BangLadesh #lashed #africanized

  • 3 months ago
00:00Sakhir Starmer appeared on Bangladeshi TV today following a backlash after he used Bangladesh as an example of a safe country
00:07To which unsuccessful asylum seekers could be returned. Let's have a look at Starmer's original comments
00:13And remember he's talking about people with no legal rights to remain in the UK
00:18On the first few days in government, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll put the staff back in the returns unit
00:24I'll make sure that we've got planes going off, not to Rwanda because that's an expensive gimmick
00:30They will go back to the countries where people come from. That's what used to happen.
00:34Where? Where are they? I mean, it's so hard to do.
00:37Well, at the moment, people coming from countries like Bangladesh are not being removed
00:43Well, here he is today explaining himself on Bangladeshi TV
00:48I'm very concerned about any upset I may have caused. That certainly wasn't my intention
00:55I didn't mean to offend anyone or upset anyone and I'm genuinely concerned that I have done so
01:04not least because
01:06the relationship between Labour and the Bangladeshi community is very very strong. Now those relationships are strong and
01:14therefore it is a concern to me that words that I used have caused upset and
01:20I do want to address that and to be absolutely clear that that was not my intention
01:28Keir Starmer there expressing his concern over upset
01:32But did he actually say anything wrong?
01:35Should a politician feel the need to explain themselves for stating that existing laws should be enforced?
01:41Well over to my panel Callum, we'll start with you on this one. Um
01:45It does seem strange that he's taken to Bangladeshi TV
01:51Taken to sort of almost apologizing for what he said
01:55I think it comes down to the fact he did single out particular community
02:00If he's saying look you failed your asylum seeker
02:04Application you need to therefore be deported to your original country
02:09No, he's not advocating for Rwanda or any of that daft nonsense
02:13But he's advocating for safe return of people who have failed their asylum claim
02:16I think where actually the offense comes in. I think there's a legitimate point to be made here about well
02:22Why single out Bangladesh? Well, he was asked to name a country. Well, he could have named
02:28More than one country. Why did he single out Bangladesh as a particular country?
02:33Well, that's an interesting point. Are you sure what you make of it? I think look
02:36This is a leader who's taking responsibility. It was clearly a slip of the tongue. He made a mistake
02:42He realizes made a mistake and he's gone on the next day to to reach out and speak to the community that he's offended
02:49And that's what good leadership is about and we've just mentioned Nigel Farage a few minutes ago
02:56Somebody's made a mistake. Let's not do this again. And let's hold our hands up take responsibility
03:01Move on. Hang on. Is it easy?
03:04It's that wrong to say that people who've come to this country illegally who have had any asylum application
03:10Refused should then return to the country from which they came
03:14It happens to be that quite a few people from Bangladesh have come to the UK illegally
03:19Is it wrong to say that they should be returned to Bangladesh?
03:22I think if somebody gave me the option of sending failed asylum seekers
03:28To Rwanda or there a country of origin
03:31I would definitely go with the country of origin because what on earth was this is this Rwanda policy all about?
03:36It's just not going to work. It hasn't worked so far. It's not going to work
03:40So I agree that if this if the process has been followed through and asylum cases have failed then absolutely
03:48But we have to make the process
03:51Of groveling, yeah
03:52I think the problem is that Sakhir Starmer has got a problem in as much that he he can't really send them back to very
03:58Many countries and so therefore, you know, he started going through the countries and then he he lighted on Bangladesh
04:05You've also got to remember
04:10As well we've got yes, we've got illegal people coming in from Bangladesh
04:14We've also got a lot of legal migration
04:17Bangladesh as well and our health service and all of our food industry and very much other things probably wouldn't run without a lot of immigrant
04:27So I think you've got to be very careful and I think he I think he blurted it out
04:30I think it was a mistake really I do because I think he should have named several countries
04:36I think he was struggling to be blunt with you to find a country and out came Bangladesh
04:42Don't forget he's also had problems, you know over Gaza and all of these issues in light
04:48It sort of enrages all of that if you see what I mean, and that's why that's why you know
04:53If I could be so bold, he's he's on Bangladeshi television today
04:57He because of the problems he has in certain seats in this country
05:01And you know, believe it or not
05:04I have some sympathy for him
05:05But I have no sympathy for him over his policy on
05:10Migration because I don't think it will work because it isn't a policy isn't this the point Callum?
05:15It's all very well and good sending people from Bangladesh back to Bangladesh. We have diplomatic relations with Bangladesh
05:22There are lots of countries with which that would be a lot harder to sort of do the star
05:29Legalistic just take it through the courts and everything will be fine. That would be a very difficult
05:35Case in the case of a country like Afghanistan
05:38Absolutely, actually one of the things that really annoyed me about Kirsten was approach is that he said he would basically sit down to deal
05:44With the Taliban to return asylum seekers and I'm sat there thinking what the same Taliban who?
05:51Barred women from going to school. It's not the same Taliban that are killing people for being gay
05:56I mean you'd struggle to find an asylum seeker from Afghanistan who doesn't qualify
06:02Isn't this why you need a safe third country where you can deport people who can't return to their country of origin
06:10if we are honestly going to sit here and discuss Rwanda as a safe country a country that in the last 20 years had a
06:16genocide an actual genocide the current president of Rwanda is a man who stopped that genocide and
06:22The social divisions that existed within that country then exit very much exists now
06:27Well, let's turn this to Asia now because this is the Labour Party under the microscope and we will see this more and more
06:33It's likely that in six days time Kirsten will be the prime minister
06:38Absolutely, and this is something that we all need to take responsibility for as a nation people coming here
06:44the reasons are coming here not everybody is coming to the UK to seek asylum and
06:50to take homes and jobs and
06:52Claim benefits people genuinely want to come to this country and they genuinely want to work and pay their taxes and make a positive contribution
06:59To to our our country. There's an issue here a fundamental issue that will be the next government's problem
07:06People who've come to this country who have no rights to stay in this country
07:10Where are they removed to if they can't go back to their country of origin?
07:14Well, this is the thing we really need to look at obviously we've looked at the surrender
07:19Scenario and it's just not going to work first of all because like Cameron pointed out it's not a safe country
07:26It hasn't been thought through
07:27The what the government has done is thrown lots and lots of money at this and just kind of fingers crossed everything's crossed
07:34Let's get start this this ball rolling and it just hasn't worked because it's just not going it's just not a viable option now going back
07:43If I could interrupt there isn't I don't think Kirsten should be honest with the British people and say
07:49I haven't got a policy on
07:51Asylum seekers because he doesn't because in the end they will be allowed into the country there we process and I suspect there'll be an
07:58Amnesty in the long run, but I mean it's not in the party manifesto
08:01But if you've got a big majority, which you probably will unfortunately next Thursday
08:06That is exactly where we're going and of course from his point of view
08:09He then turns Tory voters off the Tories towards reform
08:12It's all actually works very well for the left of politics at the moment
08:19What's going on I
08:21Couldn't tell you because I'm not part of the inner circle and I have no idea
08:24What I can say is that a lot of the people who have made asylum claims to come to this country
08:30They've been refugees fleeing war in Syria
08:33They've been fleeing war in Afghanistan a couple years ago when the Taliban took over
08:38We had an influx of people coming and seeking asylum here
08:42Actually a lot more should have been done to support the people
08:45In many cases they are genuine refugees, but also in many cases we do see economic migration as well