• l’année dernière
00:00Shell Brother, et maintenant, il doit trouver ses pouvoirs secrets de Boister.
00:16Boister !
00:25Ouh ! J'ai l'air génial ou j'ai l'air génial ?
00:31Comment ça va ?
00:32Hmm, ça manque un peu...
00:34Oh, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
00:35Volume, style et forme.
00:38Sinon, t'es génial !
00:39Ah ! Regardez la tête de cactus et le marshmallow humain !
00:44Ouais, ouais, rigole-toi !
00:45Mais on verra qui gagne les photos d'anniversaire.
00:47Ah ! On s'en fiche de choses comme ça !
00:56Peut-être que tu as juste besoin d'un petit produit.
01:01Ah !
01:04Ne t'inquiète pas !
01:05On peut toujours t'acheter un maillot plus gros !
01:09Oh, viens là !
01:11Pourquoi ça ne marche pas ?
01:13Ça dit ici que tu n'obtiendras que des résultats si tu achètes tous les DVDs.
01:17Désolé, Boister.
01:18Nous, les mollusques, sommes des fleurs tardives.
01:20J'ai attendu depuis des années pour que mon moustache vienne.
01:23Mais comme Consuelo l'a dit à Eduardo après l'accident de la graineuse dans la saison 2,
01:26la vraie beauté est à l'intérieur.
01:28Vraiment ?
01:31C'est une figure de Spatulica, Ramos.
01:35Je pense que je sais où trouver de l'air.
01:39Quelque chose d'ici doit fonctionner.
01:58Je pense que nous avons un gagnant.
01:59Très contemporain.
02:04Boister, tu es en feu !
02:06Je sais, ça marche vraiment pour moi !
02:08Non, je veux dire que tu es en feu !
02:20Juste comme je le pensais.
02:21Une réaction hyper-allergique à la colle de toupee.
02:23Je ne préscribe pas de vêtements pour...
02:27le reste de ta vie.
02:30Time for Antiques Roadkill.
02:33Good day, kind sir.
02:34Please convey me to 8577 Hendry.
02:36Post haste.
02:37You got it, boss.
02:39Not even the weirdest thing I've seen this week.
02:44What am I gonna do ?
02:45I'll be...
02:49Just fine.
02:59Oh !
03:15Boister ?
03:16Hi, Boister. Check out the new you.
03:18Hey, Boister. Lovin' the spike you throw, bro.
03:21Ayo, what up, Boister ? Lookin' sharp.
03:30Hey, Pinhead !
03:31Think fast !
03:40Pipe down or I'm cancelling yearbook pictures !
03:43In fact, I cancel the whole yearbook !
03:45What's up, loose man ?
03:46It's a little hard to hear you over that tie.
03:50You think that's funny ?
03:51I'll see you in detention !
03:53No prob !
03:55Let's make it a week of detention !
03:58Guess I'll be needing some shades.
04:04Wow, Boister !
04:05Mr. Palouse is such a bully.
04:07You really stood up to him.
04:08It's just what I do.
04:09So we hangin' after school or what ?
04:11Don't you have detention ?
04:12I don't see that happening.
04:18Tell you what,
04:19the raddest dude in school deserves more than just one yearbook photo.
04:21I should be on every page of that bad boy.
04:23Are you feeling okay, Boister ?
04:24Attention, chess club.
04:26Please report to the activities room for your yearbook photo.
04:29Then report to my locker for your wedgies !
04:33I'll see you in detention, Oswald !
04:38Boister ?
04:40Okay, chess club.
04:41Say checkmate !
04:57Okay, extreme dining club.
04:59Say wasabi !
05:01Wasabi !
05:11What happened ?
05:12I guess my new dude's not a fan of wasabi.
05:14Maybe it's just as well.
05:15You've been acting really weird lately.
05:17I have ?
05:18Wow, I...
05:23Hey, get over it, amigo.
05:25I gotta bounce.
05:26Circus club photo's about to drop.
05:29Boister !
05:31Okay, circus club.
05:33Say cheese !
05:34Cheese !
05:41Boister !
05:43More photos !
05:46I'm telling you, I don't even know him anymore.
05:48He's all full of himself.
05:49It's like he's turning into... you ?
05:51Yes, exactly !
05:52I think this all started with the fishy hairdo.
05:54This ! We found it at the pet store.
05:56I believe I recognize that creature from my favorite nature show,
05:59when animals attack a mime.
06:07Ouch ! That's gotta hurt.
06:09Worse yet, the sting of the pufferfish is highly poisonous.
06:12Poisonous ?
06:13You think that's why he's been acting so weird ?
06:15It must be.
06:16The poison is traveling from the pufferfish into Boister's circulatory system,
06:19which feeds part of the brain that regulates modesty, decorum and socially acceptable behavior.
06:23Q.E.D. !
06:24Hey uglies !
06:26Made you look !
06:27I see you're scoping out the new man hair.
06:29It's all good.
06:30What's with the chest fish ?
06:32It's my new manly bod.
06:36Well, B-man out.
06:37Diving club photo's about to go down.
06:39Boister, those fish, they're poisonous.
06:41They're infecting your brain.
06:43You've gotta get rid of them.
06:49Hands off the merch !
06:54Oh !
06:58Look, I think I know what's going down here.
07:01I'm just a little bummed that my two best buds are so jealous of my sick manscaping.
07:05Later, losers.
07:08Okay, diving club. Say belly flop !
07:11Hold the roll, sweet cheeks.
07:12How about I give you an action shot ?
07:24Boister, it's loaded, it's leaked !
07:26No one's ever jumped in before.
07:27It's just to scare the competition.
07:29I can't watch.
07:32Stop snapping, sugar lips !
07:34I got your cover shot right here !
07:39Stop !
07:42You know, this jealousy trip is really getting old.
07:45We can't let you destroy yourself for the sake of good hair.
07:47And according to Hairstyles of the Future,
07:49We can't let you destroy yourself for the sake of good hair.
07:51And according to Hairstyles of the Rich and Famous,
07:53Pufferfish hair is so last season.
07:55Step off, wiener dogs !
07:57Sorry buddy, this is for your own good.
08:06That better not be wasabi !
08:09Your sushi.
08:20Oh, look at this !
08:21Arthur's brought us a gift !
08:23A brand new play box to go !
08:25Thanks, Arthur !
08:35Game over, Oswald !
08:41Wow, what happened to me ?
08:43I don't know !
08:44I don't know !
08:45I don't know !
08:46I don't know !
08:47Wow, what happened to me ?
08:49Thanks for the rescue mission, guys !
08:50You really had my back !
08:51It was a mere trifle !
08:52Come on, let's get down from this crazy height !
09:01Don't let go, Shelby !
09:02I'm trying not to !
09:11I'm coming, guys !
09:17Aaaaah !
09:22Aaaaah !
09:24Gotcha !
09:25Wow !
09:26A reverse sink for a 13 and a half in pike position !
09:45What's up, Boyster ?
09:46I'm looking sharp !
09:47That other dude was pretty cool.
09:48But I like the real Boyster better.
09:50Thanks, Alicia.
09:51Everyone's being so nice to me.
09:52I guess cool hair doesn't matter after all.
09:54Maybe it's okay to just be yourself.
09:56Well, that's fine for you.
09:57But that's because you're not walking around with this.
10:06Exploding wheelbarrow on your left !
10:07Got it !
10:08Ha ! In your face !
10:10The final level !
10:11Watch out for it !
10:12Mass bowl !
10:13Got it !
10:14My glasses !
10:15It hurts, you ninjas !
10:16Who wants snacks ?
10:17Bruce, move !
10:18I can't see !
10:24Sorry, Raph.
10:25I thought you guys might be hungry.
10:28Thanks, Bruce !
10:29Nice idea !
10:31So, just thought we might be hungry, huh ?
10:35And I also wanted to ask if you could buy me some marbles ?
10:46Please, Raph.
10:47Please buy me some marbles.
10:48Be a best friend.
10:50Not even one little marble ?
10:54Marble !
10:56Why don't you just give the little guy a marble ?
10:58I don't wanna talk about it.
10:59If you don't have enough money,
11:00I could always make him some pearls.
11:02No !
11:03No marbles and no pearls !
11:08Just trust me.
11:09I have my reasons.
11:10But come on.
11:11It's payback time for that mass mole.
11:15See you tomorrow !
11:20This is never gonna work.
11:28Bruce, here.
11:29Take these.
11:30Marbles !
11:31Yes ! Thank you, thank you !
11:32Mr. Harry, where are your manners ?
11:35Say thank you to Boyster.
11:36You're welcome.
11:37Hey, how come Raphique gets so upset when you ask him for marbles ?
11:41Well, one day, he accidentally stepped on some marbles
11:44and he fell down the stairs.
11:46And now he's got marble-phobia !
11:48Marble-phobia ?
11:49I never heard of that.
11:50It's very rare.
11:51He's really embarrassed about it.
11:53You should never talk about marbles around him.
12:00Hey, Boyster !
12:01Got any more marbles ?
12:02I'm such a dope.
12:03I lost the ones you gave me.
12:05I didn't realize I had a hole in my pocket.
12:09Did you cut that yourself ?
12:11What ?
12:12Why would I do that ?
12:13So, how about those marbles ?
12:19Okay, wait here.
12:21Colored ones would be great !
12:37Here you go.
12:38I found these in my room.
12:40Cool ! Thanks, Boyster !
12:44What the hell ?
12:45I can't believe it !
12:46I can't believe it !
12:47I can't believe it !
12:48I can't believe it !
12:49I can't believe it !
12:50I can't believe it !
12:51I can't believe it !
12:52I can't believe it !
12:53I can't believe it !
12:54I can't believe it !
12:55I can't believe it !
12:56I can't believe it !
12:57I can't believe it !
12:58I can't believe it !
12:59I can't believe it !
13:00I can't believe it !
13:01I can't believe it !
13:02I can't believe it !
13:03I can't believe it !
13:04I can't believe it !
13:05I can't believe it !
13:06I can't believe it !
13:07I can't believe it !
13:08I can't believe it !
13:09I can't believe it !
13:10I can't believe it !
13:11I can't believe it !
13:13The last things we left behind
13:14are here and now.
13:19We know they're alive ?
13:20We know they're alive ?
13:21Well now
13:22we can go back
13:23to Garnoulas
13:24and free these guys together,
13:25there's a new world
13:26waiting for us.
13:27There's a new world
13:28waiting for us.
13:33It's the time you waited for.
13:37We weren't expecting any of it.
13:39And we know
13:40it's gonna be
13:41really honest
13:42On peut jouer à ta maison
13:44J'ai promis de m'aider à nettoyer les carburateurs de ma mère
13:47J'ai besoin d'aller au bain
13:54Bruce, je t'ai déjà donné un millier
13:56Et par contre, j'ai vérifié en ligne, il n'y a pas de marblophobie
14:00C'est parce que c'est marblophobie
14:02Tu as peut-être misprononcé
14:05D'accord, vois-moi à ma maison après l'école
14:07Oh, merci
14:13Shopping day
14:14D'accord, cette fois-ci, je vais lui faire tellement de marbles qu'il va devoir me laisser seul
14:20Je le savais, tu fais des marbles pour Bruce
14:23Pour moi ?
14:31Je ne peux pas croire que tu m'as menti
14:33Pour moi, ton meilleur ami
14:35Bon, Bruce avait raison, les marblophobes, ça te dérange vraiment
14:39C'est ok Rafiq, Bruce m'a dit de la marblophobie
14:42Ce n'est rien de désolé, nous avons tous nos petits...
14:44Marblophobie ?
14:46Oh, il est bien, il est vraiment bien
14:48Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire ? Il mentait ?
14:50Regarde, Bruce est le seul qui a un problème, pas moi
14:53Il a une foule de marbles
14:55Une fois qu'il commence à jouer, il ne peut pas arrêter
14:57Et puis il a besoin de plus et plus de marbles parce qu'il perd toujours
15:00Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas dit tout ça ?
15:02Oh, comment pouvais-je ? C'est tellement humiliant
15:04Hein ?
15:05Qu'est-ce que tu penses qui l'a appris à jouer ?
15:08Hein ?
15:10Hein ?
15:14Bruce !
15:15C'est un message des tirs de 8ème rue
15:17Si Bruce n'est pas mort, il n'est pas payé par le bain-temps
15:20On va couper l'autre bras !
15:25Pauvre Mr. Harry, pourquoi est-ce qu'il a besoin de tout ça ?
15:28Allez, nous devons arrêter ces maniaques
15:33Bruce ! Bruce !
15:35Yo, tu es là ?
15:48Raphique, vas-y !
15:56Ce sont les tirs de 8ème rue ?
15:58Regarde !
16:00Bruce !
16:06Salut, je suis Tina
16:08Alors, tu veux jouer ?
16:10Nous sommes ici pour s'occuper de la dette de Bruce
16:17C'est ce qu'il doit
16:23Mais je suis une personne faire, alors je vais te donner du temps pour payer
16:26Tu as 15 minutes, ou au revoir Mr. Harry
16:35Raphique, fais quelque chose !
16:37Vous monstres, on ne va jamais l'enlever
16:40C'est de ma faute, je l'ai emprisonné, je vais l'enlever
16:48D'accord, alors je mets un marbre dans chaque des 5 trous
16:51Et tu laisses Bruce et Mr. Harry partir
16:53Et quand tu manques, je prends tous tes jeux vidéo
16:58C'est assez
16:59C'est le moment de tirer des marbres
17:06Ouais !
17:16Oupsie, j'ai oublié de mentionner cette partie ?
17:19Ma faute
17:20Hey, c'est de la fraude !
17:35Non !
18:06Très bien !
18:07Encore un marbre, tu l'as !
18:30Ce n'est pas fini, personne ne gagne !
18:36C'est pas fini, personne ne gagne !
19:01Aaaaaaah !
19:06C'est pas de ma faute ! C'est lui !
19:16Ce n'est pas terminé !
19:18Vous n'avez pas vu la fin d'Augina !
19:21Augina, ma chère, où es-tu ?
19:23C'est l'heure de ton classement d'Angle Management !
19:31Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
