Soir infos (20:00) - 28/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 28/06/2024


00:00We are still together on Median TV, thank you for remaining faithful to us, here are
00:17the titles of your newspaper.
00:19The first session of the strategic dialogue between Morocco and Germany took place today
00:24in Berlin, an opportunity seized by the two countries to breathe new life into their cooperation
00:29and we are speaking about it in an honest way.
00:32The last day of the campaign in France in 2008, it will be radio silence for the candidates
00:38for the legislative elections on Sunday.
00:39At the end of the newspaper, we will move at the rhythm of the Gnawa Festival and Music
00:45of the World.
00:46It takes place in the beautiful Moroccan city of Sabira.
00:50Before developing these titles, we start this newspaper first in Morocco with this
01:27And with us to come back to this news, we have Chekrouni, a member of the Moroccan Network
01:33of Women Mediators for Peace and Security, we have Chekrouni, good evening and thank
01:39you for accepting our invitation.
01:43Chekrouni, do you hear me?
01:46I have trouble hearing you.
01:49So, the Council of Elements must express itself on certain proposals at the moment
01:55in charge of the revision of the Family Code.
01:59What are the topics that would possibly need to be addressed?
02:04Do you hear me?
02:07Yes, I hear you.
02:11To answer your question, we all remember the debate that was held around these issues.
02:19I think that the issue that led to a debate and that has gone far from the unanimity of
02:24the Moroccans is the issue of oral parity.
02:27Whether it is in the context of the family code or in the context of the family code,
02:33I think that it is a very important issue.
02:36I think that it is a very important issue.
02:39I think that it is a very important issue.
02:43But I do not think that the issue that longest fought the Moroccans is between the family
02:49code or the family code is an issue of his or her relationship with his families,
02:57will be one of the fundamental and principal questions that will be addressed by the Zulema Council
03:04following the seizure of His Majesty the King.
03:07I think there is also the question of the marriage of Muslims with non-Muslims.
03:14This is also a second question that has aroused a debate
03:19and which is also far from being unanimous between the different actors
03:24and which brings an interest to this reform
03:28so much awaited by all Moroccans and Moroccans.
03:32I think there is also the question of guardianship
03:35or the predominance of male guardianship of the father
03:39over that of the mother.
03:41This question could possibly be submitted and discussed.
03:46And finally, it seems to me, in my humble opinion,
03:49the question of the establishment of affiliation thanks to genetic expertise
03:54is another question that could, it seems to me,
03:58be discussed during this Council,
04:02in particular to develop and propose fatwas.
04:08The Sovereign calls for consideration in the elaboration of the fatwa
04:13of the adoption of the virtues of moderation and jihad.
04:17Why is it so important to take this into account today?
04:21It is very important to take this into account,
04:24first of all because this call is part of a whole culture
04:30that is established in Morocco
04:32and which is a fundamental value of all Moroccans.
04:36I recall in this regard that the preamble of the Constitution
04:41states that if the preeminence of the religion or the preeminence of the Muslim religion
04:47is part of the national referential,
04:50it goes hand in hand with the values to which the Moroccan people are attached,
04:55namely the value of tolerance, moderation.
05:00And so the question of moderation, tolerance, the question of modernity
05:04are commitments, values that unite all Moroccans.
05:07I also recall in this regard that since the accession of His Majesty the King to the throne,
05:12one of his first speeches was about the political will of His Majesty
05:18to talk about Morocco, which he would like to build, build and consolidate with all Moroccans.
05:26It is a modern and democratic Morocco.
05:30Obviously, we are attached to the Muslim religion,
05:33it is our reference, Muslim identity,
05:36but it is not a reference, it is not a static Islam.
05:40It is a moderate Islam that evolves over time
05:44because His Majesty, by the way,
05:47mentions the drawings of the Muslim religion.
05:51The aim is the Islamic Sharia.
05:56And this is very important.
05:58When we are in reforms,
06:01it is a fundamental question to which we should refer.
06:05And the drawings of the Islamic Sharia cannot be other than justice and equality.
06:11So on this basis, we refer to a moderate Islam.
06:15Of course, there is the immutable part of Islam that is part of the cult,
06:19which is not debatable,
06:21but everything that is the organization of society,
06:24we are no longer in the 14th century, we are in the 21st century,
06:27and the practices have evolved.
06:30Islam cannot be used in any case to delay a society.
06:36On the contrary, it is there to continue to solidify this society,
06:40to solidify this reference and to make us move forward.
06:44And if I follow you today,
06:46what are the challenges of this reform of the Moudawana for Morocco?
06:51The first challenge is to be able to move forward
06:57and to encourage the interpretation, the Ijtihad,
07:02which His Majesty calls for all.
07:04And the Ijtihad, of course, can only be done on the basis of an interpretation,
07:10a re-reading, both legal and cultural,
07:14but also that which takes into account the evolution of society.
07:19So this is a fundamental challenge,
07:21while maintaining this balance that His Majesty always holds,
07:25so that society, the question of social peace, is fundamental.
07:29But it cannot be done to the detriment of half the population.
07:33The population is made up of 50% of women,
07:36who are sometimes deprived, discriminated against.
07:39Today, the code of the family cannot simply be simple retouching,
07:43but a code of the family that is able to make this qualitative leap
07:47to establish Morocco, women and men,
07:51at the level of this ambition to which His Majesty is attached.
07:57The second challenge is not only national, but also international.
08:02Let us remember that Morocco does not live in isolation.
08:05It is part of a concert, that of the United Nations.
08:09We have international commitments,
08:11namely the conventions that we have signed,
08:13and Morocco is called upon to honour these commitments.
08:17And this question of women is paramount.
08:20First of all, to, as I said, respond and honour these commitments,
08:24but also to improve our rank within international institutions,
08:30within the development indices,
08:32where we see, unfortunately, that Morocco has lost a lot of space.
08:37Let us also remember that the more we move forward on social reforms,
08:42the more we move forward on issues of justice and equality,
08:46the more we build and increase our capacity for negotiations
08:51at the international level on other issues.
08:54So our credibility goes hand in hand with what we are able, together,
08:59to achieve for the Morocco of tomorrow.
09:02Thank you for all these clarifications.
09:05Thank you for answering our questions.
09:08It is I who thank you.
09:11The first session of the bilateral strategic dialogue between Morocco and Germany
09:16was held today in Berlin,
09:18an occasion seized by the head of German diplomacy
09:21to reiterate the support of her country for the Moroccan plan of autonomy,
09:25which Germany considers a good basis
09:28and has very good foundations for the final settlement of the conflict around the Moroccan Sahara.
09:34And we remain in Berlin,
09:36where Morocco and Germany have instilled a new dynamic
09:39in their socio-economic cooperation.
09:41An agreement in this sense has been signed.
09:44It was in the presence of the head of Moroccan diplomacy, Nasser Bouhita,
09:48who met with the German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development.
09:54At the heart of their exchanges were trade and investment,
09:58but also the issues of sustainable development with Antoine Lefond,
10:02and green energy solutions.
10:06Let's listen to the German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development.
10:12We are delighted about the partnership between Morocco and Germany in the field of energy.
10:20Our goal is to promote hydrogen production in Morocco
10:24and its transition to Europe through Germany.
10:27We wish that this collaboration takes place in a fair way
10:33in order to create jobs and income for Morocco,
10:36while meeting the needs of Germany's hydrogen.
10:42They called themselves depraved, liars and weepers.
10:45It was a tense face-to-face yesterday between Joe Biden and Donald Trump,
10:49a presidential debate that made a lot of ink flow.
10:52On the form, he turned to the advantage of Republican Donald Trump.
10:56So to correct the shot, Joe Biden quickly left for the campaign
11:00and took the direction of North Carolina for a meeting in this state of the Southeast
11:05that he expects to be able to overturn in his favor next November.
11:14After this presidential debate, the question of Joe Biden's aptitude
11:18has remained in the White House.
11:20Some Democrats are already thinking about plan B.
11:23In any case, for American political analyst Calvin Darke,
11:26Joe Biden did not convince during this face-to-face,
11:29face-to-face, which he comes back to precisely on strong times.
11:32Together, we listen to him.
11:34For the debate tonight here in the United States,
11:37Joe Biden had only one mission.
11:40It was to demonstrate in front of the American people
11:44the choice between him, a stable president for democracy,
11:49and the alternative to former President Trump.
11:53And Biden, unfortunately, failed this mission.
11:58His answers were weak.
12:01He did not respond to Donald Trump's lies.
12:05He did not speak well of what he had accomplished during the first mandate.
12:11And it was not clear exactly what he was going to do in a second mandate.
12:17Donald Trump, he was as always, but he had a little discipline.
12:22But alongside Biden, who had very, very weak moments,
12:28it was clear that Donald Trump had won the debate.
12:31Now there are conversations among the leaders of the Democratic Party.
12:37Of course, what is going to happen?
12:40Are we going to replace our candidate, the candidate for the Democratic Party?
12:46I say that these discussions are unprecedented.
12:51There is not really a way to change a candidate.
12:58But there will be a lot of discussions in the coming weeks
13:02before there is a change, if there is a change.
13:07But what is clear is that the choice we have here in the United States
13:11between two presidents, a current president and a former president,
13:17very old, both with communication problems in their messages.
13:22The choice is clear.
13:25And it is not the choice that pleases the majority of voters here in the United States.
13:30As for the subject they addressed, they addressed the economy, immigration.
13:37But again, Trump did not really have solutions, proposals.
13:43And what Biden had said, it was difficult to follow.