3rd July 2024 Part2

  • 3 months ago


01:02Are you sure you can handle this?
01:04Can you?
01:10That won't be anyone's dirty secret, Priya.
01:14If we're together...
01:16If I'm paying for us to be together...
01:21I want it all.
01:23You and my arm in public.
01:27And in my bed in private.
01:30Angel in the streets and a devil in the sheet.
01:34You really have no shame, do you?
01:37Never been able to afford any.
01:39This is business.
01:40If I do this, then you leave me everything.
01:44I don't want Avani or Davinda to ever want for anything for the rest of their lives.
01:52And I'll make sure...
01:54Their children...
01:56And their children's children...
01:59Know who you are.
02:01And that you provided for this family.
02:14You're there...
02:16You're in my dreams...
02:19He found me...
02:20He's found me...
02:21He's found me...
02:22He's found me...
02:29Double 13 here, Phil.
02:31Yeah, yeah, I know.
02:39Right, what do I need, son?
02:53I think you've got me here, mate.
03:01Yeah, well, the best man won and all that.
03:03Mate, I don't win.
03:04No, no, I pay me debts.
03:06No, I know, I know.
03:07Look, we're family.
03:08And you'd do the same for me, right?
03:10Tell you what.
03:11Get around him, we call it even.
03:16Right, everyone.
03:17Phil's been kind enough to share us all a drink.
03:19Well, at least I can do his P&M Wimbledon ticks over here.
03:22I'll take them off you.
03:23I'll sell them.
03:24But I'll give you your money back, eh?
03:26Come on, Phil.
03:27I'm dying of thirst here.
03:28You'd better get that round him before it all kicks off, eh?
03:39And look who the man of the hour is.
03:42You're a clever little sod, Edward Mitchell.
03:45You're a clever little sod, Edward Mitchell.
04:05Um, as much as I appreciate this attention to the housework,
04:10do you not think that you're avoiding something
04:13a little bit more important?
04:29What's this one about?
04:43So, how do you think it went today?
04:48You know, your meeting with the headmaster.
04:53Because I think I owe you an apology.
05:01This last 18 months, this family, we've been to hell and back.
05:08And, to be honest, I don't think I've...
05:11I don't think I've been there for you when I should be.
05:15It's not your fault. When Lola got ill, we...
05:18When Lola was ill, it was...
05:22It was the worst time of my life.
05:27I miss her every day.
05:29But you and your sister and your mum,
05:34you mean everything to me in the world.
05:41Maybe you, um, shouldn't really have posted them pictures,
05:46but I'm not angry with you, and neither is your mum.
05:54I was just worried about you, that's all.
05:58You're my son.
06:00You're my son.
06:03And it breaks my heart to think that you couldn't come to me
06:06when you was being bullied.
06:11Anything else since then, well, that's on me.
06:14No, it's not.
06:15Yeah, it is.
06:18So, in future, you come to us.
06:26We'll never judge you, I promise.
06:29We'll just work everything through together.
06:37I will.
06:38Sorry, Dad.
06:40I'm sorry too.
06:44Come here.
06:47There he is.
07:04Marnie, come here!
07:05Come here!
07:07Ambulance, please!
07:10Is he breathing?
07:11Is he breathing?
07:13Yeah, yeah, he's breathing.
07:14He's breathing.
07:15He's going to be all right.
07:16He's going to be OK.
07:18He's going to be all right.
07:25I'm sorry I scared you.
07:29He can't leave you, hon.
07:31It's a trauma response.
07:33Why did you tell me he was dead?
07:35I need to get him to bed.
07:36I'll do it.
08:01I'm sorry, Auntie.
08:19You have worked so hard.
08:22You have trained.
08:24You have sacrificed.
08:26And you are ready.
08:27This is your chance to prove it to your daddy.
08:32No matter how frightening it feels.
08:35No matter how difficult the odds.
08:40Never walk away from a fight.
08:56It's going to be all right.
08:57Nothing's going to be fine.
08:58Don't worry, I promise you.
09:05What's happened?
09:06It's the window.
09:08I thought he was dead, Mum.
09:10Dad's gone with him in the ambulance.
09:13Vinnie, get the car.
09:20Keep it going!
09:29Good, good.
09:30Well done, boys.
09:31Come to the centre.
09:32Well done, Tommy.
09:33Well done.
09:34Well done, boys.
09:36Give it up for Vinnie!
09:40Hey, better luck next time, champ!
09:42Yeah, Mum.
09:43The first fight is always the hardest, you know.
09:45He's a slater, tough as they come.
09:47Can you go now?
09:49Too late for a school night anyway.
09:51Just as well thought it, Tommy.
09:56I'm sorry.
09:57I don't care if it's any.
09:59The prodigal son has returned!
10:01Zak, please.
10:02I'm sorry, man.
10:03Can you explain why you weren't here earlier?
10:05Nugget was looking for you.
10:06Everything all right?
10:07No, he's saying I have to forfeit the fight because I was late.
10:09Oh, mate.
10:10Yolande sent him on an errand.
10:11She doesn't know how long it'll take.
10:13Can't you make an exception?
10:14I mean, he's worked so hard for this.
10:17Come on, Zak.
10:18Please, mate.
10:19Give the boy a break.
10:20Go on.
10:22All right?
10:23All right.
10:24Thanks, Zak.
10:25Have you seen Nugget?
10:27Everything you need is here.
10:30Believe in yourself, yeah?
10:32Got his badge, yeah?
10:40Come on.
10:52You must think I'm all right, Mug.
10:56Poor widow.
10:57Struggling for money.
10:58Got to sell you flat.
11:00Funny looking flat, this.
11:05You played an absolute blinder.
11:07And me?
11:08I swallowed it.
11:09Like I always do.
11:11Jean, yeah?
11:12She knew there was something dodgy about you, and she was right.
11:15Because you are nothing but a filthy little liar.
11:18You'd know all about lying, wouldn't you?
11:21When have I lied?
11:24I don't suppose you remember.
11:25I don't...
11:26I don't suppose you gave him a second thought, did you?
11:31Abdul Hussein.
11:33My husband.
11:34The man your son tried to murder.
11:51Any news?
11:52Where is he?
11:53I don't know.
11:54They've taken him for an ultrasound.
11:56On his own?
11:57All right, they'll look after him.
11:58I want to be with my son!
12:00Don't you think I tried, Priya?
12:01We have to wait here.
12:02How long was he lying there?
12:03I don't know.
12:04Ronnie said he had a fight with Tommy.
12:06That was nothing.
12:08Look who he is.
12:09He was fine.
12:10He came to the tournament, then we're looking for Denzel.
12:12My son was lying on his own in the street, in the dark,
12:15for God knows how long.
12:16I should have been there.
12:17I should have been with him.
12:23Broken ribs.
12:25Collapsed lung.
12:28In one eye.
12:30Beaten half to death cos the colour of his skin.
12:34I had to sit my kids down at this table
12:38and explain to them.
12:40Watch them fall apart.
12:42One by one, they're left home.
12:45They have to live their own lives.
12:47But they help when I ask.
12:50And now I'm here, all alone,
12:52with a man who is locked inside his own mind.
12:55Your son destroyed my family.
12:58I told you Aaron's inside. I turned him in.
13:00Not for what he did to Abdul!
13:02You could have been honest with me.
13:04You just wanted money.
13:05Because I had to give up my job.
13:09Abdul needs full-time care.
13:11Lie after lie.
13:12Look, like lies.
13:15Council tax, gas, electricity.
13:17They're going to repossess my house cos I can't pay the mortgage.
13:20We are going to lose our home.
13:22Why did you come looking for me?
13:23Because I've asked everyone else.
13:25Friends, family.
13:27I'm up to my eyes with the bank.
13:30I've got nowhere else to turn.
13:31It's not my responsibility.
13:32If Aaron had been convicted,
13:36perhaps Abdul would have felt safe.
13:40Maybe, maybe he would have even recovered.
13:45But you, you gave your son a false alibi.
13:49You saw to it that he never faced the consequences of his actions.
13:55And here we are now, Harvey.
14:01And if Aaron isn't accountable, then you are.
14:08I'm coming.
14:10I'm coming back.
14:15That's right, let's go.
14:17Come on, get up.
14:18That's it, come on.
14:19Get up.
14:20Get up.
14:21Get up.
14:22Get up.
14:23Get up.
14:24Get up.
14:25Get up.
14:26Get up.
14:29So proud of you, you know.
14:34Aye, aye, let's make way for the champion!
14:40Hey, hey, champion!
14:45Hey, hey! Let's make way for the champion!
14:49Let's have the end!
14:51Hey, let's have the end!
14:58If he puts it in the family room, this can't be a good sign, can it?
15:07Is he all right? Mrs Galati?
15:09Priya. I'm his mum.
15:11I'm Dr Miller. I'm looking after Devinder.
15:13He prefers to be called Nugget. Nugget is comfortable.
15:17We're running more tests, but it looks like there are signs
15:20his kidneys aren't working as they should.
15:22Are you aware of anything that could have caused this?
15:25Any use of drugs? No.
15:28Absolutely not.
15:30Can we sit with him?
15:32As soon as we bring him back up.
15:34Why are they asking about drugs?
15:36He's a teenage boy. It's just standard questions.
15:38Thank you, Dr Angwin.
15:40Why are you here anyway? It's family, isn't it?
15:42She is family. I'm not, no!
15:44I need some air.
15:46Hey, come here.
15:48What's the matter?
15:50I was just trying to comfort you.
15:52Did you think I was dead?
15:54Maybe we should just go home.
15:58We need to go home.
16:00I'm not going to the doctor!
16:01Well, aren't you going to the doctor?
16:03No, I've got to.
16:05Just come with me and I'll tell him.
16:10I won't let him in.
16:12You've got to go.
16:14I was just trying to comfort you. What do you think I was doing?
16:20You think I would try that when my grandson is in a hospital bed?
16:37I'm glad it went well. He's a good kid.
16:40Yeah, well, that's down to your advice.
16:43It's just nice to talk to another bloke, you know, like another dad.
16:47It's been my pleasure, mate. Here, let me get another drink.
16:49Yeah, go on.
16:50Fatherly advice from him.
16:52Oi, khaki and mush, flappy ears.
16:55Hi, what can I get you?
16:56I'll have a double gin and tonic for me, please.
16:59A pint of bitter, three beers and a noise juice.
17:02Here, mind yourself, darling.
17:04Thank you very much.
17:07Room for one more?
17:09No, I'm fine here, thanks.
17:11Look, I'll get it.
17:13He turns up, and so do we.
17:15You already had a family, right?
17:17Looked after everyone all these years.
17:19Wiped their noses, solved their problems.
17:22Bet you've even given them a few bloody noses in your time, eh?
17:26You don't trust me.
17:28And that's fair enough.
17:29The old man, well, he's hardly the greatest advert, is he?
17:32I want to wring his neck half the time myself.
17:35Look, we're family.
17:37And I like a laugh and a joke.
17:39But that is the one thing I'll take very seriously.
17:51Thank you.
17:52Mr. Killarty.
17:55Are you going to be testing Nugget's blood for everything?
17:58If there's anything you can tell me, we're not here to judge.
18:01We're here to get him well.
18:04I don't know for sure, but he goes to a gym.
18:06And some of the boys there might be...
18:11Might be taking steroids.
18:13Thank you.
18:14You've done the right thing.
18:17Is there any news?
18:19Doris should just mention the fight with Tommy.
18:21You know, just in case.
18:23I keep thinking back to earlier.
18:25You mentioned you were worried about him. Why'd you say that?
18:29Just a feeling.
18:31If you're writing something about my son, I want to know what it is.
18:35What were you tonight?
18:39If you'd been with me and our kids at their tournament like all the other mums,
18:41maybe you would have seen him getting ill.
18:42If you'd have kept an eye on him, none of this would have happened.
18:45I was supporting Navani, which is more than you did.
18:46I was taking care of his sick dad.
18:48Oh, poor the other one for you.
18:49What? If he hadn't have come here, it's like throwing his money in our faces.
18:53Always the same story with you, isn't it?
18:54Someone else's fault.
18:57You're talking like a true addict.
18:58It's just the dealer.
18:59Remind me how many years of Divinder's life were you behind bars?
19:03How dare you?
19:05How dare you come to me and question how I take care of my son?
19:09I managed perfectly fine all those years.
19:11You didn't know if you were dead or alive.
19:12You walked out on us.
19:16Now you waltz back in here and start throwing your weight around.
19:20You might pretend to be the world's best mum, but I know you, Priya.
19:23You're exactly the same as you've always been, a selfish bitch.
19:29I thought it was a tummy bug.
19:33A good mum would have known.
19:36I've messed everything up.
19:39What if he dies and I wasn't there?
19:41What if he dies and he doesn't know how much I love him?
19:47No, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it.
19:50I'm sorry.
20:04I'm sorry.
20:14Sweet dreams, my love.
20:20When Aaron said he didn't do it,
20:23I needed to believe him.
20:26I was scared.
20:29I'm so sorry.
20:31I thought this would be easier.
20:35That I'd meet you.
20:37You would be this terrible man.
20:40I thought it'd be easy to take from you.
20:44No amount of money can ever put right what your son did.
20:48But if our home was secure, if the bills were paid up,
20:52I could just look after Abdul.
20:55When I come home, after seeing you, I...
21:01I can't look at myself in the mirror.
21:06Because I like you.
21:08And I'm not supposed to. I should hate you.
21:11I should curse you every day for what your son did.
21:14But I can't.
21:18Because you are kind.
21:20And you are gentle.
21:23Just like my Abdul.
21:26I should have done more.
21:30I could have.
21:32If I'd just been more honest with myself
21:34about the kind of person he'd become.
21:36I don't think you really wanted to know.
21:42Go home to Jean.
21:46We need to talk. I want to help.
21:48Please, Huffy.
21:50Just go.
21:53Could you imagine 15 years ago that we'd be here?
21:57The dealer and the addicts.
22:00Ex-dealer and ex-addict.
22:06Remember when we brought him home from the hospital?
22:09You were so happy.
22:11I was.
22:13I was.
22:15I was.
22:17I was.
22:19I was.
22:22You were such an angry baby.
22:30I can't blame him.
22:32Your gang coming and going every day and night.
22:34I'm used to my mates getting happy.
22:36I hope it's been your bae.
22:41I wasn't a good person back then.
22:44All the stuff I did.
22:48It's all that bad karma.
22:52What if I've cursed the family, man?
22:54At first my dad, now my son.
22:56Except you don't believe in karma.
22:58Yeah, but what if it is, I think?
23:00I've missed so much with Nugget
23:02when I was in prison at Levani.
23:06I've missed everything.
23:08It's in the past.
23:10You're a different man now.
23:16You're definitely a different woman.
23:19I've been so distracted.
23:21Your dad getting in my head.
23:25None of that matters.
23:27Our kids.
23:29Our family.
23:31That is what matters.
23:33I should never have said those things,
23:35but I did.
23:41I feel like I just mess everything up.
23:45I only want to be a good mum.
23:47Yeah, you're a great mum.
23:49I understand why you took Avani
23:51and I see the bond you have with Nugget.
23:53You'd do anything for them.
23:55So would you.
23:59I just want to know what's wrong with him.
24:01What we've both missed.
24:07We promise.
24:09We never let anything like this happen again.
24:13Me, you, Avani.
24:16Me, you, Avani.
24:18Angry baby.
24:20Our family.
24:24We'll look out for each other.
24:40I don't see what a big deal is, Bill.
24:42Everybody does it.
24:45Just because you've been taking snaps
24:47of your old Willy Wonka
24:49doesn't mean we all do.
24:51I bet you Phil does it.
24:53You're joking.
24:55If my ex is,
24:57it'd be like the National Portrait Gallery.
25:01I feel your pain, mate.
25:03I would have done it in my prime.
25:05I'd have found it a bit difficult
25:07getting the angle
25:09with the old Box Brownie.
25:12Time, everyone, please.
25:14Listen, I've got a few bottles
25:16back at the gym here.
25:18Take a night off if you want.
25:20Crash on the side bus.
25:22Sounds good to me.
25:24You not coming?
25:26I'm not in the mood for joking
25:28about dirty pictures.
25:30It's just a little joke, boy.
25:32Yeah, all right. See you later.
25:34All right, good night, son.
25:37Hey, love.
25:39Turns out that Heathrow run
25:41was for Gatwick.
25:43Traffic was a nightmare.
25:45I've been calling you.
25:47Oh, Jed, I think I flicked
25:49on my Tumlott Disturbing by mistake.
25:51Sorry, love.
25:55Everything all right?
25:57Yeah, just a bit tired.
26:01Shall we go to bed?
26:05It seems like you need
26:07a good night's sleep.
26:09Yeah, in a bit.
26:11I missed a couple of workhoops.
26:23Well, don't be long.
26:31I love you.
26:33Yeah, I love you too.
27:04I have Nugget's test results.
27:08We're all fine, Ray.
27:16Nugget collapsed because
27:18he has hypokalemia.
27:20His potassium levels are too high
27:22because his kidneys are failing.
27:24As a result, his heart is struggling
27:26and his lungs are filling with fluid.
27:28I don't understand.
27:30I don't understand.
27:33I don't understand. How?
27:35It's highly unusual in someone his age.
27:37His test results show he's ingested
27:39an illegal substance.
27:43I'm afraid, from what we can see,
27:45it's probably what you told me earlier is correct.
27:47Nugget has very likely been taking steroids.
27:51You do?
28:03I don't know.
28:05I don't know.
28:07I don't know.
28:09I don't know.
28:11I don't know.
28:13I don't know.
28:15I don't know.
28:17I don't know.
28:19I don't know.
28:21I don't know.
28:23I don't know.
28:25I don't know.
28:27I don't know.
28:29I don't know.
28:32I don't know.
28:34I don't know.
28:36I don't know.
28:38I don't know.
28:40I don't know.