What do you think about speed limiters in new cars?

  • 2 months ago
What do you think about speed limiters in new cars?
00:00Well, I think it's a good thing. I mean, you're only going down the road and you see him on the phone constantly.
00:08It doesn't deter him, you know, on the amount of accidents. No, I think it needs serious laws for speeding, honestly.
00:19I'm all for it, 100%. And it will have, well, if I can enforce it, yeah.
00:26I think it'll be much better for everyone in the society, because I think cars are just going too mad these days.
00:38Right, I hope it works. I hope they're going to enforce it, yeah.
00:41Do you think speed is the biggest problem, or do you think there's other things?
00:45Drink driving, obviously, and mobile phones. Sometimes you think they aren't past the test, don't you?
00:54They're just driving about, and it's not their car they're driving in.
00:58We see a lot of them driving, don't we?
