• 2 months ago


00:00:16I just can't stand that smog and traffic all year.
00:00:20Well, if I couldn't come up here for these two weeks, I'd probably go bananas.
00:00:24Hey, Mary, bring us a couple more beers, would you?
00:00:28Mom, can we go play in the canyon?
00:00:31We'll be back before dinner, I promise.
00:00:33No, it's almost dinner time now, and it's really too near dark for you guys to go wandering off.
00:00:37Oh, come on, Mom. It's not very far.
00:00:40Just over here in the rocks.
00:00:42Well, you'll have to ask your father.
00:00:45Hey, wait a minute.
00:00:48Here, take these to your father.
00:00:52And no sips!
00:01:00Oh, thanks, boys.
00:01:03Dad, can me and Doug go play up in the canyon for a few minutes?
00:01:07Doug says he knows where there's a real-life skeleton.
00:01:10A real-life skeleton, huh?
00:01:13Okay, but you make sure you're back in time for dinner.
00:01:15We will. Thanks, Dad.
00:01:20Do you really see a skeleton?
00:01:23And a real one, too.
00:01:25Oh, man.
00:01:26Oh, you did not.
00:01:27I was here with you, remember?
00:01:29I didn't really think.
00:01:31This was this morning, before you got up.
00:01:34I got up ready to catch some lizards, and I climbed up this ledge.
00:01:38Lizards lay in there.
00:01:39What ledge?
00:01:41Up there.
00:01:42Oh, there's nothing up there but rocks.
00:01:44I don't see any skeleton.
00:01:46You can't see it from down here.
00:01:48I told you, it's on a ledge.
00:01:50Okay, I'll bet you $5 there's nothing up there.
00:01:54And if you're wrong, you better pay off.
00:01:56Don't worry.
00:01:57You'll see.
00:02:00Come on, hurry up.
00:02:01It's getting dark fast, and they'll be mad if we're not back in time for dinner.
00:02:05Maybe we should wait until tomorrow.
00:02:08I don't like it out here in the dark.
00:02:10I figured you'd try to back out of it.
00:02:12Now, remember, you made a bet.
00:02:14Now, come on.
00:02:15Okay, I'm coming.
00:02:20Did you see anything else up here besides a skeleton?
00:02:24I didn't get a chance to see.
00:02:26Why not?
00:02:27Because I was scared.
00:02:29Oh, there's nothing up there.
00:02:31You're just trying to keep me from winning the bet.
00:02:35Okay, then you go and look.
00:02:37Uh-uh, we're in this 50-50.
00:02:40Besides, the skeleton can't hurt you anyway.
00:02:43Now, come on.
00:02:57Help, mom!
00:03:04Help, mom!
00:03:08Help, mom!
00:03:15Morning, Tom. Oh, good morning, Dean.
00:03:33Good morning, Dr. Parkinson.
00:03:40Oh, Sue, I read your term paper last night. Very good.
00:03:43Thank you.
00:03:49Attention, all Zoology 2 students.
00:03:52Professor Carey's Wednesday classes will meet in room 421.
00:03:56Oh, hi, Tom. Anything good today?
00:03:58Morning, Howard. I'm not sure.
00:04:00I've got a letter here from the Mojave County Sheriff's Department.
00:04:02Oh, what'd you do, murder somebody or forget to pay a parking ticket?
00:04:07Oh, hell. Another one from the phone company. I thought I paid that thing.
00:04:12Well, I'll be damned.
00:04:13Oh, bad news?
00:04:14Oh, good. They need an authority on rattlesnakes and they're willing to pay me $200 to go out there and consult with them tomorrow.
00:04:20What would I do with my classes, though?
00:04:22Oh, the hell with your classes. Let your teaching assistant take them. That's what they're there for.
00:04:25Besides, the university doesn't pay $200 for teaching three classes.
00:04:29That's for sure.
00:04:30Hey, um, what's the latest word on your federal grant?
00:04:33Well, it's been approved, but the funds haven't come through. And, of course, we've only got ten days before the spring break.
00:04:37Well, I'll be glad when you get a lab of your own and take all those snakes out of the bio lab.
00:04:42You'll get the willies walking through there at night.
00:04:44What are you worried about, Howard? Rattlesnakes give you warning before they strike.
00:04:48Well, I think I'll stick to working with birds. They don't strike at all.
00:04:52I'll see you later.
00:04:53All right.
00:05:03Good evening, Sam. Your cart always gives you away.
00:05:07This is no cart. This is my security blanket on wheels.
00:05:13You know something? I don't like working around Dr. Parkinson's snakes.
00:05:22I don't blame you.
00:05:23Another late night tonight, huh?
00:05:24Yeah, I've got to finish up some data on an experiment.
00:05:27Are you still working on the one where the pigeons go through the maze?
00:05:30No, this one's a little bit different. Come on in. I'll show you.
00:05:40Over here we have some pigeons living under normal conditions.
00:05:43This group over here has been subjected to variations in light and temperature.
00:05:47One day it's hot and dark, the next it's cold and light.
00:05:51This chaotic type of environment creates stress.
00:05:54So far, the results indicate that the birds under stress eat a lot more.
00:05:59In human terms, they get fat.
00:06:01I could have told you that ten years ago.
00:06:04I'm married to one of those fat pigeons.
00:06:06Well, hopefully these studies of pigeons will lead to a cure of obesity in humans.
00:06:10I hope it's before I end up with a 500-pound canary.
00:06:14Has Dr. Parkinson been in yet?
00:06:17Not yet. Does he ever go home?
00:06:19Yeah, not when there's work to be done.
00:06:22Maybe eight hours a day behind a broom and a gold watch after 30 years isn't so bad.
00:06:28At least I get to go home.
00:06:30Of course, I don't make as much money as you.
00:06:32Well, if you measure it by per hour, I'm sure you make more than I.
00:06:36Don't let my wife hear you say that.
00:06:38Or she'll figure I'm actually rich and switch from french fries to imported chocolate.
00:06:46See you tomorrow, Professor.
00:06:48Good night, Sam.
00:06:58Yeah, it wasn't so bad, was it, huh?
00:07:01Hey, you know you're getting fat, huh?
00:07:15Hey, four more ounces, Mabel.
00:07:17Hey, you're a pleasingly plump, huh?
00:07:49Howard, are you still here?
00:07:51Howard, don't move.
00:07:53One of my cobras is out of his cage and he's right behind you now.
00:07:56I want you to stand perfectly still.
00:07:58I'm gonna move in behind him and try and distract his attention.
00:08:01Just don't make any sudden moves.
00:08:08Howard, keep those birds still.
00:08:10I'm having trouble keeping myself still.
00:08:16Freeze, Howard.
00:08:17Do as I say.
00:08:21I said freeze.
00:08:23Tom, I think I'm gonna pass out.
00:08:25You do and you'll be dead in a matter of minutes, Howard.
00:08:30My knees are getting weak.
00:08:32Concentrate on something else. Concentrate on your pigeons.
00:08:42Hold it, Howard.
00:08:48You got him?
00:09:02Easy, baby.
00:09:10I got him.
00:09:30You can move now, Howard.
00:09:34Come on, Howard.
00:09:35Howard, are you all right?
00:09:40I think so.
00:09:42But I'd feel a lot better if you'd get some rocks from those snake cages.
00:09:46Or better yet, take them with you to the desert when you go.
00:09:51By the way, when are you going?
00:09:53In the morning.
00:09:55Come on, I'll buy you a cup of coffee.
00:09:59You better make that a drink.
00:10:02A double.
00:10:13Then they told me that you were the man to see about rattlesnakes.
00:10:16And since you were in L.A., I thought you might be able to help us.
00:10:19Well, I hope I can, Sheriff.
00:10:20Frankly, I was expecting to see some dried-up old desert rat with snakebite scars all over his body.
00:10:25Harry, open up the ball, will you?
00:10:27I've been bitten twice, and believe me, Sheriff, that's enough for me.
00:10:30It doesn't hurt to be overcautious when you're dealing with any kind of venomous snakes.
00:10:34After seeing these two kids we brought in, I sure agree.
00:10:37There was an old man we found in the desert last month I wish you could have seen.
00:10:42All swollen with the same type snakebites as these.
00:10:45At least we thought they were snakebites.
00:10:47Maybe you can tell better after you look at these.
00:10:51Strictly closed-coffin stuff.
00:10:54We've been holding off releasing their bodies to their families for burial until you had a look at them.
00:11:03Mind if we get some air?
00:11:06Thanks, Harry.
00:11:15Sorry about the smell in that place.
00:11:18I wasn't out so much as seeing those kids all disfigured like that.
00:11:21I'll tell you something, Sheriff, I've handled hundreds of snakebite cases, but nothing like this.
00:11:26Then it definitely was snakebite, huh?
00:11:29What was it, a rattler?
00:11:30Judging from the breadth and depth of the punctures, I'd say it was definitely a rattlesnake.
00:11:35More likely a number of them.
00:11:37Isn't it kind of strange, those kids being bitten so many times?
00:11:40And what about that old man?
00:11:42Well, it's not at all uncommon for a dozen or even a hundred rattlesnakes to gather in one place.
00:11:46They usually only do it during hibernation.
00:11:48Do you remember where the bodies were found?
00:11:50Yeah, sure.
00:11:51Now, let's see.
00:11:53Yeah, we found the old man right about in here, and the kids around there.
00:12:00And you didn't find anything unusual around where the old man was?
00:12:06You know, one thing did seem strange.
00:12:08He had a horsehair rope around his bedroll.
00:12:11You know, I didn't think a snake would cross that.
00:12:14That's just an old miner's tale, Sheriff.
00:12:16We've tried that stuff in the lab, and it doesn't bother him at all.
00:12:19But what is unusual is the fact that he apparently was attacked in his sleep,
00:12:23which is highly unlike the behavior of a rattlesnake or any other reptile, for that matter.
00:12:27Why is that?
00:12:28Well, reptiles just aren't naturally aggressive.
00:12:31Even a rattlesnake won't attack unless you get too close.
00:12:34You know how far away you can hear the rattles.
00:12:36I'm surprised the old man didn't hear them.
00:12:38I've just never heard of a rattlesnake making an unprovoked attack on a man before.
00:12:42Well, it sure looks that way.
00:12:44I'll tell you, I'd like to take a look at that canyon where the kids were found.
00:12:47You think we might be able to get out there, Bank?
00:12:49Well, I'm going to be tied up in a meeting in about a half an hour,
00:12:52but one of my deputies will take you anywhere you want to go.
00:12:54That would be great. Maybe we'll find some more clues.
00:12:56Well, I sure hope we get rid of those snakes so we can have a little peace around here.
00:13:00You know, if it isn't the Board of Supervisors on my back,
00:13:02it's the newspapers hounding me for a story.
00:13:04What do you mean?
00:13:05Well, I'll do my best.
00:13:13I think this is the right road, but it's hard to tell from the map.
00:13:17I thought you guys knew this area inside out.
00:13:19Not me. I've just been on the force a year.
00:13:21Grew up in Alabama.
00:13:22What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?
00:13:24Never heard of a Mojave County officer being shot.
00:13:26And the money's not bad, so here I am.
00:13:29Got a good-looking wife, two kids, the car's paid off, and we just bought a boat.
00:13:33Sounds like you got it made.
00:13:35Yeah. Well, it has its ups and downs.
00:13:37Steve, here's the canyon up here on the left.
00:13:40You think you can get in there with this car?
00:13:42Yeah, most of the way.
00:13:55Hey, this is exactly what I've been looking for.
00:13:58Anything that looks out of the ordinary.
00:14:00Yeah, this whole thing looks out of the ordinary.
00:14:03Like some nightmare.
00:14:05The old lady screaming out of her mind, and the old man sitting there staring off into space.
00:14:09Anybody check that ledge up there?
00:14:11No, but there wasn't any snakes around here that we could see.
00:14:14All right, I'm going to have a look up there.
00:14:16Why don't you check in all around here and see what you can find?
00:14:39All right.
00:15:09Whoa, man. It's only me.
00:15:43You ready to go?
00:15:45Find anything?
00:15:46No, nothing. You?
00:15:47I found this piece of cloth up on that ledge.
00:15:50Now, it looks like it's got blood stain on it.
00:15:52If the blood type matches those kids, then we know they must have been killed up there and rolled down to where the parents found them.
00:15:58Yeah, but you didn't find any snakes.
00:16:00I figure they must have run across a rattlesnake den.
00:16:04I always thought that dens were underground, you know, like snake pits.
00:16:08Usually, but like last summer, there was this water skier in Texas.
00:16:12He lost it going into a turn.
00:16:14By the time the boat came around to pick him up, he was lying face down, dead.
00:16:18Must have fallen into a nest of dumb water moccasins.
00:16:21Because he had snake bites all over his body, hundreds of them.
00:16:25Sure a lot of run of guys weekend.
00:16:26What's that? What are you doing this weekend?
00:16:28Water skiing.
00:17:07Do you have to make so much noise?
00:17:09I'm sorry, Ma.
00:17:10New mufflers.
00:17:11Dad helped me put them on.
00:17:12Well, they don't sound too new to me.
00:17:14Will you try to keep it down a little?
00:17:17And wash up your hat.
00:17:19Supper's almost ready.
00:17:20Tell your father to wash up, too.
00:17:22He's down feeding the horses.
00:17:24Well, run on down and hurry him along, or you'll both be having cold supper.
00:17:29Come on, Duke. Let's go get dad.
00:17:33Come on, Duke.
00:17:34Come on, boy.
00:17:40Come on.
00:17:41Get on.
00:17:42I got this.
00:17:43Come on.
00:17:44Go, go, go.
00:17:45Come on.
00:17:46Come on.
00:17:47Come on.
00:17:49Come on.
00:17:52Come on.
00:17:57Duke? Duke, wake up, boy.
00:18:57Dad, are you in there?
00:19:28Dad, is that you?
00:19:42And that's it for today's farm report.
00:19:45Now back to more beautiful music.
00:19:47Rick, for the Lord's sake, be careful.
00:19:50Plenty enough we need without you always...
00:19:52...breaking what little we got.
00:19:54Did you wash your hands?
00:20:31All right, now to compensate for the lack of the cochlea...
00:20:34...the tongue picks up acute auditory vibrations...
00:20:37...and sends them to the bottom of the mouth...
00:20:40...to the Jacobson organ.
00:20:42You can see...
00:20:45Here, we'll take a break and get back to the auditory system in a minute.
00:20:51Herpetology, Tom Parkinson.
00:20:53Yeah, Tom, listen, this is Sheriff Yates.
00:20:55Oh, hi, Sheriff.
00:20:56Yeah, something's come up out at Frank Samuel's place.
00:20:59The barn's been burned, the whole family's been killed, and even the livestock.
00:21:03Guess what? Looks like the snakes again.
00:21:05I've been talking to the Board of Supervisors about hiring you...
00:21:07...to help us finish up this case, if you're interested.
00:21:10Oh, I'm interested, all right. What would I have to do?
00:21:12Well, listen, you're really gonna have to get on top of this thing...
00:21:14...and find out where those snakes are so we can get rid of them.
00:21:17Of course, they're gonna want a written report on what you come up with...
00:21:20...and some photos for documentation.
00:21:22Well, that seems like a lot to do.
00:21:24I'm gonna be tied up with classes here until Friday...
00:21:26...and even then, I don't know whether I can handle it.
00:21:28I'm not very good with a camera.
00:21:30Well, say we got you somebody to handle photography...
00:21:32...and help you with the paperwork.
00:21:33When do you think you could start?
00:21:35Mmm, Friday morning at the earliest.
00:21:38Classes are over Thursday, and, uh...
00:21:40...then we've got ten days off in the spring break.
00:21:43Okay, if there aren't any problems, then I'll look for you in my office on Friday...
00:21:46...say about, what, noon?
00:21:48Yeah, that's fine with me.
00:21:49Okay, thank you, Sheriff.
00:21:53All right, let's get back to that auditory system.
00:21:58Hi, Rogers.
00:21:59How are you?
00:22:00Hey, how you doing?
00:22:01All right.
00:22:02Sheriff in?
00:22:03Well, he should be here any minute now.
00:22:04But now, if you've got an appointment...
00:22:05...he usually runs consistently seven minutes late.
00:22:07Yeah, I used to have a watch like that.
00:22:09Hey, how was your water skiing last weekend?
00:22:11Great skiing, man.
00:22:12And no water monsters.
00:22:14I'm glad to hear it.
00:22:17Is Sheriff Gates in?
00:22:18I'm Ann Bradley, the photographer.
00:22:20Not my photographer.
00:22:21Well, all I know is that it has something to do with...
00:22:23...research documentation in the desert.
00:22:26Oh, well, I see you two have met.
00:22:28Tom, Ann, come to my office and we'll go over everything.
00:22:39Sheriff, the mayor called twice.
00:22:41I want you to call him right back.
00:22:42And Mrs. Carmichael...
00:22:43Okay, okay, I'll take care of it.
00:22:45You can see what it's been like around here.
00:22:48Ann, I told you we had a job for you in the desert.
00:22:52Now, you'll be working with Dr. Parkinson here.
00:22:54Now, he's with the University of California...
00:22:56...helping us to investigate a series of accidents.
00:22:59Now, he's going to be in complete charge...
00:23:01...of this phase of the investigation.
00:23:02And he'll fill you in on all the details, okay?
00:23:05Now, I hope you don't mind roughing it.
00:23:08Do I have a choice?
00:23:09Not really.
00:23:10There won't be any motels where you're going.
00:23:12Besides, we're very short on funds.
00:23:14In fact, we can't afford either one of you, really.
00:23:16But Dr. Parkinson here has agreed to work for a nominal fee...
00:23:19...and they tell me that he's the best in his field.
00:23:21What is his field?
00:23:24What's that?
00:23:26I specialize in rattlesnakes.
00:23:29How charming.
00:23:30That's what this thing is all about.
00:23:32Now, Tom has all the details and he'll fill you in, okay?
00:23:36Look, Sheriff, could I talk to you for a minute?
00:23:39Look, Tom, if it's about...
00:23:40It's important.
00:23:42Okay, I'll meet you in the hallway.
00:23:44Be right back, Harry.
00:23:52I can't take that girl out there.
00:23:53I mean, I've got to have somebody that can at least take care of themselves.
00:23:56Look, Tom, look, I know how you feel...
00:23:58...and I agree with you, but this is the only way I can swing it.
00:24:01Look, you know we're short on funds.
00:24:04Every damn women's lib group is on our backs about job equality...
00:24:08...and this girl was wood for us before...
00:24:10...and she's really strictly a pro.
00:24:13Look, she spent two years in Vietnam as a press photographer...
00:24:16...and she'll be able to handle herself okay.
00:24:18Yeah, well, I hope you're right.
00:24:20Believe me, she's a better photographer than most of the men we've used...
00:24:23...and a hell of a lot prettier, finally.
00:24:25Sheriff, this just came in.
00:24:30Uh-oh, more trouble.
00:24:32A glider pilot came down near Silver Lake last night.
00:24:35They have him at the hospital here in town.
00:24:38He, uh, he says he was attacked.
00:24:41By snakes.
00:24:43So then I realized that if I stayed with the press...
00:24:45...I'd be doing the same thing ten years from now...
00:24:47...because all the promotions and executive positions are held down by men.
00:24:51Oh, come on now, I can't believe that they're all...
00:24:53Sure, there are office jobs for women like typing, taking shorthand...
00:24:57...or do you want to work at a switchboard eight hours a day saying...
00:25:00..."Hello, Mr. Jones. Just a moment, Mr. Jones."
00:25:03Uh, excuse me, could you tell me where David Ellester's room is?
00:25:09That's room 148, just down the hall, sir.
00:25:11Thank you.
00:25:14Dr. Chopra, Dr. Chopra.
00:25:17Now, those women seem very happy in their jobs.
00:25:19Sure, how many men can you find to change sheets or empty bedpans?
00:25:23Oh, come off it.
00:25:25Tell me, doctor, how many professors in your department are women?
00:25:29None, but that doesn't mean there couldn't be.
00:25:31See, you're just like the rest of them.
00:25:33The reason there aren't any women in good jobs is because the jobs don't exist.
00:25:37Yeah, well, I'm sorry, I can't agree with that.
00:25:39Of course you can't.
00:25:40Because it's men like you who make it that way.
00:25:42And boy, men make all the choices.
00:25:44Oh, is that right?
00:25:46Well, let me tell you something, young lady.
00:25:48If I had my choice in the matter...
00:25:50...you'd be sitting on your liberated ass back in that sheriff's department...
00:25:53...instead of out here with me where you don't belong in the first place.
00:25:57Look, I'm sorry.
00:25:59I didn't mean to blow up at you like that.
00:26:01But what I meant was, you have your job, and you should be happy.
00:26:05Oh, I'm happy.
00:26:08Excuse me, are you David Allister?
00:26:10Sure am.
00:26:11I'm Tom Parkinson.
00:26:12Hi, Tom.
00:26:13Ann Bradley.
00:26:15Well, hello.
00:26:16You two with the press or something?
00:26:18No, we're working with the sheriff's department.
00:26:20We're looking for a woman.
00:26:23You two with the press or something?
00:26:24No, we're working with the sheriff's department.
00:26:26We're investigating some snakebite cases.
00:26:28And I understand you were attacked by snakes?
00:26:30God, you'd better believe it.
00:26:31There must have been 50 of them.
00:26:33Well, could you tell us exactly what happened?
00:26:34And Miss Bradley will take notes.
00:26:36That is, if she doesn't mind.
00:26:37Well, I'd been airborne most of the afternoon.
00:26:40About 6.30, I radioed in for a tow...
00:26:42...because I didn't have enough lift to make it back to the field.
00:26:45Oh, I set her down, opened the canopy, got out...
00:26:48...walked back by the tail.
00:26:50And about that time, I heard some kind of buzzing noises...
00:26:53...like those mariachi...
00:26:55...you know, those things they use in the Latin bands.
00:26:57Then I saw the snakes...
00:26:59...coming along the ground right towards me.
00:27:02There were dozens of them.
00:27:04Well, I turned and ran for the cockpit...
00:27:06...but there was one coiled on the ground in front of me...
00:27:08...and I had to jump over him to get in.
00:27:11And I felt a sharp pain in my leg, and I knew he got me.
00:27:13But I dove into the cockpit...
00:27:15...because by then, the rest of them were right on my tail.
00:27:17My leg felt heavy.
00:27:19And as I pulled it in, I could see he was still hanging on to me...
00:27:22...with his fangs buried in my calf.
00:27:25I grabbed a hold of him, but he hung on like a vice.
00:27:28And then he let go, and he spun around...
00:27:30...trying to bite me in the hand, too.
00:27:32He was thrashing his body all over the cockpit.
00:27:35I finally got him outside, threw him as hard as I could.
00:27:38He hit the ground, and I closed the canopy.
00:27:40What did you do then?
00:27:42Luckily, the tow plane arrived a few minutes later...
00:27:44...and brought me in.
00:27:46My leg felt like it was on fire.
00:27:48You were really lucky.
00:27:50You say there were 50 snakes?
00:27:52Oh, well, maybe not 50, but 20 or 30 anyway.
00:27:55They were all over out there.
00:27:57Tell me, did they move in an S-shaped manner...
00:27:59...or kind of like a corkscrew?
00:28:01Well, I don't know.
00:28:03What do you need to know that for?
00:28:05Well, it'll tell us whether we're dealing with a diamondback...
00:28:07...or a sidewinder.
00:28:09Well, no, I'd say they seemed to come pretty much straight towards me.
00:28:12It's hard to tell. It was almost dark.
00:28:14I couldn't even describe the one on my leg...
00:28:16...except that it was a rattlesnake and a mean one.
00:28:19Well, that's all right. You've been a big help to us.
00:28:21Appreciate it.
00:28:23Oh, uh, one last thing.
00:28:25I wonder if you could point out on this map where the glider landed.
00:28:30Uh, it was right... there.
00:28:33Boy, I'll tell you one thing.
00:28:35If I miss the field again after dark...
00:28:37...I'm gonna stay in the cockpit until the tow plane arrives.
00:28:40What do you mean?
00:28:42Well, thanks again. Appreciate it.
00:28:44Well, say, if you'd like to go gliding sometime, just let me know.
00:28:49We'll do that. Thank you.
00:28:59I recorded the conversation. Did you want any pictures?
00:29:02No, I don't think so.
00:29:04Excuse me, sir. I have a form for you to sign.
00:29:06Well, we know where to get a hold of him if you do.
00:29:08Yeah, providing he doesn't kill himself on that glider of his.
00:29:11Yeah, or get attacked by any more snakes.
00:29:13Did you believe those things he was saying?
00:29:15I believe he's telling the truth, all right.
00:29:17It's the logic behind the attack that bothers me.
00:29:20I want to check out that area where the glider landed...
00:29:23...if we can get out there before it gets dark.
00:29:30You know what?
00:29:32What's that?
00:29:33I don't think we're gonna make it by dark.
00:29:35I think you're right. It's not too much farther, though.
00:29:37You see those big rocks up ahead?
00:29:39Yeah. Is that where the glider came down?
00:29:41We can set up camp here tonight and check that out first thing in the morning.
00:29:44Well, it's not exactly the Hilton, but at least there won't be any smog...
00:29:48...or anything else, for that matter.
00:30:12Come on in.
00:30:17Do you know I called your office over four hours ago?
00:30:20I'm sorry, but my partner's been sick, and I've been gone all day.
00:30:23What seems to be the problem?
00:30:25Well, there's absolutely no hot water. I can't even take a bath.
00:30:29Sounds like the pilot may have gone out.
00:30:31Which way's your water heater?
00:30:33I don't know.
00:30:34Well, let's go.
00:30:36I can't even take a bath.
00:30:38Sounds like the pilot may have gone out.
00:30:40Which way's your water heater?
00:30:42I think it's in there. I don't know, really.
00:30:44I'm not very mechanical.
00:30:54My husband used to take care of these sort of things...
00:30:57...before we got divorced.
00:30:59Oh, I'm sorry. I mean about the divorce and all.
00:31:02You don't need to feel sorry for me.
00:31:04We never got along anyway. I'm probably better off without him.
00:31:07Hey, don't turn that off!
00:31:08He's trying to earn enough money to get out of here and move back to San Diego.
00:31:12Mom will be mad at you if you don't turn it off.
00:31:14I don't care. I want to see it.
00:31:16David, I told you to turn that TV off and get ready for bed.
00:31:20Just a few more minutes.
00:31:22Excuse me a minute.
00:31:30You got that fixed yet?
00:31:31No, it looks like your regulator valve.
00:31:34Great. How much is that going to cost?
00:31:37They're not too bad. About $750 plus labor.
00:31:40It'll probably be about $20 altogether.
00:31:43I'll have to get under the house, though, to fix it.
00:31:45So is there an access someplace?
00:31:48There's some sort of thing out back, if that's what you mean.
00:31:54It'll take a while to fix this thing.
00:31:56So if you want to get some hot water, you better heat something up on the stove.
00:34:08David, is that you?
00:35:01Good morning.
00:35:03Good morning.
00:35:05Hey, you know, my things are still wet from last night.
00:35:08Well, don't worry. The sun will dry it out in no time at all.
00:35:11I believe it.
00:35:13Have you been up long?
00:35:15About an hour. I wanted to get this stuff set up before it got too warm.
00:35:18You take coffee?
00:35:20Yes, thank you.
00:35:23You know, it's really beautiful out here.
00:35:26Yeah, you should have seen these hills about two weeks ago.
00:35:28They were just covered with wildflowers for as far as you could see.
00:35:33Hey, I bet you're hungry.
00:35:35How'd you like some bacon and eggs?
00:35:37That is, if you brought any.
00:35:39I brought everything all right, but I wasn't so sure you could cook.
00:35:42I'm not so hot myself.
00:35:44Are you kidding? I was the oldest of seven kids.
00:35:47So when my father died and my mother had to go to work, I learned to do all the cooking.
00:35:52I learned to do all the cooking.
00:35:54Oh, I'm no Betty Crocker, but my bacon and eggs are pretty good.
00:35:57Well, with that kind of a childhood, I'm sure you're better than I am.
00:36:02You know what I guess really bothered me was seeing my mother working in a factory for minimum wage.
00:36:09When I was little, I remember holding her hands, and they were so soft.
00:36:14But after a few years of working with those machines, they became calloused.
00:36:19And it seemed every night she came home, she aged another year.
00:36:23Well, I don't think you'll ever have to worry about that.
00:36:25I hope not.
00:36:27Oh, I don't want to be an old maid, but I don't want to give up my career either.
00:36:32Maybe you won't have to.
00:36:34You really like freelancing, don't you?
00:36:37I love it.
00:36:38Oh, you can starve in between jobs, though.
00:36:41Well, speaking of starving, we better eat and check out where that glider landed,
00:36:45or we're both going to lose our jobs with the sheriff's department.
00:36:56Well, this looks like the place. Why don't you check around over in there?
00:37:18Here's some tire tracks.
00:37:21Yeah, there are a lot of footprints, too. I think this is the place, all right.
00:37:24So I was hoping to find some snake tracks.
00:37:27What do they look like?
00:37:28Well, they're little swirly lines, kind of like a riverbed.
00:37:35I sure don't see any.
00:37:37That's the trouble.
00:37:38First good rain or windstorm that comes along, they get washed out.
00:37:42What are you doing?
00:37:44I was just noticing. Look here.
00:37:47This is where we are.
00:37:49Now, the kids were found right about here,
00:37:53and the old man was over here,
00:37:56and they were found right about here.
00:37:58Now, the old man was over here.
00:38:01But these folks are over here.
00:38:04I mean, I don't think they're quite right.
00:38:06So I'm hoping that they are, too.
00:38:08And the old man was over here
00:38:11Farmhouse is up somewhere in here
00:38:13Now if you draw a connecting line between all these points look where it winds up
00:38:20Fort Walton, but what's that? It's an old army base that they don't use much anymore. I
00:38:25Doubt if we'll find anything out, but maybe we ought to check it out. Anyway, somebody might have seen something unusual
00:38:32Okay, but how about a picture first, huh and a smile
00:39:04Morning we're working with the sheriff's department. I'd like to see the commanding officer if possible now, that would be colonel Stroud
00:39:09Could I see your identification, please?
00:39:19I'm sorry, but no one's allowed on the base without a security clearance, but I could call his office. Let him know you're here
00:39:25I'd appreciate that
00:39:35Yeah, there's a dr. Parkinson and a miss Bradley to see the colonel either with the sheriff's department, right, okay
00:39:51The fine Colonel Stroud's office and building and up ahead
00:39:54You can park up there in front but be sure not to go beyond that fence. That's a restricted area. Okay. Thanks a lot
00:40:21Morning Colonel Stroud
00:40:23Right this way
00:40:30You must be dr
00:40:32Parkinson right my sister named Bradley. How do you do? I
00:40:37Understand you with the sheriff's department. Well, not exactly. We've been hired by the sheriff's department to investigate some cases of snakebite death
00:40:43I see you want to know about Billy about who Billings a corporal Billings
00:40:51Man who died of snakebite, isn't that why you're here?
00:40:55Well, frankly colonel the sheriff never told us anybody been killed here
00:40:59We normally don't report any deaths to the civilian authorities unless it involves a crime or a civilian personnel
00:41:04I'm sorry
00:41:05Did your medical officer find more than one snake bite on the man's body?
00:41:08You didn't have to be a doctor to see that you look like a pincushion
00:41:11Well, didn't that seem rather unusual to you a lot of things that go on seem unusual to me
00:41:16I'm sure no commanding officer likes losing any of his men, but it does happen. I lost one of my officers two months ago
00:41:24Took his own life with a shotgun
00:41:26Not very nice either. What can you do? How long ago was this man Billings killed two weeks ago?
00:41:3222nd I guess his body's been shipped home, of course
00:41:36But if there's anything you need to know, I'm sure you can find it in his 42 11 42 11
00:41:42For him 42 11 certificate of death
00:41:45Not much to represent a man's life, but that's what we have
00:41:49You're sure he died of snakebite
00:41:51Well, it sure as hell wasn't the flow
00:41:54It was unusual the number of bites he had
00:41:57Must have been nearly a dozen
00:41:59You know exactly where the body was found
00:42:02About a half a mile from the base
00:42:04almost due east
00:42:06Almost due east
00:42:09Well in the time of death indicated here was just after midnight. What was he doing out there at that hour?
00:42:14Can I offer you a drink?
00:42:17pure alcohol
00:42:19Dryest martinis in town. No, thanks
00:42:23The colonel probably wouldn't want you to know this but billings had a girl in barstow
00:42:28And apparently had been going over the fence several nights a week
00:42:32I still don't see how he got past the patrols
00:42:35Or I'd go myself
00:42:38Security patrols. They patrol the perimeter to make sure no one gets into the base at night
00:42:43Or out of it either
00:42:45Last year, they caught two kids taking parts off a truck. Someone even tried to steal a helicopter
00:42:51That reminds me I was going to ask colonel stroud about borrowing a helicopter. What do you think my chances would be?
00:42:57Not very good really, but it depends on his mood
00:43:00Well, there's the phone see for yourself
00:43:02Just dial two three six
00:43:13Colonel is tom parkinson again
00:43:16Yeah, i'm in their office now. Did you find out anything?
00:43:20They're all multiple snake bites
00:43:22Well, I hope you can get rid of those snakes. You could be a big help to us if you would colonel
00:43:27Well, I always try to help the civilian authorities when I can what can I do?
00:43:31Well, I need a helicopter and a pilot for about an hour to check some spots you'd save us days of climbing and driving
00:43:36Well, it's not a general practice to lend equipment to civilians
00:43:40But I think would make an exception in this case. Thank you. I really appreciate that colonel
00:43:44Go down to the landing pad. I'll have the duty pilots in on right away
00:43:49I'll get right down there and thank you very much again
00:43:55Well, looks like I caught him in a good mood, how do I get down to that landing pad?
00:44:00Uh, just go out the door and to the right you can't miss it
00:44:03Okay, what about me? I'm not going. Well, why don't you stay here with uh,
00:44:07Captain delaney that is if he doesn't mind
00:44:11Listen professor anytime you want to leave me alone with a sexy looking young thing like miss bradley here fine with me
00:44:20Well, I thought maybe she could photograph the death certificate in the area where billings was found
00:44:24You don't mind taking her out there
00:44:26Well, i'd be glad to but I can't desert the infirmary that's okay if you'll give me directions i'll just take the jeep
00:44:32You don't mind going alone. No, I don't mind. All right. See you later. Thank you very much
00:44:38Okay, we'll need a map
00:44:45Now this is the base road here
00:44:50You follow it out until you see a gully follow the gully out about a half a mile
00:46:21That's a hell of a sensation up here, huh?
00:46:24You like that, huh? Yeah, I think if we head out in this direction
00:46:27We'll pass over my campsite
00:46:29And there's a road about three miles out. That's 127
00:46:37Let's pull it out to the end there's a canyon out there. Well, this thing really moves out
00:46:42Oh, we have faster ones. Of course, uh, you got the fastest pilot in the west. I believe it
00:47:06Okay, we're coming up on that canyon you want to land in it now, let's just circle around slowly if you can you got it
00:47:18I don't think there's anything around here. Why don't we just head on due east? Okay, check that out
00:47:23I don't know what it is. You're looking for man. There's nothing out here but sand and mesquite
00:47:28Hey, I got seven more months to do and then I never want to see any sand again
00:47:33Unless maybe at the beach you're gonna give up flying too. Are you kidding?
00:47:38I'm, just giving up the uniforms and the regulations. Hell man
00:47:41I'm, the best pilot they got here like last month they get this big emergency rush job to bury this container out here
00:47:48You see, uh george we want you to treat this thing like it was an egg
00:47:52Man, I feathered those blades set that thing down so soft didn't even know it was moved
00:48:56Did you say something about burying something out here
00:49:00Yeah, but uh, it was further west of here
00:49:03Well, what was it you buried you got me whatever it was. It's under about a ton of concrete now
00:49:08What do you mean? It was this old mine shaft. They put it in
00:49:12I lowered it down in and uh, they covered it up with cement. Could you fly me over there?
00:49:17Well, I can try but it won't do much good
00:49:20It's all covered over by now and we'd never find it. Of course. I'm sure colonel stroud can tell you where it is
00:49:25Oh, okay. Well, i'll tell you I want to check a farm out that's out by hinkley and then we can head back in
00:49:30All right, right
00:50:12Let me take a look
00:50:35Well, if there was a snake in there before it's gone now
00:50:38Are you sure it's gone?
00:50:40Positive, but if you want to ride i'll be glad to take you anywhere you want
00:50:45No, that's okay. Thanks. Anyway, probably just my imagination
00:50:55I'd like to see colonel stroud
00:50:59Well, i'm sorry sir, but he's busy right now that's all right i'll wait
00:51:05He may be busy for several hours he asked not to be disturbed
00:51:09Well, could you call him and tell him it's important? It'll just take a minute
00:51:14Well, I can try
00:51:17But he's not gonna like this
00:51:23Sir dr parkinson is back and insists on seeing you
00:51:26Says it's important. All right, sergeant. Send him in
00:51:31All right, you can go in
00:51:41Now look here parkinson i've gone out of my way to help you but when you come barging in here insisting on seeing me
00:51:46I think you're overstepping your bounds
00:51:49After all, this is a government facility the sheriff's department has no jurisdiction here
00:51:53It has when you're endangering the lives of civilians. What are you talking about?
00:51:58Check the records
00:52:00There's never been one civilian fatality or even an injury due to any of our aircraft or personnel
00:52:05I'm talking about whatever it is. You have buried in that mine shaft who told you about that?
00:52:10Well, it doesn't matter who told me or who's responsible
00:52:12The point is I want to know what's in that mine shaft because I have a feeling it may have something to do with
00:52:16these snakebite cases
00:52:19Well, I don't see any connection
00:52:21All we did was bury an old container in an uninhabited area
00:52:25You'd think people would be glad to have that open mine shaft filled in before some kid fell into it
00:52:30Exactly what was in that container?
00:52:33I'm, sorry, that's classified information, but I can guarantee you there's no danger to anyone
00:52:37Well, if it wasn't something dangerous, then why bury it in the first place and why all the concrete?
00:52:42I don't have to answer your questions parkinson
00:52:45And I see no evidence of anything we've done here that would cause you to ask
00:52:49Colonel colonel people have been killed and i'm trying to find out why
00:52:52Now all I want to know is where that mine shaft is located and what it is that's buried there
00:52:57It's not as if i'm some kind of spy or something
00:53:00Sergeant dr. Parkinson is leaving. Would you please escort him to the gate? All right, i'll go
00:53:07But don't think you've heard the last of this because we're not going to be far away and believe me
00:53:11I'm going to find out what's going on around here
00:53:21So then when I mentioned the mine shaft he clammed right up as if he was scared or something
00:53:26I think we ought to do a little probing around tomorrow if we can get back on that base
00:53:30Captain Delaney might be able to help. He seemed pretty cooperative. I think he's cooperative because he likes you
00:53:36Aha, do I detect a note of jealousy?
00:53:39Well, aren't you going to ask what we were doing while you were gone
00:53:42Well, I hope you were taking some pictures and the sheriff's not going to be too happy
00:53:46No, actually we were having a torrid affair
00:53:49He swept me right off my feet and we made wild passionate love right there between the cotton swabs and the aspirin
00:53:57But we did it in the name of science so I didn't think you'd mind I don't mind as long as he's your type
00:54:03He's actually not my type at all
00:54:06Did you know that his specialty was biomedicine?
00:54:10Why would they put a biomed man way out here?
00:54:15Something strange about that base too all that security and for what?
00:54:19Well, I did manage to get some pictures of those buildings they kept us out of
00:54:23When we get back to camp, i'll process the film. Can you do that out here?
00:54:26Sure, I have a portable darkroom that works great in a tent. There's only one drawback. What's that?
00:54:32You have to wait until it gets dark
00:54:40You wanted to see me sir, yes hawkins
00:54:43You were the duty helicopter pilot this morning. Is that right? Yes, sir
00:54:48Yes, sir, and you took dr parkinson up is that right? Yes, sir
00:54:55What I want to know is uh
00:54:59Exactly where did dr parkinson want to go
00:55:02Well, let's see first. He had me circle this canyon at the end of 127
00:55:07Then we flew east for a while and he looked around
00:55:10Uh, then we sat down on that farm that burned over near hinkley and uh came back. Do you know what he was looking for?
00:55:17No, sir, he didn't say and I figured it was none of my business
00:55:23Well, what about that old mine shaft
00:55:26Did he ask about that? Yes, sir
00:55:29I told him I didn't know where it was and he should ask you about it
00:55:32You know hawkins divulging uh classified information to civilians is a court martial offense. It didn't divulge anything sir
00:55:38I just took him out and brought him back
00:55:40Well from now on I think it would be a good idea if you refrain from talking to dr parkinson at all
00:55:46And to forget that there ever was a mine shaft
00:55:50Now I realize that you only have a few more months of active duty
00:55:53And i'd hate to see you spend that time in a lesser rank
00:55:57But it could happen
00:55:58I'm, sorry, sir, if I said anything wrong, but I won't let it happen again. I promise
00:56:02Let's make sure that a hawkins. Yes, sir
00:56:06That's all hawkins. You can go. Yes, sir
00:56:20Hey, i'm, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you I was just watching your work
00:56:23Look, it's bad enough being in here in the dark without having people sneak up behind you
00:56:28Sorry, I just wanted to see these shots
00:56:32I'm, sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I guess i'm just starting to see snakes everywhere
00:56:38Yesterday, I was sure there was one behind me. Where was that when I was getting those pictures of where that soldier was killed
00:56:45I got this feeling like
00:56:47Like someone is staring at you only there wasn't anyone there. Well, it was probably just no it was a snake. I'm i'm sure of it
00:56:56It was like something evil watching me
00:56:59And then it was in the jeep. All right now don't go getting all upset
00:57:02I mean, maybe you did see a snake, but you weren't hurt. Were you no?
00:57:06I'm, all right
00:57:08Look, I guess i'm acting silly, but I just can't help it
00:57:12I don't think you're silly at all
00:57:15It's been a long day and tomorrow may be even longer. So i'm gonna zip you up in here and you'll be perfectly safe
00:57:31I'll see you in the morning
00:57:45He said if you're so smart what the hell you're doing in the army
00:57:48They're wondering what the hell i'm doing here myself sometime. Yeah, I'll tell you it's your beach combat duty
00:57:53I'd like to get back to where there's some decent women, you know
00:57:56You wouldn't know a decent woman if one crawled up and bit you. Oh, yeah, at least I never saw you with one
00:58:01You better take it easy on this stuff after all you are driving
00:58:05Don't worry. We can always take a taxi home. Besides. There's no one out here. But us who's gonna tell
00:58:12Well, if we did catch somebody stealing a cactus or something
00:58:15All they gotta do is tell the colonel his patrol was juice
00:58:18cactus juice
00:58:21Well, we haven't caught anybody yet have we no besides that if we did get caught
00:58:27At least we'd get off a night patrol, yeah, we just might get on a little
00:58:31What was that? I don't know
00:58:34Something in the road felt like a tire blew
00:58:38I told you to watch it
00:58:42Hey, what hey come here look at this
00:58:46That's flat. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Look you see right here. Look at those little marks
00:58:51Oh must have caught a board with nails or something in it, man. I didn't see any board
00:58:55You're gonna say i'm crazy, you know all that talk about rattlesnakes around here
00:58:58That looks just like a snake bite. Come on. No snake can bite through a tire, man
00:59:02They can bite through a boot. Oh quit worrying and get the jack out
00:59:06All right
00:59:16Hey, you know maybe we ought to call in for assistance hell no, it's only a flat tire
00:59:24Come on check the damn thing. I'll get the lunch
00:59:29Friday the 13th, too
00:59:32Boy you're really something else I used to think you were bad about all your damn superstitions
00:59:38But snakes fighting through an eight-ply tire
00:59:41It really beats them all
00:59:44Wait, let's get around
00:59:50Hey, what
01:00:34Dr. Parkinson, what what is it? Did you come to the base right away sir? Captain Delaney sent me to get you
01:00:41What is he crazy it's only four o'clock there's been an accident palmer and woodley on security patrol
01:00:46Looks like they've been killed by snakes. All right, just give me a minute
01:00:51What is it what's going on there's been another attack two soldiers this time maybe straddle listen to me now
01:00:57You better get your stuff. We gotta get out of here
01:01:04There you are
01:01:06I'm, sorry to wake you both up so early
01:01:08But I thought you'd want to take a look at these men before I have to wake the colonel and tell him what happened
01:01:12Just what did happen, you know?
01:01:14Not for sure, but it looks like they had a flat tire stopped to fix it and were hit before they could get away
01:01:19Listen, you're not going to get in trouble for letting us in here again. Are you look don't worry about me
01:01:24Let's just worry about finding whatever killed these men. All right. Well, let's take a look at the bodies and get some pictures
01:01:31Oh my god that poor man
01:01:34I don't imagine he suffered much
01:01:36The amount of venom in his blood. He probably died in a matter of seconds. Why is he so swollen?
01:01:41It's hematoma
01:01:43Like the swelling from a bruise rattlesnake venom always does that it contains an enzyme that destroys the tissues and blood cells
01:01:50How horrible there are better ways to go I suppose
01:01:54The other man woodley looks about the same
01:01:57Captain do you know the approximate time of death about?
01:02:01Now it's 4 30 now. Do you think you could have a man take us out to where the bodies were found?
01:02:04Sure, excuse me a minute. Heinz
01:02:07Uh, I want you to take dr. Parkinson and miss bradley to where you found palma and woodley
01:02:12I'm, hoping to get out there before the tracks get covered up
01:02:14Usually they're covered up by the wind, but maybe this time we'll be able to find the nest. I hope so
01:02:19Let me know what happens. I will and thanks for all your help
01:02:27And I was supposed to relieve palmer at 0400
01:02:30But they never showed up. So we went looking for him. I wish we hadn't found him now. It wasn't too pretty
01:02:35Snake bite rarely is you think snakes did that? I've seen people bit before and they didn't look like that
01:02:41Man, those guys were torn all to hell. Well, we figure it was a number of them. Not just one
01:02:46I don't know. You can look for yourselves. Here's their jeep up ahead
01:02:50Let's pull up alongside and we'll have a look
01:02:58My god, there must have been 20 or 30 snakes here and got a picture of this
01:03:02I didn't think snakes traveled in groups
01:03:05Well, I don't usually the only time i've seen them do it is when they're trying to defend a nest
01:03:09Wait a minute back up here a minute
01:03:21Recently fired probably from palmer's gun was on the ground near his body the whole clip had been fired
01:03:26You want me to keep going?
01:03:28Yeah, let's see where these tracks lead
01:03:31Well, let's hope they don't lead us to where it led those men that makes two of us
01:03:45It looks like the tracks lead into that mine shaft well, let's take a look
01:03:53You coming with us? No, thanks. I think i'll stay right here with the jeep. All right
01:03:57Let me borrow that flashlight of yours from that. Will you sure?
01:04:02I thought the mine you were looking for had been filled in
01:04:06Well, we won't know till we get inside. They may use those vertical air shafts
01:04:10You mean we're going in there now?
01:04:12Well, sure. Why not?
01:04:15Well, I don't know. I just thought uh, oh, come on now. I was beginning to think you were pretty confident
01:04:42Tom what?
01:04:44How much further do we have to go, I don't know depends on what we find up ahead
01:04:51This way
01:04:53Wow, that's weird
01:04:56Where does it lead to?
01:05:06Let's get on this way, okay just a minute
01:05:22Tom wait
01:05:34Tom this isn't gonna cave in on us, is it? I doubt it. But some of these timbers look pretty old
01:05:45Watch this
01:05:50Well, it looks like it goes down a couple of hundred feet
01:05:53I wouldn't want you to fall in there
01:06:09What is that
01:06:21Get out of here
01:06:47Hurry up
01:07:04Don't stop now, come on. We're almost there. I can't run any further keep running
01:07:24I never thought we could make it. I couldn't take another step
01:07:31At least we found that den we were looking for
01:07:38You know, you're crazy
01:07:41Absolutely crazy
01:07:44Or maybe i'm the one that's crazy
01:07:47You know, I could be working in an office for normal hours and better pay
01:07:52But no
01:07:54I have to do everything the hard way
01:07:59I'll tell you what. I gotta go over to the county recorder's office to check out this mine
01:08:06Maybe we'll catch a show have a big steak. How's that sound? That's the least I can do for you
01:08:13Las vegas really really, okay
01:09:43What hi, I hear something
01:09:49I hear something. Well, it's probably just the wind. No, it's something else
01:09:56All right, i'll go look
01:10:12What is it
01:10:14Snakes there's dozens of them all outside the tent
01:10:34Get some clothes on we gotta get out here and make a run for the jeep
01:10:45Spread out i'm gonna check inside this tent
01:10:57You two all right get me that snake headquarters, this is patrol one
01:11:02It's colonel stroud on the radio he wants to talk to you. Hey, i'll be back in just a minute
01:11:07You tell stroud that when I get her to the hospital i'm coming over there with a sheriff
01:11:10We're gonna find out what's buried in that goddamn mine of his
01:11:14All right
01:11:27Doing your spring cleaning
01:11:29What do you want the lady I just came to watch the burning of rome. I don't have time for your drunken antics today
01:11:38Looks like you don't have much time left at all, but I told you
01:11:42didn't I I mean
01:11:44They're not gonna slap your hand this time. You violated the geneva convention
01:11:50My god, you think the russians or the chinese care about the geneva convention?
01:11:54Hell, they've got biological stockpiles that make this place look like a toy store
01:12:00But we've got ct3
01:12:02And they'll never get that
01:12:04Nobody will oh
01:12:06your precious ct3
01:12:09That was gonna win the war without firing a shot
01:12:15Well, look what it did to those snakes now, you know, that was an emergency as well as I do delaney
01:12:21We had a leaking canister no time for safe disposal
01:12:25And that's another joke
01:12:27your safe disposal
01:12:30They dumped that stuff into the ocean, but what happens when the containers rush through
01:12:39You saw what happened to the snakes
01:12:41Can you imagine what it'll do to sharks and killer whales you worry a lot for a lush
01:13:00I only worry when i'm doing something wrong
01:13:04And for the first time in four years i'm not worried I still have fletcher's records
01:13:11You don't think i'm burning them?
01:13:13You don't scare me with that anymore. He died four years ago
01:13:19So you can't prove I was even drunk
01:13:25It's just your word against mine you're a lush everybody knows that
01:13:32Now open the door
01:13:35I'm, sorry colonel, but I should have stopped you four years ago
01:13:45Am ordering you to open the door delaney I told you
01:13:49You can't threaten me anymore
01:13:53I've made my choice
01:14:20Sheriff what's going on around here?
01:14:22Oh, come in tom. Listen. I want you to meet uh, general hinch. This is tom parkinson the snake expert. I told you about
01:14:28How do you do? Hello? Where's colonel stroud?
01:14:31Well, it looks like he shot and killed the medical officer and then took off delaney
01:14:35Guard at the gate said he saw him leaving a little while ago with several gas canisters in his jeep
01:14:39We're trying to locate him now i've flown in myself to suspend his command until we complete an investigation
01:14:44Well, he's probably headed for that mine
01:14:46We were heading out there ourselves. You want to join us? Yeah
01:14:49We've got to get those canisters back
01:14:52Exactly. What was in those canisters general from what sheriff yates has told me. It looks like ct3. What's that?
01:14:59Colonel stroud used to be a major figure in the logistics of biological warfare and ct3 was experimental sort of his baby
01:15:06Project was never completed though, and the colonel was transferred to our storage depot here
01:15:11Yeah, well, what is ct3?
01:15:13Well, it's a new form of nerve gas designed to be dropped behind enemy lines where breathing it caused a manic behavior
01:15:21Within a few hours the enemy troops would be fighting and killing amongst their own ranks
01:15:26And then our forces could move in easily and take over without firing a shot
01:15:30Now general hitch believes that that's what the colonel may have buried in the mine
01:15:34Oh, it would certainly explain the behavior of those snakes, wouldn't it?
01:15:36I still don't see how I could affect those snakes when it's buried underground
01:15:40Well general a mine shaft houses all sorts of desert life
01:15:43And in this case, it just happened to have been a den of rattlesnakes. Oh, here's my car harry
01:15:59He must be inside the mine up there let's cover the area all right i'll head up this way
01:16:25Hello, this is sergeant yates, I want you to give it up forget it sheriff. Give me that thing
01:16:33Stroud this is general hinch from our com 36. I'm ordering you to come out of there
01:16:38You're no colonel. You're no general from our com 36. I know you you don't fool me commies. That's your cheap trick
01:16:46deceit and disguise
01:16:53Damn it keep that grenade move back
01:17:56Come on
01:18:05How's that leg feeling feels a lot better the pain's almost gone
01:18:09At least it feels a lot better than my stomach. Why is it they always try to starve you to death in a hospital?
01:18:15I did get to lie on a nice comfortable bed though. I'd almost forgotten what it was like
01:18:20I mean, you're not gonna miss that desert air in that sleeping bag. No
01:18:24Actually, I can't wait to get back home and breathe in a big lung full of good old la smog
01:18:29Listen to the sounds of traffic and people, you know, you're a hopeless case. I know
01:18:34I guess the only thing I will miss will be you
01:18:37I've gotten used to your crazy ways
01:18:39Well, you know what they say about crazy people you hang around them long enough. You get crazy yourself
01:18:45I believe it
01:18:47I'll tell you what
01:18:48I know this fantastic chinese restaurant in la where they serve seven course dinners
01:18:53And they don't care whether you're crazy or not. Just so long as you're hungry. Does that sound good? Sounds great
01:18:58Just so long as there aren't any snakes. Hey, I promise won't be any more problems
01:19:03Mine's gone. The gas is gone. So are the snakes
01:19:08I hope
