Cuôc Đời Đức Phật Tâp 37 Lồng Tiếng - Động lực cho Thích Minh Tuệ

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Cuôc Đời Đức Phật Tâp 37 Lồng Tiếng - Động lực cho Thích Minh Tuệ
00:00Film Truyen Phat Jau Nhiu Tap Ko Ang Do
00:03Duk Phat
00:31Screenplay by Gajra Kottari, Prakash Kapadia, Puneet S. Shukla
00:44Direction by Veer Tavan Puranik
00:47Director by B. K. Modi
00:50Cinematography by V. S. Chakraborty
00:56With the participation of the actors
00:58Himanshu Soni as the Crown Prince, Duk Phat
01:01Kabir Bedi as King Atuda
01:04Samir Tamati Kari as King Tinfan
01:08Deepika Upatiye as Queen Maya
01:14Ngan Ngan Uparari as Queen Basa
01:21Kachan Chahin as Princess Yayu
01:25Jagat Singh as King Dada
01:28Sanket Choksi as King Sanak
01:31Sitath and Sudev as King Hok Phan
01:34King Tinfan's King
01:37With the participation of the actors
01:40I am a man who can do anything
01:44I have been through many difficult experiences
01:48such as depression, anger, delusion, greed, hunger
01:54Everything came to me
01:58But my heart is still strong
02:02I made a vow
02:05I sacrificed myself
02:07I had to witness the miracle
02:10Finally, I witnessed the miracle
02:21What a great miracle!
02:24Please teach me how to witness it
02:28Everything in the world is one
02:31It is like an invisible thread
02:36If you do good deeds
02:40Like a stream that flows to the shore
02:43In time, good deeds will follow you
02:46From this life to the next
02:48Until the day you die
02:50On the contrary, if you do evil deeds
02:54You will have many lives
02:56Suffering and suffering
03:00And all of these things
03:04Become the cause of all disasters
03:08If you practice meditation
03:11Every moment of the day
03:14Keep the peace
03:17You will find the truth
03:20In your heart
03:22No sadness, no joy
03:25You will find the truth
03:28In your heart
03:30No sadness, no joy
03:33Jesus has come!
03:35Jesus has come!
03:54Jesus has come!
03:57Why is it that everywhere in your room
04:01There are so many candles?
04:04Dear mom
04:07You have to light the candles to welcome guests, right?
04:12When will you be able to light the candles?
04:17And Sodara?
04:19How can you be so suspicious?
04:24Dear mom
04:26We are no different from these candles
04:31I am heartbroken because my children love me
04:35But you hide that pain to comfort your loved ones
04:40And a kind mother like you
04:43You have to hide your tears
04:46To wipe the tears for your children
04:50A mother can't allow herself to live in reminiscence
04:55And a daughter can't escape the pain
05:02But that daughter
05:05Is also bringing great joy
05:08To her parents
05:11And her son Rahula
05:14For the future of this country
05:18Every day you light the candles to pray
05:22Will you come back, mom?
05:26Have you forgotten us?
05:30You said that when you found the answer
05:33You would definitely come back
05:36But you have been so quiet
05:39You haven't even sent me a message
05:43Will you come back, mom?
05:46And Sodara
05:49You light these candles
05:52To hope that he will come back
05:54Because you are still suspicious
05:58Siddhartha can forget everything
06:02But he will never
06:05Forget you and Rahula
06:08Forget his father
06:12And forget his mother
06:16I'm sure he will never forget the people of this country
06:21Siddhartha left to help us escape the pain
06:26I'm sure he will come back
06:29He will definitely come back
06:32But why can't you stop your tears, mom?
06:42How long do I have to wait, mom?
06:47How long do I have to bear this separation?
06:52How many more candles do I have to light?
06:56He has forgotten me and he will never come back
07:01He has forgotten me, mom
07:12He has forgotten me, mom
07:17He has forgotten me and he will never come back
07:38He has forgotten me and he will never come back
07:41Looking at my son
07:45You think he's thatiance?
07:54Why don't you praise your son?
07:58My good son
08:01You did very well
08:04You helped Nanda and Deity to silhouette
08:09I'm sorry, mother.
08:11You did the right thing.
08:13You have to cause a discord between their father and son.
08:16So that Her Majesty no longer has the intention of allowing Nanda to be the heir to the throne.
08:24It doesn't matter if Her Majesty allows Nanda to be the heir to the throne.
08:29To be honest, Nanda is just a puppet in my hand.
08:37Once Nanda is immersed in the joy of the throne,
08:42he will not be able to remember anything else.
08:47He will have to get drunk in a pot of delicious wine.
08:51He will never be able to stand up again.
08:56He will never be able to control his own lust and can only destroy himself.
09:04He may even have to die, mother.
09:10And then Her Majesty will be so sad that she will cut him off.
09:16Wonderful! My son is wonderful!
09:21Siddhartha is out of the game.
09:25Now Nanda is also your heir.
09:30He will fail miserably.
09:54All of you, get out.
10:01Where are you going, Nanda?
10:05You know I'm here to tell you the good news.
10:10But now I'm busy, sister.
10:13You have to come to the palace to play with Devadatta.
10:16I don't need my parents' permission.
10:19Do I have to hurt my parents?
10:22When Siddhartha came there, did anyone stop him?
10:24And you go and say you hurt them?
10:26Sorry, Nanda.
10:28How can you compare yourself to my brother?
10:34Do you have any good qualities like him?
10:41Look at yourself in the mirror.
10:43Look into your eyes and ask yourself.
10:46You will understand.
10:48That's right.
10:50Do you admit that you are not great like him?
10:54It's not about being great or not.
10:57My brother decided to become a monk.
11:00It's a trend since childhood.
11:05But have you ever thought about your future?
11:08Have you ever thought about your future?
11:11Have you ever thought about your future?
11:14Have you ever thought about your future?
11:18Have you ever thought about your parents' feelings at that time?
11:22They want your brother to know and enjoy his life.
11:27But he is still obsessed with his ambition.
11:30He doesn't forget his childhood ambition.
11:34Then he goes to that forbidden place.
11:36What can you do if you are him?
11:39In the past, you didn't know how many beauties wanted to be with him.
11:45But your brother didn't care.
11:48So those beauties had to give up in front of your brother's determination.
11:53Do you want to compare yourself to him?
11:56But the truth is,
11:59even Ambarbali can't do anything for your brother.
12:04Not all flowers in the garden smell like Donald Duck.
12:09Think about it.
12:10You still have a huge responsibility on your shoulder.
12:14Above, you have to take care of Phu Duong.
12:16Below, you have to take care of the people.
12:20You are our future.
12:34Don't force Nanda.
12:37You have to bear more responsibilities like that.
12:40He can't stand it.
12:44You scared him again.
12:49As if he committed an unjust crime.
12:55You try to talk to him.
12:59Is there anyone in this palace, even if it's just one person,
13:05who hasn't come to visit or not?
13:13You can't answer, can you?
13:16No one.
13:19So Nanda,
13:27Or do you want to
13:30let him
13:32go out of prison?
13:35Let's go, Nanda.
13:36Wait, Nanda.
13:39He's hurting you.
13:44He's not a kid anymore, Yasodada.
13:48Let him enjoy life.
13:52I'll wait for you outside, Nanda.
14:29Never let others decide your life.
14:34Now you're grown up.
14:36You can tell right from wrong.
14:39Let's go.
14:42You're right, brother.
14:46Of course I know
14:48what's good for you.
14:53You go.
14:55I won't go anymore.
15:26Very good.
15:37Dear Buddha, please bless me.
15:39You look so young, but you beg for food.
15:41Don't you know what shame is?
15:43What shame?
15:44They don't work,
15:46they don't live, but they get to eat.
15:52Buddha wants to bring happiness to the people.
15:54But he left his wife and children.
15:57Who likes them?
15:58He's really crazy.
15:59Don't you know what shame is?
16:01Go somewhere else.
16:03And never come back.
16:30They don't offer food to the teachers, right?
16:32Master Bach.
16:34Can we really go somewhere else?
16:37Of course.
16:39But what if the teachers go somewhere else
16:42if they follow you there?
16:44No, Master Bach.
16:46Only the people of that village are always jealous of us.
16:50So they make fun of us
16:52and humiliate us.
16:53Why are you so angry?
16:56If they bring the flag over
16:58to welcome you,
16:59you will be happy.
17:01That means
17:04the teachers
17:06bring peace in their hearts
17:09and give it all to others.
17:12The circumstances can make the teachers move
17:15or make them happy.
17:23Master Bach.
17:24This is our fault.
17:26If the circumstances can make us suffer and be angry
17:31it's because we haven't learned your teachings.
17:40If the teachers are still angry
17:43then they are too far away from the truth.
17:47Master Bach.
17:49We understand your explanation.
17:51I hope you remember one thing.
17:55In the past,
17:57it was not easy to receive new things.
18:00The teachers were destroying their beliefs.
18:04Of course, they didn't like it.
18:08they teased the teachers.
18:12they came and kissed the teachers.
18:14And then,
18:15they ran away from the teachers
18:17and didn't care about them anymore.
18:21But gradually,
18:22they began to welcome the teachers.
18:25The teachers had to go through a transformation
18:27and the teachers were humiliated.
18:42Peace be with you, Buddha.
18:44Her Majesty Bimbisara has sent a carriage to escort you.
18:48Please get on the carriage.
18:50Thank you.
18:51Please tell Her Majesty
18:54that the teachers and I
18:56will walk to the temple.
18:58As you wish, Buddha.
19:07My son.
19:10My son.
19:14It's time to take him away.
19:16Don't cry.
19:17I can't.
19:19Oh, God.
19:20Oh, God.
19:21Please let my son live.
19:24Please don't take away his life.
19:26Please give him back to me.
19:31don't be too sad.
19:33You can't live if you die.
19:35My son.
19:38Does anyone understand my suffering?
20:24Please let my son live.
20:38Her Majesty Bimbisara has arrived.
20:55Her Majesty Bimbisara
21:07This is my wife,
21:10Her Majesty Vedihi.
21:12These are the teachers of the Magadha.
21:15They all believe in the classics.
21:19And this is the general and the gods of Magadha.
21:43Please take a seat.
21:49Please have a seat.
21:54Please take a seat.
21:57Please have a seat.
22:22where is the crown prince Ajastu?
22:25He is practicing in the temple, Your Majesty.
22:28No one told him that Buddha was coming today?
22:32He knew, Your Majesty.
22:36Did you tell him?
22:39I did, but...
22:50This is Ajastu, my son.
22:56Please come and pray to Buddha.
22:59I'm sorry, Your Majesty.
23:01I don't want to pray to anyone.
23:04Calm down, calm down.
23:07I don't want to pray to anyone.
23:10I don't want to pray to anyone.
23:13I don't want to pray to anyone.
23:16Calm down, calm down.
23:19It's wrong to be so aggressive.
23:22It's wrong to be so aggressive.
23:25I don't want to pray to anyone.
23:27I don't want to pray to anyone.
23:30Don't worry.
23:32I understand.
23:34I don't want to pray to anyone.
23:41You have a beautiful sword.
23:45Did you make it for yourself?
23:48I'm the crown prince.
23:50Why do I have to make it myself?
23:53That's right.
23:55A crown prince doesn't need to know how to make a sword.
23:59But when the swordsman gives it to you,
24:03what do you do then?
24:06You can tell the quality of the sword.
24:12I will test the sharpness of the sword.
24:15I will test the sharpness of the sword.
24:18That means you won't be able to tell the quality of the sword
24:22until you have tested it yourself.
24:25That's right.
24:27How do you test the sharpness of the sword
24:31in the sunlight?
24:35It's hard to say.
24:37It's simple.
24:39Everything in the world absorbs heat.
24:44It's the base of every individual's needs.
24:50The grass grows
24:54no higher than the sun.
24:57The same goes for the grass.
25:01Because the grass can absorb the sunlight,
25:05it can grow very high.
25:07You're right.
25:10A strong tree will grow tall.
25:14A tall grass will grow tall.
25:17It's said that the law of nature is maturity.
25:28I'm going to pack up a few things and look for you later.
25:38He still doesn't understand.
25:40On behalf of my son, I apologize.
25:44I was impressed by your impulsive personality.
25:58I didn't give him to you.
26:00He's my beloved son.
26:08Please forgive me.
26:10He's my son.
26:11You advised her to help me
26:13and took him to the crematorium.
26:16But she held him in her heart and refused to let him go.
26:21Please save my son.
26:23Please save him.
26:26Don't cry.
26:28I understand your pain.
26:31I know someone who can bring your son back to life.
26:36Who is he?
26:38Even your Majesty can't save him.
26:42He can answer all your questions.
26:45He can definitely bring your son back to life.
26:50Who is he?
26:52Please tell me.
26:54He's Buddha.
26:57Master, where is he?
27:00He's in the cemetery.
27:02Go there and call him.
27:07Yes, yes.
27:09He's my son.
27:15He must be a great Buddha.
27:19He can definitely bring your son back to life.
27:33I want to see Buddha.
27:36Why are you here?
27:38This is not your home.
27:40Please let me in.
27:42I want to see Buddha.
27:43Why does no one help me?
27:45Let me in.
27:47Let me in.
27:50Let me go.
27:52Let me go.
27:54Let her in.
28:10You are my last hope.
28:13Buddha, please bring my son back to life.
28:17Please bring my son back to life, Buddha.
28:22Let me get rid of this pain.
28:26Buddha, please bring my son back to life.
28:30Please let me go, Buddha.
28:32Please save my son.
28:35I can bring your son back to life.
28:42But you have to do a few things.
28:46You have to go to any house in the city
28:49and beg them for mercy.
28:51Yes, yes.
28:52I will go.
28:53I will go.
28:54But remember
28:56the house where you beg for mercy
28:59must be a house
29:01where no one has ever lived.
29:04Yes, Buddha.
29:06My son.
29:20Can you let me beg for mercy?
29:23Yes, I can.
29:25But you only beg for one?
29:28But you told me
29:31that in your house
29:33no one has ever lived.
29:35Hey, what are you talking about?
29:37I'm not hiding anything.
29:39My parents
29:41passed away half a year ago.
29:46I'm sorry.
29:47I can't take your mercy.
29:55I'm sorry.
30:11My wife has just passed away.
30:13My son has passed away.
30:15My son and my daughter-in-law have both passed away.
30:18My wife and my son
30:20have both been drowned.
30:25My son and my daughter-in-law
30:28have both been drowned.
30:40But my son
30:43remains alive.
30:46My son
30:49is still alive.
30:52My son
30:54Is there anyone at home? Open the door!
30:59Please open the door!
31:24Please open the door!
31:54Please open the door!
32:16All living things in this world
32:21are natural laws.
32:25No matter if you are old or young,
32:29ignorant or stupid,
32:33everyone has to die.
32:38If I had told you the truth earlier,
32:42would you have believed me?
32:45The Moon
32:48The Moon is drifting in the sky,
32:51like an ordinary person.
32:55Every night, the Moon rises.
32:58Day by day, it grows,
33:00until it is full,
33:02and then it is empty.
33:05At last, there is nothing left,
33:08and then it starts to rotate.
33:11But it does not disappear.
33:14It is just out of our sight.
33:18Your child is not dead.
33:22It is just living in your heart.
33:27That's right.
33:30It's just like what the wind said.
33:34It's just like what the wind said.
33:37Please calm down,
33:40and you will understand.
33:42Life is like the shadow of a human being.
33:47Suffering follows us all the time.
33:53But the cause of the suffering
33:56is that we are caught up in the situation.
33:59We can't escape from it.
34:06how can I escape?
34:08The key to escape
34:11lies in the transformation of the mind.
34:14No matter how much pain we feel,
34:17or how much joy we have,
34:20we have to keep calm between the two.
34:26When we do this,
34:29the chain of suffering will be opened,
34:32and we will understand the ultimate truth.
34:35And according to the opening of the mind,
34:39you will understand
34:42life and death, resurrection and separation.
34:46Not two, but one.
35:05I have a favor to ask of you.
35:09I have prepared a gift for you.
35:16You have left the world,
35:19but this gift will connect you to me.
35:24Outside Magadha,
35:27there is a world
35:30full of happiness.
35:32Outside Magadha,
35:35there is a small jungle
35:38called Tinsa Veluvan.
35:41If you can stay there,
35:44it will be a great honor for me.
35:47This is a small gift
35:50I would like to give to you.
35:53I am very grateful, Your Majesty.
35:56Then during the four months of the rainy season,
35:59we will stay there.
36:02I will stay there.
36:09I am sorry, Your Majesty.
36:12You have escaped from death.
36:15Please accept this small gift.
36:45Devadatta has completely lost his mind.
36:49Your Majesty, please don't be angry.
36:52Please forgive his foolishness,
36:55so I can talk to him.
36:58How can I persuade him?
37:01Your Majesty,
37:03please allow me to speak.
37:06Do you even know who you are in this palace, Devadatta?
37:12What did I do wrong?
37:15He was drunk yesterday.
37:18So today is a good day for you to teach him.
37:22Drunk is a meaningless word,
37:25so I have silenced him.
37:30you were also drunk
37:33when you said those words to me.
37:36And then,
37:38you blamed me for everything.
37:41I was blind and stupid
37:44to ignore your foolishness.
37:46But Your Majesty...
37:48Listen carefully.
37:51Listen carefully.
37:53This is the last time I warn you.
37:56From now on,
37:58if I hear
38:00you continue to
38:02pull Nanda
38:04or any other drunkard
38:08then don't blame me
38:10for being harsh to you.
38:18I know, Your Majesty.
38:20What do you know?
38:22I warned you last time,
38:25but you still want to pull Nanda
38:27and get into trouble.
38:29Your Majesty, I didn't push her away.
38:30She wanted to do it herself.
38:31You are her brother.
38:38If she asked you to push her into the well,
38:40would you do it?
38:44From now on,
38:46you are not allowed to let Nanda get into trouble
38:48or else
38:50I will blame you for everything.
38:53Do you understand?
38:57That's too much.
38:59Even if I can't save Nanda,
39:02I can't push her into the well.
39:04Hurry up and plead guilty.
39:06Swear that
39:07you won't let this happen again.
39:19If you don't,
39:20then go and beg for mercy.
39:22Hurry up.
39:29That's enough, Devadatta.
39:38You are the eldest of the brothers
39:43and the closest to me.
39:45Do you know how painful it is
39:48to see you go back on your word?
39:53You are too stupid, Your Majesty.
39:57You don't deserve to be forgiven.
40:00You are also my son.
40:05I just hope that
40:08you won't go back on your word again.
40:11Don't go back on your word again.
40:38for the time being,
40:39please accept your humiliation.
40:51I want to take back my father's throne.
40:55I must let my father know
40:57before I give up.
41:01Who else can help you
41:02to realize your ambition?
41:04This year,
41:07there will be
41:10an Ayashatu.
41:15Just wait
41:18and see how you will connect with Ayashatu.
41:23Devadatta will change the game.
41:34Devadatta will change the game.
41:40Devadatta will change the game.
41:47The world that we consider to be real
41:51is a game of sorrow and pain.
41:55The one who is born
41:57will surely die.
42:00This is the law of the universe.
