Dĩ Ái Vi Doanh Tập 12 Thuyết minh

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Dĩ Ái Vi Doanh Tập 12 Thuyết minh
00:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team www.tombridersteam.com
00:25潮汐的眼泪,是流星雨冷后下坠 The tears of the tide, are the meteor shower after the rain
00:32冬天做的梦太易碎,缠迷声叫醒了熟睡 The dream I made in winter is too fragile, so I woke up from a deep sleep
00:38雨落下沉醉,光透过我指尖小腿 The rain falls and sinks, the light passes through my fingertips
00:46睁开脸一心如潮水,让时间不再乏味,晚风轻轻吹 I open my face and my heart is like a tide, so that time is no longer in my way, and the evening breeze gently blows
00:54想来一杯柠檬汽泡水,一口夏天的陶醉 I want to have a cup of lemon sparkling water, a sip of summer intoxication
00:59阳光正明媚,我和你刚好搭配,加点冰,有微醺的风味,不要再皱眉 The light is bright, you and I are a perfect match, add some ice, it has a slightly smoked flavor, don't frown anymore
01:09柠檬汽泡水,蔓延心动的滋味,发烧随风吹,我为你沦陷几回 The lemon sparkling water, the heart flutters, the fever goes with the wind, I have a few chances for you
01:16等风醉,饮几杯青丝水,温柔太零碎,舍不悔 I drink a few glasses of lemon sparkling water, the heart is like water, the tenderness is too fragile, I can't take it
01:47看起来很明显,是吗? How does it look so clear?
01:58变性了,知道没用的东西就要退掉了 I've changed my mind, I know I don't need to give it back
02:02退掉?退什么了?退什么了? Return? Return what?
02:05什么东西? What is it?
02:12哦,那个呀,不是我说的,不是我说的 That one? It's not what I said, it's what you meant to say
02:17真是你? Really?
02:19她怎么还在说呢? Why is she still saying that?
02:25就是上次那次,我发现,我好像是误会了她,所以想要给她赔偿 It was the last time, I found out that I misunderstood her, so I wanted to make it up to her
02:31买给她,买给她一件衣服,当时她说不需要,但是她说不需要,没想到她还给了 So I bought her some clothes, at that time she said she didn't need it, but she didn't give it to me, but I didn't expect her to return it all
02:39所以她拿走一件衣服是为了赔偿 So she took the clothes back to return
02:47这个数字算不算是一件衣服啊? Is this number considered as an item?
02:54你在... You are...
02:55她在... She is...
03:00她在... She is...
03:01她在... She is...
03:31一句茫茫天际,有种能量吸引我一丝触底 One moment, the sky is so vast, there is a kind of energy attracting me to a place
03:43哪怕短暂逃离,燃烧着的初心,依然能让彼此沉寂 Even if I escape for a short while, I can still make each other calm
03:55也许我们都曾是一颗颗善良的心 Maybe we were all once a kind of heart
04:07重新找到彼此,再轻而易举 Reuniting with each other, then leaving together
04:13也许我们依然是一颗颗善良的心 Maybe we were all once a kind of heart
04:22被勇敢的孤寂,释放后重聚,不问尽头在哪里 Being isolated, released and reunited, not asking where the end is
04:32不问这缘分到底,因何奔袭 Not asking what the reason for this fate is
04:45时宜,电话是洪的啊? Why didn't you contact me?
04:50我发了那么多消息给朋友,他们都说你很漂亮 I posted so many messages to my friends, they all said you're beautiful
04:55但你却不肯享受,也不肯点赞 But you don't enjoy, and you don't like
05:08你住在哪个酒店?哪个房间? Which hotel? Which room?
05:17嗨,美女 Hi, beautiful
05:20你为什么来? Why are you here?
05:22我去工作,替一个同事上班 I'm going to work, I'm replacing a colleague
05:26你不是不喜欢我吗?你不喜欢我吗? You don't like me? You don't like me?
05:29而且,有那么多人等着你吗? And, how many people are waiting for you?
05:35珊珊,你是不是有什么事? Shanshan, is there something wrong with you?
05:38没有啊,我只是玩累了,想休息几天 No, I'm just tired, I just want to rest for a few days
05:43你啊,要不然你现在不可能啊? You're looking for a stable job, aren't you?
05:47暂时的稳定,不叫稳定 Temporary stability, not stable
05:51有些感情就算稳定了也会消失 Some feelings will disappear even if they are stable
05:55这种稳定对于我来说,态度太高了 This kind of stability is too risky for me
06:00怎么,你和谁还没联系啊? What's the matter? Hasn't Mr. Yan contacted you yet?
06:03没有 No
06:06你说这大几千亿的手机,怎么一个小红点都不见了? You said this phone is more than a few thousand, why is there no red dot at all?
06:16虽然很可怜 But it feels bad
06:41喂 Hello
06:43安安,我在哪里? Where are you?
06:44See you at the old place.
06:46I'm not in Jiang Cheng.
06:50So when are you coming back?
06:52I don't know yet.
06:54I won't tell you. We're sleeping.
07:14It's snowing.
07:38It's really snowing.
07:41The scenery in Yutian is really beautiful.
07:55This is the fun of the way home.
08:10I'm watching the girl who took me to the horse racing school last time.
08:30This girl is very interesting.
08:34Why haven't I seen her lately?
08:36She's on a business trip.
08:40I watched her interview article.
08:42It's very well written.
08:44This girl is still young, but her writing is very deep.
08:47That article is even deeper than many old reporters.
08:52The writing is also considered to be true.
08:56Isn't it?
08:59I remember you didn't like to go back to the media before.
09:03People have to make progress.
09:05Now the public is in the process of development.
09:07We need to go through the media to let the public know about the public.
09:11That's a good thing.
09:14Next time, I'll invite this girl to my house.
09:17I want to talk to the reporter for a long time.
09:19It can change your mind.
09:22Talk properly.
09:24Come in.
09:28Come in.
09:41Stand over there.
09:47What's the cute and pretty pose?
09:49What are you doing?
09:50Don't mind him.
09:51Hurry up.
09:53Change the pose.
10:10Why are you taking pictures of my friends?
10:12Is it beautiful?
10:14I've edited it.
10:15It's beautiful.
10:17Do you need to edit my photography skills?
10:19Trust me.
10:21Time will find you soon.
10:24I think your thinking is not a problem.
10:26But you have to think more about how people look at you.
10:30Your ability will be proven one day.
10:34But before you can prove it,
10:36compromise and compromise a little bit is not wrong.
10:46I understand the old people.
10:50They've been through the most glorious Mingyu era.
10:53They know what to do and how to make money.
10:57Mingyu suffered a lot a few years ago.
10:59They still have love and meaning.
11:01They still support you.
11:03They don't sit still.
11:05Now you have some achievements.
11:07Of course, they want to get some money back.
11:11It's true that they are a little hot-tempered.
11:13But they don't have any bad intentions.
11:16I understand.
11:18So I want to make sure that their investment doesn't go to waste.
11:36I heard that the first snow of the season will definitely come.
11:40It's a pity that I don't know how to make a lot of money.
11:43I don't want to go back to the real world.
11:54Sasha, you're really good.
12:00When will you come back to Yangshuo?
12:02His phone has been fixed.
12:04He'll be back soon.
12:06When will you come back to Yangshuo?
12:08His phone has been fixed.
12:10What are you talking about?
12:12He misses you.
12:14He misses you.
12:22What's the hurry?
12:24Wait a minute or answer?
12:26What if he has a meeting later?
12:28The meeting will take a long time.
12:30He answered you.
12:32You have to go home and wash a little.
12:34You seem to be very hot-tempered.
12:36Give him a little.
12:38Feel the distance and the distance.
12:40Let him discover your special and precious.
12:43So when do I answer?
12:45No hurry.
12:46So how do I answer?
12:48Answer is...
12:50How do you know I'm not new to the city?
12:52I'm sure I saw the picture posted on the circle of friends.
12:55So let him say it.
12:57No way.
12:59You don't understand him at all.
13:01He doesn't understand anything.
13:03Maybe he doesn't understand the feeling of being close and far at all.
13:08Ah, I know.
13:16I can see clearly that you are not inexperienced.
13:21But you can't make it easy.
13:25Uncle Wang wants to see you.
13:27Uncle Wang.
13:29Uncle Wang.
13:33Who is Uncle Wang?
13:36You have to separate Uncle Wang and meet a man to understand.
13:40The person who wants to meet you is not Uncle Wang at all.
13:43It's the time of President Yan.
13:47It's true that the pot is used.
13:50On the level of a man.
13:52This level of your teaching.
13:54You have to go with the style of a man.
13:56It's hot, it's cold, it's fierce.
13:59Far away.
14:01Uncle Wang is Wang Huang Cheng.
14:03The time of President Yan is Uncle Wang.
14:05Wang Huang Cheng.
14:11Don't bother me anymore.
14:13Hurry up, hurry up.
14:18Uncle Wang agrees to give you an interview.
14:24Thank you, Uncle Wang.
14:27Thank you, Boss.
14:29Kiss for Boss.
14:33You can go now.
14:36Wait a minute, I'll be right back.
14:40I can interview Wang Huang Cheng.
14:43God, I'm not dreaming.
14:46Interview Wang Huang Cheng.
14:48I don't think I can interview Wang Huang Cheng in the legend.
14:52Not right.
14:54When can I interview Wang Huang Cheng?
14:57That's what I said.
14:59It's the time of President Yan.
15:01He must have missed you so much.
15:03So he suddenly texted you.
15:05Uncle Wang is just a pretext.
15:07Let him tell you quickly about the legend.
15:13So I have to hurry up and book a plane.
15:15Turn this interview into reality.
15:20I guess you should have this.
15:24I have that.
15:26Wang Huang Cheng.
15:28Why don't I choose him?
15:30That's why I choose Wang Huang Cheng.
15:40I need to have an interview tomorrow.
15:42Today I have to hurry up and finish the interview.
16:04I'm back.
16:13Why are you still in a hurry?
16:17Maybe Wang Huang Cheng blames me
16:19for leaving the legend for too long.
16:21He misses me.
16:22It's been a long time.
16:29No way.
16:30I think too much.
16:34See you later.
16:40Okay, I got it.
16:42See you later.
16:46I booked an interview for a journalist.
16:48But you came earlier than everyone else.
16:51I came because I wanted to learn from Uncle Wang's experience.
16:54Of course I can't be late.
16:56Okay, okay, I won't be late.
16:59You are really young and beautiful.
17:01What are you doing?
17:10What's wrong?
17:11The back of the car is broken.
17:13Wait a minute.
17:22What kind of car do you drive?
17:24Do you know how to drive?
17:32I drive at a normal speed.
17:34You suddenly slowed down and hit me.
17:36I also drive at a normal speed.
17:38You hit my car.
17:39So I stopped.
17:40When will you two stop arguing?
17:42Wait for the traffic police and the insurance company to come
17:44so they can investigate clearly.
17:46I don't care if it's your responsibility.
17:48It's useless for anyone to come.
17:49Uncle Wang is waiting for you.
17:51I'm sorry, I'll be right there.
17:53Is it my problem?
17:55You said it was someone else's problem.
17:57Who are you talking to?
17:59It's none of your business.
18:01What's going on with you?
18:03My car was hit by the back of the car.
18:05Are you okay?
18:07I'm fine.
18:11Send me the address.
18:12I'll tell Cheng Thinh to pick you up.
18:15Why didn't you pick me up?
18:17I think you didn't pick me up.
18:20What's your name?
18:21Wu Zhou.
18:23And you?
18:24Liang Fei Fan.
18:27Cheng Thinh, I'm sorry.
18:29Wait a minute.
18:31Why are you here?
18:33Are you hurt?
18:35I'm fine.
18:40What are you doing?
18:43This is a new energy car.
18:45It seems to be a problem with the battery.
18:49The battery of this car is from Science and Technology.
18:51Recently, this company is calling.
18:53I'm following this news.
18:55So I want to find out a little bit.
18:56Maybe there will be a surprise harvest.
18:59I'll go with you.
19:02Police officer.
19:04Recently, this new energy car.
19:06Is there a lot of similar accidents?
19:08Not much.
19:09Just a few accidents.
19:10Sorry, police officer.
19:11Does this accident have anything to do with the battery?
19:14I'm not sure about this.
19:16You have to go through a professional test.
19:18Then you can make a conclusion.
19:20Are you two passengers?
19:22Now it's done.
19:23If there's nothing else, you can go.
19:25Thank you.
19:26It's okay.
19:29It's late.
19:31I forgot to tell Mr. Wang.
19:37We have to hurry up.
19:38Don't let him wait.
19:41Let's go.
19:51Come in.
19:53Chief editor.
19:55What's wrong, Yu Lin?
19:58Chief editor.
19:59I have contacted three commercial banks.
20:02They have agreed to participate in an interview.
20:04I want you to keep this month's schedule for me.
20:08Three commercial banks have agreed to participate in an interview.
20:14This interview is very valuable.
20:16You have to put it on the wall.
20:17Thank you, chief editor.
20:19Yu Lin.
20:20You are still the head of our financial news.
20:23Your expertise is very strong.
20:25The editor-in-chief and I are very hopeful of you.
20:27Keep up the good work.
20:28Thank you, chief editor.
20:29I have to go now.
20:38Yu Lin.
20:51I'm not going back to the office.
20:52I have an interview with Mr. Wang today.
20:57Mr. Wang's interview.
21:02I know.
21:03You just focus on the interview.
21:16What are you doing now?
21:17Why do you have time to call me?
21:19Of course, it's about what I want to tell you.
21:21Is it related to work?
21:24If you don't call Mr. Wang,
21:26how can you be sure that our financial news
21:28can really invite you to the mountain?
21:34Is it the reporter who told you?
21:36I have an appointment with her.
21:37I came here to talk today.
21:39How did she find you?
21:42I have seen some of her big articles.
21:45She is still so young,
21:47but she really can't read and write.
21:49Her words are sharp and professional.
21:51She is really a good student.
21:54So I asked my niece to invite her to my house.
21:58Of course.
21:59My niece is a talented talent.
22:01Her ability to specialize in our property
22:03is also top-notch.
22:05She has a very high level of perceptiveness,
22:07so she can write very well.
22:11I am looking forward to this interview more and more.
22:16Both of you have achieved your expectations,
22:19but you have caused me a big trouble.
22:22Yes, yes, yes.
22:24I was not thoughtful.
22:26I didn't tell you in advance.
22:29I have caused you trouble again.
22:32How about this?
22:33Tonight, I want to have a private conversation with you.
22:37Can you come to pick me up after I finish my work?
22:40You don't have to bother me.
22:41I will go there by myself tonight.
22:43See you tonight.
22:45See you tonight.
22:54Uncle Wang, you are here.
22:56Hey, hey, hey.
22:57Sit down, sit down.
22:58Hello, Mr. Wang.
22:59Hello, Mr. Wang. Sit down.
23:01Ms. Trinh.
23:05I should call you Ms. Trinh.
23:08It's not natural.
23:10You can call me Mr. Wang,
23:11like in the past.
23:13You don't have to be shy.
23:14I'm not shy.
23:16Today, we...
23:17I talk at will.
23:19I have seen some of your books.
23:21They are very good.
23:22There are many new ideas.
23:24Very innovative.
23:25Also very imaginative.
23:26The angle is also unique.
23:28You are so good.
23:30Actually, I haven't talked to young people for a long time
23:34except when I was young.
23:36So today, I invite you here.
23:37Let's have a conversation.
23:40So that this old man
23:41can get in touch with the ideas of young people
23:44to make progress.
23:45You are so good.
23:46I should learn from you.
23:48It's okay.
23:49It's the same.
23:50Have a cup of tea.
23:52This tea is a collection.
23:53I don't give it to ordinary people.
23:56I don't know how to drink tea.
23:57I usually drink other types of tea.
23:59Maybe I don't know how to enjoy it.
24:01Just try it first.
24:03Drink it.
24:04You will like it.
24:05This tea is made from snow.
24:07How to make it from snow?
24:10Don't you like snow?
24:15How do you know she likes snow?
24:18She wrote on the wall of WeChat.
24:20She must be talking about me.
24:23He blamed me for being late.
24:33It's delicious.
24:34It has the taste of snow.
24:35I like it very much.
24:40So, you two talk about the main topic.
24:42I go to the garden.
25:00So, let's start.
25:40It's hard to believe, isn't it?
25:42My first gold box is this 435 gold box.
25:45I can't believe it now.
25:47It's already our capital.
25:50Oh, my God.
25:52That's great.
25:56Hold on a minute.
26:03Let's eat.
26:05Mr.Quang and I had a good conversation.
26:08We talked all the time.
26:09Mr.Yan didn't mention it.
26:11I just mentioned it, but I was a little hungry.
26:14I'm very happy to talk to you today.
26:16I will quickly edit the video and send it to you.
26:19So you can use the previous meal.
26:20I won't bother you anymore.
26:21The rice is clean.
26:22Finish using it and go.
26:24If you're not in a hurry,
26:25what are you in a hurry for?
26:30Let's eat.
26:31Let's go.
26:36How can that be?
26:40Come and sit.
26:42How old are you this year?
26:45I'm 25 years old.
26:46I'm almost 26 years old.
26:49Mr.Yan is 27 years old.
26:50She is 2 years older than me.
26:53The age of the two of you is very suitable.
26:58I think so, too.
26:59Come on, eat.
27:04Are you busy later?
27:08Do you have anything to do?
27:10Do you want to come to the horse racing school for a ride?
27:13We haven't been here for a long time.
27:15I always want to come back.
27:16The scenery of the horse racing school makes me feel more comfortable.
27:19But I'm a little busy these days.
27:21I will definitely come back later.
27:23Whenever you want to go, just go straight.
27:25Is that right, Mr.Yan?
27:27Thank you, Mr.Quang.
27:30These two years,
27:31Mr.Yan rarely comes to the horse racing school.
27:34But he's old enough.
27:37You go with him.
27:38If you don't know anything, just tell him.
27:42Did he often come to the horse racing school in the past?
27:45After he started his career, he was very busy.
27:47He rarely went.
27:48And when he was a kid, he came every week.
27:55Did you like riding horses when you were a kid?
27:59So what was he like when he was a kid?
28:02I've known him since I was a kid.
28:05He always asked for more from himself.
28:08But when he was a kid,
28:10he was calm and calm.
28:14Sometimes he was upset and not happy.
28:17When he was upset,
28:19he didn't say anything.
28:21He didn't talk to his father.
28:23He just liked to go to the horse racing school and ride the horse around.
28:29he's like a kid.
28:32He doesn't say anything.
28:35At that time, Mingyu had an accident.
28:38It messed up his business plan.
28:41He handled almost everything in Mingyu
28:44before he set up the company.
28:47He handed over Mingyu to his son-in-law.
28:51A lot of people don't know this story.
28:54They all think that Thuy Yen is irresponsible.
28:57In fact,
28:58he's stingy.
28:59He sacrifices
29:01more than anyone else.
29:05In fact,
29:07people don't know
29:09that Thuy Yen handed over Mingyu
29:11to his son-in-law
29:13because he was the most suitable person for him.
29:16And Thuy Yen
29:18has always been ambitious
29:19and prepared for a long time.
29:21That's why he set up a private company.
29:25He's just as quiet as a mouse.
29:27He doesn't like to talk to anyone.
29:29When you're free later,
29:31talk to him more.
29:32Change his bad habits.
29:35Don't keep everything to yourself.
29:38Uncle Quang,
29:40cold shrimp is not good.
29:43Look, he won't let me talk.
29:46All right,
29:47ask him to tell you.
29:56now that the company is growing day by day,
29:58it doesn't seem to waste his effort
30:00and his determination.
30:03His ambition has been wasted by the public for years.
30:05He doesn't even have time to love.
30:09Now in the industry,
30:10public opinion is very high.
30:12The project that the public chose
30:13can also show
30:15the far-sightedness and responsibility of time.
30:17I believe that time
30:18will realize his ideal.
30:23Ms. Trinh,
30:25you are also a very smart girl.
30:27I have contacted
30:28many journalists in this field.
30:30Friends that I used to know
30:31have been in the industry for many years.
30:33In the end,
30:34they all changed their careers.
30:35You are still young,
30:36you still have a lot of opportunities.
30:37You can stick to your career.
30:40In fact,
30:41most of the journalists
30:42are women.
30:45they are all beautiful.
30:49A beautiful face
30:50is also a kind of talent.
30:53When interviewing,
30:54who doesn't like
30:56to see the female journalist
30:58who is both beautiful and smart?
31:03time also likes
31:05beautiful female journalists,
31:12Isn't it?
31:13The colleague
31:14who joined the press conference with me last time.
31:16You look at her all the time.
31:20Is there anything else?
31:24There is.
31:27the ribs are a bit spicy.
31:29Can you season it for me?
31:41After that,
31:42you asked where she was going.
31:43I said she was not feeling well,
31:44so I went home first.
31:45You also asked where she was not feeling well.
31:48I was just kidding.
31:54You don't believe me?
31:57I don't believe you.
31:58So how can you believe me?
32:02I want to eat that.
32:06I want to eat shrimp.
32:12If you don't peel it for me,
32:16I'll do it myself.
32:23Here you are.
32:34For you.
32:53Thank you.
33:04Get in the car.
33:08The sky is so beautiful today.
33:10The sun is shining,
33:11and it's so comfortable to sunbathe.
33:13It's a perfect day for exercise.
33:15What else do you want to do?
33:20I don't want to go by car.
33:22I want to go for a walk.
33:23Will you go with me?
33:28isn't it comfortable for you
33:29to be a monk and a nun?
33:33I'm not only a monk and a nun,
33:35I can also write poems.
33:38You write poems?
33:40I don't know how to write a poem.
33:43I don't know how to write a poem.
33:52I don't know how to write a poem.
34:01This is my poem.
34:04What's wrong?
34:05I didn't say anything wrong.
34:08You're right.
34:10You're not wrong.
34:18I didn't expect my little poem
34:20to be so good.
34:21I've prepared something else
34:23to make the poem fun.
34:24Do you want to listen to the poem?
34:38These days,
34:39I've been working hard
34:40to prepare the poem.
34:43A board proposes a topic.
34:45Each sentence
34:46is written by me.
34:48It shows my concentration
34:49and consideration
34:50for this poem and interview.
34:57It's late.
34:58Go home.
35:07It's nothing.
35:09It's just that
35:10I wrote each word
35:11for this proposal
35:12so my arm hurts a little.
35:14It's not a serious illness.
35:15I'm still trying.
35:20It's okay.
35:23What's okay?
35:25Don't you want to
35:26write a topic for People's Day?
35:28It's okay.
35:30Thank you, sir.
35:31But I have two requests.
35:33I agree with 200 requests.
35:37you have to follow the trend
35:38and learn more about People's Day
35:40as well as my daily work
35:41and a few specific situations
35:42of the project,
35:43especially my work ideas.
35:47you have to listen to my ideas.
35:51This sentence
35:52is a little strange.
35:53Does the program
35:54approve it?
35:56Of course it does.
35:57I have the opportunity
35:58to learn more about the schedule.
35:59Of course I can't miss it.
36:03if the report
36:04doesn't follow the trend
36:05or is not deep enough,
36:06I have the right
36:07to request
36:08to use the topic
36:09at any time.
36:11That's harsh.
36:17Get in the car.
36:23I agree
36:24with the second request.
36:25Waiting for a chance
36:26to cooperate with People's Day,
36:27I'm sure
36:28you won't give me a chance
36:29to stop.
36:31Mr. Pham,
36:32take the report
36:33home first.
36:34I have something else to do.
36:48Forget it.
36:49What's the hurry?
36:50She doesn't understand you yet.
36:53Wait until she understands you enough
36:55before making a decision.
37:10Vu Thanh.
37:18The number you have dialed
37:19is not in service.
37:20Please try again later.
37:21The number you have dialed
37:22is not in service.
37:23Please try again later.
37:24The number you have dialed
37:25is not in service.
37:26Please try again later.
38:07What a coincidence!
38:08Who would you like to see?
38:11You're right.
38:12It's me.
38:13Can't you?
38:15Pick me up.
38:17Long time no see. I miss you a bit.
38:29I guess so.
38:41This is the business situation of Tram Lam in recent years.
38:44As far as I know, there are three car companies and two investment companies
38:49who have shown their willingness to cooperate with Tram Lam.
38:52If the people want to cooperate with Tram Lam, the competition will be very fierce.
38:57Time will tell. You have to try harder.
39:01Yu Yu, what do you think?
39:04High-safety and high-performance lithium-ion battery
39:07is truly hopeful for future development and meets the huge market demand.
39:11This is also in line with the double carbon plan that the government mentioned earlier.
39:14In this race, Tram Lam is a leading horse.
39:18Yu Yu's analysis is very correct.
39:20Tram Lam's production system is very stable now.
39:23If we invest, it will reduce a lot of risks for us.
39:26But such fierce competition is not an investment.
39:30This means that if the people want to bite this piece of meat,
39:33they may have to pay a very high price.
39:35But the conclusion after the evaluation is that this market has potential.
39:45Master, what do you think?
39:49Did you notice that there was a new energy car accident recently?
39:54It seems to be a new energy car accident of the company.
39:57The battery they use is Tram Lam's battery.
40:02Isn't it normal for a car to have an accident?
40:05It's not necessarily the fault of the battery.
40:08Investing in any race is an adventure.
40:11I still want to prepare a few more things.
40:13As everyone said earlier,
40:15investing in Tram Lam is like a fierce competition.
40:18Tram Lam is certainly the best choice for the people.
40:22Master, I remember you also highly evaluated Tram Lam before.
40:27I think it is a positive change that new energy brings to the environment and future life
40:31and means a lot to the people when they enter this race.
40:34But in this race, investment needs to be careful.
40:38I think it is very necessary to do more research and analysis.
40:41But I heard that they will come to a conclusion in the next two months.
40:44Will it be too late to choose a unit to invest at that time?
40:48That's right.
40:49There have been many companies that have invested in Tram Lam.
40:52I don't think it's wrong.
40:53At the same time, we can discuss more with the other party.
40:55We can take less shares.
40:57Master, I know you are very careful.
41:00But investing in Tram Lam is an inescapable opportunity.
41:09Tam Ying, evaluate one more round.
41:12Then we will continue.
41:21Thuy Yen, your trick is great.
41:23It's really hard to invest in Tram Lam now.
41:26If you win this time, everyone will think you are good.
41:29Even if you don't win, they won't say anything.
41:33This is high-handed.
41:34This is the report of the evaluation room.
41:37You can see how many accidents this new energy vehicle has encountered
41:41and the reports related to the accident.
41:49Only this year has there been so many accidents?
41:52But this doesn't prove anything.
41:54Now the number of people using this energy vehicle has increased.
41:57The rate of accidents is also a matter of course.
41:59Vehicles also increase the rate of accidents.
42:01You are right.
42:02But the bottom line is that
42:04although the market of Tram Lam is very large,
42:07the batteries they use are still the technology of last year.
42:09Until now, there has not been an updated version.
42:12Currently, if they successfully call the stock market,
42:15they will definitely want to expand the scale,
42:17not stop increasing the market.
42:19But looking back for a long time,
42:20the breakthrough in technology is the most important thing.
42:24But if the battery fault is not solved forever,
42:27accidents will continue to occur.
42:29Large car companies will also think of alternative solutions.
42:32So is our investment still a safe investment?
42:35It's too bad.
42:37This time, the stock market of Tram Lam is the Seri-B line,
42:40through the Seri-A line and Seri-A line.
42:42In fact, at some level,
42:43it is no longer in line with the investment strategy of the private sector.
42:46I can evaluate according to each case,
42:48but as you said,
42:49further research is very necessary.
42:52Our leading group,
42:55Nong Nong, Thau Tam, Tram Lam are also them.
42:57And we are wrongly judged,
43:00so we can't do as they say.
43:03Thuy Yen, just do as you say.
43:06Just wait for the results of the new line.
43:10It seems that I have to go on a trip myself.
43:21The film was screened at chiuhai.org
43:51The film was screened at chiuhai.org
44:21The film was screened at chiuhai.org
44:51The film was screened at chiuhai.org
44:56The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:01The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:06The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:11The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:16The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:21The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:26The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:31The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:36The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:41The film was screened at chiuhai.org
45:46The film was screened at chiuhai.org
