Soir infos (20:00) - 03/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 03/07/2024


00:00We are still together on MEDIENTV, thank you for remaining faithful to us.
00:16Here are the titles of your newspaper.
00:19A first in Africa, Morocco will host next year the 4th World Conference on Road Safety
00:25and it is with this in mind that the permanent ambassador of the Kingdom to the UNO-Mahelal
00:32launched yesterday the Global Campaign on Road Safety from New York to Marrakech.
00:38In the United Kingdom, citizens are called tomorrow to slide their bulletin in the urn
00:43to elect their deputies at the head in the polls, the workers.
00:47In the rest of the Israeli news, which approves the seizure of more than 1,200 hectares of
00:54land in the occupied Jordan, announced by the Israeli organization, Peace Now, which
00:59qualifies this seizure as a record since the 1993 P2SLO agreements.
01:07Before developing these titles, we start this newspaper in Morocco, where we are at
01:13J-2 of the opening of the Ordinary Session of the Supreme Council of the Ulema.
01:19It will be held following the high approval of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI Amir al-Mumineen,
01:25who presides this Council at the heart of this 33rd session, the monitoring of regulatory and scientific aspects
01:32for the implementation of the communication plan, but also the implementation of the official portal
01:37of the Supreme Council of the Ulema.
01:41Morocco will host next year the 4th World Road Safety Conference, a first in Africa.
01:47It will be from 18 to 20 February, and it is with this in mind that the permanent ambassador
01:54of Morocco to the United Nations, Omar Hilal, launched the global campaign on road safety
02:00named New York to Marrakech.
02:03It was in the American metropolis, in the presence of senior UN officials, ambassadors
02:08and two media accredited to the UN.
02:15How to better teach Amazigh in Moroccan schools and make it a tool of promotion of excellence?
02:22The question was at the heart of a study day on the subject organized by the Ministry of Education.
02:28This is Jalil.
02:30A global approach to generalization and excellence.
02:34The theme of this study day was the participation of a group of university students and specialists.
02:40The objective was to highlight the challenges and opportunities related to Amazigh education
02:45in the Moroccan educational system and improve its quality through the different levels of education.
02:57During the last two years, we have carried out several pedagogical reforms to improve the quality
03:02of Amazigh education.
03:03We have also improved our pedagogical frameworks and refined the continuous training of teachers.
03:08At the same time, we have hired new teaching staff.
03:18The organization of this study day is part of the progressive dissemination workshop
03:23of Amazigh language education, realizing the requirements of the 2022-2026 roadmap.
03:32Amazigh education has been known for more than two decades.
03:37Amazigh education has had a lot of success in the last two years,
03:42whether it is in terms of the number of learners, the number of schools,
03:45or the generalization of the teaching of this language.
03:48The study day does everything possible to further improve Amazigh education.
03:54But there are also a number of obstacles that the ministry has faced.
04:00The teaching of Amazigh language needs to take into account a set of basic characteristics
04:05to ensure its efficiency and achieve the desired educational objectives,
04:10hence the need for modern pedagogical standards and continuous training of educational staff.
04:17We remain in the kingdom where a few weeks separate us from the general census operation
04:22of the population and the habitat planned in September,
04:26and in order to better understand the importance of this major operation,
04:30the High Commission on Plans has given today the send-off of the communication campaign
04:36surrounding this event, as well as the presentation of the visual identity
04:41and the slogans that accompany it and that carry the values that presided over its conception.
04:47Did you know that in Morocco, the number of beneficiaries of the disability certificate
04:56has increased to 180,000 between 2021 and 2023?
05:00This figure is advanced by the Minister of Solidarity, Social Insertion and Family
05:06in response to an oral question in the Chamber of Councils
05:09on the care of people with disabilities.
05:13Another announcement from the Minister, as soon as the month is in progress,
05:16the map of people with disabilities will be put in place.
05:20It will allow beneficiaries to access a set of health, education and integration services.
05:33And now, let's open our file dedicated to legislatives in France.
05:43France, the last right-wing of the legislatives
05:48France, the last right-wing of the legislatives
05:52that could be sold by the arrival of the far-right
05:56or by a coalition between left-centre and right-centre.
05:59And four days after the second round, the political landscape is more than unpredictable.
06:03Of the 311 triangles from the first round won by the far-right,
06:08two thirds were won by the left-wing parties of the Republican right-wing and the far-right
06:14with the aim of complicating the election of an RN candidate.
06:24And for Emmanuel Macron, it is out of the question to govern with France,
06:29after the legislatives.
06:31Even his bell, on the side of his Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal,
06:34for whom there is no and will never be an alliance with France Insoumise
06:39despite the resignation of the presidential camp in favour of the left-wing coalition
06:45of the New People's Front to blockade the far-right.
06:54And now, let's close this special file on the legislative elections in France.
07:04France Insoumise
07:09Other countries, other legislatives, not far from France, we are in the United Kingdom
07:14where the voters are called tomorrow to slide their ballot in the ballot box to elect their deputies.
07:19The results are expected on Thursday night to Friday and the polls place the workers in the lead
07:25but it is still too early to shout victory.
07:29After 14 years of conservative government, do the British intend to change sides?
07:35The answer will be revealed on Thursday night to Friday after the legislative elections of July 4th.
07:42The polls predict a crushing victory of the workers led by Keir Starmer.
07:47The left-wing party could win even more seats in Westminster than with Tony Blair in 1997.
07:54The workers have however warned that they would not have a magic wand to change the country.
07:59But the analysts estimate that a government led by this party could bring a new stability to the tormented relations
08:06between the United Kingdom and the European Union.
08:09The conservatives have already accepted their defeat against Labour.
08:13Rishi Sunak's party has had a drop in the polls since 2021.
08:18This reality does not prevent the British Prime Minister from continuing to fight to avoid a super-majority to his left-wing rivals.
08:26In fact, one of the causes that opposed the two parties during the election campaign is the issue of asylum seekers.
08:32Rishi Sunak had already committed to start sending some asylum seekers to Rwanda before the general elections.
08:39He had made the implementation of this policy one of the priorities of his mandate.
08:43But after anticipating the legislative elections, he declared that the program would be implemented if he was re-elected on 4 July.
08:51On his part, Keir Starmer has committed to cancel this program, which has already cost 240 million pounds,
08:57that is, 305 million dollars, if he is elected.
09:02In the rest of the Israeli news, which approves the seizure of 1,270 hectares of land in occupied Jordan,
09:09announced by the Israeli organization La Paix Maintenant, which qualifies this seizure as a record since the 1993 Oslo peace agreements,
09:18the Israeli authorities have not publicly commented on this last seizure,
09:23which occurs while tensions with the Palestinian community are exacerbated by the Gaza war.
09:29We are with Amjad Shehab, a professor of political science at the University of Al-Quds.
09:40Amjad Shehab, good evening and thank you for accepting our invitation.
09:43Good evening, thank you for inviting me.
09:48We have just seen Israel, which approves the seizure of 1,270 hectares of land in occupied Jordan.
09:56What does international law say about this annexation of Palestinian territory
10:00and what consequences it can have on the creation of a Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital?
10:09First of all, I just wanted to check the Oslo peace agreements.
10:17We have not reached the level of the peace agreements.
10:22We are talking about territories that were occupied in 1967, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
10:32According to international law, these territories are occupied by force and must be reserved for the creation of a Palestinian state.
10:41According to the Oslo peace agreements, the zone represents about 62%.
10:49Israel controls this zone of the entire territory of West Bank.
10:55The B zone also occupies the rest of the territory, about 30%.
11:08And the A zone, which is directly under the control of the Palestinian Authority,
11:15represents only 3% of the territory of Jordan.
11:21We are talking about mosaic territories, such as the archipelago.
11:26There is no territorial continuity.
11:29There are hundreds of colonies.
11:31There are about 800 settlers.
11:34They are armed.
11:36And we are talking about political or legal criteria to create a state.
11:41In the theoretical sense, Israel has succeeded in avoiding the possibility of creating a Palestinian state.
11:49It continues to annex the maximum number of territories.
11:56Today, they have accepted the proposal to create another 5,200 units of housing in the colony,
12:07with the annexation of all these territories.
12:11This means that the possibility of creating a Palestinian state under legal and political criteria becomes impossible.
12:25According to international law, any demographic and legal change of these territories is a war crime.
12:33It is contrary to international law.
12:35Israel continues to do this since 1967 until today.
12:40It continues to violate all international law concerning the Palestinian territories,
12:46concerning the rights of Palestinians,
12:48concerning everything that concerns the daily life of Palestinians in these territories.
13:00Ramzan Shihab, with this seizure, the Palestinians lose their right to property or use of the lands declared state lands by Israel.
13:10How does the Palestinian Authority react today?
13:14Today, the Palestinian Authority is a weak and fragile authority, under total control.
13:21We are talking about the direct military occupation of all the territory of the West Bank.
13:29The Palestinian Authority today is very, very fragile, very weak,
13:34with the sanctions imposed by this far-right government, especially by the Minister of Finance.
13:43It cannot even react.
13:48Israel has violated all the Oslo agreements.
13:53It only respects the agreements concerning security cooperation and economic cooperation.
14:02In addition to this, in relation to the annexation of the territories,
14:08the colonization and the exploitation, even the theft of natural resources,
14:15which is in Jordan, Israel continues to do this without any respect for international law.
14:25Unfortunately, the Palestinian Authority is still unable to do anything against all these measures.
14:34Ramzan Shihab, thank you for all your clarifications. Thank you for answering our questions.
14:40Thank you.
14:43In Kenya, despite the withdrawal of the budget project, the streets did not take off.
14:47Young people are now demonstrating to challenge President William Ruto.
14:51They fought the pavements to denounce police violence.
14:54Mobilization, dispersed by the forces of the organization,
14:57a total of 272 people were arrested in different cities of the country,
15:02shaken for two weeks by a wave of protests triggered, I remind you, by the project of the law of finance.
15:14And to comment on the explosive situation in Kenya, we are with Arjen Zozi,
15:19geopolitical expert and director of the Diplomatic JTED.
15:22He is live from Brussels with us, Arjen Zozi.
15:25Good evening and thank you for accepting our invitation.
15:28Good evening, it's a pleasure.
15:30So, the tension in Kenya, despite the withdrawal of the law of finance,
15:35how do you explain this defiance towards the president of Kenya, William Ruto?
15:41I think we must first remember that the country is very, very heavily indebted.
15:46Public debt accounts for 70% of GDP,
15:50and the measures that had been considered,
15:53that is, the vote of a certain number of taxes to be able to clear the margins of maneuver
15:58in order to finance the 2024-2025 budget,
16:03were not explained sufficiently.
16:06There was a total absence of pedagogy,
16:09which, moreover, shows the virulent reaction with which the youth mobilized.
16:15I remind you that 4 billion shillings of expenses are planned in this budget,
16:20which represents about 31 billion dollars.
16:24But what crystallizes the discontent more is the fact that it is simply an agreement,
16:30let's say, sealed in time with the International Monetary Fund,
16:34which, by the way, is cited extensively by the demonstrators as being one of the causes of this problem.
16:41And in the same way, I would say that the total absence of communication,
16:46or at least of methods of communication, in the head of President Ruto
16:50has further discontented these young people,
16:53despite the fact that he withdrew the text and took other measures,
16:57notably to reduce the life span of the state.
17:02And in this context, in the country, we see it,
17:05the calls for mobilization, but also for the resignation of President Ruto, continue.
17:10What can he do today to ease the crisis?
17:14Well, he launched the idea of ​​a national consultation to involve all the parties involved.
17:20The problem is that in front of Ruto you have a movement that is not at all embodied,
17:24that has no coordination,
17:26which is in a way driven by this famous Generation Z that we are talking about,
17:32all these young people born after 1997.
17:36On both sides, there is a strategic absence, very clearly.
17:40Ruto has shown a lot of arrogance.
17:42Today he is forced to come out on top when calls for resignation are multiplying.
17:49The only way out for him today is to create the conditions for a real dialogue,
17:53but we will see how things will work out.
17:56Thank you for all these details.
17:58Thank you for answering my questions.
18:01You are welcome.
18:03This concludes this newscast.
18:05Thank you for following it.
18:07See you in a few moments for the latest news.
18:23Thank you for watching.