• l’année dernière
Enrico Letta, représentant du Parti démocrate, principal parti d'opposition, a déclaré que l'attitude du gouvernement italien en Europe dépendait du résultat des élections françaises.


00:00Marine Le Pen's party made big gains in the French elections on Sunday although the far-right's lead is strong but not decisive
00:07meaning that it's still unclear how the party's surge will translate into actual seats as no single bloc appears to be able to secure a clear majority.
00:15French President Emmanuel Macron called on French voters to block the far-right in the second round.
00:20Now here in Italy, the first one to react to the news was Matteo Salvini, the leader of the League Party,
00:25who's also a historic ally of Marine Le Pen in Europe.
00:28He congratulated himself with Le Pen but also criticized Emmanuel Macron's comments comparing him to Ursula von der Leyen,
00:35something that seems wasn't really appreciated by members of Giuseppe Meloni's party.
00:40Enrico Letta, who's a representative of the Democratic Party, Italy's main opposition party,
00:45instead said that the Italian government's approach and attitude in Europe will very much depend on the outcome of the French elections.
00:56Adding that Le Pen's expected victory in the first round is what perhaps pushed Meloni to abstain in the EU summit vote
01:04to approve von der Leyen as candidate running for the re-election as president of the European Commission.
01:10And if on the one hand, Meloni has not yet made any official comments, at least on social media platforms,
01:17well according to reports in Italian newspaper La Repubblica, it seems that Meloni was expecting a clear victory for Le Pen,
01:26one that could destabilize power imbalances in the EU.
01:31Meloni, in fact, reportedly complained about being excluded from talks regarding top EU job appointments.
01:39According to Il Giornale newspaper, Le Pen's advantage is seen as a positive development for Meloni
01:47and her role as president of the ECR political group in Europe,
01:52something that according to Il Giornale could play in favour of Meloni as she's trying to secure a top commission post for Italy.
02:01Giorgia Orlandi for Euronews in Rome.
