• last year
A new EU law will mandate speed limiters in new cars and vans which will read speed limits and prevent speeding. How do you feel about this change, and what impact do you think it will have on road safety?


00:00I've got a friend who's a motorcycle instructor and he says there are occasions when as a good driver you do need to briefly pass perhaps the speed limit on a motorway, I think it might be different on the urban cycle.
00:12Many people I know really suffer from speeding in areas where I feel there ought to be much greater speed restrictions and we don't have them.
00:23So generally I think I'm in favour of stronger but kind of sensible speed restrictions.
00:29I think it's got a good and a bad, there's two sides to the story. It could be safe, it could be good, it could be bad, but in my opinion I think it's bad because I think it limits our freedom as drivers.
00:40If the technology can't cope with that and can't get the limits right, that would be a problem when you have a situation where the car's been limited to driving at 20 and the other cars are driving at the speed limit of 40.
00:51On balance it sounds like a good idea to stop reckless speeding, you might get outside schools and things like that, but I would have questions about how thoroughly it's been tested.
