• last year
Genre Spectrum / From Action to Drama
Despite his cruelty, he seeks justice / English Hollywood Western Movie

"Billy the Kid" is a historical drama that tells the story of how and when Billy the Kid became a famous criminal. The film transports viewers to the Wild West at the end of the 19th century, where cruelty and lawlessness raged. The plot revolves around a young William Henry McCarthy, better known as Billy the Kid, who after the loss of his parents and a difficult childhood found himself on the edge of the law. Despite his youth, Billy quickly earns a reputation as a dangerous shooter and fearless bandit. His path to fame begins with participation in the so-called War in Lincoln County, where the conflict between farming factions turns into a real war.
00:02:21William William Bonnie you need to come on out
00:03:12Who the hell are you John R. Mackey
00:03:16John Mackey are
00:03:19John R. Mackey
00:03:21All right, John R. Mackey. Where's the kid?
00:03:33What you want with Billy
00:03:36We're headed to Lincoln County on a tight schedule
00:03:39If I show up with the kid, we are
00:03:42$500 richer you tell us where this little kid is. We'll take care of him
00:03:56Any of you crackers ever come up against Billy
00:04:07I figured as if you had you wouldn't be laughing
00:04:11You'd be dead and buried
00:04:14All right, Mickey. Where's the outlaw?
00:04:19Gentlemen we're all outlaws
00:04:21Ain't that right Billy? Well, that's one way to put it. You're gonna want to be real careful with that quick movement, boy
00:04:37Let's get busy with these last requests which one of you swine bellies wants to die first
00:04:46Okay, I give
00:04:49That's right. Ain't nobody draws up on the Smith Warren gang
00:04:55Toss that pig iron over here on the ground
00:05:49All in a day's work
00:05:58What's the damage here looks like two dead and two that won't be
00:06:14That's right building a kid and John Mackey our Billy John are
00:06:23Sorry John
00:06:32John R. Mackey
00:06:36He was a good man to have in a gunfight
00:06:38He was a good man to have in a gunfight
00:06:42But we both knew the bounty hunters would not give up and one day one of them might get lucky
00:06:49So I headed north
00:06:52To try to get as far away from everyone as possible
00:06:58Figured I might just let the snow and the ice overtake me
00:07:01And no one would ever hear Billy the kid ever again
00:07:37Go on in preacher
00:07:42Have a seat
00:07:51So, what do you find out about my nephew preacher he was killed in that big gunfight in dog
00:08:01Anybody make it out alive
00:08:04There's about a dozen dead. Maybe half that many hurt real bad
00:08:09There was one
00:08:11Who made it out unscathed?
00:08:15What's his name?
00:08:17Young man by the name of William Bonnie
00:08:23Not familiar with that don't go by that name anymore
00:08:27These days he's taken to calling himself Billy the kid
00:08:34Same Billy the kid just tore up the Smith Watson game
00:08:41This Billy the kid does he have a family?
00:08:43Well, you know nephew killed his mama and tried his best to kill his papa
00:08:50His papa is a bounty hunter by the name of Leon copper
00:08:56What's the whole story on that? It seems only hung copper never quite made it to the grave
00:09:04Marsha was buried in that casket
00:09:06Frank Spellings and his wife have been taking care of Leon
00:09:11Now, mr. Copper's health is not good, but he is hanging on
00:09:17Spellings from the mercantile in Dalma. I did a little business with him. I have
00:09:23knowledge of the future
00:09:26I don't eat I barely sleep
00:09:30Sometimes I find myself face down in the dirt
00:09:35covered with maggots
00:09:40The horsemen destroyed nearly half of New Mexico and your nephew was the king of that particular hill
00:09:53This Billy the kid he is a ghost in the dying arms of the West's Brigham
00:10:01painted in the dry air
00:10:05Against this world he chases fortune and he chases fame
00:10:09I'm gonna beep up the bounty on his head to a thousand
00:10:13That's the right good price on someone who ain't done anything particularly wrong
00:10:18Don't get righteous with me. You ain't no count preacher anyway
00:10:22Of course, I am. Mr. Landon
00:10:26That's why I don't charge you anything for the very valuable information that I provide you
00:10:32You just want to bless the dead before we bury him. That's a right good deal. If you ask me
00:10:37You can leave now
00:11:25Being alone is bad for the soul. The Lord forgives you my friend
00:11:36I'd advise you to move away slowly. Are you gonna meet your maker sooner than you think?
00:11:43I'm a preacher in that case. You better have a good sermon. Why are you trespassing?
00:11:48I got this shotgun point your gut preacher, man
00:11:53I'm here concerning the one they call William Bonney
00:11:57Billy the kid
00:11:59Well, you know about the kid I
00:12:02Know that where he's going. He most likely will not make it out alive
00:12:07Make it out of what?
00:12:10He headed toward the mountains
00:12:13Snow and bounty hunters follow and soon the devil will breathe his foul breath into him
00:12:19Is this how you conduct your business break into my home and speak this nonsense?
00:13:00Good evening. I'm one-eyed Lily. Welcome to my establishment
00:13:09This is Smith Warren gang
00:13:12We demand first-class service and first-class women and won't you get me a glass of whiskey?
00:13:18In here we demand first-class behavior. That means no spitting on the floor
00:13:24No man handling the girls and if you want something you ask nice you got that
00:13:30What's in here he ain't in the greatest mood and he loves to overemphasize the fact that our gang is named
00:13:38Begins with his last name
00:13:41Now, please pardon his boastfulness his ignorance and his overall poor attitude
00:13:49Now, please would you sit me and my men? We're hungry and we ain't gonna cause no trouble
00:13:55Well, if you can be gentlemen, you're welcome here. Follow me
00:13:59Sit down boys make yourselves at home
00:14:03Now you be careful with that coat. You see I skinned the sheep myself for that wool
00:14:08Names Emma not Missy. I'll remember that
00:14:17Emma will bring your whiskey
00:14:29At this point I figured everyone I ever cared about was in the ground
00:14:46With the breaking of the weather my spirits lifted a little bit
00:14:53And I decided to make one last ride home
00:15:29Would you find out about this Billy the kid I
00:15:34Hear he can use his left hand just as quick as his right. Shut up. He cry my nephew died dogma
00:15:41Guess who was in that shithole? Billy? I heard all about it
00:15:46Why would he be stupid enough to come by here? I can out shoot him one-on-one
00:15:51Wherever he is, we're gonna take him down
00:15:54Don't think for a second I'm gonna forgive you forgive me
00:15:58Remember in dogma you told Landon that it was me who ran into Leon and got a pistol stuck in my face
00:16:04I cowardly move if you ask me
00:16:07Don't call me a coward Steven
00:16:09Lost my arm because of that fight. I can't think straight
00:16:13You moron horses. I'm gonna kill you
00:16:17Lost my arm cuz of that fight. I can't think straight
00:16:21You moron horses ass you slop breath worm catcher. I
00:16:27Can still shoot with one arm?
00:16:29Bring it. I'll finish the rest of you off limb by limb. I
00:16:34Finished both of you off you little bastards
00:16:37What I tell you about bad-mouthing each other you don't know your peckers from a pistol
00:16:42That's how you two idiots got shot to start with
00:17:04You two get off your asses and go out and see what they want
00:17:14The kid this ain't the kid he's a minor healing from a wound he's also a pain in the ass
00:17:38What's the reason for the visit
00:17:43Kid had a hand in killing my nephew. I'm kind of set on collecting that reward all
00:17:49$500 of
00:17:51Billion here he's moved on me and Jordan ran with your nephew and dogma
00:17:57Billy didn't kill Landon a
00:18:00Bounty hunter named Leon copper gunned him down
00:18:02You two were there either one of you tried to avenge his death
00:18:07My arm got paralyzed mister Steven's head pains won't ease up head pains, huh?
00:18:16You boys looking for me
00:18:26You're the kid
00:18:29You the kid
00:18:32That's right
00:18:34Been looking for you for a while boy
00:18:36You remember a man by the name of Landon?
00:18:39Your father killed him in cold blood
00:18:43He was my nephew
00:18:46The fight was fair not in cold blood
00:18:50Is that your grudge?
00:18:52to revenge a madman
00:18:55And what are you?
00:18:57You're not exactly a civilized man yourself. I'm bout to have you shot boy, but I covered cause your funeral
00:19:04That's how I pay my last respects
00:19:14So who exactly was it that was gonna shoot me
00:19:27Billy don't shoot this man
00:19:30It's gonna cause you nothing but grief
00:19:33It's good to see you. Mr. Spellings
00:19:35The man speaks the truth
00:19:44You boys looking for work come see me
00:19:51You best be going I'll be seeing you around kid
00:20:05Am can you hear me
00:20:49Gun gunshots
00:20:53More blood another gunfight
00:20:57A man named Brigham Landon. He aims to kill Billy
00:21:02You killed his nephew
00:21:05His nephew
00:21:10I thought you were dead Paul
00:21:14No, not yet
00:21:20But I don't remember
00:21:23Seeing any angels or bright lights
00:21:26It's just dark no sound
00:21:29Sounds like you've been to hell and back
00:21:34More water
00:21:42Whoa, whoa, Leon one step at a time
00:21:52Gotta get out of this bed
00:21:55Back is aching. I ain't shot a gun in weeks
00:22:00Leon Leon, it's been over a year a
00:22:07Year one year
00:22:12That's really not a priority right now, I'm sons bitches hustling my son that's a priority
00:22:21You plan to head to Lincoln County
00:22:25Brigham's got the whole place paid off
00:22:28Everyone's on the payroll
00:22:30You both will be a walking target
00:22:34You know that don't you?
00:22:39Sound like it's Brigham won't stop till Williams dead
00:22:46We'll stay tonight even the morning
00:22:52Come with us Frank could use a good man
00:22:56I can't
00:22:58I'm retired from the lifestyle
00:23:01It's just too much misery for my liking
00:23:07You're a good fella Frank
00:23:11Making me a sophisticated gunslinger and all I
00:23:18Guess you two insist on going Lincoln County
00:23:23Believe so
00:23:25Let me give you some advice
00:23:28What's that spilling?
00:23:30Don't go in there with bullets flying
00:23:32Take your time
00:23:34Look around the town
00:23:36Maybe you can find someone that'll help you out
00:23:40He's right, I'll recognize us right away especially me
00:23:45Keep a low profile
00:23:48Just act like a cow hand
00:23:50We'll need aliases. I already have one
00:23:54Henry Antrim, well, I'll go by Cody
00:23:58What do you know about this Brigham Frank? I know he's got a monopoly in town with the store
00:24:04He's half owner biggest saloon in town
00:24:08What he does
00:24:10He raises his prices whenever supplies really start getting low
00:24:15It's bad blood so be careful sounds like he's trying to be king of the county
00:24:21He wants my son's life for his nephews. They ain't gonna happen
00:24:37What are you doing back here
00:24:40Lincoln County won't come easy. I
00:24:43Remember you you're that preacher from that tiny town called unhallowed
00:24:51That is my place of worship and my home I
00:24:55Knew you were there
00:24:57Those two fellas in that shack. They told me you was just an illusion
00:25:09Not an illusion
00:25:11He's real
00:25:14Touch it
00:25:17I'll take your word for it
00:25:19He found me in the middle of nowhere Paul. He told me all about you. Is that right? He's gotta know something
00:25:28That's a bunch of nonsense
00:25:31What else do you know about Lincoln preacher?
00:25:35Temptations run wild
00:25:39We look only to be chosen for a higher purpose while the innocents are led to the slaughter by the devil himself
00:25:50Thanks for clearing that up you wish to ride with us in the morning preacher
00:25:56Too much trouble in Lincoln County too much trouble
00:26:24Wash away
00:26:27My sins Lord make me white as snow
00:26:55This is right off the cork is that cook awake yet?
00:27:00You said you wanted it extra rare
00:27:05So what can I do for you miss I'm looking for a job I was wondering if you need any more girls here
00:27:12Well, can you cook?
00:27:16No, don't worry. Neither. Can I damn any women around here? They can cook I
00:27:24Can do about anything else and I'm willing to work real hard
00:27:28I've seen you in town before don't your family own that ranch a few miles out? Yes, ma'am
00:27:34but there's 17 of us kids and
00:27:38Mama said that she can't feed us all
00:27:40Now that I'm all grown up. I've got to be out on my own. What's your name?
00:27:46Susanna okay, Susanna. Here's the rules when the customers buy you drinks. Theirs are straight, but yours are watered
00:27:53I can't have my girls getting stupid and when you take him upstairs
00:27:57You make sure they wash up first and if they give you any trouble you call me right away. Got it
00:28:05Hey, Emma, this is Susanna. She's gonna be working with us. Can you find her something to wear and show her around?
00:28:12Hi, Susanna, we'll get you something to wear and ready to work
00:28:16Thanks, you know, I've never done anything like this before
00:28:21Your first one will be tough, but you'll do fine
00:28:24It's a lot easier than working on a ranch or breaking your back in a field and Lily makes sure her girls are treated, right?
00:28:42What y'all been doing around here Ikron? Y'all been lollygagging around with these feisty women. We've just been waiting for you to get back
00:28:51You got to plan your attack. I think the first thing we should do is rough him up
00:28:57Rough him up
00:28:59Shoot him
00:29:01Be a lot easier. We need to snuff him out
00:29:05We need to snuff him out
00:29:08Be a lot easier we need to snuff him out
00:29:12Don't know maybe he's smart
00:29:14The law's gonna come down hard on you if you shoot the unarmed man
00:29:18Don't shoot him just break his neck. I think y'all are right. We'll just scare him this time
00:29:31Lollygaggers break his chicken ass neck
00:29:53Morning who might you be hanging all over the front of my house name's Cody ma'am. I'm a rancher from Texas
00:30:02All the way from Texas you must need work
00:30:08You the uh owner of one-eyed lilies
00:30:11Well, let's see. My name's lily and I ain't got but one eye
00:30:16So yeah, I run the everyday affairs
00:30:21Well, I need a room just for tonight I can find you a room but what's your rush
00:30:27Serve good food around your place maybe around there, but not in there we serve food, but the cook's always drunk
00:30:36How drunk?
00:30:37Well, let's see
00:30:38Monday and tuesday. He's beer drunk
00:30:41Wednesday and thursday. He's whiskey drunk and then friday through sunday. He's tequila drunk
00:30:47That's very precise
00:30:50I'll grab me a steak there. You sure?
00:30:55Yeah, i'll take a chance you must be very hungry you're not really looking to work for me as a cook now, are you
00:31:02Well, I came here to start my own place
00:31:05But the prices are hitting me and i'm losing cattle
00:31:09I guess i'll take about anything
00:31:12I understand
00:31:13You know, I came here about six years ago with money in my pocket and a dream of owning a ranch and an eatery
00:31:22Well, you're halfway there you own the eatery I only half own that place the other owner is brigham landon
00:31:38Know of him likes to keep his own people close by
00:31:43Well, I guess i'll make my way there
00:31:49Care to accompany my lady i'd be honored
00:32:09This is mr. Carlo palami
00:32:12He's the investor from italy. I told you about
00:32:16I've heard a lot about mr. Palermi. I've heard that he's both wealthy and extraordinary with a gun
00:32:23Correto signore
00:32:26Very correct. It's playing me and his associates are interested in this area
00:32:30This town molto opportunità
00:32:33Very many opportunities
00:32:35Well brigham you and I have always had grand plans for lincoln. You think working with mr. Palermi is
00:32:43Advantageous. Oh, yes, I do
00:32:46What are your requirements he wants to make sure this town's controllable
00:32:52And what does he mean exactly?
00:32:55the money
00:32:56Referring to the money coming in and the money going out. Is it controllable?
00:33:02Control. Well, i'm the banker most of the money comes through me in this town. What's the problem?
00:33:09Problems to englishmen john tunstall
00:33:13He's opened up a store across from brigham's mercantile as you all know
00:33:18the problem is
00:33:20Brigham's charging top prices to the ranchers
00:33:24And tunstall's lowering the price on his goods
00:33:27So what we think is he's trying to put brigham out of business
00:33:32Mr. Landon has interest in every other business in this town
00:33:37Including this establishment the mercantile is where I make my money
00:33:45Well, he doesn't need to translate that one
00:33:48That there girls is what you call a big money conversation
00:33:52big money
00:33:54So you think you have what you need to solve this problem brigham. We'll take care of it
00:34:00Well, it's time for me to head back to the bank. I'm sure we can uh find suitable lodging for mr. Palermi
00:34:08Get our friend here the best room in the house, that would be your room brigham
00:34:14Well fellas has looked like i've done been kicked out
00:34:20My pleasure suzanna, please escort our guests to his room
00:34:37How do you want to take care of this
00:34:39Him or the store i'll leave that up to you
00:34:44Just leave my name out of it
00:34:46Well, how soon do you want it done?
00:34:48time's wasting
00:34:50Just stay clear of the law. I thought you had the sheriff in your pocket. Oh, I do
00:34:56Word spread like wildfire on a windy day
00:35:02Me and the boys gonna want a thousand for the job
00:35:07I'll give you seven and a half in gold now five when you're done
00:35:20You don't look so happy
00:35:24Here see if that helps
00:35:31So, uh, are you a friend of brigham's
00:35:35We got mutual interests
00:35:38How about buying a girl a drink
00:35:40All right, miss emma. What do you like?
00:35:43Whiskey's fine with me
00:35:45I think we have mutual interests as well
00:35:51I'll be back shortly
00:36:06So what's this sit down with brigham all about
00:36:08All I heard was a bunch of double talk and speaking in tongues
00:36:12Yeah, brigham's got somebody trying to give him a run that english fella. John tonstall
00:36:18So brigham's feeling well, he's feeling a little bit cornered right now
00:36:22Burn it down
00:36:24Ain't got no business if you ain't got no burn it down
00:36:27Why don't we just march in there with trumpets and kerosene and torches?
00:36:31No, come on, boys. We got to come up with a better plan
00:36:35What are you thinking?
00:36:38Well, I want you all to ride out
00:36:41And split up at the tunstall ranch
00:36:43And see how many boys he's got out there working for him
00:36:46Whatever you do
00:36:48Don't get spotted watch your backs
00:36:53All right
00:37:00What has he in store for us?
00:37:02Who are these men? Have you any names?
00:37:05They call themselves the smith warren gang
00:37:09They're looking for a fight
00:37:11A beautiful life and a beautiful lie some men choose the life some perish
00:37:18John we can use some extra hands
00:37:21Splendid idea
00:37:23Rustle up some chaps. Oh, and how is the branding of the calves going?
00:37:28Everything's going good
00:37:31Keep an eye out around the ranch
00:37:35Don't shoot anyone unless you have to defend yourself
00:38:39What are we doing out here checking out this ranch for what see how dangerous it is
00:38:46Are you still hurting?
00:38:47What do you mean? You got shot by ability kids
00:38:51Yeah a while back. Yeah, that's still hurt a little
00:39:04You need to head back where you came from
00:39:15That was quite some fight
00:39:18Sorry to interrupt you john
00:39:20How can I help you my good man?
00:39:22Just chased three riders off the property. Did you recognize them?
00:39:28They was members of that gang I told you about
00:39:32Did they cause you any trouble no, but they knew they was trespassing
00:39:39I do believe it is time for a conversation with mr. Landon
00:39:45So about how long are you boys planning to stay you're taking up all my rooms
00:39:51I don't see what business is of yours. We're paying customers. We might just stay forever. I like the curtains in my room
00:40:01Answer this question for me. Why is a woman running a saloon like this?
00:40:06I own half this business and i'm not gonna let brigham take it away from me
00:40:11I keep this place very organized and I know you're all staying here without paying
00:40:16You have an awful lot of conversations with him and he don't give nothing away for free. What's your game?
00:40:24We were hired by him
00:40:26That's why we're going to be staying here for a few days longer
00:40:29You ain't got a problem with that. Do you you better not give me any problems?
00:40:35I don't allow no scoundrels in here
00:40:39Miss lily, we ain't no scoundrels. I might look rough and grisly to you, but i'm a real ladies man
00:40:44Just ask your girl emma. I think you've got another problem right now
00:40:50Put down those bottles and leave this den of inequity
00:40:56Good brothers and sisters
00:40:58Free yourself from the clutches of demon drink
00:41:01And imbibe deeply in the living waters of jesus who the hell are you and what the hell do you want?
00:41:08I dispenser of the devil's brew. I am sister naomi brown
00:41:13of the new mexico temperance society
00:41:17And I am here to save you
00:41:20It is the moral responsibility of christian women to lead men who have strayed from the path of righteousness
00:41:27back into a life of temperance
00:41:30And purity I will show you the way
00:41:35Leave this den of depravity and sin no more, excuse me, ma'am, but a woman owns half this business
00:41:43And the other owner is satan himself and they together deal in drunkenness
00:41:51Depravity and lusciousness
00:41:54My partner's satan. Hey brigham. This woman says she knows you
00:42:01I'll have you know that I run a respectable establishment
00:42:05We serve food. Didn't jesus say feed the hungry?
00:42:10Hell i'd rather be hog tied and handed over to the apaches then eat the slop that served in this shit bucket
00:42:16I could arrange that
00:42:18So he's in the devil's clutches
00:42:20Let us pray for him
00:42:22You gotta stop this right now
00:42:24The only devil around here is brigham landon and i'm the only thing that keeps him from controlling the whole town
00:42:31If you ruin my business, he'll have it all and lincoln county will truly be hell on earth
00:42:38You need a good cook. Yes
00:42:41I'm the best cook in this territory and the lord. Jesus has revealed to me a new mission
00:42:47I'll be the cook of this place
00:42:50And give you a taste of heaven
00:42:52Hallelujah sister i'll show you the kitchen
00:42:59There ain't no way i'm gonna eat this grub we got us a new cook you try it
00:43:12Not bad
00:43:14I'm gonna be serving good food from now on
00:43:17The restaurant's my part of the business and i'll finally be able to buy you out
00:43:22I ain't going nowhere, hon
00:43:27You know what
00:43:29You could try to be a little friendly around here
00:43:31Put on a dress every now and then maybe you could take a bath every now and then
00:43:43Evening john, let me know if you'd like something to eat after your meeting my compliments dear lady
00:43:48But I have already eaten and I doubt that this shall take very long
00:43:54A small consideration for you, mr. Landon a santa mira cigar made in the torijos of mexico
00:44:03Hmm have a seat
00:44:11Conchita john
00:44:13Now, what can I do for you?
00:44:15I had a small incident on my property
00:44:1830 men were spotted on horseback when they were seen they retreated into the woods
00:44:27Fascinating I was curious if you had experienced any similar incidents
00:44:35Maybe the horse thieves
00:44:38You know billy the kid's been spotted in them parts billy the kid i'm sadly unfamiliar with him
00:45:01She's the only girl you've ever had
00:45:04Pretty much. She was only with us for a little while. Did you love her?
00:45:13I reckon yeah
00:45:18Let me ask you something mb square that depends on what you're asking
00:45:26You really are billy the kid, aren't you?
00:45:39So, what'd you find out
00:45:41Brigham's paying him good
00:45:43too good
00:45:45But he wouldn't say what for you keep after him suzanna's gotta get the story on that kid
00:45:55Ma'am I appreciate you letting me stay here, but I don't want to cause you any trouble
00:45:59I promised you a room and I always keep my word
00:46:03I just wish I knew why brigham was letting that good for nothing gang take up all the rooms in my saloon without paying
00:46:09I bet they're gonna cause trouble
00:46:12You don't trust brigham
00:46:14Nobody around here does just because he owns a lot of businesses. He thinks he can boss around the whole town
00:46:21Ma'am, I hope you don't mind me asking
00:46:24Why do you live all the way out here by yourself without a husband?
00:46:27I had a husband
00:46:29He was apache
00:46:31All those good god-fearing people around here didn't think that was respectable
00:46:36Even though he treated me better than any white man ever did
00:46:40What happened to him
00:46:42We used to have a silver mine made a real good living till we was attacked by outlaws
00:46:48They killed him and they took my eye
00:46:51After that, I started one-eyed lilies
00:46:54I work as hard as I can, but I still can't afford to buy brigham out
00:47:01I knew his nephew he darn near killed me. You're looking for something besides work around here
00:47:12Can I trust you more than anyone else in this town
00:47:17I'm actually looking for my son. He might be in some trouble
00:47:24There was a very interesting young man in the saloon last night he was calling himself henry antrim
00:47:47Hmm so who's this fella here
00:47:50He's wanted for murder
00:47:53A rough one. Is that right? It's what I hear
00:47:58So what is a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this my dad owns the telegraph shop here in town
00:48:06So I put these posters up for him. That sounds like an important job
00:48:11And this area has a lot of bad characters bad people, huh, we'll just see about that
00:48:30Jealous no, I ain't
00:48:33Yes, sure
00:48:35Of course i'm sure
00:48:37I'm, just wondering when miss goody two-shoes is going to be leaving
00:48:41You don't want to go getting attached to these types darling
00:48:45It's a nowhere road
00:49:01God save our gracious queen god save our
00:49:08Queen god saves the
00:49:28You john tunstall
00:49:30Yes, I am. What is this about?
00:49:33We looking for jobs
00:49:35We need some spending money
00:49:38My ranch i'm headed there now
00:49:42There's a small problem
00:49:44Yes, what is it?
00:49:47How much are we getting paid?
00:49:51Let's get to this shall we
00:49:57He's idiot why we were gonna kill him anyway
00:50:04God save
00:50:08Queen lord
00:50:24What the hell
00:50:38I killed a lot of men in my time
00:50:41I seen him beg
00:50:42I seen him cry
00:50:44seen him pray
00:50:46I ain't never seen one sing
00:50:51Check his pockets for a gun
00:51:12No gun watson, I think we need to get out of here as soon as we can
00:51:19Put it in his hand we'll go back in a tell land of the jobs taken care of
00:51:57First of all i'd like to thank y'all for showing up
00:52:00The reason for this meeting is there's a whole lot of bad blood floating around this town
00:52:05Well, there's a bad element out there right now
00:52:08We all know that
00:52:10But the owners of certain businesses don't need to be catering to this element money is money
00:52:15My business is catering to whoever walks in here
00:52:19Most of you folks don't
00:52:21Please please we don't need to be arguing amongst ourselves
00:52:25We got a problem that needs attending to things have got a whole lot worse around here
00:52:30I haven't been around here as long as some of you folks have
00:52:33But what happened to john
00:52:35Man was shot dead cause the price in his store was too low for some people that ain't right
00:52:42No, it ain't
00:52:43We all know who's behind it. Stop beating around the bush
00:52:47Our villain is brigham landon the sheriff the banker
00:52:52Sheriff ain't gonna do nothing
00:52:54Right now landon's gang's in front of the bank must be an important meeting. I want to know what they're saying
00:53:01I bet that italian fellow's with him. I wonder who's gonna be the next target is
00:53:06Uh, we don't need to jump to conclusions
00:53:09And we don't need to assume anybody's gonna be next
00:53:16You just gotta talk to people with the language they understand
00:53:20I understand what you want to do if you start shooting innocent people are gonna get hurt now
00:53:26Look, I can't condone any kind of gunfight and I won't take part in one either
00:53:30I'll go with you
00:53:33Let's go see what they have to say
00:53:39No, daddy, don't go. Hey, where do you think you're going? I think it's about time we pay a visit to the bank
00:53:48Doc i'm heading back to my cabin anybody trying to get out of town will have to get past me
00:53:53Emma susanna you stay here and help the doc naomi. You better make some extra food
00:54:01Okay, well there's a lot of mischief going around this town you gonna join the fight
00:54:08Hell no
00:54:10Back in my day. I used to be a sharpshooter. Them days are behind me now
00:54:14But you're young you got the firepower and you got the skill. We need people that can defend this town
00:54:19Look, i'm tired of all this gunfighting bullshit. I just want to live my life and get drunk
00:54:25fair enough
00:56:01What we gonna do about this billy
00:56:12Lollygaggers lollygaggers lollygaggers
00:56:32I'm tired of this bullshit
00:56:39Me too
00:57:03Believe me
00:57:52What the hell just happened there, I don't know but let's get the hell out
00:58:17Daddy don't go. I was a captain in the army. I've killed men before I can kill these
00:58:38Daddy no
00:59:14Too much gunfire don't go you sure you can shoot that gun?
00:59:22Who do you think you are no more hurt good people
01:00:16Help me
01:00:20Hold on
01:01:12Make me white as snow
01:01:19Here I am
01:01:48Hurry up doc
01:02:03Here I am
01:02:07Here I am
01:02:11Hold me in
01:02:14Your arms
01:02:16What the hell you doing lily
01:02:18I'm tired of you running roughshod over all the people in this town. Brigham. What the hell you gonna do about it?
01:02:44Took me a whole cylinder to kill your nephew how many you think it'll take to kill you
01:02:55Lower that piece
01:03:05Got more if you need them
01:03:22Here I go
01:03:43You're hurt bad i'm gonna go get doc wiley if he moves shoot him
01:03:56Libby go over there and get a bottle that cheap whiskey from ernie and tell him to charge it to the mayor's office
01:04:01Don't charge it to me
01:04:25That is some cheap whiskey
01:04:32Yes, he's dead dead as a brick
01:04:37William you killed him had to happen this way dog and my name's not william. It's billy the kid
01:04:47William I was out there all night with your mama and labor
01:04:52I watched her hatch you out before sunrise
01:04:56I swatted you backside watched you take your first breath on this earth
01:05:01By goodness I was there when she called you william she named you I called you william by thunder when I get good and ready to
01:05:13William you've been hurt. We got to get you over to the office and take care of that
01:05:22Who are you I never seen you here before
01:05:26I'm a preacher. You sure don't look like a preacher
01:05:31Here I stand with the book in hand that doesn't mean no
01:06:35What you doing you crazy son of a bitch, I'm not dead
01:06:57Running down
01:07:04Stretched out towards the sky
01:07:44What a waste
01:07:48Huck you gotta get out of my place right away. We can't bring them the cody's hurt real bad
01:07:55Well, maybe I can do some good out there
01:08:11That was my daddy you shot back there
01:08:15What that was my daddy you shot back there
01:08:23Well, what's your name patricia
01:08:29Patricia do we know each other patricia?
01:08:34Well, anyways, you can't blame a man for shooting another man in a gunfight, can you?
01:08:44I suppose not
01:08:47Well in that case we're square
01:08:52On that same token, you can't blame a girl for shooting the man that took away her daddy
01:09:14Can you
01:09:20I guess not
01:09:46I killed a man. I get to hear this
01:10:40You really are billy the kid aren't you
01:10:53My name is william
01:12:21What you doing here? This is my place. Who might you be?
01:12:27Preacher you don't look like a preacher. Where's your bible?
01:12:31A preacher without a bible ain't much of a preacher. That don't mean nothing
01:12:37Let's get back to the situation at hand
01:12:39What you're doing here with my place?
01:12:42I run the saloon in town. My place got burnt out
01:12:47Burn out. I don't know who did it, but I know who's behind it
01:12:52Brigham and his scoundrels are everywhere
01:12:55Brigham and his scoundrels are everywhere
01:13:01That man done lost his way
01:13:06I take it he's still breathing
01:13:09Unfortunately, yes
01:13:11Don't matter
01:13:12I gotta leave out of this place
01:13:20Can't you feel it
01:13:23Can't you feel what's coming
01:13:26Ma'am there's a gentleman
01:13:30Who walks the territory around here? He calls himself the traveler
01:13:35He may come to see you he may knock upon your front door be very suspicious of this gentleman
01:13:41Whatever you do
01:13:43do not
01:13:44Let him in your home
01:13:47Far as my place here
01:13:50You can have it
01:13:52I ain't letting nobody in here
01:13:55I got to stay as far away from him as possible
01:14:04You ain't gonna tell anybody i'm here now, are you?
01:14:09I reckon I got no reason to do that
01:14:27So, what can I do for you i'm going after the kid
01:14:33Please don't laugh at me
01:14:36I come here to make sure the reward's for real
01:14:40Of course it's for real
01:14:42but patricia
01:14:44I've known you since you were knee-high to a grasshopper
01:14:48I've changed sir
01:14:50I watched my daddy get shot in the street
01:14:53Killed right in front of me
01:14:55And then they shot me down like a dog
01:14:58So billy the kid
01:15:00Did that he caused it if he had just stayed hid none of this would have happened
01:15:05So even though this is personal you still want the money
01:15:08Yeah, that kind of money
01:15:11Take me anywhere. Take me away from this place
01:15:14Okay, patricia
01:15:16You figure a way to deliver billy the kid to me dead or alive and you'll see that money
01:16:01There's a light on the distant shore
01:16:08Those in the darkness
01:16:12To the land where there's tears no more
01:16:17Rowan sister and bless us
01:16:23There's a boat leaving every hour
01:16:29Or the sea of the faithless
01:16:34To the land of redemptive power
01:16:50Who's out there
01:16:53I got a pistol it's aimed at the door
01:17:01No need for all that
01:17:04I'm just a friendly traveler just passing through. What do you want?
01:17:10I'm looking for the one they call
01:17:12billy the kid
01:17:14You're just one of those bounty hunters
01:17:18I swear i'm not a bounty hunter. If I was i'd be carrying a gun. Then what do you want with billy?
01:17:27Well me and billy we got an appointment
01:17:35Is that so well I ain't seen him
01:17:40Are you sure i'm sure
01:17:45Not even down in that saloon of yours miss lily you get out of here right now mister
01:17:51I ain't here to cause no trouble
01:17:56I'll see you around miss lily
