1995 Indecent Behaviour III Shannon Tweed Hot Movie

  • 4 months ago
Storyline. A therapist finds herself forced to cooperate with the police in tracking down a killer who has been targeting other therapists by using her as a decoy.
00:01:37Not exactly not yet anyway
00:01:41You see there's this guy he lives in our guest cottage
00:01:47Sometime like to have his hands all over me
00:01:51What about your husband
00:01:54We haven't slept together since he lost his job. I
00:01:58Don't even miss it. That's what scares me the most
00:02:08I wonder if it's just with him or is it me?
00:02:15We could certainly work that through what I think is more significant is how you feel about your marriage
00:02:20I'd like you to give that some thought
00:02:23Next week is your first session with a surrogate and it'll be here in this room. So take all the time. You need to get comfortable, right?
00:02:49Thank you, this is dr. Gibson
00:02:54Believe you've heard one of your patients to me. Yes, that's right. Janet Pangborn
00:03:01Well, thanks, I'm flattered but I was also curious as to why you're not handling her yourself
00:03:08Well, it just became impossible I
00:03:14Just didn't feel safe
00:03:18Yeah, sure I'm on the phone why don't you just try to calm down
00:03:23What's the problem it's her she's fucking useless I tried to burn my tits with a cigarette
00:03:32Go get dressed
00:03:33I'm very appreciative for everything that you've done for the clinic. Well, you should be
00:03:38I've given you 15 patient referrals. I'll find you another surrogate. I don't want another surrogate
00:03:44Look, maybe I should just take my business elsewhere
00:03:49No, mr. Collins, please really I want to make you happy but you have to let me
00:03:57But I would let you I don't think I understand mr. Collins I think you do
00:04:06No, mom, don't worry about it, I'll take care of it
00:04:11This is great. Mm-hmm. Oh
00:04:14Mom, geez, I gotta go mom
00:04:17Yeah, I'm meeting a friend and I'm really late, okay, I love you I'll talk to you tomorrow. Yeah. Bye
00:04:27I thought I was meeting you there. I'll be right out
00:04:44Give me a minute
00:04:55What are you doing here, how did you get in?
00:05:11So what we got same guy no question here's a move according to put the TOD between 8 and 11
00:05:21All right people I want every square inch of this room photograph gone over tweezers and fine-tooth comb
00:05:26Forensics no more than two men in this room at one time ever. You got me to not three to
00:05:35I'm gonna need hair tissue
00:05:37Fluid samples fingerprints of everybody that's worked for this lady. Plus every cop that's been in this room
00:05:42You want officer Prince to bet your ass I do
00:05:45I wasted 70 hours last year chasing some hair that ended up belonging to some young guy in forensics
00:05:51Okay, you got it
00:05:54Oh, how's he do it Frankie no spit no blood no fingernail not even a hair
00:05:59He's either inside or he's a ghost
00:06:02Yeah, well, I'll be fucked up this time cuz I'm getting awful tired of sucking my own dick
00:06:08Putting the cow on their partner
00:06:14You coming oh
00:06:17Just give me a second
00:06:40Looks like you're making progress with mrs. Lightner. Well, she was able to verbally initiate sexual contact today, but
00:06:49You worried about her dependence on the bondage
00:06:51Yeah, exactly
00:06:53What do you believe to be the underlying cause?
00:06:56I'm not sure could be a repressed incident of sexual abuse
00:07:00Or the opposite sex holism. I don't see either evident here
00:07:05She probably felt tremendous resentment towards her husband. Maybe men in general
00:07:10And that anger combined with repressive sexual beliefs while her daughter was entering puberty
00:07:16You should explore that on your next session, well, it was really working out. Oh, he's been a godsend
00:07:23Excellent instincts. He always knows the exact moment to push to the next level
00:07:38Dr. Grayson, this is Rebecca Mathis
00:07:41My records show that your birth name was Hammond. Yes Hammond was my name, but not for many years now
00:07:49What's this all about I wanted to notify you that I admitted him to the hospital a couple of days ago
00:07:56Unfortunately the prognosis is not very good
00:08:00Patient has experienced trauma just
00:08:04But you're a psycho or something. Yeah, how do you know I'm not well, maybe you are
00:08:09That was a
00:08:13You know, it's only a matter of time
00:08:15So, I don't know why you just don't give in and end the suspense because I have another 50 hours of session work for my degree
00:08:22I'm not gonna blow it on some quickie in the closet
00:08:30Hey, I need to borrow your computer security code for what well, I have to access Leitner's files tonight for my session notes
00:08:37Hot dog, don't you dare give me any shit about
00:09:00Frank Pavan LAPD is dr. Mathis in please
00:09:02Do you have an appointment it's official please business
00:09:09Dr. Mathis detective Frank Pavan LAPD homicide
00:09:13That's okay Marika, thanks
00:09:17How can I help you detective I need to ask you some questions if I may I'm investigating the murder of a Kelly Gibson
00:09:26Kelly Gibson, all right. Do you know her? Um, well, no, not exactly. I
00:09:32Spoke to her for the first time on the phone yesterday patient referral
00:09:38Do you remember the patient's names by chance
00:09:42What does this have to do with me
00:09:44Well, you're both sex doctors. The title is clinical psychiatrist specializing in sexual disorders
00:09:51Well, whatever doctor four of you have been murdered in the last ten months
00:09:55Each one of the victims advertised their services in the same magazine. It's a health style magazine
00:10:02Yeah, I'm familiar with it I often advertise for staff how about your patients mostly all referrals
00:10:08Am I in some sort of danger?
00:10:11Well, I don't have any reason to believe that but to be quite honest with you. I need some help. What kind of help?
00:10:15I'd like to have dr. Gibson's office refer some of their clients to you
00:10:20And I'd also like to take a an ad out in this month's magazine for your clinic
00:10:26Let me get this straight
00:10:28You want to set me up as a target for a sociopathic killer
00:10:32Listen, I know that it sounds a little bit harsher, but I gotta tell you something
00:10:35I got four bodies and I got squat to go on here
00:10:38Now if I'm gonna stop this guy before he kills again, I got to find myself a decoy
00:10:43Why me? How about four innocent women have been viciously murdered and I can promise you it's gonna happen again unless I find some help
00:10:49look detective I
00:10:52Sympathize with you. I do my safety aside. I wouldn't put my staff in that kind of danger you and your staff
00:10:58I'll personally see to it. We're gonna be here in nine months or a year whenever he decides to strike again
00:11:04I'm sorry detective. I can't help you
00:11:09I'm sorry to waste your time doctor. Let me ask you am I correct that you still owe some community service?
00:11:16Yes, you would be correct
00:11:19We'll see each other again
00:11:26Go for it. No, I didn't think she would go shit. Here's the ballistics. Good. Thanks, man, Jonesy
00:11:31I need the forensics report, please pronto what I gotta do, you know Frankie
00:11:35I'm thinking this case is looking a lot like those hookers that were chopped up in Canoga Park. They weren't chopped up my friend
00:11:41They were strangled. Yeah, but the post-mortem stuff's really close and the doer never left the fucking clue just like this guy
00:11:49We used to joke about how crazy it made you
00:11:52What's your point detective go you never caught him did you well that's not gonna happen this time is
00:12:00You want to get your butt off my desk?
00:12:14Why are you doing this to me?
00:12:19Don't leave me let's just talk about it. Okay, come on. Look know what will happen
00:12:25There's nothing you can do to stop goddammit Janet
00:12:43He has advanced carcinoma the pancreas liver his kidneys have failed he's on dialysis
00:12:50Your father's dying
00:12:53I'm sorry doctor, but my father abandoned me when I was six
00:12:57And all this time he's made no effort at contact he's making an effort now
00:13:03Dr. Mathis, it seems to me. This could be a missed opportunity to resolve some of your conflicts
00:13:10You know, I spent years working through these emotions the last thing I need is to reopen old wounds, are you so sure they're healed
00:13:20Won't you at least see
00:14:42Excuse me, what are they doing? What do you want?
00:15:05It's mine legally registered, why are you doing this?
00:15:10We received an anonymous phone call saying that you're trafficking in controlled substances. Dr. That's ridiculous
00:15:16Calling my lawyer. I think that's a hell of an idea. And if I were you I'd read him that warrant
00:15:31Think you should take a look at this Frank
00:15:34It's like a half a gram of cocaine doctor
00:15:37It's not mine
00:15:40You have the right to remain silent you son of a bitch what you say can and will be used against you in a court of law
00:15:50Haven't grabbed my bag on the chair. Remember the one you're rooted through
00:16:16He totally set me up
00:16:19Okay, he set you up
00:16:22How are you gonna prove it that's your job, isn't it?
00:16:27When the judge sees you have a prior drug conviction, he will yank your probation faster than you can say false arrest
00:16:33And you'll go to jail for three to five
00:16:37Am I supposed to do
00:16:39Take the deal take the deal. He's agreed to drop the charges. If you help him
00:16:44Leave and have the arrest expunged
00:16:46Leave and have the arrest expunged
00:16:51That's not fair you're a woman when has life ever been fair
00:18:15Shit what are you doing here? Sorry didn't mean to scare you
00:18:19She's looking for my wallet I must have lost it when I was in here with Rebecca
00:18:23Well, why don't you just turn the lights couldn't find the light switch in the dark
00:18:28Come on, just help me look for a way
00:18:37Nice ass
00:18:41Got it
00:18:43What would I ever do without you yeah, I don't think so you're gonna have to work for this
00:18:50You know, uh, dr. Mathis suggested that I take you through some of the finer points of being a surrogate
00:18:57You know make sure you're up for the job
00:18:59Did she hmm? She did. Oh
00:19:04Think you'll find
00:19:09I am more
00:19:12Why don't we just cut to the chase we get a deal or not before we start dr. Mathis had some ground rules detective
00:19:22First of all under no circumstances is any police officer to enter the clinic without my permission
00:19:29Furthermore they will not investigate question or in any way interfere with any of the clinics existing patients
00:19:36All sessions and records of patients old or new are confidential
00:19:41Any information I share with you will be at my discretion
00:19:48No, I want you off my ass
00:19:56Said it that's it
00:20:01Well, my dear let me tell you something here
00:20:04Here's how it's gonna be
00:20:05Your clinic's gonna be under surveillance 24 hours a day
00:20:08As far as your files are concerned
00:20:10I won't complete access to your patients and your staff and I expect you to have those on my desk first thing a.m.
00:20:15Tomorrow you got it
00:20:16As far as your staff is concerned, they will be informed on a need-to-know basis and last but not least my dear doctor as of
00:20:261055 you are my personal property. Okay my responsibility
00:20:31So you better goddamn get used to it because I am gonna be on you like a fucking fly on shit
00:20:35You got it. There is no need to be uncivil detective. You won't civil sweetheart
00:20:40You go join the goddamn Garden Club because I am trying to catch some fucking freak who is out there that gets his jollies off
00:20:47By cutting the hearts out of women exactly like her you dig
00:20:52Now you better make up your fucking mind are you with me or do you want to go to jail?
00:21:01When does the ad come out?
00:21:14It's very nice to meet you. Mr. Norman
00:21:21We'll set something up for early next week. Oh
00:21:28Don't tell me those are all responses to the ad
00:21:48This is great, isn't it? Look what I have for us. Oh
00:21:54What do you have in there I'm showing you be patient
00:22:00Turkey or peanut butter and jelly peanut butter and jelly
00:22:08For you
00:22:12Oh, can I see I never saw one like this before
00:22:16I'll have to give you numbers so you can page me with obscene messages. Yeah, right
00:22:24Let's dance
00:22:37So what's going on with Mathis, what do you mean?
00:22:43The cops still hanging around she in some kind of trouble
00:22:47Pure as the driven snow Mathis, I don't think so. It's not what I heard. Why what do you hear?
00:22:54She was once convicted of using illegal drugs on patients
00:23:02Okay, it's true but it's not the way you think she had been doing FDA trials on a new therapeutic drug
00:23:07The drug was so successful that the drug companies got scared and the next thing, you know
00:23:11They label it a controlled substance a few months later. Mathis has a patient that wasn't responding to conventional treatments
00:23:19She gave him the drug. He gets cured. She gets convicted
00:23:23That's it
00:23:25So, why are you so interested in Rebecca all of a sudden? I'm not just want to make sure my job's safe
00:23:32kind of becoming
00:23:35Partial to the fringe benefits around here
00:23:39You know what I mean, I think so
00:23:49Janet Pangborn Kelly Gibson was afraid to keep treating her marital problems, but she never got a chance to tell me why
00:23:59Mr. Lawrence Johnson is 30 years old. He suffers from impotency blames his wife, but it's very angry when anyone suggests otherwise
00:24:09Garrett Beck's banking firm insisted on his therapy for sexual misconduct
00:24:13It was highly resentful and has changed therapists at least three times in the last year
00:24:20Archie Norman
00:24:22His fear of women he blames on his virginity
00:24:25He's been the sole provider for his bedridden mother most of his adult life
00:24:30She died 11 months ago. Wait a second. Whoa, that's interesting. Very interesting
00:24:36The murder started 11 months ago. Oh, he seems harmless to me next
00:24:45Mr. Cowans was also a patient of dr. Gibson. He displayed overtly aggressive and misogynistic behavior
00:24:54Denise Rogers wants to explore a heterosexual lifestyle, but is afraid to tell her a very jealous gay lover
00:25:00So why are Cowans and Pangborn the only two of Gibson's clients who are suspects?
00:25:05Because Cowans doesn't have an alibi and Pangborn is using the alias. Her actual name is Janet Colby
00:25:12But I think who we need to look closer here to is Garrett Beck and also the guy whose mom died like 11 months ago
00:25:19I get Archie Norman. What about Denise Rogers? I
00:25:22Was thinking of her lover
00:25:25Why don't you take care of the patients and I'll take care of the detective work
00:25:31I want you to leave right now. Maybe you don't know who I am
00:25:35I know what you are, honey. I'm in charge of referrals for the Christian marital Health Foundation
00:25:40I can throw you 50 patients a year now all I want's a little
00:25:57Good isn't it? I'm filing a formal complaint
00:26:00No, I don't want you to do that. I want you to apologize to him
00:26:05Excuse me. I
00:26:07Want you to wait a couple days and I want you to call him and tell him that you've been thinking about it and
00:26:11That you made a mistake and that you want to meet with him
00:26:13He's not the killer Frank
00:26:15Collins is perfect. I mean, he's absolutely perfect. He's from a strict religious upbringing
00:26:20He's manipulative as hell. He's hostile to women. Look, I'll agree
00:26:24He has a whole host of less than endearing antisocial qualities, but he doesn't fit the profile
00:26:28What the profile of a serial killer? That's about as accurate as an earthquake prediction. Yeah. Well, it's nothing compared to the results
00:26:35You've come up with through your expert detective work. Just make the call. Okay
00:26:40Let me ask you a question. Why do you insist on me being a bad cop? Oh
00:26:46extortion entrapment falsifying records
00:26:49Of course, that'll probably get you promotion in this town. So what would you do?
00:26:53You want to just sit around and wait for the killer to make another mistake?
00:26:55You want to just sit around and wait for the killer to make another mistake maybe on his next victim for the next victim
00:27:00I don't exactly have a choice. Do I you want out?
00:27:04You come with me
00:27:05If you still want out you're free and clear
00:27:18What is it you want me to see free I
00:27:22Want us to play a little game Rebecca
00:27:25a little game of
00:27:32You see you're Kelly Gibson you're 28 years old life has been pretty damn tough
00:27:38You had an abusive father you paid your way through college by doing a few tricks here and there
00:27:45And quite honestly life hasn't gotten a whole hell of a lot better business is hanging on by a thread
00:27:51Your mother has breast cancer
00:27:55No insurance
00:27:58You offered to help because you always do and I've been waiting for you
00:28:04Stalking my prey and every little sound is a huge scream. I
00:28:11hear you I
00:28:15Hear your heart beating louder and louder and louder
00:28:25I smell you Rebecca. I smell your perfume. I
00:28:33Smell your sweat
00:28:37I sense your fear
00:28:42The darkness within me is is consuming it gets darker and darker
00:28:49That's not I don't think so
00:28:53Because you need to know Rebecca what he does is he shoots them first
00:28:58He shoots them and then when they wake up he cuts them
00:29:03Okay, Frank he cuts their nipples first, Rebecca
00:29:10And then their vagina and he spends a lot of time there Rebecca
00:29:16And you want to hear about how he cuts their heart out
00:29:20You want to hear about the heart Rebecca, or do you just want to deny it?
00:29:45Okay, I'll do whatever you want Frank
00:30:00Dr. Mathis, I'm calling from dr. Grayson's office. There appears to be some complications with your father
00:30:05The doctor would like you to come to the hospital as soon as possible
00:30:50It's been a long time
00:30:56I know I'm supposed to forgive you now, but I can't
00:32:49Need some help
00:32:56Chasing me in the stairwell
00:33:01Lock the door and stay put until I come back
00:33:11Let's have him he's in Mercy Hospital. I'm going in I need some backup
00:33:39Kicked him out needed the closet space I
00:33:43Would say two years to be exact, you know, I really don't appreciate you prying into my personal affairs
00:33:52It's two years old I found it in the bottom of your closet and you didn't seem to be the type
00:34:05Hope you don't mind this. I mean, it's always been a fantasy of mine
00:34:08And this way if I'm not ready the whole point is for you to be comfortable. Are you going to be there?
00:34:13Dr. Mathis will be observing
00:34:16You'll be fine
00:34:42Thought you should know that no one called you from Grayson's office just set up
00:34:50But how nobody knew could have been a message on your desk or someone's gonna followed you no real well to tell
00:35:00So this is what you do all day
00:35:04Their first session with a surrogate
00:35:07There's a guy the surrogate is Billy Palmer why oh, it just looks familiar
00:35:16In your files
00:35:27How could it with you around all the time Janet see you see what I mean
00:35:31It's been like that ever since I lost my job
00:35:33Oh, and what about you first you recommend that I see a therapist even find me one, but then she's not good enough
00:35:39So he makes me find another one, but nobody's good enough
00:35:43so I
00:35:44Don't tell him. What does he do? He calls every fucking shrink in the book and pulls a scene like this one. I
00:35:50Found someone that I thought could help me
00:35:57And she ends up dead
00:36:01You both need to calm down
00:36:14No, Charlie, no, no, no, no, you did this to me all the time I need it between six and seven
00:36:21Yes, absolutely. I don't need your humor
00:36:25Yes, okay. Thank you and goodbye
00:36:28What is it Frank?
00:36:31How are you fine, what's up?
00:36:34You set the meeting with Collins tomorrow night
00:36:37Archie Norman tomorrow night Frank. We could have talked about this over the phone. What is it? I
00:36:44Need your help I need your professional opinion
00:36:54What do you think
00:37:02You know, what strikes me is the mutilation of breasts and vagina but no evidence of sexual intercourse
00:37:10Have you noticed there's no damage to any of the faces
00:37:13So, what does that tell you? Well, it seems to me
00:37:17The killer is directing his anger not so much specifically at women, but at their sexuality
00:37:24He was possibly
00:37:26No, probably sexually abused by his mother
00:37:30Well, I don't get it well think about it he totally mutilates the sexual organs and ignores the face so he's
00:37:37He's killing what hurt him
00:37:40But leaving the part that's mild and nurtured. Do you know what I mean?
00:37:43So if you're right, I'm still no closer to catching a gun
00:37:45If I am right the killer probably had sexual contact with his victims days or weeks before the murder
00:37:51Oh, you got a crystal ball down there
00:37:55Child abuse syndrome, you know, he had
00:37:57Toward his mother. It was unthinkable. So he redirected the rage
00:38:03What is it?
00:38:04Something's just fallen into place here
00:38:06We found traces of semen in Gibson's pubic hairs
00:38:08But we pretty much discounted them since they were there several hours prior to the murder
00:38:12But the blood type from the semen is type a which is consistent with Cowan's and a million other people
00:38:18I still don't think it's him Frank
00:38:20And a million other people I still don't think it's him Frank gotta be him
00:38:27There's one other guy
00:38:30Deaklin Colby
00:38:33He's a pussycat with a big bark
00:38:42Do this
00:38:45It's just not working anymore
00:38:49For five years, I give you everything you want, but the second thing is go bad. It's like you're like a rat off a sinking ship
00:38:58That's not your fault, I don't
00:39:02So straight
00:39:04Just leave us in peace
00:39:12Honey it's you you've changed. I'm not gonna let you do it
00:39:17Understand I'll kill them first. I'll kill them all
00:39:22You know I've been watching you oh
00:39:25not that I
00:39:27Mean the way you handle your patients and some of the views that you have on the case I
00:39:33Even agree with some of them. Oh
00:39:35right here
00:39:37Wow you take me to the nicest places best coffee in town just black for me
00:39:47So what I'm saying to you is that all in all you're a pretty terrific woman there dr. Mathis
00:39:53You're right
00:39:56About the coffee. Oh, thanks for the compliment my pleasure here sit over here, so if you think about it
00:40:05What we do isn't really that different how so
00:40:09Well, we both search for the truth
00:40:14Except I want to help people and you want to convict them
00:40:18I envy that the people I help never know it. They're dead or would have been I
00:40:24Never thought of it that way it must be hard I
00:40:29Really am sorry about your father
00:40:35You want to talk about it
00:40:38No and stop stealing my lines
00:40:43Well you can frisk me when we're done here
00:40:47He walk out on you
00:40:50Always the detective, huh? I'm always a good listener
00:41:01I have all the technical terms for what I'm feeling
00:41:06But I guess what it boils down to is this there's a little girl inside me
00:41:12Who blames herself for her father leaving and there's the adult
00:41:17Who can't forgive him for letting her feel that way for so long?
00:41:29Doesn't make any sense. I mean, why would I have any reason to be on your computer?
00:41:34Well, I know it's your user code was logged on and some files are missing
00:41:38Okay, I swear I didn't do it Rebecca. I mean, maybe it's a virus or something
00:41:43What's the matter
00:41:45Nothing, I just I just don't want you to think that I would do something like this
00:41:51You know, I trust you completely, you know, in fact, there's someone I want you to see today. I
00:41:58have a
00:41:59conflict so
00:42:01Won't be able to consult with you. You'll be on your own. Is that a problem with you?
00:42:09Frank Pavan
00:42:12He's seen counselors before
00:42:15You may incur some resistance. He's not responsive. So
00:42:21Yes, Marenka, what is it Archie Norman is here is there a problem well, I think you should come see for yourself
00:42:30Mr. Norman
00:42:33Mrs. Norman, why don't you come in and have a seat?
00:42:38Well, we'll have a little chat
00:42:45Tell me what it's like to be a cop
00:42:48It's like living in shit, what do you mean shit?
00:42:55Do you ever hear the story about the six blind guys that are standing around the elephant
00:43:00And the one who's at the trunk thinks that it's a hose and the one at the side thinks that it's a barn
00:43:06Well, the cop is in the back
00:43:09And the better you are the deeper you dig and the deeper you get the darker it gets and then you start to think that
00:43:14That's the way everything is and it can have a huge tendency
00:43:19To make you stop caring
00:43:26Believe me sometimes I wish that I could
00:43:29So it makes you different
00:43:33What makes me different
00:43:39Quite honestly, I would say that it's my mom
00:43:46It's very difficult for me to sit here and talk to you about this
00:43:54She was
00:43:57Brutally beaten
00:44:00Like she was raped actually
00:44:04Police said that it was robbery. I told them that it was her lover, but
00:44:10Because I was 16 years old. I didn't want to hear from me
00:44:15Quite honestly, I don't think they really gave a big goddamn
00:44:22You see cops have a tendency to start seeing their victims as a piece of meat I know that it sounds a little bit
00:44:29Harsh, but it's necessary because if you allow it to become alive it has a tendency of eating you up from within
00:44:36Which is kind of what the case in point here is I guess
00:44:43Well, do you ever sense that these feelings might be your own unresolved frustrations concerning your mother's death
00:44:52It's called projection
00:44:54You're taking emotions that are too painful
00:44:56Emotions that are too painful, you know to internalize and attributing them to other people where it's safer to deal with
00:45:04you know, everyone does it to a degree but
00:45:07Well in your case, it's a bit more relevant
00:45:13How do you feel
00:45:16Hope you don't plan on using me in my little surrogate sessions this afternoon
00:45:21A surrogacy is for phobic and performance dysfunction. You have nothing to worry about
00:45:29The performance after watching what's-his-name Oh Billy
00:45:36How many times they do that a day we try and limit it to one
00:45:42Hell of a job I'd last about a week I think
00:45:47Don't know less than a year, I think
00:45:49And did he start here? Why are you asking me all these questions? I?
00:45:54Mean, you don't think that Billy has anything to I'm just trying to get an idea of what's going on
00:45:59Not a big deal
00:46:01So what time does she get back? Yeah, she should be back any minute
00:46:07It's quite a view hmm
00:46:41Suggest you eat your weenies
00:46:50By the way, you're like Nicole she's coming in early great, I guess I better go get ready
00:47:03You drop something so I did
00:47:20Hello is anybody in there
00:47:38You're nervous
00:47:41I'm wearing a wire. I'm going out alone to meet a potential murderer. Yes, I'm nervous
00:47:48Was it suspicious when you told him where we want to meet I don't know. No, he seemed his usual self time to go
00:47:57I'll meet you at the truck. I
00:48:01Want you to wait here for 45 minutes, okay
00:48:05And we're gonna drive over
00:48:08We'll meet you there
00:48:29That's next week's schedule. Oh surely the light on the last one. That's okay. See you tomorrow
00:49:07But I thought you were done you have something in mind
00:49:38She was pretty nervous
00:50:03You got the tape
00:50:11Don't know what you want to talk about
00:50:16Look mr. Cowan's and we're gonna be good friends, please. Call me Andy
00:50:25I think we you know, we got off on the wrong foot. So you're saying you made a mistake
00:50:32Yes, I guess that's what I'm saying I
00:50:35I accept your apology
00:50:46Our previous arrangement
00:50:50Refresh my memory
00:50:54You would provide the clinic with patients and we'd give you a surrogate I
00:50:59Don't know. You're not wired. I mean, maybe you're trying to set me up
00:51:03You'll just have to trust me on that
00:51:06Not good enough, honey
00:51:08What I have to frisk you
00:51:10With your permission, of course
00:51:12Forget it
00:51:26Okay, you can frisk me
00:51:33Hold your arms out darling. Hang on to it there for me, please
00:51:47Okay, look we got to stop this
00:51:49She's a big girl. She can take care of herself. So let's make sure we're talking about the same thing here
00:51:54You're saying if I get you patients, you'll get me laid
00:51:57Yes, I guess that's what I'm saying
00:52:12Can't wait to see what the licensing board thinks of this
00:52:17By the way
00:52:20Great tits
00:52:46What took you so long Frank great
00:52:53Why didn't you stop him? Hey, you want to stop him you stop him yourself
00:52:56You are some piece of work. You think that's funny. I am NOT playing your game
00:53:02Fuck off
00:53:05You're worse than cowards
00:53:17Looks like you need a ride
00:53:19No, I'm okay. I got some business to take care of. I'll see you later. Try it bacon
00:53:26It always worked with my wife
00:54:42She's leaving me
00:54:46You don't know shit god damn shrinks
00:54:53It was just a bad patch she would have come around no
00:55:00God damn hands in
00:55:06Stay out of this Frank get out of here Frank, please. It's between me and deke deke
00:55:12I know you're hurting
00:55:14But hurting me isn't gonna make you feel any better and it's not gonna bring Janet back put the gun down
00:55:21She stopped loving you
00:55:23It's not important why what's important is that you accept it and move on
00:55:33You know in your heart
00:55:46Fucking pellet gun
00:55:59You sure you don't want to press charges I
00:56:03Just don't see the purpose Frank
00:56:05The man's terrified of being alone
00:56:08Would you ever been abandoned by someone you love?
00:56:11No, I guess not. Hi, by the way
00:56:16For you
00:56:20Your buddy Cowan's
00:56:23Let's just say that it's an apology from he and I
00:56:29Excuse me
00:56:52What is it Frank
00:57:02I want no mistakes, man. No mistakes
00:57:19Are you okay?
00:57:23We need to call her family somebody has to be with her mother when she's told
00:57:31I have to contact her patients
00:57:35And I have to get the files they're in the office I don't want to go back in there
00:57:42Listen I'll take care of that. Don't you worry about
00:57:52You gonna be all right
00:57:55No, I'm not gonna be all right. You promised to protect us. You don't think that I know that Rebecca
00:58:01Rebecca my god, the guy he was underneath my own fucking nose and I didn't even see him. Do you know who it was?
00:58:07No now, it's Billy Palmer
00:58:12No, I don't believe that
00:58:13Well believe it Rebecca. He's gone. He's cleaned his locker out
00:58:17I've been able to confirm that he worked for at least two of the victims and probably all of them. I
00:58:25Found this in Ellie's office
00:58:33Killer left some bloody fingerprints matches the ones on Billy's locker
00:58:39Now if it's Ellie's blood it puts him at the scene of her death within minutes
00:58:45Rebecca I can't bring her back. I wish I could I'm sorry
00:58:51He'll pay for this
00:59:00Hi, this is Rebecca Mathis. I am unable to pick your call right now. Please leave your name and number at the tone and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
00:59:07Dr. Mathis
00:59:09It's me Billy
00:59:11Billy don't hang up. I'm here
00:59:13Dr. Mathis
00:59:15Ellie's dead
00:59:17Yeah I know
00:59:19I didn't do it
00:59:21I didn't do it
00:59:23I didn't do it
00:59:25I didn't do it
00:59:27I didn't do it
00:59:29I didn't do it
00:59:31I'm afraid to go home
00:59:33I don't know what else to do
00:59:35Tell me what happened
00:59:37I can't right now
00:59:39I'm gonna pay phone
00:59:41Can you meet me somewhere
00:59:43I swear I didn't do it
00:59:45Please Rebecca
00:59:47You're the only one I can trust
00:59:49Okay look get in a cab and have them drop you off down the block
00:59:51Come around to the back
00:59:53They're watching the front
01:00:17Billy don't no no
01:00:19Drop the bag
01:00:21I told you I didn't kill her
01:00:23Give me the bag
01:00:30You were with Ellie tonight
01:00:32I didn't kill her
01:00:34I didn't
01:00:36What happened
01:00:38What happened Billy
01:00:45Ellie found out I used her computer code
01:00:47To get rid of some files
01:00:49She took something of mine
01:00:51I just wanted to get it back
01:00:53I just wanted it back
01:00:55I tried to explain
01:00:57I tried to explain
01:00:59She didn't care
01:01:01She was furious at me
01:01:03She just told me to get out
01:01:05She said if I didn't she was gonna tell you everything
01:01:07She said that you might press criminal charges
01:01:09So I just left
01:01:11I just walked around
01:01:13Trying to figure out how to get my stuff back
01:01:15She pays me
01:01:17She wanted me to come back
01:01:19She said she just wanted to talk
01:01:33I went back
01:01:35The door was open
01:01:41She was lying there
01:01:43I just ran
01:01:45I didn't know what else to do
01:01:47I swear I didn't kill her
01:01:49I didn't kill her
01:01:51Billy you just happened to work for two of the victims
01:01:53Come on
01:01:57I was
01:02:01I was running an expose
01:02:03On fraudulent sex clinics
01:02:07This was gonna be my big break
01:02:09You were a reporter
01:02:13I thought if I could break the story
01:02:15I could write my own ticket
01:02:21Billy I still don't understand
01:02:23Why you erased all your personnel records
01:02:25I was afraid Patwin would recognize me
01:02:27From the other place
01:02:29If that happened my chance for the story was gone
01:02:31Well he did
01:02:33He just didn't remember from where
01:02:35Patwin saw me a hundred times
01:02:45At Dr. Snow's office
01:02:47She was the second one that got killed
01:02:49I don't get it
01:02:51He was using Snow as a decoy
01:02:55They were
01:03:01They were simply
01:03:05And now maybe you can understand why this is so
01:03:07Personal my dear doctor
01:03:11What's going on
01:03:13What's going on
01:03:15Well I knew
01:03:17That he would eventually end up back here
01:03:19Because quite honestly he had nowhere else to go
01:03:21But I should have listened
01:03:23To you in the beginning when you said
01:03:25Gowans was not the killer
01:03:27Well Billy isn't either
01:03:29Oh this time I'm sure
01:03:31This time I am very sure
01:03:33That the killer is in this room
01:03:37Frank no
01:03:39You stand and stay still
01:03:41Why the hell does it have to be
01:03:43So god damn confusing all the time
01:03:47He is simply wounded
01:03:51I can't have him
01:03:57Too soon can I
01:03:59What are you talking about Frank
01:04:03This is all self defense
01:04:07You see by the time I get here
01:04:11Are dead
01:04:15You'll never get away with this Frank
01:04:17Oh no
01:04:19Get away with it
01:04:21Of what
01:04:23Explaining the world to whores and pimps
01:04:27No no no
01:04:29Let me just ask you a question my dear doctor
01:04:31If you don't mind me asking here
01:04:33Who the hell
01:04:35Are you to tell me
01:04:37What I will get away with
01:04:39And what I will not get away with
01:04:41Because for your information
01:04:43I've already gotten away with it
01:04:45Five times my dear
01:04:47I want some fucking
01:04:49Respect as of now
01:04:55It just happens that it's time
01:04:57To close this case
01:05:01Because it's getting a little too damn dangerous
01:05:03And this boy
01:05:05Needs a break
01:05:07You know what
01:05:09I was going to use Deaklin in the beginning
01:05:11Deaklin was going to be my man
01:05:13But Billy here became too too perfect
01:05:17The fingerprints
01:05:19Are what
01:05:33Billy not a smart idea
01:05:35No Billy
01:06:13Daddy's sorry about the argument
01:06:41You have been a very very bad girl
01:06:43You think that we should go in and play?
01:06:49You need to understand that I lose my patience with you!
01:06:54God damn it!
01:07:00You see, it is important for you to know
01:07:06that you do exactly what I say for you to do
01:07:11and I won't hurt you much.
01:07:15Now you take your clothes off.
01:07:18Don't. Frank, don't do this.
01:07:21You shut up!
01:07:27I read Ellie's file, Frank.
01:07:29You shut up!
01:07:31You shut up because you don't know what you're talking about, okay?
01:07:34God damn it, I told you to take your clothes off and get your clothes off!
01:07:38Get your fuck here.
01:07:40It's okay to be angry with her, Frank.
01:07:43It is not, and it is not okay for you to talk about her, do you understand me?
01:07:47You don't talk about her!
01:07:49You don't mention her God-given name on this fucking planet!
01:07:56You are just like everyone else.
01:07:59Everybody wants to blame her, don't they?
01:08:02Just blame her.
01:08:04Let me tell you something, she was good.
01:08:05She was damn good.
01:08:07And you will not say one thing bad about her.
01:08:14Do you understand me?
01:09:05Daddy, it's me, Becky.
01:09:19I don't know if you can hear me.
01:09:25I really need to talk.
01:09:40I forgive you, Daddy.
01:09:48I forgive you.
01:09:52Please hear me.
01:10:05I forgive you.
01:10:07I forgive you.
01:10:09I forgive you.
01:10:11I forgive you.
01:10:13I forgive you.
01:10:15I forgive you.
01:10:17I forgive you.
01:10:19I forgive you.
01:10:21I forgive you.
01:10:23I forgive you.
01:10:25I forgive you.
01:10:27I forgive you.
01:10:29I forgive you.
01:10:31I forgive you.
01:10:33I forgive you.
01:10:35I forgive you.
01:10:37I forgive you.
01:10:39I forgive you.
01:10:41I forgive you.
01:10:43I forgive you.
01:10:45I forgive you.
01:10:47I forgive you.
01:10:49I forgive you.
01:10:51I forgive you.
01:10:53I forgive you.
01:10:55I forgive you.
01:10:57I forgive you.
01:10:59I forgive you.
01:11:01I forgive you.
01:11:03I forgive you.
01:11:05I forgive you.
01:11:07I forgive you.
01:11:09I forgive you.
01:11:11I forgive you.
01:11:13I forgive you.
01:11:15I forgive you.
01:11:17I forgive you.
01:11:19I forgive you.
01:11:21I forgive you.
01:11:23I forgive you.
01:11:25I forgive you.
01:11:27I forgive you.
01:11:29I forgive you.
01:11:31I forgive you.
01:11:33I forgive you.
01:11:35I forgive you.
01:11:37I forgive you.
01:11:39I forgive you.
01:11:41I forgive you.
01:11:43I forgive you.
01:11:45I forgive you.
01:11:47I forgive you.
01:11:49I forgive you.
01:11:51I forgive you.
01:11:53I forgive you.
01:11:55I forgive you.
01:11:57I forgive you.
01:11:59I forgive you.
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01:16:55I forgive you.
01:16:57I forgive you.
01:16:59I forgive you.
01:17:01I forgive you.
01:17:03I forgive you.
