:16Εσύ μπορείς να τον πείσεις
00:15:18Πρέπει να με ακούσει Καλιόπη
00:15:20Πρέπει να τον πείσεις
00:15:22Πρέπει να φύγουμε
00:15:30Έφυγε ο ματιός μας
00:15:32Έφυγε ο ματιός μας
00:15:34Το παιδί μου έφυγε
00:15:36Με άφησε
00:15:37Με άφησε
00:15:39Χάθηκε η ζωή μου
00:15:49Κοίτα με
00:15:51Όταν έχασα κι εγώ το βασίλειο
00:15:54Είχα δύο δρόμους
00:15:56Για να καταπιώ τη θλίψη
00:15:58Γιατί να μην μπορεί να με καταπιευτεί
00:16:00Και διάλεξα
00:16:02Τα κοπέλια μου
00:16:04Τα κοπέλια μου μωρέ
00:16:05Γιατί τα διάλεξα
00:16:07Τα κοπέλια μου
00:16:09Γι'αυτό είμαι εδώ
00:16:11Το ίδιο θα κάνεις κι εσύ
00:16:15Το ίδιο
00:16:17Όχι δεν υπάρχουν δύο δρόμοι για μένα Καλλιόπη
00:16:19Ένας δρόμος υπάρχει μόνο
00:16:21Μόνο ένας δρόμος υπάρχει για μένα
00:16:23Το τέλος
00:16:25Δεν αντέχω
00:16:27Δεν μπορώ άλλο πόνο
00:16:29Έτσι θα σε κρατώ
00:16:31Θέλω το ματιό μου
00:16:35Καλλιόπη κράτα
00:16:37Τώρα μια έμειση Καλλιόπη
00:16:39Κοίτα πίσω ματιό μου
00:16:51Ματιό μου
00:17:05Are you tired?
00:17:09You don't want to work anymore?
00:17:11I don't want to work anymore.
00:17:13Ah, ok.
00:17:15Let him rest.
00:17:17Let's take care of his ear next to him.
00:17:21Put it in the bag.
00:17:23Ah, put it in the bag.
00:17:25You are right.
00:17:35You are right.
00:17:47Did you come to take your son?
00:17:55Tell me that everything is ok.
00:18:01He left?
00:18:15A whole life.
00:18:17A journey
00:18:19full of mistakes.
00:18:25A mistake that I didn't protect our love with Maria.
00:18:29A mistake that I left my son
00:18:31in foreign hands.
00:18:33And the worst of all
00:18:35was my return.
00:18:37This was the end for him.
00:18:41And he took Mathios with him.
00:18:45I brought destruction.
00:18:47I am ruined, Michalis.
00:18:53Things are not like they used to be, Roso.
00:18:57Two women left because of me.
00:18:59My two daughters.
00:19:01Two girls that had my blood.
00:19:05And I am to blame for everything.
00:19:09I turned my son white
00:19:11in the madness of hatred and revenge.
00:19:13I killed him.
00:19:17was not a weak little boy.
00:19:19He was a man.
00:19:21And he was responsible for his actions.
00:19:25It would have been better if they killed me
00:19:27instead of him.
00:19:29They were two
00:19:31two young men.
00:19:33They had their lives in front of them.
00:19:35And now...
00:19:37Let go of these thoughts
00:19:39and go get ready.
00:19:41Please, let's go to the cell.
00:19:43I have no place there.
00:19:45They don't want me there.
00:19:47And they have all the rights
00:19:49with their share.
00:19:51Who? Kalliopi?
00:19:53My son,
00:19:55it's like you're back.
00:19:57It's like the king is back.
00:19:59He won't let you go.
00:20:01It's not just Kalliopi.
00:20:03It's the others too.
00:20:05I am not accepted.
00:20:07Don't say that.
00:20:09Roso, my son,
00:20:11you are a piece
00:20:13between the star
00:20:15and its master.
00:20:17You are their family.
00:20:19You have to stand by them.
00:20:21And Andreas?
00:20:25He will be left alone.
00:20:29No one will be by his side
00:20:31at night.
00:20:33No one will cry for him.
00:20:35No one will adorn him.
00:20:39Alone in life
00:20:41and in death.
00:20:43Even more alone.
00:20:51That was it.
00:20:55I am done
00:20:57with this place.
00:20:59It's over.
00:21:03This is
00:21:21Manolis, I understand how you feel.
00:21:23I don't feel anything anymore, Jenny.
00:21:27They have
00:21:29frozen everything inside me.
00:21:35We broke up.
00:21:39With their damned
00:21:45I lost my friend first.
00:21:49I promised to be by his father's side.
00:21:53Now I lose him too.
00:21:55I lose
00:21:57my own people all the time.
00:22:01I can't take it anymore.
00:22:03How can I take it anymore?
00:22:07Let's go.
00:22:09Let's go.
00:22:11Please, let's go.
00:22:13Let's go.
00:22:17We will sign the papers and leave.
00:22:19I can't wait two months. Now!
00:22:21Manolis, you don't understand. Your mother is not well.
00:22:23Vasiliki needs us.
00:22:25She needs our support.
00:22:37I can't support anyone, Jenny.
00:22:41I gave up.
00:22:43I gave up.
00:22:49How many deaths
00:22:53and how much pain
00:22:55can I take?
00:22:57How much more?
00:23:01I know, my love.
00:23:03I know.
00:23:05Can I be strong?
00:23:07Can I support?
00:23:09Can I keep secrets?
00:23:11How can I find
00:23:13the strength?
00:23:19I can't take it anymore, Jenny.
00:23:23I can't take it anymore.
00:23:27I can't breathe.
00:23:31There is nothing good in this place.
00:23:35Only loss, happiness, death.
00:23:37Let's go.
00:23:39Let's go.
00:23:43Let's go.
00:23:45Let's go.
00:23:47We will get through this together.
00:23:49You will see.
00:23:51We will get through this together.
00:24:01I didn't have time for you.
00:24:07I didn't have time for you.
00:24:15I didn't have time
00:24:17to stop you.
00:24:21Get up and hug me,
00:24:23my child.
00:24:29Take me in your arms.
00:24:31Take me in your arms.
00:24:35When I die,
00:24:37I will dress you.
00:24:43Take my life,
00:24:45my child.
00:24:47Get up.
00:24:51Let me hear you breathe.
00:24:55Let me kneel
00:24:57in your feet
00:24:59in your feet.
00:25:03Let me hear you breathe.
00:25:09My child,
00:25:11where are you going?
00:25:13Where are you going?
00:25:17I can't hear you,
00:25:19my child.
00:25:27leave me
00:25:29to hear
00:25:31my child
00:25:35who is leaving
00:25:39and losing
00:25:41my life.
00:25:43And you,
00:25:51don't laugh
00:25:55no one
00:25:57will cry for me.
00:26:01And you,
00:26:07I don't want
00:26:11I just want
00:26:13my bird
00:26:15to get up
00:26:17on its feet.
00:26:21How can I
00:26:23put you
00:26:25in the ground?
00:26:31And how
00:26:33can I put
00:26:35your head
00:26:37in the sky?
00:26:41I got up
00:26:43to dress
00:26:45your clothes,
00:26:49your dress
00:26:51that you left
00:26:55and alive.
00:26:59I asked
00:27:01your eyes
00:27:03why they don't
00:27:05give me
00:27:07and they
00:27:11that they
00:27:13are closed forever.
00:27:21look at
00:27:23my child
00:27:27who is sleeping
00:27:31and losing
00:27:33my life.
00:27:37Wake up,
00:27:39my child, and hide.
00:27:43I wake him up to be afraid.
00:27:47laugh at his sweet
00:27:51and don't
00:27:53turn back.
00:27:55Wake up,
00:27:57my child,
00:27:59and hide
00:28:01my sweet
00:28:07And open
00:28:09your arms
00:28:11to put
00:28:13my heart.
00:28:19Good night,
00:28:23my brother.
00:28:35Stop it!
00:28:37Stop this nonsense!
00:28:39Two young men got lost
00:28:41and you only care about one of them,
00:28:43our blood.
00:28:45Stop it!
00:28:47Two young men got lost,
00:28:49you understand?
00:28:51I care more about Andreas
00:28:53because he took the big
00:28:55sin upon himself.
00:28:57How will you face the Lord
00:28:59at this time of crisis?
00:29:01The Lord will take care of everything.
00:29:03He will take care of this
00:29:05life of Andreas.
00:29:07He won't owe anything.
00:29:09I'm bored
00:29:11at night.
00:29:13Sit down, father, sit down.
00:29:15I can't sit down
00:29:17because I don't belong here.
00:29:19Everything that was born
00:29:21is like a
00:29:23small world.
00:29:25For me, the world is empty,
00:29:27my father.
00:29:29I lost the one
00:29:31closest to me.
00:29:33They cut the thread that connected me
00:29:35to my mother's memory.
00:29:37And for the two families,
00:29:39my son,
00:29:41things are tragic.
00:29:43The only thing
00:29:45that means to us here
00:29:47is prayer, really.
00:29:51it's Christmas Eve.
00:29:53It's Christmas Eve, isn't it?
00:29:55It's Christmas Eve
00:29:57and we're going to Sparta.
00:29:59A while ago, I brought
00:30:01Mathios home,
00:30:03the black woman.
00:30:05For the last trip.
00:30:07The wildness is about to begin,
00:30:09that's why I came to warn you.
00:30:13Are you going too, Pavlis?
00:30:15I have to, Tilemachos, I have to go.
00:30:17The whole village will be there, my child.
00:30:19While my brother
00:30:21is alone in a funeral home.
00:30:23No one will dress him up.
00:30:25No one will
00:30:27wake up by his side.
00:30:29He was condemned to life
00:30:31and now he is condemned to death.
00:30:33It's not like that, my child.
00:30:35It's not like that.
00:30:37That's how it is, father Michalis.
00:30:39So, go.
00:30:43Go to the one who executed him.
00:30:45You don't need Andreas.
00:30:53I have to go.
00:30:55Let's go.
00:30:57Let's go, Pavlis, let's go.
00:31:03Let's go.
00:31:09Are you feeling better?
00:31:13I'm not going to Agripnia.
00:31:17I want you to go.
00:31:19You have to go.
00:31:21No, my love, I don't have to go.
00:31:23I won't leave you alone.
00:31:25I'll go tomorrow.
00:31:29Then I want to ask you something.
00:31:31I want you to love me.
00:31:39I don't want us to sleep tonight.
00:31:43I want us to pray.
00:31:47I want us to do our Agripnia
00:31:49for Matthew.
00:31:55I want us to pray for Vasiliki,
00:31:57for the baby,
00:32:01for everything.
00:32:03Okay, my love, whatever you want.
00:32:05If you like him,
00:32:07it's fine.
00:32:09Don't cry, don't be sad.
00:32:31I want us to pray for Vasiliki.
00:32:45I don't have a place to go.
00:33:01You shouldn't have come.
00:33:31I don't have a place to go.
00:33:33You shouldn't have come.
00:34:01You wrote to me
00:34:09that I love you.
00:34:19Like a stone.
00:34:49And I buried my sorrows
00:35:13in the place where you don't come out.
00:35:43Sun and cool water
00:36:09Sun and cool water
00:36:29Only lost dreams
00:36:47Let it be, Matthew.
00:36:51Wake up, my love.
00:36:53We have to go.
00:36:55We'll be late, baby.
00:36:57We have to go
00:36:59and find our Santa Claus.
00:37:01He's waiting for us at the church.
00:37:03We have to get married.
00:37:09Matthew, my baby.
00:37:15You are so beautiful.
00:37:19My love.
00:37:21Why did you put on
00:37:23his nice shirt
00:37:25so you won't be late?
00:37:29Why don't you listen to me, Matthew?
00:37:31Come on, we'll be late.
00:37:33He won't wake up, my love.
00:37:35We won't be late.
00:37:37We're getting married.
00:37:43We've been waiting for this day
00:37:45for 20 years, my love.
00:37:47What's going to happen now?
00:37:49We'll be late.
00:37:51Wake up, please.
00:37:53Come on, Matthew.
00:38:03Wake up, my love.
00:38:05Wake up.
00:38:07We have to go.
00:38:09We have to go.
00:38:11We're getting married today.
00:38:53I didn't want to.
00:38:55I saw him and I got mad.
00:38:57You got mad?
00:38:59You kicked him in front of everyone.
00:39:01I dragged him to the living room.
00:39:05And then you went to the church
00:39:07to make up for your sins.
00:39:09I'm sorry, my child.
00:39:11I understand how much you're hurting
00:39:13because I lost your brother.
00:39:15Only me.
00:39:17No one else.
00:39:19No, you're making a big mistake.
00:39:21And your father is hurting
00:39:23because of you.
00:39:25I wish.
00:39:27I wish he had them in his next life.
00:39:29That's the right thing to do.
00:39:31He should never have lost you.
00:39:33Don't judge my child.
00:39:35Do you know what was your brother's
00:39:37biggest mistake?
00:39:39The biggest mistake he made
00:39:41when he didn't listen
00:39:43or his father wouldn't forgive him.
00:39:45He only had one thing on his mind
00:39:47and that was to kill him.
00:39:49And what did he do?
00:39:51Tell me, what did he do?
00:39:53He lost his life
00:39:55and killed a man.
00:39:57Now we're both crying.
00:40:05Where are you going?
00:40:07To the bathroom.
00:40:20Would you like to take it?
00:40:23No, my child.
00:40:25I have to do something
00:40:27before I take it.
00:40:31do me a favor.
00:40:33In order to become a nun,
00:40:35you must first
00:40:37baptize the orphan.
00:40:39My child, in the church,
00:40:41baptize him
00:40:43and give him the name of his Lord.
00:40:45I will stay with the eyes.
00:40:49Do you understand?
00:40:53Don't we say this, Kaliope?
00:40:55No, my child,
00:40:57I don't want
00:40:59any girl
00:41:01from our family
00:41:03to get my name.
00:41:07A girl
00:41:09before she becomes a nun
00:41:11to her Lord
00:41:13must have her name
00:41:15as the tradition says.
00:41:17And how do we say it?
00:41:20Matthildi. Do you like it?
00:41:28Listen, my son, how do we say our baby's name?
00:41:32We'll say Matthildi.
00:41:35Do you like it?
00:41:38My son, Asteri, I understand that it was an honor for you to give birth to her,
00:41:46but now that things have come to this,
00:41:50you have to think about whether you want the baby to be born.
00:41:55I know that.
00:41:57In order for the baby to be born,
00:42:01one must be born from the opposite family.
00:42:05Well done, my son.
00:42:08That's why you have to share the baby.
00:42:12With Pavlos, I imagine.
00:42:15No, with the telemark.
00:42:17Pavlos wants the baby to be born.
00:42:20We have to get the telemark in order for the baby to be born.
00:42:25If you don't have the blessing,
00:42:29if you can't find the telemark,
00:42:35you can't have the baby.
00:42:43My son, Vasiliki,
00:42:46let's get the telemark,
00:42:49let's go to the church.
00:42:56Come on.
00:43:00My son,
00:43:02I won't be late, my love.
00:43:05I'm sure.
00:43:06I love you.
00:43:33What are you doing?
00:43:43I want you to look at the star
00:43:46that was playing with our son.
00:43:50The pain in his eyes,
00:43:53the blur,
00:43:55the collection of the drama of Kalliopis and Vasiliki.
00:44:02We've been through this together.
00:44:04Yesterday, the two women.
00:44:06Last night, things were difficult.
00:44:08Then I thought and I said,
00:44:11that I have to leave my passion for everything here.
00:44:18And all my strength is left to go and reunite them.
00:44:23They have a newborn baby.
00:44:26A lot of beatings, Vasiliki.
00:44:29Yesterday, he wasn't in Agrippina.
00:44:32I'll go to Siermia.
00:44:37Let's go and see Marina.
00:44:40She's in the grave.
00:44:42Let's get together.
00:44:45I imagine you'll go to Dea.
00:44:49A soul. I'll go.
00:44:54I can't leave him alone.
00:44:56I'll cry.
00:45:00If they hang him alone,
00:45:05without a man by his side.
00:45:08I'll put him in his grave.
00:45:16When I feel for him, I'll leave him a flower.
00:45:20Yes, my girl.
00:45:26What's the matter? Do you want to take the baby?
00:45:29No, I'm here to see him. Can't you wait a little longer?
00:45:32It's too late.
00:45:34Yes, but the baby's baptism has to take place before that.
00:45:38Yes, that's right.
00:45:40It's not possible for the father to be born with the baby baptized.
00:45:46The telemachus will go with the star in the church.
00:45:49What does the telemachus have to do with it?
00:45:51In order for the baptism to take place, we have to baptize him with the baby.
00:45:55That's right.
00:45:57The double baptism could revive Vendetta.
00:46:00And the telemachus, from what you're telling me, is angry.
00:46:03He is. I'm glad he doesn't want the baptism anymore.
00:46:06His brother's mind is in a mess.
00:46:10As I see it, the stars did it.
00:46:13Let's see.
00:46:25Are you serious, Christos?
00:46:28You're leaving?
00:46:30I don't like this place.
00:46:32We're starting to get used to you, my son. You're moving us to Mantili.
00:46:36This is all beyond me. I can't handle Antonis with anything.
00:46:41Beyond you? This is the second time I hear this.
00:46:44I'm sorry to say this, but I don't like what I'm about to tell you.
00:46:48That in the first school, Christos, you put it on your feet.
00:46:51I don't put it on my feet, Antonis.
00:46:53I came here to put things in order.
00:46:55And in the end, in the days, I got the worst job.
00:46:58What can I tell you? Then we should all give up.
00:47:01Prosecutors, police officers, lawyers, etc.
00:47:04We should close the shop and leave Crete.
00:47:07That's what you're telling me?
00:47:09That's not what I'm saying, Antonis.
00:47:11I just feel like I haven't accomplished anything.
00:47:13You're not wrong.
00:47:15We're very effective.
00:47:17I'll remind you how many successes we made as a couple.
00:47:21But that covers everything.
00:47:25You're very selfish, my boy.
00:47:30I don't understand why you're so strict with each other.
00:47:34Because you're even worse with yourself.
00:47:37You don't allow yourself to make mistakes.
00:47:40Is that what you call selfishness?
00:47:43As far as I know, only God is incorruptible and omnipotent.
00:47:48We're human beings.
00:47:50We're not gods.
00:47:52We don't take everything from others.
00:47:54It doesn't depend on us.
00:47:56We do our best.
00:47:58That's the best I can do.
00:48:00We're not gods.
00:48:02And you're not a god.
00:48:04You're an angel.
00:48:06And you're one of the best.
00:48:08What are you going to do?
00:48:10Are you going to go crazy again?
00:48:12Tell me you don't care about yourself.
00:48:14Stella, my girl.
00:48:19I'm going to Thodoris' house and then I'm going to the hospital.
00:48:23There you go.
00:48:25What are we going to live now?
00:48:28Christos or Thardis?
00:48:32Of course.
00:48:34You know, Mathios...
00:48:38...was my favorite subordinate.
00:48:46I love you.
00:49:09I never thought I'd come back and find a key in the house...
00:49:15...to take care of my family.
00:49:18You're saying this for your own good.
00:49:20No, no. The opposite.
00:49:27...what's happening to you at this hour?
00:49:32...leave us alone for a while.
00:49:34I need to talk to my uncle.
00:49:36It's a secret and I don't want to hear it.
00:49:40It's none of your business.
00:49:42Please, do me a favor.
00:49:46Calm down.
00:49:51I'm listening, Mathios.
00:49:55I can't leave tomorrow...
00:49:57...unless we clear things up between us first.
00:50:01I want to talk to you too, Mathios.
00:50:03Come, sit down.
00:50:08I'm listening.
00:50:12...let me talk to you first.
00:50:15I owe you an apology.
00:50:18I said...
00:50:20...heavy words.
00:50:22I'm sorry.
00:50:24Who am I to judge others?
00:50:27You may...
00:50:29...never have taken up arms to kill someone, but...
00:50:33...a man has been killed because of me.
00:50:36Because of my cowardice.
00:50:41I didn't want to judge you either.
00:50:44I said heavy words too.
00:50:46I shouldn't have.
00:50:48I didn't know...
00:50:50...what was in your soul.
00:50:53I didn't know either, Mathios.
00:50:55Who knows what...
00:50:59...you had in your soul to...
00:51:02...to commit a crime?
00:51:07The only thing I'll have from now on...
00:51:09...will be time.
00:51:11Infinite time.
00:51:13I want you to start seeing me...
00:51:15...and talking to me.
00:51:18Like I'm talking to my father.
00:51:23I'll come, Mathios.
00:51:25I'll come to listen to you...
00:51:28...as my brother will listen to you.
00:51:34...I want you to promise me that you'll take care of my mother...
00:51:37...and my family.
00:51:39That's why...
00:51:41...I'll be by their side.
00:51:43And I thank you for...
00:51:46...being by their side all these days.
00:51:51Let's continue like this.
00:51:54You look like your father.
00:52:00Be careful where you go.
00:52:09I love you.
00:52:27Good morning, Ryschos.
00:52:29Good morning.
00:52:35I came to tell you that I found you and Pounias.
00:52:38Did you find out?
00:52:40Of course I found out.
00:52:43That's why I came to apologize on behalf of Tilemachos.
00:52:47Tilemachos is a big boy...
00:52:49...and he can take care of himself.
00:52:51He's my cousin, Ryschos. What can I do?
00:52:55You have to understand him.
00:52:57That's why the little girl laughed at his mother.
00:53:00I cut him off from the visit for six months.
00:53:03And it wasn't until...
00:53:05...he grew up that he lost his master.
00:53:08Now he's lost his brother.
00:53:11You see...
00:53:13...the little girl laughed at him.
00:53:15You found yourself in front of him and you cut him off.
00:53:18That's why he apologized.
00:53:20I've already apologized to him.
00:53:23I caused everything.
00:53:25No, you didn't.
00:53:27It's not like he's innocent.
00:53:29Anyway, I'm responsible too.
00:53:31I should have told him the truth from the start.
00:53:33He should have heard it from my mouth.
00:53:36That's right.
00:53:38That's why I was waiting for you to come back from Sweden...
00:53:41...to talk to you.
00:53:44Listen, Pavlos.
00:53:46I'd like...
00:53:48I'd like Tilemachos to...
00:53:50...to get to know him better.
00:53:52To get closer to him.
00:53:54I hope so.
00:53:57I hope he makes the right decision.
00:53:59Are you talking about me?
00:54:01No, I proposed to him.
00:54:03I hope he accepts it.
00:54:05It would be good for all of us.
00:54:26Hello, Tilemachos.
00:54:29Why did you call me?
00:54:36I have a proposal for you.
00:54:40I want...
00:54:42...to baptize...
00:54:44...the child of Matthew and the virgin Mary together.
00:54:48What are you talking about?
00:54:50One killed my brother and the other killed my best friend.
00:54:54There was no proposal.
00:54:56There was no proposal.
00:54:58Two centuries ago, Tilemachos.
00:55:00One would kill the other for no reason...
00:55:03...without having anything to do with the other.
00:55:06And in Zygos...
00:55:08...the Vroulakidas were always right.
00:55:10Yes, but now we are both equal.
00:55:14We both lost our brothers.
00:55:17You lost your mother.
00:55:19I lost my father.
00:55:21I lost your best friend.
00:55:23I lost my nephew.
00:55:25And now...
00:55:27And now I'm crying for my brother.
00:55:29Me too.
00:55:30You have children, Tilemachos.
00:55:32Yes, that's why I divorced Andreas.
00:55:35And for that...
00:55:37...you have to secure a better tomorrow...
00:55:39...for your children and for mine...
00:55:41...and for my pride.
00:55:44A tomorrow...
00:55:46...without pain, without losses...
00:55:48...without fear.
00:55:51It's up to us, Tilemachos.
00:55:54It's up to you and me.
00:55:57And you want it, I'm sure of it.
00:56:04I'll let you try.
00:56:07We're going to church.
00:56:15Okay, Styri.
00:56:21I don't want to be...
00:56:23...the obstacle...
00:56:24...for the earthquake you're afraid of.
00:56:26You're afraid of it too, Tilemachos.
00:56:31You'll understand when it's over.
00:56:46A blind man is dead.
00:56:49I can't believe it.
00:56:52No one can, dad.
00:56:55And when I told you yesterday...
00:56:57...not to look in the corner...
00:56:59...how many times did I have to repeat it?
00:57:01Dad, don't think about it now.
00:57:03It doesn't matter to me.
00:57:07I don't feel well, my dear.
00:57:10It's a shame. He's a young man.
00:57:13And a few days ago...
00:57:15...his daughter was born there.
00:57:17It's a shame, a shame, a shame.
00:57:23I don't know, this family...
00:57:25...seems to have some kind of curse.
00:57:27Their father, then Nikiforos...
00:57:29...now Mothios.
00:57:31I can't believe it.
00:57:33Because how did...
00:57:35...the Broulakites lose them too?
00:57:37And our brother Petris?
00:57:40Nothing, Stella. Nothing.
00:57:42Vendetta. Vendetta.
00:57:44She's the curse.
00:57:46Christos is a curse.
00:57:49He came here to stop this vendetta...
00:57:53...she's the only one...
00:57:55...who's burning.
00:57:57He feels cursed, that's why...
00:58:03And he's thinking of asking for a transfer to Athens...
00:58:05...to go and live there.
00:58:17Blessed and fortunate...
00:58:19...to have Matilda...
00:58:21...to live with us.
00:58:23Thank you, Father Michael.
00:58:25What's up, Makis?
00:58:27The decision you made...
00:58:29...was very important.
00:58:31To give an answer...
00:58:33...to why our girls were lost.
00:58:36To stop the bleeding...
00:58:38...to have peace.
00:58:40Well done.
00:58:42My father needed this to stop the bleeding.
00:58:44That's how it should have been...
00:58:46...and that's how it was.
00:58:48Thank you, Lemachia.
00:58:50It's very important what you did.
00:58:52You're welcome.
00:58:57Give her some water.
00:58:59I don't want water, Father.
00:59:01I want to go home.
00:59:03What are you going to do at home?
00:59:05I want to stay close to my son.
00:59:10Vasiliki, stay here, please.
00:59:12I'm going to find my son.
00:59:14We'll bring him in a bit.
00:59:16No, I'll walk to the house.
00:59:18I want to get some fresh air.
00:59:20Vasiliki, let Miki go.
00:59:22I'll take care of her.
00:59:24The girls.
00:59:26No, Miki will be with me.
00:59:28You can't let Miki live like this.
00:59:30The child will be with me.
00:59:32Vasiliki, please.
00:59:36I'll hold her for a bit...
00:59:38...and then I'll call Katerina...
00:59:40...to come and take her.
00:59:42Leave her alone.
00:59:44Don't worry.
00:59:46I'll tell Katerina to come and take her.
00:59:50Don't worry about me.
00:59:52I'll go and take care of my sister.
00:59:56Well done, my friend.
00:59:58Well done.
01:00:00You did the right thing.
01:00:02You lightened the soul of Andreas.
01:00:14Let's go inside.
01:00:16I'll come with you.
01:00:20I'll be careful.
01:00:22I want to be alone.
01:00:24I'll wait for you here.
01:00:28Don't worry.
01:00:42Let's go inside.
01:00:44I'll get ready for the ceremony...
01:00:46...so you can get some rest.
01:00:48Yes, dad. You go.
01:00:50I'll get some fresh air...
01:00:52...and I'll come with you.
01:01:14I love you, my love.
01:01:32I love you, my love.
01:01:52Are you sleeping, my love?
01:01:58It's so peaceful up there.
01:02:02Your family will be waiting for you.
01:02:06Your husband and your son.
01:02:16Be brave, my love.
01:02:22I didn't ask for this much pain...
01:02:24...before I married him.
01:02:28That's right.
01:02:32Wounds like this never heal.
01:02:40You have your son...
01:02:42...and your grandchildren.
01:02:46Be brave, my love.
01:02:50I was kept by Argyros.
01:02:52You'll do the same.
01:02:54You'll be kept by him.
01:02:58That's my duty, Marina.
01:03:00All these years.
01:03:04But the dead are not afraid of pain.
01:03:08Because I'm dead.
01:03:10My love.
01:03:18You'll smile again, my love.
01:03:22Your grandchildren will make you smile...
01:03:24...just like they make me.
01:03:26Let time take its course.
01:03:34How do you expect them to find the telegraph?
01:03:36To find it...
01:03:38...and give it to the little one?
01:03:40That's how you'll be, my love.
01:03:42That's the only way.
01:03:46I wish...
01:03:52...that the telegraph...
01:03:54...wouldn't ring...
01:03:56...because it's very angry.
01:03:58It's the girl's fault.
01:04:02How is Vasiliki?
01:04:04Can she stand it?
01:04:10It's better if she doesn't come to Kyria.
01:04:16Love is the girl's fault.
01:04:54Come here, Vasiliki. Have you left?
01:04:58I'm going to leave the little one at home.
01:05:00My God!
01:05:02I'm burning up.
01:05:04I want to be close to my son.
01:05:10I'll tell Katerina...
01:05:12...to keep an eye on Matilda.
01:05:14Okay, my child?
01:05:32I LOVE YOU
01:05:34I LOVE YOU
01:05:36I LOVE YOU
01:05:38I LOVE YOU
01:05:40I LOVE YOU
01:05:42I LOVE YOU
01:05:44I LOVE YOU
01:05:46I LOVE YOU
01:05:48I LOVE YOU
01:05:50I LOVE YOU
01:05:52I LOVE YOU
01:05:54I LOVE YOU
01:05:56I LOVE YOU
01:05:58I LOVE YOU
01:06:00I LOVE YOU
01:06:02I LOVE YOU
01:06:04I LOVE YOU
01:06:06I LOVE YOU
01:06:08I LOVE YOU
01:06:10I LOVE YOU
01:06:12I LOVE YOU
01:06:14I LOVE YOU
01:06:28I love you.
01:06:30I am everything.
01:06:38We are coming, my son.
01:06:45Vasiliki, where are you, my child, with the baby?
01:07:00Your father told me to find you here and I've been waiting for so long.
01:07:04Please, don't worry.
01:07:07Pick up the phone.
01:07:09We are doing it in the dark.
01:07:11And we didn't take the suitcase to get some fresh air.
01:07:14I'm leaving, Pavlis. I'm leaving.
01:07:17There's no reason for me to stay.
01:07:19Matthias is dying.
01:07:22He told me some serious things, Marina.
01:07:25I'm dying.
01:07:27Stefani told me who killed him.
01:07:33Don't ask me who.
01:07:39Let me see you wherever you are.
01:07:43Talk to me about him.
01:07:46You met him. You loved him. You loved him.
01:07:52Meet my son.
01:07:54What did you think, my child, that you would win by running away from here?
01:07:58My dream.
01:08:00Are you sure?
01:08:02Of course. I came to Crete for one reason.
01:08:05I had a goal and I achieved it.
01:08:07And you put it on your feet.
01:08:09Tonight, Jenny and I will apply for a visa to go to America.
01:08:13It will be approved immediately and we will leave in a week.
01:08:16Vasiliki, are you asking me to bury the truth?
