• 3 months ago


00:00:30Don't know
00:02:30Thou shall not suffer
00:02:51Call the recovery service
00:02:53Just trade. There's no signal up here, man. I told you to stay on the a171 did not
00:03:00piss-off grill
00:03:01Feed yourself next time no signal up here. We're bloody
00:03:0630,000 feet we're gonna yeah, we're gonna need bloody oxygen
00:03:10Why did you turn off? Yeah, why did you what's this the fucking Inquisition?
00:03:17Thanks, right like no signal up here
00:03:22Well now what then Einstein what's with it Einstein routine then
00:03:30I'll forget it. No, no, no. Come on. You got something on your mind. Say it
00:03:36Look sick boy. Shut up, will ya?
00:03:39How far off with Barry anyway?
00:03:41Well, I don't know. Why don't you ask Captain cook here dickhead about 25 miles or so
00:03:51What hitchhike
00:03:56Yeah, I mean there's so many cars passing well getting left no bother
00:04:02I'm gonna say and what about my car?
00:04:06We'll sort it out. How?
00:04:10He's gonna touch that up here
00:04:24Have you got a share in a dairy or something how much freaking milk do you drink in a day?
00:04:30Ulcer mate works for me. I thought only old foggies got ulcers
00:04:36Stress worries in that stress my ass. What have you got to stress about bloody things like that?
00:04:43Things like that. That's my freaking car. What have you got to worry about just saying as an example like yeah
00:04:50Well, don't worry about this
00:04:53Hey reckon with a fucking long walk ahead
00:05:01Whoa, here we go boys
00:05:15Bastard let's face it. He's gonna stop for three minute here
00:05:43Only hold 20 miles. Yeah, we can read just said though. Yeah mess or what?
00:05:50dumb ass
00:05:51Come on girls less of the bitchin. This is the field trip to rise L. I'm a day off
00:05:56So a little bit of appreciation would be nice
00:06:01Hey girls, listen up it says here
00:06:04There was a witch called tit Paul who lived in Stavely and she had something done to her that no other North Yorkshire
00:06:11Which had what implants? No vibrate run a broomstick
00:06:16Grow up. She was so well known that she had a road named after her
00:06:21Tit Paul Lane
00:06:23Riveting any other Oriental gems? Oh
00:06:26a racist as well as ignorant
00:06:29Anyway, I think all this witch business is crap. Then. Why did you come on this trip? It's a day out, isn't it?
00:06:39Oh Chloe that makes me feel really appreciated
00:06:44Do you know how they killed convicted witches?
00:06:47All right, give it a rest. Will you tell them in a room with you probably?
00:06:57No, I always thought they were burnt at the stake
00:07:00That's a misconception. They were all hanged
00:07:05My ex must have been a witch. He was well hung
00:07:10No, seriously in Parklington not far from here pet Chanel Hawksley
00:07:17She was the blacksmith's wife
00:07:20She was convicted for crucifying her friend's mother
00:07:26The people who watched her hang was so terrified of her
00:07:31But the villagers forced the magistrate to stone her even after she was pronounced dead. They say she was in a league with the devil himself
00:08:33Come on miss give me a lift
00:08:38Sorry girls, you know the rules
00:08:40Oh bastards nice tits. Yeah
00:08:57Walking it is then
00:09:10Excuse me lads, could you lend a hand?
00:09:41Yeah, one condition we can have a lift
00:09:49You boys going far then
00:09:51nearest village a
00:09:53Broken down car you passed. That was mine. Oh
00:09:58Sorry, we're not allowed to pick up people
00:10:01Assurance reasons. Ah, forget it
00:10:04How far do you girls go then? I mean today like all the way
00:10:11To the Rydell Folk Museum field study trip
00:10:15book museum
00:10:17What's that all about then?
00:10:19Witches take no notice. She's obsessed. I
00:10:23Hate all that folk music crap. It's not folk music. It's about our heritage. No
00:10:29I'm just saying I ate all that folk music crap. That's all anyway boys. Where you heading would be for the goth festival
00:10:37Yeah, someone knew a shortcut yeah, no bed yeah, we're camping up at the Abbey nice
00:11:52Tell you what, I wouldn't say no to that Susie quite fancy a bit of the old Orient
00:12:01I'd order the 69 me. Oh, but what about that missing Claire?
00:12:06Fuck if my teachers look like that, I would never have left school
00:12:09What are you gonna do about your car Graham?
00:12:13Well right now I'm having a pint
00:12:18All right
00:12:24Much did you pay for that car? No, but I wouldn't give him a fucking tenner for it
00:12:29Anyway, it was you that came off the road. What were you thinking you dickhead that shortcuts been passed down from generation to generation
00:12:36Let's stop fucking working. I want to talk about it. All right
00:12:48Well sorted mate from the garage is gonna come pick us up with the tow truck
00:12:58What do you mean what well, all right, there's a slight problem with the time he can pick us up
00:13:03How slight?
00:13:05You see can't pick us up till about five ish. Are you what?
00:13:09Well, what can I do about he's got a job on so we sit here for four hours
00:13:14That sounds all right to me. No, actually not exactly
00:13:18He won't pick us up here
00:13:20We have to meet him back in the car
00:13:23Terrific, and how do you propose we get back to the car?
00:13:34Leave that one to me boys
00:13:37I'm going down the shop get a pint of milk. This beer is repeating on me
00:13:51I mean, it's not really stupid. I mean, I know who would even live like this. It's just boring
00:13:58I don't even know what the point is
00:14:05All right, then girls
00:14:08How about coming to Whitby for the weekend girls
00:14:11Decent party organized free drinks and sex with me
00:14:15in a tent
00:14:17What more do you want from life? You've got a big opinion of yourself, haven't you? Yes, but it's well deserved
00:14:24What about it?
00:14:28Maybe well bring your friends and your teacher if you want
00:14:33When I was school, you know, we're at uni we do what we want
00:14:38Well come then. I don't know
00:14:41Come on. Let's have a look around
00:14:44See if you can find a witch
00:15:28Don't know
00:15:31So then Emma, how about it what we'd be
00:15:38Don't know
00:15:39Maybe if Georgia comes there's method in me madness, you know in what way?
00:15:44Well, I thought you might sweet-talk that miss Jean Brody to drop us off on the way back
00:15:49Where in with me? No back at my car. I've got a tow truck arriving about five ish
00:15:55And she's got to go that way anyway, so
00:15:58You have it all figured out. Haven't you?
00:16:01Anyway, if your cars broke, how are we getting to Whitby?
00:16:05Assuming we go of course
00:16:07Trust me. I get the tow truck to take my car to a garage in Whitby
00:16:12We go to the campsite have a ball over the weekend
00:16:16Pick the car up on Monday jewelry repair. Of course. It's only a radiator problem
00:16:21Then I drop you in Georgia back off in Middlesbrough
00:16:25No problem
00:16:27Okay, but I get Georgia to ask she's better at seducing people
00:16:36You all right something's just pushed me
00:16:55What do you want
00:16:58Look stay at the pub. I've got my hands full at the moment
00:17:04No, we're looking around the museum right I'll see you there in a minute
00:17:21What do you want no
00:17:27Hello Frank, I know what you stop ticking around
00:18:01Think I know what you know, let's get out of here. Babe. This place gives me the crap
00:18:12I knew it was you me. What have I done?
00:18:21Right, come on, let's get out of here
00:18:49You pair of bastards you've scarred haven't you
00:18:54Drink your milk. Oh boy
00:19:29Look I know what you said about giving lifts to people. Well, I was speaking to Mike and the lads
00:19:34They and what they said that a tow truck was coming for them. I felt a bit compromised. So
00:19:41Well, I kind of said we give them a lift back to their car is that all right, sorry, but they didn't help us I suppose
00:19:53Here comes Janine, you know, oh the little fellas quick cuz he drinks his milk
00:20:01Yeah, well a lot of old bollocks who makes this shit up do you believe in all that witchcraft stuff I
00:20:09Don't know. I thought they all ran around the woods naked and shagging each other
00:20:14Sounds all right to me
00:20:15That's dogging not witchcraft
00:20:21Wasn't for a piss. Yeah. Tell you what piss on that cat and I'll give you a fiver
00:20:32Come to daddy it's only joking man
00:21:31Frank get the bags
00:22:07So I've just spoken to miss Jean Brody
00:22:11Now it's cool. You can come. All right. Oh, you gotta stop doing that
00:22:16You have to save me a seat on the bus
00:22:20Just go tell the lads. All right, I'll see you in a bit, right?
00:23:42Well girls had a good day
00:23:45Well, I know you had
00:23:49Well, if you offer yourself on a plate, that's you
00:23:52No, no girls
00:23:54There's plenty of me to go around. Please
00:23:59So all in girls, what do you think of the witches then?
00:24:03Yeah, it's interesting
00:24:05So do you fancy running naked through the woods with me then
00:24:09I'd rather hang from the nearest ceiling than spend a night naked with you
00:24:30Think we might be lost
00:24:42Hello the gorgeous Chloe speaking
00:24:52Some woman chanting
00:24:55Chanting watch. I'll just be someone messing about
00:24:59Stick on loudspeaker
00:25:06Now drink
00:25:08He'll speak
00:25:10This is too fucking freaky
00:25:13We had that woman on Mike's mobile
00:25:15Turn it off turn it off Chloe Chloe turn that off
00:25:29I'm so sorry. I just didn't see it
00:25:58You put a sheep
00:26:00Engine yeah. Yeah. Yeah, just a bit. It's kind of a great wool factory in the sky
00:26:13Who the fuck was he
00:26:16Remind who he was. Where's he going?
00:26:19our lads
00:26:20Fuck this. I'm off Mike. Who was that man?
00:26:27This place is totally fucked up
00:26:30I think you'll find the buses as well. Don't say that. You're not funny
00:26:35Miss you go and know where the sump it's it's totally gone
00:26:40The sump is that bad as bad as it gets
00:26:44What can we do?
00:26:49No sudden signal. What is it about this place? If any of you lot got a signal on your mobile?
00:27:03Barry's dead
00:27:12Waits fucked as well
00:27:14Sorry about the French ladies
00:27:18Mine too
00:27:19So smart, but I don't charge all last night
00:27:24Mine stead as well. I
00:27:26Can't believe this
00:27:30What are we going to do now
00:27:35Piss off loser
00:27:43Look that man. He must be going somewhere
00:28:01Hey guys
00:28:16Petronell Hawksley half a mile. I think I can manage that
00:28:21No, I caused the damage I should go you can't walk across the mirror by yourself
00:28:27We'll all go Frank get the bags
00:28:56People do these look like hiking boots
00:29:00Well, only you would come dressed like Vivian Westwood on a trip to the country
00:29:05Listen to the dyke
00:29:08Well anyone any solutions try using a smaller trowel on your face paint whatever
00:29:19Nikki Nikki just ignore them. Oh just leave her. You know what? She's like
00:30:20Hello people
00:30:21We've been walking for about half an hour
00:30:24We must have walked about four or five miles and I'm starting it really pissed off with all this. She's right
00:30:30Look, I'm gonna head back to the bus and I'm gonna wait there if someone might pass and help
00:30:35Well, I'll go with you if you like if you can't find this
00:30:39farm say
00:30:4115 minutes then all head back to the bus will regroup there and we'll see what happens
00:30:49Does anybody else want to come?
00:30:52No, I'll take my chances with the snakes and the more. Thanks
00:32:50He's a bastard
00:36:23Thank you
00:36:52I'm desperate for what we put now. Yes now
00:37:19Do you mind
00:38:47Bollocks someone is having a laugh. Does anyone got a pen?
00:38:55You know, this is really spooky I've got a lipstick without a yeah
00:39:08Saw it
00:39:12If someone's picking about with us, well, no cause we'll see the mark won't we forget about this the sign says that way
00:39:19We're going that way
00:39:21Excuse me. You're the one that's been leading us around in circles for hours. Mr. Stevie. I wonder where we're going
00:39:28I don't make you the fucking leader. Leave him alone. He's trying to help. Oh, look what a good job. He's done
00:39:41This doesn't feel right. We're all being stupid
00:39:49We gotta stick together
00:39:54Okay, look up on it do a boat who all wants to go Emma's way
00:40:03Now fuck it the sentence that way we're going that way why
00:40:07Because we are Frank. I think that milk's curled your brain
00:40:12Come on
00:41:51What could have been anything
00:42:40Where I am
00:44:15Told you I told you
00:44:21Petronella Hawksley half a friggin mile. Look there's my mark
00:44:27Someone is having a laugh at our expense
00:44:30Look, it's pretty obvious
00:44:32We're walking around in circles
00:44:35And if we are the bus should be just over there
00:44:45I hope he's right. Why do we bother even listening to him?
00:45:15Looks like I'm wrong again
00:45:19Mike man, this is not funny anymore
00:45:22What are you trying to say?
00:45:24When the North Yorkshire mirrors, it's 2007
00:45:29The satellites they can read your newspaper from space. We can't possibly be lost
00:45:36If we walk in any direction we'll meet someone
00:45:40Anyway, Graham would have thought of something. We'll be hanging around
00:45:44Bullshit we've been walking for over an hour
00:45:47I've not seen a soul a farm nothing. So cut it with the crap Mike. Yeah, Mike man. She's right
00:45:54all right
00:45:57What's the worst-case scenario?
00:46:00Well, how's this for a scenario? It's going to be dark soon. Then what?
00:46:06No worries, I've got the camping gear
00:46:09You know, I'd love to keep one is your brain in your dick
00:46:56Let those who rest more deeply sleep
00:46:59Let those awake their vigils keep
00:47:03No hand of glory shed by light
00:47:07Direct me to my spoil this night
00:47:10Leave us alone you bastards
00:47:13Who the fuck are you?
00:47:23Come on we're out of here
00:47:56There you go, trust your uncle Michael you what
00:48:10Oh, come on, let's go in
00:48:13Come on
00:48:50Supposed to know
00:48:52Does anybody get the feeling that we're being watched look we are all shit scared a case to just give it a rest
00:49:00Like what should we do?
00:49:02Well, the lights are on
00:49:04That means electricity
00:49:07That means there's a switch
00:49:09That means don't turn it on. I
00:50:10I swear I saw something move up there. Don't you start? No straight up straight up, man
00:50:24Nothing babe honest
00:50:28The fuse box, that's all
00:50:32My this ain't no fucking barn
00:50:37Every windows barred man take the reality check. It's a medieval house
00:50:47But it has electricity
00:50:52Someone's taking us for mugs some country
00:51:09Nice job, man. Don't lose it now
00:51:12Fuck sake you're upsetting the girls. Listen, if someone is trying to wind us up, they'll be getting off on you screaming and shouting
00:51:20Think about it
00:51:35What's the worst that can happen
00:51:37We're locked inside a house a barn whatever. Yeah
00:51:41Okay, so let's get the girls comfortable. We'll keep an eye open and deal with whatever happens. Yeah
00:51:56Well, let's get our stuff make ourselves comfy over here
00:52:35Yeah, keep warm
00:52:53Girls there's a sleeping bag in there get it out makes us
00:53:20Give me that torch
00:53:37What's wrong? What's happened the bike fucking sleeping bag?
00:53:41Something inside. Oh, no, please
00:53:45This fucking face look at back at me
00:54:06All right, okay
00:54:11Sorry, sorry
00:54:18I must be getting tired
00:54:30Jojo when you're sleeping down here
00:56:35That box
00:56:41The box moved are you sure I saw the lid opened
00:57:28There's nothing there
01:02:16Susie Susie
01:03:58Which wake up which wake up which
01:04:06Dirty evil wait. Hey
01:04:09You're gonna die today
01:04:12You're gonna
01:04:34Brought in hell Petra Nell Hawksley you evil bitch
01:05:45To proclaim in the year of our Lord
01:05:481640 having found you
01:05:52Petra Nell Hawksley guilty of witchcraft and sorcery
01:05:56Do hereby pass sentence of death?
01:06:05Being of 28 years of age as a sale 10 infants and 42 agents with a spell
01:06:18Killing them in godless fashion
01:06:26Hawksley's at the cellars on eight occasions
01:06:31committed murder by her own hand
01:06:34Set ablaze homes of others has caused four girls and hailstorms
01:06:50Is poisoned meadows
01:06:53And afflicted cattle so often she herself cannot tell the number
01:07:05Hide your face well
01:07:07But this I say
01:07:09When I take my last breath you will rule the day
01:07:15Return from hell
01:07:18Bringing your soul with me
01:07:20So bow me well that she did have carnal relations with the devil
01:07:27Who appeared at her command?
01:07:32The devil did promise her wedlock if she would be his obedient wife
01:07:42Scored above breath
01:07:58She shows no pain
01:08:02Drop a well hangman and place her body in the stocks
01:08:08Where she will be stoned beyond recognition
01:08:16Blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life
01:10:08Where are you gonna go?
01:10:13I'm looking up there. It's like you can't leave us. It's super nice
01:10:20Start outside the door a few minutes
01:12:44Whatever we do we stick together. Okay, we stick together
01:13:07I will protect
01:16:22Hey Susie, it's me. It's it's Chloe. Um, listen, I've just
01:16:28I had a really bad night. I had a
01:16:30This dream. It just really freaked me out. Um
01:16:34If you could just pass on to Jane Sinclair, I'm not gonna come on the trip today
01:16:40And if you could just call me back let me know you got this message, that'd be great, okay
