• 3 months ago


00:01:44You hush up
00:01:46Who goes there Yankee a rebel merely asking what General Lee is planning on doing with a flying windbag?
00:01:53None your damn business now shush it
00:01:57What are you laughing at if I'd been a Yankee got a shot you, but soon as you ask such a dumb question
00:02:04And quit standing there looking stupid and add this walking windbag to the line
00:02:08Tell you men we're gonna wait here until the coast is clear
00:02:13Windbag I beg your pardon sir. I happen to work for the finest newspaper in New York City
00:02:20Well yee-haw
00:02:22Now you work for the finest prison in the Confederacy
00:02:29Looks like I've been invited to the soiree
00:02:36No, sir
00:02:38You just been invited to the fireworks I am I
00:02:44Mean I
00:02:51So sergeant Pencroft about the balloon I saw earlier tell me sir
00:02:55What size party do you believe would fit inside such a basket?
00:02:59That's your last warning
00:03:04So is the rebel army in such dire straits that they have resorted to balloons to defeat their enemy
00:04:04Gideon Spillett journalist New York Herald, thanks for that
00:04:11Cyrus Hardy
00:04:13And on the ends corporal Neville Nugent this year's private Herbert Brown wait party the engineer
00:04:21That's right general grant speaks very highly of you you're a hero in the north
00:04:27You know the general
00:04:36With our rebel friend
00:04:39Believe I've had the pleasure. I'm art and I ain't no real
00:04:45ideas cap
00:04:49If no one objects I have one
00:04:57Either died newsman
00:05:07That's it
00:05:09That's your big idea
00:05:11You don't have to go with us
00:05:14You making jokes. I'm a deserter. I'm dead. I'm just
00:05:19Wondering how you're gonna fly the thing. We have the best engineer in Lincoln's army
00:05:25So you can navigate a simple flying balloon
00:05:44Who goes there got me three Yankee prisoners boys caught him trying to escape down by the creek
00:05:51But we don't have some fun this war after all boy
00:06:13Come on
00:06:20Now get the rope
00:06:30Kill that guy unions proud
00:06:57What he's trying to think of bring him up
00:07:22Got five bullets in this coat one for each of you set it down. I start shooting now
00:07:28Let's be civil sir. You wouldn't get off a second shot. Will you be dead?
00:07:34Least I'd get off one
00:07:58Yeah, stop that's an order
00:08:08Thank you
00:08:12Don't thank me yet sergeant
00:08:15Two things you ought to know the first we are not landing this balloon
00:08:24What's the second thing
00:08:27Not as civil as you think I am
00:09:06Never seen anything like this
00:09:42Good you're up
00:09:57Ain't no sign of
00:10:00What's going on can't find their cap
00:10:04Not a fact
00:10:07Yes, that makes me rank an officer around here it would be real rebel soldiers
00:10:13But we Union soldiers what that means is I'm ranking officer this unit the captain Hardin comes back
00:10:25Colored a kid and a coward and a unit
00:10:31Why you son of he ain't worth it
00:10:35Ain't worth it. Yeah, listen to your leader
00:10:40Ha black captain. What do they think of next a
00:10:44Man's a man no matter what the color of the skin
00:10:47Gotta ask permission to p2
00:10:51Who told you didn't lie anyway our captain Cyrus Hardin
00:10:57Well too bad. He dead ain't it? He ain't dead
00:11:01You better watch yourself boy
00:11:05I'll find you did something to Captain Cyrus
00:11:10Lord help. I ain't have nothing to do with that
00:11:15And you keep to your side of the beach and I'll keep the mind
00:11:23Fine with us
00:11:28What we gonna do now man
00:11:31Set us up camp and I'm gonna try to find us some food
00:12:34Still got moments of weakness and sin enters my mind
00:12:40That's how I knew I couldn't be no soldier
00:12:43so I left I
00:12:45Figured I could do more good serving God and generally
00:12:51I killed that man yesterday took his life
00:12:56Means I'm going to hell don't
00:13:01We's all going to hell boy
00:13:05Especially you Tom I seen how you's gonna cut my line when I was hanging from that balloon
00:13:11You're about to tip that basket. I was trying to say these here man trying to save yourself, and you know it
00:13:18You ain't no better than the rest of us
00:13:21Now we're all stuck here together
00:13:28Who knows what in hell's names in them woods
00:14:43Didn't do nothing. Where is he? He was a deserter. He probably ran away. That's what cowards do
00:14:50Look drag marks
00:14:53You kill Tom you kill the captain, too
00:14:57Then had nothing to do with it. That's where
00:15:01We won't I'll even help you look no
00:15:04We look for one on himself
00:15:06We need no help
00:15:16Got something to say
00:15:20Come on Herbert
00:15:48Captain Hardy
00:16:02What is
00:16:15We something smells rotten
00:16:24Yeah, wait
00:16:28What is that now
00:16:30See the cross
00:16:33It's time
00:16:40What could have done that to him
00:16:49Would you look at that
00:17:41Anybody home
00:18:11Thank you, sir, ma'am
00:18:36What is this place
00:18:59Think there's people in that thing
00:19:01So so we got to get after it. There's things in the woods. So we gotta get to before they do
00:19:35What are those things
00:19:39But they don't like fire here
00:19:43We've got to get out of here everywhere captain, I think those things are fixing to charge
00:19:53Take the ladies and go now
00:19:57I'm with you captain
00:20:00right here
00:20:02Right there ready. Yes. Yes
00:20:23What happened to Tom and the sergeant you parted ways with old Johnny rebel
00:20:28Tom disappeared the first night
00:20:31Me and her but found today
00:20:34Looked like something ate
00:20:36She's my captain my sister. She really needs a medical attention. Is there a hospital or doctor anywhere around here man?
00:20:41We can get her some help with the house
00:20:43I'm just proving difficult to find in the dark and I'm guessing you don't have a phone or a radio and you wouldn't use it
00:20:53Jules my leg is killing me. I know we're gonna get you some help captain
00:20:57We really need to stop here and rest for her ma'am
00:20:59This isn't a good idea to stop and rest not with all these beasts out captain. I can carry her
00:21:04I dropped her on accident back there. Oh hell. No, you're not carrying me. Okay, that's it you guys
00:21:08We have to stop here now, please
00:21:15Have we're gonna build a fire over there. Yes cap
00:21:37That's your sister now resting, thank you
00:21:43And thank you for stopping and helping us with the plane
00:21:47We owe you our lives
00:21:49Thank you
00:21:51You're welcome
00:21:56Jules fog actually
00:21:58I'm sorry. I was hardy
00:22:01And um, that was a bit of good fortune really seeing you
00:22:08Why don't you call that again call what
00:22:12Well, honestly ma'am to me it looked like a flying locomotive
00:22:16You mean the airplane? Yeah
00:22:18That's it
00:22:23You ever seen anything quite like that
00:22:27Sorry, I don't mean to laugh but flying locomotive where are you from
00:22:34Boston massachusetts boston and you've never seen an airplane
00:22:42How'd you get here my men and I we escaped in a flying balloon
00:22:48Escape from what?
00:22:51From richmond
00:22:54The war what war
00:23:02Ma'am could you please go back to the fire
00:23:24I'm sure those things are gone
00:23:27Yes, ma'am, we think they're nocturnal you think you're not sure
00:23:31Well, they don't like fire and they disappear during the daylight. So we're fairly certain right now
00:23:38Dude, I said i'm fine. Stop trying to help me
00:23:41Her leg obviously has infected her charm
00:23:44No, ma'am, it seems not
00:23:46How long have you guys been stranded here
00:23:48Only for a few days. We left the night of march 20th march, you know, it's july, right?
00:23:55Dude i'm done walking
00:23:58I can't walk
00:24:00Okay, herbert. Can you?
00:24:02Carry miss abby. Yes, sir
00:24:04Don't even think about it, dude
00:24:07I want you to carry me
00:24:12Neb what's wrong
00:24:20Miss abby, would you allow neb to carry you?
00:24:27It's okay you can pick her up
00:24:30Go on then it's fine
00:24:33Captain I don't think that's such a good idea
00:24:38She's a blind woman
00:24:40It's not your choice dude. Ow
00:24:43Why do you keep calling me that anyway, I mean
00:24:46What's a dude omg?
00:24:49Where did you guys say you were from not where?
00:24:54Huh captain when you left richmond, you said you were escaping a war what war the war between the states
00:25:02Oh my god
00:25:04The war between the states, but is it like the red socks yankee? No, it's the rebels yankees
00:25:10Abby the civil war
00:25:13These men are from the civil war
00:25:19What do they say
00:25:22I think they're saying they're from a different time. Yep
00:25:26When you left virginia it was march
00:25:291865 when we left it was july 4th 2012
00:25:57Neb we're gonna stop here and rest
00:26:17You do know what this means, right?
00:26:21It means we're not only stranded on this island. We're stranded in time
00:26:26How does that happen?
00:26:29Did did men invent something in the future that helps them manipulate time or no
00:26:36All I can think is the triangle
00:26:38We were flying into bermuda when we got caught in the storm
00:26:41And we too were caught in a great storm. We were blown out to sea where the sky opened up and swallowed us in
00:26:47Sounds about right
00:26:50I think we both got caught in the bermuda triangle the bermuda triangle
00:26:55It's a place off the u.s. Coast just outside bermuda
00:26:59Hold your horses
00:27:02Did you say the u.s as
00:27:05As in the united states
00:27:07Yeah, why
00:27:12The u.s of a
00:27:16That's what we want
00:27:19The union won the war
00:27:22When sherman torched the south they lost their little fight bill sherman
00:27:29I hope you knew he was a crazy son of a gun
00:27:37That is great news
00:27:41We won the war
00:27:44We won the war
00:27:51Oh, oh god, I can't wait to get back home
00:28:02The triangle yeah, it's a place in the ocean where things go missing boats planes
00:28:12People I always thought it was an urban legend till now
00:28:18The people come back right all that have gone missing what people they're gone
00:28:45Well, I suppose this is a good sign the house
00:28:50Maybe whoever lived here got off the island
00:28:54Doubtful miss jules from my experience when a man builds a house he intends to stay
00:29:06It's the first aid kit from the plane
00:29:16It's a flare gun
00:29:22It's the strangest thing i've ever seen
00:29:25It's used to signal if someone needs help it sends up smoke fire stuff like that
00:29:32Can come in handy?
00:29:35How do you think this stuff got here?
00:29:54Anyone here
00:30:06One of those things could be in there
00:30:15Miss jules, what would happen if I shot something with this would probably catch on fire
00:31:16Of course I love you darling
00:31:19Don't you know it's true?
00:31:22Of course. I love your biscuits and your gravy, too
00:31:33What do you mind
00:31:42What you mean lost
00:31:44You don't know where we are
00:31:47I don't know where we are or when we are
00:31:53And them girls is from the future
00:32:03You yanks must think i'm pretty stupid, huh just another southern hick
00:32:09Well, I ain't
00:32:11Asked me y'all the ones that stupid said telling such tall tales. Oh, yeah
00:32:16Well, if we stupid
00:32:18How come we won the war?
00:32:22We was winning not according to them girls
00:32:25We won
00:32:28They say it's a free country, too
00:32:33Is that so
00:32:40That's your sister miss jules better, thanks
00:32:45Those medical supplies really helped. Thank you. Uh, you're very welcome, ma'am
00:32:57Did you recover anything else from the airplane, excuse me
00:33:04I mean, did you recover anything else from the flying locomotive?
00:33:13No, you didn't recover anything or no, you didn't see the airplane
00:33:20What the heck's an aeroplane
00:33:25He didn't grab the bag
00:33:28Okay, fine. It weren't me big deal
00:33:31If it wasn't you then who was it
00:33:34Somebody else is on the island
00:33:37And they knew we were coming here but they helping us right
00:33:44Perhaps one thing we know for sure they're watching us
00:33:54It's gotten dark
00:33:56Dang boy ain't nothing you ain't afraid of is there?
00:34:03I want you to walk around
00:34:04Make sure everything that isn't lit is
00:34:07Okay, there are barrels out back with some black flammable liquid
00:34:11Make some torches with it and put them all around the house
00:34:16Hopefully that'll be enough to
00:34:18Keep the beasts away. Yes, sir
00:34:23Tell me i'll be all afraid of the dark
00:34:26Don't worry little lady i'll protect you the dark isn't what we need protection from
00:34:34There ain't nothing out there to be afraid of
00:34:37What about upstairs i'll be there
00:34:42Shutter the windows neb. Can you help miss jules, please? Yes captain. This is hogwash. Look i'll show you
00:34:48Thank you
00:34:52Hey, where are you going? You can't go out there. It's fine. I'm a big boy. I'll be fine
00:35:23Get back here
00:35:28The damn fool's gonna get himself killed captain cyrus, no
00:35:35Good boy
00:35:43See ain't nothing out here
00:35:46Stupid yellow bell yankees
00:35:51Sergeant the woods
00:36:10He ain't gonna make it
00:36:23He won't make it
00:36:39What the hell was that
00:36:44You do something like that again that endangers the people in this house and I will kill you myself
00:36:52You are either with us or against us you got it you got it. All right captain
00:37:07Tomorrow we figure out a way to fortify this place
00:37:13We need to find a way off this island
00:37:16Well, if you have any ideas miss fog
00:37:18I am all ears. We could build a boat or something with what?
00:37:23Ain't no tools or nothing that i've seen captain
00:37:27Me and neb found a boat on the beach a big boat herbert that boat was all tore up
00:37:33It was a pirate ship great
00:37:36So there's pirates on the island too. There's lots of things on that beach
00:37:40Maybe something we could use
00:37:43Big boats carry little boats
00:37:49I'd be obliged to go
00:37:54And you said yourself either i'm with you or against you
00:38:01I believe in the morning
00:38:23What about lost island too obvious I said we call it lincoln island on the account of us winning the war
00:38:32I can't believe we're letting a slave lead the way
00:38:39What did you say
00:38:42Slow down boy. I'm, just making observations. I ain't your boy
00:38:49And I ain't no slave
00:38:51I'm a free man
00:38:54Captain holland freed me himself
00:38:56I'm a free man
00:38:59Captain holland freed me himself
00:39:03You know sergeant in the future where i'm from the president of the united states is black
00:39:12I don't believe that
00:39:14Is that some of his jokes?
00:39:18President of the united states
00:39:23It's true neb except we call him african-american
00:39:35I like that
00:39:44God help us
00:39:47It's a new world pencroft
00:39:50Get used to it
00:39:54My god, what took you so long?
00:39:56I got you some fruit and some berries
00:39:59Someone left it on the table downstairs
00:40:02Well, I know cappuccino
00:40:04I'm, sorry
00:40:05It's it's a joke
00:40:07Never mind. Um
00:40:09if you
00:40:11I think you can get me new water. This one's old
00:40:17But it's full yeah, but it's really warm and my leg kind of hurts
00:41:33Where's my water there's somebody here so go find out who it is
00:41:37No way. I think they're pirates. We gotta get out of here. Well, you're a soldier go fight them
00:41:42I think we gotta get out of here
00:41:44Oh my god
00:42:53It's like a bermuda triangle graveyard
00:42:58Oh my god, is that amelia airheart's plane
00:43:05Amelia airheart female aviator flew around the world disappeared. Hey jules. I don't have time for a history lesson
00:43:13Right, I know but can you at least understand that?
00:43:16This is one of the world's greatest mysteries of all time solved
00:43:19And if we don't find a boat to get off this island, we're going to become one of those mysteries
00:43:47This boat's been recently abandoned so what let's grab it and go finders keepers can't just take it
00:43:56Why not survival of the fittest
00:43:59But what if it's the boat of the people that have been trying to help us? And what if it's pirates?
00:44:04If it's pirates, they're obviously using it to come on and off the island
00:44:08It could be helpful to us
00:44:10I'm with you jules captain
00:44:12So when using this boat, you're going to take it cap. You can't seriously be listening to a girl in a color
00:44:19They can't vote only we can
00:44:24We don't take this boat we're dead all of us
00:44:34All right, we're gonna set up camp over here and we're gonna wait
00:44:39What happens when it gets dark and they still ain't here
00:44:43We'll cross that bridge when we get
00:44:48That's a foolish decision captain
00:44:54Maybe sergeant, but it's wrong
00:45:12Yeah, I think it's all clear
00:46:00Hey, I think it's all clear out there
00:46:21So, how is it you guys didn't get eaten by those things as soon as you landed
00:46:26Didn't land on this beach
00:46:28Ma'am, we woke up on the other side of the island
00:46:31But the basket fell here
00:46:33If that storm in the sky is the portal then everything has to come from there and land here
00:46:39How did you wind up on the other side of the island?
00:46:49We should try to get some rest
00:46:52Garden shifts
00:46:57No, no, i'll do it y'all go ahead and get some shut up
00:47:22What what's wrong
00:47:27No good weasel tricked us get back here you yellow belly rebel
00:47:39We have to do something nothing we can do
00:47:43He ain't coming back
00:48:02What's he doing out there
00:48:43Oh my god
00:48:54What is that an octopus a giant octopus, but I ain't ever seen anything that big
00:49:07We won't leave it that must out
00:49:10I mean it's not by sea
00:49:27Herbert abby god. Thank god. Get me out of here abby
00:49:36Oh, um, sorry we relax nothing happened I gotta pee
00:49:53What were you doing under the bed private there were pirates, sir
00:50:01And that ain't the only thing
00:50:05You have got to be kidding me
00:50:09There's a volcano too
00:50:13Let's just recap
00:50:15We are on an island lost in time inhabited by flesh-eating swamp things invaded by pirates
00:50:22It houses a volcano and is stalked by a giant octopus
00:50:26Does that about sum it up
00:50:30Yep, i'd say so
00:50:37What is it
00:51:08You okay, yeah just thinking
00:51:16About what
00:51:26Where do I begin
00:51:32My dad guilted me into going on vacation with my sister
00:51:36Because he thought that I could give her some direction
00:51:39Change her life stuff like that
00:51:46Did you?
00:51:48A week ago abby's biggest decision was which keg party to go to
00:51:56Now it's which way do you want to die abby land air or sea
00:52:02Yeah, I think her life has changed
00:52:13I'm gonna get you off this island
00:52:19We still don't know where or when we are
00:52:28There's proof by something
00:52:38They're not the only ones
00:52:42I don't want to die here. I don't want to become another mystery. You won't
00:52:50I'm gonna get us off this island if I had to
00:52:53Build a flying locomotive myself
00:53:00Tomorrow we'll go look for your plane
00:53:05See if we can pull together
00:53:16I'm gonna check on abby
00:53:29Well, they're at least a few things not burned by the fire blast
00:53:40It seems like everything that was scattered during the initial crash
00:53:46What I don't understand is why things are only going missing in pairs
00:53:53I guess they're scavengers the beasts
00:53:59So they eat you and then they steal your flip-flops
00:54:07What is it stay here
00:56:07Nasty brutes those pirates were
00:56:15Those men lasted two years without being eaten shocking really
00:56:22What is that thing
00:56:27A power of lightning in my hand an electric gun. I have an invention and you are
00:56:35Oh, forgive me
00:56:38I'm captain nemo. Welcome to my island
00:56:46The tyrant of the sea
00:56:49You know your island has tried to kill us at every turn home is what you make it
00:56:54And how did this come to be your home?
00:56:56I'm, sorry
00:56:58Here we are. I've saved your lives and professed my name yet. You neglect to tell me yours
00:57:09Captain cyrus harding sir us union army this year is miss julia fog jules
00:57:18Now if you please sir, how did you come by this island last I heard you were among the dead
00:57:25Can I interest you in a cup of tea
00:57:43Building a ring of fire captain something like that
00:57:49So, I guess you already know what's in the barrel
00:57:51It's a form of bitumen. It's all over the island, but I must warn you. It's
00:57:56highly unstable
00:58:00Well, is there any other way of keeping the beasts at bay
00:58:07How's abby been
00:58:09Excuse me for saying man, but are all girls in the future this much of a pain in it, you know what?
00:58:15She'll be better once you give her this
00:58:19What's in this new personality
00:58:24Just give it to her
00:58:39So captain nemo, this is your home it was so it's you that's been helping us
00:58:44Thank you
00:58:47It is a beautiful home
00:58:50Did you build it by yourself?
00:58:52No, my crew helped your crew
00:58:56So, where are they now my crew is gone. I'm all that's left of the nautilus
00:59:10Tea time
00:59:40After you
00:59:51Apologies for the lack of light
00:59:54But there is a great
00:59:56Electromagnetic field around the island which renders anything electrical useless. So that's why our phones don't work
01:00:05Precisely, but then how does your electric gun work?
01:00:08It is powered by static electricity. Whereas your device is powered by electric energy
01:00:14Just like the submarine used to be
01:00:25We're on that welcome to the nautilus
01:01:04How long have you been here over 20 years now
01:01:1120 years, but
01:01:13The nautilus has only been missing for eight thus the mystery of the island
01:01:19A world that time forgot unfortunately the world that I helped create
01:01:30Go away
01:01:34I said go away, please
01:01:37Your sister wanted me to bring this to you it's from the crash
01:01:42Oh my god, that's my face
01:01:46Oh my god, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
01:01:53The power of hate can fill the heart just as strongly as the power of love
01:02:05When the british empire killed my family and took my kingdom
01:02:11It filled my heart with hate
01:02:22And as I sank deeper and deeper into a dark place
01:02:27It was then that I formed the idea
01:02:30To stop punishing those responsible for what happened
01:02:34And prevent it from happening in the first place
01:02:38You see the thing about the sea is that time follows a different set of rules
01:02:45I began to understand that if I could propel the nautilus fast enough
01:02:50I could reverse the effects of gravitational time dilation
01:02:54But such speeds required massive amounts of energy
01:02:58The discovery of a hydrogen eruption from an underwater volcano led me to discover the energy time travel would require
01:03:07I created a hydrogen electric reaction and implanted it into the engine of the nautilus
01:03:14You realize you basically put a nuclear bomb in your boat, right submarine
01:03:21My point is
01:03:23It's nuclear power
01:03:26It's a way men end wars in the future
01:03:28how typical
01:03:30I create it in order to prevent wars and the nations of the land manipulated to finish them
01:03:38They make bombs but you're the only one time traveling with nuclear power
01:03:46Make no mistake miss fog. We have not traveled through time. We have been lost in it
01:03:54It was shortly after we've been attacked by giant squids off the bahamas
01:03:59That I finally decided to test the machine. I planned on going only five seconds into the past
01:04:14I turned the machine on and ordered the nautilus to top speed ramming speed
01:04:21However, as the nautilus reached her maximum velocity, she was gripped in a strangle
01:04:27by a gigantic octopoda
01:04:29The devil fish wrapped us in one of its arms and whipped us around the electric sky like a baby with a rattle
01:04:36I'd lost control of my ship death was staring us in the face
01:04:40I was left with no choice but to use the time machine. I invented the test would be her first and last one
01:04:58We awoke to a silent darkness
01:05:00My crew had all survived but sadly it seems the nautilus had not
01:05:06It wasn't until we went topside that we realized what happened
01:05:11The lightning overloaded the machine with power
01:05:14Instead of traveling through time the sudden surge ripped open a hole in it
01:05:19And stranded us on this nowhere land
01:05:23Every time we tried to go out the sea would force us back to this cursed island
01:05:29And others arriving through the portal suffered a far worse fate
01:05:35So we had no choice but to
01:05:38Make it our home
01:05:40so you built
01:05:42your house on
01:05:43Top of the submarine seemed fitting to bury it
01:05:47But that still doesn't explain what happened to your crew when seafaring men are landlocked they become restless or careless
01:05:57We were hunters under the sea on this island we were the hunted
01:06:22If only i'd known what that machine would create like the bermuda triangle
01:06:32I was a king under the sea a free man
01:06:37and now
01:06:39The prisoner of land
01:06:42And time
01:06:47For too many years
01:07:03What's on your face? You look like you got on indian war paint
01:07:07It's makeup you asshat. Wait, wait, don't go. I'm i'm, sorry
01:07:16So, what are you guys laughing at?
01:07:19Oh, nothing really man. We just dreamed about what it would look like in the future
01:07:24You two would totally love it it's like like if you can dream it it can totally come true
01:07:34Can we really free
01:07:37Ain't no more slaves we could do what we want
01:07:40Anyone can
01:07:42You can go to school
01:07:45You can be a movie star
01:07:47You can even be
01:07:48a rock star
01:07:50I used to play with rocks when I was a kid
01:07:54I meant anyone can live the american dream
01:08:00Boy I sure love to visit the future. Yeah
01:08:17Are you okay?
01:08:19I'm okay
01:08:21You want to go home?
01:08:23Herbie get her in the house. I think she meant the future private get her in the house. Okay, come on
01:08:33Is everyone all right
01:08:41It's a reaction to fear
01:08:46Back-to-back disruption in the environment when you all came through the portal must have triggered the volcano
01:08:54The beasts can sense it and they're frightened
01:08:58What does that mean the volcano erupts
01:09:02I'm afraid it means there is no us
01:09:07Temperatures will rise on the island each passing day
01:09:11And ash and lava will cover the land
01:09:14like a blanket of death
01:09:19What are we going to
01:09:23We're gonna get the hell off this island come on now
01:09:40I'm curious to learn how you plan to do that captain
01:09:43Seeing as how i've lived on the island for 20 years and not been able to find a way out
01:09:57We're gonna leave the way we came in fly
01:10:00Are you sure you're not the madman?
01:10:02Oh, do you mean to simply float away in the balloon? No, sir
01:10:06I am merely discussing ideas on how to escape this volcano that you say will inevitably kill us all i'm in
01:10:14Let's do it, but there's nowhere for us to go
01:10:16I've been here there everywhere all over this world and every time I try to leave no matter how far I get
01:10:22I always end up back at the island. Then we'll use your time machine and fly back through the portal if we must impossible
01:10:30The portal only flows one way then we create another one, but that could take you anywhere when where sir, it doesn't matter
01:10:38As long as we are not here. No, I won't allow it
01:10:41I created that portal and that portal is a curse on mankind. I will not allow another one
01:10:47I don't think he's asking captain
01:10:49And the new one could provide an exit for anyone who gets trapped by yours
01:10:52But it still won't work the island renders all electronic devices useless without a power source to turn on the time machine
01:11:00You have no choice but to use lightning
01:11:02we use lightning we
01:11:04We fly the balloon back into the storm above the beach and we use it as a giant franklin rod
01:11:09But in order to get the balloon high enough to reach the portal storm, you'll need an engine that's right
01:11:16A steam engine steam engine in a balloon
01:11:20It'll be too heavy the amount of fuel for the boiler alone will ground you. No, no, no, not exactly, sir
01:11:27See before the war I was working on a smaller lighter steam engine one that was specifically designed for a single family road locomotive
01:11:33By using the natural fuel source on the island the black bitumen which burns longer and hotter
01:11:41We will have liftoff
01:11:45And here I thought you were just another soldier of war
01:11:50Don't let the uniform fool you sir
01:11:53I'm a man of mouth and size just like you
01:11:56For your sake captain. I hope that's where the similarities end
01:12:00That's where the similarities end
01:13:39It's hot captain limo says it's the volcano it's only gonna get hotter
01:13:54It's heavy, thank you. You asked for that. Yes, ma'am
01:14:01So, how's it going
01:14:04We're going
01:14:07How's the balloon
01:14:10I'm getting there. I'm not sure. I'm really helping though. I'm not exactly the needle and thread type
01:14:30Shh be quiet and calm no sudden movements. You got that fire gun
01:14:41I think I left it in the house
01:14:44Miss abby, yeah
01:14:46He's capping cyrus in the house
01:14:48No, no, he's out of the zone
01:14:51Miss abby. Yeah, we're not saying you get down on the ground
01:14:55And me and her we're gonna flip this basket over you
01:14:59We're just gonna leave you there. What are you guys gonna do?
01:15:02We're gonna fight now
01:15:05We can't fight these things we got to protect miss abby
01:15:09And bask, I don't know wait we wait for cyrus and nemo, no, he's right
01:15:16This is the only way ready, no, no, don't do this
01:15:25When I say hit the ground ready
01:16:06Where's harvard he's gone. So is the machine inside now?
01:16:15No, yeah, you okay great in the house
01:16:27But you don't even know where to find them
01:16:32I know that they come out at night
01:16:34Which means they need a dark home to sleep during the day
01:16:38I also know that this is your island and I know that you know
01:16:42Where they are you go after those savages? They'll certainly kill you. What other choice do I have sir?
01:16:49If I don't recover that machine then we are trapped here waiting for another storm
01:16:55Or the volcano to erupt and then what
01:16:58We're dead
01:17:01How did they know to get it anyway because they are scavengers miss jules, they're smart
01:17:06They've been watching us. They're animals. They tore my men apart mine, too
01:17:13And now it's time for payback I won't join your suicide quest
01:17:20Vengeance only brings pain
01:17:26Is he okay
01:17:35Captain he was dying of consumption didn't seem like any of us have much time left, does it?
01:17:43I'm hoping to change that miss abby cool. I want to go with you abby. I'm going
01:17:55Okay, we leave at first light
01:18:15Face of the volcano where he was said the entrance would be
01:22:03Abby wait, let me go. Oh, no, we have to wait for cyrus. We don't need him. I have the time machine we're waiting
01:22:33Nemo you should have told us
01:22:41Come on let's get you up. No. No, i'm i'm sorry. Sorry
01:22:49That man like fish out of water
01:22:52Okay, the men weren't meant to stay on
01:22:55On dry land. I don't care about that now. Come on. No, no the island. I didn't change them
01:23:04It whether it was the
01:23:07Electromagnetic forces or the isolation
01:23:13They went they went they went mad
01:23:23all this stuff
01:23:25started eating flesh
01:23:30And that's first it's first city to sunlight they they became animals
01:23:38It was mutinous they'll come for you they won't they won't let anyone leave the island
01:23:45They're coming they're coming now go
01:23:49What about you? No, no, forget me. I'm a captain. I'll go down with my ship captain
01:24:27Get to the roof prepare the balloon
01:24:31To work neb to work and let us not lose a moment. Yes, sir. Okay, go go
01:24:45Okay, hold on
01:24:50We're too heavy, why are we too heavy? Yeah, it must be the ash in the air
01:24:58Jules crank me
01:25:03Okay, now what do we do
01:25:06Okay overboard with every weight
01:25:09Okay, now what do we do okay overboard with every weight everything yes
01:25:23Got it captain
01:25:27Come on come on, it's still not enough. Yes. I know that
01:25:32All right, let's do it
01:25:37Do you have any other suggestions
01:25:43Cyprus no
01:25:45No, you're not getting out of the basket. We all have to leave this island together. We have no choice
01:25:49I'll do it
01:25:51No, no, no miss abby. That is out of the question. Why is that out of the question? I'm doing it abby
01:25:57You're not getting out of the basket end of discussion. No
01:26:01Glad to meet you. Yes
01:26:09We are leaving this island together
01:26:15Neb we're gonna get rid of this engine, but how do we get to the point where it's still wet?
01:26:23I don't need the portal storm
01:26:25If I can fly us into this cloud, I can use the volcanic lightning. What are you crazy?
01:26:30That's suicide and staying on this roof isn't
01:26:35Never help me with this engine
01:26:41Yes captain
01:26:44You ready yes
01:26:53Okay, hold on hold on
01:26:56Hold on
01:26:59Come on, baby
01:27:16I know you're going out to sea you need to get over the ash cloud
01:27:38You'll start the machine now
01:27:42It won't start
01:27:45It's not working
01:27:46Yeah, help me with this. Yes, cap. Come on. Come on. What are you gonna do? Shoot the machine? No
01:27:51Jules, what are you gonna do jules power this thing up now?
01:28:47That which is far off and exceeding deep who can find out
