Inazuma Eleven Episode 83 "Stand Up Captain!" (Eng Dub) | Better Video Remastered

  • 3 months ago
00:00Here we are in the second half. Inazuma Japan have replaced Greenway with Stowall, his first
00:06appearance in this tournament game. The score is 2-1, with Toriya dominating. Sharp is on
00:11the bench, getting his knee treated, and Japan are on the field with only 10 players. What
00:16on earth are they planning here? There's Byron with the kickoff. Will Stowall be able to contribute
00:23anything worthwhile to this game? Just watch me, guys. You're about to see Stowall-style
01:03Stowall-style soccer.
01:33Stowall-style soccer.
01:48Stowall-style soccer.
01:58Stowall-style soccer.
02:05Stand up, captain.
02:12Here come Fire Dragon on the attack. And Stowall moves into the pen. Let's see what he does.
02:21Think you'll take it off me like that, pansy boy?
02:26Stowall's not budging an inch. Hey, quit hassling me.
02:33What the heck? And he manages to steal it. It wasn't pretty, but it got the job done.
02:49Are you laughing at me?
02:52Hey, that was actually a pretty good move.
02:56Katie is our joker card.
03:00Jokers are wild. I guess that's why the coach put him in. We're not going to let our guard
03:06down, even though his appearance is a surprise.
03:15What's this? Why is he turning back towards his own goal?
03:18What the heck is he doing here?
03:28What an unbelievable play. Stowall hits his own defender with the ball to get around his
03:39Great Scott! This time it's Swinton at the ball to the head. What's going on?
03:43Why is he attacking his own side?
03:48Are you okay, Nathan?
03:51Yeah, I think so. Looks like the two of us just got used as backboards to bounce the
03:55ball off. He's out of his mind.
03:59Pass it over.
04:02What is he doing? Why does he hang to the goal all on his own?
04:09Straight in! And the Korean goalkeeper catches it easily.
04:14What a waste of a good run that was. A man with talent like that really shouldn't work
04:19around, you know that?
04:22Caleb! Why didn't you pass it to Xavier? You shouldn't have kept it.
04:28How about you shut up? I can do whatever I want, can't I?
04:31Of course you can't.
04:32Stop getting worked up. You're being really girly.
04:36What an insult. He's so rude.
04:38Infighting in the middle of a game, huh? Is this really the best Asia can do?
04:44Stop it, you two. It's a bad time to start an argument, so knock it off.
04:52That boy. He only believes in himself, doesn't he? That's why nobody believes in him.
04:59What's with him?
05:01He plays by his own rules.
05:03Strong feelings in turn become strong themselves.
05:06Even if that strength is focused in the wrong direction...
05:10What do you mean, Coach Hellman?
05:16Jude, you asked me before why I recruited Caleb, remember?
05:23There's a reason why he's obsessed by power and by becoming number one.
05:29His father was unjustly fired from his job and forced to take responsibility for his boss's mistakes.
05:37Since that tragedy, his family have been hounded by debt collectors every day.
05:43His mother and father sank into a deep depression.
05:48I want you to grow up to be strong and powerful, so you can say no to people.
05:53He reacted to his father's plight and his mother's rejection of his father in a strange and twisted way.
06:01If you're not powerful, you can't get anything done.
06:06He's convinced that gaining power and rising to the top is the only way to protect himself and his loved ones.
06:17After that, he tried to suck up to Ray Dark when he reformed Royal Academy, but that ended up in failure.
06:24But he had an unbelievable talent as a soccer player, and I saw that myself.
06:30Let's see what you got for me.
06:32Show me the true talent inside you.
06:37Come with me.
06:43So that's what happened to him?
06:47I'm sorry.
06:54Thank you for telling us that. I think we all understand him better now.
06:58Pass the ball, Caleb!
07:00Come on! If you want the ball so badly, why don't you try and take it from me, girly?
07:06Even so, this and that are two different things. That kind of play is totally unacceptable, you have to agree.
07:13Maybe so. That's in your opinion, of course.
07:18He's trying to do everything by himself again.
07:24At this rate, Japan will undoubtedly lose.
07:27So then, Mark, what will you do?
07:48I don't know. I don't know how I'm going to make this game work out for us.
07:55Well, you're not going to find out without watching.
07:58Why don't you watch the team carefully for once?
08:02Watch the team?
08:06The score is still 2-1 with the Koreans in the lead!
08:10If we want to win this, I have to watch the team.
08:13It's time for our move again!
08:16Perfect Zone Press!
08:20Caleb, remember the mud field training!
08:22Make a pass that goes over their heads!
08:24Shut your mouth, girly!
08:28Darn it!
08:30You're never going to break through the Perfect Zone Press on your own.
08:34It's gone!
08:35Fire Dragon, I got the ball!
08:37I got the ball!
08:39I got the ball!
08:41It's gone!
08:42Fire Dragon, I got the ball off Stonewall!
08:49Luckily, Swift sent the ball out of bounds!
08:51All right, cut it out, Stonewall!
08:53Quit hugging the ball! Work with your teammates!
08:56Don't you tell me what to do!
08:58I'll pass the ball when I want to!
09:02Fine, have it your way.
09:05Watch the team closely.
09:11I got a steal by Stonewall!
09:17Your teammates hate you, but your enemies are loving it.
09:20I see, so are you acknowledging how strong I am, then?
09:23Pardon me?
09:24I've finished playing around with you guys as of this moment.
09:28He's passing!
09:30That's the first pass he's made all game!
09:32But it's too far ahead of him, and Swift misses it!
09:36Get it together, pony boy!
09:38That's rich coming for you!
09:40I'm passing professionally for once!
09:54Hey, can you play this game, fatty?
09:56I can't if I get a real pass from you!
09:59Actually, Jack should have been able to get that pass from him.
10:02And Nathan could have got the other one.
10:05So why did they both miss them?
10:14What's going on?
10:16Not a single one of his passes are connected!
10:19Why can't they get them?
10:21What's wrong with you? What are you idiots doing?
10:24There's no way we can get those passes!
10:26What do you mean?
10:27It isn't about Japan, it's the team! There's more than just one of you, man!
10:30I get it.
10:32He's not just making random passes at all, is he?
10:35He's passing, taking into account how both the enemy and our team are moving.
10:39But then, because nobody trusts him or his style of play,
10:43they're holding themselves back a little.
10:49There it is! Take it and run!
10:55Fire Blizzard!
11:00Relax, I'll stop it!
11:06No, get back!
11:17I don't believe it!
11:21Inazuma Japan blocks the ball, but only just!
11:24All right, that's it. I'm not gonna let myself look uncool anymore.
11:29For Justin's sake and my own!
11:31Wait a second.
11:33Maybe he's scared of the ball because he's scared of making a mistake.
11:39Fire Dragon are pushing for a third goal!
11:42I got him this time!
11:51And another squeaker save from the Inazuma keeper!
11:54Aw, crap.
11:56Take it, Jack!
11:58Time to fight back!
11:59I'm with you!
12:02Take it, Nathan!
12:15Axel and Austin, get ready!
12:20All right, Axel! Let's make it work this time, big guy!
12:51Oh, no! That one missed the goal again!
12:54You missed again.
12:55And the timing was even worse than it was before.
12:58Seriously, what's wrong with you?
13:01I'm really sorry.
13:02What's wrong with you?
13:05I thought I'd made up my mind.
13:07But why do I keep screwing up on the shot by remembering my father like that?
13:15I'm supposed to be sending Mark and the others to the World Championship, aren't I?
13:22Axel, what's going on?
13:32Everyone's panicking.
13:34They're all out of rhythm.
13:35They don't know how to react.
13:47All right, Coach. Listen.
13:49I'm going to the World Championship.
13:51I'm going to win.
13:52I'm going to win.
13:53I'm going to win.
13:54I'm going to win.
13:55I'm going to win.
13:56I'm going to win.
13:57I'm going to win.
13:58I'm going to win.
13:59I'm going to win.
14:06What's Mark doing now?
14:08I keep thinking that in order to fight the world, I need to train myself into top condition.
14:14But because I've been so focused on that, I've forgotten something important, haven't I?
14:18I've been...
14:21forgetting to watch my team.
14:24So now do you understand, Mark?
14:26You know what you have to do now, right?
14:28Yes, I do, Coach.
14:32I'm their captain, aren't I?
14:34After all.
14:37Then you better get out there, Evans.
14:39Take your team and put them on the world stage now.
14:42Use all the skills you've got.
14:44Yes, sir.
14:50Lachance is coming off.
14:52And Evans is coming on.
14:54Oh, yeah.
14:55Oh, buddy dog, it's about time.
14:57You go get him, Mark.
14:59Watch yourself, Mark.
15:00These guys can get him.
15:01You bet.
15:03Let's do this, guys.
15:06Okay, Jude.
15:08Work out a strategy and take us home, please.
15:10Yes, sir.
15:13And Azuma Japan's goalkeeper, Evans, finally steps out of the field.
15:17The famous Mark Evans, eh?
15:20You're finally here, Mark.
15:21It's about time.
15:25What now, Mark?
15:27Okay, guys.
15:28You want to win this, don't you?
15:30Yeah, I definitely do.
15:32That's the only reason I'm on this field.
15:35But that guy...
15:38Now, Nathan, take a closer look.
15:40Not at Caleb's words, but at all of his plays.
15:45You gotta watch this.
15:46He's not doing it for himself.
15:48His plays are trying to bring out the best of your abilities as well.
15:51No way.
15:52He was making passes out there that none of us could reach.
15:55He was just making fun of us.
15:58The ball doesn't lie, guys.
15:59Let his passes connect and you'll see for yourselves.
16:06Looks like they finally got all their pieces in place.
16:09Let's see how the team dynamic changes when your favorite's on the field.
16:13How about that?
16:22And Stonewall intercepts the pass!
16:24A Fire Dragon puts a very quick mark on him.
16:28Oh no, another miss pass!
16:32You know, Mark, I want to believe what you said, but...
16:42Will this one connect?
16:48See that, Mark?
16:50Yeah, baby, he went for it!
16:51How about them noodles?
16:54Seems like he finally managed to figure out Caleb Stonewall, doesn't it?
16:58Yeah, way to go, Jude!
17:00That was some serious hustle there, I'm impressed!
17:03You can do it even faster and harder if you want.
17:08How about this?
17:12Oh yeah, he did it again!
17:13Wow, Jude can do anything!
17:15No, he passed to him because he already knew that Jude would be able to connect with the pass.
17:21Hold on here, are you saying he catered that exact pass to Jude? Is that it?
17:28Oh, so close!
17:29Sharp shot his turn back!
17:33Well, well, it seems Caleb's been watching us as well as the other team.
17:49Yeah, I got it, baby!
17:51He made sure he calculated it perfectly so I could catch it!
18:00So that's it!
18:01He went off on his own at the start so he could input data into his head about all the players and try and make perfect passes to us!
18:08He really wants to win! He wants to go to the World Championships as much as all of us!
18:13We all want to win this thing!
18:17Stonewall has just clicked into the team like a well-oiled gear.
18:21Allowing him to roam freely on the field was a tactical mistake.
18:25Try Rosetta Mark Stonewall!
18:28Oh, no!
18:30Oh, no!
18:32Oh, no!
18:34Oh, no!
18:35Rosetta Mark Stonewall!
18:37This is a struggle of titanic proportions!
18:40But Stonewall isn't giving up either!
18:42I'm the pride of the dragon, I will not let you pass!
19:05Can Stonewall unite Flowpastroy in a match, ready or not?
19:08Well, they just stopped Korea's defenders dead on the field, didn't they?
19:12I think I'll call that move Killer Field!
19:15Incredible! They're actually working together!
19:23Let's do it, Jackie boy!
19:25You betcha!
19:43Here's my explosive slap!
19:55Swift of all sides combo shot explodes past the keeper and into the net!
19:58And Azuma Japan have actually leveled the score!
20:01All right!
20:03I think I'll call that one Tornado Fall!
20:05Wasn't that the technique that Hurley was practicing with Wallside, though?
20:09Hey, man, whatever works, right?
20:11That was a totally radical shot, man!
20:18That was absolutely perfect timing!
20:25The only thing I want to do is win this game!
20:32His attitude is still pretty weird, though.
20:36Well, that's Caleb Stonewall for you.
20:39I guess so.
20:48They just created a brand new combination shot in front of our eyes!
20:52I did keep telling you!
20:54Inazuma Japan is a strong team!
20:56But the ones who will win in the end...
20:58Will be our team, Fire Dragon!
21:24You ready? Let's win this!
21:29Let's go to the World Championships!
22:02Let's go to the World Championships!
22:32Let's go to the World Championships!
23:07We're still playing this game, believe it or not.
23:10And we still don't know who's going to advance.
23:12Us or the Koreans.
23:14This is Axel's last game.
23:16We owe it to him to beat them!
23:18Coming up next on Inazuma Eleven!
23:20Our ticket to the Internationals!
23:22This game is off the hook!
