Major Announcement SA

  • 3 months ago
President Cyril Ramaphosa announces a new National Executive
00:00Over a month ago, on the 29th of May, the people of South Africa voted in a water-shared election.
00:27In casting their votes, our people made it clear that they expect political parties to
00:34work together to deliver on a mandate of transformation, growth and renewal.
00:42And to give effect to this mandate, it was agreed that a government of national unity,
00:50which brings together parties from across the political spectrum, should be formed.
00:58This government of national unity would be bound by certain fundamental principles and
01:04would undertake a basic minimum of program of priorities that affect the lives of the
01:11people of South Africa.
01:13Following discussions over the course of the last few weeks, a total of 11 parties
01:20have elected to work together in government as well as in parliament.
01:27These are the African National Congress, the Democratic Alliance, the Patriotic Alliance,
01:34the Ngata Freedom Party, Good Party, Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania, Freedom Front Plus, United
01:44Democratic Movement, Al-Jamal, Rise Mzansi and the United African Transformation.
01:55The partnership between the GNU parties is guided by a statement of intent which outlines
02:03fundamental principles and a minimum program of priorities.
02:08All the parties have made a commitment in writing to respect the constitution and to
02:15promote accountable and transparent governance, evidence-based policies and decision-making,
02:24the professionalization of public service based on integrity and good governance.
02:33The incoming government will prioritize rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth
02:41and the creation of a more just society by tackling poverty and inequality as well as
02:51The establishment of the government of national unity in its current form is unprecedented
02:58in the history of our democracy.
03:02We have had to consider how to form a new government in a manner that advances the national
03:08interest but also gives due consideration to the outcome of the election and that makes
03:16use of the respective capabilities within each of the parties represented.
03:23We have had to consider not only the immediate needs of the country but the needs of all
03:30our people.
03:32We have also had to consider the stability, effectiveness and the durability of the government
03:39that we are establishing.
03:42It is true that some South Africans have expressed concern about the length of time it has taken
03:49to form a government since the elections.
03:53As the discussions have unfolded, they have been worried about the effect of a protracted
04:00process on confidence and the stability of the country.
04:06At the same time, many people have pointed to the experiences of other countries that
04:12have far longer history in democracy where the formation of multi-party governments have
04:21sometimes taken several months.
04:23In one case, the formation of a government took more than a year.
04:30As a relatively young democracy, we should be proud that we have moved to establish a
04:35government comprised of a number of parties within such a short space of time.
04:44Through our discussions, we have been able to build consensus on the tasks of government.
04:53We have shown that there are no problems that are too difficult or too intractable
05:00that they cannot be solved through dialogue and negotiations.
05:05This evening, I am pleased to announce the members of the National Executive of our country
05:10who will bear collective responsibility to give effect to the will of the people of South Africa.
05:18In forming the National Executive of our country, we have had to consider several factors
05:24and advance a number of key principles.
05:29We have had to ensure that the incoming government will be effective and that it will have people
05:36with the experience, the skills and capabilities to deliver on its mandate.
05:43It is important that we deploy into positions of responsibility people who are committed,
05:50capable and hardworking and who also have integrity.
05:57We have had to ensure that all the parties are able to participate meaningfully in the
06:03National Executive as well as in various parliamentary positions and that they should represent the
06:11diversity of the people of South Africa properly.
06:16We have sought to ensure that the National Executive is representative of the people
06:22of South Africa giving due consideration to gender, to youth, demographics as well as
06:31the regional distribution in our country.
06:35We want South Africans to see themselves reflected not only in the composition of government
06:41but also in the policies and the programs of our government.
06:47Given the challenges that our country faces today and considering the electoral mandate
06:55this government must implement and I mean that we must work hard to ensure that we achieve
07:06all the goals that we have set out and with due regard to this I have decided to make
07:14a number of changes in the government's portfolios.
07:20In the course of the sixth administration I indicated my intention to reduce the number
07:27of portfolios in the National Executive however due to the need to ensure that the National
07:34Executive is inclusive of all the parties that are part of the government of national
07:41unity this has not been possible.
07:46In some instances we've had to consider it necessary to separate certain portfolios to
07:54ensure that there is sufficient focus on key issues.
08:00The ministries of electricity and energy will now be merged.
08:07There will be a separate ministry of minerals and petroleum resources.
08:12The ministry of agriculture will be separated from the ministry of land reform and rural
08:20Ministry of higher education will be separated from the ministry of science technology and
08:28Ministry of justice and constitutional development will be separated from the ministry of correctional
08:36There will no longer be a ministry of public enterprises.
08:40The coordination of the relevant public enterprises will be located in the presidency during the
08:47process of implementing a new shareholder model.
08:51However various key institutions will be reporting to the various ministry for policy matters.
09:03The following appointments to the executive will therefore be made.
09:11The deputy president is Paul Mashatile.
09:16The minister of agriculture is John Stiernhasen.
09:20The deputy minister of agriculture is Rosemary Noguzola-Kapa.
09:28Minister of land reform and rural development is Mswanele Nyonjo.
09:36Deputy minister of land reform and rural development is Chupu Stenlimatabata.
09:44Minister of basic education is Siviwe Kwakhube.
09:50Deputy minister of basic education is Regina Mhaule.
09:55Minister of communications and digital technologies is Soli Malati.
10:01Deputy minister of communications and digital technologies is Mwantle Gungubele.
10:09Minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs is Velingosi Tlabisa.
10:16Deputy minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs is Dixon Masemula
10:23and Ngozi Zolile Benz Ngamashe.
10:29The minister of defense and military veterans is Einjimu Tseha.
10:35Deputy minister of defense and military veterans is Bantu Holomisa and Richard Nkongo.
10:43Minister of electricity and energy is Hossien Tsuramokopa.
10:49Deputy minister of electricity and energy is Samantha Graham.
10:55Minister of science, technology and innovation is Blade Nzemande.
11:01Deputy minister of science, technology and innovation is Nomalung Elokina.
11:08Minister of employment and labor is Nomakosa Zanameth.
11:14Deputy minister of employment and labor is Jomo Sibiya and Pumzilim Gwina.
11:22Minister of finance is Enoch Godongwana.
11:25Deputy ministers of finance are David Masondo and Ashur Sarupen.
11:33Minister of forestry, fisheries and environment is Dion George.
11:39Deputy ministers of forestry, fisheries and environment are Narend Singh and Bernice Swartz.
11:48Minister of health is Dr. Aaron Motwaledi.
11:51Deputy minister of health is Dr. Joe Partha.
11:56Minister of higher education is Dr. Nobuhle Nkabani.
12:02Deputy ministers of higher education are Butima Namela and Dr. Mimi Gondwe.
12:10Minister of home affairs is Leon Schreiber.
12:15Deputy minister of home affairs is Njabulo Nzuza.
12:20Minister of human settlements is Mamoluku Kubai.
12:24Deputy minister of human settlements is Thandi Mahambeklala.
12:30The minister of international relations and cooperation is Ronald Lamula.
12:35Deputy ministers of international relations and cooperation are Alvin Buotes and Thandi Moraga.
12:44Minister of justice and constitutional development is Tembing Kadimeng.
12:50The deputy minister of justice and constitutional development is Andres Nel.
12:57Minister of mineral and petroleum resources is Gwede Mantashe.
13:02Deputy minister of mineral and petroleum resources is Judith Nnema Zinga Chabalala.
13:11Minister of planning, monitoring and evaluation is Marupini Ramukhopa.
13:17Deputy minister of planning, monitoring and evaluation is Seiso Mwhai.
13:23Minister of police is Senzo Mkunu.
13:26Deputy ministers of police are Pauli Bushielo and Kassel Matale.
13:32Minister in the presidency is Kumbudzo Nchaveni.
13:37Deputy ministers in the presidency are Nnongmaeba Mkhlaouli and Kenneth Morolo.
13:45Minister of public service and administration is Ngozi Mzamo Butelezi.
13:53Deputy minister of public service and administration is Binkike Kana.
13:59Minister of public works and infrastructure is Dion McPherson.
14:03Deputy minister of public works and infrastructure is Sikhesi Galala.
14:09Minister of small business development is Delanda Beni.
14:14The deputy minister of small business development is Jane Sithole.
14:19The minister of social development is Sisi Tolache.
14:24Deputy minister of social development is Hanif Hendricks.
14:28Minister of sports, arts and culture is Gaten McKenzie.
14:33Deputy minister of sports, arts and culture is Peace Mabe.
14:38Minister of tourism is Patricia Delil.
14:42Deputy minister of tourism is Megi Sochu.
14:46Minister of trade and industry and competition is Pax Dau.
14:51The deputy ministers of trade, industry and competition are Zuko Godlimpi and Andrew Whitfield.
14:58Minister of transport is Barbara Creasy.
15:02Deputy minister of transport is Mukule Okolengwa.
15:07Minister of water and sanitation is Pemima Jodina.
15:12Deputy ministers of water and sanitation is David Matlobo and Isaac Sialholo.
15:19Minister of women, youth and persons with disabilities is Sindisiwe Chikunga.
15:25Deputy minister of women, youth and persons with disabilities is Mapaseka Steve Litsike.
15:33Minister of correctional services is Peter Khrunewald, Dr. Peter Khrunewald.
15:39Deputy minister of correctional services is Lindiwe Njali Njali.
15:45These men and women that we have appointed to the executive are drawn from all corners of our country.
15:53They reflect the diversity of our nation.
15:57They have a responsibility to work together to serve the people of South Africa as a whole.
16:05None of the members of the national executive has been appointed to serve the interests of a particular constituency,
16:13a particular party or a particular section of society.
16:18Collectively and individually, they are responsible to the people of South Africa.
16:25In the spirit of partnership and collaboration,
16:29the incoming government will work together with other formations to convene what we have spoken about a few days ago,
16:40which is a national dialogue.
16:42Through this national dialogue, all parties, civil society groups, labor, business and other stakeholders
16:51will be invited to work together to address the critical challenges facing our nation.
16:59We call on all South Africans to participate in the national dialogue
17:04and to give their support to this government of national unity as it begins its work.
17:13As the leaders of political parties, as ministers and deputy ministers, as public representatives,
17:20we understand and accept the responsibility that we bear.
17:26We have all been called upon to serve the people of this country and we will do so to the utmost of our ability.
17:36I thank you.