The Whirlwind Hindi Dubbed Ep 02

  • 3 months ago
00:00A film by Shivraj Singh
00:02A film by Shivraj Singh
00:05A film by Shivraj Singh
00:22He won't try to run away or erase any evidence.
00:26Stop the investigation of the patient, sir.
00:28An assemblyman has taken a bribe. The public won't believe him.
00:31He is being framed, sir. This is a political change.
00:33The prosecution will investigate and the court will give its verdict.
00:38South Korea needs a strong portfolio.
00:41Mr. President.
00:42He has just returned from the UN summit with a 10-hour flight.
00:47Please let him rest today.
00:50Mr. Prime Minister, please come.
00:52If you want to save your friend, stay away from us.
00:59It's a little difficult to give up your pride.
01:03How far are you planning to go?
01:07Just one step ahead of you.
01:10Just one step ahead of you.
01:18Tell Saugeeta to come to my house right now.
01:22And gather all the information.
01:32Assemblyman Saugeeta.
01:40He is no more.
01:55Maybe he committed suicide.
03:17You said that when you return from the US summit
03:20and after my speech at the UN,
03:22when the whole world will focus on us,
03:26then you will pacify Saugeeta in your own way.
03:30You didn't plan to kill her.
03:33Don't mind, but are you threatening me, Mr. President?
03:41You are equally involved in all this.
03:44You know that very well.
03:55I have done my job.
03:57Now it's your turn, sir.
04:14Dong Ho.
04:15I don't know how this happened.
04:19I am sorry.
04:21It's a pity.
04:22The one who should have apologized is no more.
04:25Come here, Dong Ho.
04:26We will talk and then...
04:28As the President, you shouldn't have done this.
04:30Now it's my duty to be the Prime Minister.
04:36Have a good night.
04:37As it is, there are many days left for you in the Blue House.
05:44Deputy PM Jong Soo Jin.
05:46You are dismissed from the Cabinet right now.
05:55But this is...
05:56The President's orders are implemented immediately
05:59Non-Cabinet members cannot attend these meetings.
06:02Please leave.
06:03We want to have a peaceful meeting.
06:06Listen, take her home.
06:08With respect.
07:12Deputy Prime Minister.
07:13I think someone tried to kill the President.
07:19They found Crocodile and Methamphetamine in the President's body.
07:22These things can increase blood pressure in the heart.
07:25Someone must have injected it into him.
07:27Security Service checks the President's food and medicines.
07:31And all this is under the supervision of the Secretary.
07:36No outsider will dare to do this.
07:50I got this data directly from the hospital's intranet.
07:53I have also cross-checked this from the internal source.
07:55There is only one person with the President.
07:58Who can be so eager to kill him.
08:04I will run away.
08:34Who are you?
08:44This happened on the night of 26th October, 1989.
08:48Someone entered the President's house and killed him.
08:52Six people were sentenced to death.
08:57And yes.
08:59Where does a rifleman aim while killing a soldier?
09:03On the head?
09:07On the heart?
09:12I want to know.
09:14Has only one President been killed in our country?
09:20Or maybe two?
09:29First, I will choose the Prosecutor General of C.O.L.
09:32Call Prosecutor Lee Jung Suk.
09:34Yes, sir.
09:38Considering the rank and position of the Prosecutors...
09:41...making Prosecutor Lee Jung Suk the District Attorney means...
09:44I will erase the ranks and remove the positions.
09:48You wanted to talk about something else?
09:56I will erase everything that the Prosecutors want to save.
10:00That is precious to them.
10:02All this happened...
10:05...because the man who should have fallen...
10:09...was standing for a long time.
10:12Am I right?
10:14Am I right?
10:38Despite everything...
10:39Despite everything...
10:41...Gitte kept his burial place safe.
10:45I did my job.
10:48Now you do yours.
10:50Jung Suk.
10:51And write this down.
10:55Gitte has handed this case over to us.
10:58Jung Suk.
10:59Go to the root of this case.
11:01Go to the root of this case.
11:04Investigate the case without the help of powerful people.
11:08Go to the root of this case.
11:11What they say is a lie.
11:15The tip that Gitte got... stopped the initial investigation.
11:20I had to save the administration from falling.
11:23What has changed now?
11:27Now I have to save the country from falling.
11:31Now I have to save the country from falling.
11:37Sir, we have to go to the cemetery and pay our respects.
11:40Cancel it.
11:42As the President, this is your first government event.
11:45Government officials are waiting for you.
11:48My burial place is here.
11:50Jung Suk.
11:59If you can kill me...
12:01...and get rid of Sang Hoon...
12:02...and punish Soo Jin...
12:04...then Jung Suk...
12:06...I am ready to die.
12:08Park Dong Ho here.
12:09Someone has hacked the servers of the capital hospital.
12:12The National Intelligence Service and the Defense Intelligence Command...
12:16...believe that the President's reports have been leaked.
12:19North Korea could be involved.
12:21They have the intention, but not the capability.
12:24This is happening from within the country.
12:26Keep the President's family away from the press.
12:28They have been sent to a living hell.
12:30They have been sent to a living hell.
12:32They have been sent to a living hell.
12:34They have been sent to a living hell.
12:35They have been sent to a living hell.
12:37A security team is with them.
12:46Where is the medical officer?
12:47Where is the medical officer?
13:05Call all the big newspapers and TV channels.
13:08There is an emergency press conference in an hour.
13:10Look, we don't have much time.
13:12Give us some more time to prepare.
13:14What did you say, time?
13:15That's the only thing I don't have.
13:28Oh, there you are.
13:31Honey, they caught this lobster in Siberia last night.
13:38Speaking of Siberia, I thought of Lenin.
13:41You know, Lenin quit smoking at the age of 32
13:45when he was in the Siberian labor camp.
13:47Do you know why?
13:49Why are you here? Will you tell me?
13:52The Vice Chairman has made another big investment
13:55in our private equity fund.
13:57You know, people might think something else.
13:59Every time we meet, Deputy Prime Minister,
14:01I invest in your husband's company.
14:04Anyway, Lenin quit smoking because his mother…
14:07Sorry, Anki.
14:09I have an appointment with the dentist today.
14:11Take him with you.
14:17Get Mr. Khan's car ready.
14:25Anyway, thank you very much for trusting us
14:28and making the investment.
14:30I should be the one thanking you.
14:32I got to spend time with a special guest because of you.
14:38See you.
15:00The day you made your first investment,
15:04you told me you wanted to meet the President.
15:08And the second time…
15:23Article 84 of the Constitution
15:26states that the President
15:28will not be accused of any crime
15:31except for treason or treason during his tenure.
15:38Dong Ho tried to kill his President.
15:41This is treason.
15:43Pak Dong Ho will be arrested by this evening.
15:46What will happen then?
15:50The presidential elections will start soon
15:53and we will take over the next presidential seat.
15:56And after that?
16:00Who will take over the Dijon group?
16:03I will take care of that too.
16:05Go ahead.
16:08I will try my best to
16:12get the Chairman to forgive me.
16:27When the Chabol family is forgiven,
16:30the public gets angry.
16:32First, I have to set the atmosphere.
16:34I have the letter of your husband's crimes.
16:37And yet you will only try.
16:40It's better if I go to the person
16:44who tried to kill the President.
16:52But Sangun…
16:54The hospital director is also involved.
16:56He has some evidence.
16:58The press conference is in an hour.
16:59We have to plan…
17:01There won't be any press conference.
17:03Vice Chairman Kang Sangun
17:05doesn't make excuses.
17:07He makes people.
17:09This is good evidence.
17:11The work will be done.
17:13The issue of the heir of the Dijon group
17:15and the arrest of the Chairman.
17:17Pak Dong Ho raised both the issues
17:19to correct Chabol.
17:21That's good.
17:23It will find a way to ruin him again.
17:25Pak Dong Ho tried to kill the President.
17:27He is a traitor.
17:29Pak Dong Ho…
17:31We have to expose the truth.
17:36What if you want to reveal
17:38your own truth?
17:53This is Kang Sangun speaking.
17:55It seems you need my help.
17:57Should I go there
17:59or will you come here?
18:13The day before you were arrested
18:15when the President fell
18:17I thought you were lucky.
18:22But now I feel
18:24you have a lot of qualities.
18:28I wonder how you live
18:30with so many sins on your shoulders.
18:32Suspecting someone is a sin.
18:35The President's murder…
18:38I haven't seen him since
18:40last month's Cabinet meeting.
18:42He gave my Blue House briefings…
18:44You should go.
18:46Pak Dong Ho must be on his way.
18:55Prime Minister Pak Dong Ho
18:57will be here soon.
18:59Why do you want to meet him now?
19:01Who am I to stop him from coming here?
19:06before going to jail
19:08you should congratulate him.
19:10I am used to it
19:12because the people I worked with
19:14were half crooks
19:16and half untrustworthy.
19:18You must have cleared the CCTV footage
19:20and visitors logs of Blue House.
19:22But what will you do about this?
19:28I planted a tree in Blue House
19:31but a fool cut it down
19:33before it could bear fruit.
19:36I hoped you would plant
19:38a new tree in Blue House.
19:41Half of the fruit will be mine.
19:44Do it if you want to rest.
19:47What did you think?
19:49That your lies
19:51would be enough
19:53to get me out of jail?
19:54What did you think?
19:56That I would be scared of your threats?
20:02When everyone finds out
20:04that you tried to kill the President
20:06you will go to jail.
20:08And this pain won't end
20:10even after you die.
20:12Your name will be written in history
20:14that you tried to kill the President.
20:17Your wife, Kim Doo Hee
20:20and son, Pak Han Kyol
20:24will be able to live in this country.
20:30How did you get this threat?
20:34Hold my hand.
20:36No one will know
20:38what you did that night.
20:41Only our friendship will remain.
20:54The answer will be waiting for you, Mr. Acting President.
21:25Don't take it to heart, sir.
21:27You have tried your best.
21:31You fought till the end
21:33when so many people
21:35remained silent out of fear.
21:42If I lose
21:44then other people will lose
21:46because of my defeat.
21:48But I will win.
21:50I will win.
21:51If I lose
21:53then other people will be scared
21:55because of my defeat.
21:57This is the only fear.
22:06I will have to win.
22:10That night when I went to meet the President
22:13I crossed all limits.
22:16And if I can do this
22:18then I can do anything.
22:21I can do anything.
22:44Pak went to a blue house.
22:47I think he will have lunch with Pak Dong.
23:02It's difficult to find peacock yield soup in Seoul these days.
23:05You only get a chance to eat it twice a year in the village.
23:08Today I got it because of you.
23:13When you become the first president of Kanwan 2,
23:16don't forget me.
23:17Do invite me and feed me.
23:27What is this? You are feeding me sweets even before I eat.
23:30What's the hurry?
23:32Sir, do you remember the promise I made to you?
23:36With your permission,
23:38I would like to tell you how I will serve you, sir.
23:43With this, you can get a ticket to Blue House.
23:47These papers belong to the private equity fund
23:49with which the son of the president, Jong-Yon Su, is connected.
23:53Some unknown people have invested their own money
23:56to invest in national projects like real estate and solar power
23:59because they already knew about it and earned a lot of money.
24:02This is a misuse of political power.
24:08Is that why you called this emergency assembly meeting?
24:12Do you want to investigate this matter?
24:15Sir, I want to give you a chance to improve yourself
24:18as well as this society.
24:38Cancel the assembly meeting.
24:41If anyone has an event scheduled, send them back.
24:44Ignore the youth and mind your own business.
24:47Jang-Sik, sir.
24:56Representative Park Jang-Sik can shake more than half of the Korean Liberal Party.
25:01With just one signal from him...
25:02Representative Park is a lucky dog.
25:05If he is in trouble, the politicians cut off his tail.
25:10But Representative Park doesn't do that.
25:12He always takes care of his loved ones.
25:15That's why his tail is still safe.
25:19It's been 30 years.
25:20What do you think?
25:21Will they cut it off today?
25:23If Jang-Yon Su is connected to this private equity fund,
25:27then the people who are involved are either on their side or theirs.
25:31A dirty fish pollutes the entire pond.
25:33We have to get rid of that fish.
25:35We don't play politics alone. We play with a team.
25:37We have to get rid of the rotten people
25:39and then we can form a good team.
25:42If we accept our mistakes, people will support us.
25:47Do you know how to play poker?
25:49You know, right?
25:51I've only thrown a chip.
25:53Don't try to put everything at stake.
25:57Sir, I don't want to eat sweets.
26:00Can I have another bowl of soup?
26:04But he is not one of those who give up.
26:06Park Jung-Ho is such a wild animal that even President Jang couldn't tame.
26:11What if that dog bites you?
26:13He won't bite me.
26:15Listen, Sangu...
26:22See? He won't bite me.
26:32I'll hunt and you'll have to hunt.
26:42If he tells the truth about the murder,
26:44we'll stick to our agreement
26:46until Jang Suk punishes Sangun and Sujin.
26:53Tell me, Jang Suk.
26:55The CIO wants us to transfer the equity fund case to him.
27:00The Prosecutor General has also ordered us to leave the case alone.
27:04He just got the investigation team removed.
27:09Call the Chief of CIO right now.
27:13They say coffee is not good for diabetes
27:16and beer increases cholesterol.
27:18That's why I drink water wherever I go.
27:26Prosecutor Jang Suk has been working on this case for a long time.
27:29Transfer him back to the prosecutor's office.
27:31The Blue House can't interfere in any legal proceedings.
27:35The Ministry of Justice and the Blue House can speak in between
27:38if more than one agency does the same thing.
27:41The Blue House can speak in between?
27:45I'll check that.
27:48But I work a little more leisurely.
27:50So it will take a few weeks for this work.
27:53Director, this is Jung-Ho.
27:59Director, this is Jung-Ho.
28:01My bosses have given me targets.
28:03So I just shoot.
28:15You had the support of the government
28:17and the money from big corporations.
28:20This was your dream for years when you were just a teacher.
28:23You wanted to start a scholarship foundation in the village.
28:28And I can make this dream come true.
28:33Is this your idea?
28:36Or Kang Sang's?
28:38Tell me.
28:43I forgot that it's the same thing.
28:48I started it to save the president.
28:59If someone hadn't made that report,
29:02the Assemblymen wouldn't have died.
29:05There wouldn't have been so much pressure on the acting president.
29:09And this tragedy would never have happened.
29:14I recently found out
29:18who made the report.
29:21It seems like you didn't have the courage to tell the truth about this case.
29:25Nor did you have the confidence to remain silent.
29:33I want you to step down from the post of Chief of Staff.
29:41In college,
29:43you were a very good student.
29:45What you couldn't teach there,
29:47you'll have to teach here.
29:55At your age,
29:59can such courage be so dangerous?
30:06I'm not going to listen to you.
30:09I'm not going to listen to you.
30:12I'm not going to listen to you.
30:15I'm not going to listen to you.
30:29Please stay quiet.
30:45If I had the time,
30:47I would have behaved better.
30:52Acting President Park.
30:56What about him?
30:59The same thing that they did to the president.
31:05When the first director of the CIO was nominated,
31:08it was rumored that he was working for Park Chang Sik.
31:11But I think it was just a rumor.
31:16I'll go now.
31:21I have to start the plan B.
31:46Deputy Prime Minister Sojin came to meet me.
31:50She must have promised you security.
31:53And told you to resign.
32:01As far as I understand,
32:03you and I have the same goal.
32:05Will you support me till the end?
32:15What do I have to do?
32:20A few days ago,
32:22the president's heartbeat stopped right here.
32:34another heartbeat will stop in this room.
32:46I'm thinking of holding your 80th birthday
32:49and Dajin's founding day event together.
32:52We'll invite some guests from outside.
32:55And you'll get special permission.
32:59That's fine.
33:01After all, you only have one father
33:04whom you're getting Dajin Group's inheritance from.
33:07Don't forget.
33:09I have two more sons
33:12in whose name I can run this company.
33:30Yes, what is it?
33:32This is Park Dong Ho.
33:34I met you at the Blue House tonight.
33:42Let's go.
34:05Let's go.
34:08Mr Kim Il Won.
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35:33Mr Kim Il Won.
35:34Mr Kim Il Won.
35:35Mr Kim Il Won.
35:36Mr Kim Il Won.
35:37Mr Kim Il Won.
35:38Mr Kim Il Won.
35:39It's a fan that gives us justice just as the world needs it.
35:44The same fan that is only beneficial to me,
35:47but also brings justice to everyone else.
35:50It's why the doors to justice are closed.
36:10It's extracted from a flower called Monkswood.
36:13It's so poisonous that 2 milligrams of it
36:15can kill a person in five minutes.
36:18I've mixed it in a solution.
36:21If you take it out of your stomach in 30 minutes,
36:22you can survive.
36:24And what if this plan doesn't work?
36:28Then we'll meet in court.
36:32In the name of our historic enmity
36:36and the friendship that's about to happen.
36:45Pak Dong Ho is a...
36:46He's a wild animal that even President Chiang couldn't tame.
36:50He's a wild animal that even President Chiang couldn't tame.
36:53What if that dog bites him?
36:54Pak Dong Ho, that dog...
36:57That dog will bite me.
37:01Sujin was right.
37:22You're a defeated warrior.
37:24Why are you fighting?
37:26Why are you holding a glass that you can't drink from?
37:39Pak Dong Ho, how far will you go?
37:45I'm always one step ahead of you.
37:53Pak Dong Ho.
37:56Pak Dong Ho.
38:06Thank God.
38:09It doesn't matter whether I live or not.
38:13But no matter what, I...
38:16I have to stay with you.
38:26The Blue House security team has arrested the Vice Chairman of the Dejan Group, Kang Sang Hoon,
38:44in an attempt to assassinate the Acting President.
38:49The investigation has revealed that the President's sudden unconsciousness was not due to an old illness,
38:57but was due to a toxic substance being injected into him.
39:01The Vice Chairman of the Dejan Group, Kang Sang Hoon, is the first suspect in the security team.
39:06We have received evidence from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office,
39:10which suggests that someone tried to attack the President from the office of the Dejan Group.
39:16They also have evidence that Kang went to the Blue House to meet them on the night of the attack.
39:21It has also been revealed that they hacked the hospital servers of the Armed Forces
39:26and stole all the medical information of the President.
39:29This evening, Kang Sang Hoon...
39:32The President's security team has arrested him for attacking the Acting President.
39:40The Acting President is being taken to the Armed Forces Capital Hospital.
39:45I have no further information about his condition.
39:57Yes, I still don't know how he is.
40:00Call me as soon as you find out.
40:03Pak Dong Ho is cheating. The public won't listen to him.
40:07Why would the Vice Chairman believe the President?
40:10If we try to find out, he will find out about our intentions.
40:16We will have to stop him.
40:18Pak Dong Ho will come back.
40:23Kang Sang Hoon will be investigated.
40:28My phone!
40:30Where is my phone?
40:37Well done!
40:41You should go now. Pak Dong Ho will be here any moment.
40:47Prime Minister Pak will be arrested by tomorrow morning.
40:52What's the point of meeting him now?
40:54Who am I to stop him from meeting me?
40:57Besides, he should be applauded before going to jail.
41:07He is being treated.
41:09The helicopter was delayed due to bad weather.
41:13He is in critical condition.
41:38Is the Acting President no more?
41:47The President...
41:55has regained consciousness.
42:07The President has regained consciousness.
42:37The President has regained consciousness.
43:07The President has regained consciousness.
43:38The President has regained consciousness.
43:41The President has regained consciousness.
43:44The President has regained consciousness.
43:47The President has regained consciousness.
43:50The President has regained consciousness.
43:53The President has regained consciousness.
43:56The President has regained consciousness.
43:59The President has regained consciousness.
44:02The President has regained consciousness.
44:04The President has regained consciousness.
44:34The President has regained consciousness.
44:37The President has regained consciousness.
44:40The President has regained consciousness.
44:43The President has regained consciousness.
44:46The President has regained consciousness.
45:04The President has regained consciousness.
45:07The President has regained consciousness.
45:10The President has regained consciousness.
45:13The President has regained consciousness.
45:16The President has regained consciousness.
45:19The President has regained consciousness.
45:22The President has regained consciousness.
45:25The President has regained consciousness.
45:28The President has regained consciousness.
45:31The President has regained consciousness.
45:34The President has regained consciousness.
45:37The President has regained consciousness.
45:40The President has regained consciousness.
45:43The President has regained consciousness.
45:46The President has regained consciousness.
45:49The President has regained consciousness.
45:52The President has regained consciousness.
45:55The President has regained consciousness.
45:58The President has regained consciousness.
46:01The President has regained consciousness.
46:04The President has regained consciousness.
46:07The President has regained consciousness.
46:10The President has regained consciousness.
46:13The President has regained consciousness.
46:16The President has regained consciousness.
46:19The President has regained consciousness.
46:22The President has regained consciousness.
46:25The President has regained consciousness.
46:28The President has regained consciousness.
46:31The President has regained consciousness.
