Kenya caught up in Haiti

  • 3 months ago
00:00Weapons in hand, alongside armoured vehicles, recently deployed Kenyan police officers
00:07have begun patrolling the streets of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince.
00:11The first contingent of more than 400 arrived in Haiti on Tuesday as part of a UN-approved
00:16peacekeeping mission in the Caribbean country that has been ravaged by violence in recent
00:22Residents in Haiti are hopeful that this long-delayed mission will bring a turnaround to the current
00:29We need peace.
00:31If the Kenyan police forces are here, it's so we can return to the lives we had before.
00:36We think the government is doing this right.
00:39We cannot take no more, because that's enough, enough is enough, we've suffered too much.
00:45We cannot take it no more, because the Kenyan people, we need them around here, because
00:49the gang members, they make us suffer so much, but the Kenyan people, I think we'll be good.
00:58Haiti has long faced unrest with the surging violence since March, displacing nearly 580,000
01:04people, according to the UN Migration Agency.
01:08The UN estimates nearly 5 million are facing severe food insecurity.
01:15The peacekeeping mission was requested by a previous Haitian government back in 2022.
01:20It is expected to eventually form a 2,500-strong force with personnel from 15 other countries
01:26across Africa, North America, Europe and the Caribbean.
01:30Muturi Kaibere, CGTN.
