Full Video: When Buddha decides to die || Acharya Prashant, at Goa University (2022)
00:00Love is the desire to rise upwards, and if the desire is not about
00:05rising upwards, then it cannot be called as love. There is a
00:09beautiful anecdote from Buddha's life.
00:11So the Buddha is going, and there is this butcher taking away a goat for slaughter, and the Buddha
00:17tells the butcher, why are you slaughtering the goat? Please leave the goat. The
00:21butcher says, but you know, I kill the goat, and I make my ends meet.
00:26There's certain money to be had. So the Buddha says,
00:30how much money? The butcher tells an amount. Buddha is not having that kind of thing.
00:36So the Buddha says, fine. It's flesh that you would get from this animal, right? The butcher says, yes.
00:41So Buddha says, all right, you take that similar weight of flesh from my body and leave the poor animal.
00:47Now here you find the one with the highest consciousness
00:51prepared to sacrifice himself for an animal with a very low level of consciousness. That's how love operates.