• 2 months ago


00:00:00I dream of love, the ray of the sun, of love, and then the empty dawn, of love, of love,
00:00:27and then the empty dawn awakens the lonely heart broken.
00:00:39A warm embrace, a fleeting smile, a whisper, and then the dream has gone,
00:00:50with most of the words left unspoken.
00:01:01Each lonely day when I awaken, I do not miss the empty dawn,
00:01:14for I know that my heart has been forsaken.
00:01:22I dream of love was all I knew, that moment before the empty dawn
00:01:34awakened my lonely heart broken.
00:02:02You having a dance?
00:02:07Five ace card player.
00:02:08Five dollars, he doesn't last another minute.
00:02:36Turn him down.
00:02:42You stay out of this Yank, we'll cut him down when he quits kicking.
00:02:45him down when he quits kickin.
00:03:15You better ride with us.
00:03:42I hear they got a new bank and an old marshal over at Gila City.
00:03:49That beats cheatin' at cards, don't it?
00:03:53Come on, let's go.
00:03:54The town looks quiet.
00:04:20Yeah, but the marshal's asleep.
00:04:21Never shoot a man in his sleep, Yellow Legs.
00:04:25You being a Yankee, that is.
00:04:26He ain't very sociable, is he?
00:04:29Been with us a week and ain't lost his temper once.
00:04:32I never did trust a man that didn't lose his temper once in a while.
00:04:34Come on, let's go.
00:04:35We ain't takin' the bank today.
00:04:37Uh, you givin' the orders now?
00:04:39It looks that way, don't it?
00:04:41Go on, Billy, get him in the bank.
00:04:47No, I'll take you out of here my style.
00:04:48Come on, he's askin' for it, boy.
00:04:50Any man that turns his back on you is just a dad-blamed fool.
00:04:55I kinda like him.
00:04:57Never knowed a Yankee before.
00:05:01Green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:03Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:05Green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:06Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:07Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:08Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:09Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:10Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:11Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:12Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:13Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:14Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:15Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:16Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:17Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:18Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:19Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:20Green, green, green, glasses, green.
00:05:21He's a blacksmith CEO.
00:05:22How long you figure that money's going to keep?
00:05:31Till I tell you when.
00:05:39I'm kinda angst to get my hands on it.
00:05:40Get over to Old Max.
00:05:42Take care of your horse first.
00:05:44I'm figuring on having a couple of drinks with you fellas.
00:05:47Sure hope this town has some pretty girls in it.
00:06:16You get this far out in the brush, they're all pretty.
00:06:22Billy, take the horses around and let me stay.
00:06:29Are you talking to me?
00:06:32Well, your name's Billy, ain't it?
00:06:36I'll take the horses for you, mister.
00:06:40You look like an honest man.
00:06:46You know, uh, some folks is just born lucky, I guess.
00:06:51Doggone it, yellow legs, don't push yours.
00:07:04What's going on here?
00:07:06These don't look too pretty to me.
00:07:08I told you you ain't been out here long enough.
00:07:12That's more like it.
00:07:16Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:07:18Put that thing back up.
00:07:20That'll have to wait, Jim.
00:07:22Wait, wait for what?
00:07:24Church is about to start.
00:07:27Parson don't like to look at it during his sermon.
00:07:31Well, this ain't Sunday, is it?
00:07:34That's a matter of opinion in here, Jim.
00:07:36This ain't Sunday, is it?
00:07:38That's a matter of opinion in Gila City.
00:07:40We haven't seen a gowner in two years.
00:07:42Some folks hold this Monday.
00:07:44But these folks, they hold it Sunday.
00:07:46You gents looking for a drink?
00:07:48I'm looking right at it.
00:07:50What's in that bottle?
00:07:52Best we've got.
00:07:54Even the mayor drinks it.
00:07:56That'll have to do.
00:07:58Uh, tell me something.
00:08:00How about the bank, how they hold it?
00:08:02The bank's open, they're Monday folks.
00:08:04The bar's closed when the parson walks in.
00:08:06That'll have to do.
00:08:13Hi, mister.
00:08:15Hello, boy.
00:08:17Hey, that's what I call pretty.
00:08:35Who's she, the redhead?
00:08:37We're told to dance all across the street.
00:08:41Coming in here like she was respectable
00:08:43and bringing her woods cold with her.
00:08:47She wouldn't know his father if she saw him again.
00:08:49I imagine it's as close as she ever was to a parson
00:08:52and her holding a prayer book like she was respectable.
00:08:55If they're going to heaven, let you and me not go.
00:09:01Gents, bar's closed.
00:09:14Number 23.
00:09:20Rock of ages, clap for me.
00:09:23Let me hide myself in thee.
00:09:27Let the water and the blood
00:09:31from thy wounded side which flowed
00:09:34be of sin the double cure.
00:09:38Take my breath and make me pure.
00:09:42Could my tears forever flow?
00:09:45Could my zeal no longer know?
00:09:49These my sins could not atone.
00:09:53What you all drinking?
00:09:55Don't do no good. Bar's closed.
00:09:57On account of the church meeting.
00:10:01I give ransack a bottle.
00:10:03See how fast you can take the cork out of that bottle.
00:10:07I want to tell you something.
00:10:09He's fast, him whole leg's six shoes.
00:10:11This boy's a real coming boy.
00:10:13I want to tell you I taught him everything I know.
00:10:14Yes, sir.
00:10:20What's the matter?
00:10:22I guess you're just going to have to stand here
00:10:24and look at that bottle all the way through the sermon.
00:10:33Lord, I see you sent us some new faces today.
00:10:39And female.
00:10:42Lord, I thank you.
00:10:44And folks, I welcome you.
00:10:49And I'll be dishing out the gospels in a minute.
00:10:52But first I've got to say a word to you gents
00:10:55with your hats on.
00:10:59This here's the preach house, gents,
00:11:01and you'll take your hats off to the Lord.
00:11:12Mister, I never met a man
00:11:14who wouldn't take off his hat to the Lord.
00:11:17Let's get it off.
00:11:21You get on with your preaching.
00:11:30He's kind of touchy about that hat, ain't he?
00:11:33He never seen nothing like it.
00:11:35Don't even take it off to sleep.
00:11:37We'll have a moment of silence.
00:11:40We'll have a moment of silent prayer.
00:11:59All that money just sitting out there across the street.
00:12:03I never met a man so hungry for money.
00:12:06You know, I think you're steady enough to be a miser.
00:12:07I'm steady enough to buy us an army.
00:12:10Do you remember?
00:12:12Such a dream, Billy boy.
00:12:14We could set up our own republic out in this country.
00:12:17It's wide open. Nobody could stop us.
00:12:19They'd get bank money,
00:12:21and the commissarials would sell us a hundred,
00:12:23maybe 200 slave Indians.
00:12:25We'd put uniforms on them.
00:12:27Yeah, fix us up an army.
00:12:29And I could drill them.
00:12:30I could drill them.
00:12:51Raise this arm.
00:12:53Raise it.
00:12:58All right.
00:13:01They always paying you that way?
00:13:03Most always.
00:13:05Well, that ball ought to come out of there.
00:13:08That's what I'm here for.
00:13:13You ever been in Springfield, Ohio?
00:13:19I'll swear I've seen you someplace before.
00:13:24How long would this lay me up?
00:13:27Well, it's pretty close to the collarbone.
00:13:30A thing like that won't heal overnight, you know.
00:13:32It'll let a week.
00:13:35More like a month.
00:13:38Well, I got a little business to attend to.
00:13:41I don't think you can wait that long.
00:13:43Then stop wasting my time.
00:13:56Wait a minute.
00:14:00That's where it was.
00:14:02A fellow just about your size.
00:14:04A Yellowleg sergeant.
00:14:06Somebody had tried to scalp him.
00:14:08A liquored up Johnny Reb with a Bowie knife.
00:14:10He cut the sergeant up pretty badly
00:14:12before he was scared off by something.
00:14:16You know,
00:14:18if you take off your hat,
00:14:20you can make me out a liar.
00:14:25It's you, all right.
00:14:27Come on.
00:14:33You certainly went out of your way
00:14:35to look me up, didn't you?
00:14:37Take off the hat.
00:14:41I kind of got used to keeping it on.
00:14:45You haven't got anything to hide
00:14:47with a few battle scars.
00:14:49A lot of the boys came out of it
00:14:51with worse than that.
00:14:53What'd you do after the war ended?
00:14:55What would you do?
00:14:57I don't know.
00:15:03Is that Reb in town?
00:15:11What are you waiting for?
00:15:14I'm waiting to get him along.
00:15:17See, I want him to know who I am.
00:15:20I want him to know he's gonna get what he gave me.
00:15:23You sure you found the right man?
00:15:25Yeah, I'm sure.
00:15:27I've got my teeth marching to scalping hand.
00:15:29And I'm asking you, my friends,
00:15:32any man, woman, or child
00:15:35that reckons that he wants to go to hell,
00:15:39I say let that man, woman, or child
00:15:42stand up and be counted.
00:15:50Not counting, Martin.
00:15:52Get up, Bert.
00:15:54Why, you white-lipped coyote,
00:15:56you mean to stand there
00:15:58and say you intend to go to that place?
00:16:00I sure do, Parson.
00:16:02Tell you something else.
00:16:04Any man in this room
00:16:06that don't get on his feet right now
00:16:08and join me is going there pronto.
00:16:21Well, let's see.
00:16:23Nice to meet you, ma'am.
00:16:25My name's Billy, Billy Kaplaninger.
00:16:27Get out.
00:16:37Come on, Perky.
00:16:48Sure is a pretty girl.
00:16:54Ma'am, I want to thank you for your fortitude.
00:16:58We'll all close with a prayer now
00:17:01for those poor, misguided men.
00:17:05All that money just sitting there
00:17:08waiting on a yellow-legged Yankee.
00:17:10Never saw a man so patient about robbing a bank.
00:17:13Oh, church meeting's over.
00:17:20Thank you, ma'am and ma'am.
00:17:23Let's go.
00:17:49Let me know when that Yankee's patient runs out.
00:17:54This patient never does wear out.
00:18:07That pretty redhead just went in
00:18:10and holds it today's Sunday.
00:18:12What do you lovely creatures feel about that?
00:18:14I take it's Monday.
00:18:16Get your horse.
00:18:20Get your...
00:18:29Hey, Billy.
00:18:31Yellowleg's ready.
00:18:51Something wrong with that Yankee's shooting arm.
00:19:22Somebody get in the dark.
00:19:30He's dead.
00:19:36It was them outlaws, Kit.
00:19:38They didn't kill him.
00:19:40I don't know who they are.
00:19:42I don't know who they are.
00:19:44I don't know who they are.
00:19:46I don't know who they are.
00:19:48I don't know who they are.
00:19:49It was them outlaws, Kit.
00:19:51They did some wild shooting.
00:20:02It was me.
00:20:20Is she the dance hall woman?
00:20:22That's her.
00:20:26Coming in here like she was respectable
00:20:28and bringing her woods coat with her.
00:20:32She wouldn't know his father if she saw him again.
00:20:34Poor boy.
00:20:36I imagine it's as close as she ever was to a parson
00:20:38and her holding a prayer book like she was respectable.
00:20:49Let's go.
00:21:10That Yellowleg sure has been trying to get himself drunk.
00:21:13Ain't quite making it though.
00:21:15Some men are like that.
00:21:17Give me two.
00:21:19Don't be so hard on him.
00:21:22You reckon the mayor will be able to talk that redhead
00:21:24into changing her mind?
00:21:26Ain't nothing gonna change her mind.
00:21:28She got Doc Axon to take care of the body.
00:21:30Rented herself a wagon.
00:21:32She's going tonight.
00:21:34Going alone if she has to.
00:21:50Come to change your mind, kid.
00:21:52We've decided to have a nice funeral for the boy
00:21:54right here in Gila City.
00:21:56The whole town will come.
00:21:58If there's a mayor, I'll see to it.
00:22:00Mead will be buried in Siringo
00:22:02next to his father.
00:22:04Now, kid.
00:22:07Bury him here.
00:22:09You think I haven't heard all the words
00:22:11you've been whispering to me?
00:22:13I don't know what you're talking about.
00:22:15I don't know what you're talking about.
00:22:17I don't know what you're talking about.
00:22:19I don't know what you're whispering.
00:22:21You and your gossiping little wives
00:22:23with their pinched little faces
00:22:25and their noses in the air.
00:22:27Now, Miss Kidd.
00:22:29That dance hall woman
00:22:31with her freckle-faced woods colt.
00:22:33No telling who the father might be.
00:22:35They smelled brimstone every time I walked by.
00:22:38They hated us both, me and the boy.
00:22:41Well, he's dead now.
00:22:43And you can tell your wives
00:22:45that there was no sinning
00:22:47and there'll be no funeral.
00:22:49I'm taking him to Siringo.
00:22:51You can't do that, Miss Kidd.
00:22:53It's smack in the middle of Apache country
00:22:55and there ain't nobody willing to go with you.
00:22:58And besides,
00:23:00there's not much of it left but the weeds.
00:23:02I've tried, kid.
00:23:04I've asked everybody.
00:23:07I'm not asking anybody to go with me.
00:23:12Poor kid.
00:23:14She's trying mighty hard
00:23:16to make folk believe about the boy's pa.
00:23:17He was single, man.
00:23:21I didn't know that, Cal.
00:23:23Well, almost married.
00:23:25Me and Emma,
00:23:27she wouldn't let me go with Kidd, not that way.
00:23:29Not to mention the Apaches.
00:23:37I ain't never seen a town so full of cowards.
00:23:41I ain't never seen a town so scared of Indians.
00:23:47You can text me.
00:24:14I hate to think what all that sun will do to your face.
00:24:17Will you take this?
00:24:19No, thanks, Cal.
00:24:21Take it.
00:24:23I got no use for it.
00:24:25I can't sell it.
00:24:27We poured it all away from St. Louis.
00:24:44Get down from there.
00:24:48I said, get down.
00:24:50Somebody's got to dry this for you.
00:24:52Not you.
00:24:54I'm asking you.
00:24:56I said, get down.
00:25:02Need any help, ma'am?
00:25:06Get out of here, Billy.
00:25:08I said, get down.
00:25:10I said, get down.
00:25:11Get out of here, Billy.
00:25:13Didn't mean to butt in.
00:25:17Your place.
00:25:21Get down.
00:25:41I said, get down.
00:26:02Bet she don't get 20 miles before she turns around.
00:26:11What do you got?
00:26:15Sorry, sir.
00:26:17You lose to four aces.
00:26:25We're leaving town.
00:26:27You little premature yellow leg.
00:26:29Get your horses.
00:26:31Billy, me like this town.
00:26:33Got a homey place, ain't it?
00:26:35If we stick around, you better leave alone,
00:26:37because we ain't leaving.
00:26:42You wouldn't mean the shot, that boy.
00:26:46Get up!
00:26:48Turk, it looks like you and me is going to go to Syringo.
00:26:51Billy, you're not picking a pick.
00:26:53You've been reordering me.
00:26:57I'm just backing him up.
00:26:59Yeah, I kind of like the idea
00:27:01of going to Syringo with that redhead.
00:27:11Come on.
00:27:35Come on, what's the matter?
00:27:38Come on.
00:27:42I guess you don't mind a yellow leg
00:27:44all the year round, but I don't like it.
00:27:49But if I could handle a six-shooter
00:27:51like you, Billy boy.
00:27:53His back's pointing right at you.
00:27:55What's the matter?
00:27:59Scared you might hear your cousin
00:28:01come out of the holster and hurl on you?
00:28:03Oh, that ain't no fit way to kill a man.
00:28:06Not even a Yankee.
00:28:11Let's go.
00:28:41Come on.
00:29:12Good morning, ma'am.
00:29:15Kill your horse pushing him like that?
00:29:17Will you let me drive that wagon for you?
00:29:19I don't want your help.
00:29:21Well, I'd be mighty proud
00:29:23to ride in that wagon with you, ma'am.
00:29:26Leave me alone.
00:29:34Both of you, get out of my way.
00:29:36Get out of my way.
00:29:38Get out of my way.
00:29:40Both of you.
00:29:45Well, now, you know,
00:29:47it ain't exactly safe out here for a woman.
00:29:49Well, it ain't exactly safe for you either.
00:29:52Any of you.
00:29:54Now, get!
00:29:56Why don't you leave this woman be
00:29:58and let's head back.
00:30:10So that bank is probably just now opening up.
00:30:13Yeah, probably is.
00:30:15Probably is.
00:30:17We'll follow along, see if she gets through.
00:30:22Doggies, that's a woman.
00:30:39Come on, let's go.
00:31:10Dress kind of wet.
00:31:12Guess you're going to have to dry it out.
00:31:14Shouldn't take long in this heat.
00:31:40I never did see a dance, old girl,
00:31:42to talk to you about getting kissed.
00:31:45You stay away from me.
00:31:47What are you going to do with that rock?
00:31:49Are you going to use it on me?
00:31:51Or a shotgun if I have to.
00:31:53Oh, ma'am, I always did go for high stakes.
00:32:01I'm sorry.
00:32:04I'm sorry.
00:32:06I'm sorry.
00:32:08I'm sorry.
00:32:09I'm sorry.
00:32:37He scalped him.
00:32:41Looks like they did.
00:32:47Come on, let's get back to that wagon.
00:33:10Hey, the coffee's ready.
00:33:21You see, that woman don't want us around here,
00:33:23so why don't we accommodate her by leaving?
00:33:24You desert?
00:33:32Did you desert the Red Barn?
00:33:34I remember telling you I was in the army.
00:33:37Figured you were a deserter.
00:33:40How'd you guess?
00:33:43I thought you were a deserter.
00:33:45I was.
00:33:47I was.
00:33:49I was?
00:33:51I was.
00:33:52I guess.
00:33:55Maybe I ought to take a cup of coffee before it gets cold.
00:34:00Leave her alone.
00:34:05You talking to me?
00:34:07Hey, Billy.
00:34:09I think Yellowleg's kind of taking a shine to that woman.
00:34:12All the time we thought he was feeling sorry about that boy.
00:34:15Shut up.
00:34:16Touchy, too.
00:34:20He cares about that hat he keeps wearing.
00:34:22You know what I think he's got on him?
00:34:24What's that?
00:34:28Well, there's one way we can find out.
00:34:31You ask him.
00:34:33Take your hat off, Yellowlegs.
00:34:36He's scared of you, Billy.
00:34:42Take your hat off,
00:34:44and I'll shoot it off.
00:34:50You try it, and I'll kill you.
00:34:53You know, Yellowlegs,
00:34:55there's something about you I just kind of like.
00:35:19Let him have it.
00:35:21Better mind your thinking, kid.
00:35:23Yellowlegs done got his claim staked out.
00:35:29We ought to be back at that bank.
00:35:31That posse'll never follow us out, yeah?
00:35:33Not to Syringo.
00:35:41Well, we could set up our own little republic
00:35:43like that Edwards fella did down in Texas.
00:35:45You know, the Republic of Fredonia?
00:35:47All this land out here just to wait.
00:35:50Take out you looking at uniform
00:35:52with all that gold braid.
00:35:54You the kind of trigger-happy young fella I could use.
00:35:56You know something?
00:35:58I'd make you my military aide.
00:36:00Then we'd start making up a lot of laws,
00:36:02but not one of them would apply to us.
00:36:04You don't know.
00:36:06Now, let me tell you something.
00:36:08There's money in a thing like this,
00:36:10if it's run right.
00:36:12But we gotta start first with that bank
00:36:14back in Gila City.
00:36:16Turkey, don't you ever shut up.
00:36:18You nag like an old woman.
00:36:20It's never quiet out here.
00:36:24Look, I don't blame you
00:36:26for feeling the way you do,
00:36:28but right now it might be a good idea
00:36:30if you could kind of make out
00:36:32like we was getting along.
00:36:38You always that stubborn
00:36:40or just hard to figure out?
00:36:47I'm just trying to help.
00:36:51Who are you trying to help?
00:36:55Riding shotgun on this wagon
00:36:57isn't gonna buy you a clean conscience.
00:37:04I'm beginning to wonder
00:37:06if you ever figured on going to Syringo at all.
00:37:10What are you trying to say?
00:37:12I mean, right here is as good as Syringo
00:37:14for the boy.
00:37:17You don't have to prove anything
00:37:18to me.
00:37:21Damn you!
00:37:26I got them fighting.
00:37:34You don't know me well enough
00:37:36to hate me that much.
00:37:40Hatin's a subject I know
00:37:42a little something about.
00:37:44You gotta be careful
00:37:46it don't bite your back.
00:37:48I know somebody spent five years
00:37:50looking for a man he hated.
00:37:53Hatin wanting revenge
00:37:55was all that kept him alive.
00:37:58He spent all them years
00:38:00tracking that other man down.
00:38:02When he caught up with him
00:38:04was the worst day in his life.
00:38:08He'd get his revenge all right.
00:38:11Then he'd lose the one thing
00:38:13he had to live for.
00:38:19A gun.
00:38:45What was that for?
00:38:46Just checking my aim.
00:38:48Nothing like letting the Apaches know where we are.
00:38:54That ain't no fit way to kill a man.
00:38:56Not even a Yankee.
00:39:01Go on up ahead and find us a place to camp.
00:39:04There might be some Apaches out there.
00:39:06Then you go find out.
00:39:14You'll eat that sun, dear.
00:39:17I'll get used to it.
00:39:20We'll be living in Saringo.
00:39:22You can find your own way back.
00:40:13Come on.
00:41:53Jack, what you doing out here?
00:41:54Seen your guard?
00:41:58Who shoots it?
00:42:04Been carrying this around with me for a long while.
00:42:07It's a genuine General's cap.
00:42:10I stole it over in San Antonio.
00:42:13I never did show it to anybody before.
00:42:22Man sure really looks like some weird one.
00:42:25He's a dirty boy.
00:42:29Well, if you're waiting for me to salute you,
00:42:31you're gonna wait a long time.
00:42:36Here, I want to show you something else.
00:42:45See that part right there?
00:42:50It's not on a regular map.
00:42:52Kind of a valley.
00:42:53Not many people know it's there.
00:42:55We're gonna buy ourselves some slave Indians.
00:42:57We're gonna put uniforms on them.
00:42:58And we're gonna drill them good.
00:43:01We'll be able to burn a fire path through this country
00:43:03from Tucson to Tucumcari.
00:43:06What do you say, boy?
00:43:10What do you think of that, huh?
00:43:12Uh, fine, Jack, fine.
00:43:21Take over my guard for me, will ya?
00:43:45I never...
00:43:47Never traveled with a lady before.
00:43:49Kind of appeals to me.
00:43:51Get out of my way.
00:43:53Maybe I will, and maybe I won't.
00:43:55I'm telling you to leave me alone.
00:43:58Oh, I don't want to...
00:44:00I don't want to trouble you any, Kit.
00:44:02I, uh, just want to be sociable.
00:44:05I don't want to trouble you.
00:44:07I don't want to trouble you.
00:44:09I don't want to trouble you.
00:44:11I don't want to trouble you.
00:44:13I just want to be sociable.
00:44:16And, uh, never wear my guns
00:44:19when I make a social call.
00:44:29I always did like pretty things,
00:44:31and you're just about the prettiest I ever seen.
00:44:41We got two.
00:44:43That'll be pretty good.
00:45:54Saddle up.
00:45:57Come on, get out of here.
00:46:01I'm going with you, Billy.
00:46:02You ain't going no place.
00:46:04You stand right here.
00:46:09Couldn't stand a chance out in that patch of country alone.
00:46:11Well, that's his lookout, ain't it?
00:48:16He's gone.
00:48:43They'll be going back to Gila City, both of them.
00:48:46I'll drive you back there in the wagon if you want.
00:48:48No, thanks.
00:48:51You still going to Saringo?
00:48:53You think you can stop me?
00:48:55Lady, I wouldn't even try.
00:50:25I, um...
00:50:27I'm sorry about losing the horse.
00:50:32Well, you don't have to talk to me, you know.
00:50:35It ain't worth the effort.
00:50:40Five years is a long time to turn your back on,
00:50:43especially for a woman like me.
00:50:45That's what you're thinking, isn't it?
00:50:47Lady, I quit thinking when I turned my horse around.
00:50:50Oh, stop calling me lady.
00:50:51My name is Billy.
00:50:53I don't know you well enough to call you Kit.
00:50:56Don't think you're fooling me.
00:50:58You're not half as mad at me as you are at yourself.
00:51:04You going to talk all the way to Saringo?
00:51:08Grab that shotgun. Come on.
00:52:32Must have ambushed that stage down on the border.
00:53:11I sure wish I could take a bath.
00:53:14Well, nothing's stopping you.
00:53:31Come on.
00:53:35Want some more?
00:53:47You know, I can hardly remember what my husband looked like.
00:53:52We were only married a few weeks.
00:53:55We were on our way to Gila City when he was...
00:54:00He was killed in Saringo.
00:54:09When Meade was born, they wouldn't believe me.
00:54:14Gila City put a brand on both of us.
00:54:18But their jokes and their talk and their...
00:54:24Ugly little smirk.
00:54:37It's dark.
00:54:44We got to have another horse.
00:54:48Them Apaches can't be far off. They got plenty of horses.
00:54:51You wait right here till I get back.
00:55:13Come on.
00:55:43Come on.
00:56:13Come on.
00:57:32Back up, we're moving out.
00:57:48This is far enough.
00:57:50I don't think I can stay awake another minute.
00:57:54You'll have to.
00:57:58Start digging.
00:58:02We're going to bury the wagon.
00:58:04From here on, our trail's got to look Indian.
00:58:06We're lucky those Apaches might still be out trying to find their stagecoach.
00:58:32Get some sleep.
00:58:50Getting tired?
00:58:53I didn't ask for any help.
00:58:55I just asked if you'd get tired.
00:59:25Yellowleg a name?
00:59:29It'll do.
00:59:34Where are you from?
00:59:39It's pretty back there.
00:59:41Used to be.
01:00:13What are you doing?
01:00:24Do and I'll kill you.
01:00:57What is it?
01:01:10How could he miss?
01:01:11He didn't.
01:01:14Why didn't he kill us?
01:01:16He's got a little score to settle up with me first.
01:01:22Start packing up.
01:02:37You can't forgive me for making you give up those five years, can you?
01:02:41I'll pick up his trail again.
01:02:43Hardly seem worth the trouble.
01:02:50Here you go.
01:03:34He broke it.
01:04:13What is he waiting for?
01:04:14Why doesn't he kill us?
01:04:16He will when he's ready.
01:04:24Why don't you kill us and get it over with?
01:04:25Stop it!
01:04:26Come on!
01:04:27Stop leaving me alone!
01:04:28Shut up! Shut up!
01:04:30Why do you let him torture us like that?
01:04:31Shut up!
01:06:27Our Apache friend's been awful quiet.
01:06:29Maybe he got bit by a snake.
01:06:42Do you think it's much further?
01:06:50Syringo what?
01:06:51Do you think?
01:07:16I feel I know you better than any man I've ever known.
01:07:22Yet I hardly know you at all.
01:07:42What are you trying to do?
01:07:43You're hurting me.
01:07:45What did you expect to find?
01:07:51I was only trying to make you more comfortable.
01:07:55I'm sorry.
01:08:23I'm sorry.
01:08:30...things about me you don't understand.
01:08:34You killed the only person...
01:08:37...I loved in this whole world.
01:08:41That's all I need to know about you.
01:08:43I need to know about you.
01:09:39Next time I'll be waiting for him.
01:10:01Come on.
01:10:02Come on.
01:10:32Come on.
01:10:45You got enough buckshot in there to stop an army.
01:10:48You gotta be on top of the block by sundown.
01:10:51So I'm gonna wait for him.
01:10:54Until I'm not back by morning.
01:10:57You're on your own.
01:11:06...wanted to say...
01:11:15...thank you.
01:14:58Where is it by the mission?
01:15:03What was your husband's name?
01:15:04Mead Tilden.
01:15:06My son was named after him.
01:15:07My son was named after him.
01:16:21Couldn't find it.
01:16:30It's there.
01:16:33No, there ain't nobody named Tilden buried there.
01:16:45You're just the same as all the rest of them.
01:17:03Here it is.
01:17:23Must be one of the others.
01:18:59I found it!
01:19:08I found it.
01:19:10On her leg.
01:19:16Where's Jerk?
01:19:18Right behind you.
01:19:20When that Billy gets a hold of an idea, he just won't let go of it.
01:19:23Especially with a red-headed woman.
01:19:25Come on.
01:19:39No need to keep the lady out here in the sunshine.
01:19:43Let's step inside and talk things over.
01:20:13Sorry I can't offer you folks a drink.
01:20:17What'd you do with the money?
01:20:19This money, or what money you talking about?
01:20:27The only one thing that'd bring him down here, that's keeping one jump ahead of a posse.
01:20:31I ever saw folks so scared of you.
01:20:37That doggie, she sure is pretty.
01:20:43Turkey, go get that money.
01:20:48Are you crazy?
01:20:50Now go on, do what I told you to do, go get the money.
01:21:05You know, I just ain't got the heart to kill him.
01:21:12How would you like to have your gun back?
01:21:16You want me to do it?
01:21:18I'll be much obliged.
01:21:29It's the minute he walks back through this door here.
01:21:32What about her?
01:21:38We'll decide that later.
01:21:41You and me.
01:21:46Well, uh, I'm going for a little walk.
01:21:49I'll be around.
01:21:53Ladies gotta admit, I got guts.
01:22:11You better get out of here.
01:22:13You can't.
01:22:15I waited five years, the waiting's over, now keep out of it.
01:22:18What happened to me, it was an accident.
01:22:21I know that now.
01:22:23Even though I thought that I could never forgive you for it.
01:22:26But I could never love a man who was a cold-blooded killer.
01:22:37You don't even know me.
01:22:39My face under a hat.
01:22:44Don't you ever wonder why I won't take this off?
01:22:57Want to talk about love?
01:22:59I've seen you with your hat off.
01:23:08I've seen you with your hat off.
01:23:39What about my scars?
01:23:48You know how many men I've let kiss me and pinch me
01:23:52just because their filthy money gave them the right?
01:23:58Men with dirty shirts, smelly arms, money in their pockets.
01:24:09Can those scars be forgotten?
01:24:14Can I ask you to love a woman like that?
01:24:32Now don't that make a pretty picture?
01:24:36Where's Billy?
01:24:38I don't know.
01:24:45Get out of the way.
01:24:46Don't do it!
01:25:08Don't do it.
01:25:39I'm just shooting and he ain't even touched him yet.
01:25:48Billy, are you crazy?
01:26:09All right, yellow leg.
01:26:11This is it.
01:26:13You and me.
01:26:15Move out, Billy.
01:26:17Move out, Billy, I ain't got time for you.
01:26:19There ain't but two horses in this town.
01:26:22You know as good as me that only two people
01:26:24are going to ride out of here alive.
01:26:58Turn the coat on me, I'll raise you from a puppy.
01:27:04You giving him his money?
01:27:09Give me some slavings.
01:27:11I'll tread myself.
01:27:13I'll get you.
01:27:15Where's my money?
01:27:20Yellow leg.
01:27:21Yellow leg, listen to me.
01:27:23We can make ourselves a deal.
01:27:26I don't want that Billy with me.
01:27:27I want you.
01:27:28Look at you.
01:27:29I'll put you in that uniform.
01:27:30Now, come on.
01:27:31I'm losing the reason.
01:27:33Why can't I yank a joint up with a rattle?
01:27:39We'll get together.
01:27:41There's all this money here.
01:27:42Look here, I'll give it all to you.
01:27:44Give me.
01:27:51I'll make it to you.
01:27:53I'll make it to you.
01:27:55I'll make it to you.
01:27:57I'll make it to you.
01:27:59Make a general out of you.
01:28:00General Yellowleg,
01:28:01think of how you'd look in one of these caps.
01:28:28Listen, Yellowleg, it's like I told you up there, you're gonna be in my army, I'm gonna
01:28:39make a general out of you with gold braid on you.
01:28:42Remember that?
01:28:43You know where you left it, don't you?
01:28:50Look at it.
01:28:52Oh, Yellowleg, listen to me.
01:28:53I don't want that billy around me.
01:28:54I want...
01:28:55Look at me!
01:28:56I'll make a general out of you.
01:28:57I'll give you one of these jailers cap.
01:28:59Oh, you look good in that gold braid.
01:29:00Listen to me, Yellowleg.
01:29:02Get out of here.
01:29:03Don't do it.
01:29:04All right, all right, all right.
01:29:05Oh, Yellowleg.
01:29:06Lefty, lefty.
01:29:08Lefty, lefty.
01:29:25Billy, shoot that yellow leg in the back like I did.
01:29:54Shoot that back like I told you to.
01:30:24Hi, Cap.
01:30:40We're trailing a couple of bank robbers.
01:30:42Looks like you've got one of them.
01:30:44Where's the other?
01:30:46Looks like they figured you didn't have guts enough to come here.
01:30:51You know how people are.
01:30:53As long as it's their money, the gates of hell wouldn't stop them.
01:30:59Barson, we're gonna need a few of the right kind of words from you.
01:31:04We're burying a boy alongside of his dad.
01:31:06I'll say the right kind of words.
01:31:18This is the car.
01:31:41Yes, sir.
01:31:42Thank you, Orly.
01:31:44Gentlemen, you're gonna make great officers in my army.
01:31:47I'll soon have your uniforms for you.
01:31:49And gold braids.
01:31:51And we'll start training.
01:31:53Thank you, sir.
01:31:56Now, Captain, if you'll say forward, yo, and dress these ranks, we'll go.
01:32:00Forward, yo!
01:32:02Johnny come marching home again.
01:32:06Johnny come marching home again.
01:32:10Hold it there.
01:32:11You look great.
01:32:14Forward, forward!
01:32:16Follow me men!
01:32:26We'll get us an army!
01:32:27We'll get an army!
01:32:28That's a deal!
01:32:29We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:37We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:39We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:40We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:41We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:42We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:43We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:44We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:45We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:46We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:47We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:48We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:49We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:50We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:51We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:52We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:53We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:54We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:55We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:56We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:57We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:58We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:32:59We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:00We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:01We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:03We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:04We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:05We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:06We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:07We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:08We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:09We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:10We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:11We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:12We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:13We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:14We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:15We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:16We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:17We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:18We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:19We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:20We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:21We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:22We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:23We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:24We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:25We'll buy some slave Indians!
01:33:26We'll buy some slave Indians!
