BEAST- A MONSTER AMONG MEN Full Exclusive Thriller Horror Movie English HD 2024

  • 3 months ago
#englishmovies #paranormal #mysterymovies
Summary: Five friends head out on a getaway to a secluded cabin just outside of the Six Rivers National Forest. An argument forces the group apart and things begin to deteriorate quickly. As the night progresses, tensions build, and things are clearly not what they seem.The question each man must now ask themselves is how well do they know each other and how well do they really know themselves. #horror #horrormovies #englishmovies #movies #horrorstories #horrorstory #slasher #paranormal #thriller #thrillermovies #mystery #mysterymovies #drama #dramamovies

YOP: 2013
Cast: Blake Farris, T.J. Lavin, Darren Flores
Director: Mike Lenzini
Writer: Mike Lenzini, Darren Flores
00:01:00Okay, how about Kevin Bacon and Joe Montana?
00:01:29It has to be two actors, dumbass.
00:01:32Alright, then. Kevin Bacon and Bob Barker.
00:01:35Bob Barker. Are you kidding or are you just that fucking retarded?
00:01:38What? The guy from The Price is Right.
00:01:40He's not an actor, Sean.
00:01:41He's on TV.
00:01:42That doesn't mean he's an actor.
00:01:43Well, what is he then?
00:01:44He's a fucking game show host. God.
00:01:46I don't think so.
00:01:47Look, you're just taking two actors, alright? Kevin Bacon and any other actor.
00:01:50But the key word being actor, not fucking political figure, not sports icon, not fucking game show host.
00:01:56An actor. A fucking film actor. Jesus, stop it.
00:01:59You know I'm not a big TV guy anyways.
00:02:01You don't have to be a big TV guy.
00:02:03Oh, fuck it.
00:02:04I understand the game.
00:02:05No, I'm done.
00:02:06Oh, come on.
00:02:07Sean ruined it.
00:02:08I just didn't explain.
00:02:09That's because you're a dumbass.
00:02:10No, come on. I love movies. I think it would be good on any challenge.
00:02:12Alright, fine. As long as Sean promises not to participate.
00:02:15Yeah, you got my word.
00:02:17Alright, Kevin Bacon and...
00:02:19Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second.
00:02:22Bob Barker was in Happy Gilmore with Carl Weathers.
00:02:27Who was in Rocky with Sylvester Stallone.
00:02:30Who was in Coppola with Rob Cunarone.
00:02:32Who was in Kevin Bacon.
00:02:34I guess you turned out to be an actor after all there, Mikey.
00:02:36Bob motherfucking Barker.
00:02:41Slug bug.
00:02:42Ah, fuck man. I'm driving. Jesus Christ.
00:02:45Alright, alright. My turn. I want to try. Give me one.
00:02:47Game show.
00:02:48I'll give you one.
00:02:50Kevin Bacon and Brad Pitt.
00:02:53You're fucking doing this on purpose.
00:02:55They're in sleep together, dude.
00:02:57Jesus fucking shit.
00:03:51Hey, Mike. Will you get me a...
00:03:53Give me a Monster.
00:03:55Alright, yeah. Your girlfriend want anything?
00:03:58Hey, you want anything?
00:04:03Nah, he's fine, man.
00:04:18What's going on with you, man?
00:04:22Man, I'm sorry that I...
00:04:23I don't fucking like these guys, bro. They're your friends.
00:04:25They're our oldest friends, man.
00:04:27No, they're your oldest friends, alright?
00:04:29They're not my oldest friends. They're never gonna be my friends.
00:04:31This whole thing puts me in a bad spot.
00:04:33No, you put yourself in a bad spot.
00:04:38Dude, you're fucking amazing.
00:04:40Think about it, seriously.
00:04:42No. I'm never gonna fucking think about it, alright?
00:04:44Please, Eli. Seriously.
00:04:46Dude, just...
00:04:48Come on, man.
00:05:04I want to get real high.
00:05:06I want to get real strong.
00:05:08I want to feel like I can fly.
00:05:11I want to be in the zone.
00:05:14We were falling faster.
00:05:16Faster than a freight train.
00:05:18That's when it stole the laughter.
00:05:20Your precious little face.
00:05:22You never knew you would be in space.
00:05:25I want to get real high.
00:05:27I want to get real strong.
00:05:29I want to feel like I can fly.
00:05:32I want to be in the zone.
00:05:35How much further is this place, dude?
00:05:37A couple hours.
00:05:39You said this place was far, huh?
00:05:42Where exactly is it?
00:05:44You ever hear of Six Rivers?
00:05:47Can't say that I have.
00:05:49Anyway, it's probably about 20 or 30 miles east of that.
00:05:52It's like a national park in there.
00:05:54It's supposed to be pretty sick.
00:05:56A friend of mine has a car.
00:05:58I don't know.
00:06:01A friend of mine has a cabin.
00:06:03That's where we're going to be staying.
00:06:05It's real secluded.
00:06:06No internet.
00:06:07No cell phone service.
00:06:09Sounds terrifying.
00:06:11No, man.
00:06:12It's cool.
00:06:13There's no campers around us.
00:06:14There'll be no rangers.
00:06:15Nothing, man.
00:06:16No soft chicks.
00:06:17Just five swinging leaders.
00:06:19Shut up, man.
00:06:20No, it's going to be cool, dude.
00:06:22It's really cool up there.
00:06:24And it's free.
00:06:25True that.
00:06:27We're going to have a good time.
00:06:29It's awesome.
00:06:30Is there really Six Rivers up there?
00:06:32I don't know if there's Six Rivers.
00:06:34I know there's one really big river that runs through it.
00:06:37It's called, like, the Calama or the Calumet.
00:06:40I'm not sure exactly what it's called.
00:06:42And then there's a bunch of, like, little streams.
00:06:44God, it gives a shit, man.
00:06:46What about if they call it Six Rivers if there's just one fucking river?
00:06:49I don't know exactly what goes on up there.
00:06:51It looks beautiful.
00:06:52Fucking river talk, dude.
00:06:53I've got to take a leap and pull over.
00:06:55All right, I'll pull over up here.
00:06:57There's the bridge, yeah.
00:06:59Hey, man, do me a favor.
00:07:28You got to get easy on Eli for the next couple of days.
00:07:30Fuck him, man.
00:07:31I told you not to invite him.
00:07:32Did you see the way he's been looking at me?
00:07:34I've seen you fucking flinching at him in the car earlier.
00:07:36Whatever, man.
00:07:37He's fucking weird.
00:07:38I don't like the way he's been looking at me.
00:07:39If he's going to fucking look at me again, I'm going to punch him in the mouth.
00:07:41Stop it.
00:07:42He don't even do or say anything half the time.
00:07:43Exactly, bro.
00:07:44He's such a weirdo.
00:07:45He is weird.
00:07:46He always has been.
00:07:47He's my oldest friend, man.
00:07:48No, dude.
00:07:49He's your friend, all right?
00:07:50He always has been.
00:07:51We only ever hung out because of you anyway.
00:07:53Come on, guys.
00:07:55We grew up together.
00:07:56We've done shit our whole lives.
00:07:57What the fuck?
00:08:25We've been over this, man, all right?
00:08:31His fucking crazy sister tells him some shit about us that you know ain't true, and he
00:08:37buys it, and all of a sudden he starts saying, you know what?
00:08:40Fuck this, dude.
00:08:41I'm sick of talking about this shit, all right?
00:08:42I'm not explaining it again.
00:08:43It better not be fucking true, man.
00:08:44Fuck you.
00:08:45I just want everybody to have a fucking good time, man.
00:08:49That's all I want.
00:08:51Lighten up, man.
00:08:53I thought we were supposed to have a good time.
00:08:56What the fuck are you looking at?
00:09:24What the fuck are you looking at?
00:09:26This guy you brought, man.
00:09:27I'm tired of him fucking staring at us.
00:09:28Oh, stop it.
00:09:29Oh, dude, he's done nothing this entire time except sit there and stare at me like he wants
00:09:32to do something.
00:09:33Stop already, man.
00:09:34Tell him to stop looking at me.
00:09:35Dude, you sound like a little fucking kid.
00:09:36Oh, Mike, that's just bullshit, man.
00:09:38He sits there and freaks everybody out.
00:09:40He doesn't talk or interact or laugh at a fucking thing, and I'm the asshole.
00:09:43You're a real funny guy, Mike.
00:09:44Fuck you, man.
00:09:45See, he can hear everything we said the entire time, but he acts like he can't.
00:09:48That's fucking weird.
00:09:49Come on, guys.
00:09:50Shut up.
00:09:51That's what he does now when he takes off the headphones for the rest of the trip.
00:09:54Take off the fucking headphones.
00:09:56Just stop already.
00:09:57Oh, I can't believe I'm the only one that has a problem with this, man.
00:10:00Six hours in the car and not one word out of the fucking guy.
00:10:02It's fucking weird.
00:10:05I just want to sleep, dude.
00:10:06It's just the way he is.
00:10:07Don't look at me again.
00:10:09Well, neither one of you look or talk to each other.
00:10:11You got it, motherfucker?
00:12:11Hell, yeah.
00:14:11Bill, come on, man.
00:14:12I'm fucking starving.
00:14:13Me too.
00:14:14We're having hot dogs?
00:14:16Yeah, what do you mean?
00:14:17I don't know.
00:14:18I just mean we're not having hot dogs every night, are we?
00:14:20Fucking hilarious, Sean.
00:14:22We're camping.
00:14:23Yeah, not really.
00:14:24Look at this place.
00:14:25We should have bought some badass shit.
00:14:34That'll be a little bitch.
00:14:36What the fuck, man?
00:14:41Oh, thank Christ.
00:14:56Come on, get one of these.
00:14:57Steak, man.
00:15:04Get the fuck out of here.
00:16:00Look at this.
00:16:05It's just not necessary.
00:16:07You got it?
00:16:09It's a fucking knife.
00:16:30What the fuck?
00:16:33I don't even think you're supposed to be talking to me, are you?
00:16:35Just put it away, man. God.
00:16:37Come on, guys, just ignore each other.
00:16:39Ignore him, Bill?
00:16:40Fucking look at him, dude.
00:16:41He's got everybody nervous except for you.
00:16:43And I bet if you were honest, you'd admit he bothers you too.
00:16:45Just don't look at me, Mike.
00:16:46I ain't looking at you.
00:16:47Just chill out, man.
00:16:48You don't have to look at me either, Sean.
00:16:50Please, guys.
00:16:52Are you happy now?
00:16:53You got what you wanted?
00:16:54This is all I wanted.
00:16:55What do you expect?
00:16:56Oh, fuck you, man.
00:16:57I'm so tired of your shit.
00:16:58I'm sorry, guys, but we just got here.
00:17:00We can't keep this shit up here.
00:17:01Bill, it's not your fault, dude.
00:17:02It's him, all right?
00:17:03Everybody else is fine except for him.
00:17:09What are you doing, man?
00:17:11Forget him, Bill.
00:17:12Let him go, man.
00:17:13Hopefully he gets lost.
00:17:15Dude, what is wrong with you, man?
00:17:17You always know how to fucking start shit.
00:17:19You don't just let things fucking go.
00:17:20I didn't do anything.
00:17:21Bill, he's too much, man.
00:17:23What the hell is going on with you guys?
00:17:24Dude, I asked you to do one thing.
00:17:25Just fucking leave him alone.
00:17:27Just stay away from him.
00:17:28Just leave him alone.
00:17:29Just stay away from him.
00:17:30You can't fucking do it.
00:17:33Fuck, man.
00:17:34Eli, don't follow him.
00:17:36Seriously, what is going on with you guys?
00:17:38You guys think that...
00:17:39No, it's nothing.
00:17:40No, that's not nothing.
00:17:41What were you saying, Sean?
00:17:42Look, dude, we just have our different reasons
00:17:43for not liking each other, okay?
00:17:45But Bill acts like you guys are all best friends and shit.
00:17:47Chris, you know, it's really none of your fucking business, is it?
00:18:06Come on, man.
00:18:09Jesus Christ.
00:18:13Come on, I'm sorry, man.
00:18:32All right, all right, all right.
00:18:33Let's go.
00:18:37Put your hands, dude.
00:18:39Okay, here it is.
00:18:40The ultimate.
00:18:41Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel,
00:18:43or Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke.
00:18:46So are you saying that Jessica Simpson
00:18:48would always be wearing that Daisy Duke get-up?
00:18:51Self-serve, fucker.
00:18:53Oh, man.
00:18:54Oh, man.
00:18:55Oh, man.
00:18:56Oh, man.
00:19:00I can't answer.
00:19:03Well, first off, I'd kill Jessica Simpson
00:19:05because you can never replace the real Daisy Duke.
00:19:08I'm more of an Alba fan, so...
00:19:10But, see, I couldn't marry her
00:19:12because she's fucking been tainted by Jeter
00:19:14and I hate the fucking Yankees,
00:19:15so I'd fuck her and then probably marry Jessica Biel.
00:19:18Let's go, dude.
00:19:19Damn, you drank a lot of thought into that.
00:19:22That's the fucking point, dude.
00:19:23You gotta think this shit through, you know what I mean?
00:19:25That's two.
00:19:26Two fucking drinks.
00:19:28Yeah, he's one for fucking up
00:19:29and then one for saying sorry.
00:19:30You can't say sorry.
00:19:31What about you?
00:19:32I would, uh...
00:19:33I would fuck Biel, marry Simpson, and kill Alba.
00:19:37That's it?
00:19:38You're not gonna explain it?
00:19:39Either way, I'm content.
00:19:40Dude, you gotta explain it.
00:19:41I mean, that's the whole fucking point.
00:19:42I mean, you got three of the most beautiful women on Earth.
00:19:47What the fuck was that?
00:19:48It sounded like a woman.
00:19:50Yeah, that was a woman.
00:19:52Let's go up on the deck and see if we can see anything.
00:19:54The Bill and Eli are out there.
00:19:55I don't know, man.
00:19:56Come on.
00:20:17I can't see shit.
00:20:18No, me neither.
00:20:19This is stupid.
00:20:24Well, I guess we'll have to go for a little ride,
00:20:26see if we can find them.
00:20:28What the fuck, man?
00:20:29Why don't we just hang out here?
00:20:31Settle down.
00:20:32I'm sure we'll be able to find them.
00:20:33Come on.
00:20:34Maybe we should just pack up and leave.
00:20:49Bill's gotta have them on him, man.
00:20:50Oh, no.
00:20:51He said he was gonna leave them right here.
00:20:55The truck's all locked up
00:20:56and the keys aren't out there anywhere.
00:20:59Oh, fuck.
00:21:00I'm sure Bill has them.
00:21:01Let's just wait for him here.
00:21:02Oh, no, he doesn't.
00:21:03And no, he said he was gonna leave them here.
00:21:05Hell, fine.
00:21:06Fuck it.
00:21:08Just grab a flashlight and let's go.
00:21:09Come on, man.
00:21:10This just seems stupid.
00:21:11Shut up.
00:21:12What the fuck is the matter with you, man?
00:21:13Shut up.
00:21:14Shut up.
00:21:15Shut up.
00:21:16Shut up.
00:21:17What the fuck is the matter with you, man?
00:21:18Quit being a pussy.
00:21:20Let's go.
00:21:48Hey, Bill!
00:21:51Which way did that sound come from?
00:21:52I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it was over this way.
00:21:53Hey, Bill!
00:21:54How long have they been gone?
00:21:55Like an hour?
00:21:56No, man.
00:21:57It's been longer than that.
00:21:58It's more like two hours.
00:21:59Let's get out of here.
00:22:00Let's go.
00:22:01Let's go.
00:22:02Let's go.
00:22:03Let's go.
00:22:04Let's go.
00:22:05Let's go.
00:22:06Let's go.
00:22:07Let's go.
00:22:08Let's go.
00:22:09Let's go.
00:22:10Let's go.
00:22:11Let's go.
00:22:12Let's go.
00:22:13Let's go.
00:22:14Let's go.
00:22:15Let's go.
00:22:16It's two hours.
00:22:17They could be anywhere.
00:22:18I wish we had a truck.
00:22:19I hadn't thought about this until now, but they've been gone way too long.
00:22:51Where are they?
00:22:52I don't know.
00:22:53I think they wouldn't have heard us.
00:22:54Something's wrong.
00:22:57It's too quiet out here.
00:23:35That was for the fucking knife, what?
00:23:44These are, these are knife wounds.
00:23:46These are knife wounds.
00:23:48Where's Eli?
00:23:50I don't know.
00:23:52Where's his knife?
00:23:54I don't know.
00:23:56Where's, where the fuck is Eli?
00:23:58Where's his fucking body?
00:24:00He wouldn't have killed Bill.
00:24:02Where the fuck is he then, Sean?
00:24:04Is that Bill we heard about?
00:24:06I don't know.
00:24:08No, no, couldn't have been.
00:24:10How do you know?
00:24:12Because he's fucking cold, Sean.
00:24:14He's been dead for a while.
00:24:16Where the fuck is Eli?
00:24:18If he's dead, his body should be close.
00:24:20Well, hopefully he's not dead.
00:24:22Yeah, but I want to know where the fuck he's at.
00:24:42What about the girl?
00:24:52We should go back to our cabin.
00:24:54That motherfucker.
00:24:56We should go get back to the cabin.
00:24:58We could wait for Eli there.
00:25:00Maybe we could get cell service.
00:25:02No, we can't.
00:25:04No, no, no, that fucking guy took the keys.
00:25:08Yeah, you remember when he went back to get his knife?
00:25:10Even if he has the keys, that doesn't mean anything.
00:25:12He wouldn't do this.
00:25:14Oh, no?
00:25:16He seemed like a weird enough guy, man, but this was his best friend.
00:25:18That just doesn't make sense.
00:25:20We should go get back to the cabin.
00:25:22Maybe Eli's got back.
00:25:24We could wait for him there.
00:25:26What about the girl?
00:25:28We don't even know if that was a girl.
00:25:30It might have been a coyote or something.
00:25:32What about Eli?
00:25:34He could be out here somewhere.
00:25:36No, Sean's right.
00:25:38We should go back to the cabin and we'll wait for Eli and see if he turns up.
00:25:40I think that's the best thing.
00:25:42No matter what, this is his fault, so fuck him, dude.
00:25:46Goodbye, bro.
00:25:48We're not leaving him, Sean.
00:25:52He's got a family. I can't just go back without his body.
00:25:54What are we going to tell his wife he just died out here?
00:25:56What the fuck would I say?
00:25:58What are we going to tell the cops?
00:26:00How are we ever going to find him?
00:26:02Someone's out here killing people, Mike. Fucking Bill's dead.
00:26:04Eli, maybe some girl.
00:26:06You understand that?
00:26:08I'm not going back without his body.
00:26:10Me and Sean will carry him.
00:26:12All you got to do is point the way.
00:26:14I'm not fucking asking you.
00:26:16Come on, help me with it.
00:26:24I don't know if I can do this, man.
00:26:26Look at me.
00:26:28Sean, look at me. You can.
00:26:30Listen, bro, we got to do this, man.
00:26:32Don't think about it. Just do it.
00:26:34All right? We got to do it for Billy.
00:26:36All right?
00:26:40All right, good.
00:26:42Come on.
00:26:44Let's get this over with.
00:26:46I just can't be here.
00:27:04Hey, give us some light.
00:27:08Fuck, I'm sorry, dude.
00:27:10I need a minute, man.
00:27:12I can't do this.
00:27:14I can't fucking do this.
00:27:20All right, I'll just...
00:27:22Just take your time, all right?
00:27:26All right?
00:27:28Come here.
00:27:30Come here.
00:27:32Come here.
00:27:34Come here.
00:28:04This isn't the way.
00:28:06No, it's not our cabin.
00:28:10That's what killed Bill.
00:28:12We got to be careful.
00:28:14If it's him or them.
00:28:16Turn off the flashlight.
00:28:22All right, look.
00:28:24If they or him or whatever is responsible for Bill,
00:28:26then they're not messing around.
00:28:28So we got to be real quiet and careful
00:28:30Let's just turn around.
00:28:32We need to go check this out.
00:28:34I don't like this.
00:28:36I don't either, but we got to check it out.
00:28:38Come on, just be quiet.
00:28:40I don't think there's anybody here.
00:28:42What do we do?
00:28:44Just be quiet.
00:28:46Just listen.
00:28:48I can hear it.
00:28:50What is it?
00:28:52It's a girl.
00:28:54It's a girl.
00:28:56It's a girl.
00:28:58It's a girl.
00:29:00It's a girl.
00:29:02It's a girl.
00:29:04It's a girl.
00:29:06It's a girl.
00:29:08It's a girl.
00:29:10Is it the girl from earlier?
00:29:12I don't think so.
00:29:14Just stay right here, okay?
00:29:16I'm going to go check something out.
00:29:18But if there's any trouble, I need you guys to come quick.
00:29:20So watch me.
00:29:24Watch me.
00:29:38It's a girl.
00:29:40It's a girl.
00:29:42It's a girl.
00:29:44It's a girl.
00:29:46It's a girl.
00:29:48It's a girl.
00:29:50It's a girl.
00:29:52It's a girl.
00:29:54It's a girl.
00:29:56It's a girl.
00:29:58It's a girl.
00:30:00It's a girl.
00:30:02It's a girl.
00:30:04It's a girl.
00:30:06It's a girl.
00:30:08It's a girl.
00:30:10It's a girl.
00:30:12It's a girl.
00:30:14It's a girl.
00:30:16It's a girl.
00:30:18It's a girl.
00:30:20It's a girl.
00:30:22It's a girl.
00:30:24It's a girl.
00:30:26It's a girl.
00:30:28It's a girl.
00:30:30It's a girl.
00:30:32It's a girl.
00:30:34It's a girl.
00:30:36It's a girl.
00:30:38It's a girl.
00:30:40It's a girl.
00:30:42It's a girl.
00:30:44It's a girl.
00:30:46It's a girl.
00:30:48It's a girl.
00:30:50It's a girl.
00:30:52It's a girl.
00:30:54It's a girl.
00:30:56It's a girl.
00:30:58It's a girl.
00:31:00It's a girl.
00:31:02It's a girl.
00:31:04It's a girl.
00:31:06It's a girl.
00:31:08It's a girl.
00:31:10It's a girl.
00:31:12It's a girl.
00:31:14It's a girl.
00:31:16It's a girl.
00:31:18It's a girl.
00:31:20It's a girl.
00:31:22It's a girl.
00:31:24It's a girl.
00:31:26It's a girl.
00:31:28It's a girl.
00:31:30It's a girl.
00:31:32It's a girl.
00:31:34It's a girl.
00:31:36It's a girl.
00:31:38It's a girl.
00:31:40It's a girl.
00:31:42It's a girl.
00:31:44It's a girl.
00:31:46It's a girl.
00:31:48It's a girl.
00:31:50It's a girl.
00:31:52It's a girl.
00:31:54It's a girl.
00:31:56It's a girl.
00:31:58It's a girl.
00:32:00It's a girl.
00:32:02It's a girl.
00:32:04It's a girl.
00:32:06It's a girl.
00:32:08It's a girl.
00:32:10It's a girl.
00:32:12It's a girl.
00:32:14It's a girl.
00:32:16It's a girl.
00:32:18It's a girl.
00:32:20It's a girl.
00:32:22It's a girl.
00:32:24It's a girl.
00:32:26What happened?
00:32:30Two of them went for a walk and never came back.
00:32:32We heard a scream.
00:32:34It was a girl, but we didn't come with any girls.
00:32:36That's Alice and Michelle.
00:32:38So that's the other two.
00:32:40You guys didn't hear the scream?
00:32:42I didn't hear anything.
00:32:44How well do you all know each other?
00:32:46Fuck off. Listen, dude. For all we know, this whole thing is bullshit.
00:32:48You girls trust these guys?
00:32:50Well, he's my boyfriend and I know him.
00:32:52Stop answering his questions.
00:32:54How long have your girls been gone?
00:32:56A while. We should go look for them.
00:32:58They're fine. They left before we did.
00:33:00Yeah, we need to find them. Make sure they're okay.
00:33:02Look, if these guys hadn't come through here
00:33:04talking about a scream nobody's heard
00:33:06and a dead friend nobody's seen,
00:33:08we wouldn't even be thinking anything about them.
00:33:10They'll probably come wandering back into camp any moment now.
00:33:12We can help you guys.
00:33:14Oh, fuck that. Look.
00:33:16Stop, stop. Look.
00:33:18We appreciate the offer and the heads up,
00:33:20and we're real sorry to hear about your friends,
00:33:22but we just went our separate ways.
00:33:24No, man. I think we need to stick together.
00:33:26Why? We should, Andy.
00:33:28I don't believe this.
00:33:30We need to stay together. What if they run into Alice and Michelle?
00:33:32It's just fucking better that way.
00:33:34We should probably all stick together, Mike.
00:33:40Look, let me talk to you over here, man.
00:33:46Look, man.
00:33:48I don't know what the fuck is going on out here,
00:33:50but this shit is getting out of control.
00:33:52We're not following these guys into the woods. No way.
00:33:54Well, what do we do, man?
00:33:56I mean, I'm not exactly thrilled about this either,
00:33:58but I'd rather know where they are until we find Alice and Michelle.
00:34:00And honestly, I don't think they're lying.
00:34:02What makes you say that?
00:34:04I don't know. I just don't.
00:34:06I mean, those guys look legitimately upset.
00:34:08So? I fucking like that guy, man.
00:34:10Look, that's fine, man, but like I said, he's probably just scared,
00:34:12and we gotta find the girls either way.
00:34:16Oh, fuck. That's them.
00:34:18We need to find them.
00:34:20We have to help them.
00:34:22It's Eli. We don't know that.
00:34:24It has to be.
00:34:26What's that? Nothing.
00:34:28We need to find them.
00:34:30They're dead, aren't they?
00:34:34We don't know that, all right?
00:34:36She's probably just a cry for help.
00:34:38We need to find them.
00:34:48A cry for help.
00:35:18We need to find them.
00:35:48So, uh, what are you guys doing all the way out here anyway?
00:36:08Camping, just like you.
00:36:14They just wanted to go to the park.
00:36:16They wanted to find a secluded spot.
00:36:18Away from everyone.
00:36:20I'm sure they're fine.
00:36:22One of them is my little sister.
00:36:28We should head back to camp before we lose sight of it.
00:36:32We're not going back to camp.
00:36:34Maybe half of us goes back and waits.
00:36:36Fuck it, maybe we should.
00:36:38No, we need to find them.
00:36:40I don't like this. We're out here like sitting ducks.
00:36:42He's already killed three people.
00:36:44Wait, what did you just say?
00:36:46You just said he killed three people.
00:36:48Who's he?
00:36:50And I thought your friend was missing too.
00:36:52Just ignore him.
00:36:54No, no, something's up.
00:36:56Nothing's up. Let's just keep looking.
00:36:58Yeah, right. This guy talked about going back to camp all night.
00:37:00Now him too.
00:37:02You better start talking.
00:37:04You're wrong.
00:37:06Fucking talk!
00:37:08Enough of this shit.
00:37:10Tell me what's going on now.
00:37:12Nothing's going on either, all right?
00:37:14He came with a group of five.
00:37:16Two of them left and they never came back.
00:37:18We already heard that story, all right?
00:37:20I don't know who he's talking about right now.
00:37:22He was talking about our friend Eli.
00:37:24What the hell was that?
00:37:26What did you see?
00:37:28Something's out there.
00:37:46Andy! Andy, wait!
00:38:06God damn it!
00:38:08God damn it!
00:38:10Andy, another person to look for.
00:38:12God damn it!
00:38:16How the fuck did we lose him so fast?
00:38:18He didn't lose him. He's got to be close. Come on.
00:38:40He's gone.
00:38:42What are we going to do?
00:38:44Look, we need to stick together.
00:38:46No. Enough of this.
00:38:48We're going back to camp.
00:38:50We'll drive to the bottom of the mountain and we'll call for help.
00:38:52We should all head back to your camp and call for help.
00:38:54No. That's it.
00:38:56I don't know what's going on out here,
00:38:58who you guys are, or if your friend's out there picking us off.
00:39:00But I'm through with you guys.
00:39:02Look, I know you're scared. We're all scared.
00:39:04I'm not scared. I just don't know who you are
00:39:06and I don't trust any of you.
00:39:08Let them go, man. We'll get Bill. We'll go back to our camp.
00:39:10I don't want to split up.
00:39:12Come on.
00:39:14This is a bad idea. Let's just all go back to their camp.
00:39:18And we need to stay together as a group.
00:39:20Why? We'll be fine. If he wants to run off with two girls, let him.
00:39:22If you guys want to stick with them, be my guest.
00:39:24But I'm headed out. Now.
00:39:26See you later.
00:39:28Dude, think about this. Come on. We need to stick together.
00:39:30If we keep splitting up, we're going to be worse off.
00:39:32We came here separate. We're going to leave separate.
00:39:36This is stupid.
00:39:38Stop it. All they're going to do is slow us down.
00:39:58Stop with the fucking flashlight, man.
00:40:00I keep hearing shit.
00:40:02It's probably just them. They can't be that far.
00:40:04Just leave it off until we need it.
00:40:08Their camp's straight up at the top of that ridge.
00:40:10I say we head up there, take a look through their gear,
00:40:12and see if we can find the keys to that other Jeep
00:40:14or anything useful.
00:40:16Okay. We're going to steal their Jeep?
00:40:18Well, there's two of them.
00:40:22I'm just saying we should have stayed together.
00:40:24Look. Martin made it pretty clear he didn't want to stay together.
00:40:26You did too.
00:40:28Whatever, man. Look.
00:40:30We'll give them a head start, let them get up there,
00:40:32we'll leave, and we'll go grab the other one.
00:40:34Plus, we won't have to carry Bill this far.
00:40:36I don't know, man.
00:40:38What's wrong with you, man?
00:40:40We're dying out here, and you're worried about buying a fucking Jeep to save our lives?
00:41:06Are you okay, Jess?
00:41:08Where are the others?
00:41:10Did you see them?
00:41:12It's okay. You're okay.
00:41:22All right, look.
00:41:24By the looks and sound of it,
00:41:26Martin and Catherine are dead.
00:41:28I can't take this, Mike.
00:41:30Hey, look at me.
00:41:32I can't have you falling apart in me, man. I need you.
00:41:38It's just Eli out there, man.
00:41:40It's just Eli.
00:41:42Can we stop him?
00:41:44Shut up. Don't fuck him, man.
00:41:46Look, if we stick together and we watch each other's backs, he has no chance.
00:41:50All right, now look.
00:41:52Martin had keys to one of those Jeeps on him.
00:41:54We gotta get Tess here to show us where Eli killed him,
00:41:56and we can get the keys off his body.
00:41:58I don't know, Mike. Look at her.
00:42:00We have to. Get the keys, and we get the fuck off this mountain.
00:42:02She can't even talk.
00:42:04She will.
00:42:06She'll at least point us in the right direction.
00:42:08I'm tired of seeing dead people, Mike.
00:42:10I'm not gonna get the keys. I'm not gonna do it.
00:42:12I'll get the keys, and I'll get the girl to show us where the bodies are.
00:42:14I gotta have you backing me up on this, man,
00:42:16because Chris ain't gonna like it.
00:42:22All right, good. Come on.
00:42:26How's she doing?
00:42:28Not good, man.
00:42:32Hey, Tess.
00:42:34I need you to help us so I can get us home.
00:42:40I know you can hear me.
00:42:42Dude, she needs more time.
00:42:44She doesn't have time.
00:42:46Tess, I need you to take us to where Eli attacked you and your friends.
00:42:48Dude, are you out of your fucking mind?
00:42:50Dude, you better fucking watch yourself, man.
00:42:52You're not taking her anywhere. Get your hands off her.
00:42:54We have to, Chris.
00:42:56You're not taking... You know what?
00:42:58No. If you wanna go, go. I'll hang back with her.
00:43:00We need her to show us the bodies, Chris.
00:43:02You said yourself they couldn't be that far ahead.
00:43:04So just... She came running in from that way, so just walk that way.
00:43:06You're wasting time, man. Eli might be on his way to their campsite right now.
00:43:08No, he's not.
00:43:10He's watching us.
00:43:12All right? He's been picking us off one by one
00:43:14ever since we came to look for Bill.
00:43:16We gotta stick together, then.
00:43:18Yeah, I agree. So get her up and let's go.
00:43:20Look at her. We can't.
00:43:22Even if we carried her, she wouldn't be able to point us to the bodies.
00:43:24So we wait?
00:43:26Shut up. All right, I'll tell you what.
00:43:28Me and Sean are gonna go look, but if we don't find anything, we'll be back.
00:43:30And then you and your girlfriend here are coming with us.
00:43:32I don't give a shit what condition she's in.
00:43:34You got it? Come on.
00:43:36You better hope I come back for your sorry ass
00:43:38when I find those keys.
00:44:00Come on, Sean.
00:44:02The sooner we find these guys, the sooner we get out of here.
00:44:04I'm just having a hard time, man.
00:44:06Yeah, I know.
00:44:08Why are you doing it?
00:44:10I think you're gonna die.
00:44:12What? No, I don't.
00:44:14Yeah, you do.
00:44:16I mean, I'm scared, but he's everywhere.
00:44:18I didn't think he was capable of...
00:44:20I don't.
00:44:26I don't think for one minute I'll die out of here.
00:44:28No way.
00:44:30I'm not letting that motherfucker get to me.
00:44:32I'm not scared of him.
00:44:36Here we go.
00:44:38Come on.
00:44:40Come on.
00:44:42Come on.
00:44:44Come on.
00:44:46Come on.
00:44:48Here we go.
00:44:50Let's go get that fag and his girlfriend
00:44:52and get the fuck out of here.
00:45:06Yeah, look what I found.
00:45:10Yeah, and if you're wondering, Martin, he's dead.
00:45:12There's no sign of Catherine, though,
00:45:14so maybe she got lucky.
00:45:18Yeah, so that's still two now of theirs that are unaccounted for.
00:45:20Four with Alice and Michelle, the two we never met.
00:45:24You think they're alive?
00:45:26Who cares?
00:45:28You're amazing.
00:45:30Look, you can thank me later, man, right?
00:45:32We gotta go, so wake up the sleeping beauty here.
00:45:34Hey, come on, it's time to get up, all right?
00:45:36Come on, enough of this shit.
00:45:38Come on, wake up.
00:45:40She's all yours, dude.
00:45:42Look, you see that?
00:45:44She's not moving around anymore, man.
00:45:46The light at the top of the ridge, that's the campfire.
00:45:48That's the fire burning.
00:45:50I can see the light, Mike.
00:45:52All right, fine.
00:45:54When you're ready and you get her up,
00:45:56then just head in that direction.
00:46:06We need to move in that direction quickly
00:46:08before we lose our bearings.
00:46:10Come on.
00:46:12What? No, dude, this is our best chance.
00:46:14Chris, get her up, dude. We gotta go now.
00:46:18We don't have time for this shit.
00:46:24Help me.
00:47:10Well, she's gone.
00:47:14She's gone? Are you happy you killed her?
00:47:16That was an accident, man. You came at me.
00:47:18No, you killed her.
00:47:20I didn't kill her.
00:47:22This is your fault. You killed this girl.
00:47:24Stop saying that.
00:47:26You didn't care about her, man.
00:47:28She saw her two friends die and you couldn't give her a little bit of time.
00:47:30I gave her time.
00:47:32You didn't give her anything. You took her life.
00:47:34Because we couldn't sit around here waiting forever.
00:47:36Not forever, just long enough so she could manage.
00:47:38Oh, fuck you.
00:47:40What makes you better than him?
00:47:42He's murdering people, man. That was an accident.
00:47:44Yeah, and why?
00:47:46You saw. I just let go.
00:47:48No, why is he killing us?
00:47:50He's fucking crazy.
00:47:52No, you're wrong. Sean, why?
00:47:54We don't know.
00:47:56Tell me.
00:47:58You're a fucking liar.
00:48:00You're so sure he's the one doing all this and you have to know why.
00:48:02The fact that he's a weird guy, that doesn't fucking cut it.
00:48:04I know a lot of fucking weird people
00:48:06and I don't automatically assume they're gonna go around
00:48:08killing their fucking best friends.
00:48:10She killed herself and he lost his fucking mind, okay?
00:48:12That's fucking bullshit.
00:48:14No, that's it. He just changed afterwards.
00:48:16Tell me what happened.
00:48:18Oh, Jesus.
00:48:22I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mike.
00:48:30Eli had a younger sister.
00:48:32Her name was Shannon.
00:48:34She was two or three years younger.
00:48:36She was 19.
00:48:40Either way, she always had a crush on Mike
00:48:42and I always had a thing for her.
00:48:46Eli was really protective of her.
00:48:48I guess I understand.
00:48:50She was real pretty.
00:48:52I think she was a virgin.
00:48:56She was a really good girl.
00:48:58She went to school and church.
00:49:00I guess that's why she was saving herself.
00:49:02Either way, this one time
00:49:04when Eli and his ex-girlfriend
00:49:06used to take these weekend trips...
00:49:08Oh, fucking Christ already.
00:49:10Look, one weekend, me and Sean had the girl over
00:49:12and we dropped some rupees in her drink and we popped her cherry.
00:49:16You guys drugged a 19-year-old virgin and raped her?
00:49:18How did you know that you drugged her?
00:49:22You raped Eli's little sister and she killed herself?
00:49:24Whatever. Look, Sean, don't act all fucking innocent, all right?
00:49:26I saw you with her that night.
00:49:28You didn't exactly treat her like a lady.
00:49:30I swear I didn't know you drugged her.
00:49:34Look, I hooked up with that chick probably ten times, man, all right?
00:49:36Trust me, she wasn't that fucking innocent.
00:49:38She'd stop short of fucking every time.
00:49:40And I mean just short.
00:49:42She'd come back and fucking tease me again.
00:49:44She couldn't get over the guilt.
00:49:46She thought it was wrong.
00:49:48So I figured I'd do us all a favor
00:49:50and give her something to take the edge off.
00:49:52I don't believe this.
00:49:54You talk about it like you didn't do anything wrong.
00:49:56That was rape. It led to a little girl taking her life.
00:49:58I didn't know.
00:50:00Fuck you. You knew.
00:50:02Even if you didn't, you knew it was wrong.
00:50:04You guys killed all of us.
00:50:06Look, we still got a chance
00:50:08if we all stick together and get to that car.
00:50:10I'm sorry, Chris.
00:50:12You're going the wrong way.
00:50:14I'm going a different way.
00:50:16We gotta stick together, man.
00:50:18I'm leaving alone.
00:50:20Don't be fucking stupid.
00:50:22If I stay here, I'll kill you myself.
00:50:24Fine. Go. Good luck.
00:50:26He will kill you next, though.
00:50:28Yeah, probably, but I want you to know I don't blame him.
00:50:30I blame you guys.
00:50:34Come on.
00:50:36I'm not following you anymore.
00:50:38We gotta stick together, man.
00:50:40I can't, Mike.
00:50:42Come on.
00:50:46Sean, what are you gonna do?
00:50:48I'm gonna go with Chris.
00:50:50He doesn't want any part of us, man.
00:50:52Weren't you listening to what he said?
00:50:54I'll take my chances.
00:50:56You leave me.
00:50:58Chris doesn't deserve to die.
00:51:00We do.
00:51:04I gotta run.
00:51:08If you get the car, meet us back at the cabin.
00:51:12Good luck.
00:51:16Yeah, you too.
00:51:28Chris, I'm sorry.
00:51:30Don't talk about it, Sean.
00:51:32I know. I don't want to make any excuses.
00:51:34I just wanted to apologize for getting you involved.
00:51:36Are you really sorry?
00:51:40So if we get out of here alive, would you do the right thing and confess to what you, Mike, did?
00:51:42Or would you revert back to your old ways of self-indulgence and self-preservation?
00:51:44No, I would.
00:51:46You go to jail.
00:51:48You're not sorry.
00:51:50You're just sorry you're in this situation.
00:51:52I would.
00:51:54You're a liar. People like you don't change.
00:52:00You're a liar.
00:52:02You're a liar.
00:52:04You're a liar.
00:52:30This is Bill's blood.
00:52:32Look around. This is where we left his body.
00:52:46You dragged him off somewhere.
00:52:50I don't know.
00:52:52What are you doing?
00:53:02I don't know.
00:53:32I don't know.
00:54:02I don't know.
00:54:04I don't know.
00:54:06I don't know.
00:54:08I don't know.
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00:54:20I don't know.
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00:54:24I don't know.
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